Version 1.9.2019


Litera B





Black, David:

US-Captain; Co. C, 3rd Regiment Illinois Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 7).



Black, Harvey:

CS-Surgeon; 1827-1888; Surgeon for the 4th Virginia Infantry Regiment and as surgeon in charge of the field hospital of the 2nd Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Black assisted in the operation on General "Stonewall" Jackson after he had been wounded at the Battle of Chancellorsville. He was a founder and was on the first Board of Visitors of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical Colle­ge, now Virginia Tech.



- Black Family Papers, ca. 1830-1940. 1.0 cu. ft. Blacksburg, Virginia, family. Dr. Harvey Black (1827-88) served as a surgeon for the 4th Virginia Infantry Regiment and as surgeon in charge of the field hospital of the 2nd Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Black assisted in the operation on General "Stonewall" Jackson after he had been wounded at the Battle of Chancellorsville. He was a foun­der and was on the first Board of Visitors of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College, now Virginia Tech. Papers include an account book of Alexander Black (ca. 1832-45); Mexican War diary and diary of a trip to Wisconsin of Dr. Harvey Black (1847-49), miscellaneous correspondence of Harvey Black (ca. 1850-85); Black's Civil War correspondence with his wife Molly (ca. 35 letters, 1861-64); a reel of microfilm listing non-regimental Confederate personnel, including Black; photocopies of reports, biographical sketches, and obituaries (1874-1939) about Harvey Black; an anatomy notebook of Dr. Kent Black (1876) and a quilt his patients made for him (ca. 1890); and miscellaneous business papers and genealogical notes of the Black family. Also includes a manuscript notebook with a history of Blacksburg as told to Mary E. Apperson by her mother Lizzie Black Apperson. The Blacks were connec­ted by marriage to the Apperson and Kent families, and related materials may be found in the Apperson family and Kent family col­lections. Virginia Tech, Univ. Libraries, Special Collections: Civil War guide - Manuscript Sources for Civil War Research in the Spe­cial Collections Department of the Virginia Tech Libraries Ms74-003



Black, John Charles:

US-BrigGen; Bruder von William P. Black (Shea / Hess, Pea Ridge, p. 361 Anm. 46); enlisted in Danville am 15.8.1861 als Major 37th Illinois Infantry; verwundet durch Armwunde im Battle of Pea Ridge am 7.3.1862; LtCol 37th Illinois Infantry am 9.6.1862; Col 37th Illinois Infantry am 20.11.1862 (nach der unehrenhaften Entlassung des Regimentskommandeurs Myron S. Bar­nes am 20.11.1862, der durch Kriegsgerichtsverfahren wegen Befehlsverweigerung verurteilt worden war); erneut verwundet durch Arm­wunde im Battle of Prairie Grove / Arkansas am 7.12.1862; BrigGen 13.3.1865; Black erhielt für seinen Einsatz am 7.12.1862 im Battle of Prairie Grove die Congressional Medal of Honor (Beyer / Keydel [eds.]: Deeds of Valor, p. 98/99).



- Beyer / Keydel [eds.]: Deeds of Valor, p. 98



- **Black, John C.: John C. Black Family Papers, Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield / Illinois



Black, John G.:

US-Pvt; Co. H, 30th Regiment Illinois Infantry (National Park Soldiers M5839 Roll 7).



Black, John H.:

US-Lt; 12th Pennsylvania Cavalry; Teilnahme am Battle of Cedar Creek am 21.10.1864



- **Black, John H.: Letter, 1864. 0.1 cu. ft. Lieutenant in the 12th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, writing his wife on October 21, 1864, from Bolivar Heights, Virginia (now West Virginia). Writes about the Battle of Cedar Creek (October 19, 1864) and efforts to recruit new troops to replace those lost in the battles (Virginia Tech, Univ. Libraries, Special Collections: Civil War guide - Manus­cript Sources for Civil War Research in the Special Collections Department of the Virginia Tech Libraries Ms89-089)



Black, John Logan:

CS-Col; Co. F&S, 1st Regiment South Carolina Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M381 Roll 1)..


Black hatte West Point besucht während der Superintendantschaft von Robert E. Lee, war je­doch nicht graduiert worden (Pfanz: Gettysburg. The Second Day, p. 105 and 487n5).


Die 1st South Carolina Cavalry hatte am 2.7.1863 den Auftrag das I. Army Corps nach links und im Rücken zu sichern (Pfanz: Get­tysburg. The Second Day, p. 105). On the 3.7.1863 Black's Cavalry with approximately 100 troopers fought near „Tige“ Anderson's Georgia Brigade on the Confederate far right flank against the US-Cavalry (Wittenberg: Gettysburg's Forgotten Cavalry Action, p. 30).



- **Black, John Logan: Crumbling Defences or Memoirs and Reminiscenses of John Logan Black, Colonel, C.S.A. (Macon: Eleanor D. McSwain, editor and publisher, 1960)



Black, Joseph P.:

US-Captain; Co. E, 96th Regiment Illinois Infantry (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 7; auch Partridge: History of the Ni­nety-sixth Regiment Ill. Vol. Inf, p. 48).



Black, William Connor:

US-Pvt; Co. C, 8th Regiment Kansas Infantry (National Park Soldiers M542 Roll 1).



- **Black, William Connor (8th Kansas Infantry [US]): Papers: 1863 – 1987, Soldier, freighter, farmer; of Mount Pleasant, Fort Scott, Baxter Springs, KS. Diaries of his Civil War service in Co. C, 8th Kansas infantry, at forts Leavenworth and Riley; Kansas Historical Society, Topeka/Kansas, Coll. 219, MS1302, Lab #34880 (Source: KSHS, 1991 [William Connor Black collection])



Black, William J.:

CS-Pvt; Shoemaker's Virginia Horse Artillery (Beauregard Rifles) (Lynchburg Beauregards) (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 5).


geb. 1845 - † 1935; VMI 1862-1864, dann Kriegseinsatz in Shoemaker's Lynchburg Artillery; VMI-Class 1867



- **Black, William J. (Shoemaker's Virginia Horse Artillery, Beauregard Rifles, Lynchburg Beauregards): Diary (Oct. 1864 - Jan. 1865 und Berichte ab Mai 1864) (VMI-Archive)



Black, William Perkins:

US-Captain; geboren 1843; Bruder von John C. *Black (Shea / Hess, Pea Ridge, p. 361 Anm. 46); enlisted in Danville am 15.8.1861 als Captain; Kompaniechef Co. K 37th Illinois Infantry. In der Pea Ridge Campaign vom Frühjahr 1862 gehörte die 37th Illinois In­fantry unter Regimentskommandeur LtCol Myron S. *Barnes zur 2nd Brigade Col Julius *White 3rd Division Jefferson C. *Davis in Samuel R. *Curtis Army of the Southwest (Shea / Hess: Pea Ridge, p. 333); das Regiment wurde bei der Ver­stärkung von Osterhaus 1st Division bei Oberson‘s Field eingesetzt (Shea / Hess: Pea Ridge, p. 120 mit Karte S. 108); eingesetzt im Wald ostwärts Oberson's Field an der Leetown Road. Es stieß überraschend im dichten Unterholz auf Truppen der CS-Brigade Louis *Hébert (Shea / Hess: Pea Ridge, p. 122 mit Karten S. 108 und 223). Nach der Rücknahme der 37th Illi­nois während des Gegenangriffs von *Pattison's 1st Brigade verteidigte Co. K 37th Illinois Infantry die *Peoria Battery am Süd­ostrand von Oberson's Field gegen den bevorstehenden Durchbruch von *Hébert's Brigade. Captain Black ergriff eine Colt-Rifle und schlug eigenhändig einen Angriff zurück. Hierbei erlitt er eine Schußverletzung. Black erhielt für seinen Mut und Einsatz die Medal of Honor (Shea / Hess: Pea Ridge, p. 133). Mustered out 29.9.1864; elected Illinois MOLLUS am 12.2.1891, dropped 7.12.1899.



Blackburn, J. K. Polk:

CS-1stLt; Co. F. 8th Regiment Texas Cavalry (Terry's Texas Rangers) (National Park Soldiers M227 Roll 3).



- **Blackburn, J. K. P.: "Reminiscenses of the Terry Texas Rangers." Southwestern Historical Quarterly, vol. 22 (July 1918), S. 38-77



Blackburn, William D.:

US-Lt-Col; im Herbst 1862 war Blackburn Captain 7th Illinois Cavalry, Blackburn war während Grant's Vorstoß entlang der Missis­sippi Central Railroad am 3.12.1862 eingesetzt, mit zwei Kompanien die Prophet Bridge über den *Yocona River / Mississippi zu nehmen. Die Verteidigung der Flußübergänge über den Yocona erfolgte durch die CS-Brigade *Hébert. Ein Teil von Blackburn's Männern durchschwamm den Yocona und vertrieb die CS-Sicherungen (Bearss, Vicksburg Campaign, I 99; OR Ser. I, Vol. XVII, pt. I, S. 499-500). Teilnahme an *Grierson's Raid als LtCol (Underwood: Butternut Guerillas, ).



- **Brown, Dee Alexander: Grierson's Raid (Morningside, Dayton 1981, Reprint of 1954 original). The day-by-day account of the Sixth and Seventh Illinois Cavalry in their 600 mile ride through Mississippi to Baton Rouge in April 1863

- Underwood: Butternut Guerillas,



Blackford, Charles Minor:

CS-Captain; Co. B, 2nd Regiment Virginia Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 5), later General and Staff Officers, Non-Regimental En­listed Men, CSA (National Park Soldiers M818 Roll 3).


17.10.1833 in Fredericksburg - 1903; aus Lynchburg / Virginia; 2nd Virginia Cavalry; eingesetzt bei Jackson's Vorstoß gegen Pope im August 1862 und im Battle von Cedar Mountain am 9.8.1862 (Krick: Cedar Mountain, S. 11-13); hierbei komman­dierte er die Couriere des Hauptquartiers (Krick: Cedar Mountain, S. 420 n. 32); CS-Adjutant im Stab Gen. Longstreet's während des Battle of Gettysburg.


Captain Charles Blackford, a military judge in Richmond, lived with his family „very hardly, and counted many meals as sumptuous over which now the most patient wound grumble“. The Blackfords sometimes attended parties hosted by an upper-class friend and were surprised that the wealthy still lived in grand old style. „The viands were very abundant, consisting of oysters. Turkeys, game and everything usual on such occasions, including champagne and other wines. The constant wonder was where they all came from“ (Wheelan: Last full Measure, p. 17-18; Blackford: Memoirs, 2:223-224).


"Blackford enlisted in the 2nd Virginia Cavalry at the outset of the war and in 1863 was posted to Longstreet's Corps. Most of his service was in northern Virginia around the Rappahannock and the Rapidan Rivers, in the Shenandoah Valley, and with Lee's army at Gettysburg. In 1864 Blackford went west with Longstreet's army to Chattanooga, and he returned with Longstreet for the war's final days." After the War, Blackford practiced law, and served as president of the People's National Bank of Lynchburg. Blackford was a charter member of The Virginia Bar Association, and served as its president for 1894–1895. Blackford was a director and counsel for the Virginia Midland Railroad, which became part of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. In 1881, Blackford wrote a legal history of the Virginia Midland Railroad. In 1894, Blackford and his wife Susan Leigh Blackford of Lynchburg, Virginia privately published their Memoirs of Life in and Out of the Army in Virginia During the War Between the States. A seller of reprints of these volumes boasts that "Douglas Southall Freeman called Blackford's account of Appomattox one of the most important in existence." (wikipedia, 'Charles Minor Blackford', Abruf 23.8.2017).


Susan Leigh Blackford



- Blackford: Letters from Lee's Army, Vorsatz



- **Blackford, Susan Leigh (ed.): Memoirs of Life In and Out of the Army in Virginia During the War Between the States. 2 vols. (Lynchburg, VA: Warwick House Publishing, 1996)

- **Blackford, Charles Minor: Letters from Lee's Army or Life In and Out the Army of Virginia During the War Between the States (ab­ridged reprint der Originalausgabe von 1894: University of Nebrasca Press, Lincoln 1998)

- **Taliaferro, William M.: "Our Confederate Column“; Richmond Times-Dispatch [RTD], November 8, 1903 (the account by an uni­dentified member of the headquarters party in "Our Confederate Column," Richmond Times-Dispatch, November 8, 1903 stammt aus der Feder von Taliaferro [ Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 420 n. 32]). Taliaferro gehörte zur Company E, 2nd Virginia Ca­valry und diente offensichtlich Jackson als Courier im Headquarter während des Vorstoßes gegen Pope's Army of Virginia im August 1862 und dem Battle von Cedar Mountain am 9.8.1862 [ Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 420 n. 32]).



Blackford, Eugene:

CS-Major; Co. A, 5th Regiment Alabama Infantry (National Park Soldiers M3674 Roll 4).


Blackford stammte aus Fredericks­burg, und führte im Battle of Chancellorsville ein Battalion of Alabama Sharpshooters. Am 2.5.1863 stand er in der Nähe von Gene­ral Jackson. Blackford führte bei Jackson's Überraschungsangriff auf der XI. US-Corps einen Teil der Skirmish Line, die vor der Li­nie der ersten Angriffsdivision Rhodes vorging (Hamlin: Chancellorsville, p. 16; Krick, Robert K.: 'Like Chaff before the Wind'. Stonewall Jackson's mighty Flank Attack at Chancellorsville; in battle­fields/chancellorsville). As a final preparation, Blackford pushed his screen of Skirmishers four hundert yards in front of the main line. One of them suddenly rai­sed his rifle and fired. The Alabama Lad pointed out a solid line of Yankees lying down only fifty yards away. In the dense thickets, Blackford had moved too far forward (Krick, Robert K.: 'Like Chaff before the Wind'. Stonewall Jackson's mighty Flank Attack at Chancellorsville; in­ville).


In Gettysburg on 1.7.1863 Blackford's Alabama sharpshooters fought near Seminary Ridge (Pula: Under the Crescent Moon, vol. 2, p. 17).




Major Eugene Blackford (



- **Blackford, Eugene (Major, 5th Alabama Infantry): Letter to Mother, 8.7.1863, Lewis Leigh Collection, USMHI



Blackford, Lancelot Minor 'Lanty':

CS-Pvt; A. Graham's Company Virginia Light Artillery (Rockbridge Artillery) (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 5).


Graduate der University of Virginia; Rockbridge Artillery (Tanner: Stonewall in the Valley, p. 44, 571). Teilnahme am Battle of Kern­stown am 23.3.1862 (Tanner, p. 128).



- **Blackford Family Papers. Typescript of largely unpublished wartime letters of L. M. Blackford of the Rockbridge Artillery, along with other material on the Blackford Family. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

- **Blackford, L. M.: Launcelot Minor Blackford Papers, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

- **Blackford. Launcelot Minor (ed.): Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory. The Story of a Virginia Lady, Mary Berkeley Minor Black­ford, 1802-1896, Who Taught Her Sons to Hate Slavery and to Love the Union (Cambridge, 1964) +++prüfen: wieso ist L. M. Black­ford dann CS-Pvt+++



Blackford, William Willis:

CS-LtCol, 1831-1905; Adjutant von Jeb Stuart und anschließend Chief Engineer im Stab von Jeb Stuart; er befand sich von Juni 1861 bis Ende Januar 1864 in der unmittelbaren Umgebung Stuart's.


Teilnahme am Battle of Antietam er befand sich am Morgen des 17.9.1862 auf der linken Seite der CS-Front bei Stuart's Artillery auf den Nikodemus Heights (Priest: Antietam, p. 29; von Borcke, Heros von: Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, p. 229, 230).


Captain William W. Blackford war persönlicher Freund Stuart's; er war im Stab von JEB Stuart der chief engineer und zugleich cartog­rapher (Longacre: The Cavalry at Gettysburg, p. 32).



W. W. Blackford (



- **Blackford, W. W.: War Years with Jeb Stuart (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1945; reprint Louisiana State University Press: Baton Rou­ge, 1993) mit Vorwort von Douglas Southall Freeman



Blackman, Frederick:

US-Pvt; 2nd Independent Battery, Connecticut Light Artillery (National Park Soldiers M535 Roll 2).



- **Blackman, Frederick (Pvt; 2nd Independent Battery, Connecticut Light Artillery): War guide. Manuscript Sources for Civil War Research in the Special Collections Department of the Virginia Tech Libraries Ms89-059).



Blackman, George:

US-+++, aus Connecticut



- **Blackman, George: Correspondence, 1863, n.d. 0.1 cu. ft. Union soldier from Connecticut. Letters written January 6, 1863, and n.d., from Virginia and Tennessee, to Franklin Sherwood of Bridgeport, Connecticut. Writes that he was sick the night of the fight (possibly the Battle of Murfreesboro), and asks what the people back home think of the war. Asks Sherwood to send him his belon­gings for he intends to never return to Bridgeport. Transcripts available. (Virginia Tech, Univ. Libraries, Special Collections: Civil War)



Blacknall, Charles C.:

CS-Col; zunächst Captain Co. G, 23rd Regiment North Carolina Infantry, dann Col, Co. F&S, 23rd Regiment North Carolina Infan­try (National Park Soldiers M230 Roll 3; (Glatthaar: The Common Soldiers Gettysburg Campaign, in: Boritt: The Gettysburg Nobo­dy Knows, p. 9 iVm. S. 224N13).



- **Blacknall, C. C.: Letter to Bro George, 18.6.1863; in: Oscar W. Blacknall Papers, North Carolina Division of Archives and Histo­ry



Blain, Daniel:

CS-Pvt; A. Graham's Company, Virginia Light Artillery (Rockbridge Artillery (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 5).



- **Blain, Daniel (1838-1906): Papers, 1864-70. 0.1 cu. ft. Confederate soldier in the 1st Rockbridge Artillery in the Civil War; later a Presbyterian minister in Rockbridge County, Virginia, and a high school principal. Papers include four letters, written July 5 and Sep­tember 18, 1864, from camp near Petersburg, Virginia, to his future wife. Writes about the chaplaincy in the CSA Army, sitting with a dying man in his last hours, the freedom he had before the war, and news from the front in Mobile, Alabama. Refers to the shelling of Petersburg and the Democratic Party Chicago Convention. Also includes a post-war diary (1868-70) written by Blain as a newly or­dained Presbyterian minister. Writes of Confederate officers in and around Lexington, Virginia, including Robert E. Lee; his travels around the county, church business, the impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson, and the stillborn birth of his son. (Virginia Tech, Univ. Libraries, Special Collections: Civil War guide; Manuscript Sources for Civil War Research in the Special Collections Department of the Virginia Tech Libraries Ms90-002).



Blair, Austin:

Governor von Wisconsin 1862 (Curtis, 24th Michigan, p. 24).



Blair, Charles:

US-LtCol, 2nd Kansas Infantry (Lowry, Tarnished Eagles, p. 169).



Blair, Francis Preston:

Vater von US-Gen Francis Preston *Blair jr und US-Postminister Montgomery *Blair; Blair war politisch einflußreich und Herausge­ber der Zeitung 'Globe' (West: Gideon Welles, p. 33; Miles, A. River Unvexed, p. 4).



- **Smith, Elbert B.: Francis Preston Blair (Free Press, 1980)

- **Smith, William Ernest: The Francis Preston Blair Family in Politics (New York: The Macmillan Comp., 1933)



Blair, Francis Preston jr.:

US-MajGen; 19.2.1821 in Lexington / KY - 1875; Republikanischer Politiker aus St. Louis / Missouri; sein Vater Francis Blair war politisch von erheblichem Einfluß und Herausgeber des 'Globe', sein Bruder war Postminister im Kabinett Lincoln's. Blair schrieb in der Vorkriegszeit für den 'Globe', die Zeitung seines Vaters (er kam als Editor in Kontakt mit dem damaligen Journalisten Gideon *Welles [ West: Gideon Welles, p. 33]). Blair wurde graduiert an der Princeton University und studierte anschließend in Rechtswis­senschaften an der Transsylvania University in Kentucky; er ließ sich 1842 (Miles, A. River Unvexed, p. 4, a.A. s.u.) nach dem Ab­schluß seines Studiums als Rechtsanwalt in St. Louis nieder. Kriegsteilnehmer im Mexiko-Krieg und Attorney Ge­neral der NMT. Blair wurde zweimal ins US-House of Representatives gewählt, zunächst als Free-Soiler, dann als Mitglied der Repu­blikanischen Partei, in der er von erheblichem Einfluß war; sein Bruder war der US-Postminister Montgomery *Blair (Bearss, Hardluck Ironclad, p. 17).


Seit 1843 Rechtsanwalt in St. Louis / Missouri, 1852 in den Missouri Congress gewählt als Benton Demokrat (Snead, Thomas L.: The First Year of the War in Missouri; in Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, ed. Robert U. Johnson and Clarence C. Buel. 4 vols. New York, 1884-1887, Vol. I, S. 264); während des *Kansas Konflikts von 1854 identifizierte er sich mit "Free-Soil-Party" und un­terstützte 1856 Frémont als Präsidentschaftskandidat und wurde in diesem Jahr erstmals in den US-Congress gewählt. In der Präsi­dentschaftswahl von 1860 war er der Führer der Republikaner in Missouri.


Blair arbeitete entschlossen gegen Sezessionsbestrebungen in Missouri und hatte zusammen mit Lyon erheblichen Anteil an der Si­cherung von Missouri bei Kriegsbeginn (Frémont, John C.: „In Command in Missouri.“ In Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, ed. Robert U. Johnson and Clarence C. Buel. 4 vols. New York, 1884-1887, Vol. I, S. 282; Brooksher, Bloody Hill, p. 33; McElroy, John: The Struggle for Missouri [Washington, DC: The National Tribune Company, 1913], S. 29 ff); u.a. erkundete er als Frau verkleidet die Miliz-Stellungen in der Nähe des US-Arsenals in St. Louis und war führend an der Kapitulation der sezessionis­tischen Milizen in St. Louis beteiligt: Blair besetzte mit US-Truppen unter seiner Führung am 17.6.1861 Jefferson City, die Haupt­stadt Missouris und trieb die CS Truppen unter Governor Claiborne F. Jackson in einer Reihe von Gefechten ins Innere Missouris (Mi­les: A River Unve­xed, S. 5; zur Kritik an Blair: Catton: Terrible Swift Sword, p. 11; zu seinen Aktivitäten in Missouri bei Kriegsbeginn Report of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War, 1863, Part III, S. 160-61).


Ein kritischeres Bild über den Einsatz von Lyon und Blair in Missouri gibt Catton: Terrible Swift Sword, p. 10-13. Catton ver­tritt die Meinung, daß trotz des pro-südlich eingestellten Gouverneurs Claiborne Jackson der Staat Missouri voraussichtlich bei der Union verblieben wäre. Erst die illegalen Aktivitäten von Lyon und Blair hätten zum Ausbruch des Krieges in Missouri geführt. Nach dem Amtsübernahme von Frémont sei zudem die Stärke der prosüdlichen State Guard übertrieben und die Zahlenangaben mit 25000 Mann verdoppelt worden. Auch sei St. Louis keine 'Rebel City' gewesen (Catton, p. 12). Lyon habe mit seinen Aktio­nen in ein Hor­nissennest gestochen, das ihn anschließend zu überwältigen drohte (Catton, p. 13; Britton, Wiley: Civil War on the Border, 2 vols, New York 1890, vol. I S. 72-73, 75, 77).


Im Frühsommer 1861 war Blair Col. der 1st Missouri Infantry. Für die Sitzungsperiode des US-Congress in Washington, der am 22.6.1861 zusammentrat, übertrug Blair sein Kommando an LtCol George *Andrews (Brooksher: Bloody Hill, p. 103).


Blair verzichtete 1862 auf seinen Sitz im US-Congress (da Abgeordnete nicht zum General befördert werden konnten) und wurde im August 1862 zum BrigGen ernannt; im November 1862 MajGen (Miles, A. River Unvexed, p. 4). Er führte eine Brigade, eine Divisi­on und anschließend ein Corps in den Schlachten von Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Chattanooga und bei Sher­man's Marsch zum Meer. Obwohl militärisch ein Laie, wurde Blair wiederholt von seinen Freunden Sherman und Grant gelobt.


Blair’s Division bei der Meridian Campaign (Snedeker Diary 27.8.1863); XVII. Corps Battle of Decatur (Sherman’s Atlanta Cam­paign; Evans, Sherman’s Horsemen S. 64,65,76,95,207,497 Anm. 24).


Welles (Diary II 20) berichtet am 28.4.1864, Blair habe (erst jetzt ???) auf seinen Sitz im House (of Representatives) verzichtet und seinen Rücktritt als General zurückgenommen. Welles () berichtet außerdem von einer Intrige gegen Blair, der mit Hilfe einer ge­fälschten Requisition beschuldigt worden war. Ein Untersuchungsausschuß des US-Congresses deckte die Fälschung auf, hinter der Blair als Drahtzieher Gegner Blair's um den Secretary of State Chase vermutet.


Sherman erwähnt im Gespräch mit Hitchcock, daß es falsch gewesen sei, Blair am 22.7.1864 wegen Fehler beim Gefecht von Deca­tur und des Todes von MajGen McPherson's zu beschuldigen: "He did all any man could and was there because ordered by McPher­son." (Hitchcock, Marching with Sherman, p. 54)


Blair investierte sein ganzes Vermögen für die Union im Bürgerkrieg und war bei Kriegsende mittellos. Nach kurzem Zwischenspiel nach Kriegsende als Farmer in Mississippi kehrte Blair bald in die Politik zurück. Er trennte sich bald von der Republikanischen Par­tei und schloß sich der Demokratischen Partei an, da er gegen die Absichten des radikalen Flügels der Republikaner opponierte, die nach dem Sieg harte Vergeltungsmaßnahmen gegen den Süden forderten. Blair kandidierte bei der Präsidentschaftswahl 1868 als Vi­zepräsidentschaftskandidat des Präsidentschaftsbewerbers Horatio Seymour, und war nach dessen deutlicher Wahlniederlage gegen U.S. Grant kurzzeitig US-Senator. Blair starb am 8.7.1875 und ist auf dem Bellefontain Cemetary in St. Louis beigesetzt.



- Davis/Wiley, Photographic History, p. 46

- Frémont, John C.: „In Command in Missouri.“ In Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, ed. Robert U. Johnson and Clarence C. Buel. 4 vols. New York, 1884-1887, Vol. I, S. 281

- Milhollen / Kaplan: Divided We Fought, p. 80

- Schurz, Reminiscenses, vol. 2, S. 148



- **How, James F.: Frank P. Blair in 1861 - Lieutenant-Colonel James F. How, 27th MO Inf.; in: Missouri Mollus Band I

- **Smith, William Ernest: The Francis Preston Blair Family in Politics (New York: The Macmillan Comp., 1933)



Blair, John A.:



2nd Mississippi Infantry Davis Brigade 2nd Division Henry Heth III Army Corps Ambrose A. Hill; nachdem der Regimentskommand­eur Col John M. *Stone am 1.7.1863 im Battle of Gettysburg beim Angriff bei McPherson's Ridge auf Cutler's Bri­gade verwundet worden war, übernahm Blair die Führung des Regiments (Martin: Gettysburg, p. 109, 124); in Gettys­burg am 1.7.1863 mußte sich Regimentsführer Blair mit dem Regiment beim Flankenangriff der 6th Wisconsin Infantry beim Bloody Railroad Cut ergeben (Dawes: Full Blown Yankee, p. 169)



Blair, Montgomery:

US-Postminister in der 1. Regierung Lincolns; Sohn von Francis Preston Blair und Bruder von US-Gen Francis P. *Blair jr.


Montgomery Blair had moved to Maryland in 1853. He practiced law and dabbled in politics before his appointment to Lincoln's ca­binet as postmaster general. In 1859 Blair wrote J. R. Doolittle of his interest in the Republican party, and his feeling that Negroes should go „where they can have political rights. If we can commit our party distinctly to this, I will undertake for Maryland in 1860. I am now a resident and voted there in the recent election“ (Hopkins: Politics of Continuity, p. 35n61).


Blair war An­walt und hatte den Dred Scott Case vor dem Supreme Court vertreten (Nevins: Ordeal for the Union, The Improvised War, p. 44). Blair be­absichtigte bereits im März 1861 zurückzutreten, nachdem Lincoln sich dazu entschlossen hatte, alle Versuche zur Versorgung und Verstärkung von Fort Sumter unter dem Einfluß der Politik von Verteidigungsminister Seward und Gen. Scott zu unterbinden. Blair zog sein Rücktrittsgesuch zurück, nachdem es seinem politisch einflußreichen Vater Francis Blair gelungen war, Lincoln umzustim­men (Welles: Diary, vol. I, S. 13); Bruder von Francis P. *Blair; um 1843 Rechtsanwalt in St. Louis / Missouri. Blair kandidierte bei den Vor­wahlen von 1864 als republikanischer Gegenkandidat Lincolns.



- Davis / Wiley: Photographic History of the Civil War, vol I, p. 42

- West: Gideon Welles, p. 97



- **Blair Family Papers, Library of Congress, Washington/DC

- **Smith, William Ernest: The Francis Preston Blair Family in Politics (New York: The Macmillan Comp., 1933)



Blaisdell, Timothy M.:

US-1stLt; Battery B, 1st Regiment Illinois Light Artillery (Barrett's Battery); Blaisdell enlisted as Pvt (National Park soldiers M539 Roll 7); Teilnahme am Battle of Shiloh (Daniel: Shiloh, p. 76, 110,111, 171)



- **Blaisdell, Timothy M.: Letters (USMHI, Civil War Times Collection)



Blake, Benson:

CS-Col; Eigner von Benson's Plantation am Yazoo (Bearss: Hardluck Ironclad, p. 4-5); Blake errichtete die CS-Befesti­gungen aus Holz am Südufer des Yazoo River (Bearss, p. 97).



Blake, George:

US-Captain; Co. G, 15th Regiment Vermont Infantry (National Park Soldiers M557 Roll2); im Battle of Gettysburg war das Re­giment eingesetzt im Zentrum der Schlacht auf Cemetery Ridge (Coffin: Nine month to Gettysburg, p. 199).



Blake, George Smith:

US-Kapitän, 1803-1871, Superintendent der *US Naval Academy von 1857-1865



Blake, Henry N.:

US-Captain; Co. K, 11th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll 13). Teilnahme am Battle of Chan­cellorsville, wo er Flüchtige Germans aus dem XI Corps stoppte (Keller: Chancellorsville and the Germans , S. 86).



- **Blake, Henry N.: Three Years in the Army of the Potomac (Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1865).



Blakemore, George T.:

CS-Captain; Co. B, 23rd Regiment Tennessee Infantry (Martin's) (National Park Soldiers M231 Roll 4; McDonough: Shiloh, p. 13).



- **Blakemore, George T. (Captain, 23rd Tennessee Infantry [CS]: Diary, Confederate Collection Tennessee State Library and Archi­ves, Nashville



Blakeslee, Bernhard Franklin:

US-2ndLt (Corporal); Co. A&G, 16th Regiment Connecticut Infantry (National Park Soldiers M535 Roll 2).


From Hartford, he enlisted in Company A, 16th Connecticut Infantry, and mustered as Corporal on 15 July 1862. He was wounded in the head in action at Antietam on 17 September 1862. He was wounded again in the head in the Wilderness, VA on 5 May 1863. He was promoted to Lieutenant, Company G, in 1864. He was captured at Plymouth, NC on 20 April 1864 and held at Camp Oglethor­pe, GA, Savannah, GA, the Roper Hospital in Charleston, SC and at Camp Sorghum, SC. He escaped with a group of officers on 3 November 1864 and got to Union forces on the Atlantic; rescued by USS Canandaigua on 11 November. He was with his Company to the end of the War and mustered out on 24 June 1865. After the War he was a stockbroker and government official in Hartford. He was admitted to the Retreat for the Insane, Hartford (s. Goodheart, Lawrence B.: Mad Yankees: The Hartford Retreat fpr the Insane and Nineteenth-Century Psychiatry, 2003) in 1891, and died there in 1895 (http: Antietam on the Web, Stichwort 'Bernard Franklin Blakeslee', Abruf v. 24.3.2018 unter Bezug­nahme auf: Service information from Ingersoll, Colin Macrae, Adjutant-General, Catalogue of Connecticut Volunteer Organizations in the Service of the United States, 1861-1865, Hartford: Brown & Gross, 1869, p. 644. His presence at Antietam from his own His­tory of the Sixteenth Connecticut Volunteers (1875). Details from a 2016 article by Scott Valentine in Military Images, Winter 2016, p.53-55 , source also of his picture, from a photo in the author's collection).


2.9.1843 Southington, Hartford County, Conn. - † 25.4.1895 (aged 51), burial Fairview Cemetery, New Britain, Hartford County, Conn.; son of Charles Blakeslee and Dorothee Jones Eddy (www., Lt Bernard Franklin Blakeslee).



- www., Lt Bernard Franklin Blakeslee



- **Blakeslee, Bernard F. History of the Sixteenth Connecticut Volunteers. Hartford, Connecticut: Case, Lockwood, and Brainard, 1875

- Blakeslee, Bernhard F.: „The Sixteenth Connecticut at Antietam“; in: Excursion to Antietam

- **Valentine, Scott: „Dark Memories After Antietam“; in: Military Images, Winter 2016, p.53-55: “Soldier’s Heart” was one term used in the 19th century to describe a mental health condition known today as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. Other terms were used by physicians, families and comrades as well, to define the changes that occurred to a man as a result of his Civil War ex­perience, including “Melancholia,” “Nostalgia” and “Homesickness.” One man afflicted was Bernard F. Blakeslee of the 16th Connecticut Infantry. The horrors of Antietam and other wartime experiences left numerous physical injuries that healed over time, and a psychological injury from which he never recovered.



Blalock, John C.:

CS-Captain; Co. I, 29th Regiment North Carolina Infantry (National Park Soldiers M230 Roll 3); commissioned 11.7.1861, resigned 16.3.1863 (Roster of North Carolina Troops in the War Between the States, Volume 2, Prepared by Order of Legislature of 1881 by John W. Moore, Late Major 3rd Battalion Light Artillery, 1882, S. 497).



Blalock, McKesson „Keith“:

+++prüfen: völlig andere Darstellung bei Wilson: Pettigrew and his Men, p. 44, der nichts von „Renegat“ und Underground Railway weiß, und den Vornamen als L.M.“ angibt“+++; „the Renegat“ (Gragg: Covered with Glory, p. X). Co. F, 26th North Carolina Infan­try Regiment; ausgemustert floh er in den Norden, dann Co. D, 10 Michigan Cavalry Regiment (Hardy, Mi­chael C.: Remembering Avery County: Old Tales from North Carolina's Youngest County, History Press 2007, S. 114).


Keith and Malinda Blalock were Confederate Soldiers and Unionists who later led an underground railroad for escaped prisoners (of War).


William McKesson Blalock und (°° 1861) seine Ehefrau Sarah Malinda Pritchard were avowed Unionists from Caldwell County where they lived near Grandfather Mountain. Keith wanted to abvoid the draft, so he planned to volunteer, desert at the first opportu­nity, and make his way to Federal lines. Malinda decided to go with him. She disguised herself as Keith's brother and enlisted as Sa­muel Blalock together with Keith on 20.3.1862 in Co. F, 26th North Carolina Infantry. Yet the couple's plan failed. Keith developed a hernia (Leistenbruch) and a great impatience to leave the Rebel army after only one month in camp. To further his chances of medical discharge, he deliberately rubbed his body with poison sumac to create a terrible rash (Ausschlag). Keth was released on 20.4.1862. Now „Samuel“ Blalock announced that sie was a woman and was also released. After their discharge, the couple fought as Unionist guerrillas in the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee for the remainder if the war (Hess: Lee's Tar Heels, p. 20-21). Keith and his men were infamous in Watauga County, NC. His band of men reportedly raided and murdered and drove fear into the citizens of this area during the Civil War. His wife Malinda was by his side just as she was in the CSA Army. Keith's own stepfa­ther Austin Cof­fey was murdered, along with Austin's brother William Coffey. Austin's other brothers were marked men but survived (www.fin­


Sarah Malinda Pritchard Blaylock 10.3.1839 Alexander County / NC - † 9.3.1903, beerd. Montezuma Cemetery, Montezuma, Avery County /NC. William McKesson Blaylock 1836 Hodges Gap, Watauga County/NC - † 11.8.1913 Avery County / NC, beerd. beerd. Montezuma Cemetery, Montezuma, Avery County /NC (


Keith and Malindfa Blalock made extravagant claims about their Confederate service in a successful effort to obtain a pension from the U.R. Government after the war. They took credit for participation in the Battle of New Bern, and Keith claimed to have led a squad of pickets in a skirmish with Union troops sometime between the battle and his discharge. Sam claimed to have been wounded in the skirmish. None of this is true (Hess: Lee's Tar Heels, p. 357 Anm. 45).



- Sarah Malinda Blalock / Blaylock (

- William „Keith“ McKesson Blalock (



- Hardy, Michael C.: Remembering Avery County: Old Tales from North Carolina's Youngest County, History Press 2007, S. 112-117

- **Stevens, Peter F: Rebels in Blue: The Story of Keith and Malinda Blalock, Taylor Trade Publishing 1999



Blanchard, Asa W.:

US-Sergeant-Major; Co. F&S, 19th Regiment Indiana Infantry / Iron Brigade; mustered in Pvt Co. B (National Park Soldiers M540 Roll 6); Teil­nahme am 1.7.1863 am Battle of Gettysburg / Willoughby Run (Venner: 19th Indiana Infantry, p. 53, 55-56, 59-60, 63-64, 70, 72, 75-76, 78-79).


1.7.1863 Gettysburg near the Lutheran Seminary (Coco: Killed in Action; who didn't know his grave). Asa Blanchard was the Sergeant Major of the 19th Indiana Infantry (and a member of the famed "Iron Brigade.)" During the battle of Gettysburg several members of the Co­lor-Guard were killed carrying the colors. Soon the Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment grabbed the colors but was shot in the leg and forces to relinquish the flag. Blanchard, who could not find anyone else willing to carry the flag, ripped it off of the standard and wrapped it around his waist. As he turned to retreat he was struck in the groin by a Confederate bullet and soon bled to death. Before dying Blanchard managed to say, "Don't stop for me, Don't let them have the flag." His last words on earth were, "Tell mother I never faltered." Blanchard's body was sent home to Indiana and the flag was sent along in the casket. His body was later sent to Washington D.C. where his father worked for the government. On July 10th, 1863, he was buried in the Congressional Cemetery in Washington, D.C. (, accessed 27.5.2018; s. also Wert: A Brotherhood in Valor, p. 263; Marsh, Henry: Memoir; in: Marsh Letters and Diary, Indiana State Library, quoted in: Coco, Killed in Action, p. 13).


1843 New York - † 1.7.1863 Gettysburg, buried Congressional Cemetery, Washington DC; Son of James Blanchard (1817-1888) and Harriet Maria Skinner Blanchard (1818-1897) (, accessed 27.5.2018).



- **Hawkins, Norma: "Sergeant-Major Blanchard at Gettysburg," Indiana Magazine of History, 34 (June 1938): 214



Blanchard, Eli A.:

US-Musician; Co. K, 24th Regiment Michigan Infantry (National Park Soldiers M545 Roll 4).



- Blanchard, Eli A.: copy of unpublished personal letters in the possession of the late Gregory A. Coco (Coco: Vast Sea of Misery, p. 191n4)



Blanchard, Ira:

US-1stLt; Co. H, 20th Regiment Illinois Infantry (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 8; Hicken: Illinois in the Civil War, p. 11 Anm. 19, S. 241)



- Blanchard, Ira: "Recollections of Civil War Service with the 20th Illinois Infantry" (unpublished typed manuscript, Illinois State Hist­orical Library, Springfield, Ill.) und (San Francisco 1992)



Bland, Elbert:

CS-LtCol; 7th South Carolina Infantry (Gallagher u.a.: Fredericksburg, p. 66).



Blanding, James D.:

CS-Col; Co. F&S, 9th Regiment South Carolina Infantry (National Park Soldiers M381 Roll 3).



Blaschek, Joseph:

US-Corporal; Co. M, 6th Regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry (not mentioned in National Park Soldiers; s., accessed 7.5.2019).



- Blaschek, Joseph: „The Story of Rush's Lancers“; in: National Tribune, 24.6.1897



Bledsoe, G. B.:

CS-2ndLt; Co. E, 6th Regiment Mississippi Infantry (National Park Soldiers M232 Roll 4).



- **Bledsoe, G. B.: „Fifteen Soldiers of One Family“; in: Confederate Veteran, vol 18 (October 1910), p 470 (Anm.: bei Daniel: Shi­loh, p. 371 wird der Autor fehlerhaft als „S. N. Bledsoe“ genannt)



Bledsoe, Hiram:

CS-Captain; Vorkriegszeit: Teilnahme am Mexikokrieg; im Bürgerkrieg Artillery; Missouri State Guard; führte während des Rück­zugs von Claiborne *Jackson nach Südwest-Missouri einen Teil der CS Artillery; Battle of Carthage am 5.7.1861 (Brooksher: Bloody Hill, p. 122).



Bleeker, Anthony J.:

1790-1884; bekannter Grundstücksmakler und Auktionator aus New York; Aktiver Republikaner. 1862 ernannte Lincoln ihn zum As­sessor of Internal Revenue.



Blenker, Louis:

US-BrigGen; 1812-1863; geboren in Worms als Johann Ludwig Albert Blenker; Zunächst Weinhändler in Worms; Teilnahme am Aufstand in der Pfalz 1849; Oberste der Volkswehr in Worms, dort zum Bürgermeister gewählt, aber nicht ernannt (Böttcher, Ru­dolf H.: Die Familienbande der pfälzischen Revolution 1848/49: ein Beitrag zur Sozialgeschichte einer bürgerlichen Revolution; in: Pfälz.-rheinische Familienkunde 1999, 286); Blenker's Freikorps mit einer Stärke von 800 Mann hatte den ersten militärischen Zu­sammenstoß am 10.5.1849 an der Rheinschanze nach Mannheim und vertrieb dort die Brückenwehr (Fenske [Hrsg.], Die Pfalz und die Revolution, Bd. 2, S. 56). Sein miserabel vorbereiteter Versuch, die Festung Landau im Handstreich zunehmen, scheiterte je­doch kläglich am entschlossenen Widerstand der Besatzung. Nach seiner Flucht in die USA wurde Blenker Geschäftsmann in New York. Im April 1861 Col 8th New York Infantry; Blenker focht tapfer in der Schlacht von First Bull Run; und wurde bald darauf zum Brig­Gen und Divisionskommandeur ernannt, die aus drei 'German Brigades' bestand. Die Division gehörte bis April 1862 zu McClel­lan's Army of the Potomac (Nevins: Col Wainwright, p. 36 n). Blenker's Division wurde Mitte April 1862 im Shenandoah Valley einge­setzt zur Verstärkung von Banks's 5th Army Corps (Tanner: Stonewall in the Valley, p. 156) und wurde dann Ende April 1862 von Virginia nach West Virginia verlegt, nachdem John C. Frémont den Befehl über das Department of the West übernommen hatte (Ne­vins: Col Wainwright, p. 36 n; Tanner: Stonewall in the Valley, p. 172 mit Karte S. 173).



Blessington, Joseph P.:

CS-Corporal; Co. H, 16th Regiment Texas Infantry (Flournoy's)



- **Blessington, Joseph P.: The Campaign of Walker's Texas Division (New York: Lange, Little & Co., Printers, 1875; in the Original edition the name of the author is not mentioned: „By A Private Soldier“)



Bliss, Alexander:

US-LtCol; appointed from New York, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster General of Volunteers, 3 February 1862 Captain, Assi­stant Quartermaster General, United States Army, 13 March 1863 Lieutenant Colonel, Quartermaster General, Unassigned, 20 April 1863 to 1 August 1865 Colonel, Quartermaster General, Unassigned, 7 May 1866 to 1 January 1867 Breveted Major, Lieutenant Co­lonel, and Colonel, 13 March 1865 for faithful and meritorious services during the war Resigned 30 March 1868 Died 30 April 1896



- Bancroft - Bliss Families Papers, 1788-1928. ca. 5,800 items (Library of Congress, Washington/DC. In part, microfilm, transcripts, and photocopies. Includes official and personal correspondence of Lt. Col. Alexander Bliss (1827-1896), quartermaster of Volunteers and assistant quartermaster, U.S. Army, concerning the procurement, transportation, and distribution of supplies, and problems rela­ting to promotions, pay, and rank. About 15 letters from Bliss to his mother, 1864-65, describe conditions in New Orleans, La., under Gen. Edward Canby, the movement of troops and supplies on the Mississippi River, and expeditions to Arkansas and Fort Gaines, Ala. Also includes a "Narrative" (16 p.) of scenes in the Peninsular, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg campaigns, an undated report on the "Organization and Strength of the Army of the Potomac, and other troops in Department of Virginia," "Claims for hire & value of Western Rivers Steamboats & Barges," and miscellaneous quartermaster reports and accounts. Correspondents in­clude Nicholas Bowen, DeWitt Clinton, Louis Delafield, Charles Griffin, James A. Hamilton, William Hamlet, Samuel Hooper, Ru­fus Ingalls, William Le Due, George B. McClellan, George G. Meade, Montgomery C. Meigs, Winfield Scott, William Smith, and Francis Walker.



Bliss, Captain:

US-Captain, 3rd New Jersey Cavalry (Nosworthy: Bloody Crucible, p. 255 zum Battle of Waynesboro / Va. am 28.9.1864; Angabe fraglich, da Nosworthy, p. 295 Captain George Bliss im Battle of Waynesboro der 1st Rhode Island Caval­ry zuordnet).



Bliss, George N.:

US-Captain; Co. G&C, 1st Regiment Rhode Island Cavalry; mustered in as 1stLt (National Park Soldiers M555 Roll 1); Battle of Cedar Mountain am 9.8.1862.


Medal of Honor (3.8.1897): for his actions to counter a Confederate advance in Waynesboro, VA on 28.9.1864; while in command of the provost guard in the village, he saw the Union lines returning before the attack of a greatly superior force of the enemy, mustered his guard, and, without orders, joined in the defense and charged the enemy without support. He received three saber wounds, hios horse was shot, and he was taken prisoner.


Bliss was a lawyer by training (Wittenberg: Union Cavalry Comes to Age, p. 34).


22.7.18367 Tiverton, RI - † 29.8.1928 East Providence, RI (, accessed 8.5.2019).



- Bliss, George N.: „Duffie and the Monument to his Memory.“ Personal Narratives of Events in the War of the Rebellion, Being Papers Read before the Rhode Island Soldiers ans Sailors Historical Society. Vol 6, Providence, published 1890

- Bliss, George N.: The First Rhode Island Cavalry at Middleburg (Providence, RI, privately published, 1889)

- **Bliss, George N.: Reminiscenses of Service in the First Rhode Island Cavalry (Providence, R. I., 1878)

- Bliss, George N.: Letters (Rhode Island Historical society, Providence, RI)

- **Denison, Frederick: Sabres and Spurs: The First Regiment Rhode Island Cavalry in the Civil War (Central Falls, R. I., 1876)



Bliss, Robert Lewis:

CS-Sergeant; 16th Regiment Alabama Infantry (Castel: Decision in the West, p. 105, 109, 278, 316); also Ordnance Sergeant, General and Staff Offi­cers, Non-Regimental Enlisted Men, CSA (Company Note: Forrest's Cavalry) (National Park Soldiers M818 Roll 3).



- **Bliss, Robert Lewis: Letters (Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery)



Bliss, Z. R.:

US-Col; Col 7th Rhode Island Infantry während Grant's Vicksburg Campaign 1863 (Bearss: Vicksburg vol. III, S. 1145).



Blodgett, Edward A.:

US-1stLt und Adjutant; zunächst Quartermaster Sergeant, Co. F&S, 37th Regiment Illinois Infantry (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 8); dann Adjutant 74th Regiment Illinois Infantry (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 8) für die Dauer von fast einem Jahr (Partridge, Charles A.: History of the Ninety-sixth Regiment Ill. Vol. Inf., 43); ab August 1862 Adjutant und 1stLt 96th Regiment Illinois Infantry (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 8; Partridge, Charles A.: His­tory of the Ninety-sixth Re­giment Ill. Vol. Inf., p. 31); Blodgett stammte aus Downer's Grove, Du Page County/Illinois (Partridge, Charles A.: Histo­ry of the Ninety-sixth Regiment Ill. Vol. Inf., p. 31).


Blodgett wird auf seinem Grab im Rosehill Cemetery and Mausoleum in Chicago/Ill. als 'Major' d. 96th Regiment Illinois Infantry bezeich­net (, Abruf vom 14.5.2016).



Blodgett, Wells H.:

US-Captain; Co. D, 37th Regiment Illinois Infantry (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 8)


Blodgett received on 15.2.1894 the Medal of Honor; with a single orderly, captured an armed picket of eight men and marched them in prisoners (National Park Soldiers, Recipients of the Medal of Honor: Welis H. Blodgett, hier aufgrund Schreibfehler als 'Welis' genannt).



Blood, Henry Boyden:

US-Captain and Quartermaster (Heitman's Register and Dictionary of the Union Army, vol. II Part II - Complete Alphabetical List of Commissioned Officers of the Army, September 29, 1789, to March 2, 1903, p. 225).



- Blood, Henry Boyden Asst. Q.M., USA Diary, 1863 (Library of Congress, Washington/DC). 1 item. Concerns the movement and is­sue of supplies during the Gettysburg Campaign and the retrieval of government property after the battle.



Bloodgood, Edward:

US-LtCol; 22nd Wisconsin Infantry, Coburn's Brigade (Welcher / Ligget: Coburn's Brigade, p. 11, 64). Teilnahme am Battle of Thompson's Station am 5.3.1863 (Welcher / Ligget: Coburn's Brigade, p. 64 ff.). Bloodgood ist noch während der Schlacht vom Schlachtfeld geflohen und erreichte Franklin / Tennessee zusammen mit der ebenfalls geflohenen US-Artillery un­ter Captain *Ales­hire und der Cavalry (Welcher / Ligget: Coburn's Brigade, p. 68, 76, 77). Am 25.3.1863 befehligte Bloodgood eine Truppe, die sich aus den Resten von Coburn's Brigade zusammensetzte und aus Soldaten der 33rd Indiana, 19th Mi­chigan und 22nd Wisconsin Infan­try zusammensetzte, welche beim Battle von Thompson Station nicht in Gefangenschaft geraten waren. Bloodgood mußte sich am 25.3.1863 bei Brentwood / Tennessee der Kavallerie von Nathan B. Forrest ergeben. Die Kriegsge­fangenen wurden nach Tullahoma gebracht und von dort per Eisenbahntransport ins Libby Prison / Richmond transportiert, jedoch bald darauf ausgetauscht (Welcher / Ligget: Coburn's Brigade, p. 80, 101). Bloodgood blieb auch weiterhin LtCol in der 22nd Wisconsin Infantry (Welcher / Ligget: Co­burn's Brigade, p. 80). Am 31.8.1863 begann das Kriegsgerichtsverfahren gegen Bloodgood wegen des Verhalten bei Thompson's Station und Brentwood Während des Vorstosses der Army of the Cumberland zum Tennessee River auf Chattanooga ab 16.8.1863 blieb Baird’s /Steedman's Division in Tennessee mit Hauptquartier in Murfrees­boro und war eingesetzt zum Schutz der Nashvil­le-Chattanooga Railroad (Welcher / Ligget: Coburn's Brigade, p. 133). Das Urteil des Kriegsgerichts datiert vom 31.10.1863 und lautete auf unehrenhafte Entlassung. Viele Soldaten unterzeichneten eine Petition zugunsten von Bloodgood, der seinerseits in Washington politische Hilfe bei den Senatoren von Wisconsin nachsuchte (Welcher / Ligget: Coburn's Brigade, p. 150). Am 5.3.1864 erhielt Bloodgood wieder seine alte Position (Welcher / Ligget: Coburn's Brigade, p. 155). Aufgrund der Ereignisse war jedoch ein Zerwürf­nis zwischen Bloodgood und Col Utley entstanden (Welcher / Ligget: Coburn's Brigade, p. 109). Am 3.7.1864 während Sherman's Atlanta Campaign kam es zu einer harten Auseinandersetzung mit dem Regimentskommandeur der 22nd Wisconsin Infantry, Col *Utley, der daraufhin zurücktrat. Bloodgood wurde Regimentskommandeur der 22nd Wisconsin Infantry und blieb in dieser Stellung bis Kriegsende (Welcher / Ligget: Co­burn's Brigade, p. 80).



- Welcher / Ligget: Coburn's Brigade, nach S. 80



Bloodgood, John D.:

US-Sergeant; Co. I, 141st Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry (National Park Soldiers M554 Roll 10); später



- **Bloodgood, John D.: Personal Reminiscenses of the War (New York: Hund and Eaton, 1893)



Bloomfield, Alpheus S.:

US-Pvt; Co. A, 1st Regiment Ohio Light Artillery (National Park Soldiers M552 Roll 9).



- Bloomfield, Alpheus S.: Papers, 1861-93 (Library of Congress, Washington/DC). ca. 160 items. Photocopies. Chiefly letters from Bloomfield to his family written during the Shiloh, Corinth, Chattanooga, Atlanta, and Franklin and Nashville campaigns. Describes enlistments, training, discipline, camp life, troop movements, equipment and supplies, the design and use of artillery, depredations, and economic conditions in the South. Includes a few sketches of encampments.




Bloss, John M.:

US-Captain, zunächst Sergeant; Co. F, 27th Indiana Infantry.


Am 12.9.1862 rückte das Regiment in das nach Räumung der CS-Truppen während Lee's Maryland Campaign frei gewordene *Fre­derick City / Maryland ein. John M. Bloss und Corporal Barton W. Mitchell fanden hierbei Lee's Gesamtbefehl Nr. 191 vom 9.9.1862 für die Maryland Campaign auf einer Wiese (Sears: Landscape Turned Red, p. 112; *Col­grove, Silas: The Finding of Lee's Lost Order; Battles & Leaders II 603; *Bloss, John M.: "Antietam and the Lost Order," War Talks in Kansas, Kansas Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, I, S. 84-88; Datzman, Richard Carroll: "Who found Lee's Lost Order?" [1973]). Anm.: das Begleitschreiben von General Alpheus S. *Williams an das Headquarter der Army of the Potomac erwähnt als Fin­der nur Corporal Mitchell, nicht aber Sergeant Bloss (Sears, Landscape Turned Red, p. 350; McClellan Papers, reel 31).


Bloss fought and was wounded in several battles, including Antietam, before he resigned in 1864 (wikipedia, Stichwort John M. Bloss, Abruf v. 28.3.2018).


21.6.1839 New Philadelphia/Indiana - † 26.5.1905 Muncie, Delaware County/Indiana, buried Beech Grove Cemetery, Muncie (www.fin­, Abruf v. 28.3.2018). Bloss attended Hanover College in Indiana from 1854 and earned an A.B. degree with honors in 1860. After his military service in the Civil War, he studied medicine at Ohio Medical College in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1865 and 1865.His was a teacher; a principal; superintendent of the Indiana city schools of Evansville (1875–80) and Muncie (1883–86) and of Topeka, Kansas (1886–92); and the State Superintendent for Public Instruction for Indiana (1880–82). In April 1892, Bloss was selected as the third president of Oregon Agricultural College, but retired in 1896 due to his failing health (wikipedia, Stichwort John M. Bloss, Abruf v. 28.3.2018).



Blount, A. A.:

US-Captain, Batteriechef 17th Battery, Ohio Light Artillery, 2nd Brigade William J. Landram, 10th Division Andrew J. Smith, XIII. Army Corps McClernand während Grant's Campaign gegen Vicksburg 1863 (Bearss: Vicksburg, vol. II, S. 402). Battle of Port Gib­son am 1.5.1863 (Bearss: Vicksburg, vol. II, S. 402).



Bloxam, William H.:

CS-Pvt; Co. H, 3rd Regiment Virginia Infantry (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 5); „Sergeant Bloxam, of the Porthmouth Company [Anm. Co. H], who has seen service in the United States Army“, übernahm den Drill der Co. I, 3rd Regiment Virginia In­fantry (Surry Light Ar­tillery) an zwei alten Kanonen (Jones: Under the Stars and Bars: Surry Light Artillery of Virginia, p. 15-16, 19).



Blue, John:

CS-2ndLt; Co. D, 11th Regiment Virginia Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 5); Blue was a local boy from Hampshire County, Virginia who fought with a local militia and served as a spy and guerilla until he joined the Confederate army on June 17th, 1862. He served in the 11th Virginia Cavalry and participated in many of the conflicts in the Shenandoah Valley, Second Manassas, the West Virginia raid of General "Grumble" Jones and the Battle of Gettysburg. He was wounded at Catlett's Station and ended the war in Union prisons.



- **Oates, Dan (ed.): The Hanging Rock Ribel: Lt. John Blue's War in West Virginia and the Shenandoah Valley (White Mane Pu­blishers,. 1993)



Blunt, James G.:

US-MajGen; Battle of Prairie Grove; Schofield schreibt, er habe Gen Blunt anfangs höher eingeschätzt, als dieser es verdient habe, Blunt sei jedoch in keiner Weise in der Lage gewesen, eine Division gegen einen disziplinierten Feind zu befehligen (Schofield: For­ty-Six Years, p. 63). Durch Bruch der Vertraulichkeit wurde ein Schreiben von Schofield an MajGen Curtis, von diesem an die politi­schen Freunde Blunt's weitergeleitet, mit der Folge, daß im Senat Blunt zum MajGen befördert und Schofield's Beförderung zu­nächst verzögert wurde (Schofield: Forty-Six Years, p. 64).


Am 6.10.1863 legen *Quantrill’s Guerillas blaue Beuteuniformen an und überraschen eine von GenMaj James G. Blunt geführte Wa­genkolonne bei Baxter Springs/Kansas. Die vorwiegend farbigen Reiter der 3rd Wisconsin Cavalry verlieren 90, Quantrill lediglich 3 Mann (Längin S. 187)



- Blunt, James G.: "General Blunt's Account of His Civil War Experiences", in: Kansas Historical Quarterly, I, S. 211-65



Blythe, Andrew K.:

CS-Col; Major Blythe stellte im Sommer 1861 das 1st Mississippi (Blythe's) Infantry Battalion auf. Dieses wurde vergrößert im Her­bst 1861 in Blythe's Infantry Regiment umbenannt; Blythe wurde Col des Regiments (Sifakis, Compendium of the Confede­rate Ar­mies, Mississippi, Nr. 125).


Im Frühjahr 1862 und im Battle of Shiloh gehörte das Regiment zur 1st Brigade BrigGen Bushrod R. Johnson I. Army Corps Maj­Gen Leonidas Polk in A. S. Johnston's Army of the Mississippi. Am 6.4.1862 gegen 9:30 nahm das Regiment teil am Angriff bei Rea Field auf die US-Truppen. Blythe ist hierbei gefallen (Daniel: Shiloh, p. 169).



Blythe, Greene L.:

CS-Col; Mississippi State Troops; Major Blyth's State Troops standen (hervorgegangen aus Major Andrew K. *Blythe's 1st Missis­sippi Infantry Battalion) am 12.11.1862 nördlich von Hernando, Mississippi (Bearss: Vicksburg, Vol. I, S. 52, 53); Bly­the's Truppen blieben in der Folge in Nord-Mississippi eingesetzt, seine Spione beobachteten Sherman's Truppenbewegungen und seinen Vorstoß von Memphis nach Süden im Ende November 1862 (Bearss, p. 56). Am 28.11.1862 wurde Blythe's Trup­pe von US-Cavalry und BrigGen Cadwallader C. *Washburne angegriffen. Washburne kommandierte die US-Cavalry während Ho­vey's Flankenstoß von *Helena / Arkansas über den Mississippi Richtung *Grenada im November 1862, der zur Unterstützung von Grant's Angriff nach Sü­den entlang der Mississippi Central Railroad, während Grant's First Vicksburg Campaign, erfolgte (Bear­ss, Vicksburg Campaign, I 79 ff). Washburne's Cavalry bestand aus 1st Brigade mit Teilen der 1st Indiana Cavalry, Teilen der 3rd und 4th Iowa Cavalry, sowie 5th Illinois Cavalry und 9th Illinois Cavalry. Die 2nd Brigade umfaßte Detachments der 5th Kansas Cavalry, Teilen der 6th Missouri Ca­valry, Teilen der 3rd und 10th Illinois Cavalry und der 2nd Wisconsin Cavalry (Be­arss, I 80 Anm. 9). In der Nacht des 28.11.1862 griff Washburne die CS-Stellungen an der Mündung des Coldwater River (Karte Davis, Nr. 154) an, die von CS-Maj Green L. *Bly­the's 1st Battalion Mississippi State Troops verteidigt wurden (Bearss, I 80). Der von Teilen der 1st Kansas Cavalry unter Captain William W. *Walker nachts geführte Überraschungsangriff war er­folgreich. Blythe's Soldaten flohen aus den Stellungen (Bearss, p. 80; OR Ser. I, vol. XVII, pt. 1, 534).


Im Januar 1863 eingesetzt nördlich von Vicksburg (Dunbar: 93rd Illinois, p. 11); Blyth's Battalion machte mehrere Kriegsgefangene aus der 93rd Indiana Infantry (Dunbar, p. 11).


Im Februar 1863 stellte Major Blythe das 1st Mississippi Cavalry Battalion (State Troops) auf, auch bekannt als Mississippi 1st Ca­valry Battalion oder Minute Men. Die Aufstellung erfolgte für 6 Monate und dem 5th Military District, 'Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana' zugeordnet.. Die Einheit wurde im April / Mai 1863 reorganisiert, erweitert und als 1st Mississippi Cavalry Regim­ent (State Troops) in Dienst gestellt. Das 1st Cavalry Regiment wurde auch unter der Bezeichnung '2nd Partisan Rangers Regim­ent State Troops' bekannt. Das Regiment wurde Ablauf der sechsmonatigen Verpflichtungszeit im September außer Dienst ge­stellt, die geplante Reorganisation unterblieb (Sifakis, Compendium of the Confederate Armies, Mississippi, Nr. 46, 52).



Boardman, John D.:

US-+++; Michigan Artillery Officer (Castel: Decision in the West, p. 330)



- Boardman, John D.: Letters (Ness Collection, Michigan Historical Collections, Bentley Library, University of Michigan, Ann Har­bor / Michigan)



Bocock, Thomas Stanley:

CS-Politician; from Virginia; Speaker of the House of Representatives in Richmond (Davis: Jefferson Davis, p. 582).



- Wakelyn: Biographical Register of the Confederacy, pp. 99-100



Boebel, Hans;

US-LtCol; Co. F&S, 26th Regiment Wisconsin Infantry; at first Captain Co. H (National Park Soldiers M559 Roll 3; Pula: Under the Crescent Moon, vol. 2, p. 24).


10.3.1829 Bayern - † 24.8.1902 Milwaukee, Wisconsin; burial Forrest Home Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (, accessed 27.6.2019).



LtCol Hans Boebel, Kenneth and Robert Medley, published in Pula: Under the Crescent Moon, vol. 2, p. 27



Börnstein, Heinrich:

US-Col (Henry Boernstein); Co. F&S, 2nd Regiment, Missouri Infantry (3 months) (National Park Soldiers M390 Roll 4).


auch Henry Borenstein (Brooksher, Bloody Hill, p. 62); *04.11.1805 in Hamburg - † 1892. In Deutschland; Börnstein er­hielt seine Ausbildung in einem Jesuiten Seminar. Nach dieser Zeit trat er als Kadett: in die Österreichische Armee ein. 1822 nahm er an dem italienisch - österreichischen Krieg teil. Er verließ die Armee und studierte eine Zeitlang in Wien Medizin. Brach seine Studi­en ab und begann sich mit der Journalistik zu beschäftigen. Auch das Theater faszinierte ihn. Als Theaterdirektor durchzog er mit sei­nem Wandertheater die deutschen Staaten, Österreich und Italien. 1845 begab Börnstein sich nach Paris und gründete dort die republikanis­che Zeitschrift „Vorwärts“. Diese wurde von Carl Ludwig Bernay übernommen. Heinrich Börnstein wurde dann Corre­spondent der New Yorker Tribune und der in New York erscheinenden „Deutsche Schnellpost“. Beteiligung an der Revolution 1848/49- Bei Ausbruch der Revolution begab Heinrich Börnstein sich nach Wien und schloß sich der Revolution an. Ausgewandert: 1849 (Pas­sagierliste). In Amerika angekommen verschlug es Börnstein nach *St. Louis, wo er Redakteur des „Anzeiger des Westens“ wurde. Diese Zeitung wurde von ihm übernommen und anschließend gründete er nach dem Bürgerkrieg den „Neuen Anzeiger des Westens“. Ende der fünfziger Jahre gründete er in den USA wieder ein Theaterunternehmen und durchstreifte mit diesem einige Staa­ten. Nach dem Bürgerkrieg ging Börnstein als Korrespondent der „Westliche Post:“ und anderer Zeitungen nach Europa. Im Bürger­krieg: Im April stellte er das 2nd Missouri Infantry Regiment auf, zu dessen Colonel er gewählt wurde. Er nahm mit diesem Regi­ment an der Eroberung des *Camp Jackson in St. Louis teil. Wurde im weiteren Verlauf des Krieges von Abraham Lincoln als Konsul nach Bre­men geschickt.



- Boernstein, Henry: Memoirs of a Nobody: The Missouri Years of an Austrian Radical, 1849-1866 (Trans and ed. Steven Rowan. St. Louis: Missouri Historical Society Press, 1997)



Boggess, Jiles S.:

CS-LtCol, Regimentskommandeur 3rd Texas Cavalry ab Spätjahr 1862 (Hale, Third Texas Cavalry, p. 139; Bearss, Vicksburg Cam­paign, I 90); das Regiment gehörte bei der Abwehr von Grant's Stoß entlang der Mississippi Central Railroad zu John S. *Griffith's Cavalry Brigade.



Boggs, James:

CS-BrigGen / Virginia Militia (Allardice: More Generals in Gray, p. 38). Ende 1861 war Boggs Kommandeur einer Mili­z-Brigade im Shenandoah Valley unter Stonewall Jackson (Tanner: Stonewall in the Valley, p. 50). Nach Abschluß von Jackson's Expedition nach Bath und Romney und der US-Räumung von Romney bezogen Jackson's Truppen ihre Winterquartiere. Bogg's Militia konzentrierte sich dabei in der Umgebung von Romney / WVa (Tanner, p. 78).



- Allardice: More Generals in Grey, p. 38



Boggs, William Robertson:

CS-BrigGen; aus Augusta / Georgia; West Point 1853 (er hatte die zunächst für Edward Porter Alexander vorgesehene Stelle in West Point besetzt; (Alexander: Fighting for the Confederacy, p. 5).



- Allardice: Generals in Grey, p. 28



Bohlen, Henry:

US-BrigGen; 22.10.1810 Bremen / Germany - † lia 22.8.1862 Culpeper County / VA im Gefecht near Freeman's Ford am Rappahan­nock River im Vorfeld der Schlacht von 2nd Bull Run (Hennessy: Return to Bull Run, p. 70; Wallace, Frederick Stephen: The Sixty-first Ohio Volunteer, states apparently erroneously, that Bohlen fell on the right of the firing line, not during the retreat [Hennessy: Return to Bull Run, p. 487n31); beerd. Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadel­phia/Penn. (


Fought in the Mexican War. Recruited a regiment in Philadelphia made up of mostly German emigrants at the out break of the Civil War. The regiment was designated the 75th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and he was named its Colonel and commander on Sep­tember 30, 1861. Served in General Louis Blenker's division. Appointed Brigadier General, US Volunteers on April 28, 1862. Com­manded the 3rd Brigade of Carl Schurz's Division in the Shenandoah Valley operations against Stonewall Jackson. His brigade cover­ed the retreat of the Union forces at the Battle of Cross Keys, and participated in the Battle of Cedar Mountain. While conducting re­connaissance on the Rappahannock River during the initial stages of the Second Bull Run Campaign, he was killed when his force was attempting to recross the river (; Osborn: Trials and Triumphs. The Record of the Fifty-Fifth Ohio Volun­teer Infantry, p. 50).


Heinrich Bohlen, geb. in Bremen, war ein reicher Kaufmann in Philadelphia. Er „hatte eine merkwürdige Vorliebe für den Militär­stand. Beteiligte sich an der Belagerung von Antwerpen 1832 (Belgische Revolution 1832; Abspaltung Belgiens von den Niederlan­den), machte den Krimkrieg als Beobachter mit, den Krieg mit Mexiko ruhmvoll als Offizier. Organisierte 1861 das 75. Pennsylvania Regiment auf eigenen Kosten, wurde dessen Oberst und noch im gleichen Jahr Brigadeführer unter Blenker, Kämpfte ruhmvoll bei Cross Keys, wo er, nachdem die Stahelsche Brigade (infolge von Wutschels vorzeitigem Angriff) abgeschlagen worden war, einen zweiten Angriff unternahm, der jedoch infolge Versagens der Artillerie ebenfalls scheitere. General Bohlen wurde bei Freemans Ford am Rappahannock am 21. August 1862 erschossen. Als ihn die Kugel traf, führte er seine Truppen tapfer vorgehend gegen den über­legenen Feind. Wahrscheinlich weil Bohlen in den rücken getroffen wurde, bildete sich die sage heraus, daß der General einem Ra­cheakt seiner eigenen Leute zum Opfer gefallen sei. Doch ist diese Annahme wahrscheinlich falsch. Von General Stahel und nament­lich von den 75ern wird sie auf das lebhafteste bestritten. Bohlen war einer der beliebtesten Offiziere des ganzen Korps. Einer seiner Enkel ist Herr Krupp von Bohlen, der gegenwärtige Chef des Hauses Friedrich Krupp in Essen“ (aus Kaufmann: Deutsche im ameri­kanischen Bürgerkrieg, p. 484-85).


°° I mit Emily Maria Borie Bohlen (1811-1851); °° II mit deren Schwester Sophia Eliza Borie Bohlen (1813-1882); beide waren Töchter eines Geschäftspartners von Bohlen, John Joseph Borie (1776-1834) einem reichen, aus Frankreich stammenden Schiffs­händler, und Sophia Beauveau Borie (1789-1876) (



BrigGen Henry Bohlen (



Boies, Andrew J.:

US-Pvt; Co. E, 33rd Regiment Massachusetts Infantry (National Park Soldiers 544 Roll 4).



- **Boies, Andrew J.: Record of the Thirty-Third Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry (Fitchburg/MA: Sentinel Printing Company, 1880)



Boland, Elijah T.:

CS-Pvt; Co. F, 13th Regiment Alabama Infantry (National Park Soldiers M374 Roll 5; Martin: Gettysburg, p. 62). Bo­land's Regiment gehörte zu Archer's Brigade und nahm am 1.7.1963 am Angriff bei McPherson's Ridge teil (Newton: McPher­son's Ridge, p. 27).



- **Boland Elijah T.: Letter to Thomas M. Owen, 21.5.1906; 13th Regiment Alabama File, Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, Ala.

- **Boland, E. T.: "Beginning of the Battle of Gettysburg" Confederate Veteran Magazine 14 (1906): 308-309 (Archiv Ref ameri­download, conferatevereran14)

- **Boland, E. T.: "Death of General Reynolds. An Ex-Confederate who was a witness describes the Event." National Tribune, 20 May 1915



Bolding, C. P.:

CS-Sergeant; Co A, 41st Regiment Mississippi Infantry (National Park Soldiers M232 Roll 4).



- **Bolding, C. P.: Oath, 1865; 1 item. Positive photocopy of a parole oath sworn by Sergeant C. P. Bolding, Company A, Forty-first Mississippi Infantry, following his surrender at Okolona, Mississippi, May 31, 1865 (Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville: Manuscript Re­sources for the Civil War, Compiled by Kim Allen Scott, 1990)..



Bolles, W. M.:

US-LtCol, 2nd Virginia Cavalry; eingesetzt ab Dezember 1861 in Ost-Kentucky in der 18th Brigade unter James A. *Garfield (Guer­rant: Marshall and Garfield in Eastern Kentucky; in: B&L I S. 395) in der Region um Louisa am Big Sandy River (Karte Davis Nr. 141).



Bolt, John:

CS-Corporal, Co. C, 61st North Carolina Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M230 Roll 4); John Bolt war Pvt in Co. I, 3rd North Carolina Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M230 Roll 4).


Thirty-five year-old Englishman John Bolt, a resident of Beaufort County, enlisted in Company I, 3rd North Carolina State Troops on May 10, 1861. The following year he briefly transferred to the Confederate Navy before then returning to the army in Company C, 61st North Carolina Infantry. The following year he transferred back to the Navy, with which he served until the war's close (



Bolton, William J.:

US-Col; Regimentskommandeur 51st Pennsylvania Infantry



- Sauers, Edwin A. ed.): The Civil War Journal of Colonel William J. Bolton: 51st Pennsylvania Infantry, April 20, 1861 - August 2, 1865 (Da Capo Press, 2000)



Bond, Arthur W.:

CS-Corporal; Co. A, 1st Regiment Maryland Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M379 Roll 1).



- Bond, Arthur W.: „Company A, First Maryland Cavalry.“ Confederate Veteran 6 (February 1897): 78



Bond, Daniel:

US-Corporal; Co. DFB, 1st Regiment Minnesota Infantry (National Park Soldiers M546 Roll 1).



- Bond, Daniel: Reminiscenses; Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, Minn.



Bond, Frank A.:

CS-2ndLt; Co. K, 1st Regiment Virginia Cavalry; mustered in as Pvt (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 5).



- Bond, Frank A.: „Fitz Lee in the Army of Northern Virginia.“ Confederate Veteran 6 (1898),: 420-21



Bond, Henry M.:

US-Lt; 45th Massachusetts Infantry



- Bond, Henry M.: Letter, 1863. 0.1 cu. ft. Lieutenant in the 45th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment. Letter from Bond in Trenton, Jones County, North Carolina, to "My dear George." Writes of skirmishes with the "rebs," problems in advancing on the enemy due to the weather, and his opinion of North Carolina. (Virginia Tech, Univ. Libraries, Special Collections: Civil War guide. Manuscript Sources for Civil War Research in the Special Collections Department of the Virginia Tech Libraries Ms88-075).



Bond, Hugh Lennox:

Antislavery Leader aus Maryland (Foner: Reconstruction, p. 40).



- Fuke, Richard P.: "Hugh Lennox Bond and Radical Republican Ideology," JSH, 45 (November 1979), S. 583-84



Bond, Lewis H.:




- Bond, Lewis H.: A Confederate Spy - Brevet Major Lewis H. Bond



Bone, John W.:

CS-Captain; Bone's Company, Texas Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M227 Roll 4).



Bonham, Milledge, Luke:

CS-BrigGen; 1813-90; aus South Carolina; nach Besuch des South Carolina College, studierte Bonham Rechtswissenschaften; er kämpfte im Seminole War, wo er die SC Brigade kommandierte; MajGen der SC State Militia; Abgeordneter in der SC. Legislative; im Mexikokrieg diente er als Adjutant von Winfield S. Hancock; Abgeordneter im US-Congress. Nach der Sezessionsentscheidung South Carolina's am 20.12.1860 wurden die SC-Abgeordneten aus dem US-Congress zurückbeordert, darunter Bonham (Davis: Battle of Bull Run, p. 3); Bonham war ein State-Rights-Democrat; nach der Sezession von South Carolina wurde Bonham zum Befehlshaber der Truppen um Charleston ernannt, verzichtete jedoch, um unter Beauregard während der Bombardierung von Fort Sumter zu dienen; zum BrigGen CSA ernannt am 23.4.1861; eingesetzt bei Fairfax, trifft mit South Carolina Troops am 24.4.1861 in Richmond ein (Ruf­fin Diary, vol. II 9; Freeman: Robert E. Lee, p. 513); Bonham's Brigade (First Brigade: 11th North Carolina, 2nd South Carolina; 3rd South Carolina; 7th South Carolina; 8th South Carolina) bildete im Juli 1861 die vorgescho­bene Sicherungslinie bei *Fairfax Court House / Virginia, die am 17.7.1861 von der Vorhut McDowell's angegriffen wurde (Da­vis, Battle of Bull Run, p. xii, 104). Bonham hatte von Beauregard die An­weisung erhalten, sich nach Centreville zurückzu­ziehen, falls er von überlegenen Kräften angegriffen würde (Davis, p. 98), und zog sich daraufhin Richtung Bull Run auf Mitchell's Ford zurück (Davis, p. 104). Bonham's Brigade nahm an der Schlacht von 1st Ma­nassas teil (Ruffin: Diary, vol. II, S. 64, 65, 69, 70, 71, 80, 81; Freeman: Lee's Lieutenants, p. 53) und besetzt am 22.7.1861 nach der Schlacht Centreville (Ruffin: Diary, vol. II, S. 97). Bonham trat zurück am 29.1.1862; anschließend Abgeordneter im CSA Congress; Governor von South Carolina von Dezember 1862 bis Dezember 1864; reaktiviert als BrigGen CSA am 20.2. 1865, diente bis Kriegsende unter Johnston. Nachkriegs­zeit: Legislator, Railroad Commissioner, Democratic Politician.


Die Übermittlung der Spionage-Ergebnisse des Spionagerings von Rose Greenhow von Washington ins CS-Hauptquartier von CS-B­rigGen Bonham erfolgte durch Miss Betty *Duvall (Farwell, Byron: Ball's Bluff - A small Battle and Its Long Shadow, p. 26).



- Bonham, Milledge L.: Papers, South Caroliniana Library, University of South Carolina, Columbia / South Carolina

- Bonham, Milledge L.: Papers, Duke University Library, Durham / North Carolina



Bonney, Theodore Lyman:

US-First Sergeant; zunächst Sergeant Co. A, 3rd Regiment Massachusetts Infantry (Militia) (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll4); dann First Sergeant, Co. E&D, 32nd Regiment Massachusetts Infantry (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll4).


Prior to the Civil War, he worked as an iron molder, and he participated in a Hanson debate club. He enlisted for a three-month ser­vice in the Civil War as a sergeant in Company A of the 3rd Regiment of Massachusetts Infantry on 23 April 1861 and was dischar­ged on 22 July 1861 when his term expired, and therefore was referred to as one of the Massachusetts “Minute Men of 1861” who re­sponded to President Lincoln’s first call for Union soldiers in April 1861. He re-enlisted 2 December 1861 as a sergeant for a three-year service in the Civil War in Company E of the 32nd Regiment. He died of typhoid fever at Aquia Creek, Virginia on 11 May 1863 at the age of 26 (


T.L. Bonney “was named a member of the Halifax Light Infantry Company prior to the war. While in the Halifax Company, he pas­sed through the ranks and on July 9, 1860, he was commissioned 3rd Lieutenant. On April 16, 1861, the 3rd Mass. Regiment was cal­led into service and the Halifax Company left with it as Co. A. The U.S. service not recognizing 3rd and 4th lieutenants, Bonney cho­se to stay in and was given the rank of sargent, in which capacity he served until he was mustered out in July. Anxious to do more for the defense of his country, he re-enlisted in December of 1861, for three years, and became sergeant in Company E of the First Mass. Infantry Battalion and saw service guarding rebel prisoners at Fort Warren. In May of 1862 he was promoted to Orderly Sar­gent and transferred to Company C, the battalion becoming the 32nd Mass. Regiment. The regiment joined the Army of the Potomac in July and Bonney saw service with the regiment in the Peninsular campaign, escaped the second battle of Bull Run and on reaching Frede­rick, Maryland was exhausted by a continued march of more than two weeks, he was sent back to a hospital in Washington. He later rejoined his regiment and took part in the Battle of Fredericksburg in which the regiment was exposed, without shelter, to the re­bel fire for thirty hours. From Fredericksburg the regiment returned to Falmouth and spent the winter, with much suffering, in picket duty and reconnoitering. On the 27th of April the regiment moved forward to Chancellorsville where after several day of fighting they were forced again to cross the Rappahannock. It was during this retreat that Sargent Bonney, overcome by exposure and fatigue, sank by the way and was taken to a field hospital at Acquia Creek. After a short week of delirious fever he passed away on the 11th day of May, 1863.” (aus: History of the Town of Hanson, https://hansonhistoricalsociety. Wordpress. com).


T.L. Bonney was buried at Potomac Creek Station in Virginia. In June 1863, Theodore’s commander Captain Steven Rich notified his brother, Otis L. Bonney, of Theodore’s activities until his time of death, and the location of his grave. Otis then arranged for Theodo­re’s remains to be disinterred and brought to Hanson via train, where he was buried in Fern Hill Cemetery (https:// hansonhistoricals­



Theodore Lyman Bonney (27 Oct. 1836, Taunton, Mass. – 11 May 1863, Aquia Creek, Va.) (https://



Bonsall, George W.:

US-Corporal; 138th Ohio Infantry



- Bonsall, George W. (1845-1910): Diaries, 1861-78. 2 vols. Resident of Cincinnati, Ohio, and a corporal in the 138th Regiment Ohio National Guard (originally formed as the 2nd Ohio Volunteer Reserve Militia) during the Civil War. Collection consists of two volu­mes of a manuscript diary, copied in 1865 of entries Bonsall wrote between May 23, 1861 (his 16th birthday) and 1865. Conti­nues the diary sporatically after the war, with entries indicating his marriage in 1876 and the birth of his daughter in 1877. Bonsall writes in detail about his regiment's movements throughout Ohio, Kentucky, and Virginia during the war (particularly 1863 and 1864), but they never engaged in a battle with the Confederates. Bonsall also writes about working as a mason building dormitories for a new college in Berea, Kentucky, in 1869. (Virginia Tech, Univ. Libraries, Special Collections: Civil War guide. Manuscript Sources for Civil War Research in the Special Collections Department of the Virginia Tech Libraries Ms97-015).



Boomer, George Boardman:

26.7.1832 - † 22.5.1863; US-Col; 26th Missouri Infantry; in Grant’s Vicksburg Campaign war Boomer Brigadekommandeur der Boomer's Brigade, 3. Briga­de, 7. Division (Gen. Isaac F. Quimby), linker Flügel (Gen. Hamilton) von Grant’s Army of the Mississip­pi (Dunbar, History 93th Illinois Infantry, MilAmerik15 S. 8).


George Boardman Boomer's short adult career was devoted to pioneer entrepreneur efforts in developing Missouri’s natural re­sources, although these were actually a by-product of his principal business interests in Missouri. As a colonel at the head of his own Missouri-recruited regiment during the Civil.1 War, he gave his life for the Union cause at Vicksburg.


Born in Sutton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, on July 26, 1832, Boomer came to Missouri in February, 1852. Although not quite twenty years old, he was responsible for promoting the bridge building interests of the Chicago engineering firm of Stone and Boo­mer in the extension of the railroad across the state. This newly founded firm held the patent rights to the famed Howe Truss, an im­portant ingredient of railroad construction. To supply the lumber necessary for these bridge trusses, Boomer acquired timber land in 1854 on the Osage River, and established near its mouth the industrial community of Castle Rock (or Boomer’s Mills), now disap­peared. In 1856-57 he began similar timber and lead developments in Washington County, with a mill at Potosi, but his concern with these enterprises was cut short by the Civil War.


During the 1860 presidential campaign Boomer's Yankee background determined his stand with the Democrat Stephen A. Douglas. With the subsequent outbreak of hostilities he raised a Missouri regiment, not without difficulty, to defend the Union cause. He led this regiment (the 26th Missouri Volunteers) into a host of minor skirmishes within the state at the beginning of the war before he was wounded at Iuka, Mississippi in September, 1862. He soon returned to action at the head of General Schuyler Hamilton's former bri­gade... (3rd Brigade, 7th Division, 17th Army), and he was killed while leading these troops in the unfulfilled assault on Vicksburg on May 22, 1863. By request of provisional Governor Gamble, Boomer received a posthumous promotion to Brigadier-General from President Lincoln for "gallant conduct". (From the Western Historical Manuscript Collection, 23 Ellis Library, University of Missou­ri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri 65201-5149)



Memorial Plaque to George Boomer erected at the Vicksburg National Military Park



- Stone, Amelia M.: Memoir of George Boardman Boomer (Boston, 1864)



Boone, Thomas D.:

CS-Captain; Co. F, 1st Regiment North Carolina Infantry; Boone trat als First Sergeant in das Regiment ein (National Park Soldiers M230 Roll 4).



- **Boone, Thomas: „History of Company F, First North Carolina Infantry.“ The Index, March 8, 1895

- Boone, Thomas D.: Before the Rebel Flag Fell (N. p., 1968)



Boos, Charles F.:

US-Band Leader, Co. F&S, 55th Regiment Ohio Infantry (National Park Soldiers M552 Roll 10); eine Regimentskapelle mit 24 Musikern wurde Anfang Oktober 1861 aufgestellt unter Leistung Charles F. Boos; dieser stammte aus Tiffin und was a accomplished musician who wore the shoulder straps of a First Lieutenant (Osborn: Trials and Triumphs. The Record of the Fifty-Fifth Ohio Volun­teer Infantry, p. 19).



Bandleader Charles F. Boos (Osborn: Trials and Triumphs. The Record of the Fifty-Fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, p. 52)



Booth, Benjamin F.:

US-Pvt; Co. I, 22nd Regiment Iowa Infantry (National Park Soldiers M541 Roll 3).


On October 19, 1864, Booth was captured during the Battle of Cedar Creek. His first stay of confinement was at Richmond's Libby Prison. From Libby he was transferred to the Confederacy's facility of Salisbury, probably the prison operated the longest by the South. While confined at both sites, Booth kept a diary, writing his observations of camp life and suffering on any scraps of paper he could find. In 1897, he took his scratched observations and penned his account.



- **Booth, Benjamin (22nd Iowa Infantry): Dark Days of the Rebellion: Life in Southern Military Prisons (Meyer Publishing: Re­print of 1897 original); 288 pp; 30 b & w photos



Booth, George W.:

US-Pvt; aus Maryland; Teilnahme an der Besetzung von Harper's Ferry am 18.4.1861; Teilnahme an der Valley Campaign 1862 (Tan­ner: Stonewall in the Valley, p. 26 m. Anm. 6).



- **Booth, George W.: Personal Reminiscenses of a Maryland Soldier in the War between the States (Baltimore: Fleet, McGinley and Co., 1898)

- **Krick, Robert K.: Conquering the Valley. Stonewall Jackson at Port Republik (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1996)

- Tanner: Stonewall in the Valley, p. 26



Booth, Henry B.:

US-Pvt; Co. B, 7th Regiment New York Heavy Artillery (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 12).



Booth, John C.:

CS-Major; geb. 4.6.1827 Macon/ Georgia ( - † 6.9.1862 Fayetteville / NC. (North Carolina Standard, Ra­leigh, September 10, 1862); beerd. Brampton Plantion; Savannah / GA (


Graduate of U.S. Military Academy at West Point 1848 (29). Bvt. Second Lieut., 2d Artillery, July 1, 1848. Served: in garrison at Sav­annah, Ga., 1848 49, and Augusta Arsenal, (Second Lieut., 4th Artillery, May 31, 1849) / Ga., 1849; in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1849 50; in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1850 51, — and Ft. Johnston, N. C., 1851 52; and on frontier duty, at Ft. Brady, Mich., 1852 53, (First Lieut., 4th Artillery, Nov. 25, 1853)— Ft. Brown, Tex., 1854 55, — and on March to San Antonio, Tex., 1855. Resigned, May 1, 1856. Worked as Civil Engineer, Des Moines, Iowa., 1856 59. Clerk in the Pay Department of the Illinois Central Railroad, 1859 61. Served in Confederate Army as Captain, commissioned in February, 1861; he commanded the arsenal at Baton Rouge (


Captain Booth was the first commander of the Fayetteville Arsenal as an organization under the Confederate Ordnance Department.  A former U.S. Army officer and West Point graduate (Class of 1848), Captain Booth brought to the arsenal six years of military ser­vice.  His previous experience and knowledge of ordnance duties proved invaluable to the Confederacy in establishing operations in Fayetteville.  He vigorously took on the task of organizing and expanding the capabilities, whereby earning a reputation as a skilled leader.  Unfortuntely, Captain Booth fell ill and died in September 1862. As a gesture of gratitude, the Confederate War Department posthumously promoted him to major (aus:


We regret to learn that Major John C. Booth, commandant of the Arsenal at Fayetteville, died on Saturday last. He is said to have been an excellent officer and especially suited to his position“ (North Carolina Standard, Raleigh, September 10, 1862).



Grabstein Major John C. Booth, Brampton Plantion; Savannah / GA (



Booth, John Wilkes:

Mörder Lincolns; Booth erschoß Lincoln in Ford's Theater am 14.4.1865.


1859 bei der Hinrichtung von John *Brown beteiligt: zum Schutz der Hinrichtung sind 2000 Soldaten aufgeboten, darunter ein ge­wisser John W. Booth von den „Richmond Grays“.


Bereits am 17.3.1865 unternahm Booth mit einem CS-Kommandounternehmen mit Unterstützung durch Mosby's Guerillas den Ver­such Lincoln zu entführenBruce Der Versuch scheiterte jedoch (Tidwell, William A.: April 65 - Confederate Covert Action in the American Civil War, Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik43, S. xi, xiv).


Booth wurde am 26.4.1865 getötet (Tidwell, William A.: April 65 - Confederate Covert Action in the American Civil War, Bi­bliothek Ref MilAmerik43, S. 3).


Literatur zu Booth:

- **Bakeless, John: Spies of the Confederacy, Philadelphia, Lippincott 1970

- **Hanchett, William: The Lincoln Murder Conspiracies (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1983)

- **Jones, Thomas A.: J. Wilkes Booth (Chicago: Laird & Lee, 1893)

- **Kimmel, Stanley: The Mad Booths of Maryland, New York 1969

- **Reck, W. Emerson: A. Lincoln – His Last 24 Hours (McFarland Publishing)

- Rhodehamel John and Louise Taper (ed.): „Right or Wrong, God Judge Me.“ The Writings of John Wilkes Booth (Urbana/IL and Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997)

- **Tidwell, William A.: April 65 - Confederate Covert Action in the American Civil War, The Kent State University Press (Kent, Ohio & London, England, 1995)

- **Tidwell, William A.; Hall, James O. and Gaddy, David Winfred: Come Retribution. The Confederate Secret Service and the As­sassination of Lincoln (Jackson, Miss.: University Press of Mississippi, 1988, 3. Auflage 2001); Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik17f

- **Van Doren Stern, Philip: The Man who killed Lincoln (New York: Literary Guild, 1939)

- **Van Doren Stern, Philip: Secret Missions of the Civil War. First-hand accounts by men and women who risked their lives in un­derground activities for the North and the South (New York, 1959, 1987, 1990); Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik17b


Literatur zum Prozeß gegen Booth und Lincoln's Ermordung:

- **Chamlee, Jr., Roy Z.: Lincoln's Assassins (Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland and Company, 1990)

- **Eisenschiml, Otto: Why Was Lincoln Murdered ? (New York: Halcyon House, 1937): Eisenschiml stellte gegen bis dahin ver­breitete Version von der Tat eines Einzelgängers und der "sauberen, ritterlichen Kriegsführung des Südens" die These einer Ver­schwörung unter Beteiligung des US-Kriegsministers Stanton und Industrieller aus dem Norden (zur Kritik an Eisenschiml's Vorge­hensweise: William **Hanchett: "The Historian as Gamesman: Otto Eisenschiml, 1880-1863," in: Civil War History 36 [März 1990], S. 5-16

- **Hanchett, William: The Lincoln Murder Conspiracies (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1983): Hanchett, stellt wie auch Tur­ner, aufgrund neuerer Forschungen dar, daß die Ermordung Lincoln's das Ergebnis einer CS-Operation zur Geiselnahme Lincoln's war.

- **Hanchett, William: "Lincoln's Murder - The Simple Conspiracy Theory," Civil War Times Illustrated 30 (Nov/Dez 1991), S. 28-35, 70-71: Hanchett bezeichnet die Auffassung, Booth habe die Aktion zur Entführung Lincoln's aus eigener Entscheidung und Ver­antwortung ohne Rückendeckung seitens Präs. Jefferson Davis geplant, als falsch

- **Nevins, Allan: The War for the Union: The Organized War to Victory 1864-1865 (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1971): Ne­vins faßt die herrschende Meinung (S. 326) zusammen: es gab keine Aktion des Südens auf Veranlassung von Jefferson Davis oder anderer einflußreicher Führer der Konföderation. Booth handelte auf eigene Initiative. Nevins erkannte an, daß Eisenschiml's These von einem Komplott des US-Kriegsministers Stanton falsch ist (Tidwell, p. 6)

- **Poore, Ben: Perley, ed.: The Conspiracy Trial for the Murder of the President. 3 vols. (1865-66; reprint, New York: Arno Press, 1972)

- **Tidwell, William A.: April 65 - Confederate Covert Action in the American Civil War, The Kent State University Press (Kent, Ohio & London, England, 1995), Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik43, S. 3

- **Tidwell, William A., James O. Hall und David Winfred Gaddy: Come Retribution: The Confederate Secret Service and the Assas­sination of Lincoln (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1988): Darlegung der Hintergründe von Booth's fehlgeschlagener Akti­on zur Entführung Lincoln's am 17.3.1865; und der Zusammensetzung seines Kommando-Unternehmens mit Unterstützung des kon­föderierten Geheimdienstes und der CS-Armee

- **Turner, Thomas R.: Beware the People Weeping: Public Opinion and the Assassination of President Lincoln (Baton Rouge: Loui­siana State University Press, 1982): Turner, stellt Hanchett folgend, aufgrund neuerer Forschungen dar, daß die Ermordung Lincoln's das Ergebnis einer CS-Operation zur Geiselnahme Lincoln's war.



Booth, Lionel F.:

US-Major; Co. F&S, 3rd Regiment US Colored Heavy Artillery (National Park Soldiers M589 Roll 8); +++weitere Truppenzugehö­rigkeit prüfen+++


kia Fort Pillow



- Booth, Mrs. Lionel F. Collection, 1864, 1867 (Library of Congress, Washington/DC). 2 items. Letter from President Lincoln to Charles Sumner, May 19, 1864, concerning Mrs. Booth, widow of Maj. Lionel F. Booth, who was killed at Fort Pillow, and her plea in behalf of the widows and children of black soldiers



Borcke, Johann August Heinrich Heros von:

CS-Major; Stabschef von Jeb Stuart (Longacre: Mounted Raids, p. 22, 33). Von Borcke was a member of the Prussian Drago­ons and ran a Federal blockade to join the Confederate cavalry of JEB Stuart in 1863, fighting at Chancellorsville, Fredericks­burg and Brandy Station.



- Davis / Wiley: Photographic History. Vol: 2: Vicksburg to Appomattox, p. 325



- **Borcke, Heros von: Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence. 2 vols (New York, 1938; J. S. Sanders: Reprint of Scarce 1866 Original); 464 pp

- Borcke, Heros von: „Colonel Heros Von Borcke's Journal§, n.p., 1981

- Borcke, Heros von / Justus Scheibert: The Great Cavalry Battle of Brandy Station. Translated by Stuart T. Wright und F.D. Bridgewater. Reprint, Gaithersburg, MD: Olde Soldiers Book. Originally published in 1893



Border, John W.:

CS-Col; at first LtCol; Border's Battalion, Texas Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M227 Roll 4), later Col Border's Regiment Texas Cavalry (An­derson's) (National Park Soldiers M227 Roll 4).



Born, Emanuel:

US-Corporal; Co. B, 82nd Regiment Ohio Infantry (National Park Soldiers M552 Roll 10).



Borton, Benjamin:

US-Pvt, Co. A, 24th Regiment New Jersey Infantry (National Park Soldiers M550 Roll 2).



- **Borton, Benjamin (24th NJ Infantry): On the Parallels, or Chapters of Inner History: A Story of the Rappahannock (Woodstown, NJ 1903); 333 pp. "One who participated in the battles herein described in and around Fredericksburg VA 1862"

- **Borton, Benjamin: Awhile with the Blue, or Memories of War Days. The True Story of a Private (1898)

- **Borton, Benjamin On the Parallels or Chapters of Inner History - A Story of Rappahannock (Reprint 2008)



Bourland, James A.:

CS-Col; Co. F&S, Bourland's Regiment, Texas Cavalry (Border Regiment) (National Park Soldiers M227 Roll 4).



- Bourland, James A. Col., CSA Papers, 1841-96. ca. 200 items (Library of Congress). Includes correspondence, orders, muster rolls, commissions, and miscellaneous items relating to Texas State troops, particularly the 21st brigade or Border Regiment, in the Red Ri­ver Valley and along the Cherokee Nation frontier. Microfilm copy (3 reels) available.



Bosang, James N.:

CS-Captain; Co. C, 4th Regiment Virginia Infantry; mustered in as sergeant (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 6); aus Pulaski, Va.



- Bosang, J. N.: Memoirs of a Pulaski Veteran (privately printed. Pulaski, Virginia 1912)



Bosbyshell, Oliver Christian:

US-Major; zunächst Pvt; Co. B&H, 25th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry (3 months) (National Park Soldiers M554 Roll 11), dann im Rang eines Second Lieutenant eingetreten in Co F&S, 48th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry, Captain (Co. G), zuletzt Major (National Park Soldiers M554 Roll 11).


Civil War Union Army Officer. A pre-War member of the Washington Artillery militia, he was mustered into the Union Army as a Private when that unit was made into Company H, 25th Pennsylvania (Three-Month) Volunteer Infantry regiment on April 18, 1861. He accompanied the new regiment as it was hurried to man the defenses of Washington, DC, and was injured in the head by a thrown brick when it passed through Baltimore, Maryland, and was attacked by pro-Southern rioters. Company H was assigned to man Fort Washington, where it stood in garrison until they were sent back to Pennsylvania in July 1861, and was mustered out on July 29 when their term of service expired. At the time he was offered a commission in the Regular Army, but declined it ( Powell, William H.: Of­ficers of the Volunteer Army and Navy who served in the Civil War, Stichwort Bosbyshell).

He rejoined the Union War effort on October 1, 1861, when he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in Company G, 48th Pennsyl­vania Volunteer Infantry. He rose steadily in rank, being promoted to 1st Lieutenant on May 5, 1862, Captain and company comman­der on June 2, 1862, and to Major on July 24, 1864. He served in that duty until he was honorably mustered out due to expiration by law of enlistment on October 1, 1864. During his tenure with the 48th Pennsylvania, he fought in New Berne, North Carolina, and in the Battles of 2nd Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. In 1863 the regiment, along with the entire Ninth Corps, was ordered west, and he was assigned as Provost Marshal of Lexington, Kentucky. In the operations in eastern Tennes­see in the summer of fall of 1863 he was with his regiment as it fought at Blue Springs, Campbell's Station and Knoxville. Spring 1864 brought the Ninth Corps back to Virginia to take part in General Ulysses S. Grant's Overland Campaign, and Captain Bosbys­hell was assigned as Assistant Adjutant General of the 1st Brigade, 4th Division, Ninth Army Corps, a duty he performed until July 30. On that date the Union Army exploded a mine under Confederate positions at Petersburg, and now-Major Bosbyshell participated in the subsequent disaster that was the Battle of the Crater. After the battle, he was place in command of the regiment, and led it in the Battles of Weldon Railroad and Poplar Grove Church before his muster out( Powell, William H.: Officers of the Volunteer Army and Navy who served in the Civil War, Stichwort Bosbyshell).

After the war he was involved in politics, holding several local offices, and served as Director of the United States Mint in Philadel­phia from 1889 to 1893. In 1893 he published "The 48th in the War: Being A Narrative of the 48th Regiment Infantry, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, During the War of the Rebellion". He rose to the rank of Brigadier General in the Pennsylvania National Guard, and served as Colonel of the 19th Pennsylvania Infantry regiment during the Spanish-American War (a unit that only saw garrison duty) ( Powell, William H.: Officers of the Volunteer Army and Navy who served in the Civil War, Stichwort Bosbyshell).

3.1.1839 Vicksburg/Mississippi - † 1.8.1921 Philadelphia/Pennsylvania; beerd. West Laurel Cemetery, Bala Cynwyd, Montgomery County/Pennsylvania; °° Martha Ellen Stern Bosbyshell (1839-1914); aus der Ehe stammen 2 Kinder (



- Captain Oliver Christian Bosbyshell (

- Oliver Christian Bosbyshell als 4th Superintendent of the United States Mint (Photo zwischen1889-1894, https://en.wikipedia.




- **Bosbyshell, Oliver Christian (Captain Co. G): The 48th in the war. Being a narrative of the campaigns of the 48th regiment, in­fantry, Pennsylvania veteran volunteers, during the war of the rebellion (1895)

- **Bosbyshell, Oliver Christian: Pennsylvania at Antietam (Harrisburg: Antietam Battlefield Memorial Commission, 1906) (Archiv Ref, Computer, Dokumente, ameridownload)



Bossong, Jacob (D):

US-Pvt; Co. B, 1st Regiment New York Mounted Rifles (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 13, benannt als „J. Bossong“); also Pvt, Co. B, 3rd Regiment New York Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 13).


Jacob Bossong, born 1822 Schneckenhausen/Pfalz - † 9.4.1904 Manhattan, New York, buried Calvary Cemetery, Woodside, Queens County, New York, old 81 years (, Abruf 24.8.2017). Sohn d. Sebastian Bossong (Inscription on his gravestone in Calvary Cemetery); Bossong emigrated 1846 to USA and foun­ded a furniture shop (Steinebrei, Hans: „Berichte vom Kanton Otterberg im 'New Yorker Pfäl­zer' in Amerika“; in: Heimatjahrbuch Kaiserslautern 2004, S. 75). ∞ Anna Maria Lanzer (geb. Schneckenhausen - † 5.8.1904 Manhattan, New York) (Steine­brei, Hans: „Berichte vom Kanton Otterberg im 'New Yorker Pfälzer' in Amerika“; in: Heimatjahrbuch Kaiserslautern 2004, S. 77); Vater v. Francis Bossong (Steinebrei, Hans: „Berichte vom Kanton Otterberg im 'New Yorker Pfälzer' in Amerika“; in: Heimatjahrbuch Kaiserslautern 2004, S. 75) und Anna Maria Wolf (∞ Heinrich W. Wolf) (Steinebrei, Hans: „Be­richte vom Kanton Otterberg im 'New Yorker Pfälzer' in Amerika“; in: Heimatjahrbuch Kaiserslautern 2004, S. 77).



Boswell, James Keith:

CS-Captain; Engineers, CSA (National Park Soldiers M818 Roll 3; Hotchkiss: Make me a Map, p. 273 Anm. 8; Henderson: Stonewall Jackson, p. 433).


18.11.1833 Fauquier County, VA +++- † 2.5.1863 kia Chancellorsville; buried Confederate Cemetery, Fredericksburg, VA. Son of Dr. Thomas Hamlin and Lucy Ann Steptoe (Skinker) Boswell, and brother to Pvt Peter Keith Boswell of the famed Black Horse Cavalry, Company H, 4th Virginia Cavalry. His 1st cousins, brothers Pvt. Isham Keith and Adjutant James Keith were also in the Black Horse Cavalry. Captain Boswell was unmarried (


This young man – born November 18, 1838 – had been trained as a civil engineer and, prior to the war, had constructed railroads in Missouri and Alabama. When the war began, he returned to his native state, Virginia, and offered his services in her defense. At first, James Keith Boswell served on General Magruder’s staff, but General Thomas J. Jackson specifically requested his transfer, and Bos­well arrived in Winchester, Virginia, during the last week of February 1862 (, accessed 31.8.2018).


Zunächst im Frühjahr 1862 Lt und Chief der Engineers im Stab Stonewall Jackson's (Hotchkiss: Make me a Map of the Valley, p. 6), dann als Cap­tain Mitglied im Stab von Stonewall Jackson, wo er Jackson's "truthful aide“ (Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 48) und Chief of Engineers (Hotchkiss: Make me a Map of the Valley, p. 273 Anm. 8; Henderson, p. 678) sowie Topographical Engi­neer war (Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 108); Boswell hatte im Battle of Cedar Mountain am 9.8.1862 das Kommando über das rückwärtige Hauptquartier Jackson's bei Petty House (Krick: Cedar Moun­tain, p. 108). Jackson beauftragte Boswell mit der Aufklärung, ob eine Flan­kierung des Gegners an der linken Seite der CS-Front möglich sei (Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 108).


Teilnahme an Jackson's Vorstoß gegen Pope's Army of Virginia Anfang August 1862 und am Battle von Cedar Mountain am 9.8.1862 (Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 48). Boswell war mit Jedediah *Hotchkiss befreundet und hatte dessen Aufnahme in den Stab Jackson's als Karto­graph bewirkt (Hotchkiss: Make me a Map, S 273 Anm. 8).


On the 25.8.1862 Boswell led the Vanguard of the Jackson's Corps northwestward in the rear of John Pope's US-Army of Virginia (Hennessy: Return to Bull Run, p. 96).


Boswell wurde durch das gleiche "Friendly fire", das Jack­son so schwer verwundet, daß dieser kurz darauf starb, in der Schlacht von Chancellorsville am 2.5.1863 tödlich getroffen (Hotch­kiss: Make me a Map, p. 273 Anm. 8, S. 298 Anm. 9, Henderson: Stonewall Jackson, p. 682).



- **Boswell, James Keith (Captain und Chief der Engineers im Stab Stonewall Jackson's): Report. Library of Congress, Washington DC, Roll 49, Frame 172

- Henderson: Stonewall Jackson, p. 433, 678, 682, 689

- Hotchkiss: Make me a Map, p. 6, 14, 17, 22, 35, 47, 50, 53, 54, 56, 85, 87, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 112, 113, 115-28, 130, 131, 134, 137, 139, 142, 273 Anm. 8, 294 nn 23 und 24, 298 n 9, 300 nn 19 und 20

- Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 48, 50, 97, 108, 110, 153-54, 186, 299-300



Boswell, Peter Keith:

CS-Pvt; Company H, 4th Regiment Virginia Cavalry (Black Horse Cavalry) (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 6).


Son of Dr. Thomas Hamlin and Lucy Ann Steptoe (Skinker) Boswell, and brother to Captain James K. *Boswell, Company H, 4th Virginia Cavalry. His 1st cousins, brothers Pvt. Isham Keith and Adjutant James Keith were also in the Black Horse Cavalry. Captain Boswell was unmarried (



Bosworth, Michael:

US-Pvt; Co. F, 20th Regiment Maine Infantry (National Park Soldiers M543 Roll 2; Desjardin: Stand Firm, p. 170).


Bosworth came from Solon/Maine and was a farmer; he mustered in at the age of 18 (Desjardin: Stand Firm, p. 170); he was an Italian native (Desjardin: Stand Firm, p. 208n17).



Bosworth, Milton K.:

US-First Sergeant; 53rd Ohio Infantry (Daniel: Shiloh, p. 157).



- **Bosworth, Milton K. (Sergeant; 53rd Ohio Infantry): Letter to father (Shiloh National Military Park, Shiloh / Tennessee, 53rd Ohio File)



Boteler, Alexander Robinson:

CS-Col; 16.5.1815-8.5.1892; aus Shepherdstown / Virginia; 1835 Princeton graduated; Politiker der American Party für die er 1858 als Abgeordneter für den Winchester Wahlbezirk in den US-Congress gewählt wurde, er blieb im House of Representatives bis 3.3.1861. Boteler schlug die bekannte Resolution vor, die zum Ausschuß des 'Committee of Thirty-Three' führte; es handelte sich hierbei um eine Gruppe von Abgeordneten, die versuchten, den Krieg durch einen Kompromiß zu vermeiden. Nach seinem Ausschei­den aus dem US-Congress wurde Boteler nach Ausbruch der Sezession als Abgeordneter des Winchester Districts / Shenandoah Val­ley in Congress der CSA ab 27.11.1861 gewählt (Hotchkiss, Make Me a Map, p. 283-84 Anm. 16) und war der Repräsen­tant des Shenandoah-Tals im CS-Congress (Tanner: Stonewall in the Valley, p. 34, 84). Boteler war mit Stonewall Jack­son befreundet (Henderson: Stonewall Jackson, p. 397, 207; Ruffin, Diary II 178 Anm. 38). Boteler diente als 'Volunteer Aid' im Stab Jackson's (Hotchkiss, Make Me a Map, p. 283-84 Anm. 16).


Boteler war in die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Stonewall *Jackson und Gen. *Loring von Februar 1962 involviert (Zusammenf­assung bei *Loring m.w.N.).


Jackson appointed his close friend Boteler on 30.5.1862 as a volunteer aide-de-camp, giving him the rank of a colonel. Jackson for some time lobbied Boteler to convince President Jefferson Davis to support an invasion plan. With Lee's endorsement and leadership, this culminated with the Maryland Campaign in September 1862 (Mingus: Flames Beyond Gettysburg, p. 2n3).


Boteler war 1862 Abgeordneter im CS-Congress und zugleich Stabsoffizier im Stab von Stonewall *Jackson (Freeman: Lee, vol. 2, S. 260). Jackson wandte sich an Boteler, als Lee nach der Peninsular Campaign ein Vorgehen gegen Pope's neuaufge­stellte Army of Virginia ablehnte, mit der Bitte, bei Präsident Davis zu intervenieren (Freeman: Lee, vol. 2, S. 260; Dab­ney, Robert Lewis: Life and Campaigns of Lieut.-Gen. Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson), New York: Blelock, 1866, S. 486-87; SHSP 40, S. 180-81). Bote­ler sprach bei Davis vor und glaubte in der Folge irrig, seine Intervention habe zur Änderung von Lee's Strategie geführt. Tatsächlich war Auslöser der Änderung von Lee's Ansichten die Information vom 12.7.1862, daß Pope inzwischen Culpeper Court House ge­nommen hatte und ein weiteres Vorgehen in Virginia bevorstand (SHSP 40, S. 182). Boteler besuchte Jackson in seinem Hauptquar­tier bei *Liberty Mills (nördlich von *Gordonsville) am 24.7.1862 (Hotchkiss, Make Me a Map, p. 63).



- **Boteler, Alexander R.: Boteler Papers. Unpublished letters and papers of Alexander R. Boteler (Duke University Manuscript Col­lection, Durham / North Carolina)

- Greenhow, Rose: Briefwechsel mit Alexander Boteler (Greenhow, Rose O'Neal: Rose O'Neal Greenhow Papers, Special Col­lections Library, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik17b)



Botsford, E. W.:

US-Captain; Regimentskommandeur 7th Kentucky Infantry, 9th Division Osterhaus, XIII. Army Corps McClernand während Grant's Campaign gegen Vicksburg 1863 (Bearss: Vicksburg, vol. II, S. 402). Battle of Port Gibson am 1.5.1863 (Bearss: Vicksburg, vol. II, S. 402).



Botsford, Theophilus F.:

CS-Pvt; Co. D, 47th Regiment Alabama Infantry (National Park Soldiers M374 Roll 5).



- **Botsford, Theophilus F.: Memories of the War of Secession (Montgomery, Alabama: The Paragon Press, 1911)



Botts, John Minor:

Unionssympathisant in Richmond 1861 bei Ausbruch der Sezession (Ruffin Diary II 8)



Botts, Lawson:

CS-LtCol; zunächst Captain Co. GFS, 2nd Regiment Virginia Infantry (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 6); 1862 Col. 2nd Virginia Infantry, Battle of Cedar Mountain (Battles and Leaders, Vol. II., p. 496; Wert: Brotherhood of Valor, p. 18).


Botts, an attorney, had been a „decided and uncompromising opponent of secession doctrines“ and had defended abolitionist John Brown, whose raid on Harper's Ferry, in October 1859, hastened the destruction of the Union (Weret: Brotherhood of Valor, p. 18)



- **Botts, Lawson (LtCol, 2nd Regiment Virginia Infantry): Papers. Miscellaneous items of Lawson Botts; scattered dates (Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va.)



Boucher, John V.:

US-First Sergeant; Co. E, 10th Regiment Missouri Infantry (National Park Soldiers M390 Roll 5).



- Boucher Family Papers (CWMC, USAMHI)



Bouck, Gabriel:

US-Captain 2nd Wisconsin Infantry (Gaff: If this is War, p. 46); seine Charakterisierung durch Charles Messervey, abgedruckt bei Gaff: If this is War, p. 101



- Gaff: If this is War,

- **Otis, George H.: The Second Wisconsin Infantry, ed. Alan D. Gaff (Morningside Bookshop 1984), S. 30

- State Historical Society of Wisconsin: enthält Informationen/Dokumente über 22nd Wisconsin Regiment (Welcher/Ligget, Coburn's Brigade, p. ix), Colonel Utley und LtCol Bloodgood



Boudrye (Beaudry), Louis N.:

US-Chaplain; Co. F&S, 5th Regiment New York Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 13).



- **Boudrye, Louis N. (5th NY Cavalry): War Journal of Louis N. Beaudry, 5th New York Cavalry: The Diary of a Union Chaplain, Commencing February 16, 1863 (Albany: R. S. Gray, 1865, reprint McFarland Publishing); Details of Gettysburg and other battles of the 5th New York Cavalry from 1863 to 1865. Only 167 of the original members of this regiment remained at war's end, some 114 having died in Confederate prisons. Beaudry wrote the Regimental History of the 5th Cavalry using many of these same diary entries.

- **Beaudry, Louis N.: Historic Records of the Fifth New York Cavalry (Albany: New York, 1865)

- Beaudry, Richard N. (ed.): War Journal of Louis N. Beaudrey, Fifth New York Cavalry (Jefferson, NC: McFarland ( Company, Inc., 1996). Chaplain Beaudry, the regimental historian , was not present at the Cavalry battle on the South Cavalry Field at Gettysburg on 3.7.1863 (Farnsworth Charge); he arrived there after the charge was over (Wittenberg: Gettysburg's Forgotten Cavalry Action, p. 39n1).



Bouldin, Edwin E.:

CS-Captain; Co. B, 14th Regiment Virginia Cavalry; mustered in as Pvt (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 6).


The 14th Virginia Cavalry BrigGen Albert G. Jenkin's Cavalry Brigade Stuart's Cavalry Lee's Army of Northern Virginia; 1863 Teilnahme an Lee's Campaign nach Gettysburg (Longacre: Cavalry at Gettysburg, p. 18); am 1.7.1863 im Battle of Gettysburg war ein Teil von Jenkin's Brigade beim Vorstoß von Lee's Army entlang des Cashville Pike in Richtung McPherson's Ridge und am ersten Angriff beteiligt, in der "extreme Advance" (*Bouldin, E. E.: Letter an B. F. *Eakle, 31.3..1886, Bachelder Pa­pers, New Hampshire Historical Society; Martin: Gettysburg, p. 609n86); Calef's Battery beschoß am 1.7.1863 von McPher­son's Ridge angrei­fende Cavalry, die sich nördlich des Cashville Pike vor McPherson's Ridge befand. Es bleibt jedoch unklar, ob es sich hierbei um Tei­le der 14th Virginia Cavalry handelt (Martin: Gettysburg, p. 75).



- Bouldin, Edward E.: „Charlotte Cavalry: A Brief History of the Gallant Command.“ Richmond Dispatch 28.5.1899 (note: the first N

name 'Edward' is cited in Wittenberg: Protecting the Flank Gettysburg. The Battles of Brinkerhoff's Ridge and East Cavalry Field, July 2-3, 1863, p. 188)



Bouquet, Nicholas:

US-Pvt, 1st Iowa Infantry; 14.11.1842 Landau - 27.12.1912, beerdigt Aspen Grove Cemetery, Burlington/Iowa; kam 1856 als Ein­wanderer nach St. Louis; Pvt. Bouquet war in 1st Iowa Infantry; Medal of Honor am 10.8.1861 Wilson’s Creek (Kukatzki; in Pfäl­zisch-Rheinische Familienkunde 2008, S. 448).



Bourke, John G.:

US-Pvt; Co. E&D, 15th Regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry (160th Volunteers) (National Park Soldiers M554 Roll 11).



- **Bourke, John G.: On the Border With Crook (Time Life 1980; Reprint of 1881 Original)



Bouton, Edward:

US-BrigGen, 1834-1921; aus New York; 20.2.1862 Captain 1st Ill. Art., 28.6.1863 Col 59th US Colored Infantry, 28.2.1865 Brig­Gen; er war Provost Marshall von Memphis nach der Besetzung durch US-Truppen; in der Nachkriegszeit Schafzüchter (Boat­ner, p. 75



- **Bouton, Edward (Gen.): Events of the Civil War (Los Angeles, 1906)



Bowditch, Nathaniel:

US-2ndLt/Adjutant; Co. F&S, 1st Regiment Massachusetts Infantry; mustered in as 2ndLt Col H (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll 4); at first 2ndLt, Co. L, 4th Regiment Massachusetts Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll 4).


Nathaniel was the Assistant Adjutant-General on the staff of Colonel Duffie, as well as a member of the First Massachusetts Cavalry Brigade of the Army of the Potomac. He was wounded during a charge at Kelly's Ford, Virginia on March 17, 1863 and died in the camp of the First Massachusetts Cavalry the following day (, accessed 25.5.2018).


5.12.1839 - † 18.3.1863, after m.w. 17.3.1863 Kelly's Ford, Va.; buried Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Mass; Son of Dr. Hen­ry Ingersoll Bowditch (9.8.1808 - † 14.1.1892; Prof. of Clinical Medicine at Harvard Medical School) and Olivia Jane Yardley Bow­ditch (1816-1980) (, accessed 25.5.2018). In March 1863 his father Dr. Henry Bowditch left Boston by train as soon as he re­ceived the message reporting that his son had been „wounded dangerous, come at once“. As Dr. Bowditch arrived at the railway stati­on in Washington/DC, he was informed that his son was dead. Bowditch, a prominent physician who had himself volunteered his me­dical services in Virginia in Fall 1862, was taken by train and wagon to the camp of the 1st Massachusetts Cavalry, to take back the body of his son after embalming, and brought body of his dead son back to Cambridge/Mass. (Faust: This Republik of Suffering, p. 89).



- Lt Nathaniel Bowditch, Mollus Massachusetts, Civil War Photographic Collection Vol. 84, published



- Bowditch, Nathaniel: Memorial Collection, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston



Bowen, Edward R.:

US-LtCol; Co. F&S, 114th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry (National Park Soldiers M554 Roll 11); zuvor 2ndLt, Co. D, 75th Regiment Pennsyl­vania Infantry (National Park Soldiers M554 Roll 11).



- **Bowen, Edward R.:“Collis“ Zouaves. The 114th Pennsylvania Infantry at Gettysburg.“ Philadelphia Weekly Times, June 22, 1887



Bowen, George A.:

US-Captain; Co. I&C, 12th Regiment New Jersey Infantry (National Park Soldiers M550 Roll 2).



- **Bowen, George A.: „The Diary of Captain George A. Bowen, 12th New Jersey Volunteers.“ The Valley Forge Journal (June 1984), vol. 2



Bowen, James L.:

US-Pvt; Co. E, 37th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll 4).



- **Bowen, James L.: History of the Thirty-Seventh Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers in the Civil War of 1861-1865 with a Com­prehensive Sketch of the Doings of Massachusetts as a State, and of the Principal Campaigns of the War (Bryan & Co., Holyoke 1884). This unit campaigned at Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Brandy Station, Mine Run, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Petersburg. Cedar Creek and Appomattox. Nevins is critical of this title because it covers much of the war in general terms, yet he still rates it as a "de­tailed history".

- **Bowen, James L.: "Marching to Gettysburg." Philadelphia Weekly Times, 27 May 1882



Bowen, James R.:

US-Corporal; Co. I, 19th Regiment New York Cavalry (1st New York Dragoons); at first Musician, Co. F&S (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 13).



- Bowen, Rev. R. J.: Regimental History of the First New York Dragoons (originally the 130th N. Y. Vol. Infantry) during three years of active service in the Great Civil War (Lyons, Michigan, 1900)



Bowen, John W.:

US-Corporal, aus Madison County / Arkansas; Co B 1st Arkansas Infantry (US); Bowen was stationed in the Fort Smith (Sebastian County) area and Madison County during the war (Haney Family: Papers, 1845-1887; Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville: Manus­cript Resources for the Civil War, Compiled by Kim Allen Scott, 1990).



Bowen, John S.:

CS-BrigGen; * +++ in Bowen's Creek / GA - 1864; West Point 1853 (13/35), dann 2nd Lieutenant; auf eigenen Wunsch 1856 aus der Armee entlassen, zog Bowen nach St. Louis, wo er sich als Architekt niederließ; aktiv in der Missouri Militia, erwarb sich Bowen eine Reputation für seine militärisch erfolgreiche Führung und sein militärisches Auftreten (Winschel, Triumph & Defeat, p. 21); bei Kriegsbeginn Stabschef von BrigGen Daniel M. *Frost von der pro-sezessionistischen Missouri State Militia (Brooks­her, Bloody Hill, p. 58); bei Camp Jackson kriegsgefangen; nach seiner Entlassung organisierte Bowen die 1st Missouri Infan­try, deren Col er an­schließend wurde; er war eingesetzt in Kentucky und Tennessee; bei Shiloh verwundet. Nach US-Berichten vom Oktober 1862, die durch weitere Aufklärung später widerlegt wurden, soll Bowen mit seinen Missouri Truppen im Oktober 1862 über den Hatchie Ri­ver südlich von Bolivar / Tennessee (Karte bei Davis Nr. 154) nach Westen zum Mississippi durchgebrochen, um den Fluß nördlich der am 6.6.1862 von US-Truppen eroberten Stadt Memphis zu blockieren (Bearss: Vicksburg, Vol. I, S. 29, 30).


Im Herbst 1862 war Bowen Divisionskommandeur 1st Division BrigGen John S. Bowen Army Corps MajGen Sterling Price in Pem­berton's Army of the Mississippi (Bearss: Vicksburg Campaign a,a,O., vol. I S. 45).


CS-Commander von Grand Gulf / MS im April/Mai 1863 (Winschel, Triumph & Defeat, p. 21); verteidigte bravourös gegen Grant's Landung bei Grand Gulf und am 1.5.1863 bei *Port Gibson. Er rieb während der Belagerung von Vicksburg seine Gesundheit auf und starb eine Woche nach der Übergabe der Stadt-Festung.



- Davis/Wiley, Photographic History, p. 30

- Winschel, Triumph & Defeat, p. 21



Bowen, Roland E.:

US-Pvt; Co. B, 15th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry (National Park Soldiers M544 R9oll 4).


Bowen participated in nearly every encampment and battle of the Army of the Potomac.



- **Bowen, Roland E. (15th Mass Infantry): From Ball‘s Bluff to Gettysburg and Beyond: The Civil War Letters of Private Roland E. Bowen, 1861-1864 (Thomas Publications, Gettysburg); 268 pp; edited by Gregory A. Coco. 64 letters document his experiences with the 15th Mass



Bower, B. A.:

CS-Captain; 1863 Captain Co C 13th Alabama Infantry (Martin: Gettysburg, p. 85).



Bower, William M.:

US-2ndLt; Battery L, 1st Regiment New York Light Artillery (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 13; Martin: Gettysburg, July 1, p. 347).



Bowers, Claude:

November 20, 1878 in Westfield, Indiana - † January 21, 1958 in New York City) was an American historian, Democratic Party politician, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt's ambassador to Spain (1933-1939) and Chile (1939-1953). His histories of the Democratic Party in its formative years from the 1790s to the 1830s helped shape the party's self-image as a powerful force against monopoly and privilege. As ambassador he worked to keep the United States out of the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39 (wikipedia, Stichwort 'Claude Bowers', Abruf v. 3.4.2017).


Bowers began his career as a journalist with a newspaper in Terre Haute, Indiana. While residing there, he became the Democratic candidate for the US House of Representatives, at the request of powerful Democratic leader John Edward Lamb. Though he lost, the experience polished his abundant speaking skills. Bowers's enormously popular books Party Battles of the Jackson Period (1922) and Jefferson and Hamilton: The Struggle for Democracy in America (1925) were political manifestos that denounced the Federalist Party, the Whig Party, and the Republican Party, as bastions of aristocracy, and hailed the Democrats as true heroes. Bowers was an editorial writer for the New York World from 1923 to 1931, and a political columnist for the New York Journal from 1931 to 1933. In his very popular histories, he promoted the idea that Thomas Jefferson had founded the Democratic Party. President Franklin Roosevelt, an avid reader of Bowers was impressed enough to build the Jefferson Memorial and appoint him the US ambassador to Spain in 1933. Bowers's The Tragic Era (1929) attracted wide attention for its attack on the Republican Party, which Bowers believed humiliated the South and corrupted the North during Reconstruction. His work popularized the Dunning School, which "provided an intellectual foundation for the system of segregation and black disenfranchisement that followed Reconstruction." He was the temporary chairman of the 1928 Democratic National Convention where he gave a keynote speech. Roosevelt appointed him ambassador to Spain and later Chile (wikipedia, Stichwort 'Claude Bowers', Abruf v. 3.4.2017).


Although disillusioned when the New Deal veered the country away from pristine low-budget Jeffersonian principles, Bowers held his tongue and never criticized his patron. His biography of Senator Albert J. Beveridge, Beveridge and the Progressive Era (1932), was non-polemical and of high quality. He continued writing late into his life, completing My Mission to Spain in 1954, which chronicled his time in Spain as ambassador, covering both his travels throughout the country, and the hectic politics that foreshadowed the Spanish Civil War. Bowers was highly critical of what he saw as fascist agitation and strongly defended the regime of the Spanish Second Republic. He died of leukemia in 1958 and is buried at Highland Lawn Cemetery in Terre Haute, Indiana (wikipedia, Stichwort 'Claude Bowers', Abruf v. 3.4.2017).



- **Bowers, Claude G.: The Tragic Era (Cambridge, Mass. 1929)

- **Stampp: Reconstruction, p. 4-6 (Bowers has been the chief disseminator of the traditional picture of reconstruction. For Bowers reconstruction was a time of almost unrelieved sordidness in public and private life; whole regiments of villains march through his pages: the corrupt politicians who dominated the administration of Ulysses S. Grant; the crafty, schemming northern carpetbaggers who invaded the South after the war for political and economic plunder; the degraded and depraved southern scalavags who betrayed their own people; and the ignorant, barbarous, sensual negroes who threatened th Africanize the South and destroy its Caucasian civi­lization. … The Southern people literally were put to the torture … [by ] rugged conspirators … [who] assumed the pose of philan­thropists and patriots ...“)



Bowie, Walter:

CS-Agent; Vorkriegszeit Rechtsanwalt; einer von Lee's führenden Agenten und Scout, insbesondere im südlichen Maryland; Bowie benutzte den Decknamen "Wat". Im November 1862 wurde Bowie enttarnt und zum Tod am Galgen verurteilt. Ihm gelang buchstäb­lich auf dem Weg zum Galgen die Flucht. Auf Bowie gehen die entscheidenden Informationen an Robert E. Lee über US Grant's Strategie in der Wilderness Campaign zurück. Sein Report datiert vom 27.4.1864. Bowie wurde 13.9.1864 als Lieutenant einer neu aufgestellten Kompanie von Mosby's Truppen eingesetzt, möglicherweise im Zusammenhang mit einem geplanten Attentat gegen Lincoln. Ende September unternahm er mit 25 Mann einen Raid ins südliche Maryland Richtung Washington. Hierbei wurde Bowie während eines Gefechts in Sandy Springs, bekannt als Battle of Rickett's Run, getötet (Tidwell: Come Retribution, p. 21; Markle: Spies and Spymasters, p. 114).



Bowler, Charles Pendleton:

US-Sergeant; Co. C, 7th Regiment Ohio Infantry (National Park Soldiers M552 Roll 10); zuvor 7th Regiment Ohio Infantry (3 months) (National Park Soldiers M552 Roll 10).



- **Bowler, Charles Pendleton (Sergeant; Co. C, 7th Regiment Ohio Infantry): Letter; Bowler Family Papers, Virginia Historical So­ciety, Richmond/VA



Bowles, Pinckney Downey:

CS-Col (BrigGen streitig); zunächst Captain Co E 4th Alabama Infantry; promoted Major 22.8.1862; 1863 Col 4th Alabama Infantry; im Sommer 1863 wurde Bowles aus unbekannten Gründen durch den Brigadekommandeur BrigGen Evander McIver *Law unter Ar­rest gestellt und durch ein Kriegsgericht zu vier Monaten Arrest verurteilt. Bowles wandte sich vergeblich an den Korpskommandeur MajGen James Longstreet wegen Überprüfung seiner Sache. Regimentsführer war währenddessen LtCol Lawrence H. *Scruggs (Penny / Laine: Struggle for the Round Tops, p. 23). Beförderung zum BrigGen umstritten (Allardice: More Generals in Gray, p. 39).



- Allardice, p. 39



Bowles, Dr. William A.:

Führer der *Copperheads in Indiana. In der Erkundungs- und Aufklärungsphase vor Morgan's Raid wurde vor allem Freiwillige der 9th Kentucky Cavalry eingesetzt, die unter Führung von Hines' ab dem 17.6.1863 über den Ohio River aufklärten. Hierbei kam es zur Kontaktaufnahme mit Dr. William A. Bowles, den Anführer der *Copperheads in Indiana (Horwitz: Longest Raid, p. 44; John *Con­rad, Family History, p. 194).



- **Horan, James D.: Confederate Agent. A Discovery in History, New York 1954 (Anm. McPherson: Für die Freiheit, p. 943 Anm. 25 beurteilt Horan's Werk als "einem mit Vorsicht zu genießenden Sensationsbericht, der sich stark auf die Memoiren Hines' und an­derer konföderierter Agenten stützt."

- **Klement, Frank L.: The Limits of Dissent: Clement L. Vallandigham and the Civil War (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1970)

- **Klement, Frank L.: The Copperheads of the Middle West (Chicago: Chicago University of Chicago Press, 1960)

- **Klement, Frank L.: Dark Lanterns. Secret Political Societies, Conspiracies, and Treason Trials in the Civil War, Baton Rouge, 1984 (McPherson: Für die Freiheit, S. 943 Anm. 25 beurteilt Klements Auffassung wie folgt: "Klement, der führende Historiker der *Cop­perheads, hält die meisten Beweise für deren heimliche Komplizenschaft mit den Rebellen für ein Gespinst aus 'Gerüchten, Ver­mutungen und freie Erfindung', das von den Republikanern aus politischen Gründen in die Welt gesetzt worden sei. Aber auch Kle­ment räumt ein, daß mehrere Friedensdemokraten 1864 von Agenten der Konföderation Geld und Waffen bekommen haben")



Bowley, Freeman S. :

US-1stLtCo. H, 30th Regiment US Colored Infantry (National Park Soldiers M589 Roll 9).



- Bowley, F, S. A.: A Boy Lieutenant (Philadelphia: Henry Altemus Company, 1906)

- Bowley, F. S. A.: „The Petersburg Mine.“ Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Commandery of California. War Papers No. 3, p. 14-15

- Bowley, F. S. A.: „Seven Month in Confederate Military Prison.“ ilitary Order of the Loyal Legion, Commandery of California. War Papers No. 6



Bowman, Alpheus H.:

US-BrigGen (reg. Army); Captain, Co. B, 91st Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry (National Park Soldiers M554 Roll 11); Bow­man war in einem Court Marshal vom 20./21.8.1862 in Alexandria/VA (unter Vorsitz von Col. Edward E. Wallace (Regiments­kommandeur 91st Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry) schuldig befunden worden, einen Untergebenen mißhandelt zu haben. Bowman hatte seinen Untergebenen Lieutenant Morris Kayser, Co. B, 91st Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry als 'Liar“ bezeichnet und ihm im Provost Marshal Office des Regiments ins Gesicht geschlagen. Hintergrund waren Rivalitäten zwischen Beiden und Captain Bow­man ver­dächtigte Lt. Kayser, die Position des Kp-Chef anzustreben und Bowman zu verdrängen. Konkreter Anlaß der Auseinander­setzung war, daß Lt. Kayser das tägliche Rapportbuch unterzeichnet, obwohl Captain Bowman anwesend war. Das Urteil lautete auf unehren­hafte Entlassung aus der US-Army. However, because they believed that Kayser had practiced "a long and aggravated series of pro­vocations", they asked the reviewing authority to reduce the sentence to this: "That the prisoner be suspended 3 months--all pay + al­lowances stopped--that he shall be confined to camp while in camp or garrison and when on the march that he march in rear of his company". Despite their request, on 12 September 1862, the original sentence was confirmed, and he was dismissed. [sources: 9, 13, 14, 17, 27 (by order of General Wadsworth, dated 10 September 1862), 40 (same as 27)]


Das Kriegsgericht begründete sein Ur­teil wie folgt: „The foregoing sentence having been found in accordance with the evidence as we believe as by our oaths we were bound to do. We the following named members of the Court Martial, believing that there had been a long and aggravated series of provocations practiced upon the prisoner by his first Lieut Morris Kayser culminating in the act of signing the Co. morning report while prisoner [Anm.: Captain Bowman] was in quarters (see testimony of Sergt) which immedia­tely preceded the act of striking; to­gether with repeated disrespectful conduct by said Lieut towards Capt. Bowman the prisoner, were circumstances which--although they do not justify prisoner's conduct--should be received in mitigation of prisoner's punishment (Na­tional Archives and Records Administration; Kriegsgerichtsverfahren gegen Captain Bowman; http://freepages.military.rootsweb.anc­ pbow­ma1c.html#elder).


He was on "special duty engaged at the battle of Chantilly, Va." on 1 September 1862. His horse was killed under him in an assault on a railroad crossing. He was injured by the fall, and spent the night on the field. The Secretary of War apparently wrote a letter gi­ving him permission to re-enter the army "with Gov. permission" (presumably, with the Pennsylvania Governor's permission). It is tempting to think that his service at Chantilly may have played a role in the Secretary's decision. On 13 December 1862, he was again dismissed, along with fifteen other officers, "by direction of the President", "for being in the city of Washington without proper aut­hority".Morris Kayser later refers to this, claiming that he was dismissed a second time, by order of the President, after he had been reinstated, and while he was still in Washington DC. He was recommissioned on 15 December 1862. According to the January-Fe­bruary 1863 muster roll, he was reinstated on 12 September 1862, but was mustered into service on 22 December 1862. Perhaps the effective date of his reinstatement was 12 September, when he was dismissed. He was mustered into service for three years on 22 De­cember 1862, at Washington DC.


He was under medical treatment from 22 December 1862 to 12 February 1863. He reported for duty on 12 February 1863. When he returned, he corrected the false report of Joel Week's death. Also, Morris Kayser went absent without leave about the time Bowman returned to the regiment. On 18 March 1863, he led a detail on picket duty. He was commanding his company during the Battle of Chancellorsville, on 1 and 3 May 1863, and was slightly wounded in the left leg by a rifle bullet on 3 May 1863. He fought at the Battle of Gettysburg. LtCol Sinex gave him permission to fall back to the rear of the regiment on 2 July 1863, near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. On 8 August 1863, the regiment reported that he had not been heard from since then. He received a surgeon's certifica­te at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, recommending extending his leave for 15 days from 10 August 1863, because of gastric irritation. Another medical certificate, dated 27 August, recommended him for light duty, because of gastric irritation and diarrhea. He was sup­posed to report for duty to the departmental commander at Philadelphia; his leave expired 6 September. On 31 August 1863, someone wrote a letter under the pseudonym 'J Burnside', charging him with 'disgraceful conduct' while at Philadelphia, and (apparently) with leaving the battlefield at Gettysburg without permission. LtCol Sinex thought it was written by an officer with whom Bowman had long been "on unfriendly terms"; each "would consider he had done good service, by having the other Cashiered". It seems likely that the author was Morris Kayser. LtCol Sinex also said that Bowman had permission to leave the regiment at Gettysburg, that the de­nunciation did not make any specific charges, and that he had no information about his conduct in Philadelphia. His leave expired on 6 September 1863. On 9 September 1863, he was declared absent without leave. He reported for duty on 14 September 1863. He accompanied a fatigue detail on 20 September 1863. He was responsible for the loss of one axe in September 1863. He was honorab­ly discharged on 26 September 1863. He was captain of company B. The order dismissing him came from the Adjutant General's Office, Washington DC, dated 23 September 1863, and the regiment received it on 26 September. It apparently listed "dis[ability] and absence without leave" as the reasons for his discharge. After his discharge, a board of survey was appointed to inventory and report the condition of the public property transferred to Morris Kayser.


He then enlisted and was mustered into service as a private, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on 24 December 1863 as a private in bat­tery L of the Third Pennsylvania Artillery, also known as the 152nd Pennsylvania Regiment. He was mustered in by First Lieutenant E H Miles, of the 3rd Artillery (152nd PA). He was then 22 years old, and claimed his occupation was "soldier". His enlistment was credited to the 4th district of the 24th ward of Philadelphia. He was paid $60 in bounty. He joined under Circular from Provost Marsh­all General's Office, in Washington DC, dated 24 October 1863. When he volunteered, he had to sign a declaration that clai­med: „... that I have never been discharged from the United States service on account of disability or by sentence of a court-martial; or by order before the expiration of a term of enlistment; ...“ The surgeon who examined him had to fill out a form, which claimed Bow­man had never been sick, did not then have a disease, had never had fits, had never been wounded in the head, had never had a fracture, dislocation, or sprain, was not in the habit of drinking, was not subject to the piles, had no trouble urinating, had been vacci­nated against smallpox, and had a normal head, face, etc.. The only other comment is that he had a "varicocele", on "Genital and Uri­nary Organs". He attended Artillery School from 24 December 1863 to 21 March 1864. He joined the regiment on 4 January 1864. He was promoted to first sergeant on 24 January 1864. On 21 March 1864 he was appointed second lieutenant. On the same day, his application for ten days leave was approved. He needed the leave "to procure a military outfit" at his home in New York City. He joi­ned the Post of Fort Monroe, Virginia, where the 3rd Pennsylvania Artillery was stationed, on 1 April 1864, after his leave of ab­sence. He was detached from Fort Monroe for service at Cherrystone, Eastern Shore, Virginia, by regimental [?] order dated 6 April 1864. He continued there until July 1865 ( =http://freepages.military.rootsweb. ancestry.­com).


Bowman wird auch als Lieutenant 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery (detachment) genannt (OR Series I Volume XLII Part III Page 1127 of 1369 - Richmond-Fort Fisher ).

After the war he was appointed first lieutenant on 1 September 1864. He was mustered in for three years, on 9 September, at Fort Monroe, Virginia, to date from 1 September. He had last been paid through 30 July 1864. According to the November/December 1864 muster roll, he was on special duty as Assistant Provost Marshall, Commanding US Forces in Northampton County, Virginia. He was at Eastville, Virginia. According to the January/February 1865 and March/April muster rolls, he was assistant Provost Marsh­all "Onancock [?] E.S. Va". According to the May/June 1865 muster roll, he was commanding Post Drummondtown. He received a telegram on 20 July 1865, relieving him of duty on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. He sent a telegram from Drummondtown to Major N. Church, the Assistant Adjutant General, asking whether he could have a few days grace, because it reached him late. He rejoined his regiment on 25 July 1865. He was present at Fort Monroe in August 1865. In September 1865, he was on special duty as a mem­ber of a General Court Martial, per District Special Order No 15 "C.S." [?]. In October 1865, he was absent on detached service in the Freedmen's Bureau, per District Special Order 86 "C.S.". He was honorably mustered out with his battery on 9 November 1865. 


General Bowman entered the military service of the United States in 1861, when he enlisted with the Pennsylvania Volunteers in the Civil War. In 1866 he was appointed a Captain in the Twenty-fifth regular infantry. He was with the colors for more than forty years, retiring in 1903 as a Brigadier General. 28.2.1842 Loudon County/VA - † 11.11.1826 Washington/DC im Alter von 84 J (http:// freepages.­ Sohn von Henry und Martha Bowman; die Familie zog be­reits 1850 nach Delaware. 1860 ar­beitete Bowman als Drogist in Philadelphia/PA ( =http://free



Bowyer, Thomas M.:

CS-Captain; J.R. Johnson's Company, Virginia Light Artillery (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 6); also Captain, Co. C, 28th Regiment Virginia Infantry (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 6).



Boyce, Charles H.:

US-+++; 28th Regiment New York Infantry (National Park Soldiers mentions only a Pvt Charles W. Boyce of the 28th New York)



- Boyce, Charles H. 28th New York Volunteers Papers, 1861-1932 (Library of Congress, Washington/DC). 10 items. Chiefly a ma­nuscript history of the 28th New York Volunteers, May 1861-Sept. 1862. Describes the Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1862 and the 2d Manassas Campaign, particularly the Battle of Cedar Mountain. Also contains remarks on a skirmish at Falling Waters, W. Va., July 3, 1861, Unionists in Virginia, camp life, marches, training, military organization, the occupation of Charles Town, W. Va., re­connaissance expeditions, discipline, casualties, morale, and the generalship of Samuel W. Crawford, John C. Fremont, George B. McClellan, Irvin McDowell, John Pope, and Franz Sigel.



Boyd, Belle:

CS-Spionin; *9.5.1843 Martinsburg / WV; als 12jährige Besuch des Mount Washington College; mit 16 Einführung in die Gesell­schaft von Washington, ab da gern gesehene junge Frau in den Salons der "guten Gesellschaft" der Hauptstadt; Sezession zurückzu­führen auf eine "unequivocal declaration, by the merchants of New England, that they have resolved to exclude the landed proprie­tors of the South from all participation in the legislation of their common country." (Belle Boyd, In Camp and Prison, S. 44). Nicht die Abschaf­fung der Sklaverei war das Ziel des Nordens, sondern die Erlangung der ausschließlichen Macht in Verachtung der "gene­ral rights" (Belle Boyd, In Camp and Prison, S. 44).


Sie versorgte während der Shenandoah Campaign Stonewall Jackson, mit den erforderlichen Informationen über Stärke, Zusammen­setzung und Absicht der US-Truppen und ermöglichte hierdurch Jackson' Erfolg im Battle of *Front Royal (Markle: Spies, p. 156).



- Scarborough, p. 32



- **Boyd, Belle: Belle Boyd in Camp and Prison (reprint; New Introduction by Sharon Kennedy-Nolle - New Foreword by Drew Gil­pin Faust; First published in 1865, London: Sauders, Otley, and Co., 1865); Belle Boyd’s memoir of her experiences as a Confe­derate spy has stood the test of time and interest. Belle first gained notoriety when she killed a Union soldier in her home in 1861. During the Federal occupations of the Shenandoah Valley, she mingled with the servicemen and, using her feminine wiles, obtained useful information for the Rebel cause. Band 1

- **Gilmore, Harry: Four Years in the Saddle. London: Longmans Green and Co., 1866, S. 73

- **Scarborough, Ruth: Belle Boyd. Siren of the South, Mercer University Press, Macon / GA 1984



Boyd, Cyrus F.:

US-1stLt; at first First Sergeant, Co. G, 15th Regiment Iowa Infantry (National Park Soldiers M541 Roll 3), later 1stLt, Co. B, 34th Re­giment Iowa Infantry (National Park Soldiers M541 Roll 3).


Aus Warren County, Iowa; zunächst Sgt 15th Iowa Infantry, später 1st Lt 34th Iowa Infantry; Cyrus F. Boyd served a year and a half as an orderly sergeant with the Fifteenth Iowa Infantry before becoming first lieutenant in Company B of the Thirty-fourth Iowa In­fantry. Before his promotion, he was an intermediary between privates and company officers, a position that offered him uni­que op­portunities to observe the attitudes and activities of both the unit leaders and their men. In this diary, the outspoken Boyd frank­ly expresses his opinions of his comrades and his commanders, candidly depicts camp life, and intricately details the gory events on the battlefield.



- **Thorne, Mildred (ed.): "The Civil War Diary of C. F. Boyd, Fifteenth Iowa Infantry." Iowa Journal of History. Vol L (1952)

- Thorne, Mildred (ed.): The Civil War Diary of Cyrus F. Boyd. Fifteenth Iowa Infantry, 18621863 (Millwood, N. Y.: Kraus Reprint Co., 1853)



Boyd, David F.:

CS-Captain; 9th Louisiana Infantry; das Regiment gehörte im Frühjahr 1862 zur Brigade Richard *Taylor, Division Ewell; das Regim­ent nahm an Jackson's Shenandoah Campaign teil; Boyd äußerte sich nach dem Krieg zum Verhältnis zwischen MajGen Ri­chard S. *Ewell und Stonewall Jackson; Boyd behauptete, daß Verhältnis sei derart zerrüttet gewesen, daß Ewell seinen Untergebe­nen Brig­Gen Taylor, Schwager von Präsident Jefferson Davis, Ende April 1862 zu Präsident Davis geschickt habe, um Jackson ablö­sen zu las­sen (Pfanz: Ewell, p. 166; Boyd: Reminiscenses, p. 8-10). Pfanz (, S. 166) hält diesen Bericht Boyd's für un­wahrscheinlich, da sich Taylor Ende April 1862 nicht zum Briefing nach Richmond begeben hat und auch kein weiterer Hin­weis für eine entspre­chende Aktion Ewell's vorhanden ist.



- **Boyd, David F. (Captain; 9th Louisiana Infantry): Reminiscenses of the War in Virginia. Edited by T. Michael Parish (Austin / Texas: Jenkins, 1989)



Boyd, John:

CS-Col und CS-Spion; Onkel von Belle *Boyd (Markle: Spies, p. 155).



Boyd, William H.:

US-Captain; Co. CDH, 1st Regiment New York Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 13).


Im Juni 1863 war die 1st New York Cavalry eingesetzt, Milroy's Supply Train beim Rückzug in Pennsylvania nach Harrisburg zu schützen; nach erfolgreicher Durchführung unternahm Boyd's Company auf der Straße nach Cham­bersburg, Pa. eine Aufklärung und stieß hierbei auf die Vorhut von Albert G. Jenkins' CS-Cavalry Brigade. Boyd, ein kühner und an­griffslustiger Führer griff sofort an und warf die CS-Vorhut nach Greencastle zurück (Coddington: Gettysburg Campaign, p. 162, Allers: Fog of Gettysburg, p. 26).


The fight happened near Greencastle, Pennsylvania, a town directly noth of Martinsburg, WVA, 30 miles southeast of Gettysburg. On 22.6.1863 Confederate cavalry commander Albert G. Jenkins had laid a trap for the Union horsemen near Fleming and Kiesecker's Farm. The Union commander, Captain Boyd, sensed not all was right and halted his men. But two Union troopers advanced from be­hind the Fleming house, and dismounted Confederate troopers fired on them. One, Sergeant Milton Cafferty was wounded, and the other, Corporal William Rihl was instantly killed, when he was struck in the head (Allers: Fog of Gettysburg, p. 27).



Boykin, Alexander Hamilton:

CS-Captain; 2nd South Carolina Infantry


Boykin raised the "Boykin Rangers" which later became the 2nd South Carolina Cavalry. This recounts his early career, plantation life and service of the "Rangers" as well as the battle of Boykin's Mill, the last organized battle of the East



- **Boykin, Richard M.: Captain Alexander Hamilton Boykin, One of South Carolinas Finest Citizen (Jim Fox Books); 263 pp. Illus­trated Reprint of 1942 title



Boykin, Edward M.:

CS-Col 7th South Carolina Cavalry



- Chestnut, Mary Boykin: Diary of Dixie, p. 161, 389

- **Boykin, E. M., LtCol, C.S.A.: The Falling Flag: Evacuation of Richmond, Retreat and Surrender at Appomattox (Originally pu­blished in 1874): Boykin commanded 7th South Carolina Cavalry, Gary's Brigade as rear guard for Confederate retreat from Rich­mond and last line of battle at Appomattox



Boykin, Alexander Hamilton:

CS-Captain; Onkel von Mary Boykin Chestnut; er führte während der Schlacht von Williamsburg (5.5.1862) einen Teil von Stuart's Cavalry (Mary Chestnut: Diary from Dixie, p. 171). Boykin raised the "Boykin Rangers" which later became the 2nd South Carolina Cavalry.



- **Boykin. Richard M.: Captain Alexander Hamilton Boykin, One of South Carolina's Finest Citizens (Jim Fox Books, 263 pp, Il­lustrated Reprint of 1942 title); Boykin raised the "Boykin Rangers" which later became the 2nd South Carolina Cavalry. This re­counts his early career, plantation life and service of the "Rangers" as well as the battle of Boykin's Mill, the last organized battle of the East



Boykin, Stephen:

CS-++++; Bruder der Mary Boykin Chestnut (Chestnut, Diary, p. 6)



Boyle, Cornelius:

CS-Maj; Provost Marshall at Manassas; er unterstützte 1861 Thomas *Jordan bei der Aufrechterhaltung des Spionagerings in Wa­shington unter Rose *Greenhow (Tidwell, p. 63). Boyle, ein erfolgreicher Physician in Washington, führte seit 29.4.1861 die Mi­lizeinheit "National Rifles" aus Washington (Tidwell, p. 63; m.E. fraglich, da *Schaeffer Führer der Einheit war; vgl hier­zu: Farwell: Ball's Bluff, p. 22; Stone, Charles P.: "Washington on the Eve of the War," Century Magazine Ausgabe Juli 1883; abgedruckt in: Van Doren Stern: Secret Missions, p. 37, 40; da die National Rifles nach der Sezession nach Alexandria verlegt wurden, könnte Boyle al­lerdings Schaeffer's Nachfolger gewesen sein).



Boyle, James:

US-Pvt; Co. B, 3rd Regiment Iowa Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M541 Roll 3).


Teilnahme am Skirmish von Forster's Farm während des Battle of Pea Ridge am 7.3.1862 (Shea / Hess: Pea Ridge, p. 101 mit S. 357 Anm. 29).



- **Boyle, James: Journal, State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines / Iowa



Boyle, Jeremiah T.:

US-BrigGen; Boyle kommandierte im Juli 1863 the Army of Ohio's District of Kentucky in Louisville (Horwitz: The Longest Raid, p. 38).


Boyle was a slave-owning Unionist from Kentucky (Hess: Civil War in the West, p. 13).



Boyle, John Richards:

US-1stLt; Co. F&S, 111th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry; at first Pvt Co. K&H (National Park Soldiers M554 Roll 12); at first Pvt, Co. H&F, 58th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry (National Park Soldiers M554 Roll 12).



- Boyle, John Richard: Soldiers True, The Story of the One Hundred and Eleventh Regiment Pennsylvania ... Volunteers (New York 1903)



Boyle, William:

CS-+++; not mentioned in National Park Soldiers as member of 4th South Carolina Infantry Regiment; there is mentioned only a Pvt W.A. Boyle of 4th South Carolina Cavalry



- Boyle, William (4th South Carolina Regiment): Letters, 1864. 2 items (Library of Congress, Washington/DC). Letters from Boyle to his mother, Nov. 17 and 23, 1864, Dinwiddie Courthouse, Va



Boynton, Jonathan Wellington W.:

US-Pvt; Co. F, 157th New York Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 13).



- **Boynton, W. W.: „Memoirs Jonathan W. W. Boynton, 157th N.Y.“, Civil War Miscellaneous Collection, US Army Military Histo­ry Institut, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania



Bozworth, James:

US-Sergeant; Co. 57, 2nd Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps (National Park Soldiers M636 Roll 3/4)



- Bozworth, James: Correspondence, 1862-63. 0.1 cu. ft. Soldier in the Connecticut troops in the Civil War. Letters written from Camp Sigel, Maryland, and West Philadelphia Hospital, Pennsylvania, to Franklin Sherwood of Bridgeport, Connecticut. In Septem­ber 1862 he thanks Sherwood for previous letters and invites him to his encampment in Maryland. He writes in 1863 from General Hospital in West Philadelphia that the corps filled up the hospital to its utmost capacity, and that he wants Sherwood to visit and bring letters of recommendation to have himself transferred to New Haven, Connecticut. Hopes Sherwood is not "frightened into a fever by the prospect of the conscription." (Virginia Tech, Univ. Libraries, Special Collections: Civil War guide. Manuscript Sources for Civil War Research in the Special Collections Department of the Virginia Tech Libraries Ms89-058).



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