Version 22.12.2018






a. allgemeines:



- **Masich, Andrew Edward. The Civil War in Arizona: The Story of the California Volunteers, 1861–1865. Norman, Oklahoma: Un­iversity of Oklahoma Press, 2006.



b. Infantry:


1st Regiment California Infantry:



Organized at large August to October, 1861. Company "K" organized February 12, 1862. Attached to Depts. of the Pacific and New Mexico.



In camp at Oakland till October, 1861, and near Los Angeles, Cali., till December, 1861. Pursuit and capture of Showalter's party at Warner's Ranch, San Jose Valley, November 20-29, 1861 (Cos."F" and "G"). Moved to Fort Yuma December, 1861 and duty there till April, 1862 (Cos. "B," "D," "F", "H" and "I"). Company "D" at San Diego. Companies "A" and "C" at Camp Latham. Carleton's Expedition from Southern California through Arizona to Northwest Texas and New Mexico April 10-September 20, 1862. March from Fort Yuma to Pinos Villages, thence to Tucson, April 10-May 20. Expedition up the Gila River and engagement at Pechecho Pass April 15 (Co. "I"). March from Tucson, Ariz., across Desert to the Rio Grande River July 20-August 15. At La Mesilla till December 25. Moved to Fort Craig December 25-30. Duty by detachments at posts in New Mexico and Arizona, Las Cruces, Los Pinos, Franklin, Texas; Forts West, Craig, Selden, Union, Cummings, McRae, Whipple and Sumner, and operating against Indians in the Districts of New Mexico, Arizona and Utah, till October, 1866. Skirmish at Pinos Altas Mines January 29, 1863 (1 Co.). Company "G" at Camp Wright, Cali., January 1 to March 9, 1862. Moved to Fort Yuma and duty there till July 19. Moved to Tucson, Ariz., and duty there till December 2. At Messilla till April 20, 1863. At Franklin, Texas, till June 26. March to Fort McRae June 26-July 3. Rio de los Animos July 19. Expedition to Alamcito Mountains against Indians August 9-20, 1863. Expedition to Jornado del Muerta August 9-20, 1863. Expedition to Jornado del Muerta August 26-29. Operations against Navajo Indians August 20-December 16, 1863. Scout from Fort Wingate to Ojo Redendo September 15-October 5 (2 Cos.). Expedition against Indians in New Mexico November 5-15 and December 5-7, 1863. Scout in Southeastern Arizona July 6-24, 1864 (Co. "D"). Expedition from Fort Union August 4-September 15 (Detachment). Affair, San Andreas Mountains, August 12 (Detachment). Scout in Cimarron River, Northeast N. Mex., September 18-October 5. Engagement with Indians at Adobe Fort, on Canadian River, N. Mex., November 25 (Cos. "A" and Scout from Fort Cummings April 28-May 13, 1865 (Co. "G"). Duty in Districts of New Mexico, Arizona and Utah till October, 1866. Mustered out October 21, 1866.


aufgestellt von US-Senator Col. Edward D. Baker in New York; das Regiment bestand aus ehemals in California lebenden, und spä­ter in den Osten gezogenen Soldaten; später umbenannt in 71st Pennsylvania Infantry ( Farwell: Ball's Bluff, a.a.O., S. 16)


Most of the 1st California was recruited from August to October 1861, with the exception of Company K, which was organized the following February. Many of its companies were formed from companies of the California Militia taken intact into federal ser­vice others from individuals drawn from the militia. James H. Carleton served as colonelJoseph R. West as lieutenant colonel and Edwin A. Riggas major. It came under the command of the Department of the Pacific (later it would come under the Department of New Mexico). After some training at Camp Downy near Oakland and Camp Latham near Los Angeles. Compa­nies D, F and G were sent to establish and garrison Camp Wright, in November 1861. Detachments from the camp captured Daniel Showalter's party near Warner's Ranch, November 20-29, 1861. In December, 1861, five companies of the regiment were sent to Fort Yuma on the Colorado River and the others to various posts around Southern California ( http://en. Wikipedia. org/wiki/1st_Re­giment_of_California_Infantry).


Ein Teil des Regiments war bereits im Battle of Ball's Bluff am 21.10.1861 eingesetzt ( Waitt, Ernest L.: Histo­ry of the Nine­teenth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, a.a.O., S. 20).


The regiment was assigned to a force called the California Column, which was commanded by Carleton and composed of one infan­try regiment (the 5th) and parts of two cavalry regiments (the 1st and 2nd) of California volunteers and a company of Regular artille­ry. The Column was formed to drive the Confederate Army of New Mexico out of the eastern part of the New Mexico Territory. Due to supply problems, the force did not move out until February 1862. The 1st Infantry saw fighting at the Battle of Picacho Pass (only Company I) and the Battle of Apache Pass (this battle was against Apache warriors, not Confederates). The regiment continued mar­ching across the New Mexico Territory to Fort Craig. Picacho Pass was the only engagement against Confederate forces, since they had retreated back into Texas before the California Column reached eastern New Mexico and they made no attempt to recover the territory they lost ( http://en. Wikipedia. org/wiki/1st_Regiment_of_California_Infantry). During his time in Arizona he establis­hed Fort Goodwin on the Gila River under the direction of General Carleton directed operations against the Apache. Promo­ted Colo­nel at Fort Craig, N.M. April 1864, he was discharged at Santa Fe in September 1864. His regiment was consolidated into a battalion the 1st Battalion of Veteran Infantry. On February 1, 1865 he was commissioned as Lieutenant Colonel of that unit, with headquarters at Fort Craig. The battalion was mustered out in September 1866 ( Infantry).


For the remainder of the war, the 1st California Infantry was engaged in garrison duty dispersed in posts across New Mexico Territo­ry and Texas and fighting Apache and Navajo Indians in these places and in the Utah Territory. The unit was mustered out on October 21, 1866 ( http://en. Wikipedia. org/wiki/1st_Regiment_of_California_Infantry).


1st California Regiment of Infantry Commanders:

- Colonel James H. *Carleton: August 19, 1861 - June 1, 1862

- Colonel Joseph R. *West: June 1, 1862 - April 1864

- Colonel Edwin A. *Rigg: April 1864 - December 1864



1st Battalion Mountaineers, California Infantry:



Organized at large May 30, 1863, to March 16, 1864, for special service in Humboldt County. Attached to Humboldt District, Dept. of the Pacific.



Company "A"-Ordered to Fort Humboldt June, 1863. Stationed at Fort Humboldt, Fort Bager and Camps Curtis and Iaquia. Skirmish, Redwood Creek, February 29, 1864. Redwood Mountains March 1. Kneeland's Prairie May 1. Operations in Humboldt District till June, 1865.

Company "B"-Ordered to Fort Gaston. Duty there and at Camps Anderson and Curtis till June, 1865. Skirmish at Oak Camp June 6, 1863. Thomas' Ranch November 12. Trinity River November 13. Willow Creek November 17. Near Fort Gaston December 25-26. Skirmish near Boynton's Prairie May 6, 1864. Scout from Camp Anderson to Bald Mountain August 8-12.

Company "C"-Ordered to Fort Gaston June, 1863. Duty there operating against Indians in Humboldt District till June, 1865. Redwood Creek July 9 and 11, 1863. Thomas' Ranch November 11. Trinity River November 13. Near Fort Gaston December 25-26. Thomas House, on Trinity River, May 27, 1864. Operations in Trinity Valley September 1-December 3, 1864.

Company "D"-Duty at Fort Gaston till June, 1865.

Company "E"-Duty at Camp Grant till June, 1865. Skirmish at Grouse Creek May 23, 1864. Matole May 26. Big Flat May 28. Expedition to North Fork Eel River September 1-29.

Battalion mustered out June 14, 1865.



1st Battalion, California Native Cavalry:



Organized at large in California March, 1863, to July, 1864. Attached to Dept. of the Pacific. Company "A" at Presidio, San Francisco, to December, 1863. Ordered to District of Humboldt December 26. Arrive there January 12, 1864. Duty at Fort Gaston till March 6. Ordered to Camp Curtis March 6, and duty escorting trains to Arcate and Fort Humboldt to September 1, 1864. Ordered to Fort Humboldt September 1 and duty there till November 12, 1864. Ordered to Camp Wright and duty there till February, 1865. Ordered to Drum Barracks, District of Southern California, February 25, 1865, and duty there till May, 1865.

Company "B" on duty at the Presidio, San Francisco, till January, 1865. Ordered to San Juan, Monterey County, January 3, 1865, thence to Drum Barracks, District of Southern California, and duty there till May. Company "C" organized at Santa Barbara and ordered to Drum Barracks, District of Southern California, August 10, 1864, and duty there till May, 1865. Company at Drum Barracks, District of Southern California, till May, 1865. Battalion assigned to duty in District of Arizona May, 1865, and operating against Indians in that District till April, 1866. Mustered out April 2, 1866.



2nd Regiment, California Infantry:



Organized at San Francisco and Carson City September 2, 1861, to December 30, 1862. Attached to Dept. of the Pacific.


Companies "A," "B," "C," "D" and ordered to District of Oregon October 17, 1861. Company "A"-At Fort Dalles, Ore., till March, 1862. At Fort Vancouver till May, 1862. At Fort Humboldt, Camp Lyon and Camp Wright till June, 1863. Skirmishes at Eel River March 21 and 24. Ordered to Benicia Barracks June 27, thence to Old Fort Miller August 11, and duty there till December, 1864. At Presidio till muster out.

Company "B"-At Fort Hoskins till March, 1862. At Fort Dalles till June, 1862. Ordered to Fort Vancouver June 27, thence to Fort Humboldt July, and duty there till June, 1863. Ordered to Benicia Barracks June 11, 1863, and duty there till December. Moved to Fort Tejon, Cali., and duty there till September, 1864. Ordered to San Francisco and duty at the Presidio till muster out.

Company "C"-At Fort Colville, Washington Territory, till June, 1862. Ordered to Humboldt District, Cali., and duty there till September, 1864. Ordered to San Francisco and duty at the Presidio till muster out.

Company "D"-At Fort Colville, Washington Territory, till June, 1862. Ordered to Humboldt District, Cali., and duty at Fort Bragg till December, 1863. Expedition to Keytesville April 12-24, 1863. Ordered to Camp Babbitt December, 1863. Operations in Humboldt District February 1 to June 30, 1864. Skirmish, Red Mountain, near Blue Rock Station, March 17. Eel River March 19. Bald Spring Canon March 22. On Eel River March 27. Big Bend, Eel River, April 28. Shelter Cove May 9. Ordered to San Francisco December, 1864, and duty at the Presidio till muster out.

Company "E"-At Fort Vancouver till May, 1862. At Fort Humboldt till December, 1862. Skirmish at Mad River May 14, 1862. Daly's Farm, Mad River, near Arcate, June 6-7, 1862. Mattole Valley June 7, 1862. Fawn Prairie, near Liscombe Hill, June 8, 1862. At Camp Curtis December, 1862, to June, 1863. Ordered to Benicia Barracks and duty there till December. Ordered to Humboldt District December, 1863, and duty there till December, 1864. Ordered to San Francisco and duty at the Presidio till muster out.

Company "F"-At San Francisco till December, 1861. Ordered to Fort Humboldt Duty there and at Camps Anderson and Wright till June, 1865. Attack on Whitney's Ranch July 28, 1862. Alber's Ranch January 29. Crogan's Ranch May 7, 1862. Skirmish at Redwood September 8, 1862. Operations in Humboldt District March 10-July 10, 1863, and February 1-June 30, 1864. Expedition from Camp Wright to Williams Valley April 7-11, 1863. Skirmish, Williams Valley, April 9. Ordered to San Francisco June, 1865, and duty at the Presidio till muster out.

Company "G"-At Camp Lincoln, Humboldt District, till May, 1863. Ordered to Benicia Barracks May 30, 1863. Duty there and in San Francisco till muster out.

Company "H"-At Santa Barbara till April, 1862. Moved to San Francisco, thence to Forts Humboldt and Gaston April 20. To Fort Humboldt July, 1862, and duty there till June, 1863. Ordered to Benicia Barracks June 11, and duty there till December. Duty in Humboldt District till December, 1864, and at Presidio, San Francisco, till muster out.

Company "I"-At Santa Barbara till April, 1862. Moved to San Francisco, thence to Fort Humboldt and to Fort Gaston April 20, 1862. Duty there till June, 1863. Skirmish at Fort Gaston August 6. Affair at Little River August 28, 1862. At Fort Humboldt and in Humboldt District till December, 1864. At Presidio, San Francisco, till muster out.

Company "K"-Ordered to Fort Humboldt December, 1861, thence to Fort Lyon and Fort Gaston, and duty there till June, 1863. Action, Weaversville Crossing, Mad River, July 2, 1862. Near Oak Camp April 30, 1868. Moved to Benicia Barracks June, 1863, thence to Chico, Cali., August 11. At Fort Miller till December, 1864. At Benicia Barracks, San Francisco, till muster out. Skirmishes at Yreka Road, near Fort Crook, September 21, 1862 (Detachment). Simmons' Ranch, near Hydesville, October 21, 1862 (Detachment). Scout from Fort Crook to Honey Lake Valley November 3-29, 1862 (Detachment).

Regiment mustered out July 2, 1866.



3rd Regiment California Infantry:



Organized at Stockton and Benicia Barracks September 15 to December 3, 1861. Attached to Districts of California and Utah, Dept. of the Pacific. Duty at Benicia Barracks till July, 1862. Company "A" - At Fort Terwah and Fort Baker, Humboldt District, operating against Indians, October, 1861, to August, 1862. Ordered to San Francisco August 23, thence to Stockton and to Camp Union, Sacra­mento, November 17. To Fort Churchill and duty there till October, 1863. Ordered to Camp Douglass, Utah, and rejoin Regiment.

Company "B"-at Fort Bragg, Humboldt District, operating against Indians, October, 1861, to August, 1862. Ordered to San Francisco August 23, thence to Stockton, and to Camp Union, Sacramento, November 17, and duty there till June, 1863. Ordered to Camp Douglass, Utah, and rejoin Regiment.

Company "D"-At Fort Gaston, Humboldt District, operating against Indians, October, 1861, to August, 1862. Skirmish, Light Prairie, near Arcata, August 21, 1862. Ordered to San Francisco August 28, thence to Stockton and to Camp Union, Sacramento, November 17, and duty there till June, 1863. Ordered to Camp Douglass, Utah, and join Regiment.

Regiment at Benicia Barracks till July, 1862. March via Fort Churchill and Ruby Valley to Utah to protect Overland mail route July to November. Scouts from Fort Churchill, Nev., to Honey Lake Valley, Cali., November 3-29, 1862. Expedition from Fort Ruby, Nev., to Sierra Nevada Mountains November 22-27, 1862 (Co. "F"). Skirmish on Bear River, Utah, January 26, 1863 (Co. "K"). En­gagement on 
Bear River January 29 (Co. "K"). Expedition from Camp Douglass to Soda Springs, on Bear River, Idaho, May 5-30, 1863 (Co. "H"). Duty at Camp Douglass, Camp Connor and in the District of Utah till July, 1866. Mustered out July 27, 1866.



4th Regiment California Infantry:

s. Col. Henry Moses *Judah



Organized at Sacramento, Placerville and Auburn September to October, 1861. Attached to Dept. of the Pacific. Companies "A," "B," "C," "D" and "E" moved from San Francisco to Fort Vancouver, Washington Territory, October 29-November 4, 1861. Company "A"-At Fort Walla Walla till August, 1862. Ordered to San Francisco August 15 and duty at Benicia Barracks till March, 1863. Orde­red to Camp Drum March 1, and duty there till June, 1864. At Santa Barbara till December, 1864. New Company "A"-Ordered to Fort Humboldt May 1, 1865. At Camp Iaqua till muster out.

Company "B"-At Fort Vancouver till March, 1862. At Fort Dalles to October, 1862. Ordered to San Francisco October 3, and duty at Benicia Barracks till March, 1863. Ordered to Camp Drum March 1, 1863, thence to Fort Mojave April 29, and duty there till June, 1864. Ordered to Drum Barracks, and duty there till muster out. New Company "B"-Ordered to Fort Humboldt April 5, 1865, thence to Fort Gaston, and duty there till muster out.

Company "C"-At Fort Walla Walla, Washington Territory, till August, 1862. Ordered to San Francisco August 14, and duty at Benicia Barracks till March, 1868. At San Francisco till May. Ordered to Camp Drum May 28, 1863, and duty there till January, 1864. Occu­pation of Santa Catalina Island January 2, and duty there till December, 1864. At Drum Barracks till March, 1865, and at Fort Mojave till muster out.

Company -"D"-At Fort Yamhill, Ore., till March, 1863. Ordered to Fort Hoskins March 25, and duty there till December, 1864. Expe­dition from Siletz Block House to Coos Bay April 21-May 12, 1864. At Fort Yamhill till muster out.

Company "E"-At Fort Steilacoom till October 3, 1862. Ordered to San Francisco, and duty at Benicia Barracks till May, 1863. Orde­red to Drum Barracks May 28, and duty there till January, 1864. At Fort Yuma till June, 1865. At Drum Barracks till muster out.

Company "F"-At Camp Sigel, near Auburn, till January, 1862. Moved to Camp Union, Sacramento, thence to San Francisco April 28, and to Camp Latham, Southern California. At Camp Drum till March, 1863. Moved to Fort Yuma March 1, 1863; to LaPaz, Ariz., April 18, 1863; to Fort Yuma August 15, and to Drum Barracks November 7, 1864. New Company "F"-To Fort Humboldt May 1, 1865. Duty in Humboldt District till muster out.

Company "G"-At Camp Sigel, near Auburn, till January, 1862. Moved to Camp Union, Sacramento, thence to San Francisco April 28, 1862, and to Camp Latham, Southern California. Ordered to San Diego, Calif., and duty there till muster out.

Company "H"-At Camp Sigel, near Auburn, till January, 1862. Moved to Camp Union, Sacramento, thence to San Francisco April 28, and to Camp Latham, Southern California. Duty at Camp Latham and Camp Drum till March, 1863. Ordered to Fort Yuma March 1, and duty there till January, 1864. Moved to Drum Barracks January, 1864, thence to San Luis Obispo July 27, 1864. Return to Drum Barracks and duty there till muster out.

Company "I"-At Camp Sigel, near Auburn, till January, 1862. Moved to Camp Union, Sacramento, thence to San Francisco April 28, and duty at Benicia Barracks till November, 1862. To Fort Umpqua November 12. Duty there and at Benicia Barracks till March, 1863. Moved to Camp Drum March 6 and to Fort Mojave April 29, and duty there till muster out.

Company "K"-Moved to San Francisco April 28, 1862, and duty at Benicia Barracks till March, 1863. Moved to Camp Drum March 6, thence to Fort Yuma, and duty there till January, 1864. Moved to Drum Barracks, and duty there till muster out.

Regiment mustered out April 18, 1866.



5th Regiment California Infantry:



Organized in California at large September to November, 1861. Attached to Depts. of the Pacific and New Mexico.



Ordered to Camp Latham, Southern California, February 1, 1862. Carlton's Expedition from Southern California through Arizona to Northwest Texas and New Mexico April 13-September 20 (Cos. "B" and "G"). Regiment garrison posts in Southern California and Arizona. Company "D" at San Diego. Companies "C," "F", "H", "I" and "K" at Camp Wright and Fort Bowie. Companies "A" and "E" at Fort Barrett. Companies "B" and "G" at Tucson till December, 1862. Company - march to Tucson July 6, 1862. March from Tucson to the Rio Grande July 25-August 15, 1862 (Cos. "A," "B" and "G"). December, 1862, stationed at Tucson, Company "F"; at Fort Bowie, Companies "E" and at Fort Yuma, Companies "C" and "H"; at Camp Drum, Companies "D," "I" and "K." Engagement at Pines Altos Mines January 29, 1863 (Co. "A"). To Tucson and Messilla February, 1863 (Cos. "C" and "H"). Engagement at Cajou de Arivaypo, Apache Pass, April 25, 1863 (Co. "K"). Stationed May, 1863, at Fort Stanton (Co. "A"), Fort Bowie (Co. "E"), Tucson (Cos. "C," "F" and "H"), Fort Craig (Cos. "B," "D," "G," "I" and "K"). Skirmish, Cajou de Arivaypa, May 7, 1863. At Fort Stanton June, 1863. Crook's Canon, N. Mex., July 24, 1863 (Co. "E"). Skirmishes, Chiricahua Mountains, September 8-9, 1863. Skirmish, Gila River, November 5, 1863. Skirmish, San Andreas Mountains, January 26, 1864 (Detachment). Operations in New Mexico and Arizona February 1-March 7, 1864. Expedition from Camp Mimbres February 24-29, 1864 (Detachment). Pinos Altos, Ariz., Februa­ry 27, 1864. Skirmish at foot of Sierra Bonita April 7, 1864 (Companies "F" and "I"). Doubtful Canon, N. Mex., May 4, 1864 (Com­pany "I"). Gila River Expedition, Arizona, May 25-July 13, 1864 (Companies "E," "I" and "K"). Expedition from Fort Craig, N. Mex., to Fort Goodwin, Ariz., May 16-August 2, 1864 (Companies "A," "C" and "E"). At Fort Goodwin till October (Cos. "A," "C" and "E"). June, 1864, stationed at Camp Mimbres, Ariz. (Cos. "A" and "F"), at Fort Bowie (Co. "K"), at Franklin, Texas (Cos. "G" and "H"), at Tucson (Co. "D"), at Fort Cummings (Co. "I"). Scout in Southeastern Arizona July 16-24, 1864 (Co. "A"). Expedition to Pinal Mountains July 18-August 7, 1864 (Co. "E"). Expedition to Southwest New Mexico July 23-October 10, 1864 (Cos. "B" and "F"). Ordered to Las Cruces October 8, 1864 (Cos. "A," "C," "D," "E," "I" and "K"). Company to Fort Cummings October, 1864. Mustered out November 27 to December 14, 1864.



6th Regiment California Infantry:



Organized at San Francisco October 21, 1862. Attached to Dept. of the Pacific. Duty at Benicia Barracks, San Francisco. Company "A"-Ordered to Chico, Cali., August 20, 1863, and duty there till May, 1864. Ordered to Alcatraz Island May 30, and duty there till muster out.

Companies "C," "E" and "G"-Ordered to Fort Humboldt February 15, 1864. Companies "E" and "G" return to Benicia Barracks Oc­tober 11, 1864. Company returns May, 1865. Operations in Humboldt District February 1-June 30, 1864 (Cos. "C," "E" and "G"). Skirmish at Booth's Run May 1 (Co. "E"). Kneeland's Prairie May 2 (Co. "E"). Near Boynton's May 6 (Co. "C"). Grouse Creek May 23 (Cos. "E" and "G"). Regiment at Benicia Barracks till muster out.

Company "D"-at San Francisco till July, 1863. At Benicia Barracks till August 24. Moved to Butler County and at Camp Bidwell, near Chico, till October 24. At Benicia Barracks till June 1, 1864, and at Alcatraz Island till June, 1865. Companies "D" and "I" mo­ved to Fort Churchill June 4, 1865. Regiment mustered out October 25 to December 20, 1865.



7th Regiment, California Infantry:



Organized at large October to December, 1864. Attached to Dept. of the Pacific. Companies "A," "C" and "K" ordered from San Francisco to Camp Drum, Southern California, March, 1865. Companies "A" and to Fort Yuma. Company "C" to Fort Mojave. Regiment moved to District of Arizona June, 1865, and duty there, stationed at various posts, till June, 1866. Mustered out June 28, 1866.



8th Regiment, California Infantry:



Organized by Companies as follows:

Company "A"- At Watsonville and mustered in November 17, 1864. Stationed at Fort Point, Call., till February, 1865. At Cape Disappointment, mouth of the Columbia River, Washington Territory, till August 17, 1865, and at Fort Dalles, Ore., till October, 1865. Ordered to Fort Point, Cali., October, 1865.

Company "B"-At Sacramento and mustered in December 5, 1864. Stationed at Fort Point, Cali., till April 17, 1865. Moved to Fort Stevens, Ore., April 17-26, and duty there till Octobcr 11. Ordered to Fort Point, Cali.

Company "C"-Organized at San Jose and mustered in January 28, 1865. At Fort Point, Cali., till October, 1865.

Company "D"-Organized at San Francisco and mustered in February 14, 1865. Stationed at Fort Point, Cali., till October, 1865.

Company "E"-Organized at San Francisco January 25, 1865. Stationed at Alcatraz Island till October, 1865.

Company "F"-Organized at San Francisco February 14, 1865. Stationed at Point Blunt, Angel Island, till October, 1865.

Company "G"-Organized at Marysville and mustered in January 5, 1865. Stationed at Alcatraz Island till October, 1865.

Company "H"-Organized in Calaveras County and mustered in February 27, 1865, at San Francisco. Stationed at Alcatraz Island and Fort Point till October, 1865.

Company "I"-Organized in Yuba and Sierra Counties and mustered in at San Francisco February 6, 1865. Stationed at Fort Point till October, 1865.

Company "K"-Organized at Placerville and Sacramento and mustered in at San Francisco February 25, 1865. Stationed at Fort Point till October, 1865.

Regiment mustered out October 24, 1865.



Mounted Detachment, California Infantry (3 months, 1861):



"Compendium of the War of the Rebellion" by Frederick H. Dyer contains no history for this unit.





b. Cavalry:


1st Regiment, California Cavalry:



Organized as a Battalion of 5 Companies at Camp Merchant, near Oakland, Cali., and mustered in as follows: Co. "A," August 16; Co. "B," October 31; Co. "C," October 31; Co. "D," September 9, and Co. "E," August 15, 1861. 7 new Companies organized and mustered in as follows: Co. "F," December 15; Co. "0," June 13; Co. "H," December 31; Co. "I," November 12; Co. "K," May 16; Co. "L," August 15, and Co. "M," May 16, 1863.



Companies "A," "B," "C," "D," "E" moved to Southern California and duty at Los Angeles (3 Cos.) and at San Bernardino (2 Cos.) till March, 1862. Pursuit and capture of Showalter's party at Warner's Ranch, near San Jose Valley, November 20-29, 1861 (Detachment). Attached to Carlton's California Column, organized for an Expedition to recapture the Forts and Posts in Arizona and New Mexico, March, 1862. March to Stanwix Rancho, Arizona, March 1-16. Carlton's Expedition through Arizona to Northwest Texas and Indian Territory April 8-September 20. Led advance guard of the Column on its march across the Yuma and Colorado Deserts to the Rio Grande River. March to Picacho Pass April 8-15. Action at Picacho Pass April 15. March to Pimos Villages April 16-24. Expedition to Kenyon Station April 26-29. Duty at Pimos Villages till May 15. March to Tucson May 15-20. Occupation of Tucson May 20. Reoccupation of Fort Breckenridge, afterwards Fort Stanford, at Junction of the Gila and San Pedro Rivers, May 24, and duty there till June 17. Moved to Tucson, thence to Fort Thorne, Arizona, on the Rio Grande River, June 21-July 6. Reoccupation of Fort Thorne July 6. Expedition for the reoccupation of Mesilla, Fort Fillmore and Fort Bliss July 15-19. At Las Cruces till August 16. Expedition to Fort Bliss and Fort Quitman August 16-22. At Camp Johnson, Texas, till October. Affair at San Pedro Crossing, Arizona, September 21 (Detachment). At Mesilla, Arizona, till January, 1863. Expedition against Apache Indians November 15-December 31, 1862. White Mountains November 15. At Fort West, Dept. of New Mexico, till September, 1863. Skirmish at Bonito Rio, N. Mex., March 27 (Cos. "A," "B" and "L"). Skirmish near Fort Bowie, Arizona, April 25 (Detachment). Operations against Navajo Indians in New Mexico August 20-December 16, 1863. Skirmish at San Pedro Crossing, Arizona, August 22. Fort Bowie, Arizona, August 27 (Co. "E"). Duty at Las Cruces, N. Mex., till December, 1863. Companies scattered at various points and Posts in Districts of Arizona and California and Depts. of New Mexico and the Pacific till September, 1866. Skirmish at Oregon Mountains, Ore., January 28, 1864 (Co. "D"). Skirmish at Foot of Sierra Bonito, N. Mex. (Co. "C"). Doubtful Canon, N. Mex., May 4 (Co. "I"). Spencer's Ranch, near Presidio del Norte, N. Mex., May 15 (Co. "A"). Expedition from Fort Craig, N. Mex., to Fort Goodwin, Arizona, May 16-August 2. Expedition to Gila River May 25-July 13 (Cos. "C," "F" and "L"). Scout in Southeast Arizona July 6-24 (Co. "C"). Croton Springs, Arizona, July 14 (Co. "L"). Expedition to Pinal Mountains, Arizona, July 18-August 17 (Co. "E"). Company "I" at Fort Goodwin, Arizona, July, 1864, to November, 1865, and at Fort McDowell till April, 1866. Expedition to Southwest New Mexico July 23-October 10, 1864 (Co. "C"). Expedition from Fort Craig to Fort Goodwin, Arizona, October 1-November 27, 1864. St. Vrain's Old Fort, Canadian River, November 25, 1864 (Cos. "B," "K" and "M"). Fort Buchanan, Arizona, February 17, 1865. Scout from Fort Sumner May 10-19, 1865. Scout from Camp Nichols June 13-17, 1865 (Co. "F"). Skirmish, Santa Fe Road, N. Mex., June 14 (Co. "F"). Scout from Fort Sumner to Oscura Mountains June 15-22 (Detachment). Scout from Fort Bowie to Gila River, Arizona, June 26-July 6 (Cos. "F, and "M"). Sacramento Mountains, N. Mex., July 1 (Cos. "G" and "H"). Cottonwood Creek July 3 (Cos. "F," "L" and "M"). Cavalry Canon July 4 (Cos. "F," "L" and "M"). Expedition from Fort Bowie to Maricopa Wells July 10-21 (Detachment). La Monica Springs, N. Mex., September 4, 1865 (Cos. "G" and "H"). Company "L" stationed at Camp Union, Cali., October, 1863, to January, 1864; Drum Barracks, Cali., February and March, 1864; Riventon, Arizona, April and May, 1864; Tubac, Arizona, to June, 1865; Fort Bowie, Arizona, to February, 1866; Fort McDowell, February, 1866. Regiment mustered out March 6 to October 19, 1866.



2nd Regiment, California Cavalry:

s. Captain George F. *Price (Co. M)



Organized at San Francisco September 5 to October 18, 1861. Company "A" - Ordered to Fort Churchill October 22, 1861, and duty there till July, 1862. March via Ruby Valley to Utah to protect Overland mail routes July to November, 1862. Duty in District of Utah at Camp Douglass and other points till November, 1864. Expedition from Camp Douglass to Cache Valley November 20-27, 1862. Skirmish at Cache Valley November 23, 1862. Engagement on Bear River, Utah, January 29, 1863. Expedition from Camp Douglass to Cedar Mountains, Utah, March 20-April 3. Skirmish, Cedar Fort, April 1. Expedition from Camp Douglass to Spanish Forks, Utah, April 11-20, 1863. Skirmish at Spanish Fork Canon April 15. Ordered to Camp Union, Sacramento, November, 1864. Duty there and in Districts of California and Nevada till muster out.

Company "B" - Moved to Southern California December, 1861. Duty at Los Angeles till March, 1862. Attached to Carlton's California Column on Expedition from Southern California through Arizona to Southwest Texas and New Mexico April 9-September 20, 1862. Occupation of Fort Quitman August 22. Duty at various points in Dept. of New Mexico till July, 1864. Operations against Navajo Indians in New Mexico August 20-December 16, 1863. Action at Pecos River, near Fort Sumner, January 5, 1864. Patrol Majove Road between Camp Cady and Rock Springs, Southern California, July to September, 1864. Ordered to San Francisco Septmebr 26, thence to Camp Union, Sacramento, Cali., November 12. Duty in District of California and Nevada till mustered out. Expedition from Dun Glen to Fairbanks Station, Nev., June 13-26, 1865.

Company "C" - Ordered to Fort Creek October 22, 1861, and duty there till muster out. Expedition to Honey Lake Valley November 3-29, 1862.

Company "D" - Ordered to Los Angeles, Cali., December 28, 1861, and duty there till March, 1862. Ordered to Camp Latham March 10, 1862. Expedition to Owens River, Cali., March 19-April 28. Skirmish near Bishop's Creek, Owens River Valley, April 9. Expedition from Camp Latham to Owens River June 11-October 8, 1862. Skirmish, Owens Lake, June 24. Moved to Visalia September 29-October 7. At Camp Babbet, near Visalia, and Camp Independence, Cali., to July 1863. Expedition to Keyesville April 12-24, 1863. Operations in Owens River Valley April 24-May 26. Moved to Fort Tejon, Cali., July 6-August 17. Ordered to Camp Union, Sacramento, December, 1864, to June, 1865. Ordered to Calusa, Cali. Duty there and in District of California and Arizona till muster out.

Company "E" - Ordered to Fort Humboldt December, 1861. Operations in Humboldt District March 22-August 31, 1862. Skirmishes at Daley's Ferry and on Mad River June 6-7. Cutterback's House, on Van Husen Creek, July 2. Ordered to San Francisco September, 1862, thence to Visalia December 29, 1862, and to Camp Independence, Owens River, March 11, 1863. Operations in Owens RIver Valley April 24-May 26. Moved to Fort Tejon, Cali., July 6 - August 17, 1863, thence to Camp Babbitt, near Visalia, August 18 - September 12. Expedition from Camp Babbitt to Keyesville April 23-24, 1864. Duty in District of California and Nevada till muster out.

Company "F" - Ordered from San Francisco to Camp Union, Sacramento, December 6, 1862. Duty there and at Camp Bidwell till June, 1865. Skirmish on Eel River, near Fort Baker, April 26, 1862, and at Arcata, near Light Prairie, May 21, 1862. Ordered to Fort Crook June, 1865, and duty there and in the District of California and Nevada till muster out.

Company "G" - Ordered to Los Angeles December 28, 1861. Expedition from Camp Latham to Owens River, Cali., March 19 - April 28, 1862. Skirmish at Bishop's Creek, Owens River Valley, April 9. Expedition from Camp Latham to Owens River June 11 - October 8, 1862. Skirmish at Owens Lake June 24. At Camp Independence till July, 1863. Moved to Fort Tejon, Cali., July 6 - August 17, and to Camp Babbitt December, 1863. Duty there till August, 1864. Ordered to Camp Union, Sacramento, August 18, 1864. Duty there and in the District of California till muster out.

Company "H" - Ordered to Fort Churchill October 22, 1861. Duty there till July, 1862. March via Ruby Valley to Utah to protect Overland mail route July to November, 1862. Expedition from Fort Ruby, Nev., to Camp Douglass, Utah, September 30 - October 29. Affairs on Humboldt River October 11 and 15, 1862. Expedition from Camp Douglass to Cache Valley November 20-27, 1862. Skirmish at Cache Valley November 23. Engagement on Bear River, Utah, January 29, 1863. Expedition from Camp Douglass to Spanish Fork April 11-20. Spanish Fork Canon April 15. Duty in District of Utah till December, 1864. Expedition from Camp Douglass to Soda Springs, on Bear River, Idaho, May 5-30, 1863. At Camp Union, Sacramento, and in District of California from December, 1864, to muster out.

Company "I" - Ordered to Los Angeles, Cali., December 28, 1861. Expedition from Camp Latham to Antelope Creek April 5-18, 1862 (Detachment). Expedition from Camp Latham to Owens River, Cali., March 19 - April 28, 1862. Skirmish, Bishop's Creek, Owens River Valley, April 9. Expedition from Camp Latham to Owens River June 11 - October 8. Owens Lake June 24. Moved to Visalia September 29 - October 9. At Camp Babbitt, near Visalia, till January, 1864. Ordered to Benicia Barracks January 6, 1864, thence to Camp Union, Sacramento, May 9. Moved to Chico, Cali., June 28 - July 18. Duty there and at Camp Bidwell and in District of California till muster out.

Company "K" - Ordered to Utah July 5, 1862. March via Fort Churchill and Ruby Valley to Utah to protect Overland mail route July to November, 1862. Expedition from Fort Ruby, Nev., to Camp Douglass, Utah, September 30 - October 29. Affairs on Humboldt River October 11 and 15. Expedition from Camp Douglass to Cache Valley November 20-27, 1862. Cache Valley November 23. Engagement on Bear River, Utah, January 29, 1863. At Fort Ruby and in District of Utah till December, 1864. At Camp Union, Sacramento, till May, 1865. Ordered to Fort Creek May 26, and duty there and in District of California till muster out.

Company "L" - At Fort Churchill December, 1862, to May, 1863. Ordered to Camp Independence May 21, 1863. At Fort Churchill and Fort Bridger till May, 1865. Moved to Fort Laramie, Dakota. Skirmish at Dean Man's Fork June 17. Powder River Expedition July to September, 1865. Garrison duty in District of Utah till muster out.

Company "M" - Ordered to Carson City, Nev., May, 1862. March via Fort Churchill and Ruby Valley to Utah to protect Overland mail route July to September, 1862. Expedition from Fort Ruby to Camp Douglass, Utah, September 30 - October 29. Expedition from Camp Douglass to Cache Valley November 20-27, 1862. Cache Valley November 23. Engagement on Bear River January 29, 1863. Expedition from Camp Douglass to Spanish Fork April 2-6. Action at Spanish Fork Canon April 4. Duty at Camp Douglass, Fort Bridger and Camp Connor till May, 1865. Dean Man's Fork, Dakota, June 17. On Powder River Expedition July to September and garrison duty in Utah till muster out.

Mustered out July 12, 1866.





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