Version 1.9.2019


Litera B




Brackett, Albert G.:

US-Captain 2nd US Cavalry; BrigGen Joseph K. F. Mansfield ließ am 18.5.1861 als Commander des Department of Washington auf Befehl von Gen Scott (Longacre: Lincoln's Cavalrymen, p. 17) den Potomac überqueren um Alexandria / VA, die bedeu­tende Hafen­stadt ggü. Washington (Karte CXXXVI) zu besetzen. Damit sollte nach der Sezessionserklärung Virginias die südliche Flanke von Washington gesichert werden (Longacre, p. 17). Der Angriff erfolgte mit zwei Infantrievorstößen, die jeweils durch kleine Kavalle­rieeinheiten als Vorhut gesichert waren: Die eine Angriffssäule unter BrigGen Samuel P. *Heintzelmann wurde mit Dampfern über den Fluß gesetzt, an der Spitze eine Kompanie Cavalry unter Captain Owen von District of Columbia. Die Haupt­kräfte unter dem Be­fehlshaber der Aktion MajGen Charles W. Sandford von der New York State Militia gingen über die Long Bridge über den Fluß, an der Spitze eine Kompanie der 2nd US Cavalry unter Capt. Albert G. Brackett (Longacre, p. 17; OR I 2: 37-44).



- Brackett, Albert G.: History of the United States Cavalry, From the Formation of the Federal Government to the 1st of June, 1865 (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1865)



Bradbury, William H.:

US-Pvt; Co. B, 129th Regiment Illinois Infantry (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 9).



Bradbury, William H. (1829-1900) (129th Illinois Volunteers): Papers, 1862-1900. 102 items (Library of Congress, Washington/DC).. Chiefly letters from Bradbury to his wife, 1862-65, written from camps in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Georgia while serving as a clerk on the headquarters staffs of Gens. William Thomas Ward and Daniel Butterfield and in the office of the Judge Advocate General. Contains comments on Bradbury's unauthorized letters to the editors of the Chicago Tribune and the Manchester Guardian, camp life, entertainment, marches, depredations, morale, guerrilla warfare, peculation in the U.S. Army, the treatment of blacks, prisoners of war, and diet. Also contains some information on the Atlanta Campaign.



Bradfield, James O.:

CS-Pvt; Co. E, 1st Regiment Texas Infantry (National Park Soldiers M;227 Roll 4); s. a. Cobb's Legion



- Bradfield, James O.: „At Gettysburg, July 3,“ Confederate Veteran, vol. 30, no. 6 (June 1922), 235, 236



Bradford, Amanda:

Sister of CS-President Jefferson Davis (Davis: Jefferson Davis, p. 580).



Bradford, Joshua Thayer:

US-Major Surgeon; mentioned in a letter of Pres. Lincoln to Simon Cameron: „Please see Gov. Crittenden, & appoint Dr. Bradford, a surgeon for Gen. Nelson's Brigade, if it is legally possible“ (Basler: Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, p. 80).


9.12.1818 Augusta, Bracken County/KY – 31.10.1871 Augusta (Atkins Family Genealogy, History & Heritage, Homepage, accessed 3.4.2018).


Bradford enlisted 4.4.1862; mustered out 19.2.1863. Bradford served in the Federal army in the Civil War as surgeon of Nelson's bri­gade. At Pittsburg Landing he led back to the firing line a body of troops that had lost its officers and was retreating in disorder, and was then found treating a wounded and captive Confederate. While home on sick leave he commanded the Home Guards in the de­fense of Augusta against the superior force of Gen John H. Morgan, and after the surrender he was embraced by Gen Morgan who exclaimed, "I love a brave man wherever I find him." (Atkins Family Genealogy, History & Heritage, Homepage, accessed 3.4.2018).



- Bradford, Josua T.: Diary 1862 (Library of Congress, Washington, DC). Jan. 1-May 27, 1862, kept during the Shiloh Campaign and Gen. Henry Halleck's advance on Corinth, Miss.



Bradley, George S.:

US-Chaplain; Co. F&S, 22nd Regiment Wisconsin Infantry (National Park Soldiers M559 Roll 3; Welcher / Ligget: Coburn’s Brigade, p. 41, 79).



- **Bradley, G. S.: The Star Corps; or, Notes of an Army Chaplain during Sherman's "Famous March to the Sea" (Milwaukee, Wis­consin: Jermain and Bright­man, Book and Job Printers, Sentinel Building, 1865)



Bradley, Herman J.:




- Bradley, Herman J.: Correspondence, 1861, 1864. 0.1 cu. ft. Union soldier, possibly in the Army of the Potomac. Correspondence consists of two letters to Bradley's family. One letter was written November 10, 1861, for Bradley to his brother by Darius Russell, about Bradley's ill condition. The second was written November 7, 1864(?), by Bradley to his parents, from Camp Cedar Creek, Vir­ginia. Writes about the guerilla action in the area and their capture of General Alfred N. Duffie. (Virginia Tech, Univ. Libraries, Spe­cial Collections: Civil War guide. Manuscript Sources for Civil War Research in the Special Collections Department of the Virginia Tech Libraries Ms89-074).



Bradley, Phillip:

CS-Spion; er leitete nach seinen eigenen Angaben einen "Operative Military Secret Service", der von Little Washington Va. aus ope­rierte. Anfang August 1862 berichtete Bradley an Stonewall Jackson, bei dessen Vorstoß gegen Pope's neuaufgestellte Army of Virgi­nia, daß sich Pope's Truppen um Culpeper sammelten, und daß sich die US Vorposten, aus Buford's Cavalry, am Rapidan River von *Barnett's Ford bis zu den Blue Ridge Mountain erstreckten und daß sich George Bayard's Cavalry bei Rapidan Station befindet (Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 16, 401 Anm. 39 mit Karte S. 18; Brief Bradley's an Jackson, undatiert, Photokopie bei Manassas Natio­nal Battlefield Park).



Bradley, Thomas H.:

CS-BrigGen (Arkansas State Forces); ++++ Allardice: More Generals in Gray (Louisiana State University Press, 1995), Biblio­thek Ref MilAmerik37, S. 41



Bradley, Thomas W.:



Brady, Allen G.:

US-LtCol, Co. F&S, 3rd Regiment Connecticut Infantry (3 months, 1861) (National Park Soldiers M535 Roll 2). Später US-Major; zu­nächst Captain, Co. B, 17th Regiment Connecticut Infantry; dann Major, Co. F&S, 17tr Regiment Connecticut Infantry (National Park Soldiers M535 Roll 2, filed under 'A. G. Brady').


A veteran of the 3 months service (where he was under arrest for insubordination for much of that time), Major Brady ended up in command of the regiment at both Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. He was wounded at the latter, and subsequently served as the Pro­vost Marshal at Point Lookout POW Camp ( images_fs.html); dagegen heißt es bei www.findagrave.­com: „At the July 1863 Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, he took over command of the regiment following the death of Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Fowler on July 1, 1863, during the fighting at Barlow's Knoll. He then remained regimental commander throughout the rest of the war“.


13.2.1822 Lowell, Middlesex County / Mass. - † 11.2.1905 Fayetteville, Cumberland County / North Carolina; beerd. Center Ceme­tery, Torrington, Litchfield County / Conn. (



Major Allen G. Brady ( images_fs.html)



Brady, Andrew:

CS-Major; 15th Louisiana Infantry; das Regiment gehörte im Sommer 1863 unter Regimentskommandeur Major Andrew Brady zu Nicholl’s Brigade / MajGen Edward Johnson’s Division im II Army Corps Ewell in Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia (Pfanz: Gettys­burg, p. 460).



Brady, James P.:

US-+++; Knap's Independent Battery E, Pennsylvania Light Artillery



- Brady, James P.: "Hurrah for the Artillery" (Knap's Independent Battery E, Pennsylvania Light Artillery) (Thomas Publications, Gettysburg). Compiled from letters, journals and diaries of key battery members; well illustrated narrative allows reader to experi­ence battles and marches; 464 pp; Detailed Maps; Photos; Rosters. This unit fought at Manassas, Cedar Mountain, Antietam, Gettys­burg, Chancellorsville, The Atlanta Campaigns and throughout the Carolinas.



Brady, Mathew B:

berühmter Photograph der Nordstaaten während des Bürgerkriegs



- **Cobb, Josephine: Mathew B. Brady's Photographic Gallery in Washington, reprinted from the Columbia Historical Society Re­cords (n.p., 1955)

- **Horan, James D.: Mathew Brady: Historian with a Camera (New York, 1955)

- **Panzer, Mary: Mathew Brady and the Image of History (Smithsonian, 2004)



Brady, Patrick H.:

US-Corporal; Co. H, 24th Regiment Connecticut Infantry (National Park Soldiers M535 Roll 2).



Bragg, Braxton:

CS-MajGen; Bragg diente zusammen mit Sherman 1840 und in den Folgejahren beim 3rd Artillery Regiment, dort Kompaniechef Company ‘E’ (Sherman, Memoirs Bd. 1, S. 18,21, 27); eingesetzt mit seiner Company im *Mexikanischen Krieg (Sherman, Bd. 1, S. 34)


Zum Zeitpunkt der Sezessionserklärung war Bragg Colonel. Wie Mrs. Bragg dem damaligen Superintendenten W. T. Sherman in Ba­ton Rouge / Louisiana anvertraute, war der neue CS-Präsident Davis kein Freund Bragg's. Sherman notiert: I Knew That Bragg hated Davis bitterly and he had reseigned from the army in 1855 oder 1856, because Davis, as Secretary of War, had ordered him .... to Fort Washia, in the Indian country ...." (Sherman, Memoirs I 190).


Anfang Januar 1861 wurde Bragg zum aide-de-camp von Louisiana-Governor T. O. *Moore ernannt (Evans: Confederate Milita­ry History, vol. X, S. 22)


übernimmt am 11.3.1861 den CS-Wehrbereich Florida ...... September 1862 Kämpfe in Kentucky gg. Buell und Grant (Längin S. 127)


Bragg war Westpointer und Mexiko-Veteran und hatte erhebliche Fähigkeiten bewiesen als Kommandeur in Alabama und Florida (Shea / Hess, p. 20).


Bragg war Ende 1861 / Anfang 1862 von CS-Präs. Davis als Oberbefehlshaber der Trans-Mississippi-Region vorgesehen, lehnte die Kommandoübernahme jedoch ab (Shea / Hess, Pea Ridge, p. 20). Am 15.2.1862 schlug Bragg ggü. Präsident Davis einen Wechsel der Strategie in der Region Kentucky vor. Nach der drohenden CS-Niederlage an der Kentucky-Front äußerte Bragg sich ge­gen die bisherige Strategie der zerstreuten Kräfte für eine Zentralisierung und Konzentration auf Kentucky (Daniel: Shiloh, p. 27).


1863 war Bragg Kommandeur der Tennessee Army vor Chattanooga und gewann die blutige Schlacht von Chickamauga (19./20.9. 1863). Da er sich zur Verfolgung des Feindes nicht in der Lage sah (wegen Erschöpfung der Truppen und fehlender Artille­rie), wurde der Erfolg nicht ausgenützt. Es kam deshalb zu Beschwerden seiner untergebenen Generale bei Präsident Davis, der sich aller­dings nicht in der Lage sah, den erfolgreichen und im ganzen Süden angesehenen Hardliner zu ersetzen (Chattanooga, MilAme­rik36, S. 11 ff.).



- Davis / Wiley: Photographic History of the Civil War, vol I, p. 75



- **Bennison, R. T.: „General Braxton Bragg.“ The Field Artillery Journal, November – December, 1931, page 601. Field Artillery Assn., 1918 Harford Avenue, Baltimore

- **Bragg, Braxton: Papers (Perkins Library, Duke University, Durham / North Carolina)

- Martin Samuel J.: General Braxton Bragg, CSA (McFarland & Company, 2012)

- **McWhiney, Grady: Braxton Bragg and Confederate Defeat, 2 vols. (New York, 1969)

- **Seitz, Don C.: Braxton Bragg, General of the Confederacy Columbia / SC: The State Company, 1924)



Bragg, Edward S.:

US-BrigGen; 1861; im Sommer 1861 Captain Co. E, 6th Regiment Wisconsin Infantry, Iron Brigade (Dawes, Rufus R.: Service with the Sixth Wisconsin, p. 12).


1862 LtCol 6th Wisconsin Infantry / *Iron Brigade (Gaff/Gaff: The dread reality of war - Gibbon’s Brigade, August 28 - Septem­ber 17, 1862; in Nolan/Vipond: Giants in their tall Black Hats, p. 69; Gramm: „They must be made on Iron“. The Ascent of South Moun­tain; in: Nolan/Vipond: Giants in their Black Hats. Essays on the Iron Brigade, a.a.O, p. 23).


Vom 5.-8.8.1862 führte die Division Rufus *King mehrere Expeditions von Fredericksburg aus nach Frederick's Hall Station, Va. und Spotsylvania Court House, Va, durch die Brigade Gibbon durch mit dem Ziel, die für den Süden lebenswichtige Central Virginia RR zu zerstören (King's Report, OR 12 [2] S. 121-22). Die Expedition nach *Frederick's Hall Station wurde von BrigGen Gibbon geführt (King's Report, OR 12 [2] S. 122; Gibbon's Report OR 12 [2] S. 122-23), diejenige nach *Spotsylvania Court House stand unter der Führung von Col Lysander *Cutler; die Unterstützung erfolgte durch Truppen unter Gen. John P. *Hatch (King's Report, OR 12 [2] S. 122). Ziel von Gibbon's Expedition war die Zerstörung der Virginia Central RR. Bei diesem mit zwei Zangen durchgeführten Vor­stoß eingesetzt wurden: an der Spotsylvania Court House Road: die 6th Wisconsin Infantry (Col. Lysander *Cut­ler), Harris Cavalry (2nd New York Cavalry), und eine Abteilung von Gerrish's New Hampshire Battery. Die Abteilung unter der per­sönlichen Führung Gibbon's, die auf der Telegraph Road vorstieß umfaßte 2nd Wisconsin, 7th Wisconsin, 19th Indiana, 3rd Indiana Cavalry und Monro­e's Rhode Island Battery (Gibbons's Report OR 12 [2] S. 122). Da Cutler die Gesamtführung innehatte, über­nahm Bragg die Führung des 6th Wisconsin (Cutler's Report OR 12 [2] S. 123).


Bragg wurde bei Antietam / Miller’s Farm (Karte bei Hartwig; in Nolan / Vipond, p. 33) verwundet; später BrigGen und Komman­deur der *Iron Brigade.


Bragg stammte aus Oswego County, New York und war Nachkomme von 'pre-Revolutionary' Vermont Settlers. Sein Vater war Be­treiber einer Mühle, die in Bragg's Jugend abbrannte. Der 3jährige Bragg entkam knapp den Flammen. At 20, young Bragg was rea­ding law, and in 1850, he rode the wave of migration west. Settling in Fond du Lac. Als Anwalt in Fond du Lac versuchte Bragg 1861 eine Company of Volunteers aufzustellen, was an fehlenden Freiwilligen zu scheitern drohte. Im nahegelegenen Appleton scheiterte ebenfalls die Aufstellung einer anderen Einheit, worauf beide Reste unter Bragg's Kommando zusammengefaßt wurden als „Bragg's Rifles, die anschließend die 10. Company 'I' der 6th Wisconsin Infantry bildete (Herdegen/Beaudot: Bloody Railroad Cut, p. 47).



- BrigGen Edward E. Bragg (Civil War glass negative collection Library of Congress, Catego­ry:Edward_S._Bragg



- **Bragg, Edward S.: Papers, State Historical Society of Wisconsin



Bragg, Thomas:

9.11.1810 Warrenton, Warren CountyNorth Carolina - † 21. Januar 1872 in Raleigh/NC; amerikanischer Politiker, zeitweili­ger Justizminister der CSA und der ältere Bruder des General der Konföderierten ArmeeBraxton *Bragg.


Politician and lawyer who served as the 34th Governor of the U.S. state of North Carolinafrom 1855 through 1859. During the Civil War, he served in the Confederate States Cabinet. He was the older brother of General Braxton Bragg. They were direct descendants of Thomas Bragg (1579–1665) who was born in England and settled in the Virginia Colony.


Born in Warrenton, North Carolina, Bragg attended Warrenton Academy and later graduated from Captain Partridge’s American Li­terary, Scientific & Military Academy now known as Norwich University - The Military College of Vermont. He was admitted to the bar in 1833 and commenced practice in Jackson, North Carolina. He was a member of the North Carolina General Assembly from 1842 to 1843 and became the prosecuting attorney for Northampton County. He successfully ran for Governor of North Carolina and served from 1855 to 1859. He then took a seat in the United States Senate, serving from 1859 until the start of the Civil War in 1861. He served as chairman of the Committee on Claims in the thirty-sixth congress. He resigned and was expelled for siding with the ConfederacyConfederate President Jefferson Davis appointed Bragg Attorney General of the Confederate States; he served from 1861 until his resignation in 1862. He continued to practice law until his death in 1872, and was also chairman of the central executi­ve committee of the North Carolina Democratic Party (then called the Democratic-Conservative Party) as of 1870. He was interred in Oakwood Cemetery in Raleigh, North Carolina (aus



Attorney General of the Confederate States Thomas Bragg



- **Bragg, Thomas: Diary (Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Southern Historical Collecti­on)



Brainard, Aldis:

US-Pvt; 5th Vermont Infantry



- **Brainard, Aldis: Letter , 1862. 0.1 cu. ft. Union soldier of the 5th Vermont Infantry. Letter written June 8, 1862, from camp outsi­de Richmond, Virginia, to his wife. Describes the Battle of Fair Oaks and the resulting stench from the dead soldiers on the field. (Virgi­nia Tech, Univ. Libraries, Special Collections: Civil War guide. Manuscript Sources for Civil War Research in the Special Col­lections Department of the Virginia Tech Libraries Ms89-044).



Brainerd, Wesley:

US-Col; Co. F&S, 15th Regiment New York Engineers (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 14); zuvor Major (Captain), Co. C, 50th Regiment New York Engineer (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 14).



- **Brainerd, Wesley: Bridge Building in Wartime (Knoxville/TN: University of Tennessee Press, 1997); 440 pp; Illustrated; Edited by Ed Malles. Colonel Wesley Brainerd's memoir of the 50th New York Volunteer Engineers



Braly, William C:

CS-Pvt (?); Co B, 34th Arkansas Infantry; Frank Braly served as minister for the Salem congregation of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church until his death in 1856. When the war broke out, his son William enlisted in Company B, Thirty-fourth Arkansas Infantry, and saw action at Prairie Grove (Washington County), Helena (Phillips County), and Jenkins' Ferry (Grant County), while the rest of his fami­ly remained at Cane Hill.



- **Braly, Amanda Malvina Fitzallen McClellan: Family papers, 1841-1920; 120 items. Correspondence, diary, notebook, photo­graphs, and other records pertaining to the Braly family of Cane Hill (Washington County). Amanda Braly moved to the Cane Hill area in 1853 with her husband, Frank, and children, William, Mary Francis, Frank, Jr., and Samuel. Much of the correspondence from the war years is between Amanda and William. Although his letters fail to mention the fight at Prairie Grove, two of William's later mis­sives describe his combat experiences at Helena and Jenkins' Ferry (Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville: Manuscript Resources for the Civil War, Compiled by Kim Allen Scott, 1990).



Branch, Lawrence O'Bryan:

CS-BrigGen; 1820 - † kia 17.9.1862 Battle of Antietam; aus North Carolina; Branch stammte aus prominenter und wohlhabender Familie; er wuchs bei seinem Onkel, Governor von North Carolina auf; Princeton Graduate; Vorkriegszeit Rechtsanwalt in Florida; Demokratische Partei; Abgeordneter im US-Congress; Branch war politisch in der Sezessionsfrage zunächst gemäßigt, änderte je­doch schließlich seine Ansicht, trat als Abgeordneter zurück und unterstützte die Sezession (Boatner, p. 80); Congressman Lawrence O'Bryan Branch was a strong state rights Democrat, but he was not convinced (Anm.: Ende Dezember 1860) that secession was ne­cessary (Yearns/Harrett: North Carolina Civil War Documentary, p. 11).


Col 33rd North Carolina Infantry; 16.11.1861 Brig­Gen., er kämpfte mit seiner Brigade bei New Bern. Ab Juni 1862 gehörte Branch's Brigade zu Stonewall Jackson's Army Corps und war eingesetzt bei Hanover Court House und im Seven Days Battle (vgl Boatner, p. 80). Beim Angriff Jackson's gegen Pope Anfang August 1862 und dem Battle of Cedar Mountain am 9.8.1862 war Branch Brigade­kommandeur von Branch's Brigade. Robert E. Lee beurteilte Branch's Eignung zum Divisionskommandeur negativ: "Branch is the Senior Brigadier & I cannot trust the division to him" (Freeman: Lee's Dispatches, p. 39: Brief Lee's an Präsident Davis vom 26.7.1862). Die Beurteilung fußt auf Branch's vergleichsweiser Unerfahrenheit, nicht auf Zweifeln an dessen persönli­chem Mut oder mangelnden Fähigkeiten, denn Branch hatte "most creditably" während der Peninsula Campaign gekämpft und führte sein Komman­do mit herausragender Tapfer­keit (Freeman, Lee's Dispatches, p. 39 Anm. 2). Nach Branch's Tod bei Antie­tam erklär­te Maj­Gen A. P. Hill, Branch's Di­visionskommandeur: "he was my senior brigadier and the one to whom I could have trus­ted the command of the di­vision with confi­dence" (Confederate Military History, 4, S. 299-300).


Branch's Brigade im Battle of New Bern / North Carolina (13.3.1862) umfaßte 4500 Mann und bestand aus:

7th North Carolina Infantry Regiment

26th North Carolina Infantry Regiment

27th North Carolina Infantry Regiment

35th North Carolina Infantry Regiment

37th North Carolina Infantry Regiment

2nd North Carolina Cavalry

Lantham's Battery

Brem's Battery


The Battle of New Bern (also known as the Battle of New Berne) was fought on 14 March 1862, near the city of New BernNorth Carolina, as part of the Burnside Expedition of the American Civil War. The US Army's Coast Division, led by Brigadier Gene­ral Ambrose E. Burnside and accompanied by armed vessels from the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron, were opposed by an un­dermanned and badly trained Confederate force of North Carolina soldiers and militia led by Brigadier General Lawrence O'B. Branch. Although the defenders fought behind breastworks that had been set up before the battle, their line had a weak spot in its cen­ter that was exploited by the attacking Federal soldiers. When the center of the line was penetrated, many of the militia broke, forcing a general retreat of the entire Confederate force. General Branch was unable to regain control of his troops until they had retreated to Kinston, more than 30 miles (about 50 km) away. New Bern came under Federal control, and remained so for the rest of the war (


Branch’s Brigade gehörte im Spätsommer 1862 zu Ambrose Powell *Hill’s Light Division; Teilnahme am Battle of Cedar Mountain am 9.8.1862; die Brigade umfaßte folgende Regimenter (Battles and Leaders, Vol. II, p. 496; Hassler: A. P. Hill, p. 79; Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 362):

- 7th North Carolina Infantry († Col *Haywood, Edward G.)

- 18th North Carolina Infantry (LtCol *Purdie, T. J.)

- 28th North Carolina Infantry (Col *Lane, James Henry)

- 33rd North Carolina Infantry (Col *Hoke, Robert F.)

- 37th North Carolina Infantry ++++


Beim Vormarsch auf Culpeper berichtet Branch, daß Jackson beim Vormarsch entgegen allgemeiner Annahme nicht mit "leichtem Gepäck" marschieren ließ, sondern die Truppen von einem enormen Train begleitet war, den Vormarsch erheblich verzögerte (Branch Journal, OR 12 [3] 223). Branch's Brigade lag in der Nacht vom 8./9. August 1862 auf dem Nordufer des Rapidan River. Branch be­richtet in seinem Report, daß in dieser Nacht gegen 1.00 Uhr die Brigade vom Lärm eines nördlich erfolgten Angriffs der US-Cavalry geweckt wurde, der von Westen aus Richtung Madison Court House (Karte bei Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 18) ge­gen die Stonewall Brigade und Thomas S. *Garnett's Brigade erfolgte (Krick, p. 40-42; OR 12 [3] 222: Branch's Report). Der junge BrigGen mußte im Battle of Cedar Mountain mit einer Ambulanz aufs Schlachtfeld gefahren werden, da er zu schwach war zu reiten. Branch hielt es während der Schlacht nicht mehr in seinem Wagen und er übernahm aktiv den schlachtentscheidenden Gegenstoß auf Jackson's schon geworfener linker Flanke (Hassler, William Woods: A. P. Hill: Lee’s Forgotten General, p. 79; Stackpole: From Cedar Moun­tain, p. 66-67; Wood, W. J.: Civil War Generalship, p. 67). Branch behauptete später, die berühmte Stonewall Brigade sei vom Schlachtfeld geflohen, der Einsatz der Brigade Branch habe die Stonewall Brigade aufgefangen (Stackpole: From Cedar Mountain, p. 66-67). Tatsächlich war nur die 27th Virginia Infantry aus der Stonewall Brigade geflohen, während die anderen Regimenter die Stel­lung hielten und als einzige CS-Einheiten sogar drei US-Regimentsfahnen erobert hatten. Die falsche Behauptung Branch's diente nur der Erhöhung seines eigenen Ruhms auf Kosten der Stonewall Brigade (Hartwig, Scott D.: Commentary zu Stackpole: From Ce­dar Mountain, Stackpole, p. 461; Robertson: Stonewall Briga­de, p. 131 ff; Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 384-88).


Branch ist gefallen bei Antietam am 17.9.1862.



Gen Lawrence O'Bryan Branch (



- **Branch Papers (a): Wartime Letters, official and private, of L. O'Bryan Branch, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.

- **Branch Papers (b): ähnlich wie oben, aber mit unterschiedlichen Daten. Die beiden Sammlungen zusammengenommen enthalten nützliche Informationen über die Gedanken von Stonewall Jackson und Ewell und den Einsatz von Branch Einheiten (Tanner: Stone­wall in the Valley, p. 572). North Carolina Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina

- **Branch Family Papers. Duke University, Durham/NC, Special Collections Library

- OR 12(3) 223 Branch's Report



Branch, Sanford W.:

CS.1stLt; Co. B&D, 8th Regiment Georgia Infantry; mustered in as sergeant (National Park Soldiers M226 Roll 7).



- Branch, Sanford W.: Letter 17.12.1862 (Fredericksburg); typescript, Margaret Branch Sexton Collection, University of Georgia



Brannan, John M.:

US-MajGen; July 1, 1819 – December 16, 1892; was a career American Army officer who served in the Mexican-American War and as a Union general in the American Civil War, in command of the Department of Key West in Florida and assigned to Fort Zachary Taylor. His first wife was the daughter of Colonel Ichabod Crane; she mysteriously disappeared after taking a ferry from Staten Is­land to lower Manhattan and was presumed to have been murdered (


Brannan was born in Washington, D.C., and was a messenger in the United States House of Representatives when he received his ap­pointment to the United States Military Academy from Ratliff Boon, the U.S. Representative from Indiana in 1837. His appointment was supported by 114 other Congressmen. He finished West Point in 1841, ranking 23rd of 52 cadets, and was assigned to the 1st U.S. Artillery Regiment. After graduation, Brannan served at Plattsburgh, New York during the border dispute with Canada. During the Mexican-American War, Brannan was in the battles of Vera CruzCerro GordoLa HoyaContreras and Churubusco. He was bre­vetted to captain for gallantry for Contreras and Churubusco. He was severely wounded during the battle for Mexico City. After the war with Mexico, Brannan fought against the Seminoles. Brannan then remained in the Southeast at various posts until the begin­ning of the Civil War (


At the outbreak of the Civil War, Brannan was appointed a brigadier general of volunteers and placed in command of the Department of Key West. In October 1862, he fought in the Battle of Saint John's Bluff where he led infantry troops in the expedition on the St. Johns River against Confederate positions for control of Jacksonville, Florida. Also in the same month, Brannan was placed in com­mand of the Department of the South after Ormsby Mitchel's death. He was brevetted a lieutenant colonel for his service during the battle for Jacksonville, Florida. He served as department commander until January 1863. In 1863 he led an infantry division un­der Major General William Rosecrans in the Tullahoma Campaign where he fought at Hoover's Gap. Brannan then fought under Maj. Gen. George Henry Thomas during the Chickamauga Campaign in XIV Corps. At Chickamauga, Brannan lost 38 per cent of his command. Nevertheless, Brannan was awarded a brevet appointment to colonel for meritorious service. When Rosecrans was relie­ved by Ulysses S. Grant, Brannan was reassigned from infantry back to artillery. He was promoted to the rank of major in the regular army in August 1863. From October 1863 until June 1865, Brannan was chief of artillery of the Department of the Cumberland, whe­re he oversaw the defenses at Chattanooga. He was in the Battle of Missionary Ridge and in the Atlanta Campaign where he partici­pated in the Battle of ResacaBattle of Dallas, and the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain. He was also at the siege and surrender of At­lanta. He was appointed a brevet major general in both the regular army and in the volunteer forces ( John_Milton_Brannan).


After the Civil War, Brannan mustered out of the volunteer forces and reverted to the regular army rank of major with the 1st U.S. Artillery Regiment. He was assigned to artillery duties at Fort Trumbull, Connecticut, Fort Wadsworth, New York, and Ogdensburg, New York. While at Ogdensburg, he helped prevent the Fenian raids into Canada. In 1877, Brannan was in PhiladelphiaPennsylva­nia, where he helped put down the railroad riots. Brannan transferred to the 4th U.S. Artillery Regiment in 1877. He retired from the army with the rank of colonel on April 19, 1882. He then moved to New York City. Brannon was a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Brannan died in New York and was buried at Woodlawn Cemetery. He was reinterred at the West Point Cemetery ( John_Milton_Brannan).



Brannigan, Felix:

US-Pvt; Co. A, 74th Regiment New York Infantry (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 14; see also Glatthaar: The Common Soldiers Gettysburg Campaign, in: Boritt: The Get­tysburg Nobody Knows, p. 27 iVm. S. 226n54). Also named as Orderly Sgt., 74th New York Volunteers



- **Brannigan, Felix: Letter to Father (n.d. [July 1863]); Copy in Brake Collection, USMHI, Carlisle Barracks, PA

- Brannigan, Felix (1843-1907) (Orderly Sgt., 74th New York Volunteers): Papers, 1861-64 (Library of Congress). 28 items. Letters from Brannigan to his sister concerning recruitment, training, and the Peninsular and Gettysburg campaigns. Includes information on camp life, troop movements, the Siege of Yorktown, and the battles of Williamsburg and Gettysburg



Brant, Jefferson E.:

US-LtCol; geboren am 27.2.1837 in Tuscarawas County / Ohio; er zog später nach Indiana, wo er das Asbury College in Greencastle / Indiana besuchte; graduiert 1860; Eheschließung am 8.8.1858 mit Mary A. McAllister; Pfarrer ab 1860; in Prarieton / Indiana; 1862 Captain Co E 85th Indiana Infantry (Welcher / Ligget: Coburn's Brigade, p. 95, 134); Captain Co. 'E' 85th Indiana In­fantry, Coburn's Brigade; Major, Lt Col 85th Indiana Infantry; er kommandierte kurzzeitig das Regiment



- Welcher / Ligget: Coburn's Brigade, p. 16



- **Brant, Jefferson E.: History of the Eighty-Fifth Indiana Volunteer Infantry (Bloomington / Ind.: Cravens Brothers, Printers and Binders, 1902)

- Welcher / Ligget: Coburn's Brigade, p. 6, 8, 16, 23, 30, 38, 50, 52, 54, 55, 58, 60, 61-62, 65, 67, 75, 93, 11-119, 131, 136, 138, 139, 141-44, 152-53, 159, 164, 172, 174, 1981, 193, 208, 222-25, 289-90



Brantley, Joseph K.:

CS-Sgt; 7th Arkansas Field Battery (Zimmerman's Battery)



- Brantley, Joseph K.: Roster, 1860-1865; 1 item. Memorandum book, kept by Sergeant Joseph K. Brantley, Zimmerman's Battery, Arkansas Light Artillery (Seventh Arkansas Field Battery), containing a roster of non-commissioned officers and enlisted men, a list of shoes issued to the unit on May 12, 1865, and what appear to be sales transactions recorded in February 1860 (Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville: Manuscript Resources for the Civil War, Compiled by Kim Allen Scott, 1990)



Brantley, R. A.:

CS-Corporal (Pvt); Co. D, 5th Regiment Texas Infantry (National Park Soldiers M227 Roll 4).



- **Brantley, R. A.: Memoir „The 5th Texas, Seven Days Battle around Richmond“, Confederate Veteran 7 (Aug. 1988), p. 357; ty­pescript in possession od Robert E . L. Krick (Krick: Defending Lee's Flank. J.E.B. Stuart, John Pelham, and Confederates on Nico­demus Heights; in: Gallagher: The Antietam Campaign, p. 216n2)



Brasher, A. D.:

CS-Surgeon; 3rd Louisiana Infantry



- Brasher, Leona Sumner: Handwritten Manuscript History, 1915; entitled "Chicot County, Arkansas-Pioneer and Present Times," written by Leona Sumner Brasher, the widow of Dr. A. D. Brasher, assistant surgeon, Third Louisiana Infantry. Brasher's story, based on personal and family recollections, includes capsule biographical sketches of many Chicot County Confederate soldiers. (Chicot County History; in: Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville: Manuscript Resources for the Civil War, Compiled by Kim Allen Scott, 1990).



Brastow, George O.:

US-Captain; Co. I, 5th Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry (3 months, 1861) (Militia) (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll 4); Bennett: Musket and Sword, p. 4).



Brayman, Mason:

US-BrigGen; aus Springfield, Illinois, Nachbar Lincoln's (Bearss: Vicksburg, Vol. I., S. 34 Anm. 43); im November 1862 eingesetzt in Sherman's Corps in Grant's Army of the Tennessee; während Grant's Vorstoß nach Süden auf Grand Junction, Mississip­pi kom­mandierte Brayman die zur Sicherung von Grant's Versorgungslinie über die Tennessee & Ohio RR in Bolivar, Tennessee (Karte bei Davis Nr. 154) eingesetzten Sicherungskräfte bestehend aus 17th Illinois Infantry, 43rd Illinois Infantry, 61st Illinois Infan­try, 12th Michigan Infantry, 15th Battery Ohio Light Artillery, 5th Ohio Cavalry und 1st Tennessee Cavalry (Bearss: Vicksburg, Vol. I., S. 34 Anm. 43).



- Brayman, Mason: Papers (Chicago Historical Society, Chicago / Illinois)



Bratnober, Augustus C.:

US-Sergeant; Co. F, 10th Regiment Wisconsin Infantry (National Park Soldiers M559 Roll 3)



- **Bratnober, August: Manuscript diary of member of Scribner's Brigade , owned by his grandson Carl Bratnober, St. Paul, Minn. (mentioned in: Tucker: Chickamauga, p. 423)



Breathed, James:

CS-Major; Shanks' Company, Virginia Horse Artillery (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 6);


Im Battle of Antietam 17.9.1862, after John Pelham assumed (during the the absence of Jackson's artillery chief) the command Jack­son's Corps Artillery, James Breathed took over the command of Pelham's Horse Artillery Artillery of JEB Stuart's Cavalry Division (Sears: Landscape turned Red, p. 372), comprising 1st Stuart Horse Artillery, Chew's Virginia Battery and Hart's South Carolina Battery (Sears: Lands­cape turned Red, p. 372); deployed on the left flank of Lee's army (Krick: Defending Lee's Flank. J.E.B. Stuart, John Pelham, and Confederates on Nicodemus Heights; in: Gal­lagher: The Antietam Campaign, p. 195). On the night after the battle of Antietam, before crossing the Potomac, Pelham's 1st Stuart Horse Artille­ry was divided into two parts each with 4 guns, with Breathed as captain of one part (John­son/Anderson: Artillery Hell, p. 100).


In the Gettysburg Campaign Breathed was Captain, Chew's Battery in Stuart's Cavalry Division (Longacre: The Cavalry at Gettysburg, p. 32).


Breathed was a Marylander, born 1838 (Krick: Defending Lee's Flank. J.E.B. Stuart, John Pelham, and Confederates on Nicodemus Heights; in: Gallagher: The Antietam Cam­paign, p. 195).



Breck, George E.:

US-First Lt, Co. B, 3rd Regiment New York Light Artillery (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 14); also Lt in Reynolds's Battery (= Co. L, 1stRe­giment New York Light Artillery), Brevet Major, at first Sergeant, Co. L, 1se Regiment New York Light Artillery (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 14; Hennessy:M Return to Bull run, p. 52, 170).



- **Breck, George, comp. Robert E. Marcotte. Breck's War Correspondence of George Breck, Battery L (Reynolds's Battery), 1st New York Light Artillery. Rochester, N.Y., R. E. Marcotte, 2005

- Breck, George: Letter, published in the Rochester Union and Advertiser 31.7.1862

- **Breck, George: Letter of 5.9.1862, 18.9.1862, published in the Rochester Union and Advertiser, Sept. 26, 1862 (McPherson: Crossroads of Freedom. Antietam, p. 157 n2; Hennessy: Return top Bull Run, p. 483n37)



Breckinridge, Cary:

CS-Major; 2nd Regiment Virginia Cavalry; 1863 gehörte die Einheit unter Col Thomas T. *Munford zu Fitzhugh Lee's Cavalry Bri­gade; Stuart's Cavalry Division (Longacre, The Cavalry at Gettysburg, p. 17).



Breckinridge, John:

2.12.1760 Staunton, Va. - † 14.12.1806 Lexington, Kentucky) war ein US-Jurist, Politiker, US-Senator und Justizminister (Attorney General).


Breckinridge absolvierte zunächst ein allgemein bildendes Studium am renommierten College of William & Mary. Während des Un­abhängigkeitskrieges (1775–1783) diente er in der Miliz von Virginia und studierte anschließend die Rechtswissenschaften. Nach der Zulassung zum Rechtsanwalt 1785 gründete er eine Anwaltskanzlei in Charlottesville; 1793 rief er eine solche dann auch in Lexing­ton ins Leben. Zugleich gründete er mit der Castleton Farm einen der berühmtesten Rennpferdställe in der Pferdesportgeschichte der USA.


Breckinridge entstammte einer angesehenen und einflussreichen Politikerfamilie. Sein Enkel John C. Breckinridge war der jüngste Vizepräsident der Vereinigten Staaten. Sein Enkel William Campbell Preston Breckinridge und sein Urenkel Clifton R. Breckinridge waren Abgeordnete des Repräsentantenhauses, ebenso wie sein Ururenkel John B. Breckinridge. N


Noch als Student wurde er 1779 im Alter von 19 Jahren zum Mitglied der Legislativversammlung von Virginia gewählt. Da damals die Grenze zur Volljährigkeit noch bei 21 Jahren lag, konnte er dieses Mandat jedoch zunächst nicht antreten.1792 wurde er als Ab­geordneter in das Repräsentantenhaus der Vereinigten Staaten gewählt, jedoch verzichtete er bereits vor Beginn der Sitzungsperiode auf dieses Mandat. 1794 kandidierte er erfolglos für einen Sitz im US-Senat. Von 1795 bis zu seinem Rücktritt 1797 war er Attorney General von Kentucky. Anschließend wurde er Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses von Kentucky, das ihn für zwei Jahre auch zu sei­nem Sprecher wählte. Anschließend war er von 1799 bis 1801 Mitglied der Verfassungsgebenden Versammlung von Kentucky.


Als Kandidat der Demokratisch-Republikanischen Partei wurde er danach zum US-Senator gewählt. Als solcher war er vom 4. März 1801 bis zum 7. August 1805 Vertreter seines Staates in Washington. Nach seinem Rücktritt als Senator wurde er dann am 7. August 1805 von US-Präsident Thomas Jefferson als Attorney General in dessen Kabinett berufen.


Breckinridge, der im Amt verstarb, war in vielfacher Hinsicht ein wichtiger Berater des Präsidenten (aus wikipedia, Stichwirt 'John Breckinridge', Abruf v. 21.4.2017



- **Davis, William C.: Breckinridge: Statesman, Soldier, Symbol [(Baton Rouge, La, 1974)

- Lowell Harrison: John Breckinridge, Jeffersonian Republican. Filson Club, Louisville 1969.

- James C. Klotter: The Breckinridges of Kentucky: Two Centuries of Leadership. University Press of Kentucky, Lexington 1986.



Breckinridge, John C.:

CS-MajGen; aus Kentucky, Confederate Secretary of War, appointed 28.1.1865; Breckinridge stammt aus Kentucky; US-Vizepräsi­dent in der Regierung Buchanan 1857-61 (Farwell, Byron: Ball's Bluff - A small Battle and Its Long Shadow, p. 18; Kelly, Holding Kentucky for the Union; in: Battles and Leaders Vol. I S. 377). Breckenridge war 1860 demokratischer Gegenkandidat Lin­coln's um die Präsidentschaft (Grant, Memoirs, p. ++++); der andere demokratische Gegenkandidat zum Republikaner Lincoln war Steven A. *Douglas, US-Senator und demokratischer Präsidentschaftskandidat 1860 (Mosby, Memoirs, p. 14; Grant, Memoirs, Kap 16); Grant bezeichnet Douglas' Kandidatur als aussichtslos, der wirkliche Wahlwettbewerb fand zwischen dem Demokraten *Breckenridge und dem Republikaner Lincoln statt; zu Douglas auch McPherson, Für die Freiheit sterben, p. 63, 68, 98, 108, 111-14, 116 ff, etc.


Douglas vertrat in der Frage von Sklavenhaltung und Territorialprinzip die Auffassung, daß jeder Staat der USA die Sklaverei inner­halb seiner Grenzen verbieten könne. Breckenridge folgte dagegen der Meinung, insb. nach der Entscheidung des Supreme Court im Dred Scott Case, daß es das Recht der Sklavenhalter sei, ihre Sklaven in neue Territorien mitzunehmen und als Sklaven zu halten, auch wenn die Sklavenhaltung gegen die Mehrheitsmeinung der Einwohner des betreffenden Staates verstoße.


Breckinridge vertrat im US-Senat im August 1861 die Ansicht der friedlichen Trennung der Staaten; dieser Meinung trat US-Senator und Colonel Edward Dickinson *Baker am 1.8.1861 in einer energischen - in US-Uniform gehaltenen - Rede entgegen und bezeich­nete Breckinridge's Ansicht als Verrat (Farwell, Byron: Ball's Bluff - A small Battle and Its Long Shadow, p. 18). Kurz darauf verließ Breckinridge Washington und schloß sich der Konföderation an.


In der Chickamauga Campaign 1863 Breckinridge commanded Breckinridge's Division, Hill's Corps (LtGen Daniel H. Hill), Bragg's Army of Tennessee (Powell: Chickamauga Campaign, vol. I: A Mad Battle, p. 645). The Battle of Stones River became an especial focal point of enmity between LtGen Braxton Bragg and John C. Breckinridge (Powell: Chickamauga Campaign, vol. I: A Mad Battle, p. 48).


Jefferson Davis ernannte ihn am 6. Februar 1865 zum Kriegsminister als Nachfolger des aus gesundheitlichen Gründen (?) zurückge­tretenen James A. Seddon. John C. Breckinridge war Secretary of War from 6.2.1865 to 10.5.1865. Es war natürlich zu spät, um ir­gendetwas zu bewegen. Im April verließ er mit dem Kabinett Richmond, Virginia und entkam nach Kuba (wikipedia, Stichwort 'John C. Breckin­ridge', Abruf v. 19.9.2017). In Early March 1865 Breckinridge had continued to quietly urge Confederate legislators to pursue a peace agree­ment and met with a group of influential senators in a Richmond hotel room and pressed them to end the war. But the senators recoi­led from publicly opposing President Davis and would not promise any action (Wheelan:Last Full Measure, p. 116).



- Davis / Wiley: Photographic History, Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Gettysburg, p. 307

- Kelly, Holding Kentucky for the Union; in: Battles and Leaders Vol. I, S. 377

Davis / Wiley: Photographic History of the Civil War, vol I, p. 62



- **Davis, William C.: Breckinridge: Statesman, Soldier, Symbol (Baton Rouge, La, 1974)

- **Breckinridge, John C.: Papers; Chicago Historical Society

- **Breckinridge, John C.: Papers; Henry E. Huntingdon Library, San Marino, Calif.

- **Breckinridge, John C.: Papers, New York Historical Society, New York

- **Breckinridge, John C.: Papers, Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio

- **Davis, William C.: Breckinridge: Statesman, Soldier, Symbol (Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1974)



Breckinridge, Joseph C.:

CS-Pvt; aus Kentucky; Sohn von John C. *Breckinridge; 1861 war Joseph C. Breckinridge Private in Co. B 2nd Kentucky Infantry unter seinem Onkel Captain Robert C. *Breckinridge (Davis: Orphan Brigade, p. 16).



Breckinridge, Lucy:

CS-+++; aus Virginia



- Breckinridge, Lucy: Lucy Breckinridge of Grove Hill: The Journal of a Virginia Girl, 1862-1864 (Univ South Carolina). Memoirs of a high-spirited youth who wanted to escape wartime boredom



Breckinridge, Robert J.:

CS-Captain; aus Kentucky; Cousin von John C. Breckinridge (Davis: Orphan Brigade, p. 14); Captain Co. B in der 2nd Kentucky In­fantry (Davis: Orphan Brigade, p. 16); in seiner Kompanie diente 1861 als Private Joseph C. *Breckinridge, der Sohn von John C. *Breckinridge (Davis: Orphan Brigade, p. 16).



Breckinridge (Breckenridge), William Campbell Preston:

CS-Col; Co. F&S, 9th Regiment Kentucky Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M377 Roll 2, names as 'Breckenridge'; Horwitz: The Longest Raid, p. 4, named as 'Breckinridge').



- Breckinridge Family Papers, 1752-1965 (Library of Congress, Washington/DC). ca. 200,000 items. Contains numerous letters from family members relating to the war. Of particular interest are the papers of Col. William Campbell Preston Breckinridge (1837-1904), 9th Kentucky Cavalry, CSA, which consist of an order book, Dec. 1862- Mar. 1864, and letters to his wife; also, the diary, 1864-65, and letters of Lt. Joseph Cabell Breckinridge (1842-1920), 2d Artillery Battalion, USA, written chiefly at Fort Barrancas and Fort Pi­ckens, Fla. Finding aid available



Breeden, Pompey O.:

CS-Pvt; Co B 2nd Arkansas Mounted Rifles



- Moose, James Sayles: Papers, 1833-1980. The Moose papers also include typed transcripts of eight letters written by Private Pom­pey O. Breeden, Company B, Second Arkansas Mounted Rifles, dating from August 12, 1861, to March 21, 1862. These letters des­cribe Breeden's experiences at the battles of Wilson's Creek, Missouri, and Pea Ridge (Benton County) (Univ. of Arkansas, Fayette­ville: Manuscript Resources for the Civil War, Compiled by Kim Allen Scott, 1990).



Brem, Thomas Hamilton:

CS-Col (Inschrift auf seinem Grabstein im Elmwood Cemetery, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC); 1816-1876 (http://www.fin­ Wohl identisch mit Captain T. H. Brem, Batteriechef von Brem's Battery; Teilnahme am Battle of New Berne am 14.3.1863 im Rahmen von Brig. Gen. Lawrence O’B. Branch Brigade (Hess: Lee's Tar Heels, p. 13) sowie im Battle of the Seven Days im Rahmen Theophilus T. Holmes North Carolina Division _Confederate_order_of_battle).


Brent, George William:

CS-Col; General and Staff Officers, Non Regimental Enlisted Men, CSA (National Park Soldiers M818 Roll 3); during the Chicka­mauga Campaign August-September 1863 Col Brent was Assistant Adjutant General in the staff of MajGen Braxton Bragg's Army of Tennessee (Powell: Chickamauga Campaign: Mad Irregular Battle, p. 223).



Brent, Joseph Lancaster:

CS-BrigGen; 30.11.1826 Pomonkey / Charles County / Maryland - 27.11.1905 Baltimore / Maryland; Studium an der Georgetown University / Maryland; dann kurze Zeit Rechtsanwalt in St. Martinsville / Louisiana; ab 1849 Rechtsanwalt in California; 1856 und 1857 Abgeordneter im California Parlament; bei Kriegsausbruch versuchte Brent per Schiffsreise in die CSA zu gelangen, wurde je­doch auf hoher See verhaftet und erst im Februar 1862 paroled. Brent ging nach Richmond und wurde Mitglied im Stab von MajGen Magruder; am 9.5.1852 befördert zum Major der Artillery; zugleich Chief of Ordnance im Stab Magruder's. Anschließend nach Loui­siana versetzt; dort Chief of Artillery in West Louisiana; er ließ zwei behelfsmäßige Gunboats bauen, die das US-Ironclad Indianola aufgriffen; 15.10.1864 Brigadekommandeur und BrigGen in Nord-Louisiana. Brent war einer der drei Commissionars, die am 26.5.1865 die Übergabe des CS-Districts Trans-Mississippi verhandelten (Allardice: More Generals in Gray, p. 42).



Allardice, p. 42



- Brent, Joseph L.: Memoirs of the War (New Orleans, 1940)



Brett, David:

US-+++; 9th Massachusetts Battery



- Brett, David (9th Mass Battery): My Dear Wife: The Civil War Letters of David Brett, Union Canoneer (Pioneer Press, 1964); 137 pp, Index, Photos, Rosters. The 9th Mass Battery fought bravely at Gettysburg in hand-to-hand combat against the 21st Mississippi and went on to fight at Mine Run, Brandy Station, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg and Appomattox.



Brevard, Keziah Goodwyn Hopkin:




- Brevard, Keziah: A Plantation Mistress on the Eve of the Civil War: The Diary of Keziah Goodwyn Hopkin Brevard, 1860-1861 (Univ S. Carolina, 1996); edited by John Hammond Moore, 137 pp, Index, Photos. An insightful prelude to the well-known diaries of Mary Chestnut and Emma Holmes.



Brewer, Abraham:

US-Sergeant; Co. A, 61st Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry (National Park Soldiers M554 Roll 13).



- **Brewer, Abraham T. (Sergeant 61st Pennsylvania Infantry): History Sixty-First Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865 (Pittsburgh, PA: Art Engraving & Printing, Co., 1911)



Brewer, Melvin:

US-LtCol; zunächst Captain Co. F&S, 1st Regiment Michigan Cavalry (National Park Soldier M545 Roll 5).


31.10.1831 Wilson, Niagra Co., NY - † mortally wounded 19.9.1864 Winchester / VA, gestorben 25.9.1864. 7th Generation descen­dent of Johannes (Jan)1 Brouwer (1632-1702) of New Netherland (Philip6 Brewer, John5 Brewer, Elias4 Brewer, Elias3 Brouwer, Derck2 Brouwer, Jan1 Brouwer); Childhood: 1837 -1851, Farm in White Lake, Oakland Co., Michigan; educated in Law at Universi­ty of Michigan, Pontiac Branch 1851 – 1855; °° 4.2.1857 Amanda Clark; two children, Emmer  11 Nov 1857, Melvin Napoleon 1 Aug 1859 (Richard Brewer bei www. Google, Stichwort Melvin Brewer, Abruf vom 6.5.2016)


Pre Military Career: Lawyer, Almont, LaPeer Co., Michigan 1855 -1861; Enlisted from Almont, Lapeer Co., Michigan. he was 29 years of age when he was commissioned Captain, Company L, of the 1st Michigan Cavalry 9 August 1861. Promoted to Major 16 February 1863 in 1st Regiment Michigan Cavalry. On 6 June 1864 he was made Lt. Colonel in the 7th Michigan Cavalry, in General Custer's "Michigan Cavalry" brigade. He commanded that regiment in the action at Trevilian Station, VA., June 11, 1864, and was wounded there. He was mortally wounded at the Battle of Winchester, VA. September 19, 1864 and died September 25, 1864 (Ri­chard Brewer bei www. Google, Stichwort Melvin Brewer, Abruf vom 6.5.2016).


Teilnahme am Battle of Kernstown am 23.3.1862 (OR 12 [I]: 349 [Shields' Report]).


Anfang Juni 1863 hatten sich die Anzeichen für einen Vorstoß von Lee's Army of Northern Virginia nach Norden verstärkt. Gen Joe Hooker hatte, auf Bitte seines Cavalry Commanders Pleasonton deshalb beim War Department in Washington um Verstärkung gebe­ten, um verstärkte Aufklärung betreiben zu können. Stahel's Cavalry Division gehörte damals zu Heintzelman's Truppen im Verteidi­gungsring um Washington. Stahel erhielt nun Befehl: „There is little doubt, that Lee has moved his army from Hooker's front [Anm.: vor Fredericksburg/VA]. His object is not known. Push a strong reconnaissance into the Shenandoah Valley at once to acquire any in­formation which may be had of the enemy's whereabouts or intensions“ (Nye: Here come the Rebels, p. 47; OR XXV, Part. 1, p. 18). At first Stahel seemed reluctant, but 2 days later, he set forth from Fairfax with 2 small regiments in einer Gesamtstär­ke von 600 Mann. They established a base where the Orange & Alexandria Railroad crosses Kettle Run, a few miles back of Pleason­ton's head­quarters at . Stahel sent patrols into Loudon Valley. One of these scouts produced a bit of information that was highly signi­ficant, but which seems to have been overlooked by the War Department and possibly was not even transmitted to Hooker. At 6 on 8.6.1863 Major Melvin Brewster of the 1st Michigan Cavalry sent the following telegram from Winchester /VA: „On June 6, General Ewell with a corps was encamped one mile this side of Culpeper. Stuart with a large force of cavalry, is between Culpeper and Front Roy­al.“ (Nye: Here come the Rebels, p. 47-48; OR XXVII, Pt. 1, p. 785).



- LtCol Melvin Brewer (Richard Brewer bei www. Google, Stichwort Melvin Brewer, Abruf vom 6.5.2016)



Brewster, A. P.:

CS-+++; Assistant Adjutant General im Stab von Gen A. S. Johnston im Battle of Shiloh (Daniel: Shiloh, p. 44)



Brewster, Charles H.:

US-Adjutant; Co. CFS, 10th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll 4; McPherson: For Cause & Comrades, p. 10, 190n13).



- Historic Northampton Museum & Education Center, Northampton, Massachusetts (s.NUCMC, National Union Catalog of Manus­cript Collections,



- **Blight, David W. (Hrsg.): When this Cruel War is Over: The Civil War Letters of Charles Harvey Brewster (University of Massa­chusetts Press, 1992)

- **Brester, Charles H.: Notebook of Letters from Charles H. Brewster to his mother Martha C. Brester, 1861-1864, Historic Nor­thampton Museum & Education Center, Northampton, Massachusetts



Brewster, Col.:

US-Col; 63th New York Infantry; im Mai 1862 vor Yorktown (Nevins: Col Wainwright, p. 44).



Briant, Charles C.:

US-Captain; Co. K, 6th Regiment Indiana Infantry; Briant trat als Sergeant in das Regiment ein (National Park Soldiers M540 Roll 8)



- **Briant, C. C.: History of the 6th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry (Indianapolis, 1891)



Bridgford, David B.:

CS-Major; at first Captain Co. B, 1st Battalion, Virginia Infantry (Regulars) (Irish Battalion) (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 7), later Major, Co. F&S, 1st Battalion, Virginia Infantry (Regulars) (Irish Battalion) (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 7).


Captain; 1961 Chef des 1st Regular Battalion (Irish Battalion) 3rd Brigade Jesse Burks, Jackson's Army of the Valley; Teilnahme am Battle von Kernstown am 23.3.1862; hierbei sollte das Irish Battalion die Artillery von Carpenter's Battery decken, geriet jedoch durcheinander, so daß der größere Teil des Irish Battalion stattdessen Stellung vor McLaughlin's Battery bezog, bzw. auf einen durch Captain Alexander S. *Pendleton übermittelten Befehl Stonewall Jackson's (Tanner: Stonewall in the Valley, p. 129; OR 12 [I] 405 Bridgford's Report).


During Lee's Gettysburg Campaign 1863, the unit with about 250 officers and men served as the army's provost guard. Major David B. Bridgford, whom Lee assigned to his staff as acting provost marshal, headed up this unit. Besides standard military police duties, this battalion also interrogated prisoners of war to obtain useful intelligence and submitted reports to Gen Lee. Upon reaching the vi­cinity, however, Lee assigned Major Bridgford as post commander and the 1st Battalion as provost guard for the city, relieving the 13th Virginia of Early's division of those duties (Ryan: Spies, p. 191).



Bridgford, Oliver A.:

US-+++; 45th Illinois Infantry



- Bridgford, Oliver A.: Letters (Shiloh National Military Park, Shiloh / Tennessee, 45th Illinois File)



Briggs, Edward:

US-Col; 76th Ohio Infantry (zu Kritik an Briggs: Glatthaar: The March to the Sea and Beyond, p. 22 m.w.N.).



Briggs, Edward S.:

US-Musician; Co. I, 76th Regiment Ohio Infantry (National Park Soldiers M552 Roll 12).


During the burning of Columbia/SC on 17.2.1865 Baugh stole jewel4ry from the Commercial Bank(Royster: Destructive War, p. 24).



Briggs, Henry Shaw:

US-BrigGen und Brigadekommandeur. Seine Brigade gehörte seit Herbst 1862 zur Division von BrigGen Andrew Atchinson Hum­phreys; Teilnahme am Angriff auf den Stonewall im Battle von Fredericksburg (Gallagher u.a.: Fredericksburg, p. 84). Da der Briga­dekommandeur Briggs auf grund einer Verwundung im Battle of Fair Oaks schwer verwundet worden war, führte Col Alla­bach die Brigade im Battle von Fredericksburg (Gallagher u.a.: Fredericksburg, p. 84).


Die Brigade Briggs umfaßte folgende Regimenter:

- 131st Pennsylvania Infantry Col Peter Hollingshead *Allabach

- 123rd Pennsylvania Infantry Col John B. *Clark

- 133rd Pennsylvania Infantry Col Franklin *Speakman

- 155th Pennsylvania Infantry Col E. J. *Allen



Briggs, Mahlon B.:

US-Captain; Co. D, 75th Regiment Ohio Infantry; mustered in as First Sergeant (National Park Soldiers M552 Roll 12).


3.7.1863 kia Gettysburg, after being mw north of Gettysburg on 1.7.1863 (Pula: Under the Crescent Moon, vol. 2, p. 38).



Bright, Robert Anderson:

CS-Captain; Co. B, 53rd Regiment Virginia Infantry (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 7).


During the Gettysburg Campaign 1863, Captain Bright was member of the staff of Pickett's Division (Gottfried: Brigades of Gettysburg, p. 468, 483n8, 24, 581, 653).


Post-War farmer in Williamsburg (, keyword 'Robert Anderson Bright', accessed 10.7.2019).


23.3.1839 Williamsburg/VA - † 17.3.1864 Williamsburg; burial Cedar Grove Cemetery, Williamsburg/Va (, keyword 'Robert Anderson Bright', accessed 10.7.2019).



- Bright, R. A.: „Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg.“ Confederate Veteran Magazine (1930), vol. 37, p. 263-266

- Bright, Robert A.: „Pickett's Charge, The Story of It Told by a Member of his Staff.“ Southern Historical Society Papers (1903), vol. 31, p. 228-236



Brinckle, John Rumley:

US-Col; 5th US Artillery im Spätjahr 1861 / Frühjahr 1862 (Nevins: Col Wainwright, p. 5), die sog. 'German Batteries (Nevins: Col Wainwright, p. 36, 74).



Bringhurst, T. H.:

US-Col; 1862 Col der 46th Indiana Infantry in Col. Graham N. Fitch's Brigade. Im Juni 1862 war Fitch's Indiana Brigade (43rd In­diana Infantry; 46th Indiana Infantry) beteiligt am Vorstoß gegen Fort Pillow, den Col Charles *Ellet's Ram Fleet auf dem Mississippi River gegen Fort Pillow unternahm. Ellet ordnete eine bewaffnete Aufklärung auf dem Ufer des Mississippi gegen Fort Pillow an, um festzustellen, ob das CS Gunboat noch vor Fort Pillow lag, um dieses evtl. mit einem überraschenden Zugriff an der Landestelle durch Infantry zu besetzen, bevor die Ram Fleet unterstützt von Davis's Western Gunboat Flotilla gegen Fort Pillow vorging. Die Aufklärung erbrachte, daß die Konföderierten begonnen hatten, Fort Pillow zu evakuieren (ORN XXIII, S. 42; Bearss: Hardluck Ironclad, p. 66, 67). Fitch's Männer drangen am 3.6.1862 bis auf 30 m vor die Schießscharten von Fort Pillow im Bereich des Cold River und waren an der für 5.6.1862 geplanten Joint Attack gegen Fort Pillow von Mississippi Ram Fleet unter Col Ellet und der Western Gunboat Flotilla Col Davis' und Fitch's Brigade beteiligt (Bearss: Hardluck Ironclad, p. 67-68). 1863 mit der 46th Indiana Infantry Teilnahme an Grant's Vicksburg Campaign 1863; in McClernand's XIII Army Corps, 12th Division BrigGen Alvin P. Hovey; Marsch zur Umgehung von *Grand Gulf auf der Westseite des Mississippi in Louisiana von Coffee's Point bis zum Ufer gegenüber *Bruinsburg im April 1863 (Bearss, Edwin Cole: The Vicksburg Campaign, Vol. II, a.a.O, p. 317-18, 403; Kar­te: Davis Nr. 155 D6,



- History of the Forty-sixth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, September, 1861 - September 1865. Compiled by Committee (Lo­gansport, 1888)



Brinton, Daniel G.:



Dr. Daniel Garrison Brinton, Yale '58, Jefferson Medical College '60, and student at Paris and Heidelberg in 1861, was born at Ho­mestead Farm, Thornbury, Pennsylvania, a property owned by the Brinton family since 1684. He entered the army in August, 1862, and was assigned in February, 1863, as Surgeon-in-Chief of Division to the XI Corps of the Army of the Potomac. With that Corps he saw the desperate fighting at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Later, he accompanied it to the relief of Chattanooga, and had a fine view of the battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge. He continued with the Army of the Cumberland as Medical Director of the XI Corps until April, 1864, when, because of disabilities acquired in the field, he was appointed surgeon in charge of the Uni­ted States Army General Hospital at Quincy, Illinois, where he served until August 5, 1865.



- Brinton, Daniel G.: „From Chancellorsville to Gettysburg: A Doctor's Diary;“ ed. D. G. Brinton Thompson, Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 89 (July 1985), pp. 292-315 (PDF available)



Brinton, John Hill:

US-Surgeon; Chief Surgeon in Grant's Army of the Mississippi (Daniel: Shiloh, p. 54, 55)


Brinton was Grant's Medical Director and met, observed and commented on practically the entire hierarchy of the Union Army. Ne­vins says "Brinton, a renowned surgeon and able scholar, provides intimate glimpses of both Federal hospitals in the West and the principal battlefields of the East."



- **Brinton, John Hill (Surgeon, U.S. Vols): Personal Memoirs of John H. Brinton (Univ Southern Illinois Press; Reprint of 1914 Neale Original); 380 pp. New Foreword by John Y. Simon



Brisbine, Napoleon B.:

US-Surgeon; 2nd Ohio Cavalry



- Brisbine, Napoleon B.: Letters (VMI-Archive)



Bristow, Benjamin H.:

US-Col; Co. F&S, 8th Regiment Kentucky Cavalry (US) (National Park Soldiers M386 Roll 3); zunächst LtCol 25th Regiment Ken­tucky Infantry (US) (National Park Soldiers M386 Roll 3 'Ben. H. Bristow; Anm.: in der dt. Ausgabe von Wikipedia, Stichwort Benjamin H. Bristow, fehlerhaft als 25th Regiment Kentucky Infantry [CS] angege­ben).


Eingesetzt im Juli 1863 zur Abwehr von Morgan's Raid nach Kentucky, Indiana und Ohio (Hor­witz: The Longest Raid, p. 20; McGowan, Col. J. E.: Mor­gan's Indiana and Ohio Raid; in: Annals of the War, p. 763).


Bristow graduated at Jefferson College, Washington, Pennsylvania, in 1851, studied law under his father, and was admitted to the Kentucky bar in 1853. For a while Bristow worked as a law partner for his father. His father later became a strong anti-slavery Unionist. His father's political anti-slavery and Whig views strongly influenced Bristow's own political outlook.


Zunächst LtCol 25th Regiment Ken­tucky Infantry (US) (National Park Soldiers M386 Roll 3 'Ben. H. Bristow; Anm.: in der dt. Ausgabe von Wikipedia, Stichwort Benja­min H. Bristow, fehlerhaft als 25th Regiment Kentucky Infantry [CS] angegeben).In April 1862, he was severely wounded by an exploding shell at the Battle of Shiloh in Tennessee and temporarily forced to retire from field duty in order to recover from his injury. After his recuperation, Bristow returned to field service during the summer of 1862 and helped recruit the 8th Kentucky Cavalry. On September 8, 1862 Bristow was commissioned lieutenant colonel over the 8th Kentucky Cavalry. Bristow assumed command of the 8th Kentucky Cavalry in January, 1863 after Col. James M. Shackleford, the previous commander, was promoted brigadier general. On April 1, 1863 Bristow was promoted to colonel and continued his command over the 8th Kentucky Cavalry (www., Abruf v. 5.3.2017).


In 1863, Bristow was elected Kentucky state Senator, serving only one term until 1865, and therefore on September 23, 1863, Bristow was honorably discharged from service in the Union Army. At the end of the Civil War, Bristow was appointed assistant to the U.S. District Attorney serving in the Louisville area, In 1866, Bristow was appointed U.S. District attorney serving in the Louisville area. In 1870, Bristow was appointed the United States' first U.S. Solicitor General, who aided the U.S. Attorney General by arguing cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1874, Bristow was appointed U.S. Secretary of the Treasury by President Ulysses S. Grant. Initially Grant gave Bristow his full support during Bristow's popular prosecution of Whiskey Ring. However, when Bristow and Grant's Attorney General Edwards Pierrepont, another reforming Cabinet member, uncovered that Orville Babcock, Grant's personal secretary, was involved in the ring, Grant's relationship with Bristow cooled. In June 1876, due to friction over Bristow's zealous prosecution of the Whiskey Ring and rumor that Bristow was interested in running for the U.S. Presidency, Bristow resigned from President Grant's Cabinet. During the presidential election of 1876, Bristow made an unsuccessful attempt at gaining the Republican presidential ticket, running as a Republican reformer; the Republicans, however, chose Rutherford B. Hayes. After the 1876 presidential election, Bristow returned to private practice in New York, forming a successful law practice in 1878, often arguing cases before the U.S. Supreme Court until his death in 1896 (www., Abruf v. 5.3.2017).


20.6.1832 Elkton/Ky - † 22.6.1896 New York; S. v. Francis M. Bristow and Emily Helm; 21.11.1854 Abbie S. Briscoe; father of William A. Bristow and Nannie Bristow (www., Abruf v. 5.3.2017).



- Bristow, Benjamin H.: Papers, Library of Congress, Washington/DC

- Foner: Reconstruction, p. 457, 555, 566



Britton, Wiley:

US-Pvt; Co. K, F&S, 6th Regiment Kansas Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M542 Roll 1).



- Wiley Britton (6th Kansas Cavalry) - MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION ON THE BORDER, 1863 - Univ Nebraska Press - Reprint of 1882 Original - 458 pp - Introduction by Phillip Tucker who calls this "the best and most accurate first person account of the long overlooked western border war of 1863" - Publisher's List Price = $14.95, Our Price - $13



Broady, Knut Oscar:

US-LtCol; Co. F&S, 61st Regiment New York Infantry; at first Captain Co. C (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 14).


1863 war Broady Regimentskommandeur 61st New York Infantry. Das Regiment gehörte während der Gettysburg Cam­paign zur 1st Brigade Col Edward C. Cross; 1st Division BrigGen John C. Caldwell, II. Army Corps Winfield S. Hancock



Broadhead, James O.:

im Frühjahr 1861 Mitglied der Committee of Public Safety in St. Louis, Mo. (Brooksher: Bloody Hill, p. 33, 73; Parrish, William E.: Turbulent Partnership, p. 29).



Broadhead, Thornton F.:

US-BrigGen;Col, Co. F&S, 1st Regiment Michigan Cavalry (National Park soldiers M545 Roll 5). Broadhead was an uncommonly dashing Yan­kee cavalryman, whom his men called „our Federal Ashby) (Hennessy: Return to Bull Run, p. 42).


Gen Buford, commanding the cavalry of Banks' Army Corps (now attached to the 2 Division's under the command of Gen Reno of Burnside's Corps, who had been sent from Fredericksburg to support the left wing of Pope's Army [Hennessy: Return to Bull Run, p. 39]), Pope's Army of Virginia, ordered on 17.8.1862 two of his best regiments (1st Michigan and 5th New York Cavalry) unter the command of Col Broadhead, to cross the Rapidan at Racoon Ford „to watch all approaches from Louis Court House and Hanover Junction toward the Rapidan“ (Hennessy: Return to Bull Run, p. 41-42).


BrigGen brevetted 30.8.1862 for 2nd Bull run (Boatner: Dictionary, p. 88).


1822 - † 2.9.1862; aus New Hampshire; US-Col 1st Michigan Cavalry am 22.8.1861. Kommandeur der Kavallerie im Battle of Kern­stown am 23.3.1862 (OR [I]: 355 [Broadhead's Report]), bestehend aus (OR 12 [I]: 346):

- 1st Squadron Pennsylvania Cavalry

- Maryland Cavalry (three companies)

- 1st Ohio Cavalry (Co. A and C)

- 1st Michigan Cavalry (detachment)


Am 30.8.1862 kam es bei 2nd Manassas zwischen der 2nd Virginia Cavalry und der 1st Michigan Cavalry unter Col. Broadhead zu einem Kavalleriegefecht, bei dem Munford einen leichten Säbelhieb über den Kopf davontrug und Col Broadhead aufgrund seiner hierbei erlittenen Verwundung am 2.9.1862 gestorben ist (Swank: Courier, p. 32-33; auch Col. Munford's Report, OR 12.2, S. 748; Boatner: Dictionary, p. 88).



- Broadhead, Thornton F. (Col, Photo between 1860 and 1862) (wikimedia accessed 27.8.2018), Archiv Ref, Bilder, American Civil War



- Broadhead, Thornton F.: Correspondence. Detroit Public Library. Detroit / Michigan



Brobst, John F.:

US-Pvt; Co. G, 25th Regiment Wisconsin Infantry (National Park Soldiers 559 Roll 4).


John Franklin Brobst enlisted in the Twenty-Fifth Wisconsin Infantry from Buffalo County in September 1862, at the age of 24. After training at La Crosse and Camp Randall, WI, he was sent first to Minnesota to quell an Indian uprising, and then south to fight the Southern rebels. Throughout his wartime service, he wrote many letters to his 13-year-old girlfriend Mary Englesby back in Mondo­vi, WI. Those letters began in 1863 and continued to June, 1865, when he returned home. John served at Vicksburg, and was then sent to Helena, Arkansas, where with other soldiers he helped scout for guerillas. He captured countless geese, chickens, pigs, cows, horses, and anything else of value, but found few guerillas. In 1864, he marched with Gen. Sherman's army to Atlanta. Sickness kept John from marching through Georgia with Sherman; he remained in Atlanta in a military hospital at Kennesaw Mountain for several months. After recovery in late 1864, he travelled by steamer up the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers and then by train down into North Carolina where he rejoined his army buddies on their northern march just in time to go to Washington, DC, and march in the celebra­tory parade at the war's end. He was mustered out in Washington in June 1865 (Bost, Bill: „Well Mary,“, Homepage Brobst/Probst Family History and Genealogy, Abruf v. 5.4.2017).



- **Brobst, John F.: „Well Mary“: Civil War Letters of a Wisconsin Volunteer. ed. Lydia M. Post (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1960)



Brock, John P.:

CS-Captain; John P. Brock Cavalry of the 1st Cavalry Regiment Wise Legion, which was renamed in May 1862 as the 10th Regiment Virginia Cavalry



- Brock, John P. Muster Roll, 1861. Confederate Civil War muster roll, taken June 12, 1861, in Staunton, Virginia, of the Captain John P. Brock Cavalry of the 1st Cavalry Regiment Wise Legion, which was renamed in May 1862 as the 10th Regiment Virginia Ca­valry. Muster roll lists volunteers' rank, age, value of horses and horse equipment brought with them, and where, when and how long they joined for duty. Virginia Tech, Univ. Libraries, Special Collections: Civil War guide. Manuscript Sources for Civil War Research in the Special Collections Department of the Virginia Tech Libraries Ms 92-023).



Brockenbrough, John Boyer:

CS-Captain; zunächst 1stLt in A. Graham's Company, Virginia Light Artillery (Rockbridge Artillery) (National Park Soldiers M 382 Roll 7).


Captain 2nd Battery, Maryland Artillery (Baltimore Battery), im Battle of Antietam 17.9.1862 war Captain Brockenbrough eingesetzt an der linken Flanke von Lee's Army of Northern Virginia (Krick: Defen­ding Lee's Flank. J.E.B. Stuart, John Pelham, and Confederates on Nicodemus Heights; in: Gal­lagher: The Antietam Campaign, p. 194; Johnson/Anderson: Artillery Hell, p. 95).


Brockenbrough war Batteriechef bis Spätjahr 1862 sein Nachfolger war Captain William H. *Griffin (Wise: The long Arm of Lee, Bd. 2, S. 446).


3.4.1836 Lexington/VA - † 15.11.1901 Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming; buried Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore/Maryland; Son of John White Brockenbrough (1806-1877) and Mary Calwell Boyer (1807-1893); Brother of Pvt William S. Brockenbrough, 1stLt Robert Lewis *Brockenbrough, Francis Henry Brockenbrough and Louisa Gardner Brockenbrough Semmes ( 1stLt Thomas Midd­leton *Semmes) (, Abruf v. 26.3.2018).



- Stichwort 'John Boyer Brockenbrough'



Brockenbrough, John M.:

CS-Col; Judge Brockenbrough wurde am 28.4.1861 von der Virginia Secession Convention in den Provisional CS-Congress gewählt (Ruffin, Diary II 13, 18); Regimentskommandeur 14th Virginia Infantry; Ende 1861 als Nachfolger Pickett's Befehlshaber des Be­reich Northern Neck am unteren Rappahannock (Longacre: Pickett, p. 60; Karte bei Davis Nr. 16).



Brockenbrough, Robert Lewis:

CS-1stLt; Co. C&I, Tucker's Regiment Confederate Infantry (National Park Soldiers M818 Roll 4).


Robert Lewis Brockenbrough was born October 13, 1846 in Lexington, Virginia, and died April 26, 1886 in Brunswick, Missouri. He married Mary Agnes Grasty June 12, 1876 in Austin, Texas, daughter of Rev. John Grasty, D.D., a Presbyterian minister.
He matriculated at V.M.I from Lexington, August 28, 1862, and was a cadet for two years. In the battle of New Market he was 3rd Corporal of Co. A. When Dr. Upshur delivered the address at the unveiling of the New Market Monument in 1903 he said: "In the … Read More battalion where all did well Evans, our color bearer, and the color guard, Wood, Atwill, Royster, and Brockenbrough are worthy of special commendation for their splendid valor." After the session he entered the military service and was assigned to Gen. Jos. E. Johnston's army, at the time in South Carolina. He was soon promoted to the grade of First Lieutenant and so served until the cessation of hostilities. He then entered Washington College and was graduated in 1868, being the valedictorian of his class. While a professor at the Texas Military Institute he studied law and in after years of practiced that profession in St. Louis, Mo.In his later years he was principal of the public schools in Brunswick, Mo.After a short illness he died April 26, 1886 and was buried in Mexico, Mo., beside two of his children. A handsome monument was erected to his memory by the school children of Brunswick (www.fin­, Abruf v. 26.3.2018).


Son of John White Brockenbrough (1806-1877) and Mary Calwell Boyer (1807-1893); Brother of Pvt William S. Brockenbrough, Captain John Boyer *Brockenbrough, Francis Henry Brockenbrough and Louisa Gardner Brockenbrough Semmes ( 1stLt Thomas Middleton *Semmes) (, Abruf v. 26.3.2018).



Brodnax, William Edward:

CS-Lt; zunächst 9th Regiment North Carolina State Tropps, dann 1st Regiment North Carolina Cavalry (, Abruf vom 21.8.2016; Anm.: bei National Park Soldiers nicht genannt); Bruder von Dr. Alexander John Brodnax


Urkunden Documents/Literature:

- **Lewis, Henry W. “A Candid Confederate,” 1997, by Henry W. Lewis (b. 1916) is a compilation of the letters of Brunswick Coun­ty, Virginia resident William E. Brodnax (1827-1907) to his brother John Brodnax (1830-1885), written during the war years, 1861-1865. There is additional correspondence of close family relations. The transcribed letters include annotations and comments by the editor, Henry W. Lewis. There is a great deal of information on Confederate camp life, as well as the functioning of society and the economy in a war torn country (1 vol, 178 p; Library of Viginia, Richmond/VA, Archives and Manuscripts Room, Manuscript 35318)



Bromwell, William J.:

CS-Angestellter; Distributing Clerk of the Confederate State Department (Tidwell, April 65 - Confederate Covert Action, p. 16, 20).


Bromwell führte u.a. ein Ledger (Hauptbuch), das Kopien aller von Jefferson Davis unterzeichneten Zahlungsanweisungen (war­rants) - darunter auch für den CS-Secret Service - enthielt (Chicago Historical Society: Confederate States of Amerika Secret Service Account Book [Chicago, Manuscript, ohne Datum, zitiert bei Tidwell, April 65 - Confederate Covert Action, p. 243]); Tidwell (, S. 19) zitiert den Guide to the Archives of the Government of the Confederate States of Amerika, by Henry Putney Beers (National Ar­chives Washington, 1968): "A secret service account book ... is a remnant; most of the pages habe been removed." Das Buch wurde einige Jahre später als Schmierpapier in einem Drugstore verwendet, dessen Inhaber die leeren Stellen für Notizen verwendete. Die von dem Drugstore-Inhaber wieder verwendeten Seiten wurden später herausgerissen (Tidwell, p. 20)



Bronaugh, W. C.:

CS-++++; Co. 'K' 16th Missouri Infantry (CS)



- Bronaugh, W. C. (Co. K, 16th Missouri, C.S.A): The Younger's Fight for Freedom: A Southern Soldier's Twenty Years Campaign to Open Northern Prison Doors with Anecdotes of War Days (Stephens Publishing, Columbia MO 1906)



Bronson, Ira T.:

US-1stLt; Co. I&C, 5th Regiment New Hampshire Infantry; er trat als Musician in das Regiment ein (National Park Soldiers M549 Roll 2). Im Battle of Antietam ging Bronson am 17.9.1862 im Rahmen des Regiments aus östlicher Richtung gegen die Antietam Bridge vor (Photo bei Frassanito: Antietam Photographic Legacy, p. 81). Bronson erinnerte sich später an einen CS-Scharfschützen, versteckt hinter einem Busch auf der Ostseite des Antietam Creek.Als sich Bronsom der Brücke näherte (eine CS-Verteidigungslinie von 1 mi Länge befand sich in Stellung auf der Westseite des Flusses), wurde er von dem Scharfschützen beschossen. The first shot missed, but two more rounds followed quickly, each striking the lieutenant's clothing. Realizing the danger Bronson was in, members of his Company gbegan firing at the bush, whereupon the sniper made a hasty retreat for the bridge. Miraculously, the sniper, still un­der fire, reached the brigde unharmed. In a gesture of defiance, he turned and swung his hat at the enemy infantrymen before dashing to the safety of the opposite bank (Frassanito: Antietam Photographic Legacy, p. 80; Child, William: A History of the Fifth Regiment, 132).


Der spätere Dr. Ira. T. Bronson: 31.7.1840 New York - † 15.2.1915 Sedalia, Pettis County/Missouri; beerd. Crown Hill Cemetery, Se­dalia, Pettis County/Missouri; °° Orpha Gleason Bronson (1847-1918) (www.findagrave.vom, Abruf vom 17.6.2016).



- Dr. Ira T. Bronson in späteren Jahren, Bronson als US-Officer; Grabstein mit der Angabe des militärischen Rages und Truppenteils



Broocks, John H.:

CS-Major, 27th Texas Cavalry (Bearss, Vicksburg Campaign, I, S. 90). Das Regiment gehörte im November / Dezember 1862 unter LtCol Hawkins bei der Abwehr von Grant's Stoß entlang der Mississippi Central Railroad zu John S. *Griffith's Cavalry Brigade (Be­arss: Vicksburg Campaign, vol. I S. 90).



Brooke, John R.:

-++General; Col John R. Brooke befehligte nach der Schlacht von Fredericksburg am 13.12.1862 das Begräbniskommando (Rear­don, Carol: "Humphreys's Pennsylvania Division"; in: Gallagher u.a.: Fredericksburg, p. 105).



Brooke, William Rawle:

US-LtCol; eigentlich Rawle William Brooke; er änderte die Reihenfolge seiner Vornamen nach dem Krieg, und wird teilweise mit William Brooke-Rawle (Wittenberg: Protecting the Flank Gettysburg. The Battles of Brinkerhoff's Ridge and East Cavalry Field, July 2-3, 1863, p. 188) angegeben. In Gettysburg Lt ++++


"William Rawle Brooke (he reversed the order of his surname after the war) was the scion of a distinguished Philadelphia family and a nineteen-year-old senior at the University of Pennsylvania when he obtained a commission as a second Lieutenant in Company C, 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry, midway through the Civil War. Diminuative and babyfaced, he went south in May 1863 to take command of a platoon of bearded veterans, some of whom were more than twice his age. Despite a dearth of military experience, he established himself as a popular officer, primarily because he was not afraid to lead in battle. Late that spring and early in the summer he found himself immersed in a whirlpool of conflict, but he escaped without serious injury. He returned home in 1865 as a battle-tempered veteran of twenty-one, with the brevet of Lieutenant colonel and an opportunity for a Regular Army commission. He "threw up" the appointment, entered law school, and became a respected member of the Philadelphia bar. Late in life he served as an officer on the board of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania (which his ancestors had helped establish), and in his spare hours he wrote memoirs and historical monographs.


In 1877 Brooke Rawle penned one of the first in-depth studies of cavalry service in the Pennsylvania campaign, "The Right Flank at Gettysburg," one of a series of war reminiscences published in the Philadelphia Weekly Times. Later reprinted in pamphlet form and as part of a book-length compilation, the account brought him into contact with many troopers on both sides and influenced him to write other works on the topic, some of which appeared in the prestigious Journal of the United States Cavalry Association. He also became a prime mover behind the 1880 Congressional appropriation for the resurveying of the Gettysburg battlefield to include ca­valry battle terrain on government maps. And soon after the turn of the twentieth century he edited the chronicle of his regiment's war career, destined to be recognized as one of the finest Civil War unit histories ever published.


In addition to producing a wealth of material on the cavalry at Gettysburg, Brooke Rawle bequeathed to later generations a vast body of literature on the war in general. He and other comrades of the 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry were charter members of the Military Or­der of the Loyal Legion of the United States, a Union officers' patriotic and fraternal organization established in Philadelphia in 1865. Over the next several years the legionnaires stocked the local commandery's War Library with twelve thousand volumes, as well as with letters, diaries, memoirs, photographs, and artifacts covering all phases of the conflict - many dealing with cavalry operations. Through such efforts the War Library (heute: William Brooke Rawle Collection at the Historical Society of Philadelphia) became one of the largest repositories of Civil War literature in the country. Today, housed at 1805 Pine Street, Philadelphia, it remains an inva­luable source of information for Civil War researchers." (aus Longacre: The Cavalry at Gettysburg, p. 9/10)



- Brooke, William Rawle (Capt, 3rd PA Cavalry): History of the Third Pennsylvania Cavalry, Sixtieth Regiment Pennsylvania Volun­teers, in the american Civil War, 1861-1865 (Philadelphia, 1905) (Nevins describes this as "An exceptionally full, day-by-day chro­nicle of the regiment first commanded by William W. Averell; indispensable for an insight into Eastern cavalry operations throughout the four years of war.")

- Brooke, William Rawle: Diary, 1863 and Correspondence. War Library, National Commandery, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Philadelphia / Pennsylvania



Brooks, Edward:

US-Pvt; Co. H, 1st Regiment Wisconsin Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M559 Roll 4).



Brooks, Edward P.:

US-Adjutant; Co. D, F&S, 6th Regiment Wisconsin Infantry; Brooks trat als Quartermaster Sergeant in das Regiment ein (National Park Soldiers M559 Roll 4).


1863 Adjutant 6th Wisconsin Infantry (Martin: Gettysburg, p. 131; Dawes: Full Blown Yankee, p. 169)



Brooks, Noah:

US-Journalist; aus Maine; Civil War Correspondent. Brooks kannte Lincoln noch aus dessen Zeit in Illinois persönlich; er war der einzige Korrespondent in Washington, der persönliche Beziehungen zu Präsident Lincoln unterhielt; er begleitete Lincoln wiederholt zur Front. Im zweiten Kriegsjahr war Brooks Reporter des 'Sacramento Union' in Washington (Andrews, p. 54).



- Andrews, J. Cutler: The North Reports the Civil War, p. 54, 342-43, 432-433- 522-523

- **Brooks, Noah: Mr. Lincoln's Washington: Selections of the Writings of Noah Brooks, Civil War Correspondent; ed. P. J. Stau­denraus (South Brunswick. N.J.: Thomas Yoseloff, 1967)

- **Brooks, Noah: Washington in Lincoln's Time (New York: The Century Co., 1896)

- **Brooks, Noah: Lincoln Civil War Dispatches of Noah Brooks, edited by Michael Burlingame (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998)



Brooks, Preston S.:

1857; aus South Carolina; Abgeordneter im US-Congress; Verwandter von Senator Andrew Pickens Butler. Charles *Sumner hielt wegen der Zustände in Kansas am 20.5.1856 eine Rede im Senat, die unter der Bezeichnung "The Crime against Kansas" berühmt wurde. In dieser griff er u.a. den abwesenden Senator Andrew Pickens *Butler persönlich in beleidigender Weise an. Er wurde des­halb von einem Verwandter Butlers, dem South Carolina Kongressabgeordneten Preston S. *Brooks im Senat angegriffen, niederge­schlagen und derart schwer verletzt, daß er erst nach dreijähriger Genesungszeit wieder in der Lage war, seinem Amt als Senator nachzugehen (Randall, Civil War and Reconstruction, p. 139). Während seiner Erkrankung wurde sein Sitz im US-Senat freigehalten, Sumner selbst in Absentia in Massachusetts wieder in den Senat gewählt. Der Sumner-Brooks Vorfall war eines der her­ausragenden Ereignisse der 1850er Jahre, er rief Stürme der Entrüstung im Norden hervor und wurde insb. von den Abolitionisten als Beweis für die Barbarei im Süden angesehen. Im Süden selbst erhielt Brooks dagegen Beifall (Randall, p. 140; Curtis: 24th Michigan, p. 15).



Brooks, Ulysses Robert:

CS-Pvt; Co. B, 6th Regiment South Carolina Cavalry (Aiken's Partisan Rangers) (National Park Soldiers M381 Roll 4); dagegen gibt Priest (Priest: Battle of South Mountain, p. 405 Literaturverzeichnis) an, Brooks sei Angehöriger der 1st N.C. Cav. gewesen.



- **Brooks, Ulysses Robert (6th S. Carolina Cavalry): "Butler and his Cavalry, 1861-1865 (Jim Fox Books; Reprint of 1911 title) 594 pp; covers Butler in Hampton Legion, 2nd Cavalry and "Butler's Brigade" of the 4th, 5th and 6th S. Carolina Cavalry. Covers cam­paigns of 1864 and Carolinas Campaign of 1865; Bibliothek Ref ameridownload Brooks (Butler and his Cavalry)

- **Brooks, Ulysses Robert: Stories of the Confederacy (The State Co., Columbia, S.C., 1912). The book contains auch: Rea, D.: Sketches From Hampton's Cavalry in the Summer, Fall and Winter Campaigns of '62 including Stuart's Raid into Pennsylvania ans Also in Burnside's Rear (Strother and Co., Raleigh, 1863); Bibliothek Ref ameridownload Brooks (Stories)

- **Brooks, Ulysses Robert: Papers, 1861 (1902-1908) 1911. Many items. The contain letters of General Matthew C. Butler. They contain his Civil War Reminiscenses and were used by Brooks in his articles, many of which in the collection as clippings. Manus­cript Division, Duke University Library, Durham, North Carolina



Brooks, William H.:

CS-Major (Shea / Hess: Pea Ridge, p. 335), nach a.A. dagegen Col (Evans: Confederate Military History; vol X: Louisiana and Ar­kansas, p. 70); 1st Arkansas Cavalry Battalion. Im Frühjahr 1862 während der Pea Ridge Campaign gehörte das 1st Arkansas Cavalry Battalion zu BrigGen James M. *McIntosh's Cavalry Brigade in Benjamin *McCulloch's Division, Van Dorn's Army of the West (Shea / Hess: Pea Ridge, p. 335). Am 23.2.1862 stand Brooks mit dem 1st Arkansas Cavalry Battalion auf Vorposten bei *Fayette­ville/Arkansas und wurde von US-Truppen unter Gen. *Asboth (4th Missouri Cavalry, 5th Miss­ouri Cavalry und 1st Missouri Flying Battery) aus Richtung *Bentonville / Arkansas (Curtis' Pea Ridge Campaign) angegriffen (Evans: Confederate Military History; vol X: Louisiana and Arkansas, p. 70).



Brooks, William Thomas Harbaugh „Bully":

US-BrigGen; 28.1.1821 New Lisbon/Ohio - † 19.7.1870 Huntsville/Alabama


Brooks was born in New Lisbon (now Lisbon), Ohio, and was educated in public schools. He graduated from the United States Mili­tary Academy, ranking 46th out of 52 students in the Class of 1841. Appointed a second lieutenant, he served on garrison and frontier duty. Brooks saw combat in both the Seminole and Mexican-American Wars. He participated in the battles of Battle of Palo Alto and the Battle of Resaca de la Palma in 1846. He saw considerable action in the Battle of Monterrey, and received a brevet to captain for "gallant and meritorious conduct." The following year, Brooks was at the Siege of Vera Cruz, the Battle of Cerro Gordo, the Skirmish of Ocalaca, the Battle of Contreras, and Battle of Churubusco. He was received a brevet promotion to major, August 20, 1847, for gallant and meritorious conduct at Contreras and Churubusco. He served on the staff of Gen. David E. Twiggs for the rest of the war. He was promoted to Captain, 3rd Infantry, November 10, 1851, then served on frontier duty in the New Mexico Territory until 1858, at times skirmishing with local Navajos. He then served at Fort ClarkTexas, until 1861, when he returned to the East for garrison duty at Fort Hamilton, New York, where he was stationed when the Southern states seceded (


With the outbreak of the Civil War, Brooks was appointed brigadier general of volunteers in September 1861. He commanded the 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division of the IV Corps in the Peninsula Campaign, and the 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division of the VI Corps at the Seven Days Battles, where he was wounded at the Battle of Savage's Station. Recovering, he resumed command of his brigade for the Maryland Campaign and led his men at Crampton's Gap, where they captured a Confederate battle flag belonging to the 16th Virginia Infantry. At the Battle of Antietam, Brooks's brigade was mainly in reserve, although under "galling fire of both artillery and sharpshooters" for 48 hours. Prom(http://en.wi­ to divisional com­mand, Brooks led the 1st Division of VI Corps at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville (http://en.wi­ Wil­liam_T._H._Brooks).


W.T.H. Brooks, long known in the old army as „Bully“ for his ill-mannered ways, was so loud in his denunciations (gegen Burnsi­de nach dem Battle of Fredericksburg), that Burnside had him arrested for insubordination and „using language tending to demoralize his command“ (Sears: Controversies and Commanders, p. 150; Meade: Life and Letters, vol. I, 344; Burnside General Orders Nr. 8 (unissued), OS 21, 998). On 8.1.1863 Brooks should be dismissed from the army by MajGen Burnside and asked President Lincoln for approval (Sears: Chancellorsville, p. 21-22).


Ab Juni 1863 Militärkommandeur des neu geschaffenen US-Militärbezirks der *Militia in Pennsylvania, des *Depart­ment of the Mo­nongahela, mit Hauptquartier in Pittsburg (Coddington. The Gettysburg Campaign, p. 134).


In June 1863, he was promoted to major general of volunteers, but this was later revoked. This demotion has been blamed on Brooks's being involved in intrigues by VI Corps commanders against Maj. Gen. Ambrose Burnside after Fredericksburg (s. hierzu Sears Contraversies and Commanders, p. 150). During the Gettysburg Campaign, he commanded the Department of the Monongahe­la, with his head­quarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He supervised the construction of a series of earthworks to protect the city from a possible Con­federate raid. Returning to field duty in the late spring of 1864, Brooks commanded the 1st Division of XVIII Corps at Cold Harbor and Petersburg. In July 1864, he was forced to resign from the Army due to poor health and returned home (http://en.wi­


After the war, Brooks retired to Alabama and established a farm. He died in Huntsville, Alabama, and is buried there in Maple Hill Cemetery (



- Mackowski/White: Chancellorsville's Forgotten Front, p. 40



Broome, James Andrew:

27.11.1839 La Grange, Troup County/Georgia - † 7.5.1917 Troup County/Georgia (; Sohn von Ru­fus Broome (1783-1855) und Nancy Williams Pitts Broome (1798-1855); jüngster Bruder von John Rufus Broome und George W. Broo­me (


CS-LtCol, Co. D, F, S, 14th Alabama Infantry Regiment; Broome trat als Captain in das Regiment ein (National Park Soldiers M374 Roll 6). Broome wurde am 8.7.1862 zum Major befördert ( military/ civilwar/ rosters/14th infantry.txt).


Im Battle on Antietam war Major James A. Broome Regimentskommandeur des 14th Alabama Infantry Regiment , Pryor's Brigade, Anderson's Division, Longstreet's Right Wing, Army of Northern Virginia (National Park Soldiers, historyculture/anv-right-wing1.htm).


In der Schlacht von Manassas Second / Second Bull Run, Virginia, August 28-30, 1862 hatte LtCol Broome die Führung des 4th Ala­bama Infantry Regiment, Pryor's Brigade inne (


Im Battle of Gettysburg Juli 1863 übernahm LtCol Broome, nach der Verwundung des Regimentskommandeurs Col. L. Pinckard, die Führung des 14th Alabama Infantry Regiments (; auch Longstreet: From Ma­nassas to Appomattox, p. 370).


Im Battle of Wilderness 5.-7.5.1864 wurde LtCol Broome schwer verwundet und verlor ein Bein (http://www.civilwarintheeast. com/CSA/AL/14AL.php).


"Col. Broome was educated at Virginia Military Institute. Raised a company near Milltown, Alabama. He was elected Capt. of Com­pany D of the 14th Alabama infantry under command of Col. Thomas J. Judge. He was mustered at Auburn, Alabama in July of 1861 and in the Fall was ordered to Virginia where he served in the army of North Virginia. Capt. Broome was a gallant participant and rose to the rank of Major and then to Lt. Col. His battles include; 2nd Manassas, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg and Gettysburg. He was wounded seriously at Wilderness in 1864 when a minnie ball crushed his left knee and his leg was amputated. He returned home to Macon, GA then moved to LaGrange, GA. Broome was married twice. First to Mary G. Robinson, they had one child; second to Mary Ida Cary, they had four children. Broome was a Methodist" (

Like so many other Southerners, he removed south to Brazil following Civil War, was found as proprieter of the "Government Hou­se"which was the reception center for new arrivals in Brazil. Upon return to La Grange, Georgia, James became a farmer (http://ww­



Brotzmann, Edward:

US-Lt; Battery C 1st Missouri Light Artillery (Mann's Missouri Artillery); die Battery bestand aus Dutchman (Daniel: Shiloh, p. 110); in der Shiloh Campaign und im Battle of Shiloh am 6./7.4.1862 gehörte die Battery unter Führung von Lt Edward *Brotzmann zur 4th Division BrigGen Stephen A. Hurlbutt in Grant’s Army of the Tennessee. Nach Beginn der Schlacht marschierte die 4th Divi­sion BrigGen Stephen A. Hurlbutt bei Sarah Bell's Field auf, mit 1st Brigade Col Nelson G. *Williams in Front nach Sü­den und rechtwinklig aufgestellt mit Front nach Westen 3rd Brigade BrigGen Jacob C. Laumann. Mann's Missouri Battery fuhr an der Schnittstelle zwischen beiden Brigaden auf; die Battery von Captain William H. Ross (Battery B 2nd Michigan Artillery) bezog Stel­lung in der Front von 1st Brigade Col Nelson G. *Williams (Daniel: Shiloh, p. 192).



Brown, +++

US-Major; Assistant Adjutant-General; während des McDowell Court of Inquiry (OR Ser. I Vol 12/1 S. 44 ff) war Brown Zeuge (OR Ser. I Vol 12/1 S. 61).



Brown, A. F.:

CS-Col; Mitglied im Stab von Gen Van Dorn; Teilnahme an Van Dorn's Raid gegen Holy Springs im Dezember 1862.



- **Brown, A. F.: „Van Dorn‘s operations in Northern Mississippi; Recollections of a Cavalry man,“ Southern Historical Society Pa­pers, vol 6 (1878), S. 151-161



Brown, Albert Gallatin:

partikularistischer Senator aus Mississippi; 1850 beteiligt zusammen mit Jefferson Davis an den Auseinandersetzungen um den *Mis­souri Compromise (Foote: Civil War, Bd. 1, S. 13). Brown vertrat die Interessen der kleinen Farmer in Mississippi Südens gegen die Inter­essen der großen Plantagenbesitzer (Nevins: Emergence of Lincoln, vol. I, S. 8). Brown traf am 5.1.1861 zur Vor­bereitung des CS-Gründungskon­gresses vom Februar 1861 und zur Vorbereitung der Entscheidung über die Sezession mit Jefferson *Davis u.a. anderen zusammen (Davis: A Government of Our Own, p. 12).



- **Ranck, J. B.: Albert Gallatin Brown: Radical Southern Nationalist (D. Appleton-Century, 1937)



Brown, Alexander C.:

US-Pvt; Co. H, 1st Regiment Ohio Infantry (National Park Soldiers M552 Roll 13).


Brown geriet im September 1863 bei Chickamauga in Kriegsgefangenschaft, placed in Belle Isle and Libby Prisons in Virginia, later he endured the infamous Andersonville Prison before his release at the war's end in 1865 (Potter: Sultana Tragedy, p. 9-10).



Brown, Alonzo L.:

US-Corporal; Co. B, 4th Regiment Minnesota Infantry (National Park Soldiers M546 Roll 1).



- **Brown, Alonzo L: History of the Fourth Regiment of Minnesota Infantry Volunteers during the Great Rebellion, 1861-1865 (St. Paul, 1892) (Archiv Ref download Minnesota 4th Infantry)



Brown, Baylis E.:

CS-Captain; Co. B, 4th Regiment Alabama Infantry; Brown mustered in as Sergeant (National Park Soldiers M374 Roll 6); auch Bayless C. Brown; † 5.-7.1864 im Battle of Wilderness (­fantry, Abruf vom 26.8.2016).



Brown, B. F.:

CS-Pvt; Co. B, 38th Regiment North Carolina Infantry (National Park Soldiers M230 Roll 5).



- Brown, B. F.: „Some Recollections of Gettysburg,“ Confederate Veteran (1923), vol. 31, p. 55



Brown, Benjamin Gratz:

US-Col, 1826-85; gründete 1852 zusammen mit Francis P. Blair den St. Louis "Democrat" (Snead; in B&L I S. 263), eine radikal für die Sklavenbefreiung eintretende Zeitung (Foner: Reconstruction, p. 41); im Juni 1861 Col. 4th Regiment Missouri Home Guards (Brooksher: Bloody Hill, p. 83) unter *Sweeney bei Rolla, Mo. in Südwest Missouri zum Schutz der Paci­fic Railroad eingesetzt (Brooksher: Bloody Hill, p. 83; Karte bei Brooksher, p. 84). Im August 1861 kommandier­te Brown die Missouri-Truppen im Bereich Ironton, Mo. (Grant, Memoirs, p. 135-36; Catton: Grant moves South, p. 19); Grant löst mit seinen Truppen die Home Guards von Brown auf (Catton: Grant moves South, p. 19); im November 1863 wurde Brown bei den Wahlen in Missouri zum US-Senator ge­wählt (Basler: Collected Works of Lincoln, vol. VII, p. 13: Brief Lincoln's an Jameson vom 13.11.1863). Später Governor von Miss­ouri; 1872 Vizepräsidentschaftskandidat der Liberal Republi­can and Democratic Parties; unterlag gegen Grant bei dessen zweiter Wahl zum Präsidenten.



- Peterson, Norma L.: Freedom and Franchise: The Political Career of B. Gratz Brown (Columbia, Mo., 1965)



Brown, Benson:

US-Captain; Co. C 9th New Jersey Infantry Regiment



Captain Benson Brown, ca. 1863, VMI Archive Lexington



Brown, Campbell George:

CS-Col (Tanner: Stonewall in the Valley, p. 38, 499 Anm. 49); Sohn der Lizinska Campbell *Ewell, der Ehefrau von Lt­Gen Richard S. *Ewell, aus deren erster Ehe mit Percy Brown (Genealogie bei Pfanz: Ewell, p. 506-507); Stabschef Ewell's im Sommer 1862 im Stab von MajGen Richard Ewell; im Battle of Cedar Mountain kritisierte Brown den Einsatz der Artille­rie durch Stapleton *Crutch­field, Jackson's Chief of Artillery (Krick, Cedar Mountain, p. 52).



- Brown, George Campbell: „General Ewell at Bull Run,.“ In B&L, I: 259-61

- Brown, George Campbell: „Notes on Ewell's Division in the Campaign og 1862.“ Southern Historical Society Papers 10 (1882): 255-61

- **Brown, Campbell: Campbell Brown's Civil War: With Ewell and the Army of Northern Virginia (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2001) (ed. Terry L. Jones)

- **Brown, Campbell G.: Manuscript note, Brown-Ewell Papers, Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville / Tennessee

- **Brown, Campbell G.: Memoir, Brown-Ewell Papers, Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville / Tennessee

- **Brown, Campbell: Journal; Copy in Brak Collection USMHI

- **Polk, Ewell, Brown Papers: Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina



Brown, Charles S.:

US-Lt. And Adjutant; Co. F&S, 21st Regiment Michigan Infantry (National Park Soldiers M545 Roll 5).



- **Brown, Charles S.: Papers 1746-1865. 30 items. Lt. Brown wrote clever, informative letters. Manuscript Division, Duke Univer­sity Library, Durham/NC



Brown, Clarence:

US-Major, Aide de Camps von Gen. McDowell; während des McDowell Court of Inquiry (OR Ser. I Vol 12/1 S. 44 ff) war Brown Zeuge (OR Ser. I Vol 12/1 S. 60, 75).



Brown, Daniel:

CS-+++, aus North Carolina +++klären+++



- **Brown, Daniel: Letter to Wife 10.5.1863, in: Brown, Isaac: Papers. North Carolina Division of Archives and History



Brown, Edmund Randolph:

US-Corporal; Co. C, 27th Regiment Indiana Infantry (National Park Soldiers M540 Roll 9).



- **Brown, Edmund Randolph: The Twenty-seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the War (Monticello, Inc., 1899)



Brown, Edward Jr.:

US-Corporal; Co. G, 62nd Regiment New York Infantry


Brown received the Modal of Honor (issued 24.11.1880) for Fredericksburg and Salem Heights, VA, 3-4 May 1863: Severely wounded while carrying the colors, he continued at his post, under fire, until ordered to the rear.



Brown, Edward Norphlet:

CS-Pvt (?); 45th Regiment Alabama Infantry (Noe: Perryville, p. 338



- **Brown, Edward Norphlet (Pvt. 45th Alabama Infantry): Letters; Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery/ Alabama



Brown, Edwin:

US-Pvt; 81st Ohio Infantry (Castel: Decision in the West, p. 388)



- **Brown, Edwin: Diary 1864 (US-Army Military History Research Collection, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania)



Brown, Egbert B.:




Brown, Elon Francis:

US- +++klären+++ Iron Brigade (Glatthaar: The Common Soldiers Gettysburg Campaign, in: Boritt: The Gettysburg Nobody Knows, p. 23 iVm. S. 224n23)



- **Brown, Elon Francis (Iron Brigade): Papers. State Historical Society of Wisconsin



Brown, Ephraim E.:

US-Sergeant; Co. B&C, 64th Regiment New York Infantry (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 16).


Im Battle of Antietam eroberte Brown an der Bloody Lane eine CS-Battle Flag (McPherson: Crossroads of Freedom. Antietam, p. 4). Brown beschreibt die Situation nach der Schlacht in seinem 19.9.1862: „Today I was given detaile to burry [sic.] the Dead Rebels, just where I captured the flag at 2:00 of the 17th. 12 length of fence being counted off for my station & and in 10 rods [55 yards] we have piled and burried 264 … & 4 Detailes has been obliged to do likewise, it was a Sight I never want to encounter again“ (zitiert bei McPherson: Crossroads of Freedom. Antietam, p. 4; Faust: This Republic of Suffering, p. 67).



- **Brown, Ephraim E.: 64th New York file Antietam National Battlefield



Brown, George Campbell:

CS-Col; Mitglied im Stab von Ewell's Brigade ab Juli 1861 (Pfanz: Ewell, p. 131-33); First Lt und aide-de-camp Ewell's (Pfanz: Ewell, p. 134); ab +++ Stabschef *Ewell's (Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 32, 52; Pfanz: Ewell, p. 357); wurde durch die Heirat seiner Mutter Lizinska Campbell Brown (s. Lizinska Campbell *Ewell) mit MajGen Ewell (Pfanz: Ewell, p. 275) der spätere Stiefsohn des Generals (Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 32, 61).



- Pfanz: Ewell, p. 133



- Brown, George Campbell: Memoir; in: Brown/Ewell Papers: Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville / Tennessee

- Brown, George Campbell: "Personal Narrative"; May-August 1885 Folder; Box 3, Hunt Papers, Library of Congress, Washington / D.C.

- **Jones, Terry L. [ed.]: Campbell Browns Civil War. With Ewell and the Army of Northern Virginia (Louisiana State University Press, 2001)



Brown, George H.:

US-Captain; 22nd Wisconsin Infantry; Brown unterzeichnete am 11.7.1863 den Antrag auf Einleitung eines Kriegsgerichtsverfahrens gegen Regimentskommandeur Col Utley (Welcher / Ligget: Coburn's Brigade, p. 128).



Brown, George W.:

Bürgermeister von Baltimore; er war Bürgermeister z. Zt. der Baltimore Riots von 1861 (Burlingame/Ettlinger: Inside Lincoln's Whi­te House. The Complete Civil War Diary of John Hay, p. 3). Brown wurde am 21.9.1861 wegen Illoyaltität und Unterstüt­zung des Südens verhaftet (Burlingame/Ettlinger: Inside Lincoln's White House. The Complete Civil War Diary of John Hay, p. 271 Anm. 9).



Brown, H. A.:

CS-LtCol; 1863 Regimentskommandeur 1st North Carolina Infantry / Brigade George H. Steuart / Division MajGen Edward Johnson / II. Army Corps Ewell / Lee's Army of Northern Virginia (Pfanz: Gettysburg, p. 460)



Brown, Henri Le Fevre:

US-Sergeant; Co. B, 72nd Regiment New York Infantry



- Brown, Henri Le Fevre: History of the Third regiment, Excelsior brigade, 72d New York volunteer infantry, 1861-1865, compiled by Henri Le Fevre Brown, Sergeant Company B. [Jamestown Journal print, co.], 1902.



Brown, Henry W.:

US-Col; Captain, Co. H, 3rd Regiment New Jersey Infantry, later Col, Co. F&S, 3rd Regiment New Jersey Infantry (National Park Soldiers M550 Roll 3).


During the Chancellorsville Campaign, Brown commanded 3re Brigade (Kearney's Brigade), 2nd Division (Howe), VI Corps Sedg­wick (Mackowski/White: Chancellorsville's Forgotten Front, p. 43).



Brown, J.:

CS-Pvt (?); Co. ?, 10th Regiment Georgia Infantry; † Richmond; beerd. im Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond/VA (www. findagrave.c­om).



Brown, J.:

CS-Pvt (?); Co. A, 6th Regiment Alabama Infantry; † Virginia; beerd. im Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond/VA (www. findagrave. Com).



Brown, James:

CS-Pvt (?); Co. B, 12th Regiment Mississippi Infantry; † Richmond City; beerd. im Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond/VA Plot: Sec. B, Row J, Grave 41 (www. Anm.: ein James Brown ist allerdings im Roster des 12th Regiment Mississippi Infan­try nicht aufgeführt.



Brown, James H.:

CS-Captain; Co F 4th Alabama Infantry; verwundet im Battle of the Wilderness



Brown, James S.:

CS-Captain; J.S. Brown's Company, Virginia Light Artillery (Wise Artillery) (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 7); at first 1stLt/ Captain 1st Re­giment, Virginia Light Artillery (Pendleton's) (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 7).



Brown, J. E.:

CS-Pvt (?); ? Regiment Tennessee Infantry; † Richmond; beerd. im Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond/VA Plot: Sec. D, Row 34, Grave 8 (www.



Brown, J. F.:

CS-Pvt; Co. F, 15th Regiment South Carolina Infantry; † 5.7.1864; beerd. im Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond/VA (www. findagrave.c­om).



Brown, J. L:

CS-Pvt (?); Co. C, 25th Regiment Georgia Infantry; † Richmond; beerd. im Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond/VA (www. findagra­ve. com).



Brown, J. R:

CS-Pvt (?); Co. E, 30th Regiment North Carolina Infantry; † Richmond; beerd. im Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond/VA (www. fin­



Brown, J. Thomas:

CS-Sergeant, Co. E, 2nd Regiment Virginia Cavalry; er trat als Sergeant in die Co. E ein, später als Private genannt (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 7).



Brown, J. Thomas:

CS-Pvt (err.); Surry Light Artillery (Hankin's Company, Virginia Light Artillery; er wurde im August 1862 ausgemustert, da er ein Alter von mehr als 35 Jahren erreicht hatte (Jones: Under the Stars and Bars: Surry Light Artillery of Virginia, p. 50); Brown trat spä­ter wieder in CS-Army ein und wurde in der S.L.A. re-enlisted; er diente bis zu seinem Tod; er starb im Small-Pox Hospital in Rich­mond im Spätsommer 1864; er wurde beerdigt im Oakwood Confederate Cemetery, Richmond (Jones: Under the Stars and Bars: Surry Light Artillery of Virginia, p. 52).



Brown, J. Thompson:

CS-Junior 1stLt; Co. D, Nelson's Battalion Confederate Artillery (National Park Soldiers M818 Roll 4), auch Captain Parker's Company Virginia Light Artillery


see also Col John Thompson *Brown



Brown, J. Willard:

US-Sergeant; Signal Corps (Regular Army) (National Park Soldiers M233 Roll 29).



- **Brown, J. Willard: The Signal Corps U.S.A. in the War of the Rebellion (U.S. Veteran Signal Corps Association: Boston, 1896)



Brown, Jesse:

CS-Pvt, Co. B, 37th Regiment North Carolina Infantry; Enlisted: Pvt., Co. B, 37th North Carolina Infantry. When: Sept. 14, 1861. Where: Boone, Watauqa, Co., N.C.. Company Muster Rolls: Jan. to April 1862 present. Remarks: Reenlisted for 2 additional years. June 1862 Remarks: Died at Richmond 15 July 1862 from wounds received at Gaines Mille June 27, 1862. Description: Where born: Watauqa Co., N.C.. Age 22 years, occupation Farmer, height 5 feet, 10 inches high. 


1839 Watauga County/NC - † 15.7.1862 Richmond an den Folgen einer schweren Verwundung erlitten im Battle of Gaines Mill am 27.6.1862; beerd. Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond/VA (www.



Brown, Joel W.:

CS-Pvt; Co. K, 26th Regiment Virginia Infantry (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 7); † Richmond/VA; beerd. Oakwood Ceme­tery, Richmond/VA (www.



Brown, John:

CS-Pvt; Co. K, 37th Regiment North Carolina Infantry (National Park Soldiers M230 Roll 5); Enlisted Co. K, 37th NC Inf.; Born in Wilkes Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he enlisted on 9/15/61, age 25. † 9.6.1862 in camp near Richmond, VA on 6/9/62; Believed to be buried Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond/VA. Believed to be buried in unmarked grave. He is not on the list of known CSA sol­diers buried there (www.



Brown, John sen.:

s. auch *Pottawatomie Massacre


religiöser Fanatiker John Brown (aus Torrington/CT), Landspekulant und militanter Abolitionist [von »to abolish« = abschaffen], Verrückter für die einen, Heiliger für andere; Brown war vor Ausbruch des Krieges ab Mitte der 50er Jahre im Kansas Territory als Abolitionist tätig und führte im Dezember 1858 einen Raid als Rachefeldzug nach Missouri aus (Castel, Quantrill, p. 11-21; Randall: The Civil War and Reconstructions, p. 139; Brooksher, Bloody Hill, p. 17 ff).


Zwischen 1855 und 1861 kam es wiederholt zu blutigen, kriegsähnlichen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Abolitionisten (darunter John Brown) und den Befürwortern der Sklavenhaltung, die die sog. Border Ruffians bildeten und vor Mord und Totschlag nicht zu­rückschreckten (McPherson: Für die Freiheit, Kap. 5 S. 134 ff; Davis, William C.: Brother against Brother, p. 72 f.). 1856 kam hier­bei u.a. zum sog. *Wakarusa War (Randall: Civil War and Reconstruction, p. 137; Robinson, Charles: The Kansas Conflict, New York 1892; Robinson, Sara: "The Wakarusa War", Kansas Historical Review, X [1907-08], S. 457-71; Williams, p. 39 ff) und zur Bu­ford Expedition (Randall: Civil War and Reconstruction, p. 136; Fleming, Walter J.: "The Buford Expedition to Kansas," Am. Hist. Rev. VI, 38-48 [Oct., 1900]).


Brown besetzte am 16.10.1859 mit 21 Helfern das Bundesarsenal in *Harpers Ferry, dessen rund 100 000 Waffen einen Sklavenauf­stand bewaffnen sol­len. Heimwehren drängen Brown ins Feuerwehrhaus ab (in Zukunft: John Brown’s Fort). 36 Stunden nach dem Handstreich fällt Brown Marineinfanteristen und Miliz unter Oberst Robert E. Lee und Lt. James E. B. Stuart in die Hand. John Brown, dem Ankläger Mord, Verrat und Aufruf zur Rebellion vorwerfen, wird in Charles Town/WV gehenkt (2.12.). Zum Schutz der Hinrichtung sind 2 000 Soldaten und die Kadetten des Virginia Military Institut aus dem nahegelegenen Staunton aufgeboten, darunt­er ein gewisser John W. Booth von den „Richmond Grays“. Im Norden läuten die Kirchenglocken, der Süden sieht sich in seiner Ab­neigung gegenüber den Yanks bestärkt (Längin, S. 30). Photo bei Längin S. 30;


John *Brown plante einen Teil seiner Attacke auf Harper's Ferry im Spätsommer 1859 in Chambersburg (Karte zu den Aktionen von John Brown im Spätsommer/Frühherbst 1859 in der Region Chambersburg, Chambersburg, Chambers of Commerce, "Southern Re­venge," , S. 13).


Brown überfiel am 16.10.1859 an der Spitze von 18 Bewaffneten zur Nachtzeit die virginische Stadt Harper's Ferry, bemächtigte sich des dort gelegenen Bundesarsenal und kündigte an, daß er auf eigene Faust die Sklaven in Virginia befreien wollte. Er entsandte Pa­trouillen, ließ eine Anzahl von Plantagenbesitzer in Virginia als Geiseln einbringen und wartete auf die Sklaven, welche wie e meinte, ihm massenhaft zulaufen würden und die dann mit den Waffen des Arsenals ausgerüstet werden sollten. Aber die Sklaven ka­men nicht. Eine Kompanie Bundestruppen, die unter dem Befehl von Major Robert E. Lee stand, stürmte das Arsenal, wobei fast die Hälf­te der Begleiter Brown's fiel, fast sämtlich Verwandte ihres Anführers (Kaufmann: Die Deutschen im amerikanischen Bürger­krieg, p. 45).


Brown wurde zum Tode verurteilt und am 2.12.1859 gehängt (Kaufmann: Die Deutschen im amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg, p. 46).


Lied: „John Brown's Body lays amouldring in the grave ....“ John Brown wurde im Norden als Märtyrer, im Süden als Mörder einge­stuft. Der Text des Liedes wurde im Frühling 1861 vom Mitgliedern des Daniel Webster Regiment of Massachusetts gedichtet, und mit der Melodie des Kirchenliedes „Glory, Glory, Halleluja“ verbunden.


Im Süden wurden die Folgen der Sklavenbefreiung iSv Brown's in der klassischen Propagandalüge als "a plot involving the indiscri­minate rape of innocent women, their subsequent murder, and the murder of all children" angesehen, während doch die Sklaven "were happy and contended with their lot" waren (Blackford, W. W.: War Years with Jeb Stuart, p. 12).



- Karte zu den Aktionen von John Brown im Spätsommer/Frühherbst 1859 in der Region Chambersburg bei: Chambersburg Cham­bers of Commerce, "Southern Revenge," , S. 13)



- Davis, William C.: Brother against Brother, p. 73



the extensive bibliography on Brown has been enhanced by Stephen Oates's „To Purge Land this Land with Blood: A Biography of John Brown“ (New York: Harper and Row, 1970) (Baker: Politics of Continuity, p. 25n26).


- Boyer, Richard O.: The Legend of John Brown (New York: Knopf, 1973)

- Castel, Albert: Quantrill, Prologue, S. 11-21

- Chambersburg Chambers of Commerce, "Southern Revenge," , S. 11 ff. mit Karte über Brown's Aktionen 1959 S. 13

- Davis, William C.: Brother against Brother, p. 70 ff.

- **Douglas, Henry Kyd: I rode with Stonewall. The War Experiences of the Youngest Member of Jackson's Staff (University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill, 1940, 1968); Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik69f, S. 1 ff (Douglas, der aus Shepherdstown, Va. stamm­te, kannte John Brown, da dieser in der Zeit vor dem Überfall auf Harper's Ferry als 'Isaac Smith' in der Nachbarschaft von Douglas' El­tern wohnte)

- Jackson, Mary Anna: Life and Letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1892); S. 130-32 (über die Hinrichtung von John Brown)

- Lee, Robert E.: "Report of Colonel Robert E. Lee, Report of the Select Committee of the Senate appointed to inquire into the Late Invasion and Seizure of the Public Property at Harper's Ferry" (Senate Com. Report No. 279, 1. Sess., 36th Congress, Washington, D.C., 1866), S. 40-43

- Leech, Samuel V.: The Raid of John Brown at Harper's Ferry (Washington, D.C.: De Soto Press, 1909)

- Malin, James C.: John Brown and the Legend if Fifty-Six, Philadelphia, 1942

- McClure, Alexander K.: Col. A. K. McClure - Recollections of half a Century; Salem Press, Salem 1902; (Anm. Col. Alexander McClure lebte in Chambersburg; Newspaper Editor, state legislator and vehement opposer of the slavery; Chambersburg Cham­bers of Commerce: "Southern Revenge. Civil War History of Chambersburg, Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik74 S. 6); McClure begegnete Brown im Spätsommer 1859 fast täglich (, S. 16)

- Nevins, Allan: The Emergence of Lincoln, Bd. 2, S. 5 ff.

- McClellan, Henry B.: I rode with Jeb Stuart. The Life and Campaigns of Major General J.E.B. Stuart (Reprint; Richmond 1885); Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik109, S. 28 ff. (enthält einen persönlichen Bericht von Stuart)

- **Oates, Stephen B.: To Purge this Land with Blood: A Biography of John Brown (New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1970)

- Randall: Civil War and Reconstruction, p. 138 ff, 170 ff

- Villard, Oswald Garrison: John Brown, 1800-1859, Boston 1910



Brown, John jr.:

US-Captain; Sohn von John *Brown sen., war aber nicht an dessen Handlungen in Kansas beteiligt und zog noch vor Brown's Über­fall auf Harper's Ferry von Kansas nach Ashtabula County / Ohio; 1861 stellte Brown in Ohio eine Freiwilligenkompanie auf, die später in Co. C 7th Kansas Cavalry (Jennison's Jayhawkers) aufging. 1862 Captain Co. 7th Kansas Cavalry Starr, Jennison's Jay­hawkers, p. 15-17). Aus gesundheitlichen Gründen wegen starkem Rheumatismus mußte Brown am 27.5.1862 zurücktreten (Starr, Jennison's Jayhawkers, p. 19).



Brown, John C.:

CS- Pvt (?); Co. H, 14th Regiment Alabama Infantry; † 11.3.1862; beerd. im Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond/VA (www. findagrave.c­om).



Brown, John C.:




Brown, John H.:

US-Captain, Co. D, 12th Regiment Kentucky Infantry (National Park Soldiers M386 Roll 4).


Born in 1834, he earned the Medal of Honor during the Civil War while serving in Company D, 12th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, at Franklin, Tennessee, on November 30, 1864. The Medal was issued on February 13, 1865.



Brown, John H.:

CS-Major; Mitglied im Stab von Gen Benjamin McCulloch. Brown war ein Freund von McCulloch, war einer der letzten die Mc­Culloch, vor dessen Tod während einer Aufklärung bei Beginn der Schlacht von Pea Ridge lebend gesehen haben (Shea / Hess, Pea Ridge, p. 110).



- Brown, John H.: Letter, Houston Weekly Telegraph, August 11, 1862 (zum Tod von Benjamin McCulloch)



Brown, John J. Thompson:

CS-Sergeant; Co. E, 2nd Regiment Virginia Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 7).



Brown, John M.:

US-Captain; in the Gettysburg Campaign AAG 2nd Brigade (BrigGen Adelbert Ames / Col Andrew Harris), 1st Division (BrigGen Francis Barlow / BrigGen Adelbert Ames), XI Corps (MajGen O.O. Howard / MajGen Carl Schurz) (Baumgartner: Buckeye Blood, p. 78).



Brown, John M. C.:

CS-Pvt; Co. I, 14th Regiment South Carolina Infantry (www.


John M. C. Brown was a son of John W. and Phoebe B. S. Anthony Brown. The family was living in Lisbon, GA, where he was born, before moving across the Savannah River to Abbeville County, SC. John M. C. Brown was living here when he joined Company I of the 14th SC Regiment of Volunteers, Infantry Division. This was entered in his father's diary in 1861: "John M. C. Brown left home on Monday, 2 September, 1861, and went to Abbeville Courthouse, stayed all night for the war in Cpt. H. H. Harper's McCalla's Rifles. Tuesday, September 3 - The above John M. C. Brown left Abbeville Courthouse at 1/2 past 6 o'clock for the Aiken Camp­ground." He died of typhoid fever at Richmond,VA in Chimborazo Hospital on Thursday, July 17, 1862, and was buried at Oakwood Cemetery. This is the information I was given from the Records Office at the Cemetery: J. M. Brown, Company I, 14th S.C., buried at Oakwood Cemetery in Division C, Row R, grave #46.He had one other brother who died in the Civil War, Pvt. M. S. Brown, Co. I, 1st SC Infantry, who is buried in Charleston, SC. Their younger brother was George W. Brown, who was, too young to enlist in the war (www.


23.5.1839 Lisbon, Lisbon County/Georgia - † 17.7.1862 Church Hill, Richmond City/VA; beerd. im Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond/ VA (www.



Brown, John T.:

CS-Pvt; Co. ?, 4th Regiment Kentucky Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M377 Roll 2); auch als 'John F. Brown' genannt



Brown, John T.:

CS-Pvt; Co. A, 36th Regiment Texas Cavalry (Woods') (National Park Soldiers M227 Roll 5)



Brown, John T.:

CS-Pvt; Co. D, 11th Regiment Virginia Cavalry (Woods') (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 7)



Brown, John T.:

CS-Pvt; Co. B, 18th Regiment Virginia Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 7)



Brown, John Thompson:

CS-Col; Co. F&S, 1st Regiment Virginia Artillery; Brown war zunächst Captain Co. K (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 7).


Im Battle of Shepherdstown am 19.9.1862 setzte der Commander der Artillery von Lee's Army of Northern Virginia, William N. *Pendleton der Army, Brown's Artillery Battalion (unter Col. John Thompson *Brown) ein, „to guard the fords at Williamsport and Falling Water“ (Carmichael, Peter S.: „We Don't Know What on Earth to Do with Him“; in: Gallagher: Antietam Campaign, p. 264).



- Brown, J. Thompson: „The Sharpsburg Fight“; in: Richmond Times, 21.4.1895



Brown, Joseph Emerson:

CS-Governor von Georgia; 1821-95; Studium der Rechte in Yale; anschließend Abgeordneter im Georgia-Parlament; Richter am Su­perior Court; Wahl zum Governor 1857, Wiederwahl 1859, 1861 und 1863 ((Boatner: Dictionary, p. 91). enter auf; unter seiner per­sönlichen Führung wurde das Arsenal von Augusta besetzt ((Boatner: Dictionary, p. 91). Zusammen mit Robert *Toombs und Alexander Ste­phens opponierte er gegen die Regierung Davis' und dessen Art der Kriegsführung ((Boatner: Dictionary, p. 91). Brown war ein en­gagierter Vertreter der State Rights und geriet hierdurch immer wieder in Widerspruch zur CS Regierung in Richmond (Randall: Reconstruction, p. 352-53). Er protestierte wiederholt gegen die Rekrutierungspolitik der Regierung, die er in Georgia für un­nötig hielt, plädierte für eine ei­gene Georgia Armee (Randall: Reconstruction, p. 355) und zog nach dem Fall von Atlanta die Georgia Mi­litia aus dem Kommando von General Hood zurück (Brief von Brown an Hood v. 10.9.1864; abgedruckt bei Sherman: Memoirs, Bd. 2 S. 138/39). Er trat offen gegen die Aussetzung der Habeas Corpus Rule durch das Kriegs-Ermächtigungsgesetz Richmonds auf (Randall: Reconstruction, p. 355-56). Nach der Niederlage riet er zur Unterwerfung unter das Reconstruction-Programm (Boatner: Dictionary, p. 91).


Brown wechselte wiederholt die politische Richtung vom Sezessionisten zum Radical Republican und zurück zum etablierten Demo­cratic of the South und machte hierdurch eine einzigartige politische Karriere (Boatner: Dictionary, p. 91). In der Nachkriegszeit wur­de er 1868 Chief Justice des State Supreme Court von Georgia. Er trat 1870 zurück, engagierte sich bei der Eisenbahn und wurde 1880 in den US-Senat gewählt (Boatner: Dictionary, p. 91).



- **Brown, Joseph E. (Governor of Georgia): The Mountain Campaigns in Georgia (Jim Fox Books: Reprint of 1887); Paperback is­sued and signed when Brown was President of Western and Atlantic Railroad and War-time Governor; describes marches, battles and campaigns of Union and Confederate forces; maps and engravings

- **Brown, Joseph E.: Papers. Typescripts in University of Georgia, Athens

- **Brown, Joseph E.: and Elizabeth G. Brown: Brown Collection; University of Georgia, Athens



Brown, Joseph Newton:

CS-Col; Co. F&S, 14th Regiment South Carolina Infantry, entered the regiment as Captain Co. E (National Park Soldiers M381 Roll 4).



- Brown, Varina Davis: A Colonel at Gettysburg and Spotsylvania: The Life of Colonel Joseph Newton Brown (14th South Carolina Volunteers) (Butternut and Blue; Reprint of 1931 Original); Photos, Index, Maps (including fold-out)



Brown, Joseph Williard:

US-Lt; Pvt, Signal Corps, US-Volunteers (National Park Soldiers M1290 Roll 3).


Brown served as a Private, Sergeant and Lieutenant in the Signal Corps



- Brown, Joseph Williard: The Signal Corps in the War of the Rebellion (Reprint of Scarce 1896; Butternut and Blue); 916 pp; over 40 Maps; over 600 Photos; Roster; includes data on Confederate Signal Corps. Brown served as a Private, Sergeant and Lieutenant in the Signal Corps



Brown, Kellog Spencer:



- Brown, Spencer Kellogg: Spencer Kellog Brown, His Life in Kansas and his Death as a Spy, 1842-1863, As Disclosed by his Diary (Appleton, NY 1903); 1st Edition; Edited by George G. Smith



Brown, Morris:

US-Captain; Co. A, 126th Regiment New York Infantry (National Park SoldiersM551 Roll 17); , aus New York (Glatthaar: The Common Soldiers Gettys­burg Cam­paign, in: Boritt: The Gettysburg Nobody Knows, p. 23 iVm. S. 225n43). Bruder von Smith Brown (Glatthaar: The Common Soldiers Gettysburg Campaign, in: Bo­ritt: The Gettysburg Nobody Knows, p. 23).


Brown was posthumously awarded on 6.36.1869 with the Medal of Honor for capturing the 14th North Carolina's flag in the Battle of Gettysburg (Glatthaar: The Common Soldiers Gettysburg Campaign, in: Boritt: The Gettysburg Nobody Knows, p. 23 iVm. S. 225n43).


August 1842 - † gef. 22.6.1864 Petersburg/VA (wikipedia: Stichword Morris Brown, Jr., Abruf v. 21.2.2017).



- Brown, Morris (Captain, 126th New York Infantry): Papers. Hamilton College, Clinton/New York



Brown, Nathaniel:

US-Corporal; 133rd Pennsylvania Infantry (Gallagher u.a.: Fredericksburg, p. 90, 93, 109 Anm. 20)



- Brown, Nathaniel: Letter vom 23.12.1862 (Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park Library, Fredericksburg, VA., 133rd Pennsylvania file)



Brown, Philip F.:

CS-Pvt; Co. C, 12th Regiment Virginia Infantry (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 7).



- Brown, Philip F. (Co. C, 12th Va.): Reminiscenses of the War 1861-1865 (privately printed, 1912)



Brown, Philipp Perry, Jr.:

US-BrigGen; Col 157th Regiment New York Infantry (Hamlin: Battle of Chancellorsville, p. 40).


Born in Smithfield, New York, he graduated from Madison University in 1855 and later become the principal of the Academy of New York University. With the outbreak of the Civil War, he joined the Union Army and was appointed Colonel in command of the 157th New York Volunteer Infantry. He commanded his corps in many conflicts including the Battle of Gettysburg (see Pula: Under the Crescent Moon, vol. 2, p. 18), where he was wounded. By the end of the war, he was Colonel in command of the 7th US Veteran Volunteers and for gallant, meritorious services, he was brevetted Brigadier General of U.S. Volunteers on March 13, 1865. After the war, he operated a bakery business in St. Louis, Missou­ri, until his death at age 57 (


8.10.1823 Smithfield, New York - † 9.4.1881; beerd. Bellefontaine Cemetery, Saint Louis /MO (



Col Philipp P. Brown 1865 (



Brown, Ridgely:

CS-Major; Captain Co. A Maryland Cavalry (Swank: Courier, p. 26). 1863 Maj 1st Maryland Cavalry Battalion (Longacre, The Ca­valry at Gettysburg, p. 17).


1863 gehörte die Einheit unter Maj Harry *Gilmore zu Fitzhugh Lee's Cavalry Brigade; Stuart's Cavalry Division; Stellvertreter war, nachdem Munford die Brigadeführung übernahm LtCol James H. Watts (Longacre, The Cavalry at Gettysburg, p. 17).



Brown, Samuel B.:

CS-Captain; Co. C („Lee's Body Guard,), 39th Battalion Virginia Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 7).


At the beginning of the Gettysburg Campaign Gen. Robert E. Lee had assigned Maj John H. Richardson to his staff in June 1863 as her prepared to invade the north. The battalion included Captain Augustus P. Pifer's Company A that probably was detailed to Hill's corps, Cap­tain William F. Randolph's Company B that served with Ewell's corps, Captain Samuel B. Brown's Company C, known as „Lee's Body Guard,“ assigned to Army of Northern Virginia headquarters, and two detachments [later Company D] under Lt John W. Jack­son and Lt W. Page that possibly supported Longstreet's corps (Ryan: Spies, p. 190n14).


Although organized and trained essentially for intelligence-related activities, Lee employed the 39th Battalion during the Gettysburg Campaign 1863 in a variety of ways: accompanying engineers on reconnaissance missions, serving as couriers and scouts, perfor­ming provost duties, and guarding wagon trains (Ryan: Spies, Scouts, and Secrets in the Gettysburg Campaign, p. 264).



Brown, Simeon A.:

US-2ndLt; Co. C&G, 1st Regiment Rhode Island Cavalry; mustered in as sergeant (National Park Soldiers M555 Roll 1).


During the Chancellorsville Campaign in the Battle of Kelly's Ford on 17.3.1863 Lt Brown led the the successful charge over the Rappahannock River at Kelly's Ford (Sears: Chancellorsville, p. 86).



Brown, Thaddeus C. C.:

US-Quartermaster Sergeant; Co. I, 2nd Regiment Illinois Light Artillery (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 11, named also Thadeus C. S. Brown).



- **Brown, Thaddeus C. S., J. Murphy, and William G. Putney: “Behind the Guns”: The History of Battery I, 2nd Regiment, Illinois Light Artillery (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1965)



Brown, Washington:

US-Captain; 1836-1862; 145th Pennsylvania Infantry; gestorben nach Verwundung im Battle of Fredericksburg



- Brown, Washington: Papers, 1861-63, 1869. 0.1 cu. ft. Captain of the 145th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. Died from wounds inflicted at the Battle of Fredericksburg (December 1862). Papers include a manuscript copy of a "personal memoir" about Brown, written in 1869 by Samuel P. Bates, Pennsylvania state historian, and various pieces of correspondence to and from Brown and his fa­mily in Erie, Pennsylvania. Also includes letters to and from his father, Conrad Brown, written after Washington's death concerning the funeral recoarrangements, and a manuscript copy of his last words. (Virginia Tech, Univ. Libraries, Special Collections: Civil War guide. Manuscript Sources for Civil War Research in the Special Collections Department of the Virginia Tech Libraries Ms89-011).



Brown, William D.:

CS-Captain; Batteriechef Brown's Artillery, 4th Maryland Battery (Chesapeake Artillery); Battle of Cedar Mountain am 9.8.1862 (Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 54, 69; Hotchkiss: Make me a Map, p. 306 Anm. 17; Jennings, C. Wise: The Long Arm of Lee: The His­tory of the Artillery of the Army of Northern Virginia [New York, 1941], S. 983). Brown's Battery gehörte wäh­rend Jackson's Vorstoß gegen Pope's neuaufgestellte Army of Virginia im Juli / August 1862 und beim Battle of Cedar Mountain am 9. August 1862 zu der, von A. R. *Courtney befehligten Divisionsartillerie der Division Ewell's (Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 362; Freeman, Lee's Lieuten­ants, vol. 2, S. 29 mit Karte S. 31; OR 12.2, S. 237-38; Early, Memoirs, p. 97).



Brown, William Frederick:

CS-Captain; 1797-1862; Co. F. 12th Georgia Infantry Trimble's Brigade; das Regiment war im Battle of Cedar Mountain am 9.8.1862 der Brigade Jubal Early unterstellt (Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 56, 198). Regimentskommandeur 12th Georgia Infantry im Battle of Cedar Mountain am 9.8.1862 (Early: War Memoirs, p. 97; Freeman, Lee's Lieutenants, vol. 2, S. 30; Krick, Cedar Moun­tain, p. 56, 57 mit Karte, 58, ). Im Battle of Cedar Mountain wurde Brown's 12th Georgia zum Schutz von Ewell's Artillery nördlich von Crittenden House links neben dem Zedernhügel im Weizenfeld eingesetzt (Freeman, p. 30 mit Karte).


1862 war Brown 65 Jahre alt (Early, p. 99). Brown ist gefallen im Battle of Chantilly am 1.9.1862 (Krick, p. 199).


Brown ist im Dooley County Census von 1850 S. 250 (National Archives Washington) erwähnt. Der Dooley County Census von 1860 S. 90 (National Archives Washington) führt Brown ebenfalls auf. Brown war Eigentümer einer großen Plantage in Dooley County, Georgia, die 1860 einen Wert von $ 39000 aufwies (Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 199, S. 421 Anm. 61). Brown wurde geboren 1814 (Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 421 Anm. 61; a.A. Early, p. 65, nach dem Brown 1862 65 Jahre alt war); verheiratet mit Martha Johnson, die 1860 vierzig Jahre alt war; aus der Ehe stammen 4 Söhne; zwei seiner Söhne dienten ebenfalls in Co. F. 12th Georgia Infantry (Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 421 Anm. 61; nach Early, Memoirs, p. 99 diente nur ein Sohn als Offizier in der gleicher Kom­panie wie der Vater).



Browne, Junius H.:

US-Journalist, New York Tribune (Shea / Hess, Pea Ridge, p. 345 Anm. 10) bzw. St Louis Republican (Andrews, p. 129); Browne nahm teil am Vorstoß von BrigGen Samuel R. *Curtis' Army of the Southwest in Missouri gegen Sterling *Price im Frühjahr 1862. Browne war Parteigänger von Franz *Sigel, seine Berichte basieren auf einer Mischung von Gerüchten und verläßli­chen Informatio­nen und sind deshalb mit Vorsicht zu benutzen (Shea / Hess: Pea Ridge, p. 345 Anm. 10).



- Andrews, Cutler J.: The North reports the Civil War, p. 129, 133 (Missouri Campaign 1861), 133 (defends record as army re­porter), 162 (Fort Henry Campaign), 164 (privations on Fort Donelson Campaign), 244, 249 (gunboat battle of Memphis), 250 (occu­pation of Memphis), 301 (on Southern military discipline), 384 (characterizes Grant), 393-395 (captured by Confederates), 613 (pri­son experi­ence), 613 (escapes from Salisbury prison)

- Browne, Junius H.: Four Years in Secessia: Adventures Within and Beyond the Union Lines (Hartford / Conn.: O. D. Case and Company, 1865)

- Shea / Hess: Pea Ridge, p. 345 Anm. 10



Browne, William 'Constitution':

CS-Assistent Secretary of State; Chestnut bezeichnet ihn als "Constitution Browne" (Chestnut, Diary from Dixie, p. 9). Während der CS-Kabinettssitzung am 19./20.2.1862 war Browne 'acting Secretary of State' (Newton: Joseph E. Johnston and the Defense of Rich­mond, p. 27).



Browne, William M.:

CS-+++Gen; ? England - † 1884; appointed Georgia; A daily newspaper editor in Washington (Boatner: Dictionary, p. 92); an old friend of CS-President Jefferson Davis (Davis: A Government of Our Own, p. 127); he was Jefferson Davis's ADC as Col. Of CSA Cavalry; On 11.11.1864 Davis appointed him BrigGen CSA and sent him to Savannah/GA to command a brigade in Mercer's Division during Sherman's sie­ge. The Senate on 18.2.1865 refused to confirm the appointment, but he was paroled as BrigGen. After the war he was a planter and publisher, engaging in Democratic politics as well as teaching history at the University of Georgia. He wrote a biography of Alexan­der H. Stephens (Boatner: Dictionary, p. 92).



Brownell, George S.:

US-Pvt; Co. L, 1st Regiment Vermont Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M557 Roll 2). † kia 3.7.1863 Skirmish near Snyder's Farm (Gettysburg), prior the Battle of Fairfield (Gettysburg; Farnsworth's Charge) (Wittenberg: Gettysburg's Forgotten Cavalry Action, p. 26).



Browning, Orville Hickman:

1806-81; aus Quincy/Ill: US-Senator für Illinois 1861-63; persönlicher Freund Lincoln's (Burlingame/Ettlinger: Inside Lincoln's White House. The Complete Civil War Diary of John Hay, p. 280 Anm. 72).



- **Pease, Theodore Calvin and Randall, James G. (ed.): The Diary of Orville H. Browning (2 Vols, Springfield: Illinois State Histo­rical Library, 1925, 1933)



Brownlee, French:

US-+++; 36th Illinois Infantry (Shea / Hess, Pea Ridge, p. 353 Anm. 35)



- French Brownlee and John M. Turnbull Letters, Monmouth / Illinois: Atlas, 16.5.1862 and 28.5.1862



Brownlow, James Patton:

US-BrigGen; Col, Co. F&S, 1st Regiment Tennessee Cavalry (US), prior Captain Co. C (National Park Soldiers M392 Roll 2).


During Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign war Brownlow Regimentskommandeur des 1st Tennessee Cavalry Regiment in 1. Brig (Col Jo­seph B. *Dorr) in BrigGen Edward Moody *McCook's 1st Division Cavalry Corps Army of the Cumberland (Evans: Sherman's Horsemen, S. 17, S. xi). Bereits mit 22 Jahren war Brownlow eine Legende. Der Sohn des berühmten Tennessee-Unionisten William G. „Parson“ *Brownlow war einer der jüngsten Colonel der US-Armee (Evans: Sherman's Horsemen, S. 17). Brownlow besetzte am 7.7.1864 die große Insel im Chattahoochee auf Höhe von Powers Ferry, but his attempt to reach the southern bank of the Chattahoochee, was repulsed by Confederate cavalry (Evans: Sherman's Horsemen, p. 17-18 mit Karte S. 9). On 9.7.1864 Brownlow was ordered to cross the Chattahoochee at Cochran's Ford (Evans: Sherman's Horsemen, p. 27).


Bvt BrigGen 13.3.1865 for „gallant and meritorious services during the war“ (Boatner: Dictionary, p. 93;, accessed 31.1.2019).


17.12.1842 Jonesborough, Washington County, Tennessee - † 26.4.1879 Knoxville/Tennessee; buried Rest Haven Cemetery Franklin, Williamson County, Tennessee; Son of controversial Tennessee Congressman and Governor William „Parson“ G. *Brownlow and Eliza Ann O'Brien Brownlow (, accessed 31.1.2019; Evans: Sherman's Horsemen, S. 17).



Brownlow, Parson William G.:

Brownlow stammte einer armen Familie in Virginia; er wurde im Alter von 14 Jahren Zimmermann, konvertierte zur Methodist Church, war Wanderprediger in Tennessee, Virginia und North Carolina. 1839 gab er seine Wanderprediger-Tätigkeit auf, zog nach Elizabethton, Tenn. und gründete die Zeitung 'Elizabethton Whig'. Hier machte er sich seinen ersten prominenten Feind, Landon Car­ter Haynes, den künftigen CS-Senator. 1840 verlegte Brownlow seine Zeitung nach Jonesborough/Tenn. und 1849 erneut, nunmehr nach Knoxville, East Tenn. Ende der 1850er Jahre war Brownlow's "Whig" die einflußreichste Zeitung in East-Tennessee und eine der größ­ten im Süden der USA (Fisher: War at every Door, p. 12-13).


In den harten, teils mit der Waffe ausgetragenen Kämpfen mit seinen politischen Gegnern hatte sich Brownlow die Feindschaft der künftigen führenden CS-Politiker wie Ramsey, Lyon, Crozier, Churchwell, Sneed, Swan und Haynes zugezogen. Sein bedeutendster Gegner war jedoch Andrew *Johnson, der Führer der East Tennessee Democrats. (Fisher: War at every Door, p. 14).


Nach Ausbruch des Aufstandes in East Tennessee und der Zerstörung von mehreren wichtigen Eisenbahnbrücken, darunter der *Hol­ston River Bridge, am 8.11.1861 wurde Brownlow, unter dem Verdacht den Aufstand unterstützt zu haben, inhaftiert. Er wurde erst im Februar 1862 freigelassen und er wurde auf eigenen Wunsch an die Frontlinie bei Nashville verbracht, von wo ihm die Ausreise ins US-Gebiet gestattet wurde (Fisher: War at Every Door, p. 59; Brownlow: Sketches, p. 280-305).


Brownlow verkörperte den finsteren Haß auf die Rebellen und die CSA, der in East-Tennessee so verbreitet war (Foner: Reconstruct­ion, p. 17).


Brownlow wurde im März 1865 als Nachfolger des neuen US-Vizepräsidenten Andrew *Johnson zum Governor von Tennessee ge­wählt; er sicherte sich sogleich seine neu gewonnene Machtbasis durch ein neues Wahlgesetz, das bekannte Sezessionisten vom Wahlrecht ausschloß (Foner, p. 44-45).


Eliza Ann O'Brien Brownlow; father of BrigGen James Patton *Brownlow (, accessed 31.1.2019).



- Davis / Wiley: Photographic History of the Civil War, vol I, p. 55



- **Brownlow, William G.: Sketches of the Rise, Progress and Decline of Secession with a Narrative of Personal Adventures Among the Rebels (Applegate & Co., 1862 oder Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1862)

- **Brownlow, William G. "Parson" (ed. Stephen Ash): Secessionist and other Scoundrels: Selection from Parson Brownlow's Book (LSU Press); Edited by Stephen Ash, 144 pp, Illustrated. Ash places excerpts in context and examines the life of this East Tennessee Methodist preacher and newspaper editor, who refused to renounce his Union loyalty, and who was arrested, jailed and ultimately ba­nished to the North.

- **Coulter, E. Merton: William G. Brownlow: Fighting Parson of the Highlands (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1937)

- **Humphrey, Steve: "That D - d Brownlow," Boone, N.C.: Appalachia Consortium Press, 1978



Browning, Orville Hickman:

US-Senator aus Quincy /Illinois; der konservative Judge Browning war US-Senator ab +++1862. Browning, ein enger Freund Lin­coln's wurde nach dem überraschenden Tod von Senator Stephen A. *Douglas als dessen Nachfolger Senator für Illinois (Hoeh­ling, Damn the Torpedos, p. 15; Niven: Gideon Welles, p. 405).



- Browning, Orville Hickman: The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, ed. Theodore C. Pease and James G. Randall (2 vols, Springfield, 1925, 1933)

- Browning, Orville Hickman: "Orville Hickman Browning Transcripts" (Illinois Historical Survey, Urbana)



Bruce, Blanche Kelso:

1.3.1841 - † 17.3.1898; was a U.S. politician who represented Mississippi as a Republican in the U.S. Senate from 1875 to 1881; of mixed race, he was the first elected black senator to serve a full term.


Bruce was born into slavery in 1841 in Prince Edward County, Virginia near Farmville to Polly Bruce, an enslaved African-American woman who served as a domestic slave. His father was her master, Pettis Perkinson, a white Virginia planter. Bruce was treated comparatively well by his father, who educated him together with a legitimate half-brother. When Blanche Bruce was young, he played with his half-brother. His father legally freed Blanche and arranged for an apprenticeship so he could learn a trade. Bruce taught school and attended Oberlin College in Ohio for two years. He next worked as a steamboat porter on the Mississippi River. In 1864, he moved to Hannibal, Missouri, where he established a school for black children. In 1868, during Reconstruction, Bruce moved to Bolivar, Mississippi and bought a plantation. He became a wealthy landowner of several thousand acres in the Mississippi Delta. He was appointed to the positions of Tallahatchie County registrar of voters and tax assessor before winning an election for sheriff in Bolivar County. He later was elected to other county positions, including tax collector and supervisor of education, while he also edited a local newspaper. He became sergeant-at-arms for the Mississippi state senate in 1870 (, Stichwort Blanche Bruce, Abruf v. 5.3.2017).


In February 1874, Bruce was elected by the state legislature to the Senate as a Republican, becoming the second African American to serve in the upper house of Congress. On February 14, 1879, Bruce presided over the U.S. Senate, becoming the first African American (and the only former slave) to do so. In 1880, James Z. George was elected to succeed Bruce.At the 1880 Republican National Convention in Chicago, Bruce became the first African American to win any votes for national office at a major party's nominating convention, winning 8 votes for vice president. The presidential nominee that year was James A. Garfield, who won election. In 1881, Bruce was appointed by President Garfield to be the Register of the Treasury, becoming the first African American to have his signature featured on U.S. paper currency. Bruce was appointed as the District of Columbia recorder of deeds in 1890–93, which was expected to yield fees of up to $30,000 per year. He also served on the District of Columbia Board of Trustees of Public Schools from 1892-95. He was a participant in the March 5, 1897 meeting to celebrate the memory of Frederick Douglass which founded the American Negro Academy led by Alexander Crummell. He was appointed as Register of the Treasury a second time in 1897 by President William McKinley and served until his death in 1898 (, Stichwort Blanche Bruce, Abruf v. 5.3.2017).



- **Bruce, Blanche K.: Papers, Howard University, Washington/DC



Bruce, George A.:

US-Pvt; Co. D, 2nd Regiment Massachusetts Infantry (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll 5).



- Bruce, George A. (Bvt. LtCol +++ prüfen, ob derselbe+++): „The Strategy of the Civil War,“ Papers of the Military Historical So­ciety of Massachusetts, XIII (1913), S. 393-412

- **Bruce, George Ansom: The Twentieth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865 (1906)

- Bruce, George Ansom: The Capture and Occupation of Richmond (Self-published, 1927)



Bruce, Sanders D.:

US-++++; ab 8.6.1863 Brigadekommandeur 1st Brigade Bruce / 3rd Division Robert S. Granger / Reserve Corps BrigGen Gordon *Granger / Army of the Cumberland (Welcher / Ligett: Coburn's Brigade, p. 107).


Brueckner, Augustus C.:

US-Major, Co. A, 73rd Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry; † 30.8.1862 im Battle of 2nd Bull Run / VA (Regimental Roster 73rd Regi­ment Pennsylvania Infantry, S. 870). Bei Hamlin (Hamlin: Battle of Chancellorsville, p. 42) heißt es zur Geschichte des 73rd Regi­ment Pennsylvania Infantry: „... it had become much reduced in numbers, as it had suffered severly at second Bull Run, where it lost both Koltes [Anm.: Col. John A. *Koltes], who acted as brigade commander, and Bruenecker, who commended the regiment in that sanguinary contest“. Kaufmann (Kaufmann: Deutsche im amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg, p.487) nennt ihn als „Oberstleutnant des 73. Pennsylvania Regiments in der Brigade Koltes“.



Bruenecker, George:

US-Pvt; 45th Regiment Wisconsin Infantry (National Park Soldiers M559 Roll 4).



Brueninghausen, Edward W.:

US-Major; Captain, Co. D, 58th Regiment New York Infantry (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 17); at first Brueninghausen was 1stLt, Co. G, 119th Regiment New York Infantry;


During the Gettysburg Campaign 1863, Lt Brueninghausen was AAG of BrigGen Wladimir *Krzyzanowski Brigade (Pula: Under the Crescent Moon, vol. 2, p. 9).


A native of Brooklyn, and a merchant by trade, he had dark black hair. After he enlisted at New York City on August 27, 1862, he was commissioned into the 119th New York the next month on September 10. During his service with the 119th, he was an ordnance officer with the Second Brigade and an acting commissary of subsistence, acting aide-de-camp on the staff of Brevet Brigadier General W. Krzyzanowski, and acting provost marshal.

Upon his promotion to captain on December 11, 1863, he was discharged and immediately commissioned into the 58th New York. On March 13, 1865, he was brevetted to major "for gallant and meritorious service during the War." He mustered out at Nashville, Tennessee, on October 1, 1865.

In 1873, he applied for and was granted an invalid pension, certificate 128,099, In his affidavit, he stated that he suffered from and was treated for rheumatism, as well as cataracts from severe eye infections, resulting from the hardship and exposure of the Fredericksburg Campaign (Virginia) on or about December 18, 1862. He subsequently lost the sight of his left eye and the sight of the right was blurred so that he could no longer work as a clerk. He had not been treated in hospital, but by his father, Charles Brueninghausen, M.D., then surgeon of the 119th and medical inspector on the staff of General Sigel (, accessed 21.6.2019).



Brunner, Michael:

US-Corporal; Co. C, 59th Regiment Ohio Infantry (National Park Soldiers M552 Roll 13; Salecker: Disaster on the Mississippi, p. 262).


Brunner geriet im September 1863 bei Chickamauga in Kriegsgefangenschaft, placed in Belle Isle and Libby Prisons in Virginia, la­ter he endured the infamous Andersonville Prison before his released at the war's end in 1865 (Potter: Sultana Tragedy, p. 9-10).



Brunson, Thomas M.:

CS-Col (?); 40th Alabama Infantry ab März 1865; vorher Offizier im gleichen Regiment, 1864; 2nd Lieutenant Co. "C" 40th Alaba­ma Infantry; 1864 Captain (Williams: This War so Horrible, p. 143 Anm. 13); Williams schreibt: "Captain Brunson is as clever a man as one can find anywhere, and I do not mind soldering under him." (Williams, p. 27).



Brush, Charles:

US-Major-Sgt; 53rd Illinois Infantry (Hicken: Illinois in the Civil War, p. 54).



- Brush Family Papers, Illinois State Historical Society



Brush, Daniel H.:

US-Captain; 18th Illinois Infantry, 1st Brigade 1st Division McClernand bei der Eroberung von *Fort Donelson im Februar 1862; er führte das Regiment nach der Verwundung des Regimentskommandeurs beim Angriff auf Fort Donelsen und der Abwehr des CS-Ge­genangriffs; hierbei wurde Brush verwundet (US Grant; in: Battles and Leaders Vol. I S. 429; Wallace, Lew: The Capture of Fort Do­nelson; in: B&L, vol. I, p. 417-419). Im Battle of Shiloh am 6./7.4.1862 übernahm Captain Brush, nach dem Ausfall des Regiments­kommandeurs vorübergehend die Regimentsführung, hierbei erneut verwundet (B&L, vol. I, S. 537)



Bryan, Goode:

CS-BrigGen; 1812-1885; aus Hambock County / Georgia; West Point 1834 (25/36); US-Infantry Offizier; trat 1835 aus der Army aus; Tätigkeit als Ingenieur, Farmer in Georgia und Alabama und Politiker; im Mexikokrieg Major 1st Alabama Volunteers; Abgeord­neter der Georgia Secession Convention für Lee County / Georgia (Warner, p. 37; Augusta [Georgia] Chronicle v. 18.8.1885); Cap­tain 16th Georgia Infantry 1861; Februar 1862 Col 16th Georgia Infantry (Boatner, p. 93-94). Eingesetzt während McClellan's Penin­sular Campaign im April 1862 bei Dam Nr. 1 bei Lee's Mill in *Cobb's Brigade (Confederate Milita­ry History, vol. X, S. 211); Vertei­digung von Dam Nr. 1 am 16.4.1862 (Report of BrigGen Howell Cobb OR 11.1. S, 417; Report of Col Goode Bryan, OR 11.1 S. 419-420). Ab 15.5.1862 eingesetzt zur Verstärkung der CS-Stellungen am James River süd­ostwärts von Richmond bei *Drewry's Bluff (Johnston, Military Operations, p. 128). Teilnahme an den Schlachten von Seven Pines, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellors­ville und Gettysburg. Als Nachfolger von Semmes Brigadekommandeur in der Schlacht von Gettysburg. Teilnahme an der Schlacht von Chickamauga; BrigGen 29.8.1863. Trotz seiner angeschlagenen Gesundheit weiterhin im Dienst. Teilnahme an den Schlachten von Knoxville, Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor und Petersburg. Wegen sei­ner angeschlagenen Gesundheit ausgeschieden am 20.9.1864 (Boatner, p. 94). Gestorben am Augusta / Georgia am 16.8.1885, beerdigt in Augusta / Georgia auf dem City Cemetery (Warner: Generals in Gray, p. 37-38).



- Warner: Generals in Gray, p. 37



- Augusta [Georgia] Chronicle v. 18.8.1885

- Boatner, p. 93-94

- Johnston, Military Operations, p. 128

- Warner: Generals in Gray, p. 37-38



Bryant, Charles M.:

US- Pvt; 5th Battery, 1st Battalion Maine Light Artillery „E“ (National Park Service M543 Roll 3); † kia 1.7.1863 Seminary Ridge Gettysburg (Gettysburg Commission: Maine at Gettysburg, p. 86).



Bryant, Ed:

US-Sgt; 57th Ohio Infantry (Daniel: Shiloh, p. 352 Anm. 53). I’s Army of the Tennessee. Das Regiment war am 6.4.1862 morgens bei Beginn der Schlacht in der Divisionsfront rechts eingesetzt (Daniel: Shiloh, p. 157 mit Karte S. 165)



Bryant, Edwin Eustace:

US-1stLt/Adjutant; Co. F&S, 3rd Regiment Wisconsin Infantry; mustered in as Sergeant, Co. C&A (National Park Soldiers M559 Roll 4).



- **Bryant, Edwin Eustace: History of the Third Regiment of Wisconsin Veteran Volunteer Infantry (Cleveland: A. H. Clark Co., 1891)



Bryant, Nathaniel C.:

US-Lt zur See; geboren am 27.3.1823 in Nobleborough, Maine; Midshipsman US-Navy seit Dezember 1837; ab Januar 1862 als Lieutenant zur See Kapitän der USS Cairo (Bearss: Hardluck Ironclad, p. 34). Am 9.9.1862 ging Bryant nach Krank­heit in einen län­geren Genesungsurlaub, seine Nachfolge trat Lieutenant Commander Thomas O. Selfridge an (Bearss, p. 80).



- Bearss: Hardluck Ironclad, p. 34, 40

- Yost, George R.: Diary (Naval History Branch, Department of the Navy).



Bryant, William Cullen:

US-Zeitungsverleger, Herausgeber der New York Evening Post (Andrews: The North reports the Civil War, p. 9, 11); er interveniert 1864 zugunsten seines wegen Bestechung zu Lasten der US-Navy angeklagten Verlegers Henderson bei Secretary of State Welles (Welles, Diary II 60, 61, 78, 228)



- **Bryant, William Cullen (Herausgeber der New York Evening Post ): Bryant Papers, New York Public Library



Bryner, Cloyd B.:

US-+++; 47th Illinois Infantry



- Bryner, Cloyd B.: Bugle Echoes: The Story of the Illinois 47th Infantry (Springfield / Illinois: Phillips Bros., 1905)



Buchanan, Felix G.:

CS-Major; 1863 Regimentskommandeur 1st Tennessee Infantry (Provisional Army).


Das Regiment gehörte im Sommer 1863 zu Archer’s Brigade 2nd Division GenMaj Henry Heth III Army Corps Lt Ambrose P. Hill (Pfanz: Gettysburg, p. 463) und nahm unter Regimentskommandeur Major Felix G. *Buchanan am 1.7.1863 im Battle von Gettys­burg am Angriff von Archer’s Brigade teil (Martin: Gettysburg, p. 66).


Das Regiment besaß eine Scharfschützen Abteilung, die am 1.7.1863 beim Angriff von Archer’s Brigade entlang der Cashtown - Get­tysburg Road unter dem Kommando von Major Buchanan eingesetzt wurde (Martin: Gettysburg, p. 66)



Buchanan, James:

Präsident der USA vom 4.3.1857 - 4.3.1861; aus Pennsylvania; Congress-Mitglied seit 1821; zunächst Federalist; Jackson Democrat im US-Senat; Demokratische Partei; Außenminister der Regierung Polk (1844-1849). Buchanan, der 1848, nach Präsident Polk's aus gesundheitlichen Gründen erfolgtem Verzicht auf eine Wiederkandidatur, bei der Präsidentenwahl 1852 im Vorwahlkampf kandidier­te, jedoch durch die Unterstützung des Südens seinem Gegenkandidaten Senator Lewis Cass aus Michigan unterlag (der seiner­seits die Wahl gegen den Whig Zachary Taylor verlor), trat im Wahlkampf in der Frage der Sklavenhaltung in den neuen Territorien für eine Verlängerung der Mason-Dixon-Line nach Westen entlang dem 36° 30 Breitengrad ein. US-Gesandter in St. Petersburg und London. 1854 unterstützte er John Y. Mason und Pierre Soulé bei der Formulierung des "Ostend Manifesto" bez. der *Cuba-Frage (Randall: Civil War, p. 127 ff, 141). 1856 auf Grund seiner prosüdlichen Haltung auf dem Partei Kongreß der Demokra­tischen Partei von 1856 in Cincinnati als Präsidentschaftskandidat aufgestellt.


1861 war es Buchanan's Hauptziel, die Regierung an Lincoln zu übergeben ohne daß es unter seiner Regierung zu einem einen Kriegs­ausbruch kam.


Buchanan stammte aus dem Norden, aber er war stets ein Werkzeug der Sklavenhalter gewesen. Er war ein saft- und kraftloser Mum­melgreis …. Ein Verräter war er nicht, denn auch für eine solche Rolle sind Mut und Entschlossenheit erforderlich. Seine erste Pflicht wäre es gewesen, dem Süden den Glauben zu nehmen, daß sich die Sezession friedlich vollziehen könne. Dazu brauchte er nicht das Bundesheer mobil zu machen, wie es der demokratische Präsident Jackson im Jahre 1832 gemacht hatte, als South Carolina nullifizierte, sondern es hätte genügt, wenn Präsident Buchanan in energischer Wiese die Küstenforts im Hafen von Charleston in Verteidigungs­zustand gesetzt hätte und gleichzeitig auf das Vorgehen seines Vorgängers Jackson hingewiesen hätte. ...“ (Kaufmann: Die Deut­schen im Amerikanischen Bürgerkriege, p. 53).


Von den Zeitgenossen in den Nordstaaten wurde Buchanan nach Ausbruch des Civil War decribed in hostile terms, z.b. „worse traitor than Benedict Arnold“ oder „an imbecile traitor“; in the more moderate view of most of the historians, Buchanan was an ineffectual man whose lack of resolution and firmness had encouraged the seceders while discouraging loyal man ( Pressly: Americans Interpret Their Civil War, p. 19).



- Battles and Leaders Vol I. , S. 16

- Davis / Wiley: Photographic History of the Civil War, vol I, p. 39

- Davis / Wiley: Photographic History of the Civil War, vol I, p. 50 (Buchanan und sein Kabinett)



- Auchampaugh, Philip G.: James Buchanan and His Cabinet on the Eve of Secession (1926)

- Auchampaugh, Philip G.: Mr. Buchanan's Administration on the Eve of Rebellion (1866)

- **Baker, Jean H.: James Buchanan (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2004

- Buchanan, James: Papers, Pennsylvania Historical Society; New York Historical Society; Library of Congress

- *Curtis, John Ticknor: Buchanan, 2 vols

- Moore, John Bassett (ed.): The Works of James Buchanan, Comprising His Speeches, State Papers, and Private Correspondence (12 vols, 1908-1911)

- Randall, Civil War, p. 140 ff.

- Nevins, Allan: Ordeal of the Union: The Emergence of Lincoln; Vol. I, p. 60-89



Buchmeyer, Paul:

US-1stLt; Battery F, 3rd Regiment New York Light Artillery


Pvt. Patrick *Delaney of Company D, Third Regiment, New York Artillery was charged with "conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline." Two specifications clarified the charge. The first notes that the private violently assaulted 1st Lt. Paul Buchmey­er of Battery F, Third New York Artillery, by kicking and striking him. The second states that Private Delaney knew Buchmeyer to be an officer since the lieutenant identified himself as such. Delaney responded, "that he did not care a Goddamn if he was an officer." The court met on February 16, 1863, at New Berne, North Carolina. In response to the first question of the court regarding being struck, Lieutenant Buchmeyer answered, "First time he didn't strike me hard enough to knock me down, then I knocked him down. He had a partner with him. The partner knocked me down & I got up and knocked the other man down. The other man had a wo­man's dress. I knew him by his hair." As to the next question, "Did they appear to be under the influence of liquor?" the lieutenant re­sponded, "Yes, I thought they had enough to make them ugly." There was no further mention of the second man in the dress in any of the testimony. Delaney was found guilty of both charges and sentenced to one year imprisonment at hard labor with a twenty-four-pound ball and chain (National Archives, File NN133, entry 15, Court-Martial Case Files, RG 153, NARA; https://www.archives.g­ov/publications/prologue/1998/winter/union-court-martials.html, Abruf vom 13.8.2016).



Buck, A. N.:

US-+++klären+++ (Glatthaar: The Common Soldiers Gettysburg Campaign, in: Boritt: The Gettysburg Nobody Knows, p. 26 iVm. S. 226n53)



- **Buck, A. N.: Letter to Brother and Sister, 9.7.1863, Copy in Brake Collection, USMHI



Buck, Daniel W.:

US-Captain; Co. E, 8th Regiment Illinois Cavalry;mustered in as First Sergeant (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 11).


Participation in the Battle of Gettysburg (Martin: Gettysburg, p. 44). Buck commanded on 1.7.1863 in Gettysburg die vorgeschobene Picket Line der 8th Illinois Cavalry am Chambersburg Pike nahe Marsh Creek westlich von McPherson's Ridge (Martin: Gettysburg, p. 73)



Buck, Irving A.:

CS-Captain u. Assistant Adjutant General in Cleburne's Division; 1840-1912; Autor von Irving A. *Buck (Captain C.S.A.): "Clebur­ne and his Command" und Thomas Robson Hay: "Pat Cleburne: Stonewall of the West"; Morningside Reprint 1985 (Buck's Werk wurde originally published in 1908, 1958 neu herausgegeben und mit Vorwort "Pat Cleburne - Stonewall of the West" versehen durch Thomas R. Hay ) mit Vorwort v. Bell Irvin Wiley



Buck, Samuel D.:

CS-Captain; Co. H, 13th Regiment Virginia Infantry (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 8); 1862 während Lee's Maryland Campaign war Buck Sergeant Co. H, 13th Regiment Virginia Infantry (Priest: South Mountain, p. 3).



- **Buck, Samuel D.: With the Old Confeds (Baltimore: H. E. Hough & Co., 1925)

- **Buck, Samuel D.: Papers, William Perkins Library, Duke university, Durham, NC



Buckingham, Catharinus P.:

US-BrigGen (Boatner: Dictionary, p, 95).



- Buckingham, Catharinus P.: Memoir (Ohio Historical Society, Columbus / Ohio)



Buckingham, Henry E.:

US-Pvt; Co. E, 1st Regiment Connecticut Infantry (3 months, 1861) (National Park Soldiers M535 Roll 2).



Buckingham, Philo P.:

US-LtCol; Co. F&S, 20th Regiment Connecticut Infantry; er trat als Major in das Regiment ein (National Park Soldiers M535 Roll 2); 20th Regi­ment Connecticut Infantry / Coburn's Brigade; Teilnahme am Battle of Resaca / Georgia am 14./15.5.1864 (Welcher / Ligget: Co­burn's Brigade, p. 175).



Buckingham, William:

Governor of Connecticut (5.5.1858-2.5.1866), Republican Party (wikipedia, Stichwort 'William Buckingham', Abruf v. 23.3.2018).



Buckland, Ralph P.:

US-BrigGen; in der Shiloh Campaign war Col Buckland Brigadekommandeur der 4th Brigade Buckland 5th Division BrigGen Wil­liam T. Sherman in Grant's Army of the Tennessee (Daniel: Shiloh, p. 320). Buckland war im Battle of Shiloh 50 Jahre alt und ein politischer General aus Ohio (Daniel: Shiloh, p. 132).


Buckland's Brigade bestand aus folgenden Einheiten (Daniel: Shiloh, p. 320, 131; Grant, U. S.: The Opposing Forces at Shiloh; in: B&L, vol. I, p. 538). :

- 48th Ohio Infantry Col Peter *Sullivan

- 70th Ohio Infantry Col De Witt Clinton *Loudon

- 72nd Ohio Infantry LtCol Herman Canfield (k)


Buckland's Brigade wurde am Vorabend der Schlacht von Shiloh zur Aufklärung in Richtung Ridge Road eingesetzt (Daniel: Shiloh, p. 133 mit Karte S. 103). Am Morgen des 6.4.1862 war die Brigade im Camp westlich der Pittsburg-Corinth Road, links der 3rd Bri­gade Col Jesse Hildebrand (Daniel: Shiloh, p. 161). Buckland's Brigade war westlich der Pittsburg-Co­rinth Road, südwestlich der Shiloh Church eingesetzt auf der Nordseite der Shiloh Branch des Owl Creek; hier waren die CS-Angrif­fe nicht so schwer, wie bei der links eingesetzten Brigade Hildebrand. Als deren Verteidigungslinie östlich der Pittsburg-Corinth Road zusammenbrach, mußte sich auch Buckland's Brigade zurückziehen, da die Gefahr der Flankierung bestand (Daniel: Shi­loh, p. 170 mit Karte S. 146).


Buckland wurde als Zeuge im August 1862 im Kriegsgerichtsverfahren gegen Col Thomas *Worthington vernommen (Wor­thington, Thomas: Court Martial Proceedings (National Archives, Washington D.C., August 1862)



- **Beckley, Michael: "Buckland's Brigade at Shiloh." National Tribune, 30.11.1922



Buckley, Captain:

US-Captain; aus Pittsburg / Pennsylvania; er war im Frühjahr 1862 Kriegsgefangener im Libby Prison / Richmond (Welcher / Ligget: Coburn's Brigade, p. 95).



Buckley, James H.:




- Buckley, James H.: Civil War Diary (Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield / Illinois)



Buckley, Ralph:

US-Captain; Co. I, 197th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry (100 days, 1864) (National Park Soldiers M554 Roll 15).


1864 eingesetzt zum Bewachung von Kriegsgefangenen in Rock Island, Illinois, POW camp.



- Buckley, R.: Letter , 1864. 0.1 cu. ft. Captain in the 197th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment, guarding prisoners at the Rock Island, Illinois, POW camp. Letter to his wife and mother, October 5, 1864. Writes of illness among his men and transferring the back pay of a dead soldier to the soldier's father. (Virginia Tech, Univ. Libraries, Special Collections: Civil War guide. Manuscript Sources for Ci­vil War Research in the Special Collections Department of the Virginia Tech Libraries Ms89-042).



Bucklin, Sophronia:

US-Nurse, a volunteer nurse July 1863 in the fields around Gettysburg (Coco: Vast Sea of Misery, p. XIV).


5.3.1828 Cayuga County, New York - † 29.11.1902 Ithaca. Tompkins County, New York, buried Lake View Cemetery, Ithaca (findagra­, accessed 24.1.2019).



- Bucklin, Sophronia: In Hospital and Camp: A Women's Record of Thrilling Incidents Among the Wounded in the Late War (1869)



Buckner, J. F.:

US-Col; reicher Farmer und Rechtsanwalt aus Kentucky; stellte 1861 in Kentucky an der Grenze zu Tennessee (20 mi ostwärts Fort Donelson) bei Hopkinsville nördlich Camp Boone (wo CS-Gen Simon B. Buckner Truppen zusammengezogen hatte) ein Freiwillig­en-Regiment auf, das sich aus der Home Guard rekrutierte (Kelly: Holding Kentucky for the Union; in: B&L vol 1, S. 378).



Buckner, Simon Bolivar:

CS-LtGen; USMA 1844 (11/25); Bekannter von US Grant, den er nach dessen Ausscheiden aus der Army in California in New York besuchte und dem finanziell abgebrannten Grant Geld für die Rückkehr nach Illinois lieh (Catton, Grant moves South, p. 56). 1861 kommandier­te Buckner die Kentucky State Guard des anfangs neutralen Kentucky (Catton: Grant moves South, S. 56; Kelly, Holding Kentucky for the Union; in: Battles and Leaders Vol. I S. 373; Davis: Orphan Brigade, p. 7); kurz nach dem CS-Sieg von First Bull Run trat Buckner als Komman­deur der State Guard zurück und schloß sich der Konföderation an (Kelly: Holding Kentucky for the Union; in: B&L vol 1, S. 377).


Beim Vorstoß Albert Sidney Johnson's im September durch Kentucky kommandierte Buckner eine auf das von US-Truppen besetzte Louisville / Ky. (Karte bei Symonds, Battlefield Atlas, p. 16) angesetzte Division (Sherman: Memoirs, Bd. 1 S. 225).


Verteidiger von *Fort Donelson/TN gegen Grant (14. - 16.2.1862). Nach der Flucht seiner Vorgesetzten verteidigt Buckner das Fort weiter, und erfragt schließlich hoffnungslos unterlegen, bei Grant die Kapitulationsbedingungen. Der Kamerad aus West-Point-Ta­gen antwortet mit dem in die Geschichte eingegangenen „Ich akzeptiere nur die bedingungslose Kapitulation“ (unconditional surren­der). Buckners Garnison ergibt sich mit 10000 bis 12000 Mann.


Wegen seiner Kriegsgefangenschaft und Verbleib kam es zu einer Korrespondenz zwischen CS-BrigGen Joseph Reid *Anderson und US-Gen Irvin *McDowell (McDowell Kriegsgerichtsverfahren OR 12 (1), S. 49).


Buckner ist in der Schlacht von Chickamauga gefallen.



- Davis / Wiley: Photographic History, Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Gettysburg, p. 297



- **Buckner, Simon B.: Papers, Henry E. Huntingdon Library, San Marino, Calif.

- **Buckner, Simon B.: „To the People of Kentucky,“ University of Kentucky Library, Lexington/Ky

- **Davis, William C.: The Orphan Brigade. The Kentucky Confederates who couldn't not Go Home (Doubleday, 1980, 318 pp

- **Stickles, Arndt M.: Simon Bolivar Buckner (Chapel Hill, 1940)

- **Stone, Richard G.: A Brittle Sword: The Kentucky Militia, 1776-1912 (Lexington, 1977)



Buegel, John T.:

US-Pvt; 3rd Missouri Infantry (Castel: Decision in the West, p. 246); auch John T. Buegel angegeben (Castel, p. 246; Buegel aber bei Castel, p. 587 Anm. 62).



- Buegel, John T.: "The Civil War Diary of John T. Buegel, Union Soldier. Part Two," trans. and ed. William C. Bek, Missouri Histo­rical Review 40 (1946), S. 517-518



Buehler, Adam:

US-Corporal; Co. D, 106th Regiment Ohio Infantry (National Park Soldiers M552 Roll 14).



Buehler, Albert H.:

US-Pvt; Co. G, 194th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry (100 days, 1864).



Buehler, Alexander:

US-Pvt; Co. I, 15th Regiment Missouri Infantry (National Park Soldiers M390Roll 7); original filed under Alexander Buchler



Buehler, Andreas:

US-Pvt; Co. B&K, 7th Regiment New York Infantry (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 18); original filed under Andreas Buhler



Buehler, August:

US-Pvt; Co. A, 75th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry (National Park Soldiers M554 Roll 15).



Buehler, Charles:

US-Corporal; Co. D&B, 32nd Regiment Indiana Infantry (National Park Soldiers M540 Roll 10).



Buehler, Christian:

CS-Pvt; Co. B, 1st Regiment Kentucky Cavalry (Butler's) (National Park Soldiers M377 Roll 2).



Buehler, Christian:

US-Pvt; Co. K, 5th Regiment Michigan Infantry (National Park Soldiers M545 Roll 6).



Buehler, Conrad:

US-Pvt; Co. G, 1st Regiment, US Reserve Corps, Missouri Infantry (3 months, 1861) (National Park sSoldiers M390 Roll 7).



Buehler, Conrad:

US-Pvt; Co. I, 61st Regiment Ohio Infantry (National Park Soldiers M552 Roll 14).



Buehler, Fortemat:

US-Pvt; Co. A, 8th Regiment New York Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 18).



Buehler, Frederick:

CS-Pvt; Co. B, 10th Regiment Missouri Infantry (National Park Soldiers M380 Roll 2).



Buehler, George:

US-Pvt; Co. B, 3rd Regiment US Veteran Volunteer Infantry (National Park Soldiers M1290 Roll 9); s. auch 12th Pennsylvania Vol­unteers



Buehler, George:

US-Pvt; Co. H, 1st Regiment Iowa Infantry (3 months, 1861) (National Park Soldiers M541 Roll 4).



Buehler, George F.:

US-Pvt; Co. D, 124th Regiment Ohio Infantry (National Park Soldiers M552 Roll 14); auch als 'Beeler' genannt



Buehler, Gotlieb:

US-Pvt; Co. B, 22nd Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps (National Park Soldiers M636 Roll 5/6).



Buehler, Gottlieb:

US-Pvt; Co. A, 2nd Regiment Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery (112th Volunteers) (National Park Soldiers M554 Roll 15).



Buehler, John:

US-Pvt; Co. B, 21st Regiment Michigan Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M545 Roll 15). +++prüfen+++



Buehler, John:

US-Sergeant; Co. M, 1st Regiment Missouri Light Artillery (National Park Soldiers M390 Roll 7).



Buehler, John:

US-Artificer; Co. L, 1st Regiment New York Engineers (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 18).



Buehler, John:

US-Pvt; Co. F, 5th Regiment Ohio Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M552 Roll 14).



Buehler, John:

US-Pvt; Co. A, 19th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps (National Park Soldiers M636 Roll 5/6).



Buehler, John C.:

CS-Pvt; Co. B, Artillery Battalion, Hampton Legion, South Carolina (National Park Soldiers M381 Roll 5).



Buehler, John E.:

US-Pvt; Co. D, 139th Regiment Indiana Infantry (National Park Soldiers M540 Roll 10).



Buehler, Ludwig:

US-Pvt; Co. A, 106th Regiment Ohio Infantry (National Park Soldiers M552 Roll 14).



Buehler, Robert M.:

US-Pvt; Co. ?, Stroud's Independent Company, Pennsylvania Cavalry (Railroad Troops) (National Park Soldiers M554 Roll 15).



Buehler, Theodore E.:

US-LtCol; Captain Co. D, 27th Regiment Indiana Infantry (National Park Soldiers M540 Roll 10).


Regimentskommandeur 67th Indiana Infantry, 10th Division Andrew J. Smith, XIII. Army Corps McClernand während Grant's Cam­paign gegen Vicksburg 1863 (Bearss: Vicksburg, vol. II, S. 402). Battle of Port Gibson am 1.5.1863 (Bearss: Vicksburg, vol. II, S. 402).



Buehler, Theodor:

US-Pvt; Co. A, 3rd Regiment Missouri Infantry (3 months, 1861) (National Park Soldiers M390 Roll 17).



Buehler, William:

US-Pvt; Co. H, 4th Regiment, US Reserve Corps, Missouri Infantry (^3 months, 1861) (National Park Soldiers M390 Roll 7).



Buell, Augustus:

US-+++ Battery A 3rd US-Artillery (?) im Battle of Gettysburg (Venner: 19th Indiana Infantry, p. 47 mi 137n15).



- Buell, Augustus: The Canoneer: Recollections of Service in the Army of the Potomac (Washington, D.C.: The National Tribune 1890. Reprinted by Battery A 3rd US Artillery ([Memorial] of Albuquerque, N.Mex, 1988: 63-64)



Buell, Don Carlos:

1818 Lowell/Ohio - 1898; West Point (1841; Infanterie); GenMaj; Fronterfahrung vor dem Sezessionskrieg: Seminolen, Mexiko; im Bürgerkrieg eingesetzt bei Shiloh, Corinth, Perryville; Commander des Wehrbereichs Ohio; Ende 1861/1862 als Nachfolger des ab­gelösten Sherman (zu den Gründen Catton, Grant moves South, p. 70); Commander Army of the Ohio Befehlshaber der Union in Kentucky und Tennes­see; der entscheidungsschwache Buell wird nach der Schlacht von Perryville (8.10.1862) durch Rosecrans er­setzt; nach dem Krieg war Buell Ge­schäftsmann.


Buell war ein kompetenter Berufsoffizier, streng, methodisch und präzis, in der Lage harte Entscheidungen zu treffen; jedoch eher Stabsoffizier als Armeeführer (Hattaway/Jones: How the North Won, p. 56).


zur strategischen Kontroverse zwischen Buell und Halleck in the West, Sommer 1862:

Though the fall of Fort Donelson obviated the strategic dispute with Buell, the deliberate Buell planned to move away from Halleck, south and southeast from Nashville/Tenn. Each general continued to perceive his line of operation as the best. Halleck persisted in wishing to exploit the river lines for deep turning penetrations and was anxious to keep rapidly, whereas Buell preferred an overland campaign to consolidate the Union position in middle Tennessee (Hattaway/Jones: How the North Won, p. 148).



- Davis / Wiley: Photographic History of the Civil War, vol I, p. 73

- Milhollen / Kaplan: Divided We Fought, p. 78



- Buell, Don Carlos: "Shiloh Revisited," B&L I 487-536

- Chumney, J. R., Jr.: "Don Carlos Buell, Gentleman General." (Ph.D. dissertation, Rice University, 1964)

- Engle, Stephen D.: Don Carlos Buell: Most Promising of All (Univ North Carolina); Early in the war General Buell led the Army of the Ohio in the Kentucky theater; known as being Pro-Slavery, he was removed from command in late 1862. This is the first full-sca­le biography of this important Union officer; 544 pp; Illustrated; Maps; Biblio; Index

- Jacobs, W. W.: „Campaigning with Buell“. National Tribune, Oct. 23, 1902, 3.



Buell, Frank:

US-Captain; Battery C, 1st Regiment West Virginia Artillery (National Park Soldiers M507 Roll 2); † 228.1862 Freeman's Ford on the Rappahan­nock, in einem Artillerie-Duell bei Jackson's Umgehungsstoß um Pope's Army of Virginia (Hennessy: Return to Bull Run, p. 66).



Buell, George P.:

US-Col; 1861 als Journalist der Cincinnati Daily Times bei der Rich Mountain Campaign und bei Carrick's Ford; er kämpfte hierbei mit der 7th Indiana Infantry (Andrews: The North reports the Civil War, p. 106). 1864 Col 58th Indiana Infantry und zu­gleich Kom­mandeur der Pioneer Brigade der Army of the Cumberland; die Pioneer Brigade umfaßte vor allem den Ponton Train, der im Mai 1864 die Brücken bei Lay's Ferry über den Oostenaula River (Karte bei: Castel: Decision in the West, p. 122) südwestlich von Resaca schlagen sollte. Die 58th Indiana Infantry war zugleich die Begleittruppe des Ponton Trains. Dieser brach am 12.5.1864 in Chattan­ooga nach Süden auf, wobei die Begleitinfanterie mit der Ausbesserung der Straße beauftragt war (Castel: Decision in the West, p. 154).



- Hight, John J.: History of the Fifty-eighth Regiment of Indiana Volunteer Infantry (Princeton / Ind.: Press of the Clarion, 1895)



Buffum, Francis H.:

US-Sergeant; Co. F, 14th Regiment New Hampshire Infantry (National Park Soldiers M549 Roll 2).



- **Buffum, Francis H.: A Memorial of the Great Rebellion: Being a History of the Fourteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers (Boston: Rand, Avery, & Co., 1882)



Buford, Abraham:

CS-BrigGen; 1820-84; aus Woodford County; West Point 1841 (51/52); nach Edmund Kirby *Smith's erfolgreichen Vorstoß in Ken­tucky gegen die US-Kräfte unter Don Carlos *Buell ab 1.9.1862 stellte übernahm Buford im September 1862 das Kommando über die neuaufgestellte Kavalleriebrigade in Lexington, Ky, zu der u.a. die 5th Kentucky Cavalry gehörte (Confederate Military Histor­y, Vol. 11, S. 228-29).+++ Divisionskommandeur in Forrest's Cavalry

+++Boatner, S. 97



- Wills: Forrest, nach S. 42



Buford, Jefferson:

aus Alabama; Buford organisierte und führte die 'Einwanderung' aus dem Süden in das Kansas Territory nach dem Kansas-Nebrasca-Act von 1854, die sog Buford Expedition.



- **Fleming, Walter J.: "The Buford Expedition to Kansas," Am. Hist. Rev. VI, 38-48 (Oct., 1900)

- **Randall: Civil War and Reconstruction, p. 136



Buford, John:

US-MajGen; 4.3.1826 Woodford County, Kentucky - † 16.12.1863 Washington, DC. Halbbruder von US-Gen Napoleon Bonaparte Bu­ford. Anfang der 1840er Jahre zogen seine Eltern nach Rock Island, Illinois; von dort wurde Buford zum Kadett in West Point er­nannt; West Point 1848 (16/38); US-Berufsoffizier, 2nd US-Dragoons; eingesetzt an der Frontier in Texas, New Mexico und Kansas; Utah-Expedition 1857-58; 1861 wurden die 2nd Dragoons 'overland' nach Fort Leavenworth, Kansas verlegt und im Oktober 1861 nach Washington; dort umbenannt in 2nd US-Cavalry; Buford wurde zum Captain befördert. Im Winter 1861/62 eingesetzt als Staff Major und Assistant Inspector General in den Washington Defences. Buford hatte keine einflußreichen Freunde und wurde mangels Referenzen "buried" im Inspector General's Department und aufs Abstellgleis geschoben (Stackpole: From Cedar Mountain, p. 29).


Als er sich dem neu ernannten Kommandierenden General der im Juli 1862 neuaufgestellten Army of Virginia, John Pope, als In­spector vorstellte, änderte sich Buford's Situation (Stackpole: From Cedar Mountain, p. 29). Auf Empfehlung von Gen John Pope wurde Buford zum BrigGen am 27.7.1862 ernannt und Kommandeur der einer Cavalry Brigade in der neu aufge­stellten Army of Vir­ginia (Stackpole: From Cedar Mountain, p. 31). Während Jackson's Angriff auf Pope griff am 8. August 1862 die links von Ewell's Division flankierend eingesetzte Kavallerie unter Beverly *Robertson bei *Local Dust die zahlenmäßig stark unter­legene US-Cavalry (1st New York Cavalry, 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry) unter John Buford an, die daraufhin geschickt auswich und durch hinhal­tenden Kampf den Vormarsch der CS-Truppen Richtung Cedar Mountain erheblich verzögerte, durch fortwährende Be­drohung von Jack­son's linker Flanke (Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 31, S 403 Anm. 23; OR 12 (3) 182; Hotchkiss: Make me a Map, p. 65-66; "Massanutten" [Pseudonym]: "Battle of Cedar Run", Richmond Dis­patch, August 18, 1862).


In summer 1862 Beardsley commanded the cavalry of Banks' Army Corps, Pope's Army of Virginia (Hennessy: Return to Bull run, p. 40).


In der Cam­paign of Se­cond Manassas diente Buford im berittenen Miliz Service; in den Rückzugskämpfen wurde er schwer verwun­det und für tot gehalten. In der Maryland Campaign eingesetzt als Kavallerie-Chef der Army of the Potomac unter George McClellan und in Fredericksburg unter Burnside. Nach der Reorganisation der Cavalry unter Joseph Hooker führte Buford erneut eine Reserve Cavalry Brigade. Ein­gesetzt mit großen Meriten bei Stoneman's Raid nach Richmond (Warner: Generals in Blue, p. 52-53).


BrigGen John Buford hatte erkannt, daß die US-Cavalry grundsätzlich der CS-Cavalry unterlegen war, deren Soldaten meist „im Sat­tel aufgewachsen“ waren und den massierten Säbelangriff pflegten. Demgegenüber setzte Buford seine mit 7schüssigen Spencer-Re­petiergewehren ausge­rüstete (Buckeridge, J. O.: Lincoln's Choice: The Repeating Rifle which cut short the Civil War; Stack­pole: They met at Gettysburg, p. 121) Kavallerie als Dragoner ein und machte aus der US-Schwäche eine Stärke. Das Pferd wurde als Transportmittel eingesetzt, das eine schnelle Verle­gung von Truppen ermöglichte, die dann im Gefecht als Infanterie einge­setzt wurden (Stackpole: They met at Gettysburg, p. 120).


Ein herausragendes Beispiel für Buford's Kavallerie-Taktik zeigte sich bei Thoroughfare Gap, wo das Corps Longstreet an der Spitze von Lee's Army of Northern Virginia vorstieß. Buford dismounted his cavalry at Thoroughfare Gap and with 3000 troopers held up 27000 Confederates for 6 hours (Stackpole: They met at Gettysburg, p. 121).


In der Gettysburg Campaign Kommandeur der 1st Cavalry Division bei Gettysburg (Tsouras: Gettysburg, p. 13), mit ei­ner Stärke von 3038 Mann (ohne die detachierte Reserve Brigade Wesley Merrits mit 2500 Mann), bestehend aus (Martin: Get­tysburg, July 1, p. 39):

- 1st Brigade Col William Gamble

- 2nd Brigade Col Thomas C. Devin

- Lt John Caleb's Battery A, 2nd US-Artillery, bestehend aus 6 drei-Pfünder Rifled Guns


Hier erreichte Buford am 1.7.1863 den Höhepunkt seiner Karriere, als er eine seiner Brigade unter Col (später Gen. William Gamble) absitzen ließ und in Verteidigungsstellung den Vormarsch von A. P. Hill's Corps an der Cashtown Road verzögerte. Dieser auf eigene Initiative Buford's erfolgte Einsatz ermöglichte die Heranführung der Verstärkungen durch Reynolds First Army Corps und die Auf­stellung der US-Verteidigung auf den Höhen hinter Gettysburg. Buford wählte die Hügel bei Gettysburg als entscheidende Verteidi­gungslinie und bestimmte daher mit seinem strategischen Instinkt das spätere Schlachtfeld (Longacre: The Cavalry at Gettys­burg, p. 9).


Am 2.7.1863 Buford's Cavalry was posted on the extreme Union left, along the Emmitsburg Road; the unit was deployed in supprt of Berdan's Sharpshooters (Recognozing in Ptzer's Woods on the west side of the Emmitsburg Road). Then a blunder occured within the Union command chain. Mead has issued orders for Buford to „collect all the trains in the vicinity of Taneytown and take them down to Westminster“. Believing the cavalry commander Alfred Pleasonton would bring in replancements, Buford's cavalry was withdrawn in order to guard the trains. The real error occurred when Pleasonton nbeglected to bring up amy substitutes. The left flank of Meade was now unprotoected by any cavalry screen (Hessler: Sickles at Gettysburg, p. 125-127; Wittenberg, Eric J.: „The Truth About the Withdrawal of Brig. Gen. John Buford's Ca­valry, July 2, 1863.“ Gettysburg Magazine 37 [July 2007]: 71-82).


Buford's Cavalry Division (Brigade Col William Gamble, Brigade Col Thomas Devin and Reserve Brigade Major Samuel H. *Starr) (Pfanz: Gettysburg First Day, p. 37) suffered approximately 176 total casualties out of 4073 engaged, for a less than 5% casualty rate, but that in­cluded 49 casualties of Wesley Merrti's 1321-man-brigade (Hessler: Sickles at Gettysburg, p. 425n12).


In der 2. Hälfte 1863 nahm Buford an mehreren Cavalry-Gefechten teil; erkrankte an Typhus während der Rappahannock Cam­paign im Herbst 1863. Er starb an Typhus in Washington am 16.12.1863 und ist in West Point beigesetzt. Seine Beförderung zum MajGen erfolgte auf dem Totenbett (Warner, p. 53; Basler: Collected Works of Lincoln, vol. VII, p. 74: Erklärung Lincoln's Beförderung Buford's vom 16.12.1863).



- Davis / Wiley: Photographic History. Vol: 2: Vicksburg to Appomattox, p. 326

- Pfanz: Gettysburg First Day, p. 37: BrigGen John Buford and staff

- Warner: Generals in Blue, p. 52



- Bean, Theo W. (Officer in the Staff of Buford's Cavalry Division): „General Buford at Gettysburg – The Cavalry Ride into Pennsyl­vania and the Choice of the Field – The First Day on the Outposts Before the Arrival of the Infantry,“ Gettysburg Sources, 3 vols (Baltimore, MD, 1990), 3:73

- **Borries, Frank B. jr.: "General John Buford, Civil War Union Cavalryman." M. A. thesis, University of Kentucky, 1960

- **Hall, Clark B.: "Buford at Brandy Station." Civil War 8 (July-August 1990), S. 12-17, 66-67

- **Keogh, Myles: "Etat de Service of Major Genl Jno. Buford from his promotion to BrigGen to his death." Manuscript in Special Col­lections. United States Military Academy Library

- **Longacre, Edward G.: General John Buford. A Military History (Cambridge / Connecticut: Da Capo Press, 1995)

- **Nolan, James D.: "A Bold and Fearless Rider': The Life of Major General John Buford." M.A. thesis, St. John's University, 1994

- **Petruzzi, J. David: „John Buford at Gettysburg: A Study in Maps.“ America's Civil War (July 2008): 33-37

- **Weigley, Russell F.: „John Buford: A Pe4rsonality Profile.“ Civil War Times Illustrated 5 (June 1966): 14-23

- **Wittenberg, Eric J.: „An Analysis of the Buford Manuscripts“, Gettysburg Magazine: Articles of Lasting Historical Interest, No. 15 (July 1996): 7-24

- **Wittenberg, Eric J.: „And Everything is Lovely and the Goose Hangs High: John Buford and the Hanging of Confederate Spies During the Gettysburg Campaign,“ Gettysburg Magazine: Articles of Lasting Historical Interest, No. 18 (January 1998): 5-14

- **Wittenberg, Eric J.: „The Truth About the Withdrawal of Brig. Gen. John Buford's Cavalry, July 2, 1863.“ Gettysburg Magazine 37 (July 2007): 71-82

- **Wittenberg, Eric J.: „John Buford and the Gettysburg Campaign.“ Gettysburg Magazine: Articles of Lasting Historical Interest, No. 11 (July 1994): 19-55



Buford, Napoleon B.:

US-++General; Halbbruder von MajGen John *Buford; 1861 Col. 27th Illinois Infantry; Teilnahme am Battle of Belmont (Polk: Battle of Belmont, Battle and Leaders Vol. I S. 356; Catton, Grant moves South, p. 84; Warner: Generals in Blue, p. 53) in McClern­and's Brigade (Hicken: Illinois in the Civil War, p. 20).



- Warner: Generals in Blue, p. 53



Buhl, Frederic A.:

US-Captain; at first 1stLt Co. B, 24th Regiment Michigan Infantry (National Park Soldiers M545 Roll 6); on 10.11.1863 received a commission as Captain, Co. C, 1st Regiment Michigan Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M545 Roll 6); mustered in Detroit, aged 19 years (http://www.migenweb. org/michiganinthewar/cavalry/1cavb.htm).


Frederick Augustus Buhl was the oldest son of Frederick Buhl, a prominent Detroit businessman and head of the firm of F. Buhl & Newland Company, furriers and manufacturers of hats, gloves, and other items. The family home was at 86 West Congress Street.
Young Gus was a junior at the University of Michigan when he left school to join the 24th Michigan. He was only 19. He assisted in recruiting Captain Ingersoll's company, and was made 2nd. Lieutenant. The F. Buhl, & Newland Company presented the original na­tional colors to the regiment. (They were so badly shot up that were retired after Gettysburg.) The promising young officer was an Acting Aide on Staff of General Meredith from November 10 to December 4, 1864. In the wake of Captain Ingersoll's resignation, the 1st Lieutenant, William Rexford was promoted to Captain, and Gus moved up to 1st Lieutenant. His commission was issued on December 20, but was dated December 13, 1863. Gus also served a brief stint as Acting regimental Quarter Master, beginning on March 23, 1863.Captain Rexford was wounded early in the morning's fight at Gettysburg. Gus, only 20 years old, assumed command of Company B. After the initial action involving Archer's Brigade there was a lull while Brokenbrough and Pender's Brigades were brought forward and deployed. At about 11 o'clock Lieutenant Buhl was ordered to deploy his company as skirmishers. Once the Confederate attack began, the skirmishers were quickly driven back to the main line. At some point after this, Lt. Buhl was badly wounded in the leg. After recovering from leg wounds received at Gettysburg, Gus returned to duty in September. He did not stay with the Regiment long, however. He resigned on November 10 to accept a commission as Captain in the 1st Michigan Cavalry. He left the 24th Michigan on November 17, 1863 at "Camp Dickey" near Beverly Ford Va. The talented Buhl was, for a time on the staff of G. A. Custer. During Jubal Early's invasion of Maryland, Frederick Augustus Buhl was badly wounded in a fight near Sharpsburg. He was transported to a hospital at Sandy Hook, Maryland with a group of wounded that included Russell A. Alger, Colonel. of the 5th. Michigan Cavalry. After reaching the hospital, he wrote a brief letter to his younger brother Walter Buhl. The letter describes his wounds of which he was to die of a number of days later, and is the last letter he wrote before death. Frederick Augustus Buhl died on September 15, 1864
(, accessed 29..82018).

NOTE; While with the 24th Michigan he participated in the Battles of Fredericksburg, Fitzhugh Crossing, Chancellorsville and Get­tysburg. He was on the Mud March, Port Royal and Westmoreland Expeditions and the Campaign of Maneuvers (, acces­sed 29..82018).



- Frederic A. Buhl:, Archiv Ref, Bilder, American Civil War



Buhl, John:

US-Pvt; Co. ?, 1st Regiment Michigan Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M545 Roll 6).



Buisson, (Pierre) Benjamin:

CS-BrigGen; 20.5.1793 in Paris / Frankreich - +++; 1813 graduated von der französischen Militärakademie L'Ecole Politechnique; anschließend Ausbildung an der französischen Artillerieschule in Metz; danach Lt 6th franz. Artillerie Regiment; er kämpfte 1814-1815 unter Napoleon und errang höchste Auszeichnungen; 1817 nach New Orleans / USA ausgewandert; Architekt und Ingenieur in New Orleans; bei Kriegsausbruch 1861 Leiter der Ingenieur Commission zur Befestigung von New Orleans; 17.2.1762 BrigGen der Louisiana Militia und Brigadekommandeur 1st Brigade Louisiana Militia (Allardice: More Generals in Gray, p. 44).



Bulger, Michael Jefferson:

CS-Col; Co. F&S, 47th Regiment Alabama Infantry; at first Captain Co. A (National Park Soldiers M374 Roll 6).


13.2.1806 Columbia / SC - +++; Bulger zog 1823 als 17jähriger nach Alabama. Er hatte wirtschaftlichen Erfolg, wurde Planter, und wurde 1851 und 1857 als Abgeordneter ins Alabama Parlament gewählt. Bulger sprach sich gegen die Sezession aus. Nach Ausbruch des Krieges stellte sich Bulger auf die Seite seines Staates und stellte eine Kompanie auf, die sich als Co A der 47th Alabama Infantry anschloß (Penny / Laine, p. 49). Das Regiment gehört zu BrigGen William B. *Taliaferro's *Brigade in der Divisi­on Charles Sidney *Winder und nahm im August an Jackson's Vorstoß gegen Pope in Virginia und am 9.8.1862 am Battle von Cedar Mountain teil (Lt­Col James W. Jackson's Report OR 12.2. S. 207-209). Im Battle von Cedar Mountain wurde Bulger zweimal ver­wundet, davon ein­mal durch einen Gewehrschuß, der die Beinarterie durchtrennte, lebensgefährlich (Penny / Laine, p. 49); am 23.8.1862 Beförderung zum Major und am 13.9.1862 LtCol (Allardice: More Generals in Gray, p. 46).


In 1863 during the Gettysburg Campaign, the 47th Alabama Infantry belonged to Longstreet's 1st Corps, 1st Division Hood, 4th Bri­gade BrigGen Evander McIver Law. The regimental strength was 418 men in the summer of 1863 before the Battle of Gettysburg (Penny / Laine: Struggle for the Round Tops, p.23). The regiment participated on July 2, 1863, when Division Hood attacked Plum Run Valley and Little Round Top (Penny / Laine: Struggle for the Round Tops, p.39). After the ill-fated regimental commander James Washington * Jackson collap­sed, Bulger took command of the brigade's regiment in the attack on Little Round Top (Penny / Laine: Struggle for the Round Tops, p.18); In this case severely wounded by lung shot and left behind as fallen; Prisoner of War at Johnston's Island; in absentia on 10.7.1863 promo­ted to Col; exchanged on March 10, 1864; but incapacitated due to his multiple wounds (Allardice: More Generals in Gray, p. 46).



- Allardice: More Generals in Gray, p. 46

- Penny / Laine, p. 49



- Allardice: More Generals in Gray, p. 46-47

- Penny / Laine: Struggle for the Round Tops, p. 6, 39, 42, 209, 211



Bull, Gustavus A.:

CS-LtCol; Co. F&S, 35th Regiment Georgia Infantry (National Park Soldiers M226 Roll 9); mustered in as 2ndLt, Co. B, 4te Regiment Georgia Infantry (National Park Soldiers M226 Roll 9).


18.3.1835 - † kia 31.5.1862 Battle of Seven Pines/Peninsular Campaign; buried Hillview Cemetery, LaGrange, Troup County/ Geor­gia (


Regimentskommandeur 35th Georgia Infantry Regiment ( Col. Bull ist am 31.5.1862 im Battle of Fair Oaks/Seven Pines gefallen bei dem Versuch, seinen schwerverwundeten Brigadekom­mandeur BrigGen James J. Petti­grew vom Schlachtfeld zu bergen (Wilson: Pettigrew and his Men, p. 39).


LtCol Gustavus A. Bull was mustered into service as junior second lieutenant in the LaGrange Light Guards, Company B, Fourth Georgia Regiment, April 26, 1861. Resigned and was promoted lieutenant-colonel of the Thirty-fifth Georgia, October 15, 1861. He was a strict disciplinarian, but always courteous and kind to his men and thoughtful to their comfort. On the 31st of May, 1862, on the battle-field of Seven Pines, this bright star went down in blood. Early in the engagement General Pettigrew was badly wounded and the command of the brigade devolved upon Colonel E.L. Thomas. Lieutenant-Colonel Bull then assumed command of his regiment and led it in a desperate charge upon a battery which was pouring upon them a murderous fire of grape and canister. The column halted and began to waver, when, riding in front of it, Colonel Bull gave the command, "forward," and appealed to the men to follow him. At that moment he fell mortally wounded. He died the following day and was bu­ried by the enemy and fills an unknown grave (


This native of LaGrange, Georgia attended Franklin College and was honored at being first in his graduating class of 1854. Spending several years in the classroom as an educator, he eventually read law and was accepted to the Georgia Bar. He subsequently became an accomplished and respected attorney operating a law practice in Newman, Georgia. As a "promising young man from the South", he supported the Southern cause when Civil War began in 1861. On April 26, 1861, he enlisted as a 2nd Junior Lieutenant and was mustered into the "LaGrange Light Guards", Company B of the 4th Georgia Infantry Regiment. He eventually resigned from this re­giment on October 17, 1861 to accept a commission of Lieutenant Colonel of the 35th Georgia Infantry. During the height of the May 31, 1862 battle at Seven Pines, Virginia, he was providing life saving support to his commanding officer, Brigadier General Johnston Pettigrew, when he was "shot down" with a mortal wound. He lingered until the next day before succumbing to his wound and was buried "among the unknown dead on the battlefield". Brigadier General Johnston Pettigrew, the man he saved, wrote to his father to reflect; "If there was a better officer in the army than Colonel Bull, and one to whom the prospect of distinction in any department of life was brighter, I did not know him. He was indeed a loss to his country" (


Im Battle von Seven Pines / Fair Oaks Station, Virginia, May 31-June 1, 1862 rettete Col Bull das Leben von CS-BrigGen James J. *Pettigrew, der verblutend auf dem Schlahtfeld lag und für tot geglaubt worden war. Col Bull verband Pettigrew's Wunden und rette­te diesen dadurch das Leben (Hess: Lee's Tar Heels, p. 39).



Bull, Henry A.:

US-Quartermaster Sergeant; Co. F&S, 8th Regiment New York Cavalry; at first Corporal Co. G (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 18).



- Bull H. A.: „Brandy Station, Where the 8th New York Cavalry Had its Full Share of fighting.“ National Tribune, 20.1.1887



Bull, John P.:

CS-Officer; at first Sergeant, 3rd Battery Missouri Artillery (National Park Soldiers M380 Roll 2); später officer in MacDonald's Missouri Cavalry and later Newton's 5th Arkansas Cavalry.


Brother of CS-Sergeant William Jeffrey *Bull.



- **Bull, William J. and John P.: Missouri Brothers in Gray (Camp Pope Bookshop, 1998; edited by Michael Banasik); 192 pp, Maps, Appendices, Index. These two brothers served in the 3rd Battery of Missouri Artillery with John later becoming an officer in MacDo­nald's Missouri Cavalry and later Newton's 5th Arkansas Cavalry. William's reminiscence, written in 1906, and now published here, along with letters of the two brothers provides first-hand accounts of the Civil War in the West.



Bull, Rice C.:

US-Sergeant; Co. D, 123rd Regiment New York Infantry (National Park Soldiers M551 Roll 18).



- **Bauer, K. Jack (ed.): Soldiering: The Civil War Diaries of Rice C. Bull, 123d New York Volunteer Infantry San Rafael, Calif.: (Presidio Press, 1978)



Bull, William Jeffery:

CS-Sergeant; 3rd Field Battery, Missouri Light Artillery (National Park Soldiers M380 Roll 2). Brother of CS-+++ John P. *Bull



- Bull, William J. and John P.: Missouri Brothers in Gray (Camp Pope Bookshop, 1998; edited by Michael Banasik); 192 pp, Maps, Appendices, Index. These two brothers served in the 3rd Battery of Missouri Artillery with John later becoming an officer in MacDo­nald's Missouri Cavalry and later Newton's 5th Arkansas Cavalry. William's reminiscence, written in 1906, and now published here, along with letters of the two brothers provides first-hand accounts of the Civil War in the West.



Bullenhaar (Bullenhar), Anton Herman (D):

US-Pvt; Co. H&K, 18th Regiment Kentucky Infantry; auch als 'Bullinhar' bezeichnet (National Park soldiers M386 Roll 4).


Bullenhaar stammt aus Ostbevern nahe Münster/Westfalen; er emigrierte 1858 in die USA nach Cincinnati, wohin sein Bruder Joann Bernhard Bullenhaar bereits zuvor emigriert war; beide waren katholisch; am 10.1.1862 he went to Cynthiana/KY and enlisted in the 18th Kentucky Infantry. † kia 20.9.1863 Battle of Chickamauga/GA (Kamphoefner/ Helbich: Ger­man in the Civil War, p. 373/74n2).



Bulloch, James Dunwody:

CS-Commander CS-Navy und CS-Geheimagent in Europa; 1823-1901; Chef Architekt des CS-Navy-Programms in England (mit Details Davis / Wiley, p. 135); teilweise als Bullock erwähnt; Bulloch wurde kurz nach Kriegsausbruch von der CS-Re­gierung mit dem Kauf von Schiffen für die CS-Navy in Großbritannien beauftragt (Hattaway/Jones, How the North Won, p. 33); bei Van Doren Stern (Secret Missions, p. 13) als James D. Bulloch angegeben. Bulloch stand an der Spitze der Confe­derate Secret Commissioners Overseas, des CS-Auslandsgeheimdienstes (Bulloch: Secret Service of the Confederacy in Europe)



- **Bulloch, James D.: The Secret Service of the Confederate States in Europe. 2 vols. (Liverpool, 1883)



Bumgardner, James Jr.:

CS-Captain; Co. A, 52nd Regiment Virginia Infantry (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 8); zuvor [err.] 1stLt, Co. L, 5th Regiment Virginia In­fantry (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 8; Anm. bei National Park Soldiers befindet sich kein Hinweis auf eine Identität vom Captain Bumgardner und Lt Bumgardner, es handelt sich jedoch um dieselbe Person [ www.­findagrave. com, Abruf vom 21.8.2016]).


Capt. James Bumgardner, b. Feb. 18, 1835 - † 2.9.1917 Staunton, Augusta County/VA; beerd. Bethel Presbytarian Church Cemetery, Middlebrook, Augusta County/VA (www.­findagrave. com, Abruf vom 21.8.2016); S. v. Lewis Bumgardner und Hettie Anne Halstead; graduate Uni­versity of Virginia, Captain Co. F., 52nd Regiment, C.S.A.; a distinguished lawyer, Staunton, Va.; °° Mary Bumgardner 12.12. 1863 (McClure, James: The McClure Family [Petersburg/VA, 1914] n.p.).


Wert (Wert: Brotherhood in Valor, p. 333n9) erwähnt einen Brief von A. S. Pendleton an Captain James Bumgarten [!] vom 26.6.1861 (Harper, Kenton: Papers. Southern Historical Collection. Wilson Library, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill/NC).



- www.­findagrave. com, Abruf vom 21.8.2016



Bumstead, Horace:

US-Major; Co. F&S, 43rd Regiment US Colored Infantry (National Park Soldiers M589 Roll 13).



Bundren, Jesse B.:

CS-Captain; Co. B&H, 26th Regiment Tennessee Infantry (3rd East Tennessee Volunteers) (National Park Soldiers M231 Roll 6); auch Captain, Co. H, 61st Regiment Tennessee Mounted Infantry (National Park Soldiers M231 Roll 6).



Bunting, Robert F.:

CS-Captain; Co. F&S, 8th Regiment, Texas Cavalry (Terry's) (1st Rangers) (8th Rangers); er trat als Chaplain in das Regiment ein und wurde später Captain (National Park Soldiers M227 Roll 5).



- **Bunting, Robert (Captain; Co. F&S, 8th Regiment, Texas Cavalry): Letters (Barker Texas History Library, University of Texas, Austin)



Burbank, Sidney:

US-BrigGen; 1807-1882; aus Massachusetts; West Point 1829 (17/46), Infantry; diente in den Indian Wars, Taktiklehrer in West Point; Seminole War; bei Kriegsbeginn als Major Musterungsoffizier im Stab McClellan's Ohio Militia (McClellan: Civil War Pa­pers, p. 7, 9). LtCol 13th US Inf. seit 14.5.1861; Col 2nd US Inf. seit 16.9.1862; kommandierte eine Brigade der regulären US Army von April/Mai und .2.7.1863 - Jan. 1864; Chancellorsville und Gettysburg; nach Gettysburg zum BrigGen der US-Army beför­dert.



Burbridge, John O.:

im Juli 1861 Col der Missouri State Guard unter Sterling *Price (Moneghan: Civil War on the Western Border, p. 157).



Burbridge, Stephen G.:

US-BrigGen (Bearss: Vicksburg, vol. II, S. 40; Grimsley: Hard Hand of War, p. 152n182). Battle of Port Gibson am 1.5.1863 (Bear­ss: Vicksburg, vol. II, S. 402).



Burch, Newell:

US-Corporal; 154th Regiment New York Infantry (Pula: Under the Crescent Moon, vol. 2, p. 31; not mentioned in National Park Soldiers).



- Burch, Newell, 154th New York, Wisconsin Historical Society



Burdette, Robert J.:

US-Pvt; Co. C&B, 47th Regiment Illinois Infantry (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 12).



- **Burdette, Robert J.: The Drums of the 47th (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merril Company, 1914)



Burgh, Henry B.:

US-LtCol; Co. A, 9th Regiment Illinois Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 12).


Burgh war Ende November 1862 bei Alvin P. Hovey's Vorstoß von Helena / Arkansas und dem Raid Richtung Grenada / Mississippi beteiligt (Bearss, Vicksburg Campaign, vol. I, S. 78), der flankierend zu Grant's Vorstoß entlang der Mississippi Central Railroad bei der First Vicksburg Campaign, erfolgte. Hovey's Cavalry bestand aus Cadwallader C. Washbur­ne's Cavalry, die in 2 Brigaden ge­gliedert war (Bearss, Vicksburg Campaign, vol. I, S. 84 - 88). Burgh unterbrach am 30.11.1862 mit einem Detachment der 9th Il­linois Cavalry die Central Missis­sippi Railroad zwischen Coffeeville und Grenada / Mississippi (Bearss, Vicksburg Campaign, vol. I, S. 84-85). Die Unterbrechung war jedoch be­reits am 1.12.1862 repariert, da CS-MajGen Pemberton seinen Rückzug von der Tallahatchie-Linie mit­tels Eisentransport bewerkstel­ligte (Bearss, Vicksburg Campaign, vol. I, S. 86).



Burgess, William:

US-Corporal; Co. A, 19th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll 5).



Burgess, William:

US-Bugler; Co. K, 56th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll 5).



Burgess, William:

US-Pvt; 15th New Jersey Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M550 Roll 3).



Burgess, William:

US-Pvt; Co. I, 4th Iowa Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M541 Roll 4).



Burgess, William:

US-Pvt; Co. K, 11th Iowa Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M541 Roll 4).



Burgess, William:

US-Pvt; Co. H, 25th Iowa Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M541 Roll 4).



Burgess, William:

US-Corporal; Co. D, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery (National Park Soldiers M543 Roll 3).



Burgess, William:

US-Pvt; 3rd Battalion, District of Columbia Infantry, Knight's County (3 months, 1861) (National Park Soldiers M538 Roll 1).



Burgess, William:

US-Pvt; Co. F, 10th Illinois Infantry Regiment (3 months, 1861) (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 12).



Burgess, William:

US-Pvt; Co. A, 111th Illinois Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 12).



Burgess, William:

US-Pvt; Co. A, 111th Illinois Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 12).



Burgess, William:

US-Corporal; Co. E, Osage County Regiment Missouri Home Guard (National Park Soldiers M390 Roll 7); General Note - Ap­pears on record of the allowances made by the Hawkins Taylor Commission Company Note - Capt. Martin's Co.



Burgess, William A.:

US-Corporal; Co. D, 59th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll 5); auch als William B. Burgess genannt



Burgess, William A.:

US-Pvt; Co. F, 12th Maine Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M543 Roll 3).



Burgess, William C.:

US-Pvt; Co. C, 27th Michigan Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M545 Roll 6)



Burgess, William H.:

US-Artificer; Co. M, 3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll 5)



Burgess, William H.:

US-Pvt; Co. F, 6th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment (9 Month, 1863-63) (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll 5).



Burgess, William H.:

US-Pvt; Co. C, 6th Michigan Heavy Artillery Regiment (National Park Soldiers M545 Roll 6)



Burgess, William H.:

US-Pvt; Co. H, 15th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll 5)



Burgess, William H.:

US-Pvt; Co. K, 3rd Maine Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M543 Roll 3)



Burgess, William H.:

US-Quartermaster Sergeant; Co. C, 5th Massachusetts Cavalry (Colored) Regiment (National Park Soldiers M589 Roll 13, Plaque Number E-151)



Burgess, William J.:

US-Second Lieutenant; Co. I&G, 6th Michigan Heavy Artillery Regiment (National Park Soldiers M545 Roll 6)



Burgess, William J.:

US-Captain; Co. E, 30th Iowa Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M541 Roll 4)



Burgess, William M.:

US-Pvt; Co. C, 1st Maine Cavalry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M543 Roll 3)



Burgess, William P.:

US-Pvt; Co. I, 1st Maine Veteran Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M543 Roll 3)



Burgess, William R.:

US-Pvt; Co. B, 11th Maine Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M543 Roll 3)



Burgess, William S.:

US-Pvt; 6th Battalion, District of Columbia Infantry (3 months, 1861) (National Park Soldiers M538 Roll 1).



Burgess, William T.:

US-Corporal; Co. C, 111th Illinois Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 12)



Burgess, William W.:

US-Sergeant; Co. B, 2nd New Jersey Cavalry Regiment (National Park Soldiers M550 Roll 3)



Burgess, William W.:

US-Pvt; Co. E, 1st US-Cavalry Regiment (Regular Army) (National Park Soldiers M233 Roll 26).



Burgess, John William:

US-Lt; 6th Pennsylvania Corps



- **Burgess, William: Letter, 1886. Letter written August 24, 1886, to General William D. Dixon from Burgess, formerly a first lieu­tenant in the 6th Pennsylvania Corps. Burgess describes the skirmish at Drainsville, Virginia (December 1861), and the actions of Ge­neral Edward O. Ord in that engagement. Virginia Tech, Univ. Libraries, Special Collections: Civil War guide. Manuscript Sources for Civil War Research in the Special Collections Department of the Virginia Tech Libraries Ms 89-050).



Burgwyn, Henry K. jr.:

CS-Col; Co. F&S, 26th Regiment North Carolina Infantry (National Park Soldiers M230 Roll 6).


Geboren 3.10.1841 in Massachusetts als Sohn eines Planters aus North Carolina; aufgewachsen im Süden; graduated von der Univers­ität von North Carolina 1857 an der Spitze seiner Klasse; danach Eintritt in das Virginia Military Institute, graduated 1861; nach der Sezession wurde Burgwyn zum Major ernannt, und im August 1861 zum LtCol der 26th North Carolina Infantry gewählt. Das 26th North Carolina Infantry, aufgestellt 1862 von Zebulon *Vance, Teilnahme an der Schlacht der Seven Days und anderer Ge­fechte im östlichen North Carolina; als Vance zum Gouverneur gewählt wurde, wählte das Regiment den erst 20jährigen Henry K. Burgwyn zum Colonel. Das Regiment wurde in der Folge Pettigrew's Brigade unterstellt (Wilson: Pettigrew, p. 42).


Hintergrund: Thomas *Ruffin jr. war bei der Nachfolge von Col Zebulon *Vance nach dessen Wahl zum Governor von North Caroli­na im Juli 1862, der Kandidat von BrigGen *Ransom, dem Brigadekommandeur, zu dessen Brigade das 26th North Carolina Infantry Regiment gehörte. Noch bevor Col Vance seinen Posten als Regimentskommandeur der 26th North Carolina verlassen hatte, warnte er die Offiziere des Regiments vor dem Plan Ransom's. Denn nach der Rangfolge war LtCol Burgwyn als Nachfolger und Col vom Regiment erwünscht. In Response of the informations, the junior officers had promtly formed a committee and had submitted a slate of recommended officers to Ransom – with Burgwyn's name heading the list as colonel. Ransom was adamant: He wanted no „boy colonel“ in his brigade. Burgwyn, informed of this opinion, enlisted his father's powerful political cloud. Henry Senior contacted in­fluential friends in the army, indignantly denoucing the „decided slur“ upon his son, and then headed to Richmond for a personal conference with the Confederate Secretary of War. Meanwhile General Ransom had taken the issue to President Davis. Davis advised General Ransom, that the law protected Burgwyn's promotion. General Vance war gezwungen, nachzugeben und Burgwyn zum Col zu ernennen. Hierdurch war das Verhältnis zwischen beiden zerrüttet und auf Vorschlag von Burgwyn, wurde das 26th North Caroli­na Infantry Regiment zur Brigade von BrigGen James J. Pettigrew zugeordnet (Gragg: Covered with Glory, p. 31).


gef. Gettysburg am ersten Tag der Schlacht (1.7.1863) beim Angriff auf McPherson's Ridge im Alter von 21 Jahren. Hierbei war das 26th North Ca­rolina Regiment bei Pettigrew's Rückzug vor Buford's herannahender Kavallerie (der Befehl Gen. Lee's laute­te, je­des Gefecht zu ver­meiden, bevor seinen Truppen zusammengezogen waren) am 30. Juni 1863 als Pickets auf der Westseite des Marsh Creek postiert (Martin: Gettysburg, p. 28).



Portrait of Colonel Henry K. Burgwyn of the 26th North Carolina (Wikimedia)



- **Burgwyn, Henry K. Jun. (Col; Co. F&S, 26th Regiment North Carolina Infantry): Journal; Burgwyn Family Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University Of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

- **Davis, Archie K.: Boy Colonel of the Confederacy: The Life and Times of Henry King Burgwyn jr.; Univ. North Carolina, 424 pp, Illustrated - Maps (Burgwyn was one of the youngest Colonels in the Confederate Army and died at age 22 while leading the 26th North Carolina at Gettysburg)

- **Haldeman, Bruce: „Henry K. Burgwyn Jr., 1861: The 'Boy Colonel' of the 26th North Carolina“. Virginia Military Insitute Alum­ni Review 54 (Spring 1978), S. 19

- **Olds, Fred A.: „Brave Carolinian Who Fell at Gettysburg“. How Colonel Henry King Burgwyn Lost His Life; in Southern Histo­rical Society Papers 36 [1908], S. 245-247 [Bericht von Pvt William M. *Cheek über den Tod von Col. Burgwyn])

- Wilson: Pettigrew, p. 44-45



Burke, Archibald T.:

CS-Captain; Co. F, 7th Regiment Georgia Infantry (National Park Soldiers M226 Roll 9); Captain A. T. Burke von der 7th Geor­gia Infantry wurde im July 1861 verwundet und bei E. H. Clark's, Manchester gepflegt (Richmond Enquirer vom 30.7.1861).



Burke, Joseph Francis:

Atlanta businessman and commander of the Gate City Guard, was born November 2, 1845. Burke's early years were spent in Charle­ston, South Carolina, where, in January 1861, he participated with his regiment, the Charleston Zouave Cadet Corps, in firing on the Star of the West, a merchant steamer carrying reinforcements for the Federal garrison at Fort Sumter. In 1870, he married Louise Cot­ting of Washington, Georgia. She was the daughter of David G. Cotting, Georgia Secretary of State (1868-1873) and the granddaugh­ter of John Ruggles Cotting, State Geologist of Georgia (ca. 1840).


Burke probably moved to Atlanta in the late 1860's or early 1870's, where he was engaged in a number of business activities. He is listed in the Atlanta city directories-variously as bookkeeper (1872), broker (1892), and president of the Georgia Lighting and Hea­ting Company (1899). A letterhead of 1881 shows Burke as chief partner in J. F. Burke & Co., "Proprietors of the Georgia Spice Mills," dealing in tea, spices, baking powders, and flavoring extracts. In 1882 Burke was appointed to the staff of Alexander Ste­phens, newly elected Governor of Georgia. When Stephens died in March of 1883, Burke was temporarily named state Adjutant Ge­neral and placed in charge of funeral arrangements. Stephens' remains were kept in Burke's family vault for about a year, while a mo­nument to Stephens' memory was erected in his hometown of Crawfordville, Georgia.


Burke is best known for his association with the Gate City Guard, a state militia unit formed in Atlanta shortly before the Civil War. Burke served as captain of the Guard from 1878 to 1882 and 1886-1887; in 1893, when the unit withdrew from the state troops and became known as the Old Guard Battalion of the Gate City Guard, he was elected president and battalion commander, a post he held until 1914, when he retired from active service and was made honorary colonel. Under Burke's leadership the Guard's prestige and popularity increased and the company became a prominent fixture at important city and state events. It was Burke who conceived and planned the noted "Peace Mission" of 1879, a friendship tour by the Gate City Guard of northern cities, where they were accorded much attention and acclaim. In 1895, Burke was made an honorary vice-president of the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta because of special services rendered to the Exposition by the Gate City Guard. Another of Burke's dreams for the Guard was realized in 1911, with the erection of a Peace Monument in Piedmont Park commemorating the Peace Mission of 1879. The un­veiling ceremonies, at which Burke presented the monument to the city of Atlanta, were attended by numerous northern and southern dignitaries and from 50,000 to 75,000 Atlantans.

Burke was active in a number of civic organizations in Atlanta, including the Atlanta Association of Charities and the Atlanta Bene­volent Society, which later became Grady Hospital. For more than twenty years he served as president of the Atlanta Humane Society and was a member of the first board of directors of the Young Men's Library Association forerunner of the Atlanta Public Library. Burke was a long-time member of Atlanta's Sacred Heart Church. He died in Atlanta on April 24, 1927 at the age of 81, and was bu­ried in Oakland Cemetery.Biographical source: Information on Burke's association with the Gate City Guard was found in Chronicles of the Old Guard of the Gate City Guard, Atlanta, Georgia, 1858-1915, by H. C. Fairmann



- **Burke, Joseph Francis: Papers, Emory University, Woodruff Library, Atlanta/Georgia



Burke, R. E.:

CS-LtCol; aus Louisiana; zunächst Captain Co. D 2nd Louisiana Infantry. Während McClellan's Peninsular Campaign eingesetzt bei Dam Nr. 1 am 16.4.1862 (Confederate Military History, vol. X, S. 211; Report of Col Levy, OR 11.1 S. 420-421).


Das Regiment gehörte im Sommer 1863 unter Regimentskommandeur LtCol R. E. *Burke zu Nicholl’s Brigade / MajGen Edward Johnson’s Division im II Army Corps Ewell in Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia (Pfanz: Gettysburg, p. 460):



Burke, Redmond:

CS-Scout; Burke klärte zusammen mit Benjamin Franklin *Stringfellow im Auftrag von Stonewall Jackson den Standort von Pope's Truppen Anfang August 1862 auf und lieferte Jackson die Information, daß Pope's Truppen noch nicht völlig zusammengezogen war, von denen ein Teil bei Culpeper Court House stand. Das war die Chance, auf die Jackson wartete, um einen Teil von Pope's Truppen angreifen und dessen Vormarsch über den Rappahannock gegen Richmond zumindest verzögern zu können. Jackson erwähnt in sei­nem Report (OR II [2] 182 nur: "Having received information, that only a part of General Pope's army was at Culpeper Court-House ...". Daraufhin trat Jackson sofort zum Angriff an, der zum Battle of Cedar Mountain führte (Krick: Cedar Mountain, p. 16; Markle, Spies and Spymasters, p. 111-114).



Burke, Thomas M.:

CS-2ndLt; Co. D, 6th Regiment Florida Infantry (National Park Soldiers M225 Roll 2).



Burke, Thomas M.:

CS-Major; Co. F, 55th Regiment Virginia Infantry (National Park Soldiers M382 Roll 8); VMI Class 1852; † 30.6.1862 gef. Battle of Frazier's Farm /VA (Glendale / Frayser's Farm / Riddell's Shop, Virginia).



Major Thomas M. Burke (



Burkman, John O.:

US-Pvt; Co. L, 1st Regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry (15th Reserves) (National Park Soldiers M554 Roll 16; original filed under 'Berkman').



Burkman, R. M.:

US-Lt; Co. E, 11th Pennsylvania Infantry



Burks, Jesse:

CS-Col; Burks wurde 1844 vom Virginia Military Institute / Lexington graduiert; anschließend Farmer; nach Kriegsausbruch Col 42nd Virginia Infantry (Tanner: Stonewall in the Valley, p. 101). Brigadekommandeur der Brigade Gilham (ehemals Lo­ring's Army of the Nor­thwest) als Nachfolger von Col William *Gilham ab März 1862. Die Brigade gehörte ab März 1862 als 2nd Brigade zu Stonewall Jackson's Valley Army (Tanner: Stonewall in then Valley, p. 101) und umfaßte die 21st Virginia In­fantry, 42nd Virginia Infantry, 48th Virginia In­fantry, 1st Regular Battalion (Irish Battalion); zugeordnet war Captain Marye’s Hamp­den Light Artillery (Tanner: Stonewall in the Valley, p. 102; Henderson: Stonewall Jackson, p. 167). Teilnahme am Battle von Kernstown am 23.3.1862; hierbei bildete Burks' Brigade die Reserve von Stone­wall Jackson's Army of the Valley und war hinter der Artillerie am Shenandoah Valley Turnpike positioniert (Tanner: Stonewall in the Valley, p. 124 mit Karte S. 123). Das Irish Battalion Captain Bridgford's sollte beim Umgehungsangriff über Sandy Ridge *Carpenter's Battery unter­stützen (Tanner: Stonewall in the Valley, p. 129). Burks erkrankte im April 1862 und verlies seine Brigade aufgrund ausgedehnten "sick leave); die Briga­de Burks wurde während seiner Abwesenheit vom dienstältesten Offizier, Col John *Campbell von der 48th Virginia Infantry über­nommen (Tanner: Stonewall in the Valley, p. 152).



Burling, George C.:

US-Col; Co. F&S, 6th Regiment New Jersey Infantry; zuvor Captain Co. F (National Park Soldiers M550 Roll 3).


Im Battle von Gettysburg kommandierte Burling aufgrund einer Abwesenheit des Briga­dekommandeurs Mott dessen Brigade (Pfanz: Gettysburg Second Day, p. 138; Gottfried: Brigades of Gettysburg, p. 223-231; Sauers: Gettysburg: The Meade-Sickles Controversy, p. 172n36); 3rd Brigade 2nd Division (Hum­phreys' Division) III. Army Corps.


Burling's Brigade umfaßte folgende Regimenter (Pfanz: Gettysburg First Day, p. 448; Gottfried: Brigades of Gettysburg, p. 223-231 ):

- 2nd New Hampshire Infantry Col Edward L. Bailey

- 5th New Jersey Infantry Col William J. Sewell, Captain Thomas J. Godfrey, Captain Henry H. Woolsey

- 6th New Jersey Infantry LtCol Stephen R. Gilkyson

- 7th New Jersey Infantry Col Louis R. Francine, Major Frederick Cooper

- 8th New Jersey Infantry Col John Ramsey, Captain John G. Langston

- 115th Pennsylvania Infantry Major John P. Dune



auch Berling; US-Col; auch Burlin (Frobel Diary, p. 115, 117). Regimentskommandeur 6th New Jersey Infantry, das Regiment gehörte im Novem­ber 1862 zur 3rd Brigade Robert Engle *Patterson, 2nd Division MajGen Daniel *Sickles II Army Corps. Das Regiment befand sich seit Anfang Oktober. 1862 auf der Frobel Farm nahe Alexandria / Virginia (Frobel Diary, p. 115 Eintrag vom 16.11.1862).



- Pfanz: Gettysburg, p. 92, 138, 192, 252, 251, 263, 305-305, orders from Birney 305, disperses regiments 305, 513n2



Burlingame, John K.:

US-Hospital Stewart; Co. F&S, 5th Regiment Rhode Island Heavy Artillery; mustered in as Pvt, Co. F (National Park Soldiers M555 Roll 1).



- **Burlingame, John K. (comp.): History of the Fifth Regiment of Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, during Three Years and a Half of Service in North Carolina (Providence: Snow & Farnham, 1892)



Burnell, George W.:

US-Captain; Co. C, 19th Regiment US Colored Infantry (National Park Soldiers M589 Roll 13); at first Lt Co. C, 10th Regiment Vermont Infant­ry; mustered in as Sergeant, Co. F (National Park Soldiers M557 Roll 2).



- Lt. George W. Burnell, 10tr Vermont; in: Archiv Ref, Pictures, American Civil War (from Vermont Historical Society)



- Burnell, G. W.: „The Development of Our Armies – 1861-1865.“ Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Com­mandery of Wisconsin, Vol. 2, p. 70-60

, G. W.: „Lincoln the Marvel.“ Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Com­mandery of Wisconsin, Vol. 3, p.



Burnet, James:

CS-Major; Co. F&S, 1st Battalion, Texas Sharpshooters (Burnett's) (National Park Soldiers M227 Roll 5).



Burnett, Henry L.:

US-BrigGen (Boatner: Dictionary, p. 106).


Civil War Union Brevet Brigadier General. Born in Youngstown, Ohio, he was admitted to the bar in 1859 and established a law practice in Warren, Ohio. When the Civil War began, he enlisted and was commissioned a Captain in Company C, 2nd Ohio Volun­teer Cavalry. With the 2nd Ohio, he saw actions in Missouri and the campaigns in Southern Kentucky. In 1863, he was assigned as a Major, judge-advocate of the Department of the Ohio and in 1864, he was sent to Indiana as a prosecutor on the military commission, serving until the end of the war. For distinguished service, he was brevetted Brigadier General of US Volunteers on March 13, 1865. After the war, he served as Special Judge Advocate for the Lincoln Assassination Trial. In 1872, he moved to New York practiced law and was appointed Federal District Attorney, southern district of New York by President William McKinley in 1898. After this term expired he retired to his Hillside Farm, Goshen, New York (John Griffith: Biography of Henry L. Burnett; in:, accessed 9.12.2018).


Major Henry L. Burnett, as judge advocate of the Northern Department took part in the Indianapolis Treason Trials (Klement: Dark Lantern, p. 172-184).



- Pitman Benn (ed.): The Trials for Treason at Indianapolis disclosing the Plans for Establishing a North-Western Confederacy (Cin­cinnati 1865) PDF-Version available



Burnett, Henry Lawrence:

US-LtCol; im Frühjahr 1865 Ankläger im Militärgerichtsverfahren in Chicago gegen die "Chicago Conspirators" (Starr: Col Gren­fell's Wars, p. 6); nach der Ermordung Lincoln's beorderte US-Secretary of War *Stanton LtCol Burnett nach Washington als Mit­glied der Untersuchungskommission über die Ermordung Lincoln's (Starr, p. 7; House Executive Documents 39th Congress, 2nd Ses­sion, Nr. 50 [Serial 1290], S. 587-88).



Burnham, Hiram:

US-Col; Col (LtCol) Co. F&S, 6th Regiment Maine Infantry (National Park Soldiers M543 Roll 3).


In April 1863 he became commander of the *Light Division (Broadwater: Civil War Special Forces, p. 61-62).



Burnham, John H.:

US-LtCol; Co. F&S, 16th Regiment Connecticut Infantry (National Park Soldiers M535 Roll 13); Burnham war bei Antietam am 17.9.1862 Adjutant of the Regiment (Morse, Horace J. (AAG): Catalogue of Connecticut Volunteer Organizations, Compiled from Records in the Adjutant-Generals Office, p. 551; Gordon, Lesley J.: „All Who Went into That Battles Were Heroes“. Remembering the 16th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers at Antietam; in: Gallagher (ed.): Antietam Campaign, a.a.O., S. 180 gives his rank during the Battle of Antietam wrongly as LtCol). Promoted LtCol 26.12.1862 (Morse, Horace J. (AAG): Catalogue of Connecticut Volunteer Organizations, Compiled from Re­cords in the Adjutant-Generals Office, p. 551).



- Burnham, John H.: Letter of Adjutant John H. Burnham to his Mother, 4.10.1862, State Archives, Connecticut State Library, Hart­ford, Conn.; Copy Antietam National Battlefield



Burnham, John H.:

US-Captain; Co. A, 33rd Regiment Illinois Infantry; Burnham trat als 1stLt in das Regiment ein (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 12).



- **Burnham, John H. (Captain, 33rd Illinois Infantry): "The Thirty-Third Regiment Illinois Infantry in the War between the States." Illinois State Historical Society Transactions 17 (1912) (Springfield 1914)



Burns, Edward M.:

US-Pvt; Co. G, 15th Regiment Indiana Infantry (National Park Soldiers M540 Roll 10).



- **Burns, Edward M. Historical Sketch of the Organization and Service of the Fifteenth Regiment Indiana Volunteers and Third An­nual Reunion (Valparaiso, IN: s.n.), 1889.



Burns, Robert:

US-Major; Co. F&S 4th Regiment Michigan Cavalry; before 1stLt Co. Co. C&F (National Park Soldiers M545 Roll 6; Powell: Chickamauga Campaign: Mad Irregular Battle, p. 240).



- Burns, Robert: Letters (Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul Minnesota)



Burns, Simon P.:

geb. in Ohio - † +++; CS-Col; Regimentskommandeur 8th Missouri Infantry Regiment (CS) (Burns' Infantry Regiment) später 11th Missouri Infantry Regi­ment; zunächst Pvt Co A 11th Missouri Infantry Regiment (National Park Soldiers File Number M380 ROLL 2 Abruf vom 7.6.2015).


11th Missouri Infantry Regiment [also called 2nd Regiment], formerly Burns' 8th Regiment, was organized during the winter of 1863-1864. The unit served in Parson's and S.P. Burns' Brigade, Trans-Mississippi Department, and fought in Arkansas and Louisia­na. It lost 5 killed and 44 wounded at Pleasant Hill and 2 killed and 15 wounded at Jenkins' Ferry. Early in 1865 it disbanded. The field officers were Colonel Simon P. Burns, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas H. Murray, and Major James Phillips (National Park Soldiers, Abruf vom 7.6.2015).


Simon P. Burns was born in Ohio, moved to western Missouri and enlisted in DeWitt C. Hunter's cavalry batallion as a private on 21.7.1862. He was elected major of Hunter's command on 1.9.1862 ans lieutenant colonel in 15.9.1862. When Hunter resigned on 24.3.1863 Burns was promoted to colonel of the regiment. The Confederate Congress appointed Burns a colonel on 8.1.1864 to rank from 24.3.1863 (National Archives Washington DC, Record Group M322, roll No. 156, Service Records 11th Missouri Infantry; Ba­nasik, Michel E. (ed.): Missouri Brothers in Gray. The Reminiscenses and Letters of William J. Bull and John P. Bull, Iowa City 1998, S. 78 Anm. 202).



Burns, William S.:

US-Captain; Co. F&S, 4th Regiment Missouri Cavalry (National Park Service M390 Roll 7).


Während der Pea Ridge Campaign vom Frühjahr 1862 gehörte das Regiment zu BrigGen Alexander S. *Asboth's 2nd Division in BrigGen Samuel R. *Curtis Army of the Southwest (Shea / Hess: Pea Ridge, p. 332).



- Burns, William S.: Recollections of the 4th Missouri Cavalry. Dayton / Ohio. 1988



Burnside, Ambrose A.:

US-General; 3.5.1824-13.5.1881; aus Indiana; Berufsoffizier; West Point +++/1847; 1853 aus der Armee ausgetreten; als Waffenfab­rikant in Konkurs gefallen; MajGen der Rhode Island Militia; Mitglied der Demokratischen Partei; Kandidat für den US Con­gress; nach seinem Konkurs Angestellter der Illinois Central Railroad unter deren damaligen Direktor George McClellan; persönli­cher Freund von George McClellan; im Frühjahr 1861 kommandierte Col Burnside die 1st Rhode Island Detached Militia (Rho­des, Elisha Hunt: All for the Union, S. 3), die in die 1st Rhode Island Infantry umbenannt wurde. Teilnahme an Patterson's An­griff auf das Shenandoah Valley im Rahmen der Brigade George H. *Thomas im Sommer 1861 (Davis: Battle of Bull Run, p. 44).


Anfang August 1862, im Zuge der Konzentration der US-Kräfte in Northern Virginia (Pope's Army of Virginia and McClellans Army of the Potomac), Burnside was recalled from Northern Carolina and ordered first to Old Point Comfort and then to Fredericks­burg/VA. Burnside brought with him large numbers of the Ninth Corps soldiers, who had captured Roanoke Island and had seized other key points on the North Carolina sounds (Priest: South Mountain, p. VII).


Burnside's Truppen waren Ende Juli 1862 bei Fredericksburg eingesetzt (Gibbon, Personal Recollections, p. 43/43). +++ Burnside übernimmt als Nachfolger des am 5.11.1862 abgelösten McClellan - obwohl von Selbstzweifeln geplagt und ohne persönli­chen Ehrgeiz (Chamberlain: Re­miniscenses, p. 2), auf Rat seiner Freunde, um den Aufstieg von *Hooker zu verhindern (Alexander: Fighting for the Confederacy, S. 166) - am 9.11.1862 offiziell (Longstreet: From Manassas to Appo­mattox, p. 291) das Kommando über die Potomac-Armee, die wichtigste Armee des Nordens ++++Hin­tergrund klären++++. Hierbei scheint ihn sein Freund George McClellan davon überzeugt zu haben, daß er als Soldat das Kommando übernehmen müsse, da gegebenen Befehlen zu gehorchen sei. Es scheint, daß Lincoln's Entscheidung für Burnside gegen Joseph *Hooker durch dessen Loyalität und Nichtbeteiligung an vergangenen Intrigen innerhalb der Army bedingt war (Sandburg: Lincoln, vol. 1, S. 625). Mit dem Kommando überfordert, verliert Burnside die Schlacht von Fredericksburg (11.-15.12.1862) und Lincoln’s Vertrauen. Chamberlain (Chamberlain: Reminiscenses, p. 2) gibt an, daß Burnside während der Fredericksburg Campaign ohne Ab­stimmung von dem mit Präsident Lincoln abgestimmten Plan der Flankierung von Fredericksburg abwich und sich für einen Frontal­angriff entschied.


The high command of the Army of the Potomac was given to Burnside by the administration „in a mood of sheer desperation. In some ways Burnside was about as incompetent a general as Abraham Lincoln ever commissioned, ... a man who moved from disaster to disaster with an uncomprehending and wholly unimaginative dignity“ (Catton: Glory Road, S. 19).


Burnside was transferred to command the Department of the Ohio in May 1863 and replaced MajGen Horatio G. Wright (Powell: Chicka­mauga Campaign, vol I. A Mad Battle, p. 3). The Department of Ohio was charged with defending Kentucky and ensuing the security of the Louis­ville& Nashville RR, and after Burnside's arrival, was given permission of envading East Tennessee (Powell: Chickamauga Campaign, vol I. A Mad Battle, p. 3).


In Fall 1863 Burnside with 30000 men started the Knoxville Campaign in East Tennessee. This campaign was a deception for Rose­crans' advance against Chattanooga (Powell: Chickamauga Campaign, vol I. A Mad Battle, p. 35).



MajGen Ambrose E. Burnside (Photo Matthew Brady, Library of the Congress, Washington)



- Hassler, Jr., Warren W.: Commanders of the Army of the Potomac (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1962); vgl die kritische Stellungnahme zu diesem Werk: Marvel, William: The Making of a Myth, S. 1.

- Marvel, William: Burnside (University of North Carolina Press, 1991); Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik107

- Marvel, William: The Making of a Myth. Ambrose E. Burnside and the Union High Command at Fredericksburg; in: Gallagher, Gary W. (ed.): The Fredericksburg Campaign, p. 1 ff

- Stackpole, Edward J.: Drama on the Rappahannock: The Fredericksburg Campaign (Harrisburg, Pa.: Military Service Publishing, 1957); die kritische Stellungnahme zu diesem Werk: Marvel, William: The Making of a Myth.

- Woodbury, Augustus: Major General Ambrose A. Burnside and the Ninth Army Corps (Providence, R.I.: Sidney S. Rider & Brother, 1867)

- Woodbury, Augustus: Ambrose Everett Burnside (Providence, R.I.: (N. Bangs William & Co., 1882)

- Woodbury, Augustus: General Halleck and General Burnside (Boston, 1864)

- Woodbury, Augustus: The Soldier, Senator, Man (Providence, R.I.: E. L. Freeman & Co., 1884)



Burrage, Henry Sweetser:

US-Captain; Co. F&S, 36th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry; mustered in as Sergeant Co. ADB (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll 5; s. a:.LaFantasie: Josua Chamberlain and the American Dream; in: Boritt: The Gettysburg Nobody Knows, p. 231n36).



- **Burrage, Henry Sweetser: Gettysburg and Lincoln: The Battle, the Cemetery, and the National Park (New York and London: Put­nam, 1906)



Burrill, John:

US-Pvt; Co. A, 2nd Regiment Hampshire Infantry (National Park Soldiers M549 Roll 2; Hess: The Union Soldier in Battle, p. 1).



- Burrill, John: Papers; US Military History Institute, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, Pennsylvania



Burrill, John Henry:

US-Pvt; Co. A, 2nd Regiment New Hampshire Infantry (National Park Soldiers M549 Roll 2), aus New Hampshire (Glatt­haar: The Common Soldiers Gettys­burg Campaign, in: Boritt: The Gettysburg Nobody Knows, p. 25 iVm. S. 226n47).



- **Burrill, John Henry (Pvt, 2nd New Hampshire Infantry): Letter to Parents 13.7.1863. Copy in Brake Collection, USMHI



Burroughs, Sam R.:




- Burroughs, Sam R. "Reminiscenses of Fredericksburg," Confederate Veteran 16 (Dec. 1908); S. 637



Burrow, Jerome B.:

US-Captain; Batteriechef 14th Ohio Battery (Burrow's Battery); Teilnahme am Battle of Shiloh am 6./7.4.1862 im Rahmen der 1st Division MajGen John A McClernand; am 6.4.1862 war die Battery im Rahmen der Division am rechten Flügel der US-Front im Zentrum der Division eingesetzt an der Purdy-Hamburg Road bei Marsh's Brigade. Beim Angriff der 3rd Brigade BrigGen Sterling A. M. Wood von der 27th Tennessee Infantry und 16th Alabama Infantry. Die Battery verlor alle Geschütze, 29 Mann und 70 Pferde (Daniel: Shiloh, p. 180 mit Karte S. 181).



Burrow, Napoleon Bonaparte:

CS-BrigGen Arkansas Militia (Allardice: More Generals in Gray, p. 47).



Burrows, Hunt W.:

US-Captain, Adj. 11th Vermont Infantry Regiment (= 1st Regiment Vermont Heavy Artillery); Lieutenant Aldace Freeman *Walker schreibt am 28.8.1862 in einem Brief an seinen Vater: „Our Adjutant is a fellow by the name of Burrows, a green at the Business“ (Ledoux: „Quite ready to be sent somewhere“. The Civil War Letters of Aldace Freeman Walker, p. 19).


28.1.1836 Vernon/Vermont - † 3.7.1874, beerd. Center Cemetery, Bernardston, Franklin County/Massachusetts; Sohn  Jarvis Fish Burrows (1812 – 1875) und Beulah Minerva Wright Burrows (1804 – 1889); °° mit Isabella Jerusha Warner Burrows (1836 – 1911) (



Captain Hunt W. Burrows (aus



Burt, Mason W.:

US-Major; Co. F&S, 22nd Regiment Massachusetts Infantry; zuvor Captain Co. C (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll 5).



Burton, Elijah P.:

US-Assistant Surgeon; Co F&S, 7th Regiment Illinois Infantry (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 12). Burton war später Surgeon, Co. F&S, 12tr Regiment Illinois Infantry (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 12).



- **Burton, Elijah P.: Diary of E. P. Burton, Surgeon, 7th Regt. Ill, 3rd Brig., 2nd Div., 16 A.C.(Des Moines, Iowa, Historical Records Survey, 1939)



Burton, J. F.:

CS-Pvt; Co. H, 7th Regiment Georgia Infantry (National Park Soldiers M226 Roll 9).



Burton, James Green:

CS-Sergeant; Co. D, 2nd Regiment Georgia Infantry (National Park Soldiers M226 Roll 9); im Battle of Antietam am 17.9.1862 be­teiligt an der Bergung der Leiche von LtCol William R. *Holmes; hierbei wurde der damalige 2nd-Sergeant Burton verwundet durch den 2. Volley (Salve) der 51st New York Infantry an der Lower Bridge (Burnside Bridge) (Priest: Antietam, p. 239; „The Burk SS“, in: Confe­derate Veteran XXXII, 1924, p. 464 ).


1839 - † 2.7.1863, gef. im Battle of Gettysburg, wohl bei Devil's Den (err.); beerd. Bark Camp Cemetery, Bark County/Georgia (fin­, Abruf vom 25.6.2016).



Burton, John H.:

US-Captain; Co. FAI, 1st Regiment Connecticut Heavy Artillery (National Park Soldiers M535 Roll 3).



- Thomas: Cannons, a.a.O., S. 53; Three 30-pounder Parrott rifles of Burton's Co. 'I', 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery, Petersburg, Va., June 1864



Burton, Joseph Q.:
CS-Captain; Co. H&I, 47th Regiment Alabama Infantry; mustered in as Pvt (National Park Soldiers M374 Roll 7).



- Burton, J.Q. Sketch of Co. H, 47th Alabama - RG 159 [47th Alabama Infantry, Company H] (Auburn University Archives)

- Burton, Joseph Q. And Theophilus F. Botsford: Historical Sketches of the Forty-Seventh Alabama Infantry Regiment, C.S.A. (Montgomery: n.p., 1909)



Burton, Thomas:

US-Pvt; Co. E, 7th Regiment Illinois Infantry (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 12).



Burton, Thomas, Jr.:

US-Pvt; Co. E, 87th Regiment Illinois Infantry (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 12).


10.9.1836 - † unknown; beerd. Middle Creek Cemetery, Dahlgreen, Hamilton County, Illinois; sein Grabstein enthält kein Sterbeda­tum, aber die Regimentszugehörigkeit „Co. E, 87th Ill Inf“ (www.findagrave, Abruf v. 16.3.2017).



Bush, Frederick W.:

CS-Sgt; Co E 1st Arkansas Infantry



- Bush, Frederick W.: Letters, 1861, 1863; 5 items. Positive photocopies of five letters from Sergeant Frederick W. Bush, Company E, First Arkansas Infantry, to his cousin, Emily Shoppach of Arkadelphia (Clark County). Bush's first letter, dated May 10, 1861, was written from his mustering camp near Benton (Saline County) and contains many references to camp conditions and expectations shared by his comrades. The next two letters, both dated in 1861, are from locations in Virginia and contain very little information on military movements. The final two letters were written in 1863 when Bush was serving with his regiment in Tennessee. These Ten­nessee letters express Bush's emphasis on camp conditions and news from home (Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville: Manuscript Re­sources for the Civil War, Compiled by Kim Allen Scott, 1990).



Bush, Squire Helm:

CS-Sergeant, Co. H&B, 6th Regiment Kentucky Mounted Infantry (National Park Soldiers M377 Roll 2).



- Bush, Squire Helm: Diary, 1862-63, Hardin County Historical Society, Elizabethtown, Ky



Bush, Thomas:

CS-Captain; Co. B, 5th Battalion Alabama Infantry (National Park Soldiers M374 Roll 7).


Im Spätsommer 1862 und im Battle of Cedar Mountain war Bush Bataillonskommandeur 5th Alabama Battalion in Ja­mes J. Archer's Brigade A. P. Hill's Light Division (OR 12.2. S. 700)


Literatur zu 5th Alabama Battalion:

- Fulton, William Frierson: Family Record and War Reminiscences. Livingston, AL, 1919? [Reprinted, Gaithersburg, MD: Butternut Press, 1986; reprinted, microfiche; includes muster roll for Co. "A", North Sumter Rifles, pp. 179-183]

- Fulton, William Frierson. The war reminiscences of William Frierson Fulton II: 5th Alabama Battalion, Archer's Brigade, A. P. Hill 's Light Division, A. N. V. Gaithersburg, MD: Butternut Press, 1986

- Ledbetter, M. T., "With Archer's Brigade, Battle of Gaine's Mill and Mechanicsville well described," in Southern Historical Society Papers, XXIX (1901), pp. 349-354

- Renfroe, John J. D.: A model Confederate soldier, being a brief sketch of the Rev. Nathaniel D. Renfroe, Lieutenant of A Company in the Fifth Alabama Battalion, of Gen. A. P. Hill 's Division, who fell in the Battle of Fredericksburg, December 13th, 1862. Rich­mond, 1863 [Reprinted, microfiche].


Bushbeck / Buschbeck, Adolphus:

US-BrigGen; zunächst US LtCol, Co. F&S 27th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry, dann Col (National Park Soldiers M554 Roll 16).


23.3.1822 Koblenz – † 28.5.1883 Florenz/Italien; beerd. Cimitero Evangelico degli Allori, Florenz ( Busch­beck commanded the 27th Pennsylvania in the Army of the Potomac and a brigade in that army and later in the Army of the Cumber­land during the American Civil War. Buschbeck was born in KoblenzGermany. He migrated to the United States in 1849 and settled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He taught mathematics at a Philadelphia high school (https://en. wiki/ Adolphus_Buschbeck).


Buschbeck volunteered for service in the Civil War, becoming lieutenant colonel of the 27th Pennsylvania Regiment in September 1861. He was appointed colonel of the 27th Pennsylvania by October 2, 1861, following the resignation of the previous colonel, Max Einstein. As colonel, Buschbeck took part in the Battle of Cross Keys under the command of Maj. Gen.John C. Frémont. Buschbeck next served in 2nd Brigade, 1st Division of the I Corps of the Army of Virginia, which later became XI Corps. He became acting bri­gade commander at the Second Battle of Bull Run, when Julius Stahel was promoted to division command. In the Army of the Poto­mac, Buschbeck served under Franz Sigel and Oliver Otis Howard. At the Battle of Chancellorsvillehe commanded 1st Brigade, 2nd Division of the XI Corps under Adolph von Steinwehr. Buschbeck's brigade was on the left of the corps when the Confederate flan­king attack hit the corps under the command of General Howard. His brigade was redeployed into the path of the Confederate advan­ce; and Buschbeck's stand against the Confederates, until flanked out of his position, earned him praise even from critics of the Ger­man troops present at Chancellorsville. Howard, in his report, even lauded Buschbeck's "praiseworthy firmness". After Chancellors­ville, Buschbeck went on leave, missing the Battle of Gettysburg. (Charles Coster commanded the brigade in his absence.) After re­turning to the army, he was transferred to the Western Theater, under the command of Maj. Gen.Joseph Hooker. Buschbeck's brigade was present at the Battle of Wauhatchie and the Battle of Missionary Ridge, where it was engaged on the Union left under Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman in the attack on Tunnel Hill. When XI Corps was combined with XII Corps into the XX Corps un­der Hooker, Buschbeck was the highest ranking German officer retained in command. He led a brigade under John W. Geary (2nd Brigade, 2nd Division) in the Atlanta Campaign, in action at the Battle of Rocky Face Ridge, the Battle of Resaca, and the Battle of Dallas before being mustered out of the service. Buschbeck's regiment left for Philadelphia on March 25, 1864. Nonetheless, he is list­ed as brigade commander April 16 to May 22, 1864. Buschbeck served with distinction but never received a promotion, even by brevet, to the rank of brigadier general (https://en.


Während Sherman's Atlanta Campaign führte Geary die 2nd Division in MajGen Joseph P. Hooker XX Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland. Zur Division gehörte

- 2nd Brigade Col Adolphus Buschbeck

- 33rd New York Infantry Col George W. Mindil

- 119th New York Infantry Col J. T. Lockman

- 134th New York Infantry LtCol Allen H. Jackson

- 154th New York Infantry Col P. H. Jones

- 27th Pennsylvania Infantry LtCol August Riedt

- 109th Penn. Infantry Captain Frederick L. Gimber



Bussey, Cyrus:

US-Col; 3rd Iowa Cavalry; Teilnahme am Battle von Pea Ridge (Shea / Hess, p. 90), die dort zu den Headquarters Units gehörte; Col. *Osterhaus 1st Division unterstellt, zur bewaffneten Aufklärung über Leetown nach Twelf Corner Church (Shea / Hess, S. 90, 334; Karte bei Shea / Hess S. 92). A, 7.3.1862 war Bussey eingesetzt bei Osterhaus' Stoß gegen die über die Ford Road in den Rücken der US-Army of the Southwest vordringenden CS-Truppen (Shea / Hess: Pea Ridge, p. 90 mit Karte S. 92).



- Bussey, Cyrus: "The Pea Ridge Campaign Considered"; in: Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Commandery of the District of Columbia, Washington D. C., 1905



Busteed, Richard:

US-++General; Lincoln ernannte Busteed im September 1863 zum Judge des US District Court von Alabama, das sich damals noch vollständig unter CS-Kontrolle befand (Warner: Generals in Blue, p. 60; Basler: Collected Works of Lincoln, vol. VII, p. 15: Brief Lincoln's an Holt vom 17.11.1863). Busteed's Ernennung wurde durch den US-Senat am bestätigt (Basler, ).



Buswell, Nicholas C.:

US-LtCol; aus Neponset, Illinois; 1862 zunächst Capt. Comp ‘H’ 93rd Illinois Infantry bei der Aufstellung des Regiments am 8.9.1862 (Dunbar, Aaron: History of the Ninety-Third Regiment Illinois Infantry, 5.10.1898, revised and edited by Harvey M. Trim­ble, Adjutant; Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik15 S. 4, 5). Die 93rd Illinois Infantry traf im November 1862 zur Verstärkung von Sher­man's Truppen und dessen Stoß nach Süden in *Memphis ein (Bearss, Vicksburg, Vol. I, S. 59 Anm. 3).



Butler, Andrew Pickens:

1857; Senator im US-Senate aus South Carolina. Charles *Sumner hielt wegen der Zustände in Kansas am 20.5.1856 eine Rede im Senat, die unter der Bezeichnung "The Crime against Kansas" berühmt wurde. In dieser griff er u.a. den abwesenden Senator Andrew Pickens *Butler persönlich in beleidigender Weise an. Er wurde deshalb von einem Verwandter Butlers, dem South Carolina Kon­greßabgeordneten Preston S. *Brooks im Senat angegriffen, niedergeschlagen und derart schwer verletzt, daß er erst nach dreijähriger Genesungszeit wieder in der Lage war, seinem Amt als Senator nachzugehen (Randall, Civil War and Reconstruction, p. 139). Wäh­rend seiner Erkrankung wurde sein Sitz im US-Senat freigehalten, Sumner selbst in Absentia in Massachusetts wieder in den Senat gewählt. Der Sumner-Brooks Vorfall war eines der herausragenden Ereignisse der 1850er Jahre, er rief Stürme der Entrüs­tung im Norden hervor und wurde insb. von den Abolitionisten als Beweis für die Barbarei im Süden angesehen. Im Süden selbst er­hielt Brooks dagegen Beifall (Randall, p. 140; Curtis: 24th Michigan, p. 15).



Butler, Benjamin Franklin:



* 1818 Deerfield/ NH -1893; wohnhaft in Massachusetts; Anwalt, Mitglied der Demokratischen Partei und Senator von Massachu­setts, Teilnehmer am Wahlkongreß der Demokraten vom April 1860, der *Charleston Convention (Catton: The Coming Fury, p. 10); in der Vorkriegszeit war Butler als Freund des Südens bekannt (Catton: The Coming Fury, p. 10); als Massachusetts Democrat unter­stützte Bulter 1860 die Präsidentschaftskandidatur von Jefferson Davis. Mit Kriegsausbruch wandelte sich Butler ab­rupt zum Radical Republican (Burlingame/Ettlinger: Inside Lincoln's White House. The Complete Civil War Diary of John Hay, p. 275 Anm. 37); wäh­rend des Krieges als "Biest Butler" verhaßt (Chestnut: Diary of Dixon, p. 183).


MajGen der Miliz seit 1861, Brigade Butler, später GenMaj. US-MajGen Butler verhängt am 13.5.1861 das Kriegsrecht über Balti­more und läßt Truppen in die Stadt verlegen; sein entschlossenes Handeln sichert Maryland für die Union. Bürgerkriegseinsätze: Big Bethel, Hatteras Inlet, Second Drewry’s Bluff, Bermuda Hundred, Fort Fisher.


In der New Orleans Campaign März - August 1862 verfocht BrigGen John Wolcott *Phelbs gegen den Oberkommandieren MajGen Butler die Absicht zur Aufstellung von US-Coloured Troops, was die US-Kommandobehörden unter Benjamin *Butler zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch ablehnten. Phelbs trat daraufhin am 21.8.1862 zurück (vgl Boatner, p. 650; Weaver: Thank God, p. 8-9; Berlin, Ira et. al. [eds.]: Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation 1861-1867 [4 vols], Ser. 1 The Destruction of Slavery, S. 192-96; Ser. 2: The Black Military Experience [New York, 1982]), S. 42-44). Aus Mangel aus Truppen mußte Butler schon unmittel­bar darauf sei­ne Ansichten zur Anstellung von *Coloured Troops revidieren und gestattete mit seiner Order Nr. 63 vom 22.8.1862 den Eintritt von Schwarzen in die US-Army (Weaver, p. 10-11).


Butler's Truppen eroberten schließlich *New Orleans. Der Ex-Demokrat und radikale Republikaner, als selbstherrlicher Militärgou­verneur von *New Orleans einer der meistgehaßten Yankees, wird von Richmond zum vogelfreien Verbrecher erklärt. Butler regierte in New Orleans mit harter Hand: so ließ er u.a. zu, daß alle Frauen sich beleidigend oder verächtlich über die US-Truppen äußerten, öffentlich und straffrei als Huren bezeichnet werden konnten und auch so behandelt werden durften. William Munford ließ er öffent­lich hängen, weil dieser es gewagt hatte, die US-Flagge von staatlichen Münzanstalt entfernte (Weaver, S. 6 m.w.N.; Ber­lin: Wartime Generals, p. 359; Capers, p. 61-66; Parton, p. 125-48). Im September 1862 stellt Butler das »Corps d’Afrique« auf, schwarze US-Truppen (Längin S. 127; s. *Coloured Troops: *1st - 3rd Regiment Louisiana Native Guard Regiment).


Zurück in Virginia, um Operationen gegen Petersburg und Richmond zu unterstützen, bleibt Butler- aufgrund pol. Beziehungen rang­höchster Offizier nach Grant, doch einer der unfähigsten Generäle - gegen Beauregard erfolglos und scheitert an Fort Fisher (s. auch *Swift Creek 9.5.1864); Nachkriegszeit: einer der führende republikanischer Politiker während der Reconstruction Period; 1866-77 Kongreßabgeordneter. (Massachusetts), Drahtzieher des Impeachmentverfahrens gegen Präs. Johnson; später als "Greenback-Demo­krat" Governor von Massachusetts.



- Milhollen / Kaplan: Divided We Fought, p. 95



- Berlin, Ira et. al. (eds.): Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation 1861-1867, Ser. 1, Vol. III: The Wartime Genesis of Free Labor: The Lower South (New York 1990), S. 359 (zu Butler's Regierung in New Orleans)

- Butler, Benjamin F.: Private and Official Correspondence of General Benjamin F. Butler, Library of Congress, Washington DC: Butler, Benjamin F Butler Collection

- **Capers, Gerald M.: Occupied City: New Orleans Unter the Federals, 1862-1865 (Lexington, Kentucky: 1965)

- **Marshall, Jessie Ames (ed.): Private and Official Correspondence of General Benjamin F. Butler During the Period of the Civil War, compiled by Jessie Ames Marshall, 5 volumes. Norwood, MA: Plimpton Press, 1917

- McPherson/McPherson, ed: Lamson of the Gettysburg, p. 31 (Lamson bezeichnet nach der Schlacht von Big Bethel Gen. Butler als "ignorant politician in command")

- Parton, James: General Butler in New Orleans: History of the Administration of the Department of the Gulf in the Year 1862 (Bo­ston, 1868)

- Winters, John D.: The Civil War in Louisiana (Baton Rouge, 1963), S. 125-48 (zu Butler's Regierung in New Orleans)


zur Kontroverse Butler : *Phelbs, John Wolcott über *Coloured Troops:

- Berlin, Ira et. al.: Slaves No More: Three Essays on Emancipation and the Civil War [New York, 1992], S. 36-38

- Berlin, Ira et. al. (eds.): Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation 1861-1867 (4 vols), Ser. 1 Vol. 1: The Destruction of Slavery (New York 1985), S. 192-96

- Berlin, Ira et. al. (eds.): Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation 1861-1867 (4 vols), Ser. 2: The Black Military Experi­ence (New York, 1982), 42-44

- Berry, Mary F.: Negro Troops in Blue and Gray: The Louisiana Native Guard 1861-1863; in: Louisiana History, VIII (Spring 1967), S. 170-71

- Boatner, p. 650Holcombe,

- Butler, Benjamin F.: Private and Official Correspondence of General Benjamin F. Butler, Library of Congress, Washington DC: Butler, Benjamin F Collection

- Butler, Benjamin F.: Private and Official Correspondence of General Benjamin F. Butler (Norwood, Mass., 1917)

- Cornish, Dudley Taylor: Sable Arm: Black Troops in the Union Army, 1861-65 (1956, reprint Lawrence / Kansas, 1987), S. 58-63

- Weaver, C. P. (ed.): Thank God my Regiment is an African One: The Civil War Diary of Colonel Nathan W. Daniels (Louisiana State University Press, 1998; Taschenbuchausgabe 2000); Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik131, S. 8-11



Butler, Calbraith:

CS-Col; Stuart's Cavalry; Col +++; Teilnahme an Stuart's Raid to Chambersburg vom 9.-13.10.1862 (Longacre: Mounted Raids, p. 34).



Butler, W. B.:

CS-Captain; Co G, 3rd Regiment Louisiana Infantry (National Park Soldiers M378 Roll 4; Bearss: Vicksburg Campaign, vol. II xvi).



Butler, Clement Moore:



- Butler, Clement Morre: Papers (Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield / Illinois)



Butler, George:

CS-Chaplain; zunächst Pvt Co I 3rd Arkansas Infantry, dann Chaplain 3rd Arkansas Infantry; Bruder von Pvt Henry *Butler und Pvt Lewis *Butler



- Butler-Paisley Family: Letters and papers, 1829-1890s; 2 linear feet. Correspondence, photographs, and papers pertaining to the Butler-Paisley families of Tulip (Dallas County) and Gurdon (Clark County). Alexander Butler had four sons serving in the Confede­rate army, all of whom enlisted in Company I, Third Arkansas Infantry, and served east of the Mississippi River. Other Butler child­ren, including Alexander's daughter, Emma, remained at home throughout the war. The wartime correspondence in the collection in­cludes letters from three of the Butler sons, Henry, George, and Lewis, along with W. S. Marshall (another member of the Third Ar­kansas), and Phenie Phinley, a girlfriend of Emma Butler. Of particular interest are the letters by George Butler, who enlisted as a pri­vate but later became the chaplain to the regiment. Most of the Butler-Paisley letters were published by Elizabeth Paisley Huckaby and Ethel C. Simpson in "Tulip Evermore: Emma Butler and William Paisley, Their Lives and Letters, 1857-1887" (Fayetteville: Univ­ersity of Arkansas Press, 1985). (Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville: Manuscript Resources for the Civil War, Compiled by Kim Al­len Scott, 1990).



Butler, Henry:

CS-Pvt; Bruder von Chaplain George *Butler und Pvt Lewis *Butler; Co I 3rd Arkansas Infantry



Butler, Henry A.:

CS-Captain; Adjutant North Carolina Brigade BrigGen John R. *Cooke at the famous Stonewall in Fredericksburg (O'Reilly: Fredericksburg, p. 296).



Butler, Henry A.: „Fredericksburg – Personal Reminiscenses“; Confederate Veteran 14 (April 1906)



Butler, Lewis:

CS-Pvt; Bruder von Chaplain George *Butler und Pvt Henry *Butler; Co I 3rd Arkansas Infantry



Butler, Matthew Calbraith:

CS-++General; Col 2nd South Carolina Cavalry. Bei Stuart's Rückkehr von seinem Raid nach Maryland im Oktober 1862 führte But­ler die CS-Rear Guard. Es drohte bei der Überquerung des Potomac bei White Ford die Gefahr, daß Butler's Nachhut vom Flußüber­gang abgeschnitten würde. Es gelang Col Blackford in letzter Minute Butler zu finden. Der Nachhut gelang es, White's Ford unmit­telbar vor der angreifenden US-Infantry, gedeckt durch ein Geschütz Major Pelham's, der den Flußübergang deckte, den Ford zu überqueren (Blackford, War Years, p. 178).


Butler‘s Cavalry Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army of Northern Virginia (Longacre: The Cavalry at Gettysburg, p. 17). Butler verlor bei Brandy Station einen Fuß, blieb aber weiter im Dienst und führte später eine der Kavallerie-Divisionen von Wade Hamp­ton (Da­vis / Wiley: Photographic History, vol 2: Vicksburg to Appomattox, p. 329)


In der Nachkriegszeit war Butler US-Senator für South Carolina (Blackford, War Years, p. 177).



- Davis / Wiley: Photographic History, vol 2: Vicksburg to Appomattox, p. 329



Butler, Thomas H.:

US-Col; im Juli 1863 während der Jagd auf Morgan's Raiders Col. 5th Indiana (+++Cavalry+++??) (McGowan, Col. J. E.: Mor­gan's Indiana and Ohio Raid; in: Annals of the War, p. 760); Butler’s Indiana Cavalry Brigade (5th und 6th Indiana Cavalry), während Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign in *Stoneman’s Cavalry (John Schofield’s Armee) auf dem rechten Flügel Sherman’s einge­setzt; deckte am *Sweetwater Creek zusammen mit Stoneman’s Cavalry am 9./10.7.1864 den Flußübergang über den *Chattahoo­chee River ge­genüber Sandtown / Georgia (Karte bei Davis Nr. 60.1; Evans, Sherman’s Horsemen, p. 51, 53, 55); Butler nahm anschließend mit seiner Brigade am Moore’s Bridge Raid (10.-18.7.1864) teil.



Butler, Speed:

US-Maj; Sohn von Lincoln's Freund William Butler aus Springfield, Ill.; seit September 1861 Maj 5th Illinois Cavalry (Burlinga­me/Ettlinger: Inside Lincoln's White House. The Complete Civil War Diary of John Hay, p. 4, 272 Anm. 14)



Butler, William Calvin:

CS-Pvt; Co. E, 3rd Regiment South Carolina Infantry (National Park Soldiers M381 Roll 5); † gef. 2.7.1863 Gettysburg (Anm.: beim Angriff von Kershaw's Brigade beim Peach Orchard; beerd. Rose Farm /Gettysburg; später exhumiert und beerd. Head Springs Ce­metery / SC. (Adelman, Garry: Death & Burials: Guide­post to Gettysburg's Dead;­ne/spring-2016, Abruf 5.10.2016).



- Adelman, Garry: Death & Burials: Guide­post to Gettysburg's Dead; Open Mass Grave, Rose Farm with 9 dead Confederate Soldiers; the man at the right is identified as Butler



Butterfield, Daniel („Taps“):

US-MajGen; Sohn von John Butterfield, Präsident der Overland Mail und Organisator der American Express Company. Daniel But­terfield war nach seiner Graduierung vom Union College einer der Superintendenten. Er war aktiv in der Miliz und führte bei Kriegs­ausbruch die 12th New York State Militia. Möglicherweise aufgrund seiner politischen Beziehungen war er bald darauf LtCol in der 12th US Infantry und BrigGen USV. Er kommandierte eine Brigade des V. Corps in der Peninsula Campaign und eine Divisi­on bei Bull Run Second. Im November 1862 zum MajGen USV befördert, kommandierte er das V. Corps bei Fredericksburg und wurde an­schließend unter Hooker Stabschef der Army of the Potomac (Pfanz: Gettysburg: The Second Day, p. 14; Ford­ney: Stoneman, p. 4; Stackpole: Chancellorsville, p. 36). In der gleichen Position diente er auch unter George Meade und im Battle of Gettysburg. Meade hatte nach der Kommandoübernah­me Butterfield gebeten, in seiner Position zu bleiben (Martin: Gettysburg, July 1, p. 37). Meade suchte nach seiner Kommandoübernahme einen anderen Stabschef, da er dem politisch einflußreichen und verbindungsrei­chen Butterfield mißtraute und beabsichtigte diesen zu er­setzen. Auf Anraten von ver­schiedenen Generalen beließ er jedoch Butter­field in seiner Funktion als Stabschef, auch um zu vermei­den, daß in der Krise vom Juli 1863 ein potentieller Nachfolger sich erst einarbeiten müsse (Sauers: Meade-Sickles Controversy, p. 10; Coddington: Get­tysburg, p. 218-19; Stackpole: They Met at Gettysburg, p. 88). Erst als Butterfield am 3.7.1863 leicht verwun­det wurde, wurde Meade's Wunschkandidat BrigGen A. A. Humphreys zum Stabschef ernannt (Stackpole: They Met at Gettys­burg, p. 89).


Butterfield had not attended West Point nor had he made the army his career (Sears: Chancellorsville, p. 63).


Für seinen Einsatz als BrigGen in der Schlacht von Gaines Mill erhielt Butterfield die Congressional Medal of Honor (Beyer / Keydel [eds.]: Deeds of Valor, p. 47/48). Während Sherman's Atlanta Campaign 1864 kommandierte er die 3rd Division XX Corps Hooker in Thomas' Army of the Cumberland (B & L, vol. 4, S. 286; Castel: Decision in the West, p. 147).


In Fredericksburg Campaign MajGen Butterfield commanded V Corps under Hooker's Direction (Sears: Chancellorsville, p. 63).


From the beginning, Butterfield's appointment as chief of staff drew the scorn of many of the army's old guard (Sears: Chancellorsville, p. 63).


Butterfield was one of Gen. George Meade's enemies (Hessler: Sickles at Gettysburg, p. 143) und persönlicher Freund von dessen Vorgänger Maj­Gen Joseph Hooker (Shultz/Mingus: Gettysburg, S. 3).



- Davis / Wiley: Photographic History of the Civil War, vol II, p. 86



- **Butterfield, Daniel: Testimony, US Congress, Report of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War at the Second Session, Thirty-eighth Congress, Army of the Potomac, General Meade …. (Washington, DC: US-Government Printing Office, 1865), p. 36

- **Butterfield, Daniel: "Reminiscenses of the Cavalry in the Army of (the) Potomac." Record Group 94, National Archives, Wa­shington

- **Butterfield, Julia Lorrilard (ed.): A Biographical Memorial of General Daniel Butterfield, 1904

- **Sickles, Daniel E., D. McM. Gregg, John Newton and Daniel Butterfield: „Further Recollections of Gettysburg“. North American Review, vol. 152, no. 412 (March 1891)

- Whitney, Joseph L. and Stephen W. Sears: „The True Story of Taps,“ Blue & Gray 10:6 (Aug. 1993), pp. 30-33



Butterfield, Dexter:

US-Sergeant; Co. H&A, 2nd Regiment Massachusetts Infantry (National Park Soldiers M544 Roll 6; Nosworthy, Bloody Crucible, p. 141).



- **Butterfield, Dexter: A Brief History of the 'Abott Grays" (2nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry) (Lowell, Massachusetts, 1911)



Butterfield, James A. B „Guss“.:

US-Sergeant; Co. A, 2nd Regiment Illinois Cavalry (National Park Soldiers M539 Roll 13).


27.4.1865 beim Untergang der USS Sultana; dort genannt als J.A.B. Butterfield, Citizen (ex-soldier) (Salecker: Disaster on the Mississippi, p. 223); daß es sich bei diesem um Sergeant Butterfield handelt ergibt sich aus der Aussage von Sheriff John R. Petrie vom 8.10.1888 vor Special Examiner of the Pension Office; Petrie war ebenfalls Soldat in Co. A, 2nd Regiment Illinois Cavalry ge­wesen und kannte Butterfield persönlich.


Aussage von John R. Petrie vom 8.10.1888: „On this 8th day of October, 1888, at Tyndall, County of Bon Homme, Territory of Da­kota, before me, W. H. Johnson, a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared John R. Petrie, who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to him during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, de­poses and says: Age 47, I am Sheriff of Bon Homme Co., Dak, P.O. address and residence as above. I was a member of Co. A 2nd Ills, Cav., from Aug 8, 1861 until Nov 19, 1862, when discharged for disability. I was personally acquainted with J.A.B. Butterfield, known as Guss Butterfield who was also a member of same Co and regiment. We enlisted at same time and from same place and were chums from five years before our enlistment, living in same town and most of the time boarded at same hotel and were about as intimate and close friends as it was possible to be. Guss was some years older than I was, and before enlistment for four or five years studied law with H.A. Mix, then of Oregon, Ills. (now dead) and I worked in the printing office and for my father in the County Re­corders Office and was with him daily. I know he was a sound and healthy young man, never sick to my knowledge, and one of the jolliest fellows I ever knew and a young man (about 25 or 30) everyone liked. Geo. P. Jacobs, now Probate Judge of Ogle Co. Ills, studied law with Guss and was personally acquainted with him. While in the service we messed together and slept in same tent. He was an excellent soldier, and one of the kind who was always ready for any kind of duty, and was not that I can now remember of, sick while I remained with the company. I also knew soldier's mother before the war. She was then quite an old lady and lived at Grand Detour, Ogle Co. Ills, about 12 miles from Oregon. I knew Guss was her only child and was his mother's only support and I know personally that he did support her and have often seen him give her money when she would come up to see him, and I also know that at times soldier would not have any money coming to him for his work for H.A. Mix, and that Mr. Mix would advance him money knowing it was given to his mother. The old lady was very fond of her boy and he thought a great deal of his mother and eve­ry little while would drive down of a Sunday to see his mother. I know soldier always gave me to understand and has often told me that he did support his mother and he always seemed proud of it and liked to tell of it. It's my recollection the old lady had no other means of support though I think she had a small residence where she lived. Q: Did soldier continue to contribute to his mother's sup­port during his service? Ans: Yes, sir, he did and I think he sent her money every pay day. He was a temperate man and of good habits and spent as little money as possible and fooled none away and always seemed to be looking ahead to send what money he could af­ford to his mother, and it's my recollection she got the biggest share. He prided himself in keeping his mother and would often say it to me when going to send money home that it would make his old mother feel good to get it. I can't say how much he would send, but I believe he kept the smallest share. Soon after I returned home from my second service with 140 Ills. Reg, about Nov. or Dec 1864, I received a letter from Capt. Wallace of 4th Cav. saying soldier's body had been floating with river some distance below Mem­phis and that he was one of the number that was on board the steamer Sultana when it was blown up and saying where the body was buried. As soon as I reported this, money was raised to bring the body home and I was sent after it. I went at the special request of the soldier's mother and the family of Jno B. Snyder, whose daughter Kate Snyder, was engaged to soldier. I found the body buried near a wooded landing on the Mississippi River, called DeSoto Front, 30 or 40 miles below Memphis. I found the grave by a head board bearing his name, and had the remains taken up. I could not recognize soldier except by his hair, which was light and curly and by a ring he wore all through service and which he called his wedding ring, and then he had a diary in his pocket by which he was reco­gnized as the owner when first found and buried. His diary I think I gave to either the mother or Kate Snyder. The ring I gave to Miss Snyder, the girl he was to marry, and had he lived, would, I think, have married her on the very day he was buried at home, and was to have been married by the same minister, Rev. Geo. W. Crofts, now a Congregational minister at Council Bluffs, Iowa, who prea­ched his burial sermon. Q: The record shows clerk discharged Aug 11 - 64. Do you know why he remained longer in the service? And: No, I do not, and yet I have an impression that he remained in the service as an employee in the Rgmt. Q.M. Dept. He was a good person and an excellent clerk and at one time was detailed as clerk at Gen'l Ord's Headquarters. I cannot say how I got this in­formation. I may have heard of it through his mother or some of the boys who were discharged with him and came home. And it is my recollection this was talked about before I went south for the remains. I cannot say that he did not re-enlist but I think he did not but was employed as a clerk and remained south. I think I heard something said about his not re-enlisting and that the reason he did not re-enlist was on account of the wedding day being set, and he was afraid if he re-enlisted he would not get home to be married, and so did not re-enlist, but stayed south, employed as a clerk with QM Department, third Regt, though I can't be sure as to that. The boys who were discharged at same time with him who re-enlisted ought to be able to tell something about the matter, as to why sol­dier remained with the service. Who was the QM of your regiment? Jerome Hollenbeck was QM as long as I remained with the Regt and if he did not continue through service, could probably tell who took his place. He was living at Dixon, Ills. Major Jno McNeal, now of Quincy, Ills was major all through service and could probably furnish the information. Claimant, the mother of soldier or Mrs. Bennett, once Kate Snyder, could tell you why soldier remained in the south after the service, and what he was doing from the time of his discharge to spring of 1865 and I think most any of the boys who were discharged at same time as soldier or those who reenlis­ted and served till June 1865. I am in no way related or interested in the claim. I understand your questions and my answers are cor­rectly recorded herein. John R. Petrie Deponent Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8 day of October 1888, and I certify that the contents were fully made know to deponent before signing. W. H. Johnson Special Examiner“ (https://­ries/5682790, Abruf vom 1.9.2016).



Butts, Francis B.:

US-Corporal; Battery E 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery



- Butts, Francis B. (Corporal): The Origin and First Campaign of Battery "E", First Rhode Island Light Artillery. Personal Narratives of the Events in the War, ser. 5, no. 2 pp. 1-85 (Providence, Rhode Island, 1896)



Byam, E. C.:

US-Col; 24th Iowa Infantry. Teilnahme an Grant's Vicksburg Campaign 1863; in McClernand's XIII Army Corps, 12th Division Brig­Gen Alvin P. Hovey, 2. Brigade Col James S. Slack; Regimentskommandeur Col E. C. Byam; Marsch zur Umgehung von *Grand Gulf auf der Westseite des Mississippi in Louisiana von Coffee's Point bis zum Ufer gegenüber *Bruinsburg im April 1863 (Be­arss, Edwin Cole: The Vicksburg Campaign, Vol. II, a.a.O, Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik44d2, S. 317-18; Karte: Davis Nr. 155 D6); Battle of Port Gibson, Miss. am 1.5.1863



- Bearss, Edwin Cole: The Vicksburg Campaign, Vol. II, a.a.O, Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik44d2, S. 318, 403

- Ritter, Israel D.: Diary. Private in 24th Iowa Infantry, Company D, 10.9.1862-31.5.1863; files Vicksburg National Military Park



Byers, Samuel H. M.:

US-Adjutant; Co. F&S, 5th Regiment Iowa Infantry; prior Corporal, Co. B (National Park Soldiers M541 Roll 4).


Byers served with the 5th Iowa and is credited with writing the poem "Sherman's March to The Sea" while in a Confederate prison following his capture at Missionary Ridge. The 5th Iowa served in Missouri, New Madrid, Iuka, Corinth, Raymond, Jackson, Cham­pion Hill, Vicksburg and Missionary Ridge. In July 1864 this unit was merged into the 5th Iowa Cavalry.



- **Byers, S. M. H.: Iowa in War Times (Des Moines, Iowa, 1888)

- **Byers, Samuel H. M. (Major, 5th Iowa): With Fire and Sword (Camp Pope Bookshop; Reprint of 1911 Neale title); 203 pp; Index

- **Byers, Samuel H. M.: "How Men Feel in Battle, Recollections of a Private at Champion Hill." Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, vol. II



Byrd, Robert K.:

US-Col; Co. F&S, 1st Regiment Tennessee Infantry (National Park Soldiers M392 Roll 2). Byrd was delegate to the Greeneville Convention, Tennessee; in summer 1861 he organized a partisan unit (Fisher: War at every Door, S. 64).



Byrne, Edward P.:

CS-Captain; Byrne's Battery; Byrne stammte aus Kentucky; lebte bei Kriegsausbruch in Greeneville / Mississippi. Byrne entschloß sich bei Kriegsausbruch dazu, auf eigene Kosten eine Artillerie-Batterie aufzustellen; während er darauf wartete, daß die von ihm bei der Eisengießerei Quinby & Robinson in Memphis / Tennessee bestellten Feldkanonen fertig gestellt würden, kam Byrne in Louis­ville / Kentucky Kontakt zu *Withers und Robert *Johnson auf, die kurz darauf *Camp Boone gründeten. Die Einheit bestand aus Soldaten aus Mississippi und Kentucky. Im August 1861 nach der Aufstellung und Ausrüstung seiner Kentucky Battery, verlegte Byr­ne die Einheit nach *Camp Boone (Davis: Orphan Brigade, p. 20-21).


Die Battery gehörte 1863 zu Morgan's Cavalry Division, Bragg's Army of Tennessee. Teilnahme am Morgan's Raid nach Ohio im Juli 1863 (Horwitz: Longest Raid, p. 8). Bei Brandenburg / Kentucky kam es beim Übersetzen von Morgan's Truppen über den Ohio Ri­ver nach Indiana am 8.7.1863 zu einem Feuergefecht mit US-Milizen unter US-Lt William L. *Irvin, der durch den Be­schuß aus Byr­ne's Battery rasch zerstreut wurde (Horwitz, p. 47-48). Das US-Gunboat USS Springfield, ein kleiner Dampfer mit umlaufender Brüstung aus dickem Eichenholz als Schutz gegen Infanterie-Beschuß und mit drei 24-Pfünder Howitzers bewaffnet, unter dem Kommando von Ensign Joseph *Watson griff am 8.7.1863 ebenfalls in die Kämpfe ein. Es kam zu einem ein­stündigen Artillerie-Du­ell mit der CS-Artillery unter Captain Edward P. Byrne (Horwitz: Longest Raid, p. 48)



Byrnes, Richard:

US-Col; er kommandierte die 28th Mass. Infantry (Meagher's Irish Brigade) im Battle of Fredericksburg am 13.12.1863 (OR 21: 241; Byrnes' Report in OR 21:246-). Byrnes' Regiment gehörte während der Gettysburg Campaign zur 2nd Brigade Col Patrick *Kel­ly, 1st Division BrigGen John C. Caldwell, II. Army Corps Winfield S. Hancock.





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