Version 24.8.2016


Quantrill's Guerilla:



s. John *McCorkle



- Brownlee, Richard: Grey Ghosts of the Confederacy

- Breihan, Carl: Quantrill and His Civil War Guerillas

- Breihan, Carl: Saga of Jesse James

- Breihan, Carl: Ride the Razor’s Edge

- Breihan, Carl: The Complete and Authentic Life of Jesse James, with an introduction by Homer Croy

- Buel, James W.: The Border Bandits

- Connelly, William Elsey: Quantrill and the Border Wars, 1910 (Material zu Quantrill's Jugend, jedoch völlig einseitig, da der Autor pro-unionistisch gesinnt war) (Torch Press, Cedar Rapids 1910); Fold Out Maps, Illustrations; Nevins calls this the " study on the subject (of border wars)"

- McCorkle, John: Three Years with Quantrill (Univ Oklahoma Press; Reprint of 1914 original); 240 pp; Map; Notes; Index

- Jesse James Was His Name, by William A. Settle