Version 24.8.2016
Missouri (CS):
a. allgemeines:
+++klären: Missouri State Guard+++
Die Missouri State Guard wurde nach und nach in die Confederate Army übernommen (vgl. Shea / Hess, Pea Ridge, a.a.O., S. 50).
s. CS-Truppen Missouri und Glossar amerikanische Staaten im Bürgerkrieg: Missouri; vgl. Shea / Hess, Pea Ridge Kapitel 1
b. Infantry:
1st Regiment Missouri Infantry:
s. Pvt. John *Schaeffer
1st Infantry Regiment was organized at Rolla, Missouri, in August, 1861. Some of the men were recruited in Schuyler and New Madrid counties. In November it contained 27 officers and 531 men. The unit participated in the conflicts of Shiloh, Corinth, and Hatchie Bridge, then was assigned to Bowen's Brigade in the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana. It endured the hardships of the Vicksburg siege and was captured in July, 1863. Exchanged and assigned to General Cockrell's Brigade, the 1st was consolidated with the 4th Missouri Regiment. It fought in the Atlanta Campaign, moved with Hood into Tennessee, then aided in the defense of Mobile. It lost 29 killed, 94 wounded, and 52 missing at Champion's Hill, and during the Vicksburg siege it had 18 killed and 70 wounded. In the Atlanta Campaign, May 18 to September 5, the 1st/4th reported 12 killed, 63 wounded and 11 missing, and there were 38 casualties in the fight at Allatoona. It was included in the surrender on May 4, 1865. The field officers were Colonels John S. Brown, Hugh A. Garland, Lucius L. Rich, and Amos C. Riley; Lieutenant Colonel Martin Burke, and Majors Charles C. Campbell, Robert J. Duffy, and Bradford Keith.
5th Missouri Infantry Regiment:
- Tucker, Phillip: Westerners in Gray: The Men and Missions of the Fifth Missouri Infantry Regiment (McFarland Publishing); 331 pp; Maps; References; Bibliography; Notes; Index. A well-written regimental history of this unit comprised of Irish Confederates from St Louis and rural pro-Southern Missourians who were considered one of the best infantry regiments in the Western Sector. This unit, composed of tough young men in their 20's never fought in Missouri, but carried out "shock" missions throughout the region
8th Missouri Infantry Regiment:
s. Col Simon P. *Burns; Captain Eathan Allen *Pinnell; Pvt Andrew Jackson *McDaniel
8th (Burns') Infantry Regiment, formerly Hunter's 2nd Regiment, was organized in September, 1862. The unit served in General Parson's Brigade, Trans-Mississippi Department, and fought at Cane Hill, Prairie Grove, and Helena where it lost 14 killed, 82 wounded, and 67 missing. On July 6, 1863, it contained 467 effectives and later was redesignated the 11th Missouri Regiment. Its commanders were Colonel Simon P. Burns, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas H. Murray, and Major James Phillips (vgl. National Park Service, Abruf vom 7.6.2015).
- Pinnell, Eathan Allen: Serving with Honor: The Diary of Captain Eathan Allen Pinnell of the Eighth Missouri Infantry (Confederate Army) (Camp Pope); 448 pp; Illustrated; Maps; Notes; Index. Diary of Captain Pinnell who served in Company D, 8th Missouri Confederate Infantry and covers Prairie Grove, Pleasant Hill and Jenkins' Ferry
10th Regiment Missouri Infantry:
s. Pvt Frederick *Buehler (Co. B)
10th Infantry Regiment [also called 12th Regiment] was organized in November, 1862. Some of its members were raised in the counties of Chariton, Crawford, and Howard. The unit was assigned to A.E. Steen's, Parson's, and S. P. Burns' Brigade, Trans-Mississippi Department, and saw action in Arkansas and Missouri. It lost 11 killed, 41 wounded, and 237 missing at Helena, and after the fight it mustered 236 men. The regiment sustained 34 casualties at Pleasant Hill and 10 at Jenkins' Ferry. During the spring of 1865 it disbanded. The field officers were Colonel W.M. Moore, Alexander C. Pickett, and A.E. Steen; Lieutenant Colonel Simon Harris; and Major Elijah Magoffin.
16th Missouri Infantry Regiment:
s. W. C *Bronaugh
- Bronaugh, W. C. (Co. K, 16th Missouri, C.S.A): The Younger's Fight for Freedom: A Southern Soldier's Twenty Years Campaign to Open Northern Prison Doors with Anecdotes of War Days (Stephens Publishing, Columbia MO 1906)
c. Cavalry:
1st Regiment Missouri Cavalry:
s. Col. Elijah *Gates; Pvt James H.l *'Courtney (Co. E)
1st Cavalry Regiment was formed during summer of 1861. Many of its members had served with the Missouri State Guard. The unit fought at Elkhorn Tavern, then moved east of the Mississippi River and was dismounted. After fighting at Iuka and Corinth, it was assigned to M.E. Green's Brigade, Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana. It took an active part in the fight at Big Black River Bridge and on July 4, 1863, was captured at Vicksburg. After the exchange it was assigned to General Cockrell's Brigade, and consolidated with the 3rd (Samuel's) Missouri Cavalry Battalion. It fought with the Army of Tennessee throughout the Atlanta Campaign and was part of Hood's operations in Tennessee. Later it was involved in the defense of Mobile. On May 4, 1862, the regiment contained 536 effectives and lost 9 killed and 54 wounded at Corinth. The 1st/3rd Battalion reported 25 killed, 80 wounded, and 3 missing during the Atlanta Campaign and sustained 56 casualties at Allatoona. The small command surrendered with the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana. The field officers were Colonel Elijah Gates; Lieutenant Colonels Richard B. Chiles, George W. Law, and William D. Maupin; and Majors Robert R. Lawther and William C. Parker.
Eingesetzt im Kampf um Springfield / MO im Februar 1862; Price zieht sich vor den US-Truppen unter Curtis zurück; das 1st Missouri Cavalry Regiment geht gegen Pierson's Creek vor, um den CS-Rückzug nach Nord-Arkansas zu decken. Es trifft im Scharmützel von Pierson's Creek in der Nacht vom 12. auf den 13.2.1862 auf ein Bataillon des 3rd Illinois Cavalry, das bald von Truppen der *Southwest Army Curtis' verstärkt wird. Als Artillerie das Feuer eröffnet, ziehen sich die Grauen zurück (Shea / Hess, Pea Ridge, a.a.O., S. 27, m.w.N. S. 344 Anm. 3). Das Regiment gehörte während der Pea Ridge Campaign vom Februar / März 1862 zu Col Henry *Little’s 1st Missouri Brigade in MajGen Sterling *Price’s Division in Van *Dorn’s Army of the the West (vgl. Shea / Hess, Pea Ridge, a.a.O., S. 337). Das Regiment wurde 1862 unter Gen Sterling Price in Mississippi eingesetzt und war 'dismounted'; das Regiment wurde in der Folge als Infanterieeinheit eingesetzt (vgl. Bearss: Vicksburg, a.a.O., Vol. I, S. 48 Anm. 21; OR Ser. I, Vol. XVII, pt. II, S. 741).
- Farley, James W.: Forgotten Valor: The First Missouri Cavalry, CSA (Two Trails, 1996), 475 pp, Illustrated, Maps, Rosters, Index
3rd Missouri Cavalry Regiment:
s. Col Colton *Greene
Im Sommer 1862 kehrte Greene nach Missouri zurück, um ein Regiment Cavalry aufzustellen, die 3rd Missouri Cavalry, zu dessen Col er am 4.11.1862 ernannt wurde (vgl. Allardice, a.a.O., S. 104); dieses Regiment wurde in Mississippi eingesetzt und war 'dismounted' (vgl. Bearss: Vicksburg, a.a.O., Vol. I, S. 48 Anm. 21; OR Ser. I, Vol. XVII, pt. II, S. 741).
4th Missouri Cavalry Regiment:
15th Missouri Cavalry Regiment:
s. Col *Reeves
- Ponder, Jerry: A History of the 15th Missouri Cavalry Regiment, C.S.A. (Ponder Books, 1994); 196 pp. History of unit from 1862 through the end of the war. The 15th Missouri Cavalry was the most forward Confederate unit in the Trans-Mississippi. Col. Reeves, the unit commander, was the only officer in the Trans-Mississippi region to be refused parole in 1865; Photos; Rosters; Maps; Charts; References; Index
d. Artillery:
2nd Battery Missouri Light Artillery:
s. Captain Huston *King
Im März 1863 Teilnahme am Battle of Thompson‘s Station; die Battery gehörte zur William H. Jackson‘s 2nd Division in Van Dorn‘s First Confederate Cavalry Corps (vgl. Welcher / Ligget: Coburn's Brigade, a.a.O., S. 56).
3rd Battery Missouri Artillery:
s. John P. *Bull; William J. *Bull;
- Bull, William J. And John P.: Missouri Brothers in Gray (Camp Pope Bookshop, 1998; edited by Michael Banasik); 192pp, Maps, Appendices, Index. These two brothers served in the 3rd Battery of Missouri Artillery with John later becoming an officer in MacDonald's Missouri Cavalry and later Newton's 5th Arkansas Cavalry. William's reminiscence, written in 1906, and now published here, along with letters of the two brothers provides first-hand accounts of the Civil War in the West.
3rd Field Battery Missouri Light Artillery (Gorham's Battery):
s. Captain James C. *Gorham, Captain Charles B. *Tilden; Sgt. Robert E. *Young
Gorham's Battery was organized from guns captured at Lexington, MO on 20.9.1861. It was part of th Sixth Division, Missouri State Guard. Alexander B. „Buck“ Tilden was the units first lieutenant and Alexander A, Lesueur the second lieutenant. Both Tilden and Lesueur eventually commanded the battery after it entered the Confederate service. William Bull served his civil war days in this unit. James C. Gorham was from Marshall, Missouri (Saline County) and remained with the battery until General Thomas C. Hindman replaced him with Tilden on 10.11.1862 (vgl. Banasik, Michel E. (ed.): Missouri Brothers in Gray. The Reminiscenses and Letters of William J. Bull and John P. Bull, Iowa City 1998, S. 27 Anm. 75).
Gorham's, auch Tilden's oder Lesueur's Battery [also called 3rd Battery] was formed in 1862 with men from Laclede and Audrain Counties. The unit was assigned to Parson's and
S.P. Burns' Brigade, then W.D. Blocher's Battalion of Artillery, Trans-Mississippi Department. It was active
at Cane
Hill, lost 1 killed, 8 wounded, and 3 missing
at Helena, and sustained no
casualties at Jenkins'
Ferry. The company totalled 43 men in May, 1862, and there were 82 fit for duty in
July, 1863. Towards the end of the war it was stationed at Camden, Arkansas, and surrendered in June, 1865. Captains James Gorham, A.A. Tilden, and Charles B. Lesueur were in command (vgl. National
Park Service,
3rd Field Battery Missouri Light Artillery)
General Thomas C. Hindman appointed Tilden commander of Gorham's Battery on 10.11.1862, and redesignated the unit „Tilden's Battery“. Tilden was at the Battle of Prairie Grove, but elected not to lead his battery in the Battle of Helena am 4.7.1863. He was thrown out as unit commander in December 1863, in part, because of his lack of action at Helena (vgl. Banasik, Michel E. (ed.): Missouri Brothers in Gray. The Reminiscenses and Letters of William J. Bull and John P. Bull, Iowa City 1998, S. 27 Anm. 75).
Am 9.11.1862 General Hindman issued Special Order No. 38, which organized his command into four divisions; the First Division contained Douglas Cooper's Indian Brigade and a brigade of Texas cavalry (dismounted); Second Division commanded by Francis Shoup, and contained James Fagan's and Dandridge McRae's Arkansas brigades; Daniel M. Frost, vice M. M. Parson's, commanded the Third Division, with Parson's and Robert G. Shaver's brigades; and the Forth Division held Joseph O. Shelby's and Charles A. Carrol's cavalry brigades and was commanded by John S. Marmaduke. Tilden's Battery was assigned to Parson's Missouri Brigade (vgl. Banasik, Michel E. (ed.): Missouri Brothers in Gray. The Reminiscenses and Letters of William J. Bull and John P. Bull, Iowa City 1998, S. 43 Anm. 113; vgl. Special Order Letterbook, a.a.O., S. 109-110).