Version 17.1.2019


Colored US-Troops:



a. allgemeines:

Truppen von Afro-Amerikanern wurden von George Washington bereits im amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg eingesetzt, wo seit 1777 etwa 5000 Mann auf Seiten der Amerikaner kämpften, gegen die Zusage der Freilassung nach Kriegsende. In der CSA rang sich allerdings nur Maryland zur Rekrutierung von Schwarzen durch, während Virginia lediglich Ausnahmen zuließ und das Parlament von South Carolina die vorgeschlagene Bewaffnung der Schwarzen entschieden ablehnte ( Heideking, Geschichte der USA, a.a.O., S. 52). Die Engländer rekrutierten in den Südstaaten Tausende von Sklaven für die loyalistische Seite unter dem Versprechen der Freilassung ( Heideking, a.a.O., S. 55).


Farbige US-Truppen wurden im Bürgerkrieg erstmals von Gen. Benjamin *Butler im Oktober 1862 eingesetzt. Butler, der in New Orleans keine Unterstützung aus Washington erfahren konnte, stellte drei Regimenter aus "Free coloured Men" auf, die sich als brauchbare Soldaten erwiesen und zugleich nachwiesen, daß sie der Freiheit würdig waren. Gleichzeitig erlies Butlers Administration Bestimmungen, daß Schwarze vor dem Gesetz den Weißen gleichgestellt waren.


US-Finanzminister Chase ( Chase: Diary, a.a.O., S. 71) berichtet am 1.5.1862 von einem Gespräch mit Gen. Saxton, der gerade von Sherman's Port Royal Expedition zurückgekehrt war. Saxton (Military Governor of the Department of the South von 1862-65) erwähnt, daß er gerade vom Secretary of War Stanton ermächtigt worden war, an die farbigen Männer im neu eroberten Port Royal ein- oder zweitausend rote Flanell-Hemden auszufertigen, im Blick auf eine Aufstellung der Betreffenden. Waffen waren jedoch noch nicht ausgegeben worden.


+++ zur Entwicklung der Aufstellung farbiger Regimenter nach Lincoln's *Emancipation Declaration": McPherson: Für die Frei­heit, a.a.O., S. 553-555; Foner: Reconstruction, a.a.O., S. 8


Der First Emancipation Act vom August 1861, der Second Emancipation Act vom Juli 1862 regelte die rechtliche Situation von Skla­ven, die die US-Linien überschritten. Der Militia Act vom Juli 1862 eröffnete schließlich die rechtliche Möglichkeit, Schwarze in das US Militär aufzunehmen ( Weaver, a.a.O., S. 7; Berlin et. al.: Slaves No More, a.a.O., S. 21, 40-41; Glatthaar: Forged in Battle, a.a.O., S. 4, 7; McPherson: Negro's Civil War, a.a.O., S. 165).


Im April 1865 waren knapp 10% der Soldaten der US-Army und Navy farbig, 178975 in der Army, 9596 in der Navy ( Berlin, Ira et. al.: Slaves No More: Three Essays on Emancipation and the Civil War [New York, 1992], S. 203, 206; Weayer, a.a.O., S. 1)


Literatur, allgemein:

- **Bearss, Edwin: Historic Resource Study of Ship Island (1984)

- **Bearss, Edwin: Vorwort zu: Weaver, C. P. (ed.): Thank God my Regiment is an African One: The Civil War Diary of Colonel Na­than W. Daniels (Louisiana State University Press, 1998; Taschenbuchausgabe 2000); Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik131

- **Berlin, Ira et. al.: Slaves No More: Three Essays on Emancipation and the Civil War [New York, 1992], S. 203, 206

- **Berlin, Ira et. al. (eds.): Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation 1861-1867 (4 vols), Ser. 2: The Black Military Experi­ence (New York, 1982)

- **Berry, Mary F.: Negro Troops in Blue and Gray: The Louisiana Native Guard 1861-1863; in: Louisiana History, VIII (Spring 1967)

- **Bilby, Joseph G: Forgotten Warriors: New Jersey‘s African American Soldiers in the Civil War (Longstreet House). The first mono­graph on black soldiers from a single state. Published with the aid of a grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission. A 72 page booklet including 11 illustrations, and index

- **Califf, Joseph, attr.: Record of the Services of the Seventh Regiment of U.S. Colored Troops (Providence, R.I., 1878)

- **Cornish, Dudley Taylor: The Sable Arm: Black Troops in the Union Army, 1861-65 (1956, reprint Lawrence / Kansas, 1987): grundle­gendes Werk

- **Glatthaar, Joseph: Forged in Battle: The Civil War Alliance of Black Soldiers and White Officers (New York, 1990)

- **Hargrove, Hondon B.: Black Union Soldiers in the Civil War (McFarland Publishing); 270 pp; Photos; Tables; Appendix; Notes; Bi­bliography; Index; Avery well researched and scholarly analysis that details Black soldiers contributions to the war. By wars end, Black soldiers had numbered over 187,000 and many were awarded the Medal of Honor

- **Higginson, Thomas Wentworth: Army Life in a Black Regiment (1869, reprinted New York 1984)

- **Hollandsworth, James G.: The Louisiana Native Guards: The Black Military Experience During the Civil War (Baton Rouge: Press, 1995)

- McPherson: Für die Freiheit, a.a.O., S. 553-555

- **McPherson, James M.: The Negro's Civil War: How American Negroes Felt and Acted During the War for the Union (New York, 1965)

- **Quarles, Benjamin: The Negro in the Civil War (Boston 1953, reprinted New York, 1989)

- **Shaffer, Donald R.: After the Glory: The Struggles of Black Civil War Veterans (2004). Traces the efforts of black veterans to secure authonomy, equality as civilians, and dignified manhood, and the obstacles they encountered as their lives assumed patterns, and they struggled with political involvement, family and martial life, experiences with social welfare, comradship with other veterans, and memories to the war.

- Thornbrough: Indiana in the Civil War, a.a.O., S. 137 ff

- **Weaver, C. P. (ed.): Thank God my Regiment is an African One: The Civil War Diary of Colonel Nathan W. Daniels (Louisiana State University Press, 1998; Taschenbuchausgabe 2000); Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik131

- **Westwood, Howard C.: Black Troops, White Commanders, and Freedmen During the Civil War (Carbondale, Ill., 1992)

- **Williams, George W.: A History of the Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865 (New York, 1888)

- **Wilson, Joseph T.: The Black Phalanx: A History of the Negro Soldiers of the United States Wars 1775-1812 and 1861-1865, 1890 (reprint New York, 1994)



b. Infantry:


1st Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized in the District of Columbia May 19 to June 30, 1863. Ordered to Dept. of Virginia and attached to United States Forces, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, July to October, 1863. United States Forces, Yorktown, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to April, 1864. 1st Brigade, Hincks' Colored Division, 18th Corps, Army of the James, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to June, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, to March, 1865. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps, Dept. of North Carolina, to August, 1865. Dept. of North Carolina to muster out.



Duty at Norfolk, Portsmouth and Yorktown, Va., till April, 1864. Expedition from Norfolk to South Mills, Camden Court House, etc., N. C., December 5-24, 1863. Butler's operations south of James River and against Petersburg and Richmond, Va., May 4-June 15. Action at Wilson's Wharf May 24. Assaults on Petersburg June 15-18. Siege of Petersburg and Richmond June 16 to December 7, 1864. Explosion of Mine, Petersburg, July 30. Demonstration on north side of the James River September 28-30. Battle of Chaffin's Farm, New Market Heights, September 28-30. Fort Harrison September 29. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. Expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C., December 7-27. 2nd Expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C., January 7-15, 1865. Assault on and capture of Fort Fisher January 15. Sugar Loaf Hill January 19. Sugar Loaf Battery February 11. Fort Anderson February 18-20. Capture of Wilmington February 22. Northeast Ferry February 22. Campaign of the Carolinas March 1-April 26. Advance on Goldsboro March 6-21. Occupation of Goldsboro March 21. Cox's Bridge March 23-24. Advance on Raleigh April 9-13. Occupation of Raleigh April 13. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty in thc Dept. of North Carolina till September. Mustered out September 29, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 67 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 113 Enlisted men by disease. Total 185.



2nd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Arlington, Va., June 20 to November 11, 1863. Ordered to the Dept. of the Gulf December, 1863. Attached to District of Key West, Fla., Dept. of the Gulf, February, 1864, to July, 1865. Dept. of Florida to January, 1866.



Duty at New Orleans, La., and Ship Island, Miss., till February 13, 1864. Ordered to Key West, Fla., February 13. Affair at Tampa, Fla., May 5. Operations on West Coast of Florida July 1-31. Expedition from Fort Myers to Bayport July 1-4. Expedition from Cedar Key to St. Andrew's Bay July 20-29. Fort Taylor August 21. Station No. 4 February 13, 1865. Attack on Fort Myers February 20. Operations in the vicinity of St. Mark's February 21-March 7. East River Bridge March 4-5. Newport Bridge March 5-6. Natural Bridge March 6. Duty in District of Florida till January, 1866. Mustered out January 5, 1866.

Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 24 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 11 Officers and 135 Enlisted men by disease. Total 173.



3rd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Camp William Penn, near Philadelphia, Pa., August 3-10, 1863. Ordered to Dept. of the South. Attached to 4th Brigade, Morris Island, S. C., 10th Corps, Dept. of the South, to November, 1863. 3rd Brigade, Morris Island, S. C., 10th Corps, to January, 1864. Montgomery's Brigade, District of Hilton Head, S. C., 10th Corps. to February, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Vodges' Division, District of Florida, Dept. of the South, to April, 1864. District of Florida, Dept. of the South, to October, 1864. 4th Separate Brigade, District of Florida, Dept. of the South, to July, 1865. Dept. of Florida to October, 1865.



Siege of Forts Wagner and Gregg, Morris Island, S. C., August 20-September 7, 1863. Action at Forts Wagner and Gregg August 26. Capture of Forts Wagner and Gregg September 7. Operations against Charleston from Morris Island till January, 1864. Moved to Hilton Head, S. C., thence to Jacksonville, Fla., February 5-7, and duty there as Heavy Artillery till May, 1865. (1 Co. at Fernandina, Fla.) Expedition from Jacksonville to Camp Milton May 31-June 3, 1864. Front Creek July 15. Bryan's Plantation October 21. Duty at Tallahassee, Lake City and other points in Florida May to October, 1865. Mustered out October 31, 1865.



3rd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry (Tennessee):



"Compendium of the War of the Rebellion" by Frederick H. Dyer contains no history for this unit.



4th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Captain William H. *Appleton (Co. H); Sergeant Major Christian A. 'Fleetwood (Co. G)



Organized at Baltimore, Md., July 15 to September 1, 1863. Moved to Fort Monroe, Va., October 1, 1863; thence moved to Yorktown, Va. Attached to 2nd Brigade, United States Forces, Yorktown, Va., 18th Corps, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to April, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Hincks' Colored Division, 18th Corps, to June, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, to December, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, to January, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, to March, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps, Dept. of North Carolina, to August, 1865. Dept. of North Carolina to May, 1866.



Duty at Yorktown till May, 1864. Expedition from Yorktown to Matthews County October 4-9, 1863. Wistar's Expedition against Richmond February 6-8, 1864. New Kent Court House February 8. Expedition to Bottom's Bridge in aid of Kilpatrick's Cavalry March 1-4. Expedition into King and Queen County March 9-12. Expedition into Matthews and Middlesex Counties March 17-21. Butler's operations south of the James River and against Petersburg and Richmond May 4-June 15. Skirmish at Bermuda Hundred May 4. Duty at Spring Hill on the Appomattox till June. (Built Fort Converse on the Bermuda Hundred line.) Attack on Fort Converse May 20. Before Petersburg June 15-18. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond June 16 to December 7. Mine Explosion, Petersburg, July 30. Dutch Gap September 7. Battle of Chaffin's Farm, New Market Heights, September 28-30. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. 1st Expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C., December 7-27. 2nd Expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C., January 7-15. Assault and capture of Fort Fisher, N. C., January 15. Sugar Loaf Hill January 19. Sugar Loaf Battery February 11. Fort Anderson February 18-20. Capture of Wilmington February 22. Northeast Ferry February 22. Campaign of the Carolinas March 1-April 26. Advance on Goldsboro March 6-21. Occupation of Goldsboro March 21. Cox's Bridge March 23-24. Advance on Raleigh April 9-18. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty in the Dept. of North Carolina till May, 1866. Mustered out May 4, 1866.

Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 102 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 186 Enlisted men by disease. Total 292.


Medal of Honor:

1stLt William H. *Appleton



5th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Captain Joseph J. *Scroggs (Co.C&H); First Sergeant Powhattan *Beaty (Co. G)



Organized at Camp Delaware, Ohio, August to November, 1863. Moved to Norfolk, Va., November, 1863. Attached to United States Forces, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to January, 1864. 2nd Brigade, United States Forces, Yorktown, Va., 18th Corps, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to April, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Hlncks' Colored Division, 18th Corps, Army of the James, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to June, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, to December, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, to December, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, to March, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps, Dept. of North Carolina, to August, 1865. Dept. of North Carolina to September, 1865.



Duty at Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., till January, 1864. Wild's Expedition to South Mills and Camden Court House, N. C., December 5-24, 1863. Action at Sandy Swamp, N. C., December 8. Moved to Yorktown, Va., January, 1864, and duty there till May. Wistar's Expedition against Richmond February 6-8, 1864. Expedition to New Kent Court House in aid of Kilpatrick's Cavalry March 1-4. New Kent Court House March 2. Expedition into King and Queen County March 9-12. Expedition into Matthews and Middlesex Counties March 17-21. Butler's operations on south side of the James River and against Petersburg and Richmond May 4-June 15. Capture of City Point May 4, Fatigue duty at City Point and building Fort Converse on the Appomattox River till June 15. Attack on Fort Converse May 20. Before Petersburg June 15-18. Bailor's Farm June 15. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond June 16 to December 6. In trenches before Petersburg till August 27. Mine Explosion, Petersburg, July 30. Moved to Deep Bottom August 28. Battle of Chaffin's Farm, New Market Heights, September 28-30. Fort Harrison September 29. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. In trenches before Richmond till December. 1st Expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C., December 7-27. 2nd Expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C., January 7-15. Assault and capture of Fort Fisher, N. C., January 15. Sugar Loaf Hill January 19. Federal Point February 11. Fort Anderson February 18-20. Capture of Wilmington February 22. Northeast Ferry February 22. Campaign of the Carolinas March 1-April 26, Advance on Kinston and Goldsboro March 6-21. Occupation of Goldsboro March 21. Cox's Bridge March 23-24. Advance on Raleigh April 9-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty at Goldsboro, New Berne and Carolina City, N. C., till September. Mustered out September 20, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 77 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 166 Enlisted men by disease. Total 249.


Medal of Honor:

Powhattan *Beaty: he served as a First Sergeant in the Union Army in Company G, 5th U.S. Colored Infantry. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for action on September 29, 1864 at Chapin's Farm, Virginia. His citation reads "Took command of his company, all the officers having been killed or wounded, and gallantly led it" (National Park Soldiers Medal of Honor; Glatthaar: Forged in Battle, p. 276).



6th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Col John Worthington *Ames



Organized at Camp William Penn, near Philadelphia, Pa., July 28 to September 12, 1863. Moved from Philadelphia to Fort Monroe, Va., October 14; thence to Yorktown, Va. Attached to United States Forces, Yorktown, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to January, 1864. 2nd Brigade, United States Forces, Yorktown, Va., 18th Corps, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to April, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Hincks' Colored Division, 18th Corps, Army of the James, to June, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, to August, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, to December, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, to December, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, to March, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps, Dept. of North Carolina, to August, 1865. Dept. of North Carolina to September, 1865.



Duty at Yorktown till May, 1864. Wild's Expedition to South Mills and Camden Court House, N. C., December 5-24, 1863. Wi star's Expedition against Richmond February 2-6, 1864. Expedition to New Kent Court House in aid of Kilpatrick's Cavalry March 1-4. New Kent Court House March 2. Williamsburg March 4. Expedition into King and Queen County March 9-12. Expedition into Matthews County March 17-21. Butler's operations south of the James River and against Petersburg and Richmond May 4-June 15. Capture of City Point May 4. Fatigue duty at City Point and building Fort Converse on Appomattox River till June 15. Attack on Fort Converse May 20. Before Petersburg June 15-18. Bailor's Farm June 15. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond June 15 to December 17. In trenches before Petersburg and fatigue duty at Dutch Gap Canal till August 27. Moved to Deep Bottom August 27. Battle of Chaffin's Farm, New Market Heights, September 29-30. Fort Harrison September 29. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. In trenches before Richmond till December. 1st Expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C., December 7-27. 2nd Expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C., January 7-15. Bombardment of Fort Fisher January 13-15. Assault and capture of Fort Fisher January 15. Sugar Loaf Hill January 19. Sugar Loaf Battery February 11. Fort Anderson February 18-20. Capture of Wilmington February 22. Northeast Ferry February 22. Campaign of the Carolinas March 1-April 26. Advance on Kinston and Goldsboro March 6-21. Occupation of Goldsboro March 21. Cox's Bridge March 23-24. Advance on Raleigh April 9-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty in the Dept. of North Carolina till September. Mustered out September 20, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 8 Officers and 79 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 5 Officers and 132 Enlisted men by disease. Total 224.



- Paradis, James M.: Strike the Blow for Freedom: The 6th United States Colored Infantry in the Civil War (White Mane 1998). The 6th Colored Infantry fought at Richmond, Petersburg, Fort Fisher in North Carolina, and at New Market Heights where three of their soldiers received the Congressional Medal of Honor



7th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. 1stLt Joseph M. *Califf (Co. F&A); Pvt. William H. *Barnes (Co. C)



Organized at Baltimore, Md., September 26 to November 12, 1863. Duty at Camp Benedict, Md., till March, 1864. Ordered to Portsmouth, Va., March 4, thence to Hilton Head, S. C., March 7-10, and to Jacksonville, Fla., March 14-15. Attached to Post of Jacksonville, Fla., District of Florida, Dept. of the South, to July, 1864. District of Hilton Head, S. C., Dept. of the South, July, 1864. Jacksonville, Fla., District of Florida, Dept. of the South, to August, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps, Army of the James, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 25th Corps, to January, 1866. Dept. of Texas to October, 1866.



Duty at Jacksonville, Fla., till June, 1864. Cedar Creek April 2. Near Jacksonville May 6. Near Camp Finnegan May 25. Near Jacksonville May 28. Expedition to Camp Milton May 31-June 3. Camp Milton June 2. Moved to Hilton Head, S. C., June 27. Expedition to North Edisto River and Johns and James Islands July 2-10. Near Winter's Point July 3. King's Creek July 3. Skirmishes on James Island July 5 and 7. Burden's Causeway, Johns Island, July 9. Moved to Jacksonville July 15. Expedition to Florida Camp; Gulf Railroad July 22-August 5. Moved to Bermuda Hundred, Va., August 6-11. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond August, 1864, to April, 1865. Demonstration north of James River August 16-20. Russell's Mills August 16. Strawberry Plains August 16-18. Battle of Chaffin's Farm, New Market Heights, September 28-30. Darbytown Road October 13. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. Near Richmond October 28. In trenches before Richmond till March 27, 1865. Appomattox Campaign March 27-April 9. Hatcher's Run March 29-31. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Moved to Petersburg April 11, and duty there till May 24. Moved to Indianola, Texas, May 24-June 23. Duty on the Rio Grande and at various points in the Dept. of Texas, till October, 1866. Moved to Baltimore, Md., October 14-November 4. Mustered out October 13, 1866, and discharged at Baltimore, Md., November 15, 1866.

Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 84 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 307 Enlisted men by disease. Total 393.



- **Califf, Joseph, attr.: Record of the Services of the Seventh Regiment of U.S. Colored Troops (Providence, R.I., 1878)



8th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Col. Samuel Chapman *Armstrong



Organized at Camp William Penn, Philadelphia, Pa., September 22 to December 4, 1863. Left Philadelphia for Hilton Head, S. C., January 16, 1864. Attached to Howell's Brigade, District of Hilton Head, S. C., Dept. of the South, to February, 1864. Hawley's Brigade, Seymour's Division, District of Florida, Dept. of the South, to April, 1864. District of Florida, Dept. of the South, to August, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps, Army of the James, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to December, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 25th Corps, to April, 1865. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 25th Corps, and Dept. of Texas, to November, 1865.



Expedition from Hilton Head, S. C., to Jacksonville, Fla., February 5-6, 1864. Occupation of Jacksonville February 7. Advance into Florida February 8-20. Camp Finnegan February 8. Battle of Olustee February 20. Retreat to Jacksonville and duty there till April. Moved to St. John's Bluff April 17, and duty there till August. Raid on Baldwin July 23-28. Moved to Deep Bottom, Va., August 4-12. Action at Deep Bottom August 12. Duty at Deep Bottom and in trenches before Petersburg till September 27. Battle of Chaffin's Farm, New Market Heights, September 28-30. Fort Harrison September 29. Darbytown Road October 13. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. In trenches before Richmond till March 27, 1865. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Hatcher's Run March 29-31. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Moved to Petersburg April 11, and duty there till May 24. Sailed from City Point for Texas May 24. Duty at Ringgold Barracks and on the Rio Grande, Texas, till November, 1865. Mustered out November 10, 1865. Moved to Philadelphia, Pa., November 10-December 3. Discharged December 12, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 115 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 132 Enlisted men by disease. Total 251.



9th Regiment United States Colored Infantry:

s. LtCol Samuel Chapman *Armstrong (Co. F&S); Pvt George W. *Downing (Co. G)



Organized at Camp Stanton, Md., November 11-30, 1863. Duty at Benedict, Md., till March, 1864. Moved to Port Royal, S. C., March 3-7. Attached to District of Hilton Head, S. C., Dept. of the South, to April, 1864. District of Beaufort, S. C., Dept. of the South, to August, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps, Army of the James, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to Decem­ber, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, to January, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, to January, 1866. Dept. of Texas to November, 1866.



Duty at Hilton Head, S. C., till April, 1864, and at Port Royal Island, S. C., till June. Ashepoo Expedition May 24-27. Expedition to Johns and James Islands June 30-July 10. Engaged July 7 and 9. Duty at Beaufort, S. C., till August. Moved to Bermuda Hundred, Va., August 4-8 Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond August, 1864, to April, 1865. Demonstration on north side of Ja­mes River August 13-18. Skirmishes at Deep Bottom August 14-15. Russell's Mills August 16. Moved to Bermuda Hundred front August 18, thence to Petersburg August 24, and duty in trenches till September 26. Demonstration on north side of James September 26-30. Battle of Chaffin's Farm, New Market Heights, September 28-30. Fort Gilmer September 29. Darbytown Road October 13. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. In trenches before Richmond till April, 1865. Occupation of Richmond April 3. Duty at Rich­mond, Petersburg and City Point till June. Moved to Brazos Santiago, Texas, June 7-July 1, thence to Brownsville. Duty at Browns­ville and on the Rio Grande, Texas, till October, 1866. Ordered to New Orleans, La., October 2. Mustered out November 20, 1866.

Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 46 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 266 Enlisted men by di­sease. Total 315.



10th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized in Virginia November 18, 1863. Attached to Drummondstown, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, December, 1863, to April, 1864. 1st Brigade, Hincks' Colored Division, 18th Corps, Army James, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to June, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, to July, 1864. Unattached, 18th Corps, to August, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, to December, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, to January, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, January, 1865. Attached Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, to June, 1865. Dept. of Texas to May, 1866.



Camp near Crany Island till January 12, 1864. Moved to Drummondstown, eastern shore of Virginia, and duty there till April. At Yorktown, Va., till May. Butler's operations on south side of James River and against Petersburg and Richmond May 4 to June 15. Capture of Fort Powhatan May 5. Wilson's Wharf May 24 (Detachment). At Fort Powhatan till July 6. On Bermuda front in operati­ons against Petersburg and Richmond till August 27. At City Point, Va., till April 2, 1865. Moved to Bermuda Hundred, thence to Richmond April 2-3. Return to City Point April 6, and duty there till June 1. Moved to Texas, and duty at various points on the Rio Grande till May, 1866. Mustered out May 17, 1866. (A detachment at Plymouth, N. C., November 26, 1863, to April 20, 1864, parti­cipated in the siege of Plymouth April 17-20, 1864, and surrender April 20, 1864.)



11th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry (Old Organization):



Organized at Fort Smith, Ark., December 19, 1863, to March 3, 1864. Attached to 2nd Brigade, District of the Frontier, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to January, 1865. Colored Brigade, 7th Corps, to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 7th Corps, to April, 1865.



Post and garrison duty at Fort Smith, Ark., till November, 1864. Action at Fort Smith August 24. Moved to Little Rock, Ark., November, 1864. Action at Boggs' Mill January 24, 1865. Duty at Little Rock and at Lewisburg, Ark.,till April, 1865. Consolidated with 112th and 113th to form new 113th U. S. Colored Troop April 22, 1865.



11th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry (New Organization):



Organized from 7th U. S. Colored Heavy Artillery January 23, 1865. Attached to Post and Defences of Memphis, Tenn., District of West Tennessee, to July, 1865. 2nd Infantry Brigade, District of West Tennessee, to September, 1865. Dept. of the Tennessee to January, 1866.



Duty at Memphis, Tenn., and in the District of West Tennessee, Dept. of the Tennessee, to January, 1866. Mustered out January 12, 1866.

Predecessor unit:


Organized from 1st Alabama Siege Artillery (African Descent). Designated 6th Heavy Artillery March 11, 1864, and 7th Heavy Artil­lery April 26, 1864. Attached to District of Memphis, Tenn., 16th Corps. Dept. of Tennessee, to June, 1864. Memphis, Tenn., District of West Tennessee, to January, 1865.



Garrison duty at Fort Pickering and in Defences of Memphis, Tenn., till January, 1865. Companies "A," "B," "C" and "D" garrison at Fort Pillow, Tenn., and in massacre April 12, 1864. Skirmish at Pulaski May 18. Holly Springs, Miss., August 28, 1864. Designated 11th United States Colored Troops (New) January 23, 1865.



12th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized in Tennessee at large July 24 to August 14, 1863. Attached to Defences of Nashville Camp; Northwestern Railroad, Dept. of the Cumberland, to October, 1864. 2nd Colored Brigade, District of the Etowah, Dept. of the Cumberland, to January, 1865. Defences of Nashville Camp; Northwestern Railroad, District of Middle Tennessee, to May, 1865. 3rd Sub-District, District Middle Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland, to January, 1866.



Railroad guard duty at various points in Tennessee and Alabama on line of the Nashville Camp; Northwestern Railroad till December, 1864. Repulse of Hood's attack on Johnsonville November 2, 4 and 5. Action at Buford's Station, Section 37, Nashville Camp; Northwestern Railroad, November 24. March to Clarksville, Tenn., and skirmish near that place December 2. Battle of Nashville December 15-16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-28. Action at Decatur, Ala., December 27-28. Railroad guard and garrison duty in the Dept. of the Cumberland till January, 1866.

Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 38 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 242 Enlisted men by disease. Total 284.



13th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Nashville, Tenn., November 19, 1863. Attached to Defences Nashville & Northwestern Railroad, Dept. of the Cumberland, to November, 1864. 2nd Colored Brigade. District of the Etowah, Dept. of the Cumberland, to January, 1865. Defences Nashville & Northwestern Railroad, District Middle Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland, to May, 1865. 3rd Sub-District, District Middle Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland, to January, 1866.



Railroad guard duty in Tennessee and Alabama on line of Nashville& Northwestern Railroad till December, 1864. Repulse of Hood's attack on Johnsonville, Tenn., September 25, and November 4 and 5. Eddyville, Ky., October 17 (Detachment). Battle of Nashville December 15-16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-18. Railroad guard and garrison duty in the Dept. of the Cumberland till January, 1866. Mustered out January 10, 1866.

Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 86 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 265 Enlisted men by disease. Total 355.



14th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Gallatin, Tenn., November 16, 1863, to January 8, 1864. Attached to Post of Gallatin, Tenn., to January, 1864. Post of Chattanooga, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland, to November, 1864. Unattached, District of the Etowah, Dept. of the Cumberland, to December, 1864. 1st Colored Brigade, District of the Etowah, to May, 1865. District of East Tennessee, to August, 1865. Dept. of the Tennessee and Dept. of Georgia till March, 1866.



Garrison duty at Chattanooga, Tenn., till November, 1864. March to relief of Dalton, Ga., August 14. Action at Dalton August 14-15. Siege of Decatur, Ala., October 27-30. Battle of Nashville, Tenn., December 15-16. Overton's Hill December 16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-28. Duty at Chattanooga and in District of East Tennessee till July, 1865. At Greenville and in the Dept. of the Tennessee till March, 1866. Mustered out March 26, 1866.



15th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Nashville, Tenn., December 2, 1863, to March 11, 1864. Attached to Post and District of Nashville, Dept. of the Cumberland, to August, 1864. Post of Springfield, District of Nashville, Dept. of the Cumberland, to March, 1865. 5th Sub-District, District of Middle Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland, to April, 1866.



Garrison and guard duty at Nashville, Columbia and Pulaski, Tenn., till June, 1864. Post duty at Springfield, Tenn., and in District of Middle Tennessee till April, 1866. Mustered out April 7, 1866.



16th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Nashville, Tenn., December 4, 1863, to February 13, 1864. Attached to Post of Chattanooga, Dept. of the Cumberland, to November, 1864. Unattached, District of the Etowah, Dept. of the Cumberland, to December, 1864. 1st Colored Brigade, District of the Etowah, Dept. of the Cumberland, to January, 1865. Unattached, District of the Etowah, to March, 1865. 1st Colored Brigade, Dept. of the Cumberland, to April, 1865. 5th Sub-District, District of Middle Tennessee, to July, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, District of East Tennessee and Dept. of the Cumberland. to April,



Duty at Chattanooga, Tenn., till November, 1864. Battle of Nashville, Tenn., December 15-16. Overton Hill December 16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-28. Duty at Chattanooga and in Middle and East Tennessee till April, 1866. Mustered out April 30, 1866.



17th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Nashville, Tenn., December 12 to 21, 1863. Attached to Post of Murfreesboro, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland, to April, 1864. Post and District of Nashville, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland, to December, 1864. 1st Colored Brigade, District of the Etowah, Dept. of the Cumberland, to January, 1865. Post and District of Nashville, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland, to April, 1866.



Duty at McMinnville and Murfreesboro, Tenn., till November, 1864. Battle of Nashville, Tenn., December 15-16. Overton Hill December 16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-27. Decatur December 28-30. Duty at Post of Nashville, Tenn., and in the Dept. of Tennessee till April, 1866. Mustered out April 25, 1866.



18th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized in Missouri at large February 1 to September 28, 1864. Attached to District of St. Louis, Mo., Dept. of Missouri, to December, 1864. Unassigned, District of the Etowah, Dept. of the Cumberland, December, 1864. 1st Colored Brigade, District of the Etowah, Dept. of the Cumberland, to January, 1865. Unassigned, District of the Etowah, Dept. of the Cumberland, to March, 1865. 1st Colored Brigade, Dept. of the Cumberland, to July, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, District of East Tennessee and Dept. of the Tennessee, to February, 1866.



Duty in District of St. Louis, Mo., and at St. Louis till November, 1864. Ordered to Nashville, Tenn., November 7. Moved to Paducah, Ky., November 7-11, thence to Nashville, Tenn. Occupation of Nashville during Hood's investment December 1-15. Battles of Nashville December 15-16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-28. At Bridgeport, Ala., guarding railroad till February, 1865. Action at Elrod's Tan Yard January 27. At Chattanooga, Tenn., and in District of East Tennessee till February, 1866. Mustered out February 21, 1866.



19th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry

s. Col Henry Goddard *Thomas (16.1.1864-3.5.1864)



Organized at Camp Stanton, Md., December 25, 1863, to January 16, 1864. Duty at Camp Stanton, Benedict, Md., till March, 1864, and at Camp Birney till April. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac, April to September, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 9th Corps, to December, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, to January, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, to January, 1866. Dept. of Texas, to January, 1867.



Campaign from the Rapidan to the James River, Va., May and June, 1864. Guard trains through the Wilderness. Before Petersburg, Va., June 15-18. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond, Va., June 16, 1864, to April 2, 1865. Mine Explosion, Petersburg, July 30, 1864. Weldon Railroad August 18-21. Fort Sedgwick September 28. Poplar Grove Church September 29-30. Hatcher's Run October 27-28. Actions on the Bermuda Hundred front November 17-18. Duty at Bermuda Hundred till March, 1865. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Hatcher's Run March 29-31. Assault and capture of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Duty at Petersburg and City Point till June. Moved to Texas June 13-July 3. Duty at Brownsville and on the Rio Grande, Texas, till January, 1867. Mustered out January 15, 1867.



20th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Riker's Island, New York Harbor, February 9, 1864. Attached to Dept. of the East to March, 1864. Defences of New Orleans, La., Dept. of the Gulf, to December, 1864. District of West Florida and Southern Alabama, Dept. of the Gulf, to February, 1865. Defences of New Orleans to June, 1865. District of LaFourche, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1865.



Ordered to the Dept. of the Gulf March, 1864, arriving at New Orleans March 20. Moved to Port Hudson, La., March 21 and to Pass Cavallo, Texas, April 21. In District of Carrollton, La., June. At Plaquemine July. At Camp Parapet and Chalmette August, 1866.
At Camp Parapet and in District of Carrollton till December. Ordered to West Pascagoula, Fla., December 26. Return to New Orleans February, 1865, and duty there till June. At Nashville, Tenn., August. Mustered out October 7, 1865.



21st Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized from 3rd and 4th Regiments, South Carolina Colored Infantry, March 14, 1864. Attached to 3rd Brigade, Vogdes' Division, District of Florida, Dept. of the South, to April, 1864. Morris Island, S. C., Northern District, Dept. of the South, to October, 1864. 1st Separate Brigade, Dept. of the South, to February, 1865. Garrison of Charleston, S. C., Dept. of the South, to August, 1865. Dept. of the South, to October, 1866.



Duty at Jacksonville, Fla., till April, 1864. Moved to Hilton Head, S. C., thence to Folly Island, S. C., April 18. Duty on Folly Island, Morris Island and Coles Island operating against Charleston, S. C., till February, 1865. Expedition to James Island, S. C., June 30-July 10. Action on James Island July 2. Occupation of Charleston February 18. Garrison duty at Charleston and Mt. Pleasant, S. C., till August, 1865, and at various points in South Carolina and Georgia till October, 1866. Mustered out October 7, 1866.

Predecessor units:

Organized at Hilton Head, S. C., June, 1863. Attached to District of Hilton Head, S. C., 10th Army Corps, Dept. South, to January, 1864. Barton's Brigade, District Hilton Head, S. C., to February, 1864. 3rd Brigade, Vodges' Division, District of Florida, to March, 1864.



Post duty at Hilton, Head, S. C., till February, 1864. Moved to Jacksonville, Fla., February 6-8, and duty there till March. Designation of Regiment changed to 21st U. S. Colored Troops March 14, 1864, which see.

Organized at Fernandina, Fla., July, 1863. Attached to Post of Fernandina, Fla., Dept. South, to January, 1864. Barton's Brigade, District of Hilton Head, S. C., to February, 1864. 3rd Brigade, Vodges' Division, District of Florida, to March, 1864.



Duty at Fernandina, Fla., till January, 1864. At Hilton Head, S. C., till February, 1864. Moved to Jacksonville, Fla., February 6-8, and duty there till March. Regiment consolidated with 3rd South Carolina Infantry to form 21st U. S. Colored Troops March 14, 1864.

Organization of Regiment not completed. Transferred to 3rd and 4th South Carolina Infantry.



22nd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Philadelphia, Pa., January 10-29, 1864. Ordered to Yorktown, Va., January, 1864. Attached to U. S. Forces, Yorktown, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to April, 1864. 1st Brigade, Hincks' Division (Colored), 18th Corps, Army of the James, to June, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, June, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, to August, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, August, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps, to September, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, and Dept. of Texas, to October, 1865.



Duty near Yorktown, Va., till May, 1864. Expedition to King and Queen County March 9-12. Butler's operations south of James Ri­ver and against Petersburg and Richmond May 4-June 15. Duty at Wilson's Wharf, James River, protecting supply transports, then constructing works near Fort Powhatan till June. Attack on Fort Powhatan May 21. Before Petersburg June 15-18. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond June 16, 1864, to April 2, 1865. Deep Bottom August 24. Dutch Gap August 24. Demonstration north of the James River September 28-30. Battle of Chaffin's Farm, New Market Heights, September 29-30. Fort Harrison Septem­ber 29. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. Chaffin's Farm November 4. In trenches before Richmond till April, 1865. Occupation of Richmond April 3. Moved to Washington, D. C., and participated in the obsequies of President Lincoln, and afterwards to eastern shore of Maryland and along lower Potomac in pursuit of the assassins. Rejoined Corps May, 1865. Moved to Texas May 24-June 6. Duty along the Rio Grande till October, 1865. Mustered out October 16, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 70 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 144 Enlisted men by disease. Total 217.



23rd Regiment US Colored Troops:

s. Captain Robert K. *Beecham (Co. B&H)



Organized at Camp Casey, Va., November 23, 1863, to June 30, 1864. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac, April to September, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 9th Corps, to December, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, December, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, and Dept. of Texas, to November, 1865.



Campaign from the Rapidan to the James River, Va., May and June, 1864. Guarding wagon trains Army of the Potomac through the Wilderness. Before Petersburg June 15-18. Siege of Petersburg and Richmond June 16, 1864, to April 2, 1865. Mine Explosion, Pe­tersburg, July 30, 1864. Weldon Railroad August 18-21. Fort Sedgwick September 28. Poplar Grove Church September 29-30. Boyd­ton Plank Road, Hatcher's Run, October 27-28. Bermuda Hundred December 13. Duty on the Bermuda Hundred front till March, 1865. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Hatcher's Run March 29-31. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9. Ap­pomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Duty in Dept. of Virginia till May. Moved to Texas May-June. Duty at Brownsville and along the Rio Grande, Texas, till November. Mustered out November 30, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 82 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 165 Enlisted men by di­sease. Total 252.



24th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Camp William Penn, Philadelphia, Pa., January 30 to March 30, 1865. Moved to Washington, D. C., May 5, and duty at Camp Casey till June 1. At Point Lookout, Md., guarding prisoners till July 16. Moved to Richmond, Va., and duty in Sub-District of Roanoke, Headquarters at Burkesville, till September. Moved to Richmond, Va., and there mustered out October 1, 1865.



25th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Major Frederick L. *Hitchcock



Organized at Philadelphia, Pa., January 3 to February 12, 1864. Sailed for New Orleans, La., on Steamer "Suwahnee" March 15, 1864 (Right Wing). Vessel sprung a leak off Hatteras and put into harbor at Beaufort, N. C. Duty there in the defences, under Gen. Wessells, till April, then proceeded to New Orleans, arriving May 1. Left Wing in camp at Carrollton. Attached to Defences of New Orleans, La., Dept. of the Gulf, May to July, 1864. District of Pensacola, Fla., Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, U.S. Colored Troops, Dept. Gulf, October, 1864. 1st Brigade, District of West Florida, to January, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, U. S. Colored Troops, District of West Florida, to February, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, U.S. Colored Troops, District of West Florida, to April, 1865. Unattached, District of West Florida, to July, 1865. Dept. of Florida, to December, 1865.



Duty in the Defences of New Orleans, La., till July, 1864. Garrison at Post of Barrancas, Fla. (6 Cos.), and at Fort Pickens, Pensacola Harbor (4 Cos.), till December 1865. Mustered out December 6, 1865.



26th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Riker's Island, New York Harbor, February 27, 1864. Ordered to Dept. of the South April, 1864. Attached to District of Beaufort, S. C. Dept. of the South, to October, 1864. 2nd Separate Brigade, Dept. of the South, to January, 1865. 1st Separate Brigade, Dept. of the South, to February, 1865. 2nd Separate Brigade, Dept. of the South, to June, 1865. Dept. of the South to August, 1865.



-Reported at Beaufort, S. C., April 13, 1864, and post duty there till November 27. Expedition to Johns and James Islands July 2-10. Operations against Battery Pringle July 4-9. Actions on Johns Island July 5 and 7. Burden's Causeway July 9. Battle of Honey Hill November 30. Demonstration on Charleston& Savannah Railroad December 6-9. Action at Devaux's Neck December 6. Tillifinny Station December 9. McKay's Point December 22. Ordered to Beaufort, S. C., January 2, 1865, and duty there till August. Mustered out August 28, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 28 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 112 Enlisted men by disease. Total 145.



27th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s, Surgeon Frank M. *Weld (Co. F&S)



Organized at Camp Delaware, Ohio, January 16, 1864. Ordered to Annapolis, Md. Attached to 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac, to September, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 9th Corps, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, to January, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, to March, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps, Dept. of North Carolina, to July, 1865. Dept. of North Carolina to September, 1865.



Campaign from the Rapidan to the James River, Va., May-June, 1864. Guard trains of the Army of the Potomac through the Wilder­ness. Before Petersburg June 15-19. Siege of Petersburg and Richmond June 16 to December 7, 1864. Mine Explosion, Petersburg, July 30, 1864. Weldon Railroad August 18-21. Poplar Grove Church September 29-30, and October 1. Boydton Plank Road, Hat­cher's Run, October 27-28. On the Bermuda front till December 1. 1st Expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C., December 7-27. 2nd Expedi­tion to Fort Fisher, N. C., January 7-15, 1865. Bombardment of Fort Fisher January 13-15. Assault and capture of Fort Fisher January 15. Sugar Loaf Hill January 19. Federal Point February 11. Fort Anderson February 18-20. Capture of Wilmington February 22. Northeast Ferry February 22. Campaign of the Carolinas March 1-April 26. Advance on Kinston and Goldsboro March 6-21. Cox's Bridge March 23-24. Advance on Raleigh April 9-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of John­ston and his army. Duty in the Dept. of North Carolina till September. Mustered out September 21, 1865.



28th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Chaplain Garland H. *White (Co. F&S)



Organized at Indianapolis, Ind., December 24, 1863, to March 31, 1864. Left Indianapolis, Ind., for Washington, D. C., April 24, thence moved to Alexandria, Va. Attached to Defences of Washington, D. C., 22nd Corps. April to June, 1864. White House, Va., Abercrombie's Command, to July, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac, to September, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 9th Corps, to December, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 25th Corps, to April, 1865. Attached Brigade,

1st Division, 25th Corps, to April, 1865. District of St. Mary's, 22nd Corps, to May, 1865. Dept of Texas to November, 1865.


Duty at Alexandria, Va., till June, 1864. Moved to White House, Va., June 2. Engaged June 21. Accompanied Gen. Sheridan's Cavalry through Chickahominy Swamps to Prince George Court House, with several skirmishes. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond July, 1864, to April, 1865. Mine Explosion, Petersburg, July 30, 1864. Weldon Railroad August 18-21. Poplar Grove Church September 29-30 and October 1. Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher's Run, October 27-28. On Bermuda front and before Richmond till April, 1865. Occupation of Richmond April 3, At City Point, Va., and St. Mary's, Md., in charge of prisoners April 6-May 12. Moved to City Point, Va., thence to Texas June 10-July 1. Duty at Brazos Santiago and Corpus Christi, Texas, till November. Mustered out November 8, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 45 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 164 Enlisted men by disease. Total 212.



29th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Quincy, Ill., April 24, 1864. Ordered to Annapolis, Md., May 27, 1864, thence to Alexandria, Va. Attached to Defences of Washington, D.C., 22nd Corps, to June, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac, to September, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 9th Corps, to December, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 25th Corps, and Dept. of Texas, to November, 1865.



Duty at Alexandria, Va., till June 15, 1864. Moved to White House, Va., thence to Petersburg, Va. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond June 19, 1864, to April 3, 1865. Mine Explosion, Petersburg, July 30, 1864. Weldon Railroad August 18-21. Poplar Grove Church September 29-30, and October 1. Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher's Run, October 27-28. On the Bermuda Hundred front and before Richmond till April, 1865. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Duty in the Dept. of Virginia till May. Moved to Texas May and June, and duty on the Rio Grande till November. Mustered out November 6, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 43 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 188 Enlisted men by disease. Total 234.


Das 29th US Colored Regiment war das erste Farbigen-Regiment, das in Illinois aufgestellt wurde. Die Aufstellung erfolgte aufgrund einer Genehmigung des US-Kriegsministeriums im Herbst 1863. Die Aufstellung dauerte ungewöhnlich lange, bedingt durch die niedrigere Besoldung und die geringere Bounty der Neger-Soldaten. Das Regiment wurde im Rekrutierungscamp „Camp Quincy“ / Illinois aufgestellt. Das Regiment verlies Camp Quincy im April 1864 ( Hicken: Illinois in the Civil War, a.a.O., S. 4).


The only Black unit raised in Illinois, the 29th Infantry saw action at the Battle of the Crater at Petersburg, and the Siege of Rich­mond



- **Miller, Edward A. Jr.: The Black Civil War Soldiers of Illinois: The Story of the Twenty-Ninth U.S. Colored Infantry (Univ S. Caro­lina); 267, pp; Index; Photos; Illustrations; Biblio; Notes

- **Williams, George W.: A History of the Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865 (New York, 1888)



30th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Col Delavan *Bates (Co. F&S)



Organized at Camp Stanton, Md., February 12 to March 18, 1864. Attached to 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac, to September, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 9th Corps, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, to March, 1865. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps. Dept. of North Carolina, to July, 1865. Dept. of North Carolina to December, 1865.



Campaign from the Rapidan to the James River, Va., May-June, 1864. Guard trains of the Army of the Potomac through the Wilderness and to Petersburg. Before Petersburg June 15-18, Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond June 16 to December 7, 1864. Mine Explosion, Petersburg, July 30. Weldon Railroad August 18-21. Poplar Grove Church September 29-October 1. Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher's Run, October 27-28. 1st Expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C., December 7-27. 2nd Expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C., January 7-15, 1865. Bombardment of Fort Fisher January 13-15. Assault and capture of Fort Fisher January 15. Sugar Loaf Hill January 19. Federal Point February 11. Fort Anderson February 18-20. Capture of Wilmington February 22. Northeast Ferry February 22. Campaign of the Carolinas March 1-April 26. Advance on Kinston and Goldsboro March 6-21. Action at Cox's Bridge March 23-24. Advance on Raleigh April 9-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty at various points in North Carolina till December. Mustered out December 10, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 48 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 177 Enlisted men by disease. Total 225.



31st Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Chaplain Augustus V. *Alford



Organized at Hart's Island, N. Y., April 29, 1864. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac, to September, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 9th Corps, to December, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 25th Corps, and Dept. of Texas, to November, 1865.



Campaign from the Rapidan to the James River, Va., May-June, 1864. Guard trains of the Army of the Potomac through the Wilderness. Battles about Cold Harbor June 2-12. Before Petersburg June 15-19. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond June 16, 1864, to April 2, 1865. Mine Explosion, Petersburg, July 30, 1864. Weldon Railroad August 18-21. Fort Sedgwick September 28. Hatcher's Run October 27-28. On the Bermuda front till March, 1865. Moved to Hatcher's Run March 26-28. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Hatcher's Run March 29-31. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Duty in the Dept. of Virginia till May. Moved to Texas May-June, and duty on the Rio Grande till November. Mustered out November 7, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 48 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 123 Enlisted men by disease. Total 175.



32nd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry



Organized at Camp William Penn, Philadelphia, Pa., February 7 to March 7, 1864. Ordered to Hilton Head, S. C., April, 1864, arriving April 27. Attached to Bailey's Brigade, District of Hilton Head, S. C., Dept. of the South, to June, 1864. Morris Island, S. C., Northern District, Dept. of the South, to October, 1864. 3rd Separate Brigade, Hilton Head, S. C., Dept. of the South, to November, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Coast Division, Dept. of the South, to December, 1864. 2nd Separate Brigade, Dept. of the South, to June, 1865. Dept. of the South to August, 1865.



Ordered to Hilton Head, S. C., April, 1864, and duty there till June. Moved to Morris Island, S. C., and duty there operating against Charleston, S. C., till November. Expedition to Boyd's Neck November 28-30. Battle of Honey Hill November 30. Demonstration on Charleston Camp; Savannah Railroad December 6-9. Devaux's Neck December 6. James Island February 14, 1865. Occupation of Charleston February 18. Potter's Expedition April 5-25. Dingle's Mills April 9. Statesboro April 15. Occupation of Camden April 17. Boydkin's Mills April 18. Beach Creek near Statesburg and Denken's Mills April 19. Garrison duty at Charleston, Beaufort and Hilton Head, S. C., till August. Mustered out August 22, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 35 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 113 Enlisted men by disease. Total 150.



33rd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Sergeant Hamilton *Robison (Co. E)



Organized February 8, 1864, from 1st South Carolina Colored Infantry. Attached to U. S. Forces, Port Royal Island, S. C., 10th Corps, Dept. of the South, to April, 1864. District of Beaufort, S. C., Dept. of the South, to July, 1864. Folly Island, S. C., Northern District, Dept. of the South, to October, 1864. 1st Separate Brigade, Dept. of the South, to March, 1865. District of Savannah, Ga., and Dept. of the South, to January, 1866.



-Duty at Port Royal Island, S. C., District of Beaufort, S. C., till July, 1864. Expedition to James Island, S. C., June 30-July 10. James Island near Secessionville July 2. Duty on Folly and Morris Islands operating against Charleston, S. C., to November. Demonstration on Charleston & Savannah Railroad, December 6-9. Devaux's Neck December 6. Tillifinny Station December 9. Ordered to Folly Island December 9. Near Pocotaligo Road December 20. At Pocotaligo, S. C., till February, 1865. Occupation of Charleston till March 8. Moved to Savannah, Ga., March 8, and duty there till June 6. Moved to Augusta, Ga. Duty there and at various points in the Dept. of the South till January, 1866. Mustered out January 31, 1866.

Predecessor unit:

Organized at Beaufort, S. C., January 31, 1863. Attached to District of Beaufort, S. C., 10th Army Corps, Dept. of the South, to January, 1864. Barton's Brigade, District of Hilton Head, S. C., 10th Corps, to February, 1864.



Before muster, 3 Companies on Expedition along coasts of Georgia and Florida November 3-10, 1862 Spalding's, on Sapello River, Ga., November 7 (Co. "A"). Doboy River November 8. Duty at Beaufort, S. C., and Port Royal Island till March, 1863. Expedition from Beaufort up St. Mary's River in Georgia and Florida January 23-February 1. Skirmish at Township January 26. Expedition from Beaufort to Jacksonville, Fla.. March 6-10. Occupation of Jacksonville March 10-31. Camp Jackson March 10. Operations near Jacksonville March 22-31. Skirmish near Jacksonville March 29. At Beaufort, S. C., till January, 1864. Expedition up South Edisto River July 9-11, 1863. Action, Williston Bluff, Pon Pon River, July 10. Expedition to Pocotaligo, S. C., November 23-25 (Cos. "E" and "K"). Skirmish near Cunningham's Bluff November 24. (Cos. "C" and "K" at Hilton Head, S. C., till September, 1863, then moved to Beaufort, S. C.; Cos. "A" and "F" moved to Hilton Head September, 1863, returning to Beaufort, S. C., October 2.) Regiment moved to Hilton Head, S. C., January, 1864. Expedition to Jacksonville, Fla., February 6-8. Designation of Regiment changed to 33rd U. S. Colored Troops February 8, 1864, which see.



34th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized February 8, 1864, from 2nd South Carolina Colored Infantry. Attached to Montgomery's Brigade, District of Florida, Dept. of the South, February, 1864. 3rd Brigade, Vogdes' Division, District of Florida, Dept. of the South, to April, 1864. Morris Island, S. C., Northern District, Dept. of the South, to June, 1864. District of Beaufort, S. C., Dept. of the South, to August, 1864. District of Florida, Dept. of the South, to October, 1864. 4th Separate Brigade, Dept. of the South, to November, 1864. 1st Brigade, Coast Division, Dept. of the South, to December, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Coast Division, Dept. of the South, to January, 1865. 4th Separate Brigade, District of Florida, Dept. of the South, and Dept. of Florida, to February, 1866.



Provost duty at Jacksonville, Fla., till March 30, 1864. Moved to Palatka, Fla., March 30-31, and to Picolata April 12. Ordered to Folly Island, S. C., April 13, thence to Morris Island, S. C., and duty there, operating against Charleston till May 20. Moved to St. Augustine, Fla., May 20, thence to Tybee Island, S. C., May 22. Expedition to Ashepoo River May 24-27. Action at Ashepoo River May 26. Moved to Hilton Head, S. C., June 30. Expedition to James Island, S. C. July 1-10. Near Winter's Point July 3. King's Creek July 3. Actions on James Island July 3 and 9-10. Burden's Causeway July 9. Return to Jacksonville, Fla., July 31. Expedition to Enterprise August 2-5. Raid on Florida Railroad August 15-18. Action at Gainesville August 17. Duty at Jacksonville, Palatka and Magnolia Springs, Fla., till November. Ordered to Hilton Head, S. C., November 25. Expedition to Boyd's Neck, S. C., November 28-30. Battle of Honey Hill November 30. Expedition to Devaux's Neck December 1-6. Action at Devaux's Neck December 6. Moved to Hilton Head, thence return to Jacksonville, Fla., January, 1865. Duty at Jacksonville and at various points in Florida till February, 1866. Mustered out February 28, 1866.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at Beaufort and Hilton Head, S. C., May 22, 1863. Attached to Districts of Hilton Head and Beaufort, S. C., 10th Army Corps, Dept. of the South, to July, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Morris Island, S. C., 10th Corps, July, 1863. 2nd Brigade, Morris Island, S. C., 10th Corps, to August, 1863. 4th Brigade, Morris Island, S. C., 10th Corps, to November, 1863. 3rd Brigade, Morris Island, S. C., 10th Corps, to January, 1864. Montgomery's Brigade, District Hilton Head, S. C., to February, 1864.



Duty at Hilton Head, S. C., to March, 1863. Expedition to Jacksonville, Fla., March 6-10. Occupation of Jacksonville March 10-31. Operations about Jacksonville March 28-31. Evacuation of Jacksonville March 31. At Beaufort, S. C., till July. Raid on Combahee River June 2. Expedition to James Island, S. C., July 7-17. Engagement at Grimball's Landing July 16. Operations on Morris Island against Forts Wagner and Gregg July 18-September 7. Capture of Forts Wagner and Gregg September 7. Operations against Fort Sumpter and Charleston, S. C., September 7, 1863, to January 29, 1864. Moved to Hilton Head, S. C., thence to Jacksonville, Fla., February 5-7. Designation of Regiment changed to 34th U. S. Colored Troops February 8, 1864, which see.



35th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized February 8, 1864, from 1st North Carolina Colored Infantry. Attached to Montgomery's Brigade, District of Florida, Dept. of the South, February, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Vogdes' Division, District of Florida, Dept. of the South, to April, 1864. District of Florida, Dept. of the South, to October, 1864. 4th Separate Brigade, Dept. of the South, to November, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Coast Division, Dept. of the South, to December, 1864. 4th Separate Brigade, Dept. of the South, to March, 1865. 1st Separate Brigade, Dept. of the South, to August, 1865. Dept. of the South, to June, 1866.



Expedition to Lake City, Fla., February 14-22, 1864. Battle of Olustee February 20. Duty at Jacksonville, Fla., till November. Operations on St. Johns River May 19-27. Horse Head Landing May 23. (Four Companies detached on Expedition to James Island, S. C., July 1-10. King's Creek, S. C., July 3.) Raid from Jacksonville upon Baldwin July 23-28. South Fork, Black Creek, July 24. Black Creek near Whitesides July 27. Raid on Florida Railroad August 15-19. Ordered from Jacksonville to Hilton Head, S. C., November 25, Expedition to Boyd's Neck November 28-30. Battle of Honey Hill November 30. Return to Jacksonville, Fla., and duty there till March, 1865. Ordered to Charleston, S. C. Duty there and at various points in the Dept. of the South till June, 1866. Mustered out June 1, 1866.

Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 49 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 151 Enlisted men by disease. Total 205.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at New Berne, N.C., and Portsmouth, Va., June 30, 1863. Attached to Wild's African Brigade, U.S. Forces, Folly Island, S.C., 10th Army Corps, Dept. of the South, to December, 1863. 3rd Brigade, Vodge's Division, Folly Island, S.C., to February, 1864.



Transferred from Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina to Folly Island, S.C., July 29-August 9. Operations on Folly and Morris Islands against Fort Sumpter and Charleston, S.C., till February, 1864. Moved to Jacksonville, Fla., February 13-16. (A detachment at New Berne, N.C., and participated in raid on Wilmington & Weldon Railroad July 3-7, 1863. Ford's Mill near New Berne October 30. Near Greenville November 25 and December 30.) (A detachment at Portsmouth, Va., and participated in Expedition from Portsmouth to South Mills, Camden, etc., December 5-24, 1863.) Designation of Regiment changed to 35th U.S. Colored Troops February 8, 1864 (which see).



36th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized February 8, 1864, from 2nd North Carolina Colored Infantry. Attached to U. S. Forces, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to April, 1864. District of St. Marys, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina to June, 1864. Unattached, Army of the James, to August, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, and Dept. of Texas, to October, 1866.



-Duty at Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., till April, 1864. At Point Lookout, Md., District of St. Marys, guarding prisoners till July, 1864. Expedition from Point Lookout to Westmoreland County April 12-14. Expedition from Point Lookout to Rappahannock River May 11-14, and to Pope's Creek June 11-21. Moved from Point Lookout to Bermuda Hundred, Va., July 1-3. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond, Va., July 3, 1864, to April 2, 1865. Battle of Chaffin's Farm, New Market Heights, September 29-30. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. Dutch Gap November 17. Indiantown, Sandy Creek, N. C., December 18 (Detachment). Duty north of James River before Richmond till March 27, 1865. Appomattox Campaign March 27-April 9. Occupation of Richmond April 3. Duty in Dept. of Virginia till May. Moved to Texas May 24-June 6. Duty along the Rio Grande, Texas, and at various points in Texas till October, 1866. Mustered out October 28, 1866.

Predecessor unit:

Organized at Portsmouth, Va., October 28, 1863. Attached to Wild's African Brigade, U.S. Forces, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Dept. Virginia and North Carolina, to February, 1864. (A Detachment, with African Brigade, to Folly Island, S.C., 10th Army Corps, Dept. of the South, July 29-August 9, 1863, and in operations on Morris Island and Folly Island against Fort Sumpter and Charleston till December, 1863.) (A Detachment at New Berne, N.C., and participated in scout from Rocky Run toward Trenton, N.C., December 21-24, 1863.) Regiment on Expedition from Norfolk, Va., to South Mills, Camden, etc., N.C., December 5-24, 1863. Designation of Regiment changed to 36th United States Colored Troops February 8, 1864, which see.



37th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized February 3, 1864, from 3rd North Carolina Colored Infantry. Attached to U. S. Forces, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to April, 1864. 1st Brigade, Hincks' Colored Division, 18th Corps, Army of the James, to June, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps, to July, 1864. Unattached, Army of the James, to August, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, to December, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, to January, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, Terry's Provisional Corps, Dept. of North Carolina, to March, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps, Dept. of North Carolina, to August, 1865. Dept. of North Carolina, to February, 1867.



Duty at Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., till April, 1864. Expedition to Westmoreland County April 12-14. Butler's operations on south side of James River and against Petersburg and Richmond May 4-June 15. Capture of Fort Powhatan May 5. Duty there and at Wilson's Wharf till September 28. Moved to Deep Bottom September 28-29. Battle of Chaffin's Farm, New Market Heights, September 29-30. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. In trenches before Richmond till December 7. 1st Expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C., December 7-27. 2nd Expedition to Fort Fisher January 7-15, 1865. Bombardment of Fort Fisher January 13-15. Assault and capture of Fort Fisher January 15. Sugar Loaf Hill January 19. Federal Point February 11. Fort Anderson February 18-20. Capture of Wilmington February 22. Northeast Ferry February 22. Campaign of the Carolinas March 1-April 26. Advance on Kinston and Goldsboro March 6-21. Cox's Bridge March 23-24. Advance on Raleigh April 9-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty at various points in North Carolina and in the Dept. of the South till February, 1867. Mustered out February 11, 1867.

Predecessor unit:

Organized at Norfolk, Va., January 30, 1864. Attached to District of Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to February, 1864. (A Detachment transferred with African Brigade from Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina to Folly Island, S.C., 10th Army Corps, Dept. of the South, July 29-August 9, 1863, and engaged in operations on Folly and Morris Islands against Fort Sumpter and Charleston, S.C., till December, 1863. Designation of Regiment changed to 37th United States Colored Troops February 8, 1864, which see.



38th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Pvt William H. Barnes (Co. C)



Organized in Virginia January 23, 1864. Attached to U.S. Forces, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to June, 1864. Unattached, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to August, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, Army of the James, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, and Dept. of Texas, to January, 1867.



Duty at Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., till June, 1864. Operations against Petersburg and Richmond June, 1864, to April, 1865. Battle of Chaffin's Farm, New Market Heights, September 29-30. Deep Bottom October 1. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. Duty in trenches north of James River before Richmond till April, 1865. Occupation of Richmond April 3, 1865. Duty in the Dept. of Virginia till May. Moved to Texas May 24-June 6. Duty at Brownsville and at various points on the Rio Grande and at Brazos Santiago, Indianola and Galveston, Texas, till January, 1867. Mustered out January 25, 1867.

Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 42 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 192 Enlisted men by disease. Total 237.


Medal of Honor:

- Pvt William H. Barnes: Medal of Honor 6.4.1865 for Chapin's Farm, VA on 29.9.1864: Among the first to enter the enemy's works, although wounded (National Park Medal of Honor; Glatthaar: Forged in Battle, p. 275).



39th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Captain Andrew J. *Duncan (Co. A&K)



Organized at Baltimore, Md., March 22-31, 1864. Attached to 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac, to Septem­ber, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 9th Corps, to December, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, to December, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, January, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, Terry's Provisional Corps, Dept. of North Carolina, to March, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps. Dept. of North Carolina, to August, 1865. Dept. of North Carolina to December, 1865.



Campaign from the Rapidan to the James River, Va., May-June, 1864. Guard trains of the Army of the Potomac through the Wilder­ness and to Petersburg. Before Petersburg June 15-19. Siege of Petersburg and Richmond June 16-December 7. Mine Explosion, Pe­tersburg, July 30. Weldon Railroad August 18-21. Poplar Grove Church September 29-30 and October 1. Boydton Plank Road, Hat­cher's Run, October 27-28. On the Bermuda Hundred front till December. 1st Expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C., December 7-27. 2nd Expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C., January 7-15, 1865. Bombardment of Fort Fisher January 13-15. Assault and capture of Fort Fisher January 15. Sugar Loaf Hill January 19. Federal Point February 11. Fort Anderson February 18-20. Capture of Wilmington February 22. Northeast Ferry February 22. Campaign of the Carolinas March 1-April 26. Advance on Kinston and Goldsboro March 6-21. Cox's Bridge March 23-24. Advance on Raleigh April 9-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty at various points in the Dept. of North Carolina till December. Mustered out December 4, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 38 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 239 Enlisted men by disease. Total 280.



40th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Nashville, Tenn., February 29, 1864. Attached to Defences of Louisville Camp; Nashville Railroad, Dept. of the Cumberland, to June, 1864. Defenses Nashville Camp; Northwestern Railroad, Dept. of the Cumberland, to December, 1864. Defences of Louisville & Nashville Railroad, Dept. of the Cumberland, to April, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, District of East Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland, to July, 1865. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, Dist. East Tennessee, to August, 1865, Dept. of the Tennessee to April, 1866.



Railroad guard duty entire term, on Nashville & Louisville Railroad and Nashville Camp; Northwestern Railroad, and in District of East Tennessee. Action at South Tunnel, Tenn., October 10, 1864. Mustered out April 25, 1866.



41st Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Camp William Penn, Philadelphia, Pa., September 30 to December 7, 1864. Ordered to join Army of the James, in Virginia, October 18, 1864. Attached to 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps, to December, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, to January, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, January, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 25th Corps, and Dept. of Texas, to December, 1865.



Guard duty at Deep Bottom, Va., till October 20, 1864. Moved to Fort Burnham on line north of James River, before Richmond, October 27. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. In trenches before Richmond, and picket duty on Chaffin's Farm, till January 1, 1865. Near Fort Burnham till March 27. Moved to Hatcher's Run March 27-28. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Hatcher's Run March 29-31. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Moved to Petersburg April 11, and duty there till May 25. Embarked for Texas May 25, arriving at Brazos Santiago June 3. Moved to Edenburg and guard and provost duty there till November. Consolidated to a Battalion of four Companies September 30. Mustered out at Brownsville, Texas, November 10, 1865. Disbanded at Philadelphia, Pa., December 14, 1865.



42nd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Chattanooga, Tenn., and Nashville, Tenn., April 20, 1864. Attached to District of Chattanooga, Dept. of the Cumberland, to November, 1864. Unattached, District of the Etowah, Dept. of the Cumberland, to December, 1864. 1st Colored Brigade, District of the Etowah, to January, 1865. Unattached, District of the Etowah, to March, 1865. 1st Colored Brigade, Dept. of the Cumberland, to July, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, District of East Tennessee, July, 1865. Dept. of Georgia to January, 1866.



Guard and garrison duty at Chattanooga, Tenn., in District of East Tennessee, and in Dept. of the Cumperland, and Dept. of Georgia during entire term. Mustered out January 31, 1866.



43rd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Major Horace Bunting (Co. F&S)



Organized at Philadelphia, Pa., March 12 to June 3, 1864. Moved to Annapolis, Md., April 18. Attached to 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac, to September, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 9th Corps, to December, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, to January, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps and Dept. of Texas, to October, 1865.



Campaign from the Rapidan to the James River, Va., May-June, 1864. Guard trains of the Army of the Potomac through the Wilderness and to Petersburg. Before Petersburg June 15-19. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond June 16, 1864, to April 2, 1865. Mine Explosion, Petersburg, July 30, 1864. Weldon Railroad August 18-21. Poplar Grove Church September 29-30 and October 1. Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher's Run, October 27-28. On the Bermuda Hundred front and before Richmond till March, 1865. Moved to Hatcher's Run March 27-28. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Hatcher's Run March 29-31. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Duty at Petersburg and City Point till May 30. Moved to Texas May 30-June 10. Duty on the Rio Grande opposite Mattamoras, Mexico, till October. Mustered out October 20, 1865, and discharged at Philadelphia, Pa., November 30, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 48 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 188 Enlisted men by disease. Total 239.



- Papers of the 43rd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry (Boston Public Library)



44th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Captain J. Walter *Elliott (Co. B/F)



Organized at Chattanooga, Tenn., April 7, 1864. Attached to District of Chattanooga, Dept. of the Cumberland, to November, 1864. Unattached, District of the Etowah, Dept. of the Cumberland, to December, 1864. 1st Colored Brigade, District of the Etowah, Dept. of the Cumberland, to January, 1865. Unattached, District of the Etowah, to March, 1865. 1st Colored Brigade, Dept. of the Cumberland, to July, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, District of East Tennessee, July, 1865. Dept. of the Cumberland and Dept. of Georgia to April, 1866.



Post and garrison duty at Chattanooga, Tenn., till November, 1864. Action at Dalton, Ga., October 13, 1864. Battle of Nashville, Tenn., December 15-16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-28. Post and garrison duty at Chattanooga, Tenn., in District of East Tennessee, and in the Dept. of Georgia till April, 1866. Mustered out April 30, 1866.



45th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Philadelphia, Pa., June 13 to August 19, 1864. Moved to Washington, D. C. (4 Cos.), July, 1864. Attached to Provisional Brigade, Casey's Division, 22nd Corps, and garrison duty at Arlington Heights, Va., till March, 1865. Rejoined Regiment at Chaffin's Farm, Va., March 14, 1865.

Six Companies moved to City Point, Va., September 20, 1864. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps, Army of the James, to December, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 25th Corps, and Dept. of Texas, to November, 1865.



Demonstration on north side of the James River and battle of Chaffin's Farm, New Market Heights, September 28-30, 1864. Fort Harrison September 29. Darbytown Road October 13. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. In trenches before Richmond till March, 1865. Moved to Hatcher's Run March 27-28. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Hatcher's Run March 29-31. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Duty at Petersburg and City Point till May. Moved to Texas May and June. Duty at Edinburg on Mexican Frontier till September 8, and at Brownsville, Texas, till November. Mustered out November 4, 1865.



46th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized from 1st Arkansas Infantry, African Descent, May 11, 1864. Attached to Post of Milliken's Bend, La., District of Vicksburg, Miss., to November, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, U. S. Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., till January, 1865. 2nd Brigade, Post and Defences of Memphis, Tenn., District West Tennessee, to February, 1865. New Orleans, La., Dept. of the Gulf, to May, 1865. Dept. of Texas, to January, 1866.



Post and garrison duty at Milliken's Bend, La., and at Haines' Bluff, Miss., till January, 1865. Actions at Mound Plantation. Miss., June 24 and 29, 1864. Ordered to Memphis, Tenn., January, 1865, and garrison duty there till February, 1865. Ordered to New Orleans, La., February 23, and duty there till May 4. Ordered to Brazos Santiago, Texas, May 4. Duty at Clarksville and Brownsville on the Rio Grande, Texas, till January, 1866. Mustered out January 30, 1866.

Predecessor unit:


Organized in Arkansas at large May 1, 1863. Attached to Post of Goodrich Landing, District of Northeast Louisiana, Dept. Tennessee, to January, 1864. 1st Colored Brigade, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to May, 1864.



Moved to Lake Providence, La., May 8-10, 1863, thence to Goodrich Landing and Post duty there till January, 1864. Skirmish at Mound Plantation June 24, 1863. Lake Providence and Mound Plantation June 28. Action at Goodrich Landing June 29. Duty at Haines Bluff, District of Vicksburg, till May, 1864.

Designation of Regiment changed to 46th U. S. Colored Troops May 11, 1864, which see.



47th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Major Charles E. *Compton (Co. F&S)



Organized March 11, 1864, from 8th Louisiana Infantry, African Descent. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, U. S. Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to October, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 16th Corps, to November, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, U.S. Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, U. S. Colored Troops, Mi­litary Division West Mississippi, to June, 1865. Dept. of the Gulf to January, 1866.



Post and garrison duty at Vicksburg, Miss., till October, 1864. Expedition from Haines Bluff up Yazoo River April 19-23. Near Me­chanicsburg April 20. Lake Providence May 27. Moved to mouth of White River, Ark., October 15. Duty there and at Vicksburg, Miss., till February, 1865. Ordered to Algiers, La., February 26 thence to Barrancas, Fla. March from Pensacola, Fla., to Blakely, Ala., March 20-April 1. Siege of Fort Blakely April 1-9. Assault and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupation of Mobile April 12. March to Montgomery April 13-25. Return to Mobile and duty there till June. Moved to New Orleans, La., thence to Texas, and duty on the Rio Grande and at various points in Texas, till January, 1866. Mustered out January 5, 1866.

Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 30 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 398 Enlisted men by di­sease. Total 432.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at Lake Providence, La., May 5, 1863. Attached to African Brigade, District of Northeast Louisiana. to July, 1863. Post of Vicksburg, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to March, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Vicks­burg, March, 1864.



Duty at Lake Providence, La., till July, 1863. Post duty at Vicksburg, Miss., till March, 1864. Expedition up Yazoo River February 1-March 8, 1864. Liverpool Heights February 4. Capture of Yazoo City February 4. Satartia February 7. Occupation of Yazoo City February 9-March 6. Skirmish Yazoo City March 5. Designation of Regiment changed to 47th U. S. Colored Troops March 11, 1864, which see.



48th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized March 11, 1864, from 10th Louisiana Infantry (African Descent). Attached to 1st Colored Brigade, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to April, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to February, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, Military Division West Mississippi, to May, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of West Florida, to June, 1865. Dept. of the Gulf to January, 1866.



Garrison duty at Vicksburg, Miss., till February, 1865. Expedition from Vicksburg to Rodney and Fayette September 29-October 3, 1864. Ordered to Algiers, La., February 26, 1865; thence to Barrancas, Fla. March from Pensacola, Fla., to Blakely, Ala., March 20-April 1. Siege of Fort Blakely April 1-9. Assault and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupation of Mobile April 12. March to Montgomery April 13-25. Duty there and at Mobile till June. Moved to New Orleans, La., thence to Texas. Duty at various points on the Rio Grande till January, 1866. Mustered out January 4, 1866.

Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 59 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 464 Enlisted men by disease. Total 527.

Predecessor unit:

Organized at Lake Providence and Goodrich Landing, La., May 6 to August 8, 1863. Attached to Post of Goodrich Landing, La., District Northeast Louisiana, to January, 1864. 1st Brigade, U. S. Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to March, 1864.



Duty at Lake Providence and Goodrich Landing, La., till January, 1864. Tensas Bayou May 9 and August 10, 1863. Duty at Vicksburg, Miss., till March, 1864. Designation of Regiment changed to 48th U. S. Colored Troops March 11, 1864, which see.



49th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized March 11, 1864, from 11th Louisiana Infantry (African Descent). Attached to 1st Colored Brigade, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to April, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., April, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to October, 1864. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 16th Corps, to November, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to June, 1865. Dept. of Mississippi to March, 1866.



Post and garrison duty at Vicksburg, Miss., and at various points in the Dept. of Mississippi entire term. Mustered out March 27, 1866.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at Milliken's Bend, La., May 23 to August 22, 1863. Attached to African Brigade, District of Northeast Louisiana, to July, 1863. Post Goodrich Landing, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to January, 1864. 1st Brigade, U. S. Colored Troops, District Vicksburg, to March, 1864.



Duty at Milliken's Bend till January, 1864. Action at Milliken's Bend June 7. Post duty at Vicksburg, Miss., January to March, 1864. Expedition to Waterproof January 29-February 23. Waterproof February 14-15. Designation of Regiment changed to 49th U. S. Colored Troops March 11, 1864, which see.



50th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized March 11, 1864, from 12th Louisiana Infantry (African Descent). Attached to 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to October, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 16th Corps, to November, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, Military Division West Mississippi, to June, 1865. Dept. of the Gulf to March, 1866.



Post and garrison duty at Vicksburg, Miss., till February, 1865. Expedition from Haines Bluff to Yazoo River April 19-23, 1864. Near Mechanicsburg April 20. Expedition from Vicksburg to Rodney and Fayette September 29-October 3. Ordered to Algiers, La., February 26, thence to Barrancas, Fla. March from Pensacola, Fla., to Blakely, Ala., March 20-April 1. Siege of Fort Blakely April 1-9. Assault and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupation of Mobile April 12. March to Montgomery April 13-25. Duty there and at Mobile till June. Moved to New Orleans, La. At Greenville June 16. Duty at various points in Dept. of the Gulf till March, 1866. Mustered out March 20, 1866.



51st Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Lt Harvey *Annis (Co. G&K; zuvor Pvt Co. F&K, 18th Regiment Wisconsin Infantry)



Organized March 11, 1864, from 1st Mississippi Infantry (African Descent.) Attached to Post of Goodrich Landing, District of Vicks­burg, Miss., to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Steele's Command, Military District of West Mississippi, to June, 1865. Dept. of the Gulf to June, 1866.



At Lake Providence till May, 1864. Post and garrison duty at Goodrich Landing, La., till December, 1864. Action at Langley's Plantation, Issaqueena County, March 22, 1864. Flod, La., July 2. Waterford August 16-17. Duty at Vicksburg, Miss., till February, 1865. Moved to Algiers, La., February 26; thence to Barrancas, Fla. March from Pensacola, Fla., to Blakely, Ala., March 20-April 1. Siege of Fort Blakely April 1-9. Assault and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupation of Mobile April 12. March to Montgomery April 13-25. Duty there and at Mobile till June. Ordered to New Orleans, thence to Texas. Duty on the Rio Grande and at various points in Texas till June, 1866. Mustered out June 16. 1866.

Predecessor unit:



Organized at Milliken's Bend, La., and Vicksburg, Miss., May 16, 1863. Attached to African Brigade, District of Northeast Louisiana, to July, 1863. Post of Vicksburg, District of Vicksburg, Miss., till March, 1864.



Duty at Milliken's Bend, La., till July 1863. Action at Milliken's Bend June 7, 1863. At Vicksburg, Miss., till March, 1864. Action at Ross' Landing, Grand Lake, February 14, 1864. Designation of Regiment changed to 51st U.S. Colored Troops March 11, 1864, (which see).



52nd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized March 11, 1864, from 2nd Mississippi Infantry (African Descent). Attached to 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to October, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 16th Corps, to November, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to February, 1865. Maltby's Brigade, District of Vicksburg, Miss., and Dept. of Mississippi, to May, 1866.



Post and garrison duty at Vicksburg, Miss., till June, 1865. Action at Coleman's Plantation, Port Gibson, July 4, 1864. Bayou Liddell October 15. Duty at various points in the Depts. of Mississippi and the Gulf till May, 1866. Mustered out May 5, 1866.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at Vicksburg, Miss., July 27, 1863. Attached to post of Vicksburg, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to March, 1864.



Post and garrison duty at Vicksburg, Miss., till March, 1864. Expedition to Trinity November 15-16, 1863 (Detachment). Designation of Regiment changed to 52nd U.S. Colored Troops March 11, 1864, (which see).



53rd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. LtCol Charles E. *Compton (Co. F&S)



Organized March 11, 1864, from 3rd Mississippi Infantry (African Descent). Attached to 1st Brigade, 1st Division, United States Co­lored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to October, 1864. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 16th Corps, to November, 1864. Dept. of Ar­kansas to February, 1865. District of Vicksburg, Miss., and Dept. of Mississippi to March, 1866.



Post and garrison duty at Haines Bluff, District of Vicksburg, Miss., till October, 1864. Expedition to Grand Gulf March 12-14. Ac­tion at Grand Gulf July 16. Moved to St. Charles, Ark., on White River October, 1864, and duty there till February, 1865. Action on White River, near St. Charles, October 22, 1864. Moved to Vicksburg, Miss., February, 1865, and duty there; at Macon, Meridian and other points in the Dept. of Mississippi till March, 1866. Mustered out March 8, 1866.

Predecessor unit:



Organized at Warrenton, Miss., May 19, 1863. Attached to African Brigade, District of Northeast Louisiana, to July, 1863. Post Good­rich Landing, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to January, 1864. 1st Brigade, U.S. Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to March, 1864.



Duty at Milliken's Bend and Goodrich Landing till March, 1864. Haines' Bluff February 3, 1864. Designation of Regiment changed to 53rd U.S. Colored Troops, March 11, 1864 (which see).



54th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. 2nd Lt / Major Minos *Miller



Organized March 11, 1864, from 2nd Arkansas Infantry (African Descent). Attached to 2nd Brigade, Frontier Division, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 7th Corps, to August, 1865. Dept. of Arkansas to December, 1866.



Duty at Helena, Ark., till May, 1864. Ordered to Fort Smith, Ark., and duty there till January, 1865. Actions at Fort Gibson September 16, 1864. Cabin Creek September 19. Cow Creek, Kansas, November 14 and 28. Ordered to Little Rock January, 1865. Action on Arkansas River January 18. Duty at Little Rock and at various points in Dept. of Arkansas till December, 1866. Mustered out August 8 to December 31, 1866.

Predecessor unit:


Organized in Arkansas at large September 4, 1863. Attached to District Eastern Arkansas, Dept. Arkansas, to January 1864. District Eastern Arkansas, 7th Army Corps, Dept. Arkansas, January, 1864. Post of Little Rock, Ark., 7th Corps, to March, 1864.



Post and Garrison duty at Helena, Ark., till January, 1864. Repulse of Holmes' attack on Helena July 4, 1863 (before muster in). Ordered to Little Rock, Ark., January, 1864, and Post duty there till March.

Designation of Regiment changed to 54th U.S. Colored Troops March 11, 1864



55th Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry (Colored):



Organized at Readville and mustered in June 22, 1863. Left State for Newberne, N. C., July 21, 1863, arriving there July 25, thence moved to Folly Island, S. C., July 30-August 3. Attached to Wild's African Brigade, Vodge's Division, North End, Folly Island, S. C., 10th Army Corps, Dept. of the South, to October, 1863. 3rd Brigade, Vodge's Division, Folly Island, 10th Army Corps, to February, 1864. 3rd Brigade, Ames' Division, District of Florida, to April, 1864. Folly and Morris Islands, S. C., Northern District, Dept. of the South, to November, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Coast Division, Dept. South, to January, 1865. 1st Separate Brigade, Dept. of the South, to March, 1865. 1st Separate Brigade, District of Charleston, Dept. South, to June, 1865. District of Charleston, S. C., Dept. South Carolina, to August, 1865.



Fatigue duty on north end of Folly Island, S. C., and in trenches on Morris Island August 9 to September 5, 1863. Fatigue duty on Forts Wagner and Gregg, Morris Island, S. C., and operations against Fort Sumpter and Charleston September 17-October 28. Camp on Folly Island till February, 1864. Expedition to John's Island February (Co. "F"). Moved to Jacksonville, Fla., February 13-16, and Provost duty there till March 11. Advance to Baldwin February 19-20. (Co. "F" detached as garrison at Fort Fribley, Jacksonville, February to April.) Companies "B" and "I" at Yellow Bluff February 28 to April 17. Regiment ordered to Palatka, Fla., March 11, and duty there till April 17. Moved to Folly Island, S. C., April 17-18. Duty there till November 27. Demonstration on James Island May 21-22. Expedition to James Island June 30-July 10. Action on James Island July 2. Moved to Hilton Head, S. C., November 27-28. (Co. "G" detached at Battery on Long Island, and Co. "H" at Fort Delafield, Stono Inlet, till February 12, 1865.) Hatch's Expedition up Broad River to Boyd's Neck November 29-30. Battle of Honey Hill November 30. Demonstration on Charleston Camp; Savannah Railroad December 6-9. Deveaux's Neck December 6. At Boyd's Landing till January 11, 1865. Moved to Hilton Head, thence to Fort Thunderbolt, near Savannah, Ga., January 11-13. Duty at Forts Jackson, Bartow and Battery Lee till February 1. Moved to Hilton Head, S. C., thence to Beaufort, S. C., February 1. Expedition up South Edisto River February 1-6. Moved to Stono Inlet February 6. Expedition to James Island February 9-10. Expedition to Bull's Bay February 11-15. Moved to Mount Pleasant February 19-20. Expedition to Santee River February 21-March 10. Duty at and near Charleston till May 7. Expedition to Eutaw Springs April 6-12. Moved to Sumpterville May 7-8, thence to Orangeburg May 19, and Provost duty there till August. Mustered out August 29, 1865. Discharged at Boston, Mass., September 23, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 64 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 128 Enlisted men by disease. Total 197.



56th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized March 11, 1864, from 3rd Arkansas Infantry (African Descent). Attached to District of Eastern Arkansas, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to August, 1865. Dept. of Arkansas to September, 1866.



Post and garrison duty at Helena, Ark., till February, 1865. Action at Indian Bay April 13, 1864. Muffleton Lodge June 29. Operations in Arkansas July 1-31. Wallace's Ferry, Big Creek, July 26. Expedition from Helena up White River August 29-September 3. Expedition from Helena to Friar's Point, Miss., February 19-22, 1865. Duty at Helena and other points in Arkansas till September, 1866. Mustered out September 15, 1866.

Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 21 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 647 Enlisted men by disease. Total 674.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at St. Louis, Mo., August 12, 1863. Attached to District of Eastern Arkansas, Dept. Arkansas, to January, 1864. Little Rock, Ark., 7th Army Corps, Dept. Ark., to March, 1864.



Ordered to Helena, Ark., and Post duty there and at Little Rock till March, 1864. Expedition from Helena up White River February 4-8, 1864, and up St. Francis River February 13-14.

Designation of Regiment changed to 56th U.S. Colored Troops March 11, 1864,



57th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized March 11, 1864, from 4th Arkansas Infantry (African Descent). Attached to District of Eastern Arkansas, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to May, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 7th Corps, to January, 1865. Colored Brigade, 7th Corps, to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 7th Corps, to August, 1865. Dept. of Arkansas to December, 1866.



Garrison duty at Helena and Little Rock, Ark., till August, 1864. (A detachment on Steele's Camden Expedition March 23-May 3, 1864, as bridge train guard.) Skirmish near Little Rock April 26, 1864. Operations against Shelby north of Arkansas River May 13-31. Skirmishes near Little Rock May 24 and 28. March to Brownsville, Ark., August 23, and to Duvall's Bluff August 29. Duty there and at Little Rock till June, 1865; then at various points in the Dept. of Arkansas guarding property and on post duty till December, 1866. Companies "A" and "D" mustered out October 18-19, 1866. Regiment mustered out December 31, 1866.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at Devall's Bluff, Little Rock and Helena, Ark., December 2, 1863. Attached to District of Eastern Arkansas, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to March, 1864, and on duty at Helena.

Designation of Regiment changed to 57th U.S. Colored Troops March 11, 1864



58th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized March 11, 1864, from 6th Mississippi Infantry (African Descent). Attached to Post of Natchez, Miss., District of Vicksburg, Miss., to April, 1866.



Post and garrison duty at Natchez and in the Dept. of Mississippi entire term. Expedition from Natchez to Gillespie's Plantation, La., August 4-6, 1864. Mustered out April 30, 1866.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at Natchez, Miss., August 27, 1863. Attached to Post of Natchez, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to January, 1864. Post of Vicksburg, Miss., to March, 1864.



Post duty at Natchez and Vicksburg, Miss., till March, 1864. Skirmish near Natchez November 11, 1863 (Detachment). Designation of Regiment changed to 58th U.S. Colored Troops March 11, 1864, (which see).



59th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Col Edward *Bouton



Organized March 11, 1864, from 1st Tennessee Infantry (African Descent). Attached to 1st Colored Brigade, District of Memphis, Tenn., Dept. of Tennessee, to June, 1864. 3rd Brigade, Infantry Division, Sturgis' Expedition, to June, 1864. 1st Colored Brigade, District of Memphis, District of West Tennessee, to February, 1865. Fort Pickering, Defences of Memphis, Tenn., District of West Tennessee, to July, 1865. 2nd Brigade, District of West Tennessee, to September, 1865. Dept. of Tennessee to January, 1866.



Post and garrison duty at Memphis, Tenn., till June, 1864. Sturgis' Expedition from Memphis into Mississippi June 1-13. Battle of Brice's Cross Roads, Guntown, June 10. Ripley June 11. Davis Mill June 12. Smith's Expedition to Tupelo, Miss., July 5-21. Near Ripley July 7. Pontotoc July 11-12. Camargo's Cross Roads, Harrisburg, July 13. Tupelo July 14-15. Old Town Creek July 15. Post and garrison duty at Memphis, Tenn., and in District of West Tennessee till January, 1866. Repulse of Forest's attack on Memphis August 21, 1864. Mustered out January 31, 1866.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at LaGrange June 6, 1863. Mustered in June 27, 1863. Attached to District of Corinth, 2nd Division, 16th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee, to November, 1863. Post of Corinth, 2nd Division, 16th Army Corps, to January, 1864. 1st Colored Brigade, District of Memphis, Tenn., 5th Division, 16th Army Corps, to March, 1864.



Post duty at LaGrange, Tenn., till September, 1863. Moved to Corinth, Miss., and post and garrison duty there till January, 1864. Moved to Memphis, Tenn., and post and garrison duty there till March.


Designation changed to 59th United States Colored Troops March 11, 1865.



- Bouton, Edward (Gen.): Events of the Civil War (Los Angeles, 1906)



60th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized March 11, 1864, from 1st Iowa Colored Infantry. Attached to District of Eastern Arkansas, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to April, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 7th Corps, to August, 1865. Dept. of Arkansas to October, 1865.



Post and garrison duty at Helena, Ark., till April, 1865. Expedition from Helena to Big Creek July 25, 1864. Action at Wallace's Ferry, Big Creek, July 26. Expedition to Kent's Landing August 11-13. Expedition up White River August 29-September 3 (Cos. "C" and "F"). Scout to Alligator Bayou September 9-14 (Detachment). Scouts to Alligator Bayou September 22-28 and October 1-4. Expedition to Harbert's Plantation, Miss., January 11-16, 1865 (Co. "C"). Moved to Little Rock April 8, 1865, and duty there till August 20. Moved to Duvall's Bluff, thence to Jacksonport, Ark. Duty there and at various points in Sub-District of White River, in White, Augusta, Franklin and Fulton Counties, Powhatan on Black River and at Batesville till September. Mustered out at Duvall's Bluff October 15, 1865. Discharged November 2, 1865



61st Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized March 11, 1864, from 2nd Tennessee Infantry (African Descent). Attached to District of Memphis, Tenn., 16th Corps. Dept. of Tennessee, to June, 1864. 1st Colored Brigade, Memphis, Tenn., District of West Tennessee, to February, 1865. 1st Brigade, United States Colored Troops, District of Morganza, Dept. of the Gulf, to April, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of West Florida, to June, 1865. Dept. of Alabama to December, 1865.



Post and garrison duty at Memphis, Tenn., till July, 1864. Smith's Expedition to Tupelo, Miss., July 5-21. Camargo's Cross Roads July 13. Tupelo July 14-15. Old Town Creek July 15. Smith's Expedition to Oxford, Miss., August 1-30. Repulse of Forest's attack on Memphis, Tenn., August 21. Near Memphis August 24. Eastport October 10. Moscow Station December 2-3. Duty at Memphis till February, 1865. Ordered to New Orleans, La., February 23; thence to Morganza, La. Ordered to Barrancas, Fla., March 17. Ordered to Blakely, Ala., April 15. Duty there and in the District of Alabama till December. Mustered out December 30, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 37 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 316 Enlisted men by disease. Total 356.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at LaGrange, Tenn., June 30, 1863. Attached to 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 16th Army Corps, Dept. of the Tennessee, to November, 1863. Post of Corinth, 2nd Division, 16th Army Corps, to January, 1864. 1st Colored Brigade, District of Memphis, 16th Army Corps, to March, 1864.



Post and garrison duty at LaGrange and Moscow, Tenn., till January, 1864. Skirmish at Moscow December 3, 1863 (Detachment). Wolf Bridge, near Moscow, December 3-4. Ordered to Memphis, Tenn., January, 1864, and post and garrison duty there till March, 1864.


Designation of Regiment changed to 61st United States Colored Troops March 11, 1864 (which see).



62nd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Lt Andrew Campbell *McMaken (Co C)



Organized March 11, 1864, from 1st Missouri Colored Infantry. Attached to District of St. Louis, Dept. of Missouri, to March, 1864. District of Baton Rouge, La., Dept. of the Gulf, to June, 1864. Provisional Brigade, District of Morganza, Dept. of the Gulf, to September, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Morganza, Dept. of the Gulf, to September, 1864. Port Hudson, La., Dept. of the Gulf, to September, 1864. Brazos Santiago, Texas, to October, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, United States Colored Troops, Dept. of the Gulf, to December, 1864. Brazos Santiago, Texas, to June, 1865. Dept. of Texas to March, 1866.



Ordered to Baton Rouge, La., March 23, 1864, and duty there till June. Ordered to Morganza, La., and duty there till September. Expedition from Morganza to Bayou Sara September 6-7. Ordered to Brazos Santiago, Texas, September, and duty there till May, 1865. Expedition from Brazos Santiago May 11-14. Action at Palmetto Ranch May 12-13, 1865. White's Ranch May 13. Last action of the war. Duty at various points in Texas till March, 1866. Ordered to St. Louis via New Orleans, La. Mustered out March 31, 1866.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at Benton Barracks, Mo., December 7-14, 1863. Attached to District of St. Louis, Mo., to January, 1864. Ordered to Port Hudson, La. Designation changed to 62nd Regiment United States Colored Troops March 11, 1864 (which see).



63rd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized March 11, 1864, from 9th Louisiana Infantry (African Descent). Attached to Post of Natchez, Miss., District of Vicksburg, Miss., to February, 1865. Sub-District of Vidalia, District of Natchez, Miss., Dept. of Mississippi, to January, 1866.



-Post and garrison duty at Natchez, Miss., till February, 1865. Skirmish at Waterproof, La., April 20, 1864. Ashwood, Miss., June 25. Camp Marengo September 4. Bullitt's Bayou September 14 (Cos. "B" and "G"). Post and garrison at Vidalia and Bullitt's Bayou till January, 1866. (A Detachment at Helena, Ark., District of Eastern Arkansas, Dept. of Arkansas, to February, 1865. Cos. "B" and "K" at Memphis, Tenn., February, 1865.) Mustered out January 9, 1866.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at Vicksburg, Miss., May 1, 1863. Attached to African Brigade, District of Northeast Louisiana, May to July, 1863. Post of Vicksburg, Miss., to September, 1863.



Duty at Milliken's Bend, La., till July, 1863. Action at Milliken's Bend and Young's Point, La., June 6-7. Battle at Milliken's Bend June 25. Duty at Vicksburg, Miss., till September.


Designation of Regiment changed to 1st Mississippi Heavy Artillery, African Descent, September 26, 1863.

Re-organized at Vicksburg, Miss., and Memphis, Tenn., August 7, 1863, to January 17, 1864. Attached to Post of Natchez, Miss., to March, 1864. (A detachment at Memphis, Tenn., attached to 5th Division, 16th Army Corps.) Designation of Regiment changed to 63rd U.S. Colored Troops March 11, 1864, which see.



64th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized March 11, 1864, from 7th Louisiana Infantry (African Descent). Attached to 1st Division, Unassigned, United States Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to May, 1864. District of Natchez, Miss., District of Vicksburg, Miss., to September, 1864. Davis' Bend, Miss., District of Vicksburg, Miss., to December, 1864. Unattached, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to February, 1865. Post of Vicksburg and Dept. of Mississippi, to March, 1866.



-Post and garrison duty at Vicksburg, Miss., till May, 1864. Actions at Ashwood Landing, La., May 1 and 4. Post and garrison duty at Davis' Bend and Natchez, Miss., till February, 1865. Action at Davis' Bend June 2, 1864. Point Pleasant June 25. Davis' Bend June 29. (Pine Bluff, Ark., July 2, 1864. Helena, Ark., August 2, 1864, as a Detachment.) Duty at Vicksburg, Miss., till April, 1865. At Davis' Bend and in the Dept. of Mississippi till March, 1866. Mustered out March 13, 1866.

Predecessor unit:

Organized at Memphis, Tenn., Holly Springs, Miss., and Island No. 10, Mo., December 1, 1863. Attached to District of Vicksburg, Miss., to March, 1864. Unattached, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., March, 1864.



Post Duty at Vicksburg, Miss., till March, 1864. (A Detachment near Memphis, Tenn.) Skirmish at Vidalia, La., February 7, 1864. Designation of Regiment changed to 64th U.S. Colored Troops March 11, 1864, which see.



65th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. 1stLt/Adjutant William P. *Allen (Co. F&S, B);



Organized March 11, 1864, from 2nd Missouri Colored Infantry. Attached to Dept. of Missouri to June, 1864. Provisional Brigade, District of Morganza, La., Dept. of the Gulf, to September, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Morganza, Dept. of the Gulf, to February, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Morganza, La., Dept. of the Gulf, to May, 1865. Northern District of Louisiana and Dept. of the Gulf to January, 1867.



-Garrison duty at Morganza, La., till May, 1865. Ordered to Port Hudson, La. Garrison duty there and at Baton Rouge and in Northern District of Louisiana till January, 1867. Mustered out January 8, 1867.

Regiment lost during service 6 Officers and 749 Enlisted men by disease.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at Benton Barracks December 18, 1863, to January 16, 1864. Duty there till March, 1864. Designation changed to 65th Regiment United States Colored Troops March 11, 1864.



- Allen, William P.: „Three Frontier Battles.“ Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Minnesota Commandery, 4 (1898), p. 478-93.



66th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized March 11, 1864, from 4th Mississippi Infantry (African Descent). Attached to Post of Goodrich Landing, District of Vicksburg, Miss., Depts. of the Tennessee and Mississippi, to February, 1865. Little Rock, Ark., Unattached, 2nd Division, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to February, 1865. Unattached, District of Vicksburg, Miss., and Dept. of Mississippi, to March, 1866.



Post and garrison duty at Goodrich Landing and at Lake Providence, La., till February, 1865. Actions at Issaqueena County March 22, 1864. Goodrich Landing March 24. Bayou Mason July 2. Issaqueena County July 10. Goodrich Landing July 16. Bayou Tensas July 30. Issaqueena County August 17. Bayou Tensas August 26. Post and garrison duty at Little Rock, Ark., till March, 1865, and at Vicksburg, Miss., and in the Dept. of Mississippi till March, 1866. Mustered out March 20, 1866.

Predecessor unit:

Organized at Vicksburg, Miss., December 11, 1863. Attached to post and District of Vicksburg, Miss., to March, 1864. Post Goodrich Landing, District of Vicksburg March, 1864.



Post duty at Vicksburg and at Goodrich Landing, till March, 1864. Skirmish at Columbia February 4, 1864. Designation of Regiment changed to 66th U.S. Colored Troops March 11, 1864 (which see).



67th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. 2ndLt William P. *Allen (Co. I)



Organized March 11, 1864, from 3rd Missouri Colored Infantry. Attached to Dept. of Missouri to March, 1864. District of Port Hudson, La., Dept. of the Gulf, to June, 1864. Provisional Brigade, District of Morganza, Dept. of the Gulf, to September, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Morganza, Dept. of the Gulf, to February, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Morganza, Dept. of the Gulf, to May, 1865. Northern District of Louisiana, Dept. of the Gulf, to July, 1865.



Moved from Benton Barracks, Mo., to Port Hudson, La. arriving March 19, 1864, and duty there till June. Moved to Morganza, La., and duty there till June, 1865. Action at Mt. Pleasant Landing, La., May 15, 1864 (Detachment). Expedition from Morganza to Bayou Sara September 6-7, 1864. Moved to Port Hudson June 1, 1865. Consolidated with 65th Regiment, United States Colored Troops, July 12, 1865.

Predecessor unit:

Organized at Benton Barracks, Mo. Designation changed to 67th United States Colored Troops March 11, 1864 (which see).



68th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized March 11, 1864, from 4th Missouri Colored Infantry. Attached to District of Memphis, Tenn., 16th Corps, Dept. of the Tennessee, to June, 1864. 1st Colored Brigade, Memphis, Tenn., District of West Tennessee, to December, 1864. Fort Pickering, Defences of Memphis, Tenn., District of West Tennessee, to February, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, Military Division West Mississippi, to May, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of West Florida, to June, 1865. Dept. of Texas to February, 1866.



-At St. Louis, Mo., till April 27, 1864. Ordered to Memphis, Tenn., and duty in the Defences of that city till February, 1865. Smith's Expedition to Tupelo, Miss., July 5-21, 1864. Camargo's Cross Roads, near Harrisburg, July 13. Tupelo July 14-15. Old Town Creek July 15. At Fort Pickering, Defences of Memphis, Tenn., till February, 1865. Ordered to New Orleans, La., thence to Barrancas, Fla. March from Pensacola, Fla., to Blakely, Ala., March 20-April 1. Siege of Fort Blakely April 1-9. Assault and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupation of Mobile April 12. March to Montgomery April 13-25. Duty there and at Mobile till June. Moved to New Orleans, La., thence to Texas. Duty on the Rio Grande and at various points in Texas till February, 1866. Mustered out February 5, 1866.

Predecessor unit:
Organized at Benton Barracks, Mo. Designation changed to 68th United States Colored Troops March 11, 1864



69th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Pine Bluff, Duvall's Bluff and Helena, Ark., and Memphis, Tenn., December 14, 1864, to March 17, 1865. On duty at these points in Dept. of Arkansas and District of West Tennessee till September, 1865. Discontinued September 20, 1865.



70th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Natchez, Miss., April 23 to October 1, 1864. Attached to District of Natchez, Miss., District of Vicksburg, Miss., Depts. of the Tennessee and Mississippi, till March, 1867.



Post and garrison duty at Natchez, Miss., till April, 1865, and at Rodney and other points in the Dept. of Mississippi till March, 1866. Mustered out March 7, 1866



71st Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Black River Bridge and Natchez, Miss., and Alexandria, La., March 3 to August 13, 1864. Attached to District of Natchez, Miss., District of Vicksburg, Miss.



Post and garrison duty at Natchez, Miss., till November, 1864. Expedition from Natchez to Buck's Ferry and skirmishes September 19-22. Consolidated with 70th Regiment United States Colored Troops November 8, 1864.



72nd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Covington, Ky., April 18, 1865. Discontinued May 3, 1865.


73rd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized April 4, 1864, from 1st Corps de Afrique Infantry. Attached to 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Corps de Afrique, Dept. of the Gulf, to March, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of West Florida, to May, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of West Florida, to June, 1865. Dept. of the Gulf to September, 1865.



-Duty at Port Hudson, La., till March, 1864. Red River Campaign March 10-May 22. Advance from Franklin to Alexandria March 14-26. Retreat from Alexandria to Morganza May 13-20. Mansura May 16. Near Moreauville and Yellow Bayou May 17. Yellow Bayou May 18. Near Morganza May 24. Duty at Port Hudson till July, and at Morganza till February, 1865. Moved to Algiers, La., February 26; thence to Barrancas, Fla. March from Pensacola, Fla., to Blakely, Ala., March 20-April 1. Siege of Fort Blakely April 1-9. Assault and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupation of Mobile April 12. March to Montgomery April 13-25. Detached as guard to transports April 28, and return to Mobile. Duty there till June. Moved to New Orleans, La., June 10; thence to Greenville, La. Duty there and in Dept. of the Gulf till September. Consolidated with 96th United States Colored Troops September 27, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 42 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 173 Enlisted men by disease. Total 220.

Predecessor unit:

Organized June 6, 1863, from 1st Louisiana Native Guard Infantry. Attached to Defences of New Orleans, La., to July, 1863. Port Hudson, La., to December, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Corps de Afrique, Dept. of the Gulf, to April, 1864.



Assault on Port Hudson June 14, 1863. Surrender of Port Hudson July 9. Duty at Port Hudson, La., till April, 1864. Skirmish at Jack­son August 3, 1863, and at Tunica Bayou November 8. Designation of Regiment changed to 73rd United States Colored Troops April 4, 1864.



74th Regiment United States Colored Infantry:

s. Captain Pinckney Pinchback (Co. A)



Organized April 4, 1864, from 2nd Corps de Afrique Infantry. Attached to Defences of New Orleans, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, United States Colored Troops, Dept. of the Gulf, to November, 1864. Defences of New Orleans, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1864. Garrison duty at Ship Island, Miss., entire term. Expedition from Fort Pike to Pearl River September 9-12, 1864. Expedition from Fort Pike to Bayou Bonforica January 31-February 1, 1865 (Detachment). Expedition from Fort Pike to Bayou St. Louis March 28-30 (Detachment). Mustered out October 11, 1865.

Predecessor unit:


Organized June 6, 1863, from 2nd Louisiana Native Guard Infantry. Attached to the Defences of New Orleans, Dept. of the Gulf, to September, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Corps de Afrique, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1863. Defences of New Orleans to April, 1864. On garrison duty at Ship Island, Miss., June, 1863, to April, 1864. Designation of Regiment changed to 74th United States Colored Troops April 4, 1864 (which see).



75th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized April 4, 1864, from 3rd Corps de Afrique Infantry. Attached to 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Corps de Afrique, Dept. of the Gulf, to February, 1865. District of LaFourche, Dept. of the Gulf, to November, 1865.



Red River Campaign March 10-May 22, 1864. Advance from Franklin to Alexandria, La., March 14-26. Retreat from Alexandria to Morganza May 13-20. Mansura May 16. Near Moreauville May 17. Yellow Bayou May 18. Duty at Morganza till February, 1865. Ordered to Terre Bonne February 26. Duty there and in the District of LaFourche till November, 1865. Expedition to Lake Verret, Grand Lake and the Park April 2-10, 1865. Operations about Brashear City April 30-May 12. Mustered out November 25, 1865.

Predecessor unit:


Organized June 6, 1863, from 3rd Louisiana Native Guard Infantry. Attached to 1st Division, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to July, 1863. Port Hudson, La., to September, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Corps de Afrique, Dept. of the Gulf, to April, 1864.



Assault on Port Hudson, La., June 14, 1863. Surrender of Port Hudson July 9. Duty at Port Hudson till April, 1864. Skirmish at Jackson August 3, 1863. Designation of Regiment changed to 75th United States Colored Troops April 4, 1864.



76th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized April 4, 1864, from 4th Corps de Afrique Infantry. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Corps de Afrique, Dept. of the Gulf, to July, 1864. Post of Port Hudson, La., Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, United States Colored Troops, Dept. of the Gulf, to February, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of West Florida, to May, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of West Florida, Dept. of the Gulf, to June, 1865. Dept. of the Gulf to December, 1865.



-Garrison duty at Port Hudson, La., till February, 1865. Ordered to Algiers, La., February 21; thence to Barrancas, Fla. March from Pensacola, Fla., to Blakely, Ala., March 20-April 1. Siege of Fort Blakely April 1-9. Assault and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupation of Mobile April 12. March to Montgomery April 13-25. Duty there and at various points in Alabama to June, 1865. Ordered to New Orleans, La., thence to Texas, and duty on the Rio Grande till December. Mustered out December 31, 1865.

Predecessor units:


Organized June 6, 1863, from 4th Louisiana Native Guard Infantry. Attached to 1st Division, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to July, 1863. Defences of New Orleans to September, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Corps de Afrique, Dept. of the Gulf, to April, 1864.



Assault on Port Hudson June 14, 1863. Surrender of Port Hudson July 9. Garrison duty at Forts St. Phillip and Jackson, Mississippi River, August 7, 1863, to February 20, 1864. Moved to Port Hudson, La., February 20-22, and duty there till April. Designation of Regiment changed to 76th United States Colored Troops April 4, 1864.


Organized at New Orleans, La., February 10, 1863. Attached to 1st Division, 19th Army Corps, Dept. Gulf, to June, 1863.



Duty in the Defences of New Orleans, La., till March, 1863, and at Baton Rouge, La., till May. Siege of Port Hudson May 24-July 9. Assaults on Port Hudson May 27 and June 14. Designation of Regiment changed to 4th Regiment, Corps de Afrique, June 6, 1863.



79th US Colored Infantry Regiment:

s. Col Henry Goddard *Thomas (20.5.1863-15.1.1864)



81st Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. LtCol Isaac S. *Bangs (Co. F&S)



Organized April 4, 1864, from 9th Corps de Afrique Infantry. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Corps de Afrique, Dept. of the Gulf, to July, 1864. Consolidated with 88th and 89th United States Colored Troops July 6, 1864, to form new 77th United States Colored Troops. Reorganized July, 1864, by consolidation of 87th and 95th United States Colored Troops. Attached to Engineer Brigade, Dept. of the Gulf, to September, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, United States Colored Troops, Dept. of the Gulf, to February, 1865. Garrison of Port Hudson, La., Dept. of the Gulf, to July, 1865. Dept. of the Gulf to January, 1866.



Post and garrison duty at Port Hudson, La., and in the Dept. of the Gulf entire term. Mustered out January 30, 1866.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at Port Hudson, La., September 2, 1863. Attached to Ullman's Brigade, Corps de Afrique, Dept. of the Gulf to December, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Corps de Afrique, to March, 1864. Garrison, Port Hudson, to April, 1864.



Garrison duty at Port Hudson, La., till April, 1864. Designation of Regiment changed to 81st United States Colored Troops April 4, 1864.



96th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. Lt Azel *Ames (Co. A),



Organized April 4, 1864, from 2nd Corps de Afrique Engineers. Attached to a Provisional Brigade, 13th Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to June, 1864. Engineer Brigade, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1864. United States Forces, Mobile Bay, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, United States Colored Troops, Dept. of the Gulf, to November, 1864. United States Forces, Mobile Bay, Dept. of the Gulf, to December, 1864. District of Southern Alabama, Dept. of the Gulf, to March, 1865. Engineer Brigade, 13th Corps, Military Division West Mississippi, to June, 1865. Unassigned, Dept. of the Gulf, to January, 1866.



Garrison at Fort Esperanza and engineer duty on Matagorda Peninsula, Texas, till May, 1864. Ordered to New Orleans, La., May 27; thence to Port Hudson, La., and duty there till July 27. Moved to New Orleans, thence to Mobile Bay, Ala. Siege operations against Fort Gaines and Morgan August 2-23. Duty at Mobile Point till November. At East Pascagoula till February, 1865. Campaign against Mobile and its Defences February to April. Siege of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely March 17-April 9. Duty on the Fortificati­ons at Mobile and at various points in the Dept. of the Gulf till January, 1866. Mustered out January 29, 1866.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at New Orleans, La., August 15, 1863. Attached to Engineer Brigade, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1863. Unattached, 13th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to March, 1864. Provisional Brigade, 2nd Division, 13th Army Corps, Texas, Dept. of the Gulf, to April, 1864.



Duty at New Orleans, La., till December, 1863. Ordered to Mattagorda Bay, Texas, December 5. Engaged in engineering duty and erecting field works at De Crow's Point, Point Isabel, Fort Esperanza, Mattagorda Island, Indianola and Pass Cavallo, Texas, till April, 1864. Designation of Regiment changed to 96th United States Colored Troops April 4, 1864.



100th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized in Kentucky at large May 3 to June 1, 1864, Attached to Defences of Nashville & Northwestern Railroad, Dept. of the Cumberland, to December, 1864. 2nd Colored Brigade, District of the Etowah, Dept. of the Cumberland, to January, 1865. Defences of Nashville & Northwestern Railroad, Dept. of the Cumberland, to January, 1865. Defences of Nashville and Northwestern Rail­road, Dept. of the Cumberland, to December, 1865.



Guard duty on Nashville and Northwestern Railroad in Tennessee till December, 1864. Skirmish on Nashville & Northwestern Rail­road September 4. Action at Johnsonville November 4-5. Battle of Nashville, Tenn., December 15-16. Overton Hill December 16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-28. Again assigned to guard duty on Nashville & Northwestern Railroad Janu­ary 16, 1865, and so continued till December, 1865. Mustered out December 26, 1865.



101st US Colored Infantry Regiment:

s. 1stLt Henry *Campbell (Co. H)



Organized in Tennessee at large September 16, 1864. Attached to Defences of Louisville & Nashville Railroad, Dept. of the Cumberland, to March, 1865. Dept. of the Tennessee to January, 1866.



Duty at Nashville, Tenn., till October, 1864; then guard Louisville& Nashville Railroad, and duty in Tennessee and Alabama till muster out. Affairs at Scottsboro and Larkinsville, Ala., January 8, 1865. Mustered out January 21, 1866.



102nd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. 1stLt Charles L. *Barrel (Co. C)



Organized May 23, 1864, from 1st Michigan Colored Infantry. Attached to District of Hilton Head, S. C., Dept. of the South and Dis­trict of Beaufort, S. C., Dept. of the South, to August, 1864. District of Florida, Dept. of the South, to October, 1864. 2nd Separate Brigade, Dept. of the South, to November, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Coast Division, Dept. of the South, to February, 1865. 2nd Separate Brigade, Dept. of the South, to March, 1865. 1st Separate Brigade and Dept. of the South to September, 1865.



Garrison at Port Royal, S. C., till June 15. Moved to Beaufort, S. C., and garrison duty there till August 1. Moved to Jacksonville, Fla., August 1-3. Picket duty at Baldwin till August 15. Attack on Baldwin August 11-12. Raid on Florida Central Railroad August 15-19. At Magnolia till August 29. Moved to Beaufort, S. C., August 29-31, and duty there till January, 1865, engaged in outpost and picket duty on Port Royal, Lady and Coosa Islands. (A Detachment at Honey Hill November 30, 1864. Demonstration on Charleston& Savannah Railroad December 6-9. Deveaux's Neck, Tillifinny River, December 6 and 9.) Detachment at Beaufort; rejoi­ned other Detachment at Deveaux's Neck, S. C., January 24, 1865. Moved to Pocotaligo February 28. Advance on Charleston Febru­ary 7-23. Skirmish at Cuckwold Creek February 8 (Cos. "B," "E" and "I"). Duty at Charleston Neck till March 9. Moved to Savan­nah, Ga., March 9-16. Moved to Georgetown March 28-April 1. (Right wing of Regiment, under Chapman, moved to Charleston April 7-9, thence march to join Potter at Nelson's Ferry April 11-18.) Potter's Expedition from Georgetown to Camden April 5-29. Statesburg April 15. Occupation of Camden April 17. Boykin's Mills April 18. Bradford Springs April 18 (right wing). Dingle's Mills April 19. Singleton's Plantation April 19. Beech Creek, near Statesburg, April 19. Moved to Charleston April 29, thence to Summer­ville May 7-8; to Branchville May 18; to Orangeburg May 25, and provost duty there till July 28. March to Winsboro July 28-August 3, and duty there till September. Moved to Charleston and muster out September 30, 1865.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at Detroit, Mich., August, 1863, to February, 1864. Mustered in February 17, 1864. Moved to Annapolis, Md., march 29, and joined 9th Army Corps. At Annapolis, Md., till April 15. Ordered to Hilton Head, S.C., April 15. Picket and outpost duty on Hilton Head and St. Helena Islands, S.C., and garrison at Port Royal till June 15. Designation of Regiment changed to 102nd United States Colored Troops May 23, 1864. (See 102nd U.S.C.T.)


Medal of Honor:

1stLt Charles L. *Barrel on 14.5.1891: for Camden/SC, April 1865: Hazardous service in marching through the enemy's country to bring relief to his command (National Park Medal of Honor; Glatthaar: Forged in Battle, p. 275).



103rd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Hilton Head, S. C., March 10, 1865. Attached to District of Savannah, Ga., Dept. of the South, to June, 1865. Dept. of the South to April, 1866.



Garrison and guard duty at Savannah, Ga., and at various points in Georgia and South Carolina entire term. Mustered out April 15-20, 1866.



104th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Beaufort, S. C., April 28 to June 25, 1865. Attached to Dept. of the South. Garrison and guard duty at various points in South Carolina till February. 1866. Mustered out February 5, 1866.



105th US Colored Infantry Regiment:

failed to complete orgaization



gegründet am 22.7.1862 in Ohio, Miami County; aufgestellt von späteren LtCol. Rue Pugh Hutchins als Hutchins Militia der 94th Ohio Miliz; ohne Ausbildung sofort eingesetzt in Kentucky; Gefecht von Perryville/Kentucky October 9,1862; mit der 94th Ohio Volunteer Infantry in Murfreesboro; Stones River; unter dem jetzigen Regimentskommandeur Major Hutchins mit der 94th Ohio Mi­liz in Chattanooga, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge; Kennesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek und Atlanta Campaign.


Im Mai 1865 wurde Hutchins von der 94th Ohio Volunteer Infantry als Rekrutierungsoffizier nach Charleston detachiert, wo er die 105th US Colored Infantry aufstellte. Infolge des Kriegsendes im August 1865 wurde die Aufstellung beendet und das Regiment auf­gelöst.



106th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:


Organized May 16, 1864, from 4th Alabama Colored Infantry. Attached to District of North Alabama, Dept. of the Cumberland, to February, 1865. Defences of Nashville & Northwestern Railroad, Dept. of the Cumberland, to November, 1865.


Garrison at Pulaski and railroad guard duty entire term. Forest's attack on Athens, Ala., September 23-24, 1864. Consolidated with 40th United States Colored Troops November 7, 1865.

Predecessor unit:
Organized at Decatur, Ala., march 31, 1864. Attached to Garrison at Pulaski, Tenn., to May, 1864. Designation changed to 106th U.S. Colored Troops May 16, 1864, which see.



107th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Louisville, Ky., May 3 to September 15, 1864. Attached to Military District of Kentucky, Dept. of the Ohio, to October, 1864. Provisional Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, Army of the James, to December, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, to December, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, to January, 1565. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps, to March, 1865. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps, Dept. of North Carolina, to August, 185. Dept. of North Carolina and Dept. of the South to November, 1866.



Duty in Kentucky till October, 1864. Ordered to Baltimore, Md., thence to City Point, Va., October 26. Siege of Petersburg Novem­ber 3 to December 7. 1st Expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C., December 7-27. 2nd Expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C., January 7-15, 1865. Bombardment of Fort Fisher January 13-15. Assault and capture of Fort Fisher January 15. Sugar Loaf Hill January 19. Federal Point February 11. Fort Anderson February 18-20. Capture of Wilmington February 22. Northeast Ferry February 22. Campaign of the Ca­rolinas March 1-April 26. March on Kinston and Goldsboro March 6-21. Action at Cox's Bridge March 23-24. Advance on Raleigh April 9-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty at various points in North Carolina and in the Dept. of the South till November, 1866. Mustered out November 22, 1866.



108th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Louisville, Ky., June 20, 1864. Attached to 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, District of Kentucky, 5th Division, 23rd Corps, Dept. of the Ohio, to January, 1865. Military District of Kentucky to May, 1865. Dept. of Mississippi and the Gulf to March, 1866.



Garrison and guard duty at various points in Kentucky till January, 1865. Action at Owensboro, Ky., October 22, 1864. Guard duty at Rock Island, Ill., January to May, 1865. Duty in the Dept. of Mississippi till March, 1866. Mustered out March 21, 1866.



109th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Louisville, Ky., July 5, 1864. Attached to 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, District of Kentucky, 5th Division, 23rd Corps, Dept. of the Ohio, to October, 1864. Martindale's Provisional Brigade, 18th Corps, Army of the James, to December, 1864. 1st Briga­de, 2nd Division, 25th Corps and Dept. of Texas, to March, 1866.



Duty at Louisville and Louisa, Ky., till October, 1864. Ordered to join Army of the Potomac before Petersburg and Richmond, Va. Duty at Deep Bottom and in trenches before Richmond north of the James River till March, 1865. Actions at Fort Harrison December 10, 1864, and January 23, 1865. Moved to Hatcher's Run March 27-28. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Boydton Road, Hatcher's Run, March 29-31. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Duty at Petersburg and City Point till May. Embarked for Texas May 25, arriving at Indianola, Texas, June 25. Duty there and on the Rio Grande, Texas, till March, 1866. Mustered out March 21, 1866.



110th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized June 25, 1864, from 2nd Alabama Colored Infantry. Attached to District of North Alabama, Dept. of the Cumberland, to February, 1865. Defences of Nashville & Northwestern Railroad to March, 1865. 3rd Sub-District, District of Middle Tennessee, to September, 1865. Dept. of the Tennessee to February, 1866.



Garrison duty at Pulaski, Tenn., and guard duty on railroad in North Alabama till February, 1865. Forest's attack on Athens, Ala., September 23-24, 1864. Larkinsville, Ala., January 8, 1865 (Detachment of Co. "E"). Guard Nashville & Northwestern Railroad till June, 1865. At Gallatin, Tenn., and at various points in the Dept. of Tennessee till February, 1866. Mustered out February 6, 1866.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at Pulaski, Tenn., November 20, 1863. Attached to 2nd Division, 16th Army Corps, Dept. Tennessee, to January, 1864. Garrison at Pulaski, Tenn., Dept. of the Tennessee, to June, 1864.

Designation changed to 110th U.S. Colored Troops June 25, 1864, which see.



111th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized June 25, 1864, from 3rd Alabama Colored Infantry. Attached to garrison at Pulaski, Tenn., District of North Alabama, Dept. of the Cumberland, to February, 1865. Defences of Nashville & Northwestern Railroad, Dept. of the Cumberland, to March, 1865. 3rd Sub-District, District of Middle Tennessee, to July, 1865. Dept. of the Tennessee to April, 1866.



Duty at Pulaski, Tenn., and Athens, Ala., District of North Alabama, till September, 1864. Action at Athens with Forest September 23-24 (most of Regiment captured). Sulphur Branch Trestle September 25 (Detachment). Duty at Pulaski, Tenn., till January, 1865. Guard duty on Nashville & Northwestern Railroad and in Middle Tennessee till April, 1866. Mustered out April 30, 1866.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at Pulaski, Tenn., January 3, 1864. Attached to Garrison of Pulaski, Tenn., Dept. Tennessee, to June, 1864.
Garrison duty at Pulaski and Athens and as guard to Railroads in Northern Alabama till June, 1864.

Designation changed to 111th U.S. Colored Troops June 25, 1864, which see.



112th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Little Rock, Ark., from 5th Arkansas Colored Infantry April 23 to November 8, 1864. Attached to 1st Division, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, June, 1864, to January, 1865. Colored Brigade, 7th Corps, to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 7th Corps, to April, 1865. Post and garrison duty at Little Rock, Ark., entire term. Transferred to 113th United States Colored Troops (New) April 1, 1865.

Predecessor unit:




113th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry (Old Organization):



Organized June 25, 1864, from 6th Arkansas Colored Infantry. Attached to 1st Division, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to January, 1865. Colored Brigade, 7th Corps, to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 7th Corps, to April, 1865.



Post and garrison duty at Little Rock, Ark., entire term. Consolidated with 11th United States Colored Troops (Old) and 112th United States Colored Troops to form 113th United States Colored Troops (New) April 1, 1865.

Predecessor unit:


(See 113th U.S.C.T.)



113th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry (New Organization):



Organized April 1, 1864, by consolidation of 11th United States Colored Troops (Old), 112th United States Colored Troops and 113th United States Colored Troops (Old). Attached to 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to August, 1865, and Dept of Arkansas to April, 1866. Duty in Dept. of Arkansas. Mustered out April 9, 1866.



114th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

s. 1stLt Warren *Goodale (Co. D&A)



Organized at Camp Nelson, Ky., July 4, 1864. Attached to Military District of Kentucky, Dept. of the Ohio, to January, 1865. 3rd Bri­gade, 1st Division, 25th Corps, Dept. of Virginia, to April, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps and Dept. of Texas, to April, 1867.



Duty at Camp Nelson and Louisa, Ky., till January, 1865. Ordered to Dept. of Virginia January 3, 1865. Siege operations against Pe­tersburg and Richmond on the Bermuda Hundred Front till March, 1865. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Hatcher's Run March 29-31. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Duty at Petersburg and City Point till June. Moved to Texas June and July. Duty at Brownsville and other points on the Rio Grande, Texas, till April, 1867. Mustered out April 2, 1867.



115th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Bowling Green, Ky., July 15 to October 21, 1864. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, District of Kentucky, 5th Di­vision, 23rd Corps, Dept. of the Ohio, to January, 1865. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 25th Corps, Dept. of Virginia, to March, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps and Dept. of Texas, to February, 1866.



Garrison duty at Lexington, Ky., till December, 1864. Ordered to Virginia. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond Janu­ary to April, 1865. Occupation of Richmond April 3. Duty in the Dept. of Virginia till May. Sailed for Texas May 20. Duty in District of the Rio Grande till February, 1866. Mustered out February 10, 1866.



116th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Camp Nelson, Ky., June 6 to July 12, 1864. Attached to Military District of Kentucky, Dept. of the Ohio, to September, 1864. Unattached, 10th Corps, Army of the James, to November, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 25th Corps, to April, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 25th Corps and Dept. of Texas, to September, 1866. Dept. of the Gulf to January, 1867.



Duty at Camp Nelson till September, 1864. Defence of Camp Nelson and Hickman's Bridge against Forest's attack. Ordered to join Army of the James in Virginia, reporting to General Butler September 27. Duty at City Point, Va., till October. Moved to Deep Bot­tom October 23. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond October 23, 1864, to April 2, 1865. Operations on north side of the James River before Richmond October 27-28, 1864. Fatigue duty at Deep Bottom, Dutch Gap and in trenches before Richmond till March, 1865. Moved to Hatcher's Run March 27-28. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Boydton Road, Hatcher's Run, March 29-31. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Duty at Petersburg till May 25. Embarked at City Point, Va., for Texas May 25, arriving at Brazos Santiago June 22. March to White's Ranch June 24. Duty at Rome, Texas, till February, 1866. In Sub-District, Lower Rio Grande, till September, 1866, and at New Orleans, La., till January, 1867. Mustered out at Louisville, Ky., January 17, 1867.



117th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Covington, Ky., July 18 to September 27, 1864. Attached to Military District of Kentucky, Dept. of the Ohio, to Octo­ber, 1864. Provisional Brigade, 18th Corps, Army of the James, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps and Dept. of Texas, to August, 1867.


Duty at Camp Nelson, Ky., till October, 1864. Ordered to Baltimore, Md., thence to City Point, Va., October 21. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond till March, 1865. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Hatcher's Run March 29-31. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Duty at Petersburg and City Point till June. Moved to Brazos Santiago, Texas, June and July. Duty at Brownsville and on the Rio Grande, Texas, till August, 1867. Mustered out August 10.



118th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Baltimore, Md., October 19, 1864. Moved to City Point, Va., October 26, 1864. Attached to Provisional Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, Army of the James, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Corps and Dept. of Texas, to February, 1866.



Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond November, 1864. to April, 1865. Occupation of Richmond April 3, 1865. Duty in the Dept. of Virginia till June. Moved to Brazos Santiago, Texas, June and July. Duty at Brownsville and at various points on the Rio Grande till February, 1866. Mustered out February 6, 1866.



119th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Camp Nelson, Ky., January 18 to May 16, 1865. Attached to Dept. of Kentucky and duty at various points in that State till April, 1866. Mustered out April 27, 1866.



120th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Henderson, Ky., November, 1864. Garrison and guard duty at various points in Military District and Dept. of Kentucky till June, 1865. Discontinued June 21, 1865.



121st Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Maysville, Ky., October 8, 1864. Garrison and guard duty at various points in Military District and Dept. of Kentucky till June, 1865. Discontinued June 30, 1865.



122nd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Louisville, Ky., December 31, 1864. Ordered to Virginia January 12, 1865. Attached to 25th Corps, Army of the James, Unassigned, to April, 1865. Dept. of Texas to February, 1866.



Duty in the Defences of Portsmouth, Va., till February, 1865. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond, Va., February to April, 1865. Fall of Petersburg and Richmond April 2-3. Duty in the Dept. of Virginia till June, 1865. Moved to Brazos Santiago, Texas, June and July. Duty at Brownsville and at various points on the Rio Grande till February, 1866. Mustered out February 8, 1866.



123rd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Louisville, Ky., December 2, 1864. Duty at Louisville, Ky., and other points in the Dept. of Kentucky till October, 1865. Mustered out October 24, 1865.



124th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Camp Nelson, Ky., January 1 to April 27, 1865. Garrison and guard duty at various points in the Dept. of Kentucky till December, 1867. Mustered out December 20, 1867.



125th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Louisville, Ky., February 12 to June 2, 1865. Garrison and guard duty at Louisville, Ky., and other points in the Dept. of Kentucky till December, 1867. Mustered out December 20, 1867.



126th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

not organized



127th United States Colored Infantry Regiment:

s. Pvt Basil *Ames (Co. I)



Organized at Camp William Penn, Philadelphia, Pa., August 23 to September 10, 1864. Ordered to City Point, Va., September, 1864. Attached to 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps, Army of the James, to November, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Corps, to December, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 25th Corps and Dept. of Texas, to October, 1865.


Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond, Va., September, 1864, to April, 1865. Chaffin's Farm, New Market Heights, Sep­tember 29-30. Fort Harrison September 29. Darbytown Road October 13. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. Duty in trenches north of the James River before Richmond till March, 1865. Moved to Hatcher's Run March 27-28. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Hatcher's Run March 29-31. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9.Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Duty at Petersburg and City Point till June. Moved to Brazos Santiago, Texas, June and July. Duty at various points on the Rio Grande till October. Mustered out October 20, 1865.



128th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Hilton Head, S. C., April, 1865. Duty in Dept. of the South till October, 1865. Mustered out October 20, 1865.



129th - 134th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:

doesn't exist



135th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Goldsboro, N. C., March 28, 1865. Duty in Dept. of North Carolina till October, 1865. Mustered out October 23, 1865.



136th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Atlanta, Ga., July 15, 1865. Duty in Dept. of Georgia. Mustered out January 4, 1866.



137th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Selma, Ala., April 8, 1865. Mustered in at Macon, Ga., June 1, 1865. Duty in the Dept. of Georgia till January, 1866. Mustered out January 15, 1866.



138th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry:



Organized at Atlanta, Ga., July 15, 1865. Duty in the Dept. of Georgia. Mustered out January 6, 1866.



2nd Arkansas Infantry Regiment (African Descent):

s. 2nd Lt Minos *Miller


This regiment later became designated as the Fifty-fourth United States Colored Infantry.



29th Connecticut Infantry Regiment (Colored):



Organized at Fair Haven and mustered in March 8, 1864. Left State for Annapolis, Md., March 19. Moved to Beaufort, S.C., April 8-13, and duty there till August 8. Attached to District of Beaufort, Dept. of the South, April to August, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Army Corps, Army of the James, Dept. Virginia and North Carolina, to December, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Army Corps, to January, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Army Corps, to April, 1865, District of St. Marys, 22nd Army Corps, Dept. of Washington, to May, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 25th Army Corps, Dept. of Texas, to October, 1865.



Moved from Beaufort, S.C., to Bermuda Hundred, Va., August 8-13, 1864. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond Au­gust 13, 1864, to April 2, 1865. Demonstration on North Side of the James August 13-20, 1864. Deep Bottom, Strawberry Plains, Au­gust 14-18. Duty in the trenches before Petersburg August 25-September 24. New Market Heights and Fort Harrison September 28-29. Chaffin's Farm September 29-30. Darbytown Road October 13. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. Duty in trenches before Rich­mond till April, 1865. Occupation of Richmond April 3. (First Infantry Regiment to enter city.) Moved to City Point April 18, thence to Point Lookout, Md., and duty there guarding prisoners till May 28. Moved to City Point May 28-30, thence sailed for Texas June 10, arriving at Brazos Santiago, July 3. March to Brownsville and duty there till October. Mustered out October 24, 1865. At New Orleans October 27-November 11. Honorably discharged at New Haven, Conn., November 25, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 44 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 152 Enlisted men by di­sease. Total 198.



1st Kansas Colored Infantry Regiment:

das Regiment war das erste Colored Regiment das im Bürgerkrieg ins Gefecht geriet; Battle of Island Mound am 29.10.1862 ( Bearss: Vorwort zu Weaver, C. P. (ed.): Thank God my Regiment is an African One: The Civil War Diary of Colonel Nathan W. Da­niels (Louisiana State University Press, 1998; Taschenbuchausgabe 2000); Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik131, S. x)



- Bearss, a.a.O.

- **Berry, Mary F.: "Negro Troops in Blue and Gray: The Louisiana Native Guards (1967)



1st Regiment Louisiana Native Guard:

(US-Coloured Troops); aufgestellt am 27.9.1862 ( Weaver, a.a.O., S. 11). Col Spencer *Stafford; Col Stafford war für die Aufstel­lung aller drei Louisiana Native Guard Regimenter zuständig; Regimentsführer des 1st Regiment war deshalb LtCol Chauncey *Bas­sett ( Weaver, a.a.O., S. 12 Anm. 15)



- **Berry, Mary F.: Negro Troops in Blue and Gray: The Louisiana Native Guard 1861-1863; in: Louisiana History, VIII (Spring 1967), S. 165-90

- **Everett, Donald E.: Ben Butler and the Louisiana Native Guards, 1861-1862; in: Journal of Southern History, XXIV (May 1958), S. 202-17

- **Hollandsworth, James G.: The Louisiana Native Guards: The Black Military Experience During the Civil War (Baton Rouge: Press, 1995)

- **Joshi, Manoy K. and Joseph P. Reidy: To Come Forward and Aid in Putting Down this Unholy Rebellion: The Officers of Louisia­na's Free Black Native Guards During the Civil War; in: Southern Studies, XXI (Fall 1982), S. 326-42

- **Weaver, C. P. (ed.): Thank God my Regiment is an African One: The Civil War Diary of Colonel Nathan W. Daniels (Louisiana State University Press, 1998; Taschenbuchausgabe 2000); Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik131, S. xvi

- **Westwood, Howard C.: Benjamin Butler's Enlistment of Black Troops in New Orleans in 1862; Louisiana History, XXVI (Winter 1985), S. 5-22



2nd Regiment Louisiana Native Guard:

(US-Coloured Troops); Col Nathan W. *Daniels; aufgestellt am 12.10.1862 ( Weaver, a.a.O., S. 11).



- **Berry, Mary F.: Negro Troops in Blue and Gray: The Louisiana Native Guard 1861-1863; in: Louisiana History, VIII (Spring 1967), S. 165-90

- **Everett, Donald E.: Ben Butler and the Louisiana Native Guards, 1861-1862; in: Journal of Southern History, XXIV (May 1958), S. 202-17

- **Hollandsworth, James G.: The Louisiana Native Guards: The Black Military Experience During the Civil War (Baton Rouge: Press, 1995)

- **Joshi, Manoy K. and Joseph P. Reidy: To Come Forward ans Aid in Putting Down this Unholy Rebellion: The Officers of Louisia­na's Free Black Native Guards During the Civil War; in: Southern Studies, XXI (Fall 1982), S. 326-42

- **Weaver, C. P. (ed.): Thank God my Regiment is an African One: The Civil War Diary of Colonel Nathan W. Daniels (Louisiana State University Press, 1998; Taschenbuchausgabe 2000); Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik131, S. xvi

- **Westwood, Howard C.: Benjamin Butler's Enlistment of Black Troops in New Orleans in 1862; Louisiana History, XXVI (Winter 1985), S. 5-22



3rd Regiment Louisiana Native Guard (US):

(US-Coloured Troops); aufgestellt am 24.11.1862 ( Weaver, a.a.O., S. 11). Col John A. Nelson ( Weaver, a.a.O., S. 14).



- **Berry, Mary F.: Negro Troops in Blue and Gray: The Louisiana Native Guard 1861-1863; in: Louisiana History, VIII (Spring 1967), S. 165-90

- **Everett, Donald E.: Ben Butler and the Louisiana Native Guards, 1861-1862; in: Journal of Southern History, XXIV (May 1958), S. 202-17

- **Hollandsworth, James G.: The Louisiana Native Guards: The Black Military Experience During the Civil War (Baton Rouge: Press, 1995)

- **Joshi, Manoy K. and Joseph P. Reidy: To Come Forward ans Aid in Putting Down this Unholy Rebellion: The Officers of Louisia­na's Free Black Native Guards During the Civil War; in: Southern Studies, XXI (Fall 1982), S. 326-42

- **Weaver, C. P. (ed.): Thank God my Regiment is an African One: The Civil War Diary of Colonel Nathan W. Daniels (Louisiana State University Press, 1998; Taschenbuchausgabe 2000); Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik131, S. xvi

- **Westwood, Howard C.: Benjamin Butler's Enlistment of Black Troops in New Orleans in 1862; Louisiana History, XXVI (Winter 1985), S. 5-22



9th Louisiana Infantry Regiment:

s. Lt David *Cornwell



- **Cornwell, David (8th Illinois and 9th Louisiana): The Cornwell Chronicles: Tales of an American Life on the Erie Canal, Building Chicago, in the Volunteer Civil War Western Army, on the Farm, in a Country Store Heritage Books); 301 pp; Maps; Index; Illustrati­ons. Edited by John Wearmouth. Cornwell enlisted in the 8th Illinois Volunteer Infantry and served 3 years in the 9th Louisiana In­fantry Regiment (African Descent) as First Lieutenant, recruiting and training black soldiers. Lots of genealogical details.



11th Louisiana Infantry Regiment:

eingesetzt bei Milliken's Bend während Grant's Vicksburg Campaign am 7.6.1863, wobei die Einheit schreckliche Verluste erlitt ( Bearss, Edwin: Vorwort zu: Weaver, C. P. (ed.): Thank God my Regiment is an African One: The Civil War Diary of Colonel Nathan W. Daniels (Louisiana State University Press, 1998; Taschenbuchausgabe 2000); Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik131, S. x).



54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment:

s. Massachusetts Infantry



1st South Carolina Infantry Regiment:

Col Thomas Wentworth *Higginson



- **Higginson, Thomas Wentworth: Army Life in a Black Regiment (1869, reprinted New York 1984)





c. Cavalry:



2nd Regiment United States Colored Cavalry:

s. Pvt Thomas *Harrison (Co. F)



Organized at Fort Monroe, Va., December 22, 1863. Attached to Fort Monroe, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to April, 1864. Unattached Williamsburg, Va, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to June, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 18th Corps, Army of the James, to August, 1864. Unattached 3rd Division, 18th Corps, to December, 1864. Unattached 25th Corps, Dept. of Vir­ginia, to May, 1865. Cavalry Brigade, 25th Corps, Dept. of Virginia and Dept. of Texas, to February, 1866.



Duty at Fort Monroe, Portsmouth and Williamsburg, Va., till May, 1864. Demonstration on Portsmouth March 4-5. Action near Suf­folk March 10. Reconnoissance from Portsmouth to the Blackwater April 13-15. Butler's operations on the south side of James River and against Petersburg and Richmond May 4-28. Capture of Bermuda Hundred and City Point May 5. Swift Creek May 8-10. Opera­tions against Fort Darling May 10-16. Actions at Drury's Bluff May 10-13-14-15 and 16. Near Drury's Bluff May 20. Duty in tren­ches at Bermuda Hundred till June 13. Point of Rocks June 10. Richmond Campaign June 13-July 31. Baylor's Farm June 15. Assaults on Petersburg June 16-19. Siege of Petersburg and Richmond June 16, 1864, to February 18, 1865. Duty before Petersburg till July, 1864. Moved to Deep Bottom July 25. Action at Deep Bottom July 27-28. Strawberry Plains, Deep Bottom, August 14-18. Actions at Deep Bottom September 2 and 6. Chaffin's Farm September 29-30. Darbytown Road October 7. Battle of Fair Oaks, Dar­bytown Road October 27-28. Near Richmond October 28-29. Duty in trenches north of James River till February, 1865. Ordered to Norfolk February 18. Duty in District of Eastern Virginia at Norfolk, Suffolk, etc., till May. Ordered to City Point, Va.; thence sai­led for Texas June 10. Duty on the Rio Grande and at various points in Texas till February, 1866. Mustered out February 12, 1866.



3rd US Colored Cavalry:

Col Embory D. *Osband; eingesetzt während Grant's Vicksburg Campaign



- **Bearss, Edwin: Vorwort zu: Weaver, C. P. (ed.): Thank God my Regiment is an African One: The Civil War Diary of Colonel Na­than W. Daniels (Louisiana State University Press, 1998; Taschenbuchausgabe 2000); Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik131, S. x






d. Artillery:


3rd Regiment, United States Colored Heavy Artillery:

s. Surgeon Humphrey H. *Hood



Served as garrison at Fort Pickering, and in Defences of Memphis, Tenn., and in District of West Tennessee till April, 1866. Mustered out April 30, 1866.

Predecessor unit:

Organized at Memphis, Tenn., June, 1863. Attached to 1st Brigade, 5th Division, District of Memphis, 16th Army Corps, Dept. of the Tennessee, to April, 1864. Post and garrison duty at Memphis, and at Fort Pickering, Defences of Memphis, June, 1863, to April, 1864. Designation changed to 3rd United States Colored Heavy Artillery April 26, 1864 (which see).



5th Regiment, United States Colored Heavy Artillery:

s. Major David *Cornwell; Sgt Anderson *Ames (Co F)



Organized from 1st Mississippi Heavy Artillery (African Descent). Designated 4th Heavy Artillery March 11, 1864, and 5th Heavy Artillery April 26, 1864. Attached to 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to February, 1865. Unattached, Post of Vicksburg, Dept. of Mississippi, and Dept. of the Gulf to May, 1864.



Garrison duty at Vicksburg, Miss., till May, 1866. Expedition from Vicksburg to Rodney and Fayette September 29-October 3, 1864. Expedition from Vicksburg to Yazoo City November 23-December 4, 1864. Mustered out May 20, 1866.

Lost during service 4 Officers and 124 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 697 Enlisted men by disease. Total 829.

Predecessor unit:




Organized at Vicksburg, Miss., September 26, 1863. Attached to post of Vicksburg, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to March, 1864. Un­assigned, 1st Division, U.S. Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, to April, 1864.



Post and garrison duty at Vicksburg, Miss., till April, 1864. Designation changed to 4th U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery, March 11, 1864, and to 5th U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery April 26, 1864 (which see).



8th Regiment, United States Colored Heavy Artillery:

s. 2ndLt William H. *Armstrong (Co. B)



Organized at Paducah, Ky., April 26, 1864. Attached to Paducah, Ky., District of Columbus, Ky., 16th Corps, Dept. of the Tennessee, to August, 1864. Paducah, Ky., District of Columbus, Ky., Dept. of the Ohio, to February, 1865, and Dept. of Kentucky to February, 1866.



Garrison duty at Paducah, Ky., till February, 1866. Operations against Forest in Kentucky March 16 to April 14, 1864. Action at Fort Anderson, Paducah, Ky., March 25, 1864. Expedition from Paducah, Ky., to Haddix Ferry July 26-27, 1864. Skirmish near Haddix Ferry August 27, 1864. Mustered out February 10, 1866.



10th Regiment, United States Colored Heavy Artillery:

s. LtCol Isaac D. *Bangs



Organized from 1st Corps de Afrique Heavy Artillery. Designated 7th Regiment Heavy Artillery April 4, 1864, and 10th Regiment Heavy Artillery May 21, 1864. Attached to Defences of New Orleans, La., Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, United States Colored Troops, Dept. of the Gulf, to November, 1864. Defences of New Orleans, La., to February, 1867. Expedition to Lake Verret, Grand Bayou, and the Park April 2-10, 1865 (Co. "G").



On garrison duty at New Orleans and in the Dept. of the Gulf entire term. Mustered out February 22, 1867.

Predecessor units:


Organized November 19, 1863, from 1st Louisiana Colored Heavy Artillery. Garrison Artillery in Defences of New Orleans to April, 1864. Designation of Regiment changed to 10th United States Colored Heavy Artillery May 21, 1864.


Organized at New Orleans, La., November 29, 1862. Attached to Defences of New Orleans and duty as Garrison Artillery till November, 1863. Designation of Regiment changed to 1st Corps de Afrique Heavy Artillery November 19, 18623.



11th Regiment, United States Colored Heavy Artillery:

s. Captain Joshua M. *Addeman (Co. H)


Organized from 14th Rhode Island Colored Heavy Artillery. Designated 8th Heavy Artillery April 4, 1864, and 11th Heavy Artillery May 21, 1864. Attached to Defences of New Orleans, La., Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1865.



Garrison duty at New Orleans and other points in the Defences of that city till October, 1865 (see 14th Rhode Island Colored Heavy Artillery). Mustered out October 2, 1865.

Predecessor unit:


Organized at Providence August 28, 1863, to January 25, 1864. 1st Battalion moved to New Orleans, La., December 19-30, 1863, thence to Pass Cavallo, Texas, December 31, 1863-January 8, 1864. Served unattached, 13th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to May, 1864 (1st Battalion). Defences of New Orleans, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1865. Designation of Regiment changed to 8th U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery April 4, 1864, and to 11th U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery May 21, 1864.



1st Battalion assigned to garrison duty at Fort Esperanza. Matagorda Island, Texas, till May 19, 1864. Moved to Camp Parapet, New Orleans, La., May 19-23; Joined 3rd Battalion and duty there till July, 1864. Ordered to Port Hudson, La., and garrison duty there till April, 1865. Duty at Brashear City and New Orleans till October, 1865. 2nd Battalion moved to New Orleans January 8-February 3, 1864. Duty in the Defences of New Orleans at English Turn and at Plaquemine till October, 1865. Expedition from Brashear City to Ratliff's Plantation May 14-16, 1865 (Detachment). Action at Indian Village, Plaquemine, August 6, 1864. 3rd Battalion moved to New Orleans April 3-15, and duty at Camp Parapet till October, 1865. Mustered out at New Orleans October 2, 1865.



- Addeman, J. M.: „Reminiscenses of Two Years With the Colored Troops,“ Personal Narratives (Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, series, 2, No. 7)






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