Version 23.12.2018


Kansas (US):



a. allgemeines:

Durch die *Kansas-Nebrasca-Bill von 1854 setzte der US-Congress fest, daß Kansas und Nebrasca als Territorien organisiert werden sein sollten und sobald eine ausreichende Bevölkerung vorhanden war, als gleichberechtigte Staaten in die USA aufgenommen werden sollten, entweder als freier oder als Sklavenstaat, abhängig von einer Mehrheitsentscheidung der Bevölkerung ( Castel: Quantrill, a.a.O., S. 1).


In Missouri bestand dagegen das Interesse, das westlich anschließende Territorium zu kontrollieren und es als Sklavenhalterstaat zu organisieren. Im Norden dagegen wurde der Versuch unternommen, die Mehrheitsverhältnisse durch gezielte Einwanderung aus den Nordstaaten zu beeinflussen ( Castel: Quantrill, a.a.O., S. 3). Aufrufe von US-Senator David Rice *Atchinson aus Missouri hatten den gegenteiligen Effekt und führten Hunderte junger Männer aus Missouri zur Besiedlung von Kansas und zur Gründung zahlreicher Siedlungen. Atchinson und seine Anhänger versuchten ab 1855 die Kontrolle über die Kansas Territorial Legislature zu erlangen ( Castel: Quantrill, a.a.O., S. 4/5; Williams: With the Border Ruffians, a.a.O., S. 39). Der Slave-State Missouri grenzte an zwei Seiten an die sklavenfreie Staaten Iowa und Indiana. Bereits im Konflikt of 'Bloody Kan­sas' 1854 bestand in Missouri die Befürchtung, daß falls Kansas sklavenfrei würde, Missouri auch an der Westgrenze von Aboli­tio­nist­en umgeben sein würde. 1854 hatte Missouri eine Sklaven-Bevölkerung von 100000 Menschen, von denen 2/3 in Planta­gen in den Counties an der Kansas-Border 'gehalten' wurden ( Starr, Jennison's Jayhawkers, a.a.O., S. 4; Nevins: Ordeal of the Union [vol 5]: The Improvised War, a.a.O., S. 332; Lewis, Lloyd: "Propaganda and the Kansas-Missouri-War," Missouri Historical Review, XX­XIV [1939], S. 14).


Zwischen 1855 und 1861 kam es wiederholt zu blutigen, kriegsähnlichen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Abolitionisten (darunter John Brown) und den Befürwortern der Sklavenhaltung, die die sog. Border Ruffians bildeten und vor Mord und Totschlag nicht zu­rück­schreckten ( McPherson: Für die Freiheit, a.a.O., Kap. 5 S. 134 ff; Davis, William C.: Brother against Brother, a.a.O., S. 72 f.). 1856 kam hierbei u.a. zum sog. Wa­ka­rusa War ( Randall: Civil War and Reconstruction, a.a.O., S. 137; Robinson, Charles: The Kansas Conflict, New York 1892; Robinson, Sara: "The Wakarusa War", Kansas Historical Review, X [1907-08], S. 457-71; Williams: With the Border Ruffians, a.a.O., S. 39 ff) und zur Buford Expedition ( Randall: Civil War and Reconstruction, a.a.O., S. 136; Fleming, Walter J.: "The Buford Expedition to Kansas," Am. Hist. Rev. VI, 38-48 [Oct., 1900]).


Am 29.1.1861 wurde Kansas als "Free State" in die USA aufgenommen, mit einer überwältigenden Mehrheit (durch gezielte Nordstaaten-Ansiedlung von Abolitionisten) der republikanischen Partei, geführt von Männern mit abolitionistischer Auffassung ( Castel: Quantrill, a.a.O., S. 20).


Das Department of Kansas wurde ab August 1862 organisatorisch in drei Brigaden gegliedert, die jeweils als "Legion" bezeichnet wurden. Diese umfaßten neben Infantry und Cavalry Regimentern jeweils Artillerie-Batterien und ein Regiment "Indian Homeguard" ( OR XIII, 595; Starr: Cavalry III 25 Anm. 72).



- **Burke, William S.: Official Military History of Kansas Regiments During the War for the Suppression of the Great Rebellion (Leavenworth, KS: W. S. Burke), 1870.




b. Infantry:


1st Regiment, Kansas Infantry:



Organized at Camp Lincoln, Fort Leavenworth, May 20 to June 3, 1861. Moved to Wyandotte, thence to Kansas City and Clinton, Mo., to join General Lyon, June 7-July 13, 1861. Attached to Dietzler's Brigade, Lyon's Army of the West. Advance on Springfield July. Action at Dug Springs August 2. At Springfield, Mo., till August 7. Battle of Wilson's Creek August 10. March to Rolia, Mo., August 11-22, thence to St. Louis, Mo., and duty on the Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad till October. Attached to Dept. of Missouri to February, 1862. Dept. of Kansas to June, 1862. District of Columbus, Ky., Dept. Tennessee, to September, 1862. 1st Brigade, 6th Division, District of Corinth, Dept. Tennessee, to November, 1862. 1st Brigade, 6th Division, Left Wing 13th Army Corps, Dept. of the Tennessee, to December, 1862. 1st Brigade, 6th Division, 16th Army Corps, Army Tennessee, to January, 1863. 1st Brigade, 6th Division, 17th Army Corps, to July, 1863. District of Vicksburg, Miss., to September, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 17th Army Corps, to August, 1864. Unattached, 2nd Division, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to December, 1864. District of Eastern Arkansas, 7th Army Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to January, 1865. Dept. Headquarters, Dept. of Arkansas, to August, 1865.



Duty at Tipton, Mo., October, 1861, to January, 1862. Expedition to Milford, Mo., December 15-19, 1861. Shawnee Mound, Milford, December 18. At Lexington till February, 1862. Moved to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. New Mexico Expedition April and May. Ordered to Columbus, Ky., and duty guarding Mobile & Ohio Railroad. Headquarters at Trenton, Tenn., till September. Moved to Jackson, Tenn., and duty there till November. Brownsburg September 4. Trenton September 17. March to relief of Corinth, Miss., October 3-5. Pursuit to Ripley October 5-12. Actions at Chewalla and Big Hill October 5. Moved to Grand Junction November 2. Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign. Operations on the Mississippi Central Railroad to the Yocknapatalfa River November, 1862, to January. 1863. Moved to Moscow, thence to Memphis, Tenn., and to Young's Point, La., January 17, 1863. Regiment mounted February 1, 1863. Moved to Lake Providence February 8, and provost duty there till July. Actions at Old River, Hood's Lane, Black Bayou and near Lake Providence February 10. Pin Hook and Caledonia, Bayou Macon, May 10. Expedition to Mechanicsburg May 26-June 4. Repulse of attack on Providence June 9. Baxter's Bayou and Lake Providence June 10. Bayou Macon June 10. Richmond June 16. Lake Providence June 29. Moved to Natchez July 12-13, and duty there till October. Expedition to Harrisonburg, La., September 1-8. Cross Bayou September 14. Moved to Vicksburg, Miss., October, and duty at Big Black and near Haynes' Bluff till June, 1864. Big Black River October 8, 1863. Scout from Bovina Station to Baldwyn's Ferry November 1. Scout to Baldwyn's Ferry January 14, 1864. Expedition up Yazoo River April 19-23. McArthur's Expedition to Yazoo City May 4-21. Benton May 7-9. Luce's Plantation May 13. Non-Veterans ordered to Fort Leavenworth, Kans., June 1, 1864. Attacked near Columbus, Ky., June 2. Mustered out June 19, 1864. Veterans on duty in District of Vicksburg, Miss., till August, 1864. Ordered to Morganza, La., July 29. Operations in vicinity of Morganza September 16-25. Near Alexandria September 20. Atchatalaya October 5. Ordered to White River, Ark., October 7, thence to Little Rock, Ark., December 7. Duty there as Headquarters Guard and escort, Dept. of Arkansas, till August, 1865. Mustered out August 30, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 7 Officers and 120 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 122 Enlisted men by disease. Total 252.



1st Regiment, Indian Home Guards, Kansas Infantry:



Organized at Leroy, Kansas, May 22, 1862. Attached to Dept. of Kansas to August, 1862. 3rd Brigade, Dept. of Kansas, to October, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri, to February, 1863. District of Northwest Arkansas, Dept. of Missouri, to June, 1863. District of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri, to December, 1863. 1st Brigade, District of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri, to January, 1864. 1st Brigade, District of the Frontier, 7th Army Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to February, 1864. Indian Brigade, District of the Frontier, Dept. of Arkansas, 7th Army Corps, to February, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 7th Army Corps, to May, 1865. 



Expedition into Indian Territory May 25-July 28, 1862. Locust Grove, Cherokee Nation, July 3. Bayou Bernard July 27-28. Blount's Campaign in Missouri and Arkansas September 17 to December 3. Occupation of Newtonia October 4. Fort Gibson October 15. Old Fort Wayne or Beattie's Prairie, near Maysville, October 22. Between Fayetteville and Cane Hill November 9. Camp Babcock November 25. Cane Hill, Boston Mountains, November 28. Capture of Fort Davis December. Operations about Cane Hill December 4-6. Reed's Mountains December 6. Battle of Prairie Grove December 7. Expedition over Boston Mountains to Van Buren December 27-29. Capture of Van Buren December 29. Sent to Indian Territory January, 1863, and occupy line of the Arkansas River to protect friendly Indians, with Headquarters at Fort Gibson, I. T., and Fort Smith, Ark., until May, 1865. Action at Bentonville, Ark., February 20, 1863. Fort Blount April 30 and May 20. Fort Gibson, Cherokee Nation, May 22 and 25. Fort Blount June 9. Operations about Fort Gibson June 16-20. Greenlief Prairie June 16. Cabin Creek July 1-2. Elk Creek, near Honey Springs, July 17. Cabin Creek July 20. Creek Agency October 15 and 25. Repulse of Quantrell's attack on Fort Gibson December 16. Near Sheldon Place, Barren Fork, December 18. Operations in Indian Territory February 1-21, 1864. Cabin Creek September 19. Expedition from Fort Gibson to Little River and Hillabee March 18-20, 1865. Mustered out May 31, 1865.



2nd Regiment, Kansas Infantry (3 months, 1861):



Organized at Lawrence for three months May, 1861. Mustered in at Kansas City June 20, 1861. Moved to Clinton, Mo., to join Lyon. Attached to Deitzler's Brigade, Lyon's Army of the West. Advance on Springfield Mo., June 29-July 5. Expedition from Springfield to Forsyth July 20-25. Action at Forsyth July 22. Dug Springs August 2. Battle ofWilson's Creek August 10. March to Rolla, thence to St. Louis August 11-22. Operations in Northeast Missouri August 30-September 7. Paris September 2. Shelbina September 4. Iatan September 4. Capture of St. Jo September 13. Moved to Wyandotte, Kan., to resist Price's invasion. Mustered out October 31, 1861.

Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 12 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 3 Enlisted men by disease. Total 17.



2nd Regiment, Indian Home Guards, Kansas Infantry:



Organized on Big Creek and at Five-Mile Creek, Kansas, June 22 to July 18, 1862. Attached to Dept. of Kansas to August, 1862. 1st Brigade, Dept. of Kansas, to October, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri, to February, 1863. District of Northwest Arkansas, Dept. of Missouri, to June, 1863. District of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri, to December, 1863. 1st Brigade, District of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri, to January, 1864. 1st Brigade, District of the Frontier, 7th Army Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to February, 1864. Indian Brigade, District of the Frontier, 7th Army Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to February, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 7th Army Corps, to May, 1865. 



Expedition into Indian Territory May 25-July 28, 1862. Capture of Fort Gibson July 18. Bayou Bernard, I. T., July 28. Blount's Campaign in Missouri and Arkansas September 17-December 3. Shirley's Ford, Spring River, September 20. Expedition to Sarcoxie September 28-30. Occupation of Newtonia October 4. Old Fort Wayne or Beattie's Prairie, near Maysville, October 22. Cane Hill, Boston Mountains, November 28. Capture of Fort Davis December. Battle of Prairie Grove, Ark., December 7. Expedition over Boston Mountains to Van Buren December 27-29. Capture of Van Buren December 29. Sent to Indian Territory and occupy line of the Arkansas River and protect friendly Indians, with Headquarters at Fort Smith, Ark., and at Fort Gibson, I. T, until May, 1865. Near Fort Gibson, I. T., May 20, 1863. Fort Blount and Fort Gibson May 22. Operations near Fort Gibson June 6-20. Greenlief Prairie June 16. Cabin Creek July 1-2. Elk Creek, near Honey Springs, July 17. Operation in Cherokee Nation September 11-25. Repulse of Quantrell's attack on Fort Gibson December 16. Near Sheldon Place, Barren Fork, December 18. Cabin Creek December 19. Mustered out May 31, 1865.



3rd Regiment, Kansas Infantry:



Organization not completed. Consolidated with 4th Kansas Infantry to form 10th Kansas Infantry April 3, 1862.



3rd Regiment, Indian Home Guards, Kansas Infantry:



Organized at Carthage, Mo., September 16, 1862. Served Unattached, Dept. of Kansas, September, 1862. 1st Brigade, Dept. of Kansas, to October, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri, to February, 1863. District of Northwest Arkansas, Dept. of Missouri, to June, 1863. District of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri, to December, 1863. 1st Brigade, District of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri, to January, 1864. 1st Brigade, District of the Frontier, 7th Army Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to February, 1864. Indian Brigade, District of the Frontier, 7th Army Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to February, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 7th Army Corps, to May, 1865. 



Bayou Bernard, I. T., July 28, 1862. Neosho, Mo., September 1. Spring River September 1. Neosho September 3 and 5. Shirley's Ford, Spring River, September 20.Newtonia September 30. Occupation of Newtonia October 4. Newtonia October 5. Fort Gibson October 15. Old Fort Wayne or Beattie's Prairie, near Maysville, October 22. Cane Hill November 28. Capture of Fort Davis December. Salem December 2. Prairie Grove and Rhea's Mills December 7. Neosho December 15. Cane Hill December 20. Expedition over Boston Mountains and capture of Van Buren December 27-29. Sent to Indian Territory and occupy line of the Arkansas River and protect friendly Indians, with Headquarters at Fort Gibson, I. T, and Fort Smith, Ark., until May, 1865. Near Maysville January, 1863. Cherokee Country January 18. Fort Gibson February 28. Neosho March 2. Greenlief Prairie March 12. Fort Gibson March 27. Fort Blount March 27. Tahlequah March 30. Near Maysville May 8. Fort Smith, Ark., May 15. Near Fort Gibson and Fort Blount May 20. Fort Gibson May 22. Fort Blount May 25 and June 1. Operations about Fort Gibson June 6-20. Spring Creek June 6. Greenlief Prairie June 16. Fort Blount June 19. Cabin Creek July 1-2. Elk Creek, near Honey Springs, July 17. Operations in Cherokee Nation September 11-15. Fourteen Mile Creek October 30. Repulse of Quantrell's attack on Fort Gibson December 16. Near Sheldon Place, Barren Fork, December 18. Near Fort Gibson December 26. Operations in Indian Territory February 1-21, 1864. Scullyville April 16. Near Maysville May 8. Cabin Creek and Prior's Creek September 19. Cow Creek November 14 and 28. Expedition from Fort Gibson to Little River and Hillabee March 18-30, 1865. Skirmish on Snake River, Ark., April 28. Mustered out May 31, 1865.



4th Regiment, Kansas Infantry:



Organization not completed. Consolidated with 3rd Kansas Infantry to form 10th Kansas Infantry April 3, 1862.



6th Regiment, Kansas Infantry:



"Compendium of the War of the Rebellion" by Frederick H. Dyer contains no history for this unit.



8th Regiment Kansas Infantry:

s. Pvt William C. *Black (Co. C)



Regiment organized for service in the State and along border August, 1861. Companies "A," "D," "G" and "H" at Lawrence, Kan., October, 1861. Companies "A" and "G" march to West Point, Mo., December 16-19, and Companies "D" and "H," to same place No­vember 23-25, 1861. Companies "A," "F" and "G" moved to Fort Kearney, Neb.; February 16, 1862. Companies "D," "H" and "K" to Osawatomie, Kan., February 22, thence to Fort Leavenworth March 12. Companies "A," "D" and "G" at Fort Kearney, Neb. Compa­nies "B" and "F" at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Company "C" at Fort Riley till April, then at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Companies "E" and "K" at Aubrey, Kan. Company "H" at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., till April, then at Fort Riley, and Company "I" at Leavenworth City. All till May, 1862. Companies "B," "E," "H," "I" and "K" moved from Leavenworth to Columbus, Ky., May 28-June 2, and to Union City, Tenn., June 8-11. To Trenton, Tenn., June 16-17. To Humboldt, Tenn., June 26, and to Corinth, Miss., July 2-3. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, Army Mississippi, to September, 1862. 32nd Brigade, 9th Division, Army Ohio, to October, 1862. 32nd Briga­de, 9th Division, 3rd Corps, Army Ohio, to November, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Right Wing 14th Army Corps, Dept. of the Cumberland, to January, 1863. Post of Nashville, Dept. of the Cumberland, to June, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 20th Army Corps, Army Cumberland, to October, 1863. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 4th Army Corps, Army Cumberland, to August, 1865. Dept. of Texas to November, 1865.



Companies "B," "E," "H," "I" and "K" moved from Corinth, Miss., to Jacinto July 22, 1862, and to Eastport, Miss., August 3-5. March to Nashville, Tenn., August 18-September 4, thence to Louisville, Ky., in pursuit of Bragg September 11-26. Pursuit of Bragg into Kentucky October 1-16. Near Perryville October 6-7. Battle of Perryville October 8. Lancaster October 14. March to Nashville, Tenn., October 16-November 7. Reconnoissance toward Franklin December 9. Near Brentwood December 9. Assigned to provost duty at Nashville December 18, 1862, to June 9, 1863. Company "G" stationed at Leavenworth till February, 1863. Joined Regiment at Nashville, Tenn., March 29, 1863. Companies "A," "D" and "F" at Fort Kearney till June, 1862, then at Leavenworth, Kan., till Fe­bruary, 1863. Company "C" at Leavenworth, Kan., till February, 1863. Skirmish with Gordon's guerrillas at Hickory Grove, Mo., Au­gust 7, 1862 (Cos. "A," "D" and "F"). Scout from Fort Leavenworth to Independence, Mo., August 12-14, 1862 (Cos. "A" and "F"). Hickory Grove August 23 (Cos. "A," "C" and "F"). Expedition through Jasper, Cass, Johnson and LaFayette Counties, Mo., Septem­ber 8-23 (Cos. "C" and "F"). Companies "A," "C," "D" and "F," joined Regiment at Nashville, Tenn., February 22, 1863. Regiment moved from Nashville to Murfreesboro, Tenn., June 9, 1863. Middle Tennessee or Tullahoma Campaign June 23-July 7. Liberty Gap June 24-27. Passage of Cumberland Mountains and Tennessee River, and Chickamauga (Ga.) Campaign August 16-September 22. Caperton's Ferry, Bridgeport, August 29. Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September 19-20. Siege of Chattanooga September 24-October 27. Battles of Chattanooga November 23-25; Orchard Knob November 23-24; Missionary Ridge November 25. Pursuit to Graysville November 26-27. March to relief of Knoxville, Tenn., November 28-December 8. Campaign in East Tennessee till February, 1864. Veterans on furlough February 17-April 5. Moved to Nashville, Tenn., April 20-28. Escort train from Nashville to Sherman's army May 1 to June 17. Rejoined Brigade before Kenesaw Mountain June 28. Operations against Kenesaw Mountain June 28-July 2. Ruff's Station, Smyrna Camp Ground, July 4. Chattahoochie River July 5-17. Battle of Peach Tree Creek July 19-20. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Flank movement on Jonesboro August 25-30. Battle of Jonesboro August 31-September 1. Lovejoy's Station Sep­tember 2-6. Operations against Hood in North Georgia and North Alabama October 1-26. Moved to Nashville, thence to Pulaski, Tenn. Nashville Campaign November-December. Columbia, Duck River, November 24-27. Spring Hill November 29. Battle of Fran­klin November 30. Battles of Nashville December 15-16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-28. March to Hunts­ville, Ala., December 1, 1864, to January 5, 1865, duty there till February 1. Moved to Nashville and back to Huntsville Fe­bruary 1-6, and duty there till March 15. Bull's Gap Expedition and operations in East Tennessee March 15-April 22. Moved to Nash­ville April 22 and duty there till June 15. Moved to New Orleans, La., June 15-29, thence to Indianola, Texas, July 6-9. March to Green Lake July 9, and duty there till August 10. Moved to San Antonio August 10-23, and duty there till November 29. Mustered out November 29, 1865. Moved to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., November 30, 1865-January 6, 1866, and honorably discharged January 9, 1866.


Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 94 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 144 Enlisted men by di­sease. Total 244



10th Regiment, Kansas Infantry:

s. Col William *Weer



Organized at Paola by consolidation of 3rd and 4th Kansas Infantry April 3, 1862. Attached to Dept. of Kansas to August, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Dept. of Kansas, to October, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Frontier, Dept. Missouri, to February, 1863. District of Rolla, Dept Missouri, to June, 1863. District of St. Louis, Mo., Dept. Missouri, to August, 1863. District of Kansas, Dept. of Missouri, to January, 1864. Alton, Ill., to August, 1864. District of St. Louis, Mo., Dept. Missouri, to November, 1864. Nashville, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland, to December, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division (Detachment), Army Tennessee, to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 16th Army Corps, Military Division West Mississippi, to August, 1865.



Moved to Fort Scott, Kan., April, 1862, and duty there till June 4. Companies on Expedition into Indian Territory with 2nd Ohio Cavalry June 13-August 15. Locust Grove, C. N., July 3. Reconnoissance from Grand River to Fort Gibson, Tahlequah and Park Hill, and skirmishes July 14-17. Campaign against Coffey and Cockrell in Missouri August. Jackson County, Mo., September 15. Newtonia September 30. Occupation of Newtonia October 4. Old Fort Wayne or Beattie's Prairie near Maysville October 22. Cane Hill October 28. Battle of Prairie Grove, Ark., December 7. Expedition over Boston Mountains to Van Buren December 27-31. Moved to Springfield, Mo., January, 1863, and duty there till February 27. Near Mount Vernon till March 15. Operations against Shelby till April. Moved to Rolla, Mo., April 27, thence to St. Louis, Mo., June 4-8. Moved to Indianapolis, Ind., and return to St. Louis July 18. Moved to Kansas City, Mo., August, and duty there till January, 1864. Skirmish with Quantrell at Paola August 21, 1863 (Detachment). Company "I" detached at St. Louis, Mo., as provost guard July and August, 1863, rejoining at Kansas City. Company "K" at Topeka, Kan., September to November, 1863. Regiment moved to St. Louis, Mo., January, 1864, thence to Alton, Ill., and guard Military Prison there till August, 1864. Non-Veterans moved to St Louis, Mo., and mustered out August 19-20, 1864. Veterans and Recruits consolidated to a Battalion of four Companies August 15, 1864. On duty at St. Louis, Mo., till October 20. Moved to Pilot Knob October 20-24, thence to Paducah, Ky., November 2-12, and to Nashville, Tenn., November 28-29. Temporarily attached to 4th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland. Battle of Franklin November 30. Battle of Nashville December 15-16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-28. Moved to Eastport, Miss., January 4-7, 1865. Reconnoissance to Iuka, Miss., January 9. Moved to New Orleans, La., February 8-21. Campaign against Mobile, Ala., and its defences March 17-April 12. Siege of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely March 26-April 8. Assault and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupation of Mobile April 12. March to Montgomery April 13-25. Duty there and in the District of Alabama till August. Mustered out August 30, 1865, and discharged at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., September 20, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 26 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 4 Officers and 114 Enlisted men by disease. Total 146.



11th Regiment, Kansas Infantry:

s.a 11th Regiment Kansas Cavalry


Organized at Camp Lyon near Fort Leavenworth August 29 to September 14, 1862. Moved to Fort Scott, Kan., October 4-9, 1862, thence to Pea Ridge, Ark., October 15-19. Attached to 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Frontier, Dept. Missouri, to February, 1863. District of Rolla, Dept. Missouri and District of Kansas, Dept. Missouri, to April, 1863.



Action at Old Fort Wayne or Beattie’s Prairie, near Maysville, October 22, 1862. Cane Hill, Boston Mountains, November 28. Boston Mountains December 4-6. Reed’s Mountain December 6. Battle of Prairie Grove December 7. Expedition over Boston Mountains to Van Buren December 27-31. Moved to Springfield, Mo., January, 1863, and duty there till February 17. Moved to Forsyth, Mo., thence to Fort Scott, Kan. On furlough March. Moved from Fort Scott to Salem, Mo., thence to Kansas City, Mo., April 6-20. Regiment mounted and designation changed to 11th Kansas Cavalry April, 1863, which see.



12th Regiment, Kansas Infantry:



Organized at Paola September, 1862. Attached to Dept. of Kansas to June, 1863. Unattached, District of the Border, Dept. Missouri, to January, 1864. Unattached, District of the Border, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to March, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Frontier Division, 7th Corps, to May, 1864. 1st Brigade, District of the Frontier, 7th Corps, to February, 1865. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 7th Corps, February, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 7th Corps, to June, 1865.


Regiment assigncd to duty by detachments on line between Kansas and Missouri till November. 1863. At Olathe, Paola, Wyandotte, Mound City, Shawnee Trading Post, Fort Scott, Leavenworth and Fort Riley, Kan. Company "H" at Fort Larned till January, 1864, then rejoined regiment at Fort Smith, Ark., also occupy Kansas City, Westport and Hickman's Mills, Mo., guarding trains and operating against guerillas. Operations in Jackson County against Quantrell November 2-5, 1862 (Co. "A"). Baxter Springs October 6, 1863 (Detachment). Companies "B," "E" and "F" escort train to Fort Smith, Ark., October 28-November 17, 1863. Companies "A," "C," "D," "G, "I" and "K" concentrated at Fort Scott November, 1863, and march to Fort Smith, Ark., December 13-28, 1863. Duty there till March, 1864. Steele's Expedition to Camden March 23-May 3, 1864. Prairie D'Ann April 9-13. Jenkins' Ferry, Saline River, April 29-30. Return to Fort Smith May 3-16, and duty there till February, 1865. Fort Smith September 11, 1864. Moved to Little Rock February 24, 1865, and duty there till June. Mustered out June 3, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 10 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 121 Enlisted men by disease. Total 135.



13th Regiment, Kansas Infantry:

s. Pvt. William A. *Bentley (Co. E)



Organized at Atchison and mustered in September 20, 1862. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Frontier, Dept. Missouri, to February, 1863. District of Southwest Missouri, Dept. Missouri, to June, 1863. District of the Frontier, Dept. Missouri, to December, 1863. 3rd Brigade, District of the Frontier, Dept. Missouri, to January, 1864. 3rd Brigade, District of the Frontier, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to February, 1865. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 7th Corps, February, 1865. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 7th Corps, February, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 7th Corps, to June, 1865.


Action at Newtonia, Mo., September 29, 1862. Occupation of Newtonia October 4. March to Old Fort Wayne, arriving October 29. Cane Hill November 28. Battle of Prairie Grove, Ark., December 7. Expedition over Boston Mountains to Van Buren, Ark., Dec. 27-31. Capture of Van Buren December 29. March to Springfield, Mo., January 7, 1863, and duty there till May. March to Fort Scott, Kan., May 19-29, thence to Drywood, and duty there till August. Blunt's Campaign August 3-31. Capture of Fort Smith. To Webber Falls, C. N., arriving August 31, and duty there till September 15. March to Scullyville, C. N., and outpost and scout duty there till October 1. March to Van Buren, Ark., and duty there till February, 1865. (Cos. "B," "E" and "F," garrison at Fort Smith March, 1864, to February, 1865.) Companies "A," "C," "D," "G," "H" and "I" ordered to Little Rock February 3, 1865, and provost and garrison duty there till June, 1865. Mustered out June 26, 1865, and discharged at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., July 13, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 19 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 106 Enlisted men by disease. Total 129.



17th Regiment, Kansas Infantry (100 days, 1864):



Organized at Fort Leavenworth July 28, 1864, for 100 days. Attached to District of North Kansas. Company "A" ordered to Fort Riley, Company "C" to Cottonwood Falls and Company "D" at Lawrence. Operations against Price October-November. March to relief of Mound City. Mustered out November 16, 1864.

Regiment lost 4 by disease.



Block's Company (Leavenworth Zouaves), Kansas Infantry:



"Compendium of the War of the Rebellion" by Frederick H. Dyer contains no history for this unit.







c. Cavalry:


2nd Regiment, Kansas Cavalry:



Organized at Kansas City as 12th Kansas Infantry. At Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, designation changed to 9th Kansas Infantry February 4, 1862, and to 2nd Cavalry March 5, 1862. Attached to Dept. of Kansas November, 1861, to August, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Dept. of Kansas, to October, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri, to February, 1863. District of Southwest Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to December, 1863. 2nd Brigade, District of the Frontier, to January, 1864. 2nd Brigade, District of the Frontier, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to March, 1864. 1st Brigade, District of the Frontier, 7th Corps, to April, 1864. 3rd Brigade, District of the Frontier, 7th Corps, to January, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 7th Corps, to February, 1865. Unattached, 7th Corps, to August, 1865.



Moved to Quindaro, Wyandotte County, January 20, 1862; thence to Shawneetown March 12. Expedition to Little Santa Fe, Mo., against guerrillas March 22-25 (Cos. "D" and "E"). Independence, Little Santa Fe, March 22. Moved to Lawrence, thence to Topeka, Kansas, April 20-26, and to Fort Riley May 1-4 to join New Mexico Expedition. Companies "A" and "D" detached as escort to Paymaster Fisk to Fort Lyon, Colo., and return to Fort Larned May 20-June 22. Companies "B" and "C" detached as garrison at Fort Riley June 11-22. March to relief of Fort Larned June 22-28. Regiment moved from Fort Riley to Emporia June 11-14; thence to Iola June 23-26. Duty there till July 14. Moved to Fort Scott July 14-15; thence to Baxter Springs July 18-20. Expedition to Park Hill August 1-8. March to Fort Scott August 13. Expedition against Coffey August 13-25. Coon Creek, near Lamar, August 24 (Cos. "A," "B," "C" and "D"). Rejoin September 20. Scout from Fort Scott September 27-30. March to Sarcoxie and Newtonia October 1-4. Occupation of Newtonia October 4. Near Newtonia October 5. Hazel Bottom October 14 (Cos. "B" and "M"). Expedition to Sugar Creek, Cross Hollows and Mud Town October 16-20. Elkhorn Tavern October 16. Shell's Mill October 16 (Co. "B"). Sugar Creek October 17. Cross Hollows October 18. Boonsboro November 7. Cove Creek November 8. Between Fayetteville and Cane Hill November 9. (Guard supply train from Fort Scott November 17-26 Detachment). Pineville November 19. Beattie's Prairie, near Maysville, November 19 (Cos. "C" and "M"). Carthage November 27. Cane Hill, Boston Mountains, November 28. Scouting and skirmishing in Boston Mountains December 4-6. Reed Mountains December 6. Battle of Prairie Grove December 7. Picket duty at Cane Hill till December 26. Expedition over Boston Mountains to Van Buren December 27-29. Dripping Springs December 29. Moved to Springfield, Mo., January 11-16, 1863, and duty there till July. Scout to Stanwood May 5-9 (Detachment). Expedition through Northwest Arkansas to Newton and Jasper Counties May 21-30. Bentonville May 22 (Cos. "H" and "M"). Carthage, Mo., May 26. Bentonville June 22. Cabin Creek, Cherokee Nation, July 2-3. Elk Creek, near Honey Springs, July 12. Moved to Cassville July 23, thence march to Fort Gibson, Cherokee Nation, August 11-21. Bentonville August 15. Fayetteville August 23. Operations against Cabbel, Jenny Lind and Devil's Backbone September 1. Duty at Fort Smith September 2 to November 30. Operations in Cherokee Nation September 9-25. Dardanelle September 9 and 12. Newtonia September 27 (Cos. "E" and "M"). (A detachment at Dardanelle November 6 to December 23.) Choctaw Nation November 9. Fouche le Aix Mountains November 11. Roseville November 12 (Cos. "D" and "M"). Clarksville November 24. Moved to Waldron November 30-December 1 and duty there till March 22, 1864. Scout from Waldron to Mount Ida, Caddo Gap and Dallas December 2-7, 1863 (Cos. "B" and "M"). Caddo Gap December 4 (Cos. "B" and "M"). Caddo Mill December 14 (Cos. "G" and "K"). Waldron December 29 (Detachment). Scout from Waldron to Baker Springs and Caddo Gap January 21-25, 1864. Baker's Springs January 24-25. Sulphur Springs January 25 (Cos. "G" and "M"). Little Missouri River January 25 (Cos. "A," "D" and "M"). Caddo Gap January 26. Dallas January 28. Waldron February 1. Mountain Fork February 4. Scott's Farm, Caddo Gap, February 12-14. Caddo Gap February 16. Steele's Expedition to Camden March 22-May 3. Danville March 28. Roseville March 29 (Cos. "B," "E" and "M"). Prairie D'Ann April 9-13. Roseville April 15 (Cos. "A" and "M"). Camden April 16-18. Poison Springs April 18. Jenkins Ferry, Saline River, April 30. Moved to Fort Smith May 5-14, thence to Clarksville June 1 (Cos. "E" and "D" garrison at Roseville April 1-May 5; Roseville April 4-5, Cos. "E" and "D.") Duty at Clarksville till July 28. Moved to Fort Smith and duty there till December 27. Fort Smith July 29. Crawford County August 11. Van Buren August 12. Fort Smith September 1. Fort Gibson September 16 and 18. Cabin Creek September 19 (Cos. "C," "D," "E," "F," "G" and "I"). Moved to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, December 25. Balance of Regiment moved to Clarksville December 27, and duty there till March 3, 1865. Dardanelle January 14-15 (Cos. "A," "B" and "M"). Moved to Lewisburg March 3-7 and duty there till May 13. Moved to Fort Gibson, Cherokee Nation, May 13-20 and duty there till July 2. Moved to Lawrence, Kansas, July 2-14. Mustered out August 17, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 62 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 116 Enlisted men by disease. Total 181.



3rd Kansas Cavalry Regiment:

s. Col James *Montgomery


5th Regiment, Kansas Cavalry:



Organized at Leavenworth City July 12, 1861, to January 22, 1862. (Cos. "L" and "M" organized April to July, 1862.) Attached to Dept. of Kansas to June, 1862. Unattached, Army of Southwest Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to July, 1862. District of Eastern Arkansas, Dept. of Missouri, to December, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Cavalry Division, District of Eastern Arkansas, Dept. of Missouri, to January, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Cavalry Division, 13th Army Corps, Army of Tennessee, to April, 1863. 2nd Brigade, District of Eastern Arkansas, Dept. of Tennessee, to June, 1863. Clayton's Independent Brigade, District of Eastern Arkansas, Dept. of Tennessee, to August, 1863. Clayton's Cavalry Brigade, Arkansas Expedition, to January, 1864. Pine Bluff, Ark., 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to September, 1864. 1st Brigade, Cavalry Division, 7th Corps, to February, 1865. Post St. Charles, 7th Corps, to August, 1865.



Companies "A" and "F" moved to Kansas City, Mo., July 17, 1861. Expedition to Harrisonville July 20-25. Skirmish at Harrisonville July 25 (Cos. "A" and "F"). Regiment moved to Fort Scott, Kansas, as escort to a supply train and duty there till September 17, 1861. (Cos. "B," "C" and "E" joined at Fort Scott.) Ball's and Morse's Mills August 28-29. Fort Scott September 1. Drywood Creek, Fort Scott, September 2. Fort Scott September 3. Papinsville September 5. Morristown September 17. Moved to West Point, Mo., September 17; thence with 3rd and 4th Kansas to Osceola. Actions with Price at Osceola September 20, 21 and 22. Butler October 1. West Point October 5. Moved to Kansas City, Mo., thence to Springfield, Mo., and join Fremont. Little Santa Fe November 6. Moved to Fort Scott, Ossawatomee, and Fort Lincoln, Kansas, and duty at Camp Denver, near Barnesville, till February, 1862. Camp near Fort Scott till March 17. March to Carthage, Mo., March 17-19. Duty there till April 10. Moved to Springfield, Mo., April 10-12. Turnback Creek April 26. Moved to Houston May 25-27, thence to Rolla, Mo. March to join Curtis June 17. Eminence June 17. March to Helena, Ark., June 17-July 12. (Cos. "A," "D" and "K" escort train June 25-July 14.) Salem July 6. Jacksonport, Black River, July 8. Duty at Helena, Ark., till August, 1863. Operations against Quantrell in Kansas August 20-28, 1862 (Detachment). Washburne's Expedition from Helena against Mobile & Ohio Railroad July 24-26, 1862 (Co. "C"). Expedition to Oldtown and Trenton July 28-31 (Co. "C"). Clayton's Expedition toward Clarendon August 4-17. Expedition to Johnsonville and Marianna September 26 (Detachment). Action at Trenton October 14. Expedition to Moro November 5-8 (Detachment). Expedition against Arkansas Post November 16-26. Expedition to Grenada, Miss., November 27-December 5. Oakland, Miss., December 3. Expedition to Big and Little Creeks and skirmishes March 6-10, 1863 (Detachment). Little Rock Road April 2 (Co. "G"). Mount Vernon May 11. Polk's Plantation, near Helena, May 25. Repulse of Holmes' attack on Helena July 4. Steele's Expedition to Little Rock August 1-September 10. Bayou Metoe August 27. Bayou Fourche and capture of Little Rock September 10. Near Brownsville September 12. Moved to Pine Bluff September 14 and duty there till March 27, 1864. Tulip October 10, 1863. Pine Bluff October 25. Scout to Monticello January 13-14, 1864. Monticello January 16. Branchville, Ivy's Ford, January 19. Expedition to Mount Elba and Longview March 27-31. Branchville March 27 (Detachment). Longview March 29-30. Action at Mount Elba and pursuit to Big Creek March 30. Swan Lake April 23. Mark's Mills April 25 (Detachment). Duty at Pine Bluff and Little Rock till October, 1864. Monticello Road, near Pine Bluff, June 17. Reconnoissance from Pine Bluff July 13. Scout on Arkansas River, near Pine Bluff, and skirmishes August 27-28. Expedition from Pine Bluff September 9-11 (Detachment). Near Monticello September 10. Brewer's Lane September 11. Reconnoissance from Little Rock toward Monticello and Mount Elba October 4-11. Expedition from Kansas into Missouri June 16-20, 1864 (Co. "L"). Pursuit of Price through Arkansas and Missouri September-October. Lexington, Mo., October 19. Little Blue October 21. Independence October 22. Big Blue and State Line October 22. Westport October 23. Mine Creek, Little Osage River and Marias des Cygnes October 25. Battle of Charlot October 25. Mound City and Fort Lincoln October 25. Newtonia October 28. Scout to Richland December 24 (Detachment). Near Oxford January 13, 1865 (Detachment). Non-Veterans mustered out (Cos. "A" to "H") August 11 to December 8, 1864. Companies "I" and "K" mustered out June 22, 1865. Companies "L" and "M" consolidated with 15th Kansas Cavalry August 22, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 45 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 219 Enlisted men by disease. Total 268.



6th Regiment, Kansas Cavalry:

s. Captain H. S. *Greeno, Lt Anson J. *Walker (); First Sergeant Walter G. *Morril (Co. A; later LtCol 20th Regiment Maine Infantry); Pvt Wiley *Britton (Co. K, F&S)



Organized at Fort Scott July, 1861. Attached to Dept. of Kansas to August, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Dept. of Kansas, to October, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri, to February, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Frontier, to June, 1863. District of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri, to January, 1864. District of the Frontier, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to March, 1864. 3rd Brigade, District of the Frontier, 7th Corps, to January, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 7th Corps, to February, 1865. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 7th Corps, to August, 1865.



Duty at Fort Scott till March, 1862. Drywood Creek, Fort Scott, September 1, 1861. Morristown September 17. Osceola September 20, 21 and 22. (The 3 original Cos. march to Fort Lincoln September 1, 1861; thence return to Fort Scott.) Little Santa Fe, Mo., November 6. Regiment reorganized March 27, 1862, and "A," "B" and "C," original Companies, mustered out. Duty at Fort Scott till May. Carthage, Mo., March 23. Diamond Grove April 14. Lost Creek April 15. Companies "C," "H" and "K" moved to Carthage, Mo., with 15th Kansas, rejoining May. Regiment stationed at various points on southern line of Kansas; Headquarters at Paoli till June. Concentrated at Fort Scott. Expedition into Indian Territory May 25-July 8 (Cos. "C," "H" and "K"). Reconnoissance from Grand River to Fort Gibson, Tahliquah and Park Hill, and skirmishes June 14-17. Regiment joined June 20. Expedition into Cherokee Country July 2-August 1. Stan Wattie's Mill July 4 (2 Cos.). Expedition from Fort Leavenworth to Independence August 12-14 (1 Co.). Clear Creek August 19. Taboursville August 20. Osage River August 21. Coon Creek, near Lamar, and Lamar, August 24. Operations in Southwest Missouri September to December. Expedition through Jackson, Cass, Johnson and Lafayette Counties, Mo., September 8-23 (1 Co.). Hickory Grove September 19. Granby September 24. Newtonia September 30. Occupation of Newtonia October 4. Old Fort Wayne or Beattie's Prairie, near Maysville, October 22. Operations in Jackson County against Quantrell November 1-5. Drywood, Boston Mountains, November 9. Reconnoissance toward Van Buren and Fort Smith November 20. Near Cane Hill November 25. Cane Hill November 28. Battle of Prairie Grove, Ark., December 7. Expedition over Boston Mountains to Van Buren December 27-29. Dripping Springs December 29. (1st Battalion, Cos. "A," "C," "F" and "H" camp on Crane Creek, near Springfield, Mo., till March, 1863.) Operations in Newton and Jasper Counties March 5-13 (Cos. "A" and "C"). Near Sherwood March 9 (Cos. "A" and "C"). Companies "F" and "H" march from Westbrook to Salem, thence to Rolla May 7; thence to Fort Scott June 21-July 4. Webber Falls, Cherokee Nation, April 21-23 (3rd Battalion). Big Creek, near Pleasant Hill, May 15 (Co. "E"). Fort Gibson May 22 and 25. Greenleaf Prairie June 16. Cabin Creek July 1-2. Elk Creek, near Honey Springs, July 17. Perryville August 26. Operations in Cherokee Nation September 11-25. Webber Falls October 12. Moved to Fort Smith November 13-18 and duty there till March, 1864. Scout to Baker's Springs January 21-25. Baker's Springs, Caddo Gap, January 24. Steele's Expedition to Camden March 31-May 3 (Cos. "A," "C, "G," "K" and "M"). Roseville April 4-5 (Detachment). Stone's Ferry April 5 (Detachment). Prairie D'Ann April 9-12. Moscow April 13. Dutch Mills April 14. Camden April 16-18. Poison Spring April 18 (Detachment). Saline Bottom April 29. Jenkins Ferry, Saline River, April 30. Moved to Dardanelle, thence to Fort Smith May 6-16. Dardanelle May 10. Clarksville May 18. Fayetteville May 19. Roseville June 4-5 (Detachment). Hahn's Farm, near Waldron, and Iron Bridge June 19. Balance of Regiment near Fort Smith and duty there till September. Mazzard's Prairie July 27 (Cos. "B," "D," "E" and "H"). Near Fort Smith July 31. Lee's Creek August 1 (Detachment). Van Buren August 12. Fort Smith August 27. March to Cabin Creek, Cherokee Nation, September 14-19. Fort Scott October 22. Cow Creek October 23 (Detachment. Non-Veterans') Training Post October 24. Moved from Fort Smith to Clarksville December 29 and duty there till February 16, 1865. Moved to Little Rock and duty there till June. Consolidated to a Battalion April 18, 1865. Moved to Duvall's Bluffs June 5, thence to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, July 27-August 11. Mustered out August 27, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 81 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 140 Enlisted men by disease. Total 228.



7th Regiment Kansas Cavalry (Jennison’s Jayhawkers):

s. Col Dr. Charles R. *Jennison; Col Albert Lindley *Lee; 1863 Col Thomas P. Herrick; LtCol Daniel Read *Anthony; Captain John *Brown jr; Captain Marshall *Cleveland (Co. H); Major Thomas P. *Herrick (Captain Co. A 1861); Captain Levi *Utt, Captain Ho­race *Pardee, 1stLt Simeon M. *Fox; Chaplain Samuel *Ayres, First Sergeant Daniel *Holmes (Co. D); Sergeant Welcome *Mowry (Co. D); Sergeant F. E. Newton, Pvt Joseph *Baumer; Pvt George *Mowry Co. D); Fletcher *Pomeroy, Daniel B. *Holmes, John J. *Ingalls



Organized at Fort Leavenworth October 28, 1861. Attached to Dept. of Kansas to June, 1862. 5th Division, Army of Mississippi, to September, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army of Mississippi, to November, 1862. 1st Brigade, Cavalry Division, 13th Corps, Dept. of the Tennessee, to December, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, 16th Army Corps, Army of Tennessee, to March, 1863. Cavalry Brigade, District of Corinth, 2nd Division, 16th Army Corps, to June, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, 16th Army Corps, to August, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, 16th Corps, to February, 1864. Unattached, 1st Cavalry Division, 16th Corps, to June, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, District of West Tennessee, to September, 1864. District of St. Louis, Mo., Dept. of Missouri, to July, 1865. Dept. of Kansas to September, 1865.



Duty in Western Missouri till January 31, 1862. Spring Hill, Mo., October 21, 1861 (1 Co.). Little Blue November 11, 1861 (Cos. "A," "B" and "H"). Little Santa Fe November 20. Independence, Little Blue, November 20 (Detachment). Columbus, Mo., January 9, 1862. Moved to Humboldt, Kansas, January 31, and duty there till March 25. Moved to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, March 25; thence to Columbus, Ky., May 18-June 2, and to Corinth, Miss., June 7, escorting working parties on Mobile & Ohio Railroad and arriving at Corinth July 10; thence moved to Jacinto and Rienzi, Miss., July 18-23. Expedition from Rienzi to Ripley, Miss., July 27-29. Re­connoissance to Jacinto and Bay Springs and skirmish August 4-7. Reconnoissance from Rienzi to Hay Springs August 18-21. Mari­etta and Bay Springs August 20. Kossuth August 27. Rienzi September 9 and 18. Battle of Iuka, Miss., September 19 (Cos. "B" and "E"). Ruckersville October 1 (Detachment). Baldwin October 2. Battle of Corinth October 3-4. Pursuit to Ripley October 5-12. Ruckersville October 6. Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign October 31, 1862, to January 10, 1863. Capture of Ripley November 2, 1862. Orizaba November 2. Jumpertown November 5. Reconnoissance from LaGrange November 8-9. Lamar and Coldwater No­vember 8. Holly Springs November 13, 28 and 29. Waterford or Lumpkin's Mill November 26-30. About Oxford December 1-3. Tal­lahatchie December 2. Water Valley December 4. Coffeeville December 5. Moved to Moscow, Tenn., December 31, and duty on line of Memphis & Charleston Railroad at Germantown, Tenn., till April 14, 1863. Joinerville January 3, 1863. Near Germantown Janua­ry 27. Near Yorkville January 28 (1 Co.). Tuscumbia, Ala., February 22. Expedition to Colliersville and to LaFayette and Moscow March 8-16. Lafayette Depot March 15. Moscow March 16. Germantown April 1. Scout in Beaver Creek Swamp April 2-6. Moved to Corinth April 14-17. Dodge's Expedition into Northern Alabama April 15-May 8. Rock Cut, near Tuscumbia, April 22. Tuscumbia, Dickson Station and Leighton April 23. Town Creek April 27. Expedition from Burnsville to Tupelo, Miss., May 2-8. Tupelo May 5. At Corinth, Miss., May 8, 1863, to January 8, 1864. Expedition to Florence May 26-31, 1863. Florence May 28. Hamburg Landing May 30. Iuka, Miss., July 9 and 14. Near Corinth August 16. Expedition into West Tennessee August 27-October 1. Swallow Bluff September 30 (Cos. "A" and "C"). Operations in North Mississippi and West Tennessee against Chalmers October 4-17. Ingraham's Mills, near Byhalia, October 12. Wyatts, Tallahatchie River, October 13. Operations on Memphis & Charleston Railroad November 3-5. Operations on Memphis & Charleston Railroad against Lee's attack November 28-December 10. Molino November 28. Ripley December 1 and 4. Jack's Creek December 24. Moved to Memphis, Tenn., January 18, 1864. Veterans on furlough February 4-March 4; then moved to St. Louis, Mo., March 12. Moved to Memphis June 6. Near Memphis May 2 (Detachment). LaFayette June 9. Smit­h's Expedition to Tupelo, Miss., July 5-18. King's Creek July 9. Pontotoc July 11-12. Tupelo July 13-14. Oldtown Creek July 15. Elli­stown July 16. Tupelo July 25. Smith's Expedition to Oxford, Miss., August 1-30. Tallahatchie River August 7-9. Hurricane Creek, Oxford, August 9. Hurricane Creek August 13, 14, 16 and 19. Moved to St. Louis, Mo., arriving September 17. Pursuit of Price through Missouri September 20-November 26. Little Blue October 21. Independence October 22. Big Blue and State Line, Westport, October 23. Mine Creek, Little Osage River, October 25. Duty by Detachments in St. Louis District till July 18, 1865. Moselle Bridge, near Franklin, December 7, 1864 (Co. "E"). Expedition from Bloomfield into Dunklin County March 3-7, 1865. Skirmishes near Bloomfield March 3 and 7. Dunklin County March 4. Skirmish, McKinzie's Creek, near Patterson, April 15. Ordered to Omaha, Neb., July 18; thence to Fort Kearney and duty there till September. Moved to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, arriving September 14. Mustered out September 29, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 55 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 164 Enlisted men by di­sease. Total 223.


auch Jennison's Jayhawkers; in den ersten Monaten nach seiner Aufstellung war das Regiment bekannt als First Kansas Volunteer Ca­valry; die numerische Bezeichnung wurde im Frühjahr 1862 geändert ( Starr: Jennison's Jayhawkers, a.a.O., S. 19 Anm. 9).


Ab Juli 1862 gehörte das Regiment zu Sheridan’s Cavalry Brigade ( Starr: Jennison’s Jayhawkers, a.a.O., S. 193).


Während Grant's erster Vicksburg Campaign (Overland Campaign) im November 1862 Vorstoß nach Süden in Richtung *Grand Junction und Holly Springs führte Lee die Mounted Brigade des als rechter Flügel Grant's eingesetzten Corps Hamilton's ( Bears­s: Vicksburg, a.a.O., Vol. I, S. 37); Lee unternahm am 5.11.1862 mit der 7th Kansas Cavalry und weiteren Einheiten einen Aufklä­rungsvorstoß nach Lamar (zwischen Grand Junction und Holly Springs; Karte bei Davis Nr. 154; Bearss, a.a.O., S. 37; OR Ser. I, Vol. XVII, pt. II, S. 320); hierbei kam es am 5.11.1862 bei Jumpertown / nahe Lamar zu einem Schußwechsel zwischen Lee’s 7th Kansas Cavalry und einer Rebel Patrol die nach Süden auswich ( Bearss, a.a.O., S. 37).


Ab 26.11.1862 faßte Grant seine Kavallerie in einer Kavallerie-Division unter Col T. Lyle Dickey zusammen. Die 1st Brigade unter Albert Lindley *Lee wurde der Left Wing unter BrigGen Charles S. *Hamilton's unterstellt ( Bearss, Vicksburg Campaign, a.a.O., vo. I 72); die 2nd Brigade unter Colonel Edward *Hatch gehörte zu Center Wing General *McPherson's, die 3rd Brigade unter Col Benjamin H. *Grierson zum Left Wing *Sherman's. Die 7th Kansas Cavalry gehörte zur Cavalry Brigade von Col Albert Lindley *Lee ( Bearss, Vicksburg Campaign, a.a.O., vo. I 72 ). Lee's Cavalry Brigade befand sich am 29.11.1862 während Grant’s Over­land Campaign in *Ebenezer Church / Mississippi, und stieß (verstärkt durch BrigGen George W. Deitzler's Infantry Brigade) nach Süden zu den Tallahatchie-Brücken vor ( Bearss: Vicksburg Campaign, a.a.O., vol. I S. 74).


Nach dem überraschenden Rückzug der CS-Truppen von der Tallahatchie Line am 1.12.1862 erhielt Dickey den Befehl mit seiner Cavalry von Waterford ( Karte bei Bearss: Vicksburg Campaign, a.a.O., vol. I S. 58) die Verfolgung anzutreten ( Bearss: Vicksburg Campaign, a.a.O., vol. I S. 95). Lee‘s Brigade ging hierbei über Abbeville auf Oxford / Mississippi vor, das am Abend des 2.12.1862 genommen wurde ( Bearss: Vicksburg Campaign, a.a.O., vol. I S. 96). Hierbei griff die 7th Kansas Cavalry (abgeses­sen) die konföderierte Straßensperre nördlich von Oxford an, vertrieb die Sicherungen, und stürmte die Stadt Oxford ( Bearss: Vicksburg Campaign, a.a.O., vol. I S. 96 Anm. 2; Starr: Jennison’s Jayhawkers, a.a.O., S. 222; Kerr: Fighting with Ross’ Texas Cavalry, a.a.O., S. 48-49).



- Bearss, Edwin Cole: Vicksburg Campaign, a.a.O., Vol. I, S. 37, 102, 320, 722, 730

- Connelley, William E. (ed.): "Some Ingalls Letters." Collection of the Kansas State Historical Society, 1915-1918, XIV, S. 91-122

- *Fox, Simeon M.: "The Story of the Seventh Kansas," Transactions of the Kansas State Historical Society, 1903-1904, VIII, S. 13-49

- *Fox, Simeon M.: "The Early History of the Seventh Kansas Cavalry," Collections of the Kansas State Historical Society, 1909-1910, XI, S. 238-53

- Herklotz, Hildegard Rose: "Jayhawkers in Missouri, 1858-1863." Missouri Historical Review, XVII, 266-84; XVIII, 64-101

- Holmes, Daniel: Daniel B. Holmes Collection, Chicago Historical Society

- *Ingalls, John J.: "The Last of the Jayhawkers." Kansas Magazine, I, S. 356-62

- *Ingalls, John J.: "Kansas, 1541-1891," Harper's Magazine, LXXXVI (1893), S. 697-713

- Lyman, William: "Origin of the Name 'Jawhawker'," Collections of the Kansas State Historical Society, 1915-18 (XIV), S. 203-207

- National Archives Washington: Seventh Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, Regimental Letter and Order Book

- Newton, F. E.: Sergeant Newton’s Letter vom 15.1.1862 an die Eltern von First Sergeant Daniel *Holmes, in Daniel B. Holmes Col­lection, Chicago Historical Society, beschreibt die Details der Niederbrennung von *Columbus am 8.1.1862 und den Tod Holmes'

- Pomeroy, Fletcher: War Diary. Typescript (Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka)

- Starr, Stephen Z.: Jennison's Jayhawkers: A Civil War Cavalry Regiment and Its Commanders (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Un­iversity Press, 1973); Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik61/3a

- Starr, Stephen Z.: The Union Cavalry in the Civil War, vol. III, S. 34, 35, 306, 506, 513, 514, 515

- *Utt, John H.: "History of the Seventh Kansas Regiment" Kansas State Historical Society, Topeca



9th Regiment, Kansas Cavalry:

s. Quartermaster Sergeant Albert Robinson *Greene (Co. A)



Organized at Fort Leavenworth by consolidation of Independent Battalions, Squadrons and Detachments originally formed for other Regiments March 27, 1862. Company "A" organized as Company "D," 8th Kansas, September 13 to October 14, 1861; Company "B" as Company "H," 8th Kansas, September 21 to November 20, 1861; Company "C" as Company "C," 3rd Kansas, July 24, 1861; Company "D" as Company "D," 1st Battalion Cavalry, October 19, 1861, to January 16, 1862; Company "E" as Company "E" 1st Battalion Cavalry, October 19, 1861, to January 16, 1862. Company "F" organized as Home Guard October 19, 1861, to January 16, 1862, and on scout and patrol duty at Paola. Company "G" for 1st Battalion Cavalry September 9, 1861, to January 16, 1862. Company "H" for 1st Battalion Cavalry October 22, 1861. Company "I" mustered in March 6, 1862. Company "K" mustered in July 11, 1862. Company "L" mustered in May 2, 1863, and Company "M" mustered in June 11 to August 2, 1863.



Company "C" had participated in skirmish at Medoc, Mo., August 23, 1861; Ball's and Morse's Mills August 28-29; Drywood Creek, Fort Scott, September 2; Morristown, Mo., September 17, and Osceola, Mo., September 22. Companies "G" and "H" on Expedition from Morristown to Dayton and Rose Hill, Mo., January 1-3, 1862. Operations in Johnson and LaFayette Counties, Mo., January 5-12. Columbus, Mo., January 9. Regiment attached to Dept. of Kansas to August, 1862. 1st Brigade, Dept. of Kansas, to October, 1862. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri, to June, 1863. District of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri, to July, 1864. District of the Border, Dept. of Missouri, to January, 1864. Dept of Kansas to May, 1864. 3rd Brigade, District of the Frontier, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to September, 1864. 4th Brigade, Cavalry Division, 7th Corps, to January, 1865. Unattached, 7th Corps, Little Rock, Ark., to July, 1865. Companies "A," "B," "C," "G" and "I" detached June 10, 1862. Company "A" on escort duty to Fort Union, New Mexico. Company "B" in Mountains near Denver and built Fort Halleck. Company "C" to Fort Riley, Kansas; Company "G" to Fort Lyon, Colorado, and Company "I" to Fort Laramie. Locust Grove, Cherokee Nation, July 3, 1862 (Cos. "D," "E," "F" and "H"). Operations against Coffey August. March to Sarcoxie. Blunt's Campaign in Missouri and Arkansas August to December. Reconnoissance to Newtonia September 28-29. Newtonia September 30. Occupation of Newtonia October 4. Canehill, Boston Mountains, November 28. Battle of Prairie Grove, Ark., December 7. Expedition over Boston Mountains to Van Buren December 27-31. Cane Hill January 2, 1863 (Co. "H"). Spring River, Mo., February 19 (Co. "D"). Fort Halleck, Dakota Territory, February 20 (Co. "B"). Regiment moved to Fort Scott escorting trains February, 1863. Stationed along borders of Kansas operating against guerrillas March, 1863, to March, 1864 (Cos. "A," "D," "E, "F" and "K"). Expedition from Humboldt to Cottonwood April 10, 1863 (Co. "G"). Scout in Bates and Cass Counties May 3-11. Hog Island May 18 (Cos. "C, "E" and "K"). Westport June 17 (Cos. "E" and "K"). Blue River June 18 (Co. "K"). Cabin Creek July 1-2. Grand Pass, Indian Territory, July 7 (Co. "B"). Honey Springs, Kansas, July 17 (Co. "C"). Taylor's Farm, Little Blue, August 1. Brooklyn, Kansas, August 21 (Co. "K"). At Trading Post (Cos. "E" and "G"), Harrisonville, Aubrey County (Co. "K"), Pleasant Hill (Co. "D") and Westport (Co. "H") operating against guerillas. Company "C" rejoin from Fort Riley August, 1863. Pursuit of Quantrell August 20-28. Brooklyn August 28. Scout from Coldwater Grove to Pleasant Hill and Big Creek and skirmishes September 4-7 (Cos. "D," "E" and "G"). Jackson County September 15. Baxter Springs October 10. Pursuit of Shelby toward Warrensburg. Harrisonville October 24 (Co. "G"). Carthage October 18. Regiment assembled and ordered to Fort Smith via Springfield, Mo., April 3, 1864. Duty at Fort Smith till July. (Co. "F" stationed at Van Buren May 23.) Hahn's Farm, near Waldroa, June 19. Near Fayetteville June 24 (Co. "C"). Operations in Arkansas July 1-31. Frog Bayou July 1. Moved to Little Rock July 2-14. Duty there and at Duvall's Bluff till July, 1865. Bull's Bayou August 26, 1864. Bull Creek August 27 (Co. "I"). Expedition in pursuit of Shelby August 27-September 6. Whittier's Mills October 8. Reconnoissance from Little Rock to Princeton October 19-23. Hurricane Creek October 23. Expedition from Brownsville to Cotton Plant October 26-November 3. Scout from Duvall's Bluff to West Point November 16-18. Expedition from Duvall's Bluff up White River December 13-15. Duty in Arkansas till July, 1865. Mustered out July 17, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 52 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 140 Enlisted men by disease. Total 195.



11th Regiment Kansas Cavalry:



Organized at Kansas City April 1863, from 11th Kansas Infantry. Attached to District of the Border and District of Kansas, Dept. of Missouri, till February, 1865. District of Upper Arkansas to March, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to April, 1865. District of the Plains, Dept. of Missouri, to September, 1865.



Assigned to duty on eastern border of Kansas till October, 1864. Expedition from Salem to Mulberry Creek, Kansas, August 8-11, 1863 (Detachment). Scout on Republican River, Kansas, August 19-24, 1863 (Detachment). Operations against Quantrell on his raid into Kansas August 20-38. Independence, Mo., August 25. (Cos. "C" and "F" duty on Southern border of Kansas December, 1863, to August, 1864.) Company "L" stationed at Fort Riley; Company "G" at Fort Leavenworth as body guard to General Curtis. Action at Scott's Ford, Mo., October 14, 1863. Deep Water Creek, Mo., October 15. Expedition into Missouri June 16-20, 1864. Scout from Salem to Mulberry Creek August 8-11 (Detachment.) Operations against Indians in Nebraska August 11-November 28 (1 Co.). Operations against Price in Missouri and Kansas. Lexington October 19. Little Blue October 21. Independence, Big Blue and State Line October 22. Westport October 23. Cold Water Grove October 24. Mine Creek, Little Osage River, October 25. Regiment ordered to Fort Riley December, 1864. Companies "C" and "E" to Fort Larned February, 1865. Regiment moved to Fort Kearney, Neb., February 20-March 4, thence moved to Fort Laramie March 6-April 9, and to Platte Bridge. Duty guarding telegraph lines and operating against Indians till June. Sage Creek, Dakota Ter., April 21. Deer Creek May 21. Platte Bridge, Dakota Ter., June 3. Companies "A," "B," "E," "F," "L" and "M" moved to Fort Halleck June 11-24. Protect stage route from Camp Collins, Colorado, to Green River till August 13. White River, Dakota Ter., June 17. Rock Creek July 1. Fort Halleck July 4 and 26. Moved to Kansas and mustered out September 26, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 61 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 110 Enlisted men by disease. Total 173.

Predecessor unit:
11th Regiment, Kansas Infantry



14th Regiment, Kansas Cavalry:



Organized at Fort Scott and Leavenworth April, 1863, as a Battalion of 4 Companies for escort to General Blunt. Regiment organized at Fort Scott, December, 1863. Attached to District of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri, April, 1863, to January, 1864. Unattached, District Frontier, 7th Corps, Dept. Arkansas, to March, 1864. 3rd Brigade, Frontier Division, 7th Corps, to January, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 7th Corps, to February, 1865. Unattached, 7th Corps, Pine Bluff, Ark., to June, 1863.



Cabin Creek, C. N., July 1-2, 1863 (Co. "B"). Operations against Quantrell in Kansas August 20-28. Massacre at Lawrence August 21 (Detachment). Operations in Cherokee Nation September 11-25. Waldron September 11. Baxter Springs October 6 (Co. "B"). Regiment moved to Fort Smith, Ark., November 20-December 3. Duty there scouting and foraging till February 23. 1864. Expedition into Choctaw County February 1-21. Moved to Ozark February 26-28, and duty there till April 6. Flint Creek March 6. Steele's Expedition against Camden April 6-May 3. Prairie D'Ann April 9-12. Poison Spring April 18 (Detachment). Jenkins' Ferry, Saline River, April 30 (Cos. "F" and "G"). Return to Fort Smith May and duty there till January, 1865. Hahn's Farm near Waldron June 19, 1864. Ozark July 14-15. Scout on Republican River August 19-24. Camp Verdegris September 2. Cabin Creek September 19. Vache Grass September 26. (Co. "E" with Blunt's headquarters during Brice's Raid in Missouri and Kansas October-November. Big Blue and State Line October 22. Westport October 23. Mine Creek, Little Osage River, and Battle of Charlot October 25. Newtonia October 28.) Moved to Clarksville January 1, 1865, thence to Pine Bluff February 25-27, and duty there till May. Moved to Fort Gibson and duty there till June. Mustered out June 25, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 51 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 114 Enlisted men by disease. Total 169.



15th Regiment, Kansas Cavalry:



Organized at Leavenworth September and October, 1863. Attached to District of the Border, Dept. of Missouri, to January, 1864. Dept. of Kansas to June, 1864. Districts of North and South Kansas, Dept. Missouri, to October, 1865.



Assigned to duty at Leavenworth and at various points in Southern Kansas, at Olathe, Paola, Coldwater Grove, Trading Post, Fort Scott, Osage Mission and Humboldt by detachments (Co. "H" at Fort Riley) till October, 1864. Skirmish at Clear Creek, Mo., May 16, 1864 (Detachments of Companies "D" and "L"). Scout from Fort Leavenworth to Weston, Mo., June 13-16, 1864. Expedition into Missouri June 16-20 (Cos. "B," "C" and "G"). Price's Raid in Missouri and Kansas September to November. Lexington October 19. Little Blue October 21. Independence, Big Blue and State Line October 22. Westport October 23. Coldwater Grove, Osage, October 24. Mine Creek, Little Osage River, and battle of Charlot October 25. Newtonia October 28. Duty in Dept. of Kansas and Dept. of the Missouri till October, 1865. Mustered out October 19, 1865. Company "H" mustered out December 7, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 19 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 77 Enlisted men by disease. Total 100.



16th Regiment Kansas Cavalry:

s. Pvt James *Wren (Co. E)



Organized at Leavenworth City November, 1863, to May, 1864. Attached to District of Kansas, Dept. Missouri, to April, 1865. Dis­trict of the Plains, Dept. Missouri, to December, 1865.



Duty in the District of North Kansas at Fort Leavenworth till September, 1864. Company "D" at Fort Scott, 1st Brigade, District South Kansas. Companies "A" and "L" at Paola, 2nd Brigade, District South Kansas. Company "B" at Shawnee Mission and Compa­ny "C" at Olathe, 2nd Brigade, District of South Kansas. Companies "F" and "G" at Lawrence August, 1864. Action at Ridgley, Mo., June 11, 1864 (Co. "E"). Scout from Leavenworth to Weston, Mo., June 13-16, and from Kansas into Missouri June 16-29. Camden Point July 13 (Co. "F"). Near Lexington October 17 (Co. "H"). Lexington October 19. Operations against Price October. Battle of Little Blue October 21. Pursuit of Price October 21-28. Independence and State Line October 22. Big Blue and Westport October 23. Mine Creek, Little Osage River and Marias des Cygnes October 25. Battle of Charlot October 25. Mound City and Fort Lincoln Oc­tober 25 (Cos. "A," "D"). Newtonia October 28. Operations on Upper Arkansas January 28-February 9, 1865. Protecting country against Indians till June. Powder River Expedition, march to Powder River and Fort Connor, July 11-September 20. Actions with In­dians September 2-5. Powder River, Mouth of Dry Ford, September 8. Mustered out December 6, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 10 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 98 Enlisted men by disea­se. Total 110.



18th Battalion, Kansas Cavalry:



"Compendium of the War of the Rebellion" by Frederick H. Dyer contains no history for this unit.



19th Regiment, Kansas Cavalry (6 months):



"Compendium of the War of the Rebellion" by Frederick H. Dyer contains no history for this unit.




d. Artillery:


2nd Independent Battery, Kansas Light Artillery:

s. Pvt Jonathan *Becker



Organized at Fort Scott and mustered in September 10, 1862. Attached to Dept of Kansas to September, 1862. 1st Brigade, Dept. of Kansas, to October, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri (1 Section), to February, 1863. District of Southwest Missouri, Dept. Missouri, to June, 1863. District of the Frontier, Dept. Missouri, to January, 1864. Unattached, District of the Frontier, 7th Corps, Dept. Arkansas, to May, 1864. 1st Brigade, District of the Frontier, 7th Corps, to February, 1865. 1st Bri­gade, 3rd Division, 7th Corps, to July, 1865.



Duty at Fort Scott, Kansas, till June, 1863. (1st Section moved to Greenfield, Mo., September 1-3, 1862. Action at Newtonia Septem­ber 30. Occupation of Newtonia October 4. Cane Hill November 28. 2nd Section moved from Fort Scott to Pea Ridge, Ark., October 12-19, 1862, returning to Fort Scott December 3-10, 1862.) Scout from Creek Agency to Jasper County, Mo., May 16-19, 1863 (1 Section). Sherwood May 19. (1 Section moved to Baxter Springs May 6, returning to Fort Scott June 24.) Fort Gibson May 22. Near Fort Gibson May 28. Operations about Fort Gibson June 6-20. Greenleaf Prairie June 16. 1 Section moved to Fort Gibson with sup­ply train June 19-July 4. Action at Cabin Creek July 1-2 and 5. Battery moved to Fort Gibson July 5-12. Elk Creek near Honey Springs July 17. Duty at Fort Gibson till August 22. Near Sherwood August 14. Campaign to Perryville, C. N., August 22-31. At Fort Gibson till November. Ordered to Fort Smith, Ark., arriving November 15, and duty there till July, 1865. Near Fort Smith July 31, 1864. (1 Section at Clarksville June and July, 1864. 1 Section remained at Fort Scott and participated in the pursuit of Price.) Battle of Westport October 23, and pursuit beyond Fort Scott. Joined Battery at Fort Smith June, 1865. Action at Dardanelle, Ark., January 14, 1865. Battery mustered out August 11, 1865.

Battery lost during service 3 Enlisted men killed and 18 Enlisted men by disease. Total 21.








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