Version 22.12.2018
Der Amerikanische
Bürgerkrieg 1861-1865
Literatur-Datenbank (im Aufbau)
(Litera F-M)
ausgewertet von
Eberhard Ref
I. Literaturliste zum American Civil War (Books and Articles):
Litera F
Fahs, Alice: The Imagined Civil War: Popular Literature of the north and South, 1861-1865 (Chapel Hill and London, 2001)
Farinholt, B. L. (Col; 1st Regiment Virginia Reserves): „Battle of Gettysburg – Johnson's Island.“ Confederate Veteran, vol. 5, no. 10 (October 1987)
Farinholt, B. L. (Col; 1st Regiment Virginia Reserves): „Escape From Johnson's Island.“ Confederate Veteran, vol. 5, no. 9 (September 1897)
Farley, Porter: “Reminiscenses of the 140th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry,” ed. Blake McKelvey (Rochester Historical Society Publications 22 [1944], S. 199-252)
Farley, Porter: "Porter Farley's Reminiscenses"; in: Rochester in the Civil War, ed. Blake McKelvey (Rochester, N.Y.: Rochester Historical Society Publications, No. 22, 1944)
Farley, Porter: "Bloody Round Top." National Tribune, 3 May 1883
Farley, Porter: "Letter to Editor, 10 March 1899." Army and Navy Journal, 22 April 1899
Farrar, Samuel Clarke (Pvt., : The Twenty-Second Pennsylvania Cavalry and the Ringgold Battalion, 1861-1865 (Pittsburgh: The New Werner Co., 1911)
Farwell, Byron: Ball's Bluff - A small Battle and Its Long Shadow ( McLean / VA: EPM Publications, 1990)
Fastnacht, C. H. and E. K. Martin: Historical Sketch and Oration Delivered at Dedication of 99th Pennsylvania Monument (Lancaster/PA: Examiner Steam Book and Job Print, 1886)
Faulk, Phil K (Corporal 11th Pennsylvania Infantry).: „A Fighting Regiment. The Part Taken by the 11tr Pennsylvania on the plains of Manassas,“ National Tribune, 19.2.1891
Faulk, Philipp K.: „A Month of Battles,“ National Tribune, 28.12.1905
Faulkner, William A. (ed.): "With Sibley in New Mexico: The Journal of William Henry Smith," West Texas Historical Association Yearbook 27 (Oktober, 1951), S. 111-142 (Smith diente als Private in Co. I, 5th Texas Mounted Volunteers)
Faust, Drew Gilpin: This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War (New York, 2009)
Faust, Drew Gilpin: The Civil War Soldier and the Art of Dying; in: Barton, Michael and Larry M. Logue: The Civil War Soldier. A Historical Reader (New York and London: New York University Press, 2002), pp. 485-511
Faust, Drew Gilpin: „A Riddle of Death“: Mortality and Meaning in the American Civil War (Gettysburg, Pa., 1995)
Faust, Drew Gilpin: „Christian soldiers: The Meaning of Revivalism in the Confederate Army,“ Journal of Southern History, VIII (February 1987), pp. 63-90
Faust, Drew Gilpin: „Equine Relics of the Civil War,“ Southern Cultures 6 (Spring 2000), pp. 23-49
Faust, Drew Gilpin: „Race, Gender and Confederate Nationalism: William d. Washington's Burial of Latané; in: Faust, Drew Gilpin: Southern Stories: Slaveholders in Peace and War (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1992), pp. 148-159
Faust, Drew Gilpin: Southern Stories: Slaveholders in Peace and War (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1992
Favill, Josiah Marshall (Captain; 57th Regiment New York Infantry): The Diary of a Young Officer: Serving with the Armies of the United States during the War of the Rebellion (Chicago, 1909; reprint)
Fay, Edwin H. (Sgt., Co A, Louisiana Cavalry, Minden Rangers): This Infernal War: The Confederate Letters of Sgt. Edwin H. Fay (Univ. Texas Press, Austin 1958); Edited by Bell Wiley and Lucy Fay. Sergeant Edwin Fay was a most unusual Confederate, he enlisted as a Private with a M.A. from Harvard, and later tried unsuccessfully to obtain release from service. His letters are highly detailed and accurate (some 4000 words long), and shed light on what war was like in the Trans-Mississippi.
Fehrenbacher, Don E.: The Dred Scott Case. Its Significance in American Law and Politics (New York, 1978)
Fehrenbacher, Don E: Lincoln in Text and Context: Collected Essays +++bestellt+++
Feidner, Edward (ed.): „Dear Wife“: The Civil War Letters of Chester K. Leach (Burlington, VT: University of Vermont, 2002)
Feldberg, Michael: The Philadelphia Riots of 1844: A Study in Ethnic Conflict (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1975)
Felton, Silas: The Iron Brigade Battery. An Irregular Regular Battery; in Nolan/Vipond, Giants in their Black Hats, a.a.O., S. 142 ff.
Fields, Frank E. Jr.: Twenty-eight Virginia Infantry (Lynchburg, Va.: H. E. Howard, 1st Edition 1985)
Figg, Royal W. (Pvt, Parker's Company Virginia Light Artillery): „Where Men Only Dare to Go:“ The Story of a Boy Company (C.S.A.) ( Parker's Company Virginia Light Artillery) (Richmond: Whittet & Shepperson, 1885)
First Reunion of the Ninth Iowa Infantry Regiment Volunteers Held at Independence on the Anniversary of the Battle of Pea Ridge, March 6th, 7th and 8th, 1883. Independence, Iowa, 1883
Fishel, Edwin C.: The Secret War for the Union. The Untold Story of Military Intelligence in the Civil War (Houghton Mifflin, Boston 1996)
Fishel, Edwin C.: "The Mythology of Civil War Intelligence," in: Hubbell, John T. (ed.): Battles Lost and Won: Essays from Civil War History (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1975), S. 83-106
Fishel, Edwin C.: „Pinkerton and McClellan: Who Deceived Whom“; Civil War History 34:2 (June 1988), pp. 115-42
Fischer, David Hackett: The Revolution of American Conservatism: The Federalist Party in the Era of Jeffersonian Democracy (1965)
Fisher, John E.: They Rode with Forrest and Wheeler: A Chronicle of Five Tennessee Brothers' Service in the Confederate Western Cavalry (McFarland Publishing, 1995)
Fisher, Joseph W. (US-BrigGen): "Round Top Again." National Tribune, 16 April 1885
Fisher, Noel C.: War at every Door: Partisan Politics & Guerilla Violence in East Tennessee 1860-1869 (The University of North Carolina Press, 1997)
Fiske, John: The War in the West: The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War. Part I (Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1900, reprint 1994)+
Fiske, John: The War in the West: The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War. Part I (Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1900, reprint 1994)
Fiske, Samuel (US-Lt): Mr. Dunn Browne's Experiences in the Army (Boston: Nichols & Noyes, 1866). Fiske, Clergyman aus Massachusetts, veröffentlichte Berichte über seine Erlebnisse im "Springfield Republican" unter dem Pseudonym "Dunn Browne" (vgl. Sears: Landscape Turned Red, a.a.O., S. 109).
Fitch, John, ed.: Annals of the Army of Cumberland (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Company, 6th Edition 1864)
Fite, Emerson David: Social and Industrial Conditions in the North during the Civil War (New York: MacMillan, 1910)
Fitzpatrick, Marion H.: Letters to Amanda from Sergeant Major Marion Hill Fitzpatrick, 1862-1865; ed. Henry Mansel Hammock (Culloden, GA., 1976)
Fleet, Charles B. (Sergeant; Fredericksburg Artillery (Pollock's Company, Virginia Light Artillery)): „The Fredericksburg Artillery.“ Southern Historical Society Papers 32 (1904): 241
Fleharty, Stephen F. (102nd Illinois): "Jottings from Dixie": The Civil War Diary of Sergeant Major Stephen F. Fleharty, USA (LSU Press). Edited by Philip Reyburn and Terry Wilson. Fleharty's letters were written in two Rock Island Illinois newspapers and were written for the general public and friends and relatives of the men of the 102nd Illinois with whom he served.
Fleharty, Stephen F.: Our Regiment: A History of the 102nd Illinois Infantry Volunteers with Sketches of the Atlanta Campaign, the Georgia Raid, and Campaign of the Carolinas (Chicago: Brewster and Hanscom, Printers, 1865)
Fleming, Walter J.: "The Buford Expedition to Kansas," Am. Hist. Rev. VI, 38-48 (Oct., 1900)
Fleming, Walter L.: The Sequel of Appomattox (New Hafen 1919)
Fleming, Walter Lynwood: General W. T. Sherman as a College President (Cleveland: Arthur H. Clark Company, 1912) (reprint from the „South Atlantic Quarterly, January 1912 (24 p.) (PDF-Version available)
Fletcher, Samuel H.: The History of Company A, Second Illinois Cavalry (N.p., 1912)
Fletcher, William Andrew (Sergeant, Co. F, 5th Regiment Texas Infantry): Rebel Private Front and Rear (Beaumont / Texas: Texas Press of the Greer Print, 1908).
Floyd, Fred C. (Sergeant; Co. H; 40th Regiment New York Infantry): History of the Fortieth (Mozart) Regiment, New York Volunteers (Boston, Mass.: F. H. Gilson Co. 1909)
Folk, Edgar E. und Bynum Shaw: W. W. Holden: A Political Biography (Winston-Salem / North Carolina: John F. Blair, Publisher, 1982)
Foner, Eric: Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party before the Civil War (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1995)
Foner, Eric: Reconstruction. America's Unfinished Revolution 1863-1877 (New York: Harper & Row 1988)
Foner, Erik: "The Wilmot Proviso Revisited; in: Journal of American History, 56 (1969), S. 262-79
Foner, Eric: „The Causes of the American : Recent Interpretations and New Directions,“ Civil War History, 20 (1974(), 197-214
Foner, Eric: Politics and Ideology in the Age of the Civil War (New York: Oxford University Press, 1980)
Foner, Philipp S. (ed.): The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass (New York 1950-1955)
Foner, Philipp S.: Business & Slavery: The New York Merchants & the Irrepressible Conflict (Chapel Hill, 1941)
Fonerden, Clarence A.: A Brief History of the Military Career of Carpenter's Battery, From its Organization as a Rifle Company under the Name of the Alleghany Roughs to the Ending of the War Between the States (New Market 1911); This unit served with the Stonewall Brigade designated as Company "A" of the 27th Regiment of the 1st Virginia Brigade.
Fontaine, E: „Hon. Williamson S. Oldham,“ DeBow's Review, ser. 2, vol. VII (October 1869), p. 873
Fonvielle, Chris E.: Fort Fisher Illustrated: The Photographs of T. H. O'Sullivan (Stackpole, Mechanicsburg); 144 pp; 40 Photos and Illustrations; 15 Maps. The attack on Fort Fisher was the largest combined Army-Navy operation of the Civil War. Although little remains of this fort today, this book includes a stunning array of photos - many never before published; with details of the hand-to-hand fighting that marked this attack as one of the most famous of the war.
Foote, Shelby: The American Civil War. A Narrative. Vol I.: Fort Sumter to Perryville (Neuauflage 1986 der Originalausgabe 1958)
Foote, Shelby: The American Civil War. A Narrative. Vol II.: Fredericksburg to Meridian (Neuauflage 1986 der Originalausgabe 1963)
Foote, Shelby: The American Civil War. A Narrative. Vol III.: Red River to Appomattox (Neuauflage 1986 der Originalausgabe 1974)
Forbes, S.A.: Grierson's Cavalry Raid (Captain Co. B, 7th Illinois Cavalry), Address before the Illinois Historical Society, Springfield/Ill., 24.1.1907
Force, Manning F.: From Fort Henry to Corinth (New York: Charles Sribner's Sons, 1882).
Force, Manning F. (BrigGen): "Marching Across Carolina" (Ohio MOLLUS Sketches of War History Volume One; Reprint Cincinnati: Robert Clarke and Co. Broadfoot Publishing Co. NC. 1991)
Force, Manning F. (BrigGen): "Personal Recollections of Vicksburg Campaign" (Ohio MOLLUS Sketches of War History Volume One; Reprint Cincinnati: Robert Clarke and Co. Broadfoot Publishing Co. NC. 1991)
Ford, Andrew E.: The Story of the Fifteenth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War, 1861-1864 Clinton, Mass 1898, 1st Edition), Rosters, Index, Fold-Out Maps (remark: Ford was not a member of the regiment, s. p. 4)
Ford, Henry S. (ed.): Memoirs of a Volunteer (New York, 1946)
Ford, Worthington Chauncey (ed.): A Cycle of Adams Letters, 1861-65, 2 vols (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1920)
Fordney, Ben F.: Stoneman at Chancellorsville. The Coming Age of Union Cavalry (White Mane Books: Shippensburg, 1998)
Forsyth, Charles. History of the Third Alabama Regiment, C.S.A. (ed. William Stanley Hoole, University, AL: Confederate Publishing Co., 1982
Foster, John W. (Major, 25th Indiana Infantry): War Stories For My Grandchildren (Washington / DC, 1918)
Foster, Samuel T. (Captain; Co. H, 24th Regiment, Texas Cavalry): One of Cleburne's Command: The Civil War Reminiscenses an Diary of Capt. Samuel T. Foster, Granbury's Texas Brigade, CSA (ed. Norman D. Brown; Austin: University of Texas Press, 1980). Forster's Erinnerungen sind neben Captain *Key's Diary, eine der wichtigsten Quellen der CS-Seite der Atlanta Campaign (Castel: Decision in the West, p. 583 Anm. 15).
Fortin, Maurice S., ed.: “Colonel Hilary A. Herbert’s ‘History of the 8th Alabama Volunteer Regiment, CSA’” (Alabama Historical Quarterly 39 [1977], S. 5-321
Fox, William: Regimental Losses in The American Civil War (Albany / NY: Randow Printing Co., 1888, reprint Dayton / Ohio, Morningside Book Shop)
Fox, William F. (ed.): New York at Gettysburg. 3 vols, Albany: J. B. Lyon, 1902
Frank, Joseph Allen and Georges A. Reaves: „Seeing the Elephant“: Raw Recruits at the Battle of Shiloh (New York: Greenwood Press, 1989)
Franke, Brandon: Waul's Texas Legion: Towards Vicksburg; in: East Texas Journal, Volume 53, Issue 1, 10.3.2015
Franklin, John Hope (ed.): The Diary of James T. Ayers: Civil War Recruiter (Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield / Illinois, 1947)
Frassanito, William A.: Early Photography at Gettysburg (Gettysburg: Thomas Publications, 1995)
Frassanito, William A.: Gettysburg. A Journey in Time (Scribner's Sons: New York 1975)
Frassanito, William A.: Antietam. The Photographic Legacy of America's Bloodiest Day (Scribner's Sons: New York 1978)
Frazer, Robert W.: Forts of the West: Military Forts ... West of the Mississippi River to 1898, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1965
Frederick, Gilbert: The Story of A Regiment ... the Fifty-seventh New York Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion (Chicago: C. H. Morgan Company, Printers., 1895)
Freehling, Alison Goodyear: Drift toward Dissolution: The Virginia Slavery of 1831-1832 (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1982)
Freehling, William W.: Prelude to Civil War. The Nullification Controversy in South Carolina 1816-1836 (New York, Harper Torchbooks, 1965)
Freehling, William W.: The Road to Disunion, Vol. 1: Secessionists at Bay, 1776-1854 +++ergänzen+++
Freeman, Douglas: R. E. Lee. A Biography (4 vols. Charles Scribner's Son, 1934, reprinted Simon Publications, 2001)
Freeman, Douglas Southall: Lee (abridged Version des 4bändigen Werkes) (First Touchstone Edition 1997)
Freeman, Douglas: Lee's Dispatches. Unpublished Letters of General Robert E. Lee, C.S.A. to Jefferson Davis and the War Department of the Confederate States of Amerika 1861-65 (G. P. Putnam's Sons 1957; reprinted: Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University)
Freeman, Douglas Southall: Lee's Lieutenants (Scribner's, NY 1942-44 - im Original 3 Volumes, abridged version [zusammengestellt von Stephen W. Sears], New York 1998)
Freeman, Douglas Southall: Lee's Lieutenants:A Study in Command. Volume 1: Manassas to Malvern Hill (Charles Scribner's Sons: New York 1942 , Neuauflage 1970)
Freeman, Douglas Southall: Lee's Lieutenants:A Study in Command. Volume 2: Cedar Mountain to Chancellorsville (Charles Scribner's Sons: New York 1943)
Freeman, Douglas Southall: Lee's Lieutenants:A Study in Command. Volume 3: Gettysburg to Appomattox (Charles Scribner's Sons: New York 1944)
Fremantle,Arthur James Lyon (LtCol): Three Month in the Southern States (New York: n.p., 1864; reprint: University of Nebrasca Press: Lincoln and London, 1991)
Frémont, John C.: „In Command in Missouri.“ In Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, ed. Robert U. Johnson and Clarence C. Buel. 4 vols. New York, 1884-1887, Vol. I, S. 278-288
Frey, Donald J.: Longstreet's Assault - Pickett's Charge. The lost Record of Pickett's Wounded (White Mane: Shippensburg, 2000)
Frobel, Anne S.: The Civil War Diary, of Anne S. Frobel of Wilton Hill in Virginia (Florence, Ala., 1986)
Frothingham, Paul Revere: Edward Everett, Orator and Statesman (Boston, 1925)
Frye, Dennis E.: Drama between the Rivers. Harpers Ferry in the 1862 Maryland Campaign; in: Gallagher (ed.): Antietam, a.a.O., S. 15 ff
Frey, Dennis: 12th Virginia Cavalry (H. E. Howard), 2nd Edition, Photos, Maps, Detailed Rosters, Biblio
Fuhrman, Robert: „The 57th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry at Gettysburg,“ The Gettysburg Magazine, Issue 17, July 1997
Fuller, Charles A. (61st NY): Personal Recollections of the War of 1861 (Edmonston Publishing). A study of the 61st New York Volunteers in the Peninsular Campaign, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. A well written Classic containing many intimate anecdotes and details, cited by Greg Coco as "one of the Top Ten Best Reminiscences of a wounded man in any battle of the Civil War. 136 pp, photographs, index
Fuller, Edward H.: Battles of the Seventy-Seventh New York Volunteers, Third Brigade, Sixth Corps, Second Division. Mustered in, November 23, 1861. Mustered Out, June 27, 1865. By one of the Boys (Gloversville, NY: N. P., 1901)
Fulton, William Frierson (2ndLt; at first Pvt, Co. A, 5th Alabama Battalion): "The Fifth Alabama Battalion at Gettysburg," Confederate Veteran 31 (1923): 379-380
Fulton, William F. (2ndLt; at first Pvt, Co. A, 5th Alabama Battalion): "The War Reminiscenses of William Frierson Fulton II, 5th Alabama Battalion, Archer's Brigade. A. P. Hill's Light Division, A.N.V. n.p., n.d. (Reprinted 1986 by Butternut Press)
Fulton, William Frierson (2ndLt; at first Pvt, Co. A, 5th Alabama Battalion): Family Record and War Reminiscences. Livingston, AL, 1919? [Reprinted, Gaithersburg, MD: Butternut Press, 1986; reprinted, microfiche; includes muster roll for Co. "A", North Sumter Rifles, pp. 179-183]
Funk, Arville L.: „A Hoosier Regiment in Alabama“ [38th Indiana Infantry]; in Alabama Historical Quarterly, vol. 27, 1965, pp. 91-94
Furguson, Ernest B.: Chancellorsville 1863. The Souls of the Brave (New York 1993)
Furguson, Ernest B.: Ashes of Glory: Richmond at War (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1996)
Fussell, Joshua L.: History of the 43th Regiment, Indiana Veteran Volunteer Infantry, "Morton Rifles". No date or place of publication given
Litera G
Gaddy, David Winfred: „The Confederate Signal at Gettysburg.“ Gettysburg Magazine (January 1991), Issue 4, p. 110-112
Garry, David Winfred: „William Norris and the Confederate Signal and Secret Service.“ Maryland Historical Magazine (Summer 1975), Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 167-188
Gaff, Alan D.: If this is War. A History of the Campaign of Bull's Run by the Wisconsin Regiment Thereafter Known as the Ragged Ass Second (Morningside House Inc.: Dayton, Ohio, 1991)
Gaff, Alan D. u. Gaff, Maureen: The dread reality of war - Gibbon’s Brigade, August 28- September 17, 1862; in Nolan, Alan T. and Vipond, Sharon Eggleston (Hrsg.): Giants in their tall Black Hats - Essays on the Iron Brigade, Bloomington/Indiana 1998, S. 67 ff.
Gaff, Alan D.: On many a Bloody Field. Four Years in the Iron Brigade, Bloomington Indiana: Indiana University Press 1996
Gaff, Alan D.: Brave Men's Tears: The Iron Brigade at Brawner's Farm (Dayton, Morningside House, Inc., 1988)
Gage Moses D. (Chaplain, 12th Indiana Infantry): From Vicksburg to Raleigh; or, a Complete History of the Twelfth Regiment Indiana Volunteer History, and the Campaigns of Grant and Sherman, With an Outline of the Great Rebellion (Chicago, 1865), PDF-Version available
Gaines, Francis P., Jr.: „The Virginia Constitutional Convention of 1850-1851: A Study in Sectionalism“ (Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Virginia, 1950)
Gallagher, Gary W. (ed.): The Antietam Campaign (University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill, 1999)
Gallagher, Gary W. (ed.): The Wilderness Campaign (The University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill & London, 1997)
Gallagher, Gary W. (ed.): The Fredericksburg Campaign. Decision on the Rappahannock (Chapel Hill & London: The University of North Carolina Press, 1995)
Gallagher, Gary W. (ed.): The First Day at Gettysburg. Essays on Confederate and Union Leadership (Kent State University Press 1993)
Gallagher, Gary W. (ed.): The Second Day at Gettysburg. Essays on Confederate and Union Leadership (Kent State University Press 1993)
Gallagher, Gary W. (ed.): „Fighting for the Confederacy: The Personal Recollections of General Edward Porter Alexander (Chapel Hill, 1989)
Gallagher, Gary W. (ed.): Antietam. Essays on the 1862 Maryland Campaign (Kent State University Press, Kent/Ohio 1989)
Gallagher, Gary W.: Stephen Dodson Ramseur - Lee's Gallant General (Univ North Carolina)
Gallagher, Gary W.: „Confederate Corps Leadership on the First Day at Gettysburg: A. P. Hill and Richard S. Ewell in a Difficult Debut,“ in: Gallagher (e.d.): Three Days at Gettysburg, a.a.O., S. 25-43
Gallagher, Gary W.: „If the Enemy Is There, We Must Attack Him: R. E. Lee and the Second Day at Gettysburg,“ in: Gallagher (e.d.): Three Days at Gettysburg, a.a.O., S. 109-129
Gallagher, Gary W.: „Lee's Army Has Not Lost Any of Its Prestige,“ in: Gallagher (e.d.): The Third Day at Gettysburg & Beyond, a.a.O., S. 1-22
Gallagher, Gary W. (ed.): Lee the Soldier (Lincoln: University of Nebrasca Press, 1996)
Gallagher, Gary W.: The Confederate War: How Popular Will, Nationalism and Military Strategy Could not Save off Defeat (Harvard University Press, 1997)
Gallagher, Gary W.: "Horne Front and Battlefield: Some Recent Literature Relating to Virginia and the Confederacy," Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 98 (April 1990), 135-68
Gallagher, Ruth C.: „Samuel Ryan Curtis.“ Iowa Journal of History and Politics 25 (1927)
Gallman, J. Matthew and with Susan Baker: „Gettysburg's Gettysburg: What the Battle did to the Borough,“ in: Boritt (ed.): The Gettysburg Nobody Knows, a.a.O., S. 144-174
Gallman, J. Matthew J.: The North Fights the Civil War: The Home Front (American Ways, 1994)
Gallman, J. Matthew: Northerners at War: Reflections on the Civil War Home Front (Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2010)
Galpin, Rosa: „John C. McGehee,“ in: The Florida Historical Society Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 4 (April 1926), pp. 186-191)
Galwey, Francis Thomas: The Valiant Hours: The Narrative of „Captain Brevet“, An Irish-American in the Army of the Potomac (Harrisburg 1961)
Gambone, A. M.: Hancock at Gettysburg … and Beyond (Baltimore: Butternut and Blue, 1997)
Gara, Larry: The Liberty Line. The Legend of the Underground Railroad (Lexington, Ky, 1961)
Gardner, Alexander: Catalogue of Photographic Incidents of the War (Washington, D.C.: Polkinhorn, 1863)
Garfield, James A.: The Wild Life in the Army. East Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State University Press, 1964
Garland, Hamlin: Ulysses S. Grant: His Life and Character (1923, reprint Ulan Press 2012)
Garret, Franklin M.: Atlanta and Environs: A Chronicle of its People and Events, 3 vols. New York: Lewis Historical Publishing 1954
Gauthier, George R.: Harder Than Death (Pvt; Co. B, 15th Regiment Texas Cavalry; also Co. A 14th Regiment Texas Cavalry): The Life of George R. Gauthier, an Old Texan (Austin, Tex.: n.p., 1902
Geary, James W.: We Need Men: The Union Draft in the Civil War (Dekalb: Northern Illinois Press, 1991)
Geary, James W.: Yankee Recruits, Conscripts and Illegal Evaders; in: Barton, Michael and Larry M. Logue: The Civil War Soldier. A Historical Reader (New York and London: New York University Press, 2002), pp. 57-65 (= Geary, James W.: We Need Men: The Union Draft in the Civil War, pp. 92-102)
Geer, John James (Captain, 48th Ohio Infantry): Beyond the Lines: A Yankee Prisoner Loose in Dixie (Reprint of 1864 Original); 285pp, Illustrated
Genco, James: To the Sound of Musketry and Tap of Drum: A History of Michigan's Battery D through the Letters of Artificer Harold J. Bartlett, 1861-64 (Rochester, Michigan: R. Russel Books, 1983; Detroit Book Press, 2nd printing of 1983 original). This is the first documented account of Battery "D", 1st Michigan Light Artillery
Genovese, Eugene D.: The Political Economy of Slavery: Studies in the Economy and Society of the Slave South (New York: Pantheon, 1965)
Georg, Kathleen R.: „Our Principal Loss Was in This Place.“ The Morningside Notes, 12 June 1984 (zum Devil's Den and Battle of Gettysburg)
George, Henry (Pvt, 7th Kentucky Mounted Infantry): History of the 3d, 7th, 8th and 12th Kentucky Infantry, C.S.A. (Louisville, Kentucky, 1911)
George, Henry (Pvt, 7th Kentucky Mounted Infantry): "The 7th Kentucky at Shiloh" (Shiloh National Military Park, Shiloh / Tennessee: 7th Kentucky File)
Georg-Harrison, Kathy: Nothing but Glory: Pickett's Division at Gettysburg (Hightstown, Md.: Longstreet House, 1987)
Gerrish, Theodore (20th Maine Infantry): Army Life: Reminiscenses of the Civil War (Portland, Maine 1882; reprint Stan Clark Books); 400 pages; new introduction by John Pullen)
Gerrish, Theodore: "Battle of Gettysburg." National Tribune, 23 November 1882
Gerrish, Theodore] An Old Private: „The Twentieth Maine at Gettysburg,“ Portland Advertiser, Mar. 13, 1882
Gerrish, Theodore and John S. Hutchinson: The blue and the gray : a graphic history of the Army of the Potomac and that of Northern Virginia, including the brilliant engagements of these forces from 1861 to 1865, Bangor, Me. : Brady, Mace, 1884
Gerson, Armand J.: „The Inception of the Montgomery Convention;“ American Historical Association Annual Report 1910 (Washington/DC, 1912), S. 181-87
Gettysburg Magazine: Dayton, Morningside House, 1989
Gibbon, John: Personal Recollections of the Civil War, Reprint der Ausgabe 1928 (Dayton / OH: Morningside Bookshop, 1988)
Gibbons, A. R. (Pvt; Co. G, 1st Regiment Georgia Cavalry): The Recollections of an Old Confederate Soldier (Shelbina, Mo.: Herald Print [193-])
Gibney, John M.: „A Shadow Passing: The Tragic Story of Norwell Welch and the 16th Michigan at Gettysburg and Beyond.“ Gettysburg Magazine, no. 6 (January 192). Dayton, Ohio: Morningside House, Inc.
Gibson, J. T.: History of the Seventy-Eights Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry (Pittsburgh Printing 1905; 1st Edition); Maps, Photos; Complete Rosters
Gienapp, William E.: Origins of the Republican Party 1852–1856 (Oxford University Press, 1987)
Gilbert, W. H.: Sermon Delivered in Granby, Conn., 4.1.1863, at the Funeral of Roswell Morgan Allen, Private in Co. E, 16th Reg't. C.V., Who Died at the Hospital near Washington, Sunday, Dec. 28, 1862 (Hartford, Conn.: Charles Montague, 1863)
Giles, L. B. (Pvt; Co. D, 8th Regiment Texas Cavalry [Terry's][1st Rangers] [8th Rangers]): Terry's Texas Rangers. N. p., 1911
Gilham, William: Manual of Instruction for the Volunteers and Militia of the United States (Philadelphia: Charles DeSilver, 1861)
Gilmore, Harry: Four Years in the Saddle. London: Longmans Green and Co., 1866
Gilpin, Thomas C. (Captain, 3rd Iowa Cavalry): History of the 3rd Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, From August 1861, to September, 1865 (Winterset / Iowa, 1908)
Glatthaar, Joseph T.: The March to the Sea and Beyond - Sherman's Troops in the Savannah and Carolinas Campaigns (LSU Press: Baton Rouge, 1985; Paperback Edition 1995)
Glatthaar, Joseph T.: Partner's in Command. The Relationships Between Leaders in the civil War (Don Mills/Ontario: Maxwell Macmillan Canada, Inc., 1994)
Glatthaar, Joseph: Forged in Battle: The Civil War Alliance of Black Soldiers and White Officers (New York, 1990)
Glatthaar, Joseph T.: „The Common Soldiers Gettysburg Campaign“; in: Boritt, Gabor S. (ed.): The Gettysburg Nobody Knows (Oxford University Press, 1999), S. 3-30
Glatthaar, Joseph: "The' Common Soldier of the Civil War," in John Y. Simon and Michael E. Stevens, eds., New Perspectives on the Civil War: Myths and Realities, o] the National Conflict (Madison, WI: Madison House, 1998), p, 119-44.
Glatthaar, Joseph T.: Lee's Army: From Victory to Collapse (New York: Free Press, 2008)
Glatthaar, Joseph T.: Soldiering in the Army of Northern Virginia: A Statistical Portrait of the Troops Who Served under Robert E. Lee (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2008)
Glatthaar, Joseph T.: "The 'New' Civil War History: An Overview," Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 115 (July 1991), p. 339-69
Glazer, Nathan and Daniel P. Moyniham: Beyond the Melting Pot +++ergänzen+++
Glazier, Willard (Captain, 2nd New York Cavalry): Three Years in the Federal Cavalry (New York: R. H. Ferguson, 1873)
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Gooding, James (Sergeant; Co. C, 54th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry [Colored]): On the Altar of Freedom. A Black Soldier's Civil War Letters from the Front (edited by Virginia M. Adams) (University of Massachusetts Press, 1999)
Goodloe, Albert Theodore (1stLt; Co.D, 35th Regiment Alabama Infantry): Some Rebel Relics from the Seat of the War (Nashville: Publishing House of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1893)
Goodson, Joab (Captain; Co. B, 44th Regiment Alabama Infantry): The Letters of Captain Joab Goodson, 1862-1864. Edited Stanley Hole. The Alabama Review, vol. 10 (April 1957)
Gordon, George Henry: "History of the Campaign of the Army of Virginia" (Boston, 1889)
Gordon, George Henry: Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain in the War of the Great Rebellion, 1861-61 (Boston, 1883)
Gordon, George H: Battle of Cedar Mountain, OR 12 (2), 807-8
Gordon, John B. (CS-MajGen): Reminiscenses of the Civil War (Scribner's, New York 1903; reprint Time Life, N.Y. 1983); Anm.: "A superb soldier during the war, Gordon wrote a floridly romantic style and tailored his narrative to foster good relations between the North and South (vgl. Gallagher: Introduction zu Porter: "Fighting for the Confederacy", a.a.O., S. 555 Anm. 17). Gallagher (vgl. Gallagher: Introduction zu Porter: "Fighting for the Confederacy", a.a.O., S. xvii) bezeichnet den Stil Gordon's als Stil der "Gordon school of postwar writing".
Gordon, Lesley Jill: "Before the Storm: The Early Life of George E. Pickett," Typescript in Earl Gregg Swem Library, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg / VA
Gordon, Lesley J.: General George E. Pickett in Life & Legend (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998)
Gordon, Lesley J.: „All Who Went into That Battles Were Heroes“. Remembering the 16th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers at Antietam; in: Gallagher (ed.): Antietam Campaign, a.a.O., S. 169-191
Gordon, Lesley J.: „Shurely They Remember Me“: The 16th Connecticut in War, Captivity, and Public Memory; in: Cimbala, Paul A. and Randall M. Miller [ed.]: Union Soldiers and the Northern Home Front. Wartime Experiences, Postwar Adjustments (Fordham University Press: New York, 2002), p. 327 ff.
Goree, James Langston V. (ed.): The Thomas Jewitt Goree Letters (Bryan, Texas: Family History Foundation, 1981)
Goree, Thomas J. (Major C.S.A., Longstreet's Aide): The Civil War Letters of Major Thomas J. Goree (Edited by Thomas Cutrer), University Press of Virginia, 1995
Goree, James Langston V. (ed.): The Thomas Jewitt Goree Letters (Bryan, Texas: Family History Foundation, 1981)
Goss, Warren L. (Sgt, 2nd Mass Heavy Artillery): Recollections of a Private (New York, 1890); Twice captured and imprisoned at Libby and Belle Isle, Goss wrote numerous books about the war; this is his most famous
Goss, Warren L. (Sgt, 2nd Mass Heavy Artillery): The Soldier's Story of Captivitiy at Andersonville, Belle Isle and other Rebel Prisons (Boston 1868); Illustrations by Thomas Nast; 274 pp with Appendix
Gottfried, Bradley M.: Brigades of Gettysburg. The Union and Confederate Brigades at the Battle of Gettysburg (New York 2002, 2012)
Gottfried, Bradley M.: Roads to Gettysburg: Lee's Invasion of the North 1863 (Shippensburg, Pa.: White Maine Books, 2001)
Gottfried, Bradley M.: „Wright's Charge on July 2, 1863: Piercing the Union Line or Inflated Glory,“ Gettysburg Magazine, 17 (1997), S. 70-82 (note: MajGen Ambrose R. Wright)
Gottfried, Bradley M.: „Fisher's Brigade at Gettysburg: Big Round Top Controversy.“ Gettysburg Magazine (July 1998), issue 19, 84-93
Gottfried, Bradley M.: „Mahone's Brigade: Insubordination or Miscommunication?“ Gettysburg Magazine (January 1998), issue 18, 67-76
Gould, Benjamin A.: Investigations in Military and Anthropological Statistics of American Soldiers (New York, 1869) (McPherson: For Cause and Comrades, p.189: an exhaustive statistical profile of the Union army)
Gould, Joseph (Quartermaster Sergeant; Co. F, 48th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry): The 48th (Penn.) in the War (Regimental Association, 1908)
Gould, Edward K.: Major-General Hiram G. Berry, His Career as a Contractor, Bank President, Politician, and Major-General of Volunteers, in the Civil War Together With ... Run to Chancellorsville, Reprint 2015
Gould, John M.: History of the First, Tenth, Twenty-ninth Maine Regiment (Portland / Maine: Stephen Berry, 1871; Reprint Butternut and Blue); 584 pages, 90 Photos and Illustrations
Govan, Gilbert E. und James E. Livingood: „A Different Valor: The Story of General Joseph E. Johnston C.S.A.,“ (Indianapolis and New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1956)
Gracey, Samuel L. (Chaplain, 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry): Annals of the Sixth Pennsylvania Cavalry (Vanberg Publishing; Reprint of 1868 original); new Introduction by Eric Wittenberg; 371 pp; Index; Record of Officers. The 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry served at Fair Oaks, Gaines's Mill, Malvern Hill, Antietam, Brandy Station, Gettysburg and other battles.
Graf, Leroy P.:, Ralph Haskins and Paul H. Bergeron (eds.): The Papers of Andrew Johnson. 13 vols. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1967
Gragg, Rod: Covered with Glory. The 26th North Carolina Infantry at the Battle of Gettysburg (University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill, 2000)
Gragg, Rod: Confederate Goliath: The Battle of Fort Fisher (LSU Press). Rod Gragg has done a fine job on this title (one of his first books) and is from the Carolina Coast where the remains of this fort are located; 400 pp; illustrated
Gragg, Rod: The Illustrated Gettysburg Reader. An Eyewitness History of the Civil War's Greatest Battle (New York: Regnery Publishing, 2013)
Graham, Matthew J. (Lieutenant, Co A, 9th New York Infantry): The Ninth Regiment New York Volunteers (Hawkin's Zouaves) (VanBerg Publishing, 1998), PDF-Version available
Graham, W. A.: The Custer Myth: A Source Book of Custeriana (Harrisburg, Pa.: Stackpole, 1953)
Graham, Ziba B. (1stLt; Co. CBI, 16th Regiment Michigan Infantry): „On to Gettysburg – Ten Days From My Diary of 1863“; MOLLUS, Commandary, of the State of Michigan. Vol I, March 2, 1889. Reprinted Wilmington, North Carolina: Broadfoot Publishing Co., 1993
Gramm, Kent: "They must be made on Iron". The Ascent of South Mountain; in: Nolan/Vipond: Giants in their Black Hats. Essays on the Iron Brigade, a.a.O, S. 13 ff.
Gramm, Kent: Gettysburg: A Meditation of War and Values (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994)
Gramm, Kent: The Chances of War: Lee, Longstreet, Sickles, and the First Minnesota Volunteers; in: Boritt, Gabor S. (ed.): The Gettysburg Nobody Knows (Oxford University Press, 1999), S. 75-100
Granger, J. T.: A Brief Biographical Sketch of the Life of Major-General Grenville M. Dodge (New York, 1893)
Grant, Bruce: American Forts Yesterday and Today. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc, 1965
Grant, Julia Dent: The Personal Memoirs of Julia Dent Grant, ed. John Y. Simmons (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1975)
Grant, Ulysses S.: Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant. 2 vols (New York: Charles L. Webster, 1885)
Gray, John C. and John Codman Ropers: War Letters of John Chipman Gray ( Major, Co. H, 3rd Regiment Massachusetts Cavalry) and John Codman Ropes (Cambridge, Mass., Riverside Press of the Massachusetts Historical 1927)
Gray, Wood: The Hidden Civil War. The Story of the Copperheads (Viking Press: New York, 1942)
Gray, Wood: „Ulrich Bonnell Phillips“, in: William T. Hutchinson (ed.): The Marcus W. Jernegan Essays in American Historiography (Chicago, 1937), pp. 354-373 (enthält Descriptions of Phillips and discussions of his views of history [vgl. Pressly: Americans Interpret their Civil War, a.a.O., S. 233n1])
Grayson: s. Lt. Loyd G. Harris
Grayson, A. J. (Sergeant, Co. G&E, 6th Regiment Indiana Infantry [3-month-Regiment]): „The Spirit of 1861.“ History of the Sixth Indiana Regiment in the Three Month's and Originality, Depicting Battles, Skirmishes, Forced Marches, Incidents of Camp Life, Etc., with the Names of Every Officer and Private in the Sixth Regiment (Madison, Ind.: Courier Print [1875]')
Grebner, Constantin: We were the Ninth: A History Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, April 17, 1861, to June 7, 1864 (trans. and ed. Frederic Trautmann. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1987)
Green, Arthur E. Too little too late: compiled military service records of the 63rd Alabama Infantry CSA with rosters of some companies of the 89th, 94th, and 95th Alabama Militia CSA. (Bowie, Maryland: Heritage Books, 2001) (also to 2nd Regiment, Alabama Reserve (63rd Regiment Infantry)
Green, Fletcher M.: Constitutional Development in the South Atlantic States: A Study in the Evolution of Democracy (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, +++ergänzen+++) +++bestellt+++
Green, Robert M.: History of the Hundred Twenty-Forth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion, 1862-1863 (Philadelphia 1907); Photos, Rosters
Greenberg, Henry J.: „Pickett's Charge: The Reason Why.“ Gettysburg Magazine (July 1991), issue 5,, 105-106
Greene, Albert Robinson (Pvt; Co. A, 9th Regiment Kansas Calvary): "Campaigning in the Army of the Frontier." Collections of the Kansas State Historical Society,, 1915-1918, XIV, S. 283-310
Greene, Albert Robinson (Pvt; Co. A, 9th Regiment Kansas Calvary): "What I Saw of the Quantrill Raid." Collections of the Kansas State Historical Society, 1903-1904, VIII, S. 13-49
Greene, Albert Rowland (1stLt; at first Pvt; Co. K, 11th Regiment Rhode Island Infantry; later 1stLt Co. K, 78th Regiment New York Infantry): From Bridgeport to Ringgold by Way of Lookout Mountain (Providence / Rhode Island: Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, 1890); PDF-Version available
Greene, A. Wilson: „From Chancellorsville to Cemetery Hill – O.O. Howard and Eleventh Corps Leadership.“ The First Day at Gettysburg. (Kent/OH: 'Kent State University Press, 1992)
Greene, A. Wilson: „'A Step All-Important and Essential to Victory': Henry W. Slocum and the Twelfth Corps on July 1-2, 1863“; in: Gallagher (ed.): Three Days at Gettysburg, a.a.O., S. 169-203
Greene, A. Wilson: „From Gettysburg to Falling Waters: Meade's Pursuit of Lee“; in: Gallagher (ed.): Third Day at Gettysburg & Beyond, a.a.O., S. 161-194
Greene, A. Wilson: Civil War Petersburg. Confederate City in the Crucible of War (Charlottesville and London: University of Virginias Press, 2006)
Greene, A. Wilson: The Final Battles of the Petersburg Campaign: Breaking the Backbone of the Rebellion (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2008)
Greene, George S.: „The Breastworks at Culp's Hill. B&L,, a.a.O., Vol. 3:31
Greene, Jacob Lyman: Gen. William B. Franklin and the operations of the left wing at the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862 (Hartford, CN: Belknap and Warfield, 1900)
Greene, William B. (Berdan's Sharpshooters): Letters from a Sharpshooter: The Civil War Letters of Private William B. Greene (University Press of Virginia; Belleville: Historic Pub, 1993)
Greene, Wilson A.: Stoneman's Raid; in: Gallagher, Gary W. (ed.): Chancellorsville: The Battle and its Aftermath (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1996), p. 65-106
Greenhow, Rose O'Neal: Rose O'Neal Greenhow Papers, Special Collections Library, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
Gregg, William: Essays on Domestic Industry: Or, an Enquiry into the Expedience of Establishing Cotton Manufactures in South Carolina. Originally Published in the … Request of Several Gentleman of Charleston (Charleston 1845)
Gregory, G. Howard: 38th Virginia Infantry Lynchburg/VA: (H. E. Howard, 1988); Biblio, Detailed Rosters, Maps, Photos
Griess, Thomas F.: "Dennis Hart Mahan: West Point Professor and Advocate of Professionalism, 1830-1871 (Ph. D. Dissertation, Duke University, 1969)
Griffin, D. Massy: „Rodes on Oak Hill: A Study of Rodes' Division on the First Day of ,“ Gettysburg Magazine, 4 (1991), 33-48
Griffin, John: 4th Georgia (Clinch's) Cavalry Regiment. A Regimental History +++ergänzen+++
Griffith, Paddy: Battle Tactics of the Civil War (Yale University Press, US Edition 1989)
Griffin, D. Massy: „Rodes on Oak Hill: A Study of Rodes' Division on the First Day of ,“ Gettysburg Magazine, 4 (1991), 33-48
Grimes, Bryan (4th NC Infantry): Extracts of Letters of MajGen Bryan Grimes to his Wife (Raleigh, 1883; reprint Broadfoot 1986); edited by Gary Gallagher
Grimsley, Daniel A.: Battles in Culpeper County, Virginia (Culpeper, Va., 1900)
Grimsley, Mark: The Hard Hand of War. Union Military Policy toward Southern Civilians 1861-1865 (Cambridge University Press 1995)
Grimsely, Mark: "In Not So Dubious Battle: The Motivations of American Civil War Soldiers," Journal of Military History, 62 (January 1998), 175-88
Grinspan, Jon: "'Young Men for War': The Wide Awakes and Lincoln's 1860 Presidential Campaign," Journal of American History, Vol. 96, no. 2, (Sept. 2009), pp. 357–378
Grinstedt, Marion C.: Destiny at Valverde: The Life and Death of Alexander McRae (Socorro, New Mexico: Socorro Historical Society, 1992)
Grisamore, Silas T. (Captain, 18th Louisiana Infantry): The Civil War Reminiscenses of Major Silas T. Grisamore, C. S. A. (Louisiana State Univ); edited by Arthur Bergeron, Jr., 240 pp; 1st published as Reminiscences of Uncle Silas in 1981. An interesting glimpse of the war on the Civil War's Western Theater
Groene, Bertram H., ed.: "Civil War Letters of Colonel David Lang." Florida Historical Quarterly 54 (1976): 340-66
Guernsey, Alfred H und Alden, Henry M. (ed.): Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War. Contemporary Accounts and Illustration from the Greatest Magazine of the Time (Reprint der Ausgabe New York 1866)
Guild, George B. (Adjutant 4th Tennessee Cavalry [CS]): A Brief Narrative of the Fourth Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, Wheeler's Corps, Army of Tennessee (Nashville, privately publ., 1913)
Guiney, Patrick R.: Commanding Boston's Irish Ninth: The Civil War Letters of Colonel Patrick R. Guiney, Ninth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. Edited by Christian G. Samito (New York: Fordham University Press, 1998)
Gunn, Jack W.: „Ben McCulloch: A Big Captain.“ Texas Military History 1 (1961)
Litera H
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Hagerman, Edward: „From Jomini to Dennis Hart Mahan: The Evolution of Trench Warfare and the American Civil War,“ Civil War History 13 (September, 1967): 197-220
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Haines, Alanson A.: History of the Fifteenth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers (New York 1883, 1st Edition)
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Haley, John W. (Corporal, Co. I, 17th Regiment Maine Infantry): The Rebel Yell and the Yankee Hurrah: The Civil War Journal of a Maine Volunteer; ed. Ruth L. Silliker (Camden, Maine: Down East Books, 1985)
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Halliburton, Lloyd: Saddle Soldiers: The Civil War Correspondence of Gen William Stokes of the 4th South Carolina Infantry (Sandlapper, First edition); 265 pp. Stokes was a Colonel with the 4th SC Cavalry during the war. The 4th SC Cavalry served in the Charleston area until 1864 when the command was transferred to the Virginia theater. Photos, Maps, Biblio, Notes, Index, Copies of Documents
Hallock, Judith Lee (ed.): The Civil War Letters of Josua K. Callaway (Athens and London: University of Georgia Press, 1997/2014)
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Hanchett, William: The Lincoln Murder Conspiracies (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1983): Hanchett, stellt wie auch Turner, aufgrund neuerer Forschungen dar, daß die Ermordung Lincoln's das Ergebnis einer CS-Operation zur Geiselnahme Lincoln's war.
Hanchett, William: "Lincoln's Murder - The Simple Conspiracy Theory," Civil War Times Illustrated 30 (Nov/Dez 1991), S. 28-35, 70-71: Hanchett bezeichnet die Auffassung, Booth habe die Aktion zur Entführung Lincoln's aus eigener Entscheidung und Verantwortung ohne Rückendeckung seitens Präs. Jefferson Davis geplant, als falsch
Hanchett, William: "The Historian as Gamesman: Otto Eisenschiml, 1880-1863," in: Civil War History 36 [März 1990], S. 5-16
Hancock, Almira R. (Mrs. Winfield Scott Hancock): Reminiscenses of Winfield Scott Hancock (Digital Scanning, Paperback Reprint of 1887 title by Webster Publishing)
Hancock, Richard R. (CS-Sergeant; Pvt, Co. E, 1st Battalion Tennessee Cavalry (McNairy's); later Sergeant Co. C, 21st/22nd Consolidated Regiment Tennessee Cavalry (Barteau's) (= 2nd Tennessee Cavalry)): Hancock's Diary: A History of the Second Tennessee Cavalry (= 22nd Tennessee Cavalry [Barteau's]), with Sketches of First and Seventh Battalion; Portraits and Biographical Sketches. (Nashville 1887)
Handlin, Oscar: Boston's Immigrants: A Study in Acculturation (Cambridge: Belknap Press, 1959)
Hanford, J. Harvey (Sergeant; Co. B, 124th Regiment New York Infantry): “Gettysburg: The Experiences of a Private in the 124th New York in the Battle.” (National Tribune, 24 September 1885)
Hannaford, Edwin: The Story of a Regiment: A History of the Campaigns, and Associations in the Field, of the Sixth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry (Cincinnati, 1868)
Hannah, William F.: „Major General Darius N. Couch.“ Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 71:3 (July 1963), pp. 259-77
Hansen, Marcus Lee: The Atlantic Migration, 1607-1860 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1951)
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Hard, Abner: History of the Eighth Cavalry Regiment Illinois Volunteers during the Great Rebellion (Aurora/Ill., 1868; Reprint Morningside Bookshop, Dayton, Ohio, 1984)
Hardee, William J.: Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics; for the Exercise and Manoeuvres of Troops when acting as Light Infantry or Riflemen (2 vols, Philadelphia 1855)
Hardin, Martin B. (Col; 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry): History of the Twelfth Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserves Volunteer Corps (New York: Published by the Author, 1890)
Hardy, Michael G.: North Carolina Troops: Tar Heels in the Army of Northern Virginia (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Comp., 2003)
Hargis, O. P. (Pvt; Co. I, 1st Regiment Georgia Cavalry): Thrilling Ex of a First Georgia Cavalryman in the Civil War (Atlanta: n.p., n.d.)
Hargrove, Hondon B.: Black Union Soldiers in the Civil War (McFarland Publishing); 270 pp; Photos; Tables; Appendix; Notes; Bibliography; Index; Avery well researched and scholarly analysis that details Black soldiers contributions to the war. By wars end, Black soldiers had numbered over 187,000 and many were awarded the Medal of Honor
Harmon, George D.: "Douglas and the Compromise of 1850," Lehigh Univ. Pub., Vol. III, no. 7 [July, 1929], reprinted from Journal, Ill., State Historical Society, Vol. XXI
Harrell, Charles T.: "Too few Trains" - The reinforcement of P.G.T. Beauregard at First Manassas (zur Eisenbahngeschichte; Manassas Gap; Manassas Gap Railroad
Harrell, John M.: „Arkansas“; Confederate Military History, S. 407-408
Harrington, Fred Harvey: Fighting Politician: Major General N. P. Banks (Philadelphia, 1948)
Harris, Loyd G. (1tLt; Co. C, 6th Regiment Wisconsin Infantry): (ed. Lance J. Herdegen and William K. Beaudot): "With the Iron Brigade Guard at Gettysburg." The Gettysburg Magazine No 1: 29-34
Harris, Loyd G.: (ed. Lance J. Herdegen and William K. Beaudot): "With the Iron Brigade Guard at Gettysburg." The Gettysburg Magazine No 1: 29-34
Harris Loyd G.: „Stories Told in Camp,“ Milwaukee Sunday Telegraph, March 11, 1883
Harris, Loyd G. (Grayson): „Adventures of a Rebel Flag.“ Milwauckee Sunday Telegraph, 29 February 1888
Harris, Loyd G. (Grayson): „Asleep at His Post.“ Milwauckee Sunday Telegraph, 6 June 1880
Harris, Loyd G. (Grayson): „Frederick City to Gettysburg.“ Milwauckee Sunday Telegraph, 25 January 1885
Harris, Loyd G. (Grayson): „The Iron Brigade Guard at Gettysburg.“ Milwauckee Sunday Telegraph, 22 March 1885
Harrison, Kathleen Georg: „'Our Principal Loss Was in This Place': Action at the Slaughter Pen and at the South End of Houck's Ridge,“ Gettysburg Magazine, 1 (1989), 33-49
Harrison, Kathleen Georg, and John W. Busey: Nothing But Glory: Pickett's Division at Gettysburg. Gettysburg: Thomas Publications, 1993
Harrison, Kathy Georg: The Locations of the Monuments, Markers, and Tablets on Gettysburg Battlefield (Gettysburg, Pa.: Thomas Publications, 1993)
Harrison, Lowell H.: The Civil War in Kentucky (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1975)
Harrison, Lowell H.: "Beriah Magoffin, 1815–1885"; in: Rose, Jerlene. Kentucky's Civil War 1861–1865 (Clay City, Kentucky: Back Home In Kentucky, Inc., 2005) pp. 26–27
Harrison, Lowell H.: "Governor Magoffin and the Secession Crisis". The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 72 (April 1974), pp. 91-110
Harrison, Lowell H.: “Beriah Magoffin”; in: Harrison, Lovell H. (ed.): Kentucky Governors (Lexington: University Press, 1985), pp. 65-68
Harrison, Noel G.: Chancellorsville Battlefield Sites (Lynchburg, Va.: H. F. Howard, 1990)
Harrison, Walter: Pickett's Men: A Fragment of War History. A Brief History of the Division (New York, 1870)
Hart, Ephraim J. (Sergeant, 40th Regiment Illinois Infantry): History of the Fourtieth Illinois Infantry (Cincinnati 1864)
Harter, F. A. (Pvt; Co. D, 8th Regiment Illinois Cavalry): Erinnerungen aus dem amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg (Chicago: Verlag von F. A. Harter, 1885)
Hartje, Robert G.: Van Dorn. The Life and Times of a Confederate General. (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1967)
Hartley, Chris J.: Stuart's Tarheels: James B. Gordon and his North Carolina Cavalry (Butternut & Blue, 1st Edition); 453 pages, 20 photos, 14 maps, index.
Hartpence, William R. (Sergeant Major 51st Indiana Infantry): History of the Fifty-First Indiana Veteran Volunteer Infantry: A Narrative of its Marches, Battles, and Other Experiences in Camp and Prison, from 1861 to 1866 (Cincinnati, Ohio: Author, 1894)
Hartwig, D. Scott Hartwig: The Defense of McPherson's Ridge. Gettysburg Magazine issue 1 (July 1989), 15-24
Hartwig, D. Scott: „The 11th Army Corps on July 1, 1863,“ Gettysburg Magazine, issue 2 (January 1990), 33-49
Hartwig, D. Scott: „Guts and Good Leadership: The Action at the Railroad Cut, July 1, 1863.“ Gettysburg Magazine, 1 (1989), 5-14
Hartwig, D. Scott: „It Struck Horror to Us All,“ Gettysburg Magazine, 4 (1994), 89-100
Harwell, Richard Barksdale: The Fiery Trail: A Union Officer's Account of Sherman's Last Campaigns +++ergänzen+++
Haselberger, Fritz: Confederate Retaliation: McCausland's 1864 Raid (White Mane), 269 pp, Illustrated, Maps, Biblio, Index. Details of McCausland's Raid on Chambersburg, Pennsylvania and Jubal Early's attempts to gain control of the Shenandoah
Haskell, Frank A.: The Battle of Gettysburg (posthum veröffentlicht durch Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, 1908)
Haskell, Fritz (ed.): "The Diary of Colonel William Camm, Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, XVIII, Pt. 2, No. 4 (January 1926), S. 802
Haskell, John Cheves (1st S. Carolina Artillery): The Haskell Memoirs: The Personal Narrative of a Confederate Officer (Putnam's, New York, 1960); 1st edition; Edited by Gilbert Govan and James Livinggood (Freeman used these memoirs in writing Lee's Lieutenants); Anm.: The editors have corrected errors in the original manuscript; Nevins says "Written by an audacious fighter who freely passed judgement on almost all high-ranking commanders in Lee's army; especially critical of Jackson."
Hasskarl, Robert A.: Waul’s Texas Legion, 1862-1865 (Ada: The Book Bindery, 1976)
Hassler, Warren W., Jr.: Crisis at the Crossroads. The First Day at Gettysburg (University of Alabama Press, 1970)
Hassler, William Woods: A. P. Hill: Lee’s Forgotten General (Richmond / VA: Garret & Massie, Inc, 1957)
Hassler, William W. (ed.): The General to His Lady: The Civil War Letters of William Dorsey Pender to Fanny Pender. Ed. William W. Hassler (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1965) = Pender, William Dorsey: One of Lee's Best Men: The Civil War Letters of General William Dorsey Pender (Univ North Carolina). Issued in 1965 as "The General to His Lady".
Hassler, Warren W., Jr.: Commanders of the Army of the Potomac (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1962)
Hattaway, Herman & Jones, Archer: How the North Won. A Military History of the Civil War (1983); First Paperback Edition, University of Illinois Press, 1991
Hattaway, Herman u.a.: Why the South Lost the Civil War; s. unter Beringer, Richard
Haupt, Herman: Reminiscenses of General Herman Haupt (Milwaukee 1901); Nevins calls this "An extremely valuable source on Union transportational problems; Haupt headed the bureau of Military Railroads."
Hawes, Henry C. (Pvt, 8th Illinois Infantry and 17th Illinois Infantry): Experiences of a Union Soldier (Crihfield Brothers, 1928)
Hawes, Jesse (Pvt; 9th Illinois Cavalry): Cahaba. A Story of Captive Boys in Blue (New York, 1888)
Hawkins, Norma: "Sergeant-Major Blanchard at Gettysburg," Indiana Magazine of History, 34 (June 1938): 214
Hay, John: Inside Lincoln's White House. The Complete Civil War Diary of John Hay; edited Burlingame, Michael and Ettlinger, John R. Turner (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, Paperback Edition 1999)
Haynes, Edwin M. (Chaplain, 10th Vermont): A History of the Tenth Vermont Volunteers with Biographical Sketches of the Officers who fell in Battle (1894, 1st Edition); 249 pp, Complete Rosters and Index; Details of unit actions in Virginia
Haynes, George Henry: Charles Sumner (1909)
Haynes, Martin A.: A History of the Second Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion (Lakeport, N. H., 1896); Reprint Old Books Publishing; 479 pp, Tables, Biographical Sketches, Photos
Haynes, Martin A.: History of the Second Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers: Its Camps and Marches (Manchester, N. H.: Charles F. Livingston Printer, 1865)
Hays, Ebenezer Z. (ed.): History of the Thirty-second Regiment Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry (Columbus, 1896)
Hays, Gilbert Adams: Under the Red Patch: Story of the Sixty-Third Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers (Pittsburgh: Sixty-Third Volunteers Regimental Association, 1908)
Hazen, Samuel R.: „‚Fighting the Fight‘: the 140th New York and Its Work on Little Round Top.“ National Tribune 13 September 1894
Headley, John W.: The Confederates Try to Born New York City; in: Headley: Confederate Operations on Canada and New York 1906
Headley, John W.: Confederate Operations in Canada and New York (New York: Neale, 1906)
Hearn, Chester G.: Admiral David Dixon Porter - The Civil War Years (Annapolis / Maryland: Naval Institute Press, 1996)
Heartsill, William W. (Pvt; Co. F, 2nd Regiment Texas Cavalry; later Sergeant, Co. I, Morgan's Regiment Texas Cavalry): Fourteen Hundred and 91 Days in the Confederate Army (Marshall, Texas, 1876; reprinted, Wilmington, North Carolina: Broadfoot, 1987).
Heaton, Eli (Pvt; Co. E, 8th Regiment Indiana Cavalry): „The Rousseau Raid,“ pp. 13-15; in:Report of the Proceedings of the 16th Annual Re-Union of the Eighth Indiana Veteran Cavalry. 39 Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Held at Cicero, Indiana, on the 12th and 13th days of October 1899, pp. 11-17. Kokomo, Ind.: Tribune Printing, 1900
Hebert, Walter H.: Fighting Joe Hooker (Indianapolis 1944; NE: University of Nebrasca Press, 1999)
Heermance, William L. (Captain 6th New York Cavalry): "The Cavalry at Gettysburg"; in: Gettysburg Papers, Vol. 1: 414-424 (NY Mollus, Vol. 3, S. 200)
Heflin, W. P. (Pvt; Co. D, 11th Regiment Mississippi Infantry): Blind Man „On the Warpath“ (n.p., [190?])
Heideking, Jürgen: Geschichte der USA (Tübingen, 2. Auflage 1999)
Heidler, David S.: „Fire Eaters: The Radical Secessionists in Antebellum Politics“ (Ph.D. diss., Auburn University, Auburn, Ala., 1985
Heidler, David Stephen: Pulling the Temple Down: Fire-eaters and the Destruction of the Union (Rowman & Littlefield, 1994)
Heitman, Francis B.: Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, From its Organization, September 29, 1789 to March 2, 1903, 2 vols (1903, reprint ed., Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1965)
Henderson, G.F.R.: Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War (Reprint DaCapo Press: New York, 1988)
Henderson, M. B. M., E. J. M. Young, and Nahelhoffer, A. I. M. (ed.): "Dear Eliza: The Letters of Mitchell Andrew (N.p., 1976)
Henderson, William D.: 12th Virginia Infantry (H. E. Howard, Lynchburg, 1984); Maps, Photos, Biblio, Detailed Rosters
Hendrick, Burton J.: Statesmen of the Lost Cause. Jefferson Davis and his Cabinet (New York 1939)
Henig, Gerald: „Henry Winter Davis and the Speakership Contest of 1859-1860,“ in: Maryland Historical Magazine, Vol. 67 (Spring 1973), S. 1-19
Hennessy, John J.: Return to Bull Run. The Campaign and Battle of Second Manassas (University of Oklahoma Press, 1999)
Hennessy, John: Historical Report on the Troops Movements for the Second Battle of Manassas, August 28 through August 30, 1862 (National Park Service 1985)
Herdegen, Lance J.: The Men Stood Like Iron (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997)
Herdegen, Lance and William Beaudot: In the Bloody Railroad Cut at Gettysburg: The 6th Wisconsin and Its Famous Charge (Morningside 1990, reprint 2015)
Herdegen, Lance: Those damned Black Hats!: The Iron Brigade in the Gettysburg Campaign +++ergänzen+++
Hermance, W. L. (Captain 6th New York Cavalry): „The Cavalry at Chancellorsville, May 1863.“ Journal of the United States Cavalry Association, 4:13 (June 1891), pp. 107-13; also: New York Mollus, vol. 2
Hess, Earl J.: Lee's Tar Heels. The Pettigrew-Kirkland-MacRae Brigade (University of North Carolina Press, 2002)
Hess, Earl J.: „Alexander Asboth: One of Lincoln’s Hungarian Heroes?“ Lincoln Herald 84 (1982)
Hess, Earl J.: „The Mississippi River and Secession, 1861: The Northwestern Response,“ Old Northwest, Summer 1984
Hess, Earl J. and Henry A. Kircher: German in the Yankee Fatherland: The Civil War Letters of Henry A. Kircher (Kent State University Press 1983)
Hess, Earl J.: The Rifle Musket in Civil War Combat. Reality and Myth (Lawrence/Kansas: University Press of Kansas, 2008)
Hess, Earl J.: In the Trenches of Petersburg: Field Fortifications Defeat (Chapel Hill:University of Press, 2009)
Hess, Earl J.: The Union Soldier in Battle. Enduring the Ordeal of Combat (Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Press, 1997)
Hessler, James A.: Sickles at Gettysburg (New York 2009, 2010)
Hesseltine, William B.: Civil War Prisons: A Study in War Psychology (Columbus: The Ohio State University Press, 1962)
Hesseltine, William B.: The South in American History (New York, 1943)
Hicken, Victor: "From Vandalia to Vicksburg: The Political and Military Career of John A. McClernand". (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana, 1955).
Hicken, Victor: Illinois in the Civil War (University of Illinois Press: Urbana und Chicago 1966; 2. Auflage 1991)
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth: Army Life in a Black Regiment (1869, reprinted New York 1984)
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth: Massachusetts in the Army and Navy 1861-1865 (Boston 1896, First Edition), 2 vols.
Higginson, Thomas W.: Cheerful Yesterdays (Houghton Mifflin: Boston, 1898). Autobiography of famous abolitionist Colonel who formed the 1st South Carolina Black Infantry Regiment, friend of poet Emily Dickinson and author of "Army Life in A Black Regiment"
Hightower, Harvey Hudson (Pvt, 20th Regiment Georgia Infantry): "Letters from Hightower, Harvey Hudson, a Confederate Soldier, 1862-1864"; ed. Dewey W. Grantham, Jr., Georgia Historical Quarterly 40 (June 1956), S. 180
Hill, Alonzo F.: Our Boys: The Personal Experience of a Soldier in the Army of the Potomac (Philadelphia, 1864)
Hill, Benjamin Harvey, Jr.: Senator Benjamin H. Hill of Georgia: His Life, Speeches, and Writings; Also Memorial Addresses of Eminent Citizens of Georgia (Reprint 2017)
Hill, D. H.: "The Lost Dispatch," in: The Land We Love, IV (February 1868) S. 270-84
Hill, D. H.: "The Lost Dispatch," in: Southern Historical Society Papers, XIII (1885) S. 420-23
Hill, Daniel H.: "The Battle of South Mountain, or Boonsboro" in: B & L, a.a.O., Vol. II, S. 559 ff
Hill, Jim Dan: The Minutemen in Peace and War: A History of the National Guard (Harrisburg, Pa., 1964)
Hill, S. W.: „Allabach‘s Brigade. It Went as Near as Any Others to the Deadly Wall at Fredericksburg,“ National Tribune, April 16, 1908
Hillyer, George (Captain, 9th Georgia Infantry): Battle of Gettysburg: Address before the Walton County, Georgia, Confederate Veterans, August 2d, 1904. Walton County, Ga.: Walton Tribune, 1904
Himmer, Robert. "New Light on Maj. Gen. Henry W. Slocum's Conduct on the First Day at Gettysburg." Gettysburg Magazine 43 (July 2010): 49–60.
Hinkley, Julian Wisner (Captain 3rd Wisconsin Infantry): A Narrative of Service with the Third Wisconsin Infantry (Madison: Wisconsin Historical Commission, 1912, First Edition), 197 pages. Issued as part of Wisconsin History Commission Papers (vol. 7). Nevins calls this "A thoroughly organized and completely reliable memoir, based on letters, diary, and postwar manuscript; Hinkley saw much service in both major battle areas." PDF-Version available
Hinman, Wilbur F. (65th Ohio Volunteers): Corporal Si Klegg and his "Pard" (Henry Publishing Co. Reprint of 1887 title); 740 pp - Dust Jacket - photographs - illustrations - appendix - with Introduction by Brian Pohanka - the author enlisted in the 65th Ohio at the start of the war and mustered out as a Lieutenant Colonel. This fictionalized tongue in cheek representation of Army life is quite accurate and reflects just what the soldiers lived day by day.
Hinman, Wilbur F. (LtCol; 65th Regiment Ohio Infantry): The Story of the Sherman Brigade. The Camp, the March, the Bivouac, the Battle: and How „The Boys“ Lived and Died during Four Years of Active Field Service (Alliance, Ohio: Press of Daily Review, 1897) (PDF-Version available)
Hinman, Wilbur F. (LtCol; 65th Regiment Ohio Infantry): Corporal Si Klegg and his "Pard" (Henry Publishing Co. Reprint of 1887 title); 740 pp - Dust Jacket - photographs - illustrations - appendix - with Introduction by Brian Pohanka - the author enlisted in the 65th Ohio at the start of the war and mustered out as a Lieutenant Colonel. This fictionalized tongue in cheek representation of Army life is quite accurate and reflects just what the soldiers lived day by day.
Hirst, Benjamin (14th Connecticut): The Boys from Rockville: Civil War Narratives of Sgt. Benjamin Hirst, Company "D", 14th Connecticut Volunteers (Univ Tennessee Press); 256 pp, Illustrated; Photos; Maps; Notes; Biblio; Index. Edited by Robert L. Bee. In less than a month after forming, the 14th Connecticut fought at Bloody Lane at Antietam and went on to fight in all the major battles of the war, capturing more enemy flags and suffering more losses than any other Connecticut Regiment.
Historical Magazine 5/1869: „General Pleasonton's Cavalry Division, in the Maryland Campaign, September, 1862“
Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970, 2 vols. (Washington: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1975
Historicus: „The Battle of Gettysburg,“ New York Herald, March 12,1864, reprinted in OR Vol. 27, part IO, 128-36, and in Meade: Life and Letters, a.a.O., 2: 323-31
Historicus: „The Battle of Gettysburg. Historicus in Reply to General Barnes and the Staff Officers of the Second and Fifth Corps. The Evidence Before the Committee on the Conduct of the War, &c., New York Herald, April 4, 1864
History of the 121st Pennsylvania Volunteers (Philadelphia: Burk & McFetridge Co., 1893)
History of the One Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1862-1865 (Lippincott, Philadelphia 1906); Photos; Rosters; Chronology of Events
History of the 127th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers (Lebanon, PA, 1902), PDF Version available
Hitchcock, Frederick L.(Major, 132nd PA Vols): War from the Inside: The Story of the 132nd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry in the War for the Suppression of the Rebellion, 1862-1863 (Philadelphia 1904)
Hitchcock, George A. (21st Massachusetts Infantry): From Ashby to Andersonville (Savas Publishing), 256 pp; Photos; Illustrations; Maps. The Civil War Journal of George A. Hitchcock of the 21st Massachusetts Infantry. Edited by Ronald Watson. Foreword by Ed Bearss. This is the journal of an enlisted member of the unit and provides insights into camp life, battles, picket duty, skirmishing and prison life at Andersonville.
Hitchcock, Henry M. und Julius Pitzman: Eulogies: General W. T. Sherman - Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Hitchcock, Major, and A.A.G., U.S.V., and Capt. Julius Pitzman, 6th MO Inf., Sketches of War History, 1861-1865. War Papers and Personal Reminiscences 1861-1865. Read before the Commandery of the State of Missouri, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Published by the Commandery. Volume I. St. Louis: Becktold and Co. 1892.
Hitchcock, Henry M.: Marching with Sherman: Passages from the Letters and Campaign Diaries of Henry Hitchcock, Major and Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers November 1864 - May 1865; ed. M.A. DeWolfe Howe, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1927. Reprint 1995
Hoadley, John F.: Origins of American Political Parties
Hobart, Edwin L.: Semi-History of a Boy-Veteran of the Twenty-Eighth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, in a Black Regiment (Denver 1909)
Hobart, Edwin L. (Corporal 28th Illinois Infantry): The Truth About Shiloh; A Compilation of Facts and Figures - An Analysis Reducing to a Percentage Basis All Losses in Every Command Engaged at Shiloh. Comparison of Losses in That Battle With Other Battles of the Civil War, and Other Wars, and a Complete Exposé of Numbers of Men Engaged on Both Sides,and How Such Numbers are Made Up, In Union and Confederate Armies. Denver, 1909 (Springfield / Ill. 1909)
Hockersmith, L. D. (Captain, 10th Kentucky Cavalry): Morgan's Escape: A True History of the Raid of General Morgan and His Men Through Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio (Madisonville, Kentucky: Glenn's Graphic Printing Co., 1903)
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Hoehling, Adolph A.: Damn the Torpedos. Naval Incidents of the Civil War; (Gramery Books: New York, 1989)
Hofe, Michael W.: That There be no Stain upon my Stones: Lieutenant Colonel William L. McLeod, 38th Georgia Regiment, 1842-1863 (Thomas Pub); 46 pp, Photos, Maps; Letters and story about the brave Georgian who died at Gettysburg and who was later taken home to Georgia by his family.
Hoffman, Elliott W.: „The First Vermont Cavalry in the Gettysburg Campaign.“ Gettysburg Magazine, no. 14, Jan. 1, 1996. Dayton, Ohio: Morningside House, Inc.
Hofmann, J. William (Col 56th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry): „The 56th Pennsylvania Volunteers in the Gettysburg Campaign.“ National Tribune 20 March 1884
Hofstadter, Richard: „U. B. Phillips and the Plantation Legend,“ The Journal of Negro History, xxix (April 1944), pp. 109-124
Hoke, Jacob: A Guide to the Battle Field of Gettysburg (Dayton/Ohio 1897)
Hoke, Jacob (Storekeeper in Chambersburg): The Great Invasion of 1863; or, General Lee in Pennsylvania (Dayton/Ohio, 1887)
Hoke, Jakob: (Storekeeper in Chambersburg): Historical Reminiscenses of the War (Chambersbu8rg, Pa.-: M. A. Foltz, 1884)
Holcombe, R. I.: History of the First Regiment Minnesota Volunteers (Stillwater, Minn.: Easton & Masterson, 1916); 508 pages
Holland, Cecil Fletcher: Morgan and his Raiders (New York: The Macmillan Co., 1943)
Hollandsworth, James G.: The Louisiana Native Guards: The Black Military Experience During the Civil War (Baton Rouge: Press, 1995)
Holmes, Scott: History of the 16th Connecticut Regiment, Volunteer Infantry
Holmes, Erastus (Quartermaster Sergeant; Co. F, 5th Regiment Indiana Cavalry): „Andersonville and How We Got There“; in: Reports of the Second and Third Re-Unions of the Fifth Indiana Cavalry Held at Indianapolis, Indiana, October 8-9, 1884, and October 14-15-, 1885 (Indianapolis: Sexton & Jacques [1886], pp. 2-8)
Holmes, James T.: Fifty-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry: Then and Now, Vol. I (Columbus: Berlin Printing Co., 1898): Holmes war 1864 Acting Commander der 52nd Ohio Infantry (vgl. Castel: Decision, a.a.O., S. 126)
Holstein, Anna M. E. (Mrs. H.): Three Years in Field Hospitals in the Army of the Potomac (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1867)
Holt, David E. (Pvt, 16th Mississippi Infantry): A Mississippi Rebel in the Army of Northern Virginia: The Civil War Memoirs of Private David Holt (LSU Press); edited by Thomas Cockrell and Michael Ballard; 354 pp, Photos, Map, Index, Biblio, Footnotes. Details the 16th Mississippi Infantry which fought at Gettysburg, Chancellorsville, the Shenandoah and other places. Holt saw action in most major battles and his descriptions are among the most graphic, dramatic, and poignant written by any soldier.
Holt, Daniel M. (Assistant Surgeon; Co. F&S, 121st Regiment New York Infantry): A Surgeon's Civil War: The Letters and Diary of Daniel M. Holt, M.D., ed. James M. Greiner, Janet L. Coryell, and James R. Smither (Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1994)
Holt, Michael F.: Political Parties and American Political Development: From the Age of Jackson to the Age of Lincoln (Baton Rouge, 1992)
Holt, Michael F.: The Political Crisis of the 1850s (New York, 1978)
Holzer, Harold, Symonds, Craig L. and Frank J. Williams: The Lincoln Assassination: Crime and Punishment, Myth and Memory (The North's Civil War, 2010)
Holzhueter, John O. (ed.): „William Wallace's Civil War Letters: The Virginia Campaign,“ Wisconsin Magazine of History 57 (Autumn 1973): 28-59 (Anm.: zu Pvt William Wallace, Co. E, 3rd Regiment Wisconsin Infantry)
Holzhueter, John O. (ed.): „William Wallace's Civil War Letters: The Atlanta Campaign,“ Wisconsin Magazine of History 57 (Winter 1973-1974): 91-116
Hood, John Bell: Advance and Retreat: Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate Armies (New Orleans, 1880; reprint DaCapo Press, 376 pp, Maps, Introduction by Richard McMurry)
Hood, John B.: „Letter from General John B. Hood.“ Southern Historical Society Papers 4 (1877); p. 145-50
Hoole, William S.: Alabama Tories: The First Alabama Cavalry U.S.A., 1862-65 (Tuscaloosa, Ala.: Confederate Publishing Company Inc., 1960)
Hoole, William Stanley, ed.: History of the Eighth Regiment Alabama Volunteers (Infantry). University, AL: Confederate Publishing Co., 1985 [reprint of an article first published in Perty Smith's Directory of the City of Montgomery, Alabama (1866)]
Hoover, Samuel: "Waterhouse's Battery at Shiloh (Battery "E", 1st Regiment Light Artillery)." National Tribune, September 10, 1925
Hopkins, C. A. Porter (ed.): The James J. Archer Letters: A Marylander in the Civil War, Part 1 (continued from March 1961, p. 93); in: Maryland Historical Magazine Vol. 56 Nr. 2, Juni 1961, S. 125 ff.
Hopkins, Luther W. (Pvt, 6th Virginia Cavalry): From Bull Run to Appomattox: A Boy's View (Baltimore: Press of Fleet-McGinley Co., 1908)
Horan, James D.: Mathew Brady: Historian with a Camera (New York, 1955)
Horan, James D.: Timothy O'Sullivan: America's Forgotten Photographer (New York: Bonanza Books, 1966)
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How, James F.: Frank P. Blair in 1861 - Lieutenant-Colonel James F. How, 27th MO Inf.; in: Missouri Mollus Band I
How, Louis: James B. Eads (Boston, 1900)
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Howe, Mark Antony DeWolfe: The Life and Letters of George Bancroft. 2 Bände. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York 1908
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Hubler, Simon: Narrative of Simon Hubler, First Sergeant of Co. I, 143 Reg. Pa. Vol. Inf. N.p., n.d.
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Hudson, James G. (Chaplain 4th Alabama Infantry), "A Story of Company D, 4th Alabama infantry regiment, C.S.A.," in Alabama Historical Quarterly, XXIII (1961), 139-179
Huffman, James (10th Virginia Infantry): Ups and Downs of a Confederate Soldier (New York, Wm. Rudges, 1940). Photo, Illustrations. Details of experiences with 10th Virginia and imprisonment at Point Lookout
Hughes, Mark: The New Civil War Handbook: Facts and Photos for Readers of all Ages (New York, NY, 2011)
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Humphrey, Steve: "That D - d Brownlow," Boone, N.C.: Appalachia Consortium Press, 1978
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Hurst, Samuel H. (US-BrigGen): Journal-History of the Seventy-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry (Chillicothe, Ohio: 1866)
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Hyde, Bill: „Did You Get There ? Capt. Samuel Johnston's Reconnaissance at Gettysburg.“ Gettysburg Magazine 29 [July 2003]: 86-93
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Hyde, Thomas W. (Major 7th Maine Infantry, Staff Officer VI Corps): "Recollections of the Battle of Gettysburg." Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Maine Commandary, War Papers I (1898): 189-206
Hyde, William L. (Chaplain 112th NY Vols): History of the One Hundred and Twelfth Regiment New York Volunteers (McKinstry Pub., Fredonia 1866, 1st Edition)
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Litera I
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Illinois, Fifty-Fifth Infantry, Committee. The Story of the Fifty-Fifth Regiment Illinois Volunteers (Clinton, Mass., 1887)
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Litera J
Jacklin, Rufus W. (Major; 16th Regiment Michigan Infantry): „The Famous Old Third Brigade.“ MOLLUS, Commandery, of the State of Michigan, Vol. 2, November 1, 1894. (Reprinted. Wilmington, North Carolina: Broadfoot Publishing Co., 1993)
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Jameson, J. Franklin (Hrsg.): Correspondence of John C. Calhoun; in: Annual Report of the American Historical Association, 1988, Vol. II, Washington 1900, S. 780-82
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Johannsen, Robert W.: Stephen A. Douglas (New York: Oxford University Press,, 1973)
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Johnston, Isaac N. (6th Kentucky Infantry [US]): Four Months in Libby and the Campaign against Atlanta (Heritage Books); 194 pp; Reprint of 1864 original; new Index. Nevins says "An excellent early account of a tunnel escape from Libby."
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Johnston, Joseph E.: Military Operations during the Civil War; new Introduction by Frank E. Vandiver (Reprint 1990 der Originalausgabe von 1874)
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Litera K
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Keenan, Jerry: Wilson‘s Cavalry Corps (4th Michigan Cavalry); McFarland Publishing 1998; 280pp; Biblio; Notes, Maps, Index. Key to the Confederate losses at Franklin and Nashville, Wilson's Cavalry thwarted Hood's 1864 invasion of middle Tennessee and later moved south to capture Selma, Montgomery, and Columbus Georgia - the 1st complete history of this unit
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Kellog, Robert (16th Connecticut Infantry): Life and Death in Rebel Prisons. Giving a complete history of the inhuman and barbarous treatment of our brave soldiers by rebel authorities, inflicting terrible suffering and frightful mortality, principally at Andersonville, GA., Florence, SC., describing plans of escape, arrival of prisoners, with numerous and varied incidents and anecdotes of prison life (Stebbins, Hartford 1865). PDF Version available
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Kerr, Homer L, ed.. Fighting With Ross' Texas Cavalry Brigade; CSA.: The Diary of George L. Griscom, Adjutant, 9th Texas Cavalry Regiment. Hillsboro, Tex., 1976
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Kiefer, William R. (Sergeant; Co. A, 153rd Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry): History of the 153rd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry (Originally issued in 1909, reprint Butternut & Blue); 352 pp plus added 52 page pamphlet with pencil annotations by a member of the regiment; this regiment lost 247 out of 550 at Gettysburg
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Marszalek, John E.: Sherman. A Soldier's Passion for Order (New York: Free Press, 1993; Ausgabe 1994)
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McCormick, Richard P.: "Political Development and the Party System," in: W. N. Chambers and W. D. Burnham, eds. The American Party Systems (1967), p. +++ergänzen+++
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McDaid, William K.: „Four Years of Arduous Service“: The History of the Branch-Lane Brigade in the Civil War. PhD Dissertation, Michigan State University, 1987
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McDonald, Archie P. (ed.): Make me a Map of the Valley. The Civil War Journal of Stonewall Jackson's Topographer Jedediah Hotchkiss (Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1973)
McDonald, William: A History of the Laurel Brigade. Originally the Ashby Cavalry of the Army of Northern Virginia and Chew's Battery (Maryland, 1907; Reprint John Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, Maryland, 2002) (Nevins calls this "One of the most noted of the early brigade histories. The author adroitly weaves his story from the 1861 formation of the 7th Virginia Cavalry to the 1865 disbandment of this mounted brigade.")
McDonough, James Lee: Shiloh - in Hell before Night (The University of Tennessee Press: Knoxville, 1977)
McDonough, James Lee: Chattanooga - A Death Grip on the Confederacy. Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1984.
McDonough, James Lee and Thomas L. Connelly: Five Tragic Hours. The Battle of Franklin (Knoxville, 1983)
McElroy, Edith Wasson (ed.): The Undying Procession: Iowa’s Civil War Regiments. Prepared for the Iowa Civil War Centennial Commission
McElroy, John (16th Illinois Cavalry): Andersonville: A Story of Rebel Military Prisons, Fifteen Month a Guest of the Socalled Southern Confederacy Toledo, 1879 ). 654 pp. Nevins calls this "Well-written, gripping, and very detailed; but reliance on memory and bitterness often distort the facts. This very popular narrative influenced many other prisoners' accounts."
McElroy, Elroy (16th Illinois Cavalry): This was Andersonville (New York 1957 -); Edited by Roy Meredith; 355 pp, Illustrations and Photos
McFeely, William S.: Grant. A Biography (Toronto 1981)
McFeely, William S.: „Amos T. Akerman: The Lawyer and Radical Justice,“ in: Kousser and McPherson (eds.): Region, Race, and Reconstruction, a.a.O., S. 396-404
McFeely, William S. Yankee Stepfather: General O. O. Howard and the Freedman +++ergänzen+++
McGee, B.F. (ed. Wm. R. Jewell): History of the 72d Indiana Volunteer Infantry of the Mounted Lightning Brigade (LaFayette/ Indiana, 1882)
McGowan, Col. J. E.: Morgan's Indiana and Ohio Raid; in: Annals of the War, a.a.O., S. 767 ff.
McGuire, Judith Brockenbrough: „Diary of a Southern Refugee during the War, June 1863 – July 1864,“ edited by James I. Robertson Jr. in Virginia at War, 1864, edited by Robertson and William D. Davis, 159-224 (Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 2009)
McIver, George: "North Carolinians at West Point before the Civil War," North Carolina Historical Review 7 (1930)
McKay, Martha Nicholson : When the Tide Turned in the Civil War (54th Massachusetts) (Hollenbeck, Indianapolis 1929). Written when the statue of Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Massachusetts was dedicated in 1897 and published some 32 years later
McKee, James C.: Narrative of the Surrender of a Command of US Forces at Fort Fillmore, NM, in July, 1861 (Stagecoach Press: Houston, 1960)
McKinley, William (Captain; Co. F&S, 23rd Regiment Ohio Infantry): „A Civil War Diary of William McKinley.“ Ed. Howard Wayne Morgan (Ohio Historical Quartly 69 (July 1960), pp. 272-90
McKinney, Francis F.: Education in Violance: The Life of George H. Thomas and the History of the Army of the Cumberland (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1961); Anm. Castel: "The most recent and detailed biography, (but) is badly impaired by an excessive bias in favor of Thomas and against Grant and Sherman" (vgl. Castel: Decision in the West, a.a.O., S. 579 Anm. 30)
McKitrick, Eric L.: Andrew Johnson and Reconstruction (Taschenbuchausgabe New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988)
McLarty, Vivian Kirkpatrick: „The Civil War Letters of Colonel Bazel F. Lazear,“ Missouri Historical Review 45 (October 1950), p. 56-59
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McLaws, Lafayette: The Federal Disaster on the Left; Philadelphia Weekly Press, 4.8.1886
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McLaws, Lafayette: „Gettysburg,“ in: Southern Historical Society Papers, vol. 7 (1879): 64-66 (reprint Milwood / New York: Kraus Reprint Company, 1977), PDF-Version available
McLean, James L. Jr: Cutler‘s Brigade at Gettysburg (Butternut & Blue, 1995)
McLean, James and Judy: Gettysburg Sources Vol 3; Butternut and Blue (Numerous accounts of the battle including: Who fired the opening shots ?; McLaws on the 2nd Day; Biddle on the 1st Day; 124th NY on the 2nd Day)
McMahon, John T.: DIARY OF THE 136TH NEW YORK 1861-1864 - White Mane - Edited by John M. Priest - 148pp - Maps and detailed footnotes tell the story of this Regiment and its battles at Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Chattanooga and Peach Tree Creek
McMorries, Edward Young (Corporal 1st Alabama Infantry [CS]): History of the First Regiment, Alabama Volunteer Infantry, C.S.A. Montgomery: Brown Printing Co., 1904 [Reprinted, microfiche; reprinted, Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press, 1970]
McMurran, James: 4th Regiment; in Ben LaBree (ed.): Camp Fires of the Confederacy (Louisville, 1898)
McMurry, Richard M.: "The Mackall Journal and its Antecedents," Civil War History 20 (December, 1974), S. 311-328
McMurry, Richard M.: "'The Enemy in Richmond': Joseph E. Johnston and the Confederate Government"; in Civil War History 27 (1981), S. 5-28
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Meade, George: Did General Meade Desire to Retreat at the Battle of Gettysburg? Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, 1883
Meade, Robert Douthat: "The Relations Between Judah P. Benjamin and Jefferson Davis: Some New Light on the Working of the Confederate Machine." Journal of Southern History 5, no. 4 (November 1939), S. 367-79
Meade, Robert Douthat: Judah P. Benjamin, Confederate Statesman (New York: Oxford University Press, 1943)
Melcher, Holman S. (Major, 20th Maine): With A Flash of His Sword (Belle Grove, Kearny); 331 pp; Maps; Bibliography; Index; 70 Photographs. A collection of Melcher's wartime letters, daily diary entries and battle accounts documenting the legendary 20th Maine.
Melcher, Holman S.: „The 20th Maine at Gettysburg; Lincoln County News, Mar. 13, 1885
Meredith, Roy: Storm over Sumter; The Opening Engagement of the Civil War (New York 1957)
Meredith, Solomon: "Col. Meredith's Report"; Indianapolis Daily Journal, 11.9.1862
Merril, Catharine: The Soldier of Indiana in the War of the Union (2 vols., Indianapolis, 1866, 1869)
Merril, E.: Block Houses for Railroad Defense in the Department of New Cumberland - Brevet Colonel William E. Merril, U.S.A.
Merrill, James: „Cairo. Illinois: Strategic Civil War River Port,“ Journal of the Illinois Historical State Society, LXXVI, No. 4 (Winter, 1983), S. 242-257
Merril, Samuel: The Seventieth Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion (Bowen-Merrill Pub, Indianapolis, 1900, 1st Edition, 372 pp, Rosters) Professionally Released with New Endpapers. Organized in Indianapolis in 1862, the 70th Indiana served in Tennessee, the Battle of Atlanta, Resaca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Lost Mountain, Savannah and North Carolina
Merrill, Samuel H.: The Campaigns of the First Maine and First District of Columbia Cavalry (Portland, Me, 1866)
Mettraux, Guénaël: „A Little-known Case from the American Civil War: The War Crimes Trial of Major General John H. Gee“; in: Journal of International Criminal Justice, Volume 8, Issue 4, 1.9.2010, pp. 1059-1068
Meyer, Steve: Iowa Valor (Meyer Publishing); 528 pp; 55 chapters and 150 period photographs; covers every major episode of Iowa soldier's involvement in the war by using their first hand accounts from letters, diaries, battle reports and war correspondence to newspapers. A collection of over 250 Civil War combat experiences taken from primary reference material of Iowans who were distinguished as the "Most Patriotic of the Patriotic"
Meyer, Steve: Iowans Called to Valor (Meyer Publishing), Actual period writings from Iowa soldiers, officers, and war correspondents describe events concerning Iowa proceeding the Civil War, and Iowa's entry into the Union effort. 130 pp; over 40 period photos.
Meyer, Steve: Discovering Your Iowa Civil War Ancestry (Meyer Publishing); 64 pp. Information about finding out what regiment your ancestor served with, and how to find more detailed information concerning battles and other significant events. Over 78000 Iowans served in the Civil War, using this book , anyone can uncover the story of their ancestors service in the Civil War.
Meyer, Augustus (Sergeant; 2nd Regiment US Infantry): Ten Years in the Ranks, U.S. Army (Reprint: New York: Arno Press, 1979)
Miers, Earl Schenck: The Weg of Victory. Grant at Vicksburg (New York 1955)
Miers, Earl Schenck and Richard A. Brown (eds.): Gettysburg (New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1948)
Miers, Earl Schenk (ed.): John B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, 2 vols. (Originally Published in 1866; Reprint New York, 1958)
Miles, Jim: The River Unvexed - A History and Tour Guide of the Campaign for the Mississippi River (Nashville / TN: Rutledge Hill Press, 1994)
Milhollen, Hirst D., Kaplan, Milton und Stuart, Hulen: Divided we Fought - A Pictorial History of the War - New York 1952/1956
Military History and Reminiscenses of the Thirteenth Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry of the Civil War in the United States, 1861-1865. Prepared by a regimental Committee (Chicago: Women’s Temperance Publishing Association, 1892)
Miller, Charles D.: Brief unit histories from: Report of the Great Reunion of the Veteran Soldiers and Sailors of Ohio Held at Newark, July 22, 1878. Under the A uspices of "The Society of the Soldiers and Sailors of Licking County, Ohio. " By Major Charles D. Miller. Secretary of the Society. Newark, Ohio: Clark & Underwood Printers. 1879
Miller, Edward A. Jr.: The Black Civil War Soldiers of Illinois: The Story of the Twenty-Ninth U.S. Colored Infantry (Univ S. Carolina)
Miller, Emilie Van Dorn (ed.): A Soldier’s Honor, With Reminiscenses of Major-General Earl Van Dorn. New York 1902
Miller, Kerby A.: Emigrants and Exiles: Ireland and the Irish Exodus to North America (New: York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1985)
Miller, Richard F.: Harvard's Civil War: A History of the Twentieth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry (Lebanon, NH, 2005)
Miller, Richard F. and Robert F. Mooney: The Civil War: The Nantucket Experience: Including the Memoirs of Josiah Fitch Murphey (Nantucket: Wesco Publishing Co., 1994) (Josiah Fitch Murphey was Sergeant; Co. I, 20th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry)
Miller, William E. [Capt. 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry]: The Cavalry Battle near Gettysburg:; in: Battles & Leaders Vol. III, S. 397 ff.
Miller, William J. (ed.): The Peninsular Campaign of 1862. Yorktown to the Seven Days. Volume III (Savas Publishing Company: Campbell, 1997)
Miller, William J.: The Training of an Army: Camp Curtin and the North's Civil War (Shippensburg/PA, 1990)
Milton, George Fort: The Eve of Conflict: Stephen A. Douglas and the needless War (1934)
Mingus, Scott L.: Flames Beyond Gettysburg: The Confederate Expedition to the Susquehanna River, June 1863 (Savas Beatie, Revised Edition 2011)
Mingus, Scott L.: Flames Beyond Gettysburg: The Confederate Expedition to the Susquehanna River, June 1863 (Savas Beatie, Revised Edition 2011)
Minnesota Board of Commissioners: Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars 1861-1865 (St. Paul/Minnesota, 1890)
Mitchell, Joseph B.: The Badge of Gallantry: Recollections of Civil War Congressional Medal of Honor Winners (New York: Macmillan, 1968)
Mitchell, Mary H.: Hollywood Cemetery: The History of a Southern Shrine (Richmond: Virginia State Library, 1985)
Mitchell, Reid: Civil War Soldier. Their Expectations and Their Experiences (New York: Viking Press, 1988)
Mitchell, Reid: The Vacant Chair: The Northern Soldier Leaves Home (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993). The author especially focused on the unpublished diaries of six men from the 16th Connecticut: Robert *Kellog, Oliver Gates, Joseph Barnum, Samuel Grosvenor, Charles Adams, and Ira Forbes (Gordon: „Shurely They Remember Me ...“in: Cimbala & Miller [ed.]: Union Soldiers and the Northern Home Front, p. 328n3)
Mitchell, Reid: " 'Not the General but the Soldier': The Study of Civil War Soldiers," in Jarnes M. McPherson and WilIiam J. Cooper, Jr., eds., Writing the Civil War: The Quest to Understand (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1998), 81-95
Moe, Richard: The Last Full Measure: The Life and Death of the First Minnesota Volunteers (New York: Henry Holt, 1993)
Monaghan, Jay: Civil War on the Western Border 1854-1865 (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1955)
Monaghan, Jay: Diplomat in Carpet Slippers (Boobs-Merrill Comp: New York 1945)
Monaghan, Jay: „An Analysis of Lincoln's Funeral Sermons,“ Indiana Magazine of History, VLI (March 1945), p. 38-39
Moneghan, Jay: Swamp Fox of the Confederacy: The Life and Military Service of M. Jeff Thompson (Tuscaloosa, 1956)
Mogelever, Jacob: Death to Traitors: The Story of General Lafayette C. Baker, Lincoln's Forgotten Secret Service Chief (Doubleday 1960)
Mollus / Illinois Commandary Vol. 13D (1923), S. 91-94: "Samuel Eddy Barrett"
Moore, Albert Burton: Conscription and Conflict in the Confederacy (New York: Hillary House Publishers, 1963)
Moore, Edward A. (Pvt, A. Graham's Company, Virginia Light Artillery [Rockbridge Artillery]): The Story of a Cannoneer under Stonewall Jackson in which is told the Part taken by the Rockbridge Artillery on the Army of Northern Virginia (J. P. Bell, Lynchburg 1910)
Moore, Frank (ed.): The Rebellion Record, Vol. 2 (New York: Arno Press, 1977)
Moore, James (Surgeon, 9th PA Cavalry): Kilpatrick and Our Cavalry (New York 1865; First Edition)
Moore, Jerrold N.: Confederate Commissary General: Lucius Bellinger Northop and the Subsistence Bureau of the Southern Army (White Mane, Shippensburg); 358 pp; Foreword by Lynda Crist; Photos; Maps; Index; Bibliography. The first full-length study of the South's supply department.
Moore, John W.: Roster of North Carolina Troops in the War between the States, vol 4 (Raleigh, 1892)
Moore, Marquerites: “A Study of Early Crump, Tennessee.” Hardin County Historical Quarterly, Vol. IX (January-June 1992, S. 28-37 (zu Crump's Landing/Tennessee)
Moore, Mark A.: Moore‘s Historical Guide to the Battle of Bentonville (Savas); 100 pp; Photos; Lots Maps; Index; Detailed Map Study of the Battle of Bentonville
Moore, Robert A. (17th Mississippi): A Life for the Confederacy as recorded in the Pocket Diaries of Private Robert A. Moore, Co G, 17th Mississippi Regiment, Confederate Guards, Holly Springs, Mississippi (Broadfoot Publishing); Reprint of McGowatt Mercer 1959 edition; 182 pp; Photos; Index; Rosters. Nevins says of this "Daily jottings by an educated and mature Mississippian whose candid observations ended abruptly with his death at Chickamauga."
Morford, T. C.: Fifty Years Ago: A Brief History of the 29th New Jersey Infantry (Longstreet House, 1990; Reprint of 1912)
Morris, John M.: The Connecticut War Record, vol. 1-2 (New Haven: Peck, White & Peck, 1865)
Morris, Thomas D.: Free Men All. The Personal Liberty Laws of the North 1780-1861 (Baltimore, 1974)
Morris, William H.: Review of Field Tactics for Infantry; North american Review 99 (July 1864): 291try
Morris, W. S., L. D. Hartwell and J. B. Kuykendall: History 31st Regiment Illinois Volunteers Organized bei John A. Logan (Univ Southern Illinois Press, 1998; Reprint of 1902 Original); 244pp, Illustrated. The 31st Illinois fought at Belmont, Fort Donelson, Vicksburg, Kennesaw Mountain, Atlanta and the March to the Sea
Morrison, James L., ed.: The Memoirs of Major General Henry Heth (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1974)
Morrison, Marion (Chaplain, 9th Illinois Infantry): "History of the 9th Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry" (Originalausgabe John S. Clark, Monmouth / Illinois, 1864; reprint Southern Illinois University Press, Carbonsdale and Edwardsville 1997)
Morse, Charles Fessenden (LtCol 2nd Massachusetts Infantry): Letters Written during the Civil War 1861-1865 (privately printed: 1898)
Morse, Horace J. (AAG): Catalogue of Connecticut Volunteer Organizations, Compiled from Records in the Adjutant-Generals Office (Hartford 1864); 936 pp; Complete Rosters of all units
Morton, Charles: „The Third Regiment of Cavalry“; in: *Rodenbough, Theophilus F. and Haskin, William L. (eds.): The Army of the United States: Historical Sketches of Staff and Line ... (New York, 1896), S. 193-98
Morton, Charles A. (Co I, 25th Missouri Infantry): "A Boy at Shiloh." Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, New York State Commandary, 1907, S. 52-69
Morton, Charles A. (Co I, 25th Missouri Infantry): "Opening of the Battle of Shiloh." Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Commandary of the District of Columbia, 1912, S. 11-20
Morton, John W.: Artillery of Nathan Bedford Forrest's Cavalry (Nashville, 1909)
Mosby, John S.: THE MEMOIRS OF COLONEL JOHN S. MOSBY: Edited by Charles Russell - Olde Soldier Books - 414pp - Dust Jacket - Reprint of 1917 title - Written later in life, Mosby viewed this work as the finest on his wartime career
Mosgrove, George D. (4th Kentucky Cavalry): Kentucky Cavaliers in Dixie: Reminiscenses of a Confederate Cavalryman (McCowat Mercer, 1957; Reprint of 1895 Original edited by Bell Wiley) (Archiv Ref, ameridownload Kentucky [CS] 4th Cavalry Mosgrove)
Mosman, Chesley A. (1stLt; Co. D, 59th Regiment Illinois Infantry): The Rough Side of War: The Civil War Journal of Chesley A. Mosman, 1st Lieutenant, Company D, 59th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment; ed. Arnold Gates (Garden City / New York: Basin Publishing Co., 1987)
Mosocco, Ronald A.: The Chronological Tracking of the American Civil War per the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion (James River Publications: Williamsburg/VA, 2. überarb. Auflage 1995)
Mowris, James A., M. D. (Regimental Surgeon, 117th New York Infantry): A History of the 117th Regiment, New York Volunteers (4th Oneida) (Edmonston Publishing)
Moyer, Henry P. (Bugler; Co. E, 17th Regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry): History of the Seventeenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry (Lebanon, Pa.: Sowers Printing Co., 1911)
Muhlenfeld, Elisabeth: Mary Boykin Chestnut: A Biography (LSU Press) 271 pp; illustrated with 44 halftones
Muir, Rory: Tactics and the Experience of Battle in the Age of Napoleon (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1998)
Mulholland, St. Clair A. (Col 116th Pennsylvania Infantry): The Story of the 116th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers in the War for the Rebellion (Fordham Univ. Press, 1996)
Mulkern, John R.: The Know-Nothing Party in Massachusetts: The Rise and Fall of a People's Movement (University Press of New England, 1990)
Mulligan, James A.: "The Siege of Lexington"; in B&L, a.a.O., Vol. I, S. 309
Mundy, James H.: No Rich Men's Son: The Sixth Maine Volunteer Infantry (Cape Elizabeth, ME, 1994)
Munson, E. B. (ed.): Jacob Nathaniel Raymer, Confederate Correspondent: The Civil War Reports of Jacob Nathaniel Raymer, 4th North Carolina (Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2009)
Munson, John W.: Reminiscenses of a Mosby Guerilla (New York: Moffat, Yard and Comp, 1906, Reprint)
Murdock, Eugene C.: One Million Men: The Civil War Draft in the North (Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1971)
Murfin, James V.: The Gleam of Bajonets: The Battle of Antietam and the Maryland Campaign of 1862 (New York: A. S. Barnes & Co., 1965)
Murphey, Thomas G. Four Years in the War: The History of the First Regiment of Delaware Veteran Volunteers (Infantry), From Its Organization in 1861, to the Close of the War in 1865. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: J.S. Claxton, 1866.
Murray, R. L.: E.P. Alexander and the Artillery Action in the Peach Orchard: A Tactical Overview of the Artillery Action Near the Peach Orchard at Gettysburg on July 2, 1863 (Wolcott, NY: Benedum Books, 2000)
Murray, R. L.: First on the Field: Cortland‘s 76th und Oswego‘s 147th New York State Volunteer Regiments at Gettysburg (Murray); 85 pp; Photos; Maps; Footnotes; Biblio. These units were some of the first ones on the field at Gettysburg and fought during the entire three day battle
Murray, Thomas Hamilton. History of the Ninth Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, 'The Irish Regiment,' in the War of the Rebellion, 1861–1865. New Haven, Connecticut: The Price, Lee & Adkins Co., 1903.
Murphy, T. L.: Kelly's Heroes. The Irish Brigade at Gettysburg +++ergänzen+++
Murray, Alton J.: South Georgia Rebels: The True Wartime Experiences of the 26th Regiment Georgia Volunteer Infantry (St. Mary's, Ga:. S: N:; 1976)
Myers, Frank: The Comanches: A History of White's Battalion, Virginia Cavalry, Laurel Brigade, Hampton Div., A.N.V., CSA (Baltimore: Kelly, Pieta & Co., 1871, Reprinted 1987 by Butternut Press)