Version 23.12.2018
Nebrasca Territory (US):
a. allgemeines:
Durch die *Kansas-Nebraska-Bill von 1854 setzte der US-Congress fest, daß Kansas und Nebrasca als Territorien organisiert werden sollten und sobald eine ausreichende Bevölkerung vorhanden war, als gleichberechtigte Staaten in die USA aufgenommen werden sollten, entweder als freier oder als Sklavenstaat, abhängig von einer Mehrheitsentscheidung der Bevölkerung ( Castel: Quantrill, a.a.O., S. 1). Nebrasca wurde zum 1.3.1867 als 37. Bundesstaat in die USA aufgenommen.
When the war started, U.S. Regular Army troops were withdrawn from Fort Kearny and Fort Randall to serve in more threatened areas, increasing risk to Nebraska settlers from Indian attacks. The Federal government requested that the Nebraska Territory form one volunteer regiment, with some companies supposed to stay behind to protect the territory. The territorial legislature met in special session in Omaha, and agreed to raise the requested local defense force. Thus, the 1st Regiment Nebraska Volunteer Infantry was formed in June and July 1861, with the future governor of Nebraska and the Wyoming Territory, John Milton Thayer, as its first colonel. However, the promise was reneged, and the regiment was sent eastward in August to fight the Confederacy.
Serving in the forces under Ulysses S. Grant, the 1st Nebraska Infantry participated in the successful attack on Fort Donelson in Tennessee and then fought at the Battle of Shiloh in April 1862. It then participated in several minor engagements in Missouri and Arkansas. In October 1863, the regiment was changed from infantry into cavalry, and was transferred to the frontier to keep the Plains Indians in check. It was mustered out of the Union Army in 1866.
Later in the war, some of the soldiers who served at Fort Kearny were former Confederates who had changed their allegiance to the Union, thus becoming "galvanized Yankees".
By the end of the Civil War, more than a third (3,157) of the men of military age in the Nebraska Territory had served in the Union army. In addition to the 1st Nebraska, the territory raised three other full regiments of cavalry, as well as several battalions of militia. Thirty-five Nebraskans were killed in action during the war, while another 204 died of other causes, including disease and accidents.
No Civil War battles or skirmishes were fought within the territorial borders of Nebraska, nor did Confederate troops attempt to invade the area (aus in the american Civil War, Abruf vom 2.10.2016).
Auf US-Seite waren 5122 Soldaten am Civil War beteiligt (Angabe nach National Park Soldiers, Abruf vom 2.10.2016); es gab keine CS-Einheiten.
b. Infanterie:
1st Regiment Nebrasca Infantry:
s. Col John *Thayer; LtCol William D. *McCord
Organized at Omaha June 11 to July 21, 1861. Attached to Dept. of Missouri to February, 1862. District of Cairo, Ill., February, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, Army of the Tennessee, to July, 1862. Helena (Ark.) District of Eastern Arkansas to October, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Army of Southeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to March, 1863. District of Southeast Missouri to November, 1863.
Left State for St. Joseph, Mo., July 30, 1861; thence moved to Independence, Mo., August 3-5, and to St. Louis, Mo., August 8-11. Moved to Pilot Knob, Mo., August 13-14, and to Syracuse, Mo., August 19. Duty there till October 21. Fremont's Campaign against Springfield, Mo., October 21-November 2. March to Sedalia and Georgetown November 9-16. Campaign against Bushwhackers December 8-15. Pope's Expedition to Warrensburg and Milford December 15-27. Action at Shawnee Mound, Milford, on the Blackwater, December 18. (Capture of 1,300 prisoners.) Duty at Georgetown till February 2, 1862. Moved to Fort Donelson, Tenn., February 2-13. Investment and capture of Fort Donelson February 13-16. At Fort Henry February 17-March 6. Moved to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., March 6-13. Battle of Shiloh , Tenn., April 6-7. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. March to Memphis, Tenn., June 2-17; thence moved to Helena, Ark., July 24, and duty there till October. Expedition from Helena and capture of Steamer "Fair Play" August 4-19. Milliken's Bend August 18. Expedition up the Yazoo August 20-27. Haines Bluff August 20. Bolivar August 22. Greenville August 23. Moved to Sulphur Springs, Mo., October 5-11; thence to Pilot Knob October 28-30, and to Patterson November 2-4. Moved to Reeves Station December 9-10, and return to Patterson December 19. Moved to Van Buren December 21-24, and toward Doniphan January 9-10, 1863. Moved to Alton January 14-18; to West Plains and Salem, Ark., January 28-February 2. Moved to Pilot Knob and Ironton February 2-27. Moved to St. Genevieve and to Cape Girardeau March 8-12. Operations against Marmaduke April 21-May 2. Action at Cape Girardeau April 26. Pursuit of Marmaduke to St. Francis River April 29-May 5. Castor River, near Bloomfield, April 29. Bloomfield April 30. Chalk Bluffs, St. Francis River, April 30-May 1. Moved to Pilot Knob May 26-29 and duty there till August 28. At St. Louis, Mo., till November. Regiment ordered mounted October 11, 1863, and designation changed to 1st Nebraska Cavalry November 6, 1863
Das Regiment war bei der Eroberung von *Fort Donelson eingesetzt (Catton, Grant moves South, a.a.O., S. 151, 153) und gehörte zur Brigade John *Thayer, 3rd Division BrigGen Lew, Wallace in Grant’s Army of the Tennessee ( Grant, U. S.: The Opposing Forces at Fort Donelson; in: B&L, vol. I, a.a.O., S. 429).
c. Cavalry:
1st Regiment Nebrasca Cavalry:
s. Sgt Andrew Campbell *McMaken (Co A)
Organized from 1st Nebraska Infantry October 11, 1863. Attached to District of Southeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to November, 1864. District of Northeast Arkansas, Dept. Missouri, to January, 1864. District Northeast Arkansas, 7th Army Corps, to May, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 7th Army Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to October, 1864. 4th Brigade, Cavalry Division, 7th Army Corps, to October, 1864. District of Nebraska and District of the Plains, to July, 1866. Designated 1st Nebraska Veteran Cavalry from July 10, 1865.
Duty at St. Louis, Mo., till November 30, 1863. Moved to Batesville, Ark., November 30-December 25. Operations in Northeastern Arkansas January 1-30, 1864. Action at Black River January 18. Jacksonport January 19. Expedition after Freeman's forces January 23-30. Sylamore Creek January 23 (Detachment). Sylamore January 24. Scout to Pocohontas February 9-20. Morgan's Mills, Spring River, February 9. Pocohontas February 10. Expedition from Batesville after Freeman's forces February 12-20. Spring River, near Smithfield, February 13. Expedition to Wild Haws, Strawberry Creek, etc., March 10-12. Scout from Batesville to Fairview March 25-26. Spring River, near Smithville, April 13 (Detachment). Moved to Jacksonport, Ark., April 17-19. Attack on Jacksonport April 20. Expedition to Augusta April 22-24. Near Jacksonport April 24. Moved to Duvall's Bluff May 25-30. Veterans on furlough June 10 to August 13. Left Omaha for Fort Kearney, Neb., August 15, arriving there August 23. Operations against Indians in Nebraska and Colorado till July, 1866, participating in numerous affairs with hostile Indians at Plum Creek, Spring Ranch, Julesburg, Mud Springs, Elm Creek and Smith's Ranch. Also engaged in scout and escort duty. Operations on Overland Stage route between Denver and Julesburg, Colo., January 14-25, 1865. Operations on North Platte River, Colo., February 2-18. Scout from Dakota City April 12-16 and April 22-27 (Detachments). Scout from Fort Laramie to Wind River, Neb., May 3-21 (Detachment). Scout from Plum Creek to Medway Station, Wind River, Neb., May 8-20 (Detachment). Scout from Fort Kearney to Little Blue River, Neb., May 9-June 2 (Detachment). Scout from Cottonwood May 12-14 (1st Battalion). Scout from Plum Creek, Neb., May 26-27 (Detachment). Expedition to Platt and Mojave Rivers, Neb., June 12-July 5 (Detachment). Mustered out July 1, 1866.
Predecessor unit: 1st Nebrasca Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion, Nebraska Cavalry:
Organized at Omaha January to August, 1864. Attached to District of Nebraska and operating against Indians in Nebraska and Colorado and guarding Overland Mail routes. At Fort Cottonwood, Neb., October and November, 1864; at Gillman's Station till January, 1865; at Cottonwood Springs till February, 1865; and at Gillman's Station till July, 1865. Company "B" at Dakota City till July, 1865. Scout from Dakota City April 12-16, 1865. Scout to Middle Bow River April 22-27. Company "C" at Fort Cottonwood, Neb., till July, 1865. Scout from Cottonwood May 12-14, 1865. Company "D" at Omaha till February, 1865. Moved to Fort Kearney February 25 and duty there till April, and at Fort Laramie till July. Consolidated with 1st Nebraska Veteran Cavalry July 10, 1865.
2nd Regiment Nebrasca Cavalry:
s. Pvt Moses *Harrison (Co. C)
Organized at Omaha October 23, 1862, and assigned to duty at Fort Kearney, Neb., guarding frontier of Nebraska, protecting emigrants, stage and telegraph lines and operating against Indians till April, 1863. Ordered to Sioux City. Attack on Pawnee Agency June 23, 1863 (Co. "D"). Sully's Expedition against Indians in Dakota Territory August 13-September 11. Action at White Stone Hill, Dakota Territory, September 3. Skirmish at White Stone Hill September 5 (Co. "F"). Company "D" on duty at Omaha and at Fort Kearney, Neb. Mustered out December 23, 1863.