Version 22.12.2018
Der Amerikanische
Bürgerkrieg 1861-1865
Literatur-Datenbank (im Aufbau)
(Litera N-R)
ausgewertet von
Eberhard Ref
I. Literaturliste zum American Civil War (Books and Articles):
Litera N
Nachtigall, Hermann: History of the 75th Regiment, PA. Vols (reprint North Riverside 1987)
Naisawald, L. Vanloan: Grape & Canister, the Story of the Field Artillery of the Army of the Potomac +++ergänzen+++
Nance, Ivey: Family History for the Descendants of John Milledge Gilbert Strickland: The Union of John Strickland and Sarah Hart Knight (2012) (darin Captain Jordan Rowland, 34th Regiment Georgia Infantry)
Nash, Charles Edward: Biographical Sketches of Gen. Pat Cleburne and Gen. T. C. Hindman (Dayton: Press of the Morningside Bookshop, 1977)
Nash, Eugene Arus: A History of the Forty-Fourth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War, 1861-1865 (1911, Reprint, Dayton, Ohio: Morningside, 1988)
Neese, George Michael: Three Years in the Confederate Horse Artillery (New York, 1911)
Neil, Henry (Captain 22nd Battery Ohio Light Artillery): A Battery at Close Quarters, by Captain Henry Neil; pamphlet of paper read before the Ohio Commandery, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, N.p., n.d.
Neill, Edward D.: „Last Year of President Lincoln's Life“; in: Glimpses of the Nation's Struggle. A Series of Papers Minnesota Commandery of the Military Legion of the United States (St. Paul, Minnesota, 1887), pp. 29-53
Nelson, Jacquelyn S.: Indiana Quakers Confront the Civil War (Indiana University Press); 322pp. Not all members of the Quaker "Society of Friends" opposed the Civil War in Indiana. More than 1000 served in the war and others supported the war effort. This is their story.
Nelson, Larry E.: Bullets, Ballots, and Rhetoric: Confederate Policy for the United States Presidential Contest of 1864 (University, Ala, 1980)
Nelson, Larry Earl: "The Confederacy and the United States Presidential Election of 1864" (Ph. D. diss, Duke University, 1975)
Nesbitt, Mark: Saber and Scapegoat. J.E.B. Stuart and the Gettysburg Controversy (Mechanicsburg 1997)
Nevins, Allan: Ordeal for the Union: 8bändige Reihe bestehend aus:
- +++ Nevins, Allan: Ordeal for the Union (vol 1):+++
+++ Nevins, Allan: Ordeal for the Union (vol 2):++++
Nevins, Allan: Ordeal for the Union (vol 3): The Emergence of Lincoln, Part 1 (New York: Charles Sribner's Sons, 1950)
Nevins, Allan: Ordeal for the Union (vol 4): The Emergence of Lincoln, Part 2 (New York: Charles Sribner's Sons, 1951)
Nevins, Allan: Ordeal for the Union (vol 5 und 6): The Improvised War 1861- 1862 (Vol. 5) und War Becomes Revolution 1862-1863 (Vol. 6); (New York 1959, Neuauflage 1992)
++++- Nevins, Allan: Ordeal for the Union (vol 7): The War for the Union: 1863-1864++++
Nevins, Allan: Ordeal for the Union (vol 8): The War for the Union: The Organized War to Victory 1864-1865 Emergence of Lincoln, Part 1 (New York: Charles Sribner's Sons, 1971)
Nevins, Allan: The War for the Union: The Organized War to Victory 1864-1865 (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1971): Nevins faßt die herrschende Meinung (S. 326) zusammen: es gab keine Aktion des Südens auf Veranlassung von Jefferson Davis oder anderer einflußreicher Führer der Konföderation. Booth handelte auf eigene Initiative. Nevins erkannte an, daß Eisenschiml's These von einem Komplott des US-Kriegsministers Stanton falsch ist (vgl. Tidwell, a.a.O., S. 6)
Nevins, Allan (ed.): A Diary of Battle. The Personal Journals of Colonel Charles S. Wainwright (New York: Da Capo Press 1998, reprint der Erstausgabe von 1962)
Newhall, Frederic C.: With General Sheridan in Lee's Last Campaign (Philadelphia, Pa.: J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1866) (Remark: as author is only mentioned „A Staff Officer“; as author is identified Frederic C. Newhall; s. Wheelan, Joseph: Their Last Full Measure, Bibliography)
Newhall, F. C.: The Battle of Beverly Ford; in: Annals of the War, a.a.O., S. 135 ff
Newman, Philip Charles: „Ulrich Bonnell Phillips – the South's Foremost Historian,“ The Georgia Historical Quarterly, xxv (September, 1941), p. 244-261
Newsome, Edmund: Experience in the War of the Great Rebellion by a Soldier of the 81st Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry from August, 1862 to August, 1865 (Carbondale, Ill.: by the author, 1880)
Newton, Steven H.: Joseph E. Johnston and the Defense of Richmond (University of Kansas Press, 1998)
Newhall, Beaumont and Nancy: Timothy O'Sullivan, Photographer (Rochester, NY: George Eastman House, 1966)
Newlin, W. H., comp.: A History of the Seventy-third Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry (Springfield / Illinois, 1890)
Newton, Steven H.: Joseph E. Johnston and the Defense of Richmond (University of Kansas Press, 1998)
New York Monument for the Battlefields of Gettysburg and Chattanooga: Final Report of the Battlefield of Gettysburg , Vol. I (Albany, 1900)
Nichol, David (Sergeant, Independent Battery E, Pennsylvania Light Artillery): Diary and Letters (Civil War Times Illustrated Collection, US-Army Military History Research Collection, Carlisle Barracks / Pennsylvania)
Nichols, Edward J.: Toward Gettysburg: A Biography of General John F. Reynolds (University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1958)
Nichols, George W.: A Soldiers Story of His Regiment (61st Georgia) and Incidents of the Lawton-Gordon-Evans Brigade (n.p., 1898; reprint Kennesaw, Ga.: Continental Book, 1961)
Nichols, George W. (US-Major and aide-de-camp to Sherman) The Story of the Great March from the Diary of a Staff Officer (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1865)
Nicholson, John Page: Pennsylvania at Gettysburg, 3 vols. (2 vols Harrisburg: Wm. Stanley Ray, 1904), vol. 3 (1914)
Niebaum, John H.: History of the Pittsburgh Washington 102nd (Old 13th) Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers and its Forebears 1792 to 1930 (Pittsburgh 1931)
Nisbet, James Cooper (Captain Co H, 21st Regiment Georgia Infantry; Col 66th Georgia Infantry): Four Years on the Firing Line (Jackson / Tennessee: McCowat-Mercer Press, 1963; ed. Bell I Wiley)
Niven, John: Gideon Welles - Lincoln's Secretary of the Navy (Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1973)
Niven, John: Connecticut for the Union: The Roll of the State in the Civil War (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1981)
Noble, Henry T. (Captain, 13th Illinois Infantry): Military History and Reminiscenses of the Thirteenth Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War in the United States, 1861-1865. Chicago 1892
Noe, Kenneth W.: Perryville. This grand Havoc of Battle (University Press of Kentucky, 2001)
Nofi, Albert A.: The Gettysburg Campaign, June – July 1863 (Conshohocken, 1986 und 1993)
Nolan, Alan T. and Vipond, Sharon Eggleston: Giants in their tall Black Hats - Essays on the Iron Brigade, Bloomington/Indiana 1998
Nolan, Alan T.: The Iron Brigade. A Military History (First Indiana University Press Edition 1994, der Erstausgabe 1961)
Nolan, Alan: „R. E. Lee and July I at Gettysburg; in: Gallagher, Gary W. (ed.): The First Day at Gettysburg. Essays on Confederate and Union Leadership (Kent State University Press 1993)
Nolan, James D.: "A Bold and Fearless Rider': The Life of Major General John Buford." M.A. thesis, St. John's University, 1994
Noll, Emmanuel (Pvt; 123rd Pennsylvania Infantry): „Allabach‘s Brigade. It Attacked at Fredericksburg Before Tyler’s Brigade, and Went Farther,” National Tribune, October 1, 1908
Norton, Oliver Willcox: The Attack and Defense of Little Round Top, Gettysburg, July 2, 1863 (Originalausgabe 1913, reprinted Stan Clark Military Books: Gettysburg 1992)
Nosworthy, Brent: The Bloody Crucible of Courage: Fighting Methods and Combat Experience of the Civil War (New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2003)
Nosworthy, Brent: Roll Call to Destiny. A Soldier's Eye View of Civil War Battles (New York 2008)
Norton, Oliver Willcox: The Attack and Defense of Little Round Top, Gettysburg, July 2, 1863 (Originalausgabe 1913, reprinted Stan Clark Military Books: Gettysburg 1992)
Nott, Charles C. (Captain 5th Iowa Infantry): Sketches of the War (New York 1865); 184 pp plus ads. Nevins says of this "Exceptionally good account of the first battles in the West by a captain in the 5th Iowa Cavalry; his prison life, which began in the summer of 1863, is vividly described in another volume, Sketches in Prison Camps."
Nugent, William L. (2ndLt, 28th Mississippi Infantry): My Dear Nellie. The Civil War Letters of William L. Nugent to Eleanor Smith Nugent; ed. William M. Cash and Lucy Somerfield Howorth (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1977)
Nye, Wilbur Sturtevant: Here come the Rebels! (Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge 1965) (Focus on Ewell's Second Corps formerly commanded by Stonewall Jackson; details action around Winchester and cavalry engagements at Aldie, Middleburg and Upperville)
Litera O
Oates, Dan (Hrsg.): The Hanging Rock Ribel: Lt. John Blue's War in West Virginia and the Shenandoah Valley (White Mane Publishers,. 1993)
Oates, Stephen B.: To Purge this Land with Blood: A Biography of John Brown (New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1970)
Oates, Stephen B.: Confederate Cavalry West of the River. Austin, 1961
Oates, William C. ( Colonel, 15th Alabama Infantry): The War between the Union and the Confederacy and its lost opportunities, with a history of the 15th Alabama regiment and the forty-eight bottles in which it was engaged. New York: Neale Pub. Co., 1905 [Reprinted, Dayton, OH: Morningside Press, 1985; reprinted, microfiche] - With an introduction by Robert Krick. Oates and his unit faced Chamberlain's 20th Maine at Little Round Top and went on to fight in the Shenandoah Valley, Second Manassas, Fredericksburg and Chickamauga. Includes rosters of the 15th Alabama and sketches of the other four regiments of Law's Brigade
Oates, William C. "Gettysburg, the Battle on the Right," in Southern Historical Society Papers, VI (1878) 172-182
O'Brien, Kevin E.: Give Them Another Volley, Boys: Biddle's Brigade Defends the Union Left on July 1, 1863; Gettysburg Magazin Nr. 19
O'Connor, Richard: Hood: Cavalier General (New York, 1949)
Official Records, Series I, Vol. 5: Carnifex Ferry, Ball's Bluff. Operations in Maryland, Northern Virginia, and West Virginia, 17.8.1861.-17.3.1862
Official Records, Series I, Vol. 12, Part I Reports: Operations in Northern Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland, 17.3.-2.9.1862
Official Records, Series I, Vol. 12, Part II Reports: Operations in Northern Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland, 17.3.-2.9.1862
Oldroyd, Osborn H. (20th Ohio): A Soldiers Story of the Siege of Vicksburg, from the Diary of Osborn H. Oldroyd. Late Sergeant Co. E., 20th Ohio, Springfield, 1885
Olds, Fred A.: „Brave Carolinian Who Fell at Gettysburg“. How Colonel Henry King Burgwyn Lost His Life; in Southern Historical Society Papers 36 [1908], S. 245-247 [Bericht von Pvt William M. *Cheek über den Tod von Col. Burgwyn])
Olmstedt, Edwin, Stark, Wayne E. und Tucker, Spencer C.: The Big Guns: Civil War Siege, Seacost and Naval Cannon
O'Neill, Robert F., Jr.: The Cavalry Battles of Aldie, Middleburg and Upperville: Small But Important Riots, June 10-17, 1863 (Lynchburg, VA: H. E. Howard, Inc. 1993)
O'Reilly, Frank: The Fredericksburg Campaign: Winter War on the Rappahannock (Baton Rouge, LA, 2003)
Osborn, Hartwell (Captain) et. al.: Trials and Triumphs. The Record of the Fifty-Fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry (Chicago 1904)
Osborn, Thomas Ward: The Fiery Trail: A Union Officer's Account of Sherman's Last Campaigns; ed. Richard Harwell and Philip N. Racine (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1986)
Osbourn, Francis A.: „The Twentieth Indiana Infantry,“ Indiana State Library
Otis, George H.: The Second Wisconsin Infantry, ed. Alan D. Gaff (Morningside Bookshop 1984)
Overdyke, W. Darrell: The Know Nothing Party in the South (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1950)
Overholser, James P. (Pvt; 81st Ohio Infantry): Three Years with the Union Army: Personal Experiences of a Private Soldier, N.p., n.d.
Owen, Thomas M.: History of Alabama and Dictionary of Alabama Biography (Spartanburg: Reprint Co., 1978)
Owen, William Miller: In Camp and Battle with the Washington Artillery of New Orleans (Boston: Ticknor and Comp, 1885, reprint Gaithersburg, Maryland: Butternut Press)
Owsley, Frank L. and C. Harriett: King Cotton Diplomacy (University of Chicago Press, 1931)
Owsley, Frank L.: State Rights in the Confederacy (1925)
Owsley, Frank L., review of Dwight L. Dumond (ed.): Letters of James Gillespie Birney, 1831-1857; in: The Journal of Southern History, v, 263 (May 1939)
Litera P
Paddock, George: „The Beginnings of an Illinois Volunteer Regiment in 1861,“ in: Military Essays and Recollections: Papers Read Before the Commandery of the State of Illinois, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (4 vols., Chicago, 1984), Vol. II, 258
Page, Charles: History of the Fourteenth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteer Infantry (Meriden, Conn., 1906
Paige, Charles C. (11th New Hampshire Infantry): The Experiences of Lieut. Charles C. Paige in the Civil War of 1861. As Told by Himself (Franklin, NH 1911)
Palfrey, Francis (General): The Antietam and Fredericksburg (DaCapo Press). New introduction by Stephen Sears; 244 pp; 4 maps
Palfrey, Francis W.: In Memoriam: H.L.A. Boston: Printed for private distribution, 1864
Palmer, Abraham John (Pvt, 48th New York Infantry): The History of the Forty-eighth Regiment, New York state volunteers, in the War for the Union, 1861-1865, by Abraham J. Palmer (formerly Private, Company D). Brooklyn: Veteran association of the Regiment, 1885 (PDF-Version available)
Paludan, Philipp Shaw: A People's Contest: The Union and Civil War, 1861-1865 Second Edition, with a New Preface: Union and Civil War +++bestellt+++
Panzer, Mary: Mathew Brady and the Image of History (Smithsonian, 2004)
Park, Robert Emory: Sketch of the Twelfth Alabama Infantry of Robert Emoryle's Brigade, Rodes' Division, Early's Corps, of the Army of Northern Virginia Richmond: William Ellis Jones, printer, 1906 [reprinted, Clearwater, SC: Eastern Digital Resources, 1998]
Parker, David B. (2nd Lieutenant 72nd NY Volunteers): A Chautauqua Boy in 61 and Afterwards (Small Maynard, Boston 1912); Edited by his son Torrance
Parker, James (LtCol. 13rd US-Cavalry): „Mounted and Dismounted Action of Cavalry“; in: Journal of the Military Service Institution of the United States, Vol. 39 (1906), S. 382-387
Parker, John L. and Robert G. Carter: History of the Twenty-Second Massachusetts Infantry and the Third Light Battery in the War of the Rebellion (Boston 1887)
Parker, Price. From Alabama to Appomattox: History of the 9th Infantry; Pictures, Complete Muster Roll. Athens, AL: Athens News Courier, 1960 (reissued, 1969)
Parker, Thomas H.: History of the 51st Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers (Butternut and Blue)
Parks, Joseph H.: General Edmund Kirby Smith, C.S.A. ( LSU Press, Baton Rouge, 1957)
Parsons, Henry C. (Captain, 1st Vermont Cavalry): "How General Farnsworth was Killed." National Tribune, Aug. 7, 1890
Parsons, Henry C. (Captain, 1st Vermont Cavalry): "Farnsworth Charge and Death." in: B & L, Vol. 3, S. 393 ff.
Partain, Robert: (ed.): "The Civil War in East Tennessee as Reported by a Confederate Railroad Bridge Builder." Tennessee Historical Quarterly 22 (1963): 238-58
Partridge, Charles A. (Sergeant Major; Co. C, 96th Illinois Infantry): History of the Ninety-sixth Regiment Ill. Vol. Inf. (Chicago: Brown, Pettibone Co., 1887)
Partridge, George W. Jr. (7th Wisconsin Infantry): Letters from the Iron Brigade: George W. Partridge Jr., 1839-1863: Civil War Letters to his Sisters (Guild Press); 125 pp; Partridge served in the 7th Wisconsin of the famous Iron Brigade. This complete set of letters is edited by High Whitehouse provide an "...intimate and informative picture of Civil War soldering. They ARE history." -- Alan Nolan, author if The Iron Brigade.
Patrick, Marsena R.: Inside Lincoln's Army: The Diary of Marsena Rudolph Patrick, Provost Marshall General, Army of the Potomac. Edited by David S. Sparks (New York: Thomas Yoseloff, 1964)
Patrick, Robert (Pvt; Co. A, 4th Regiment Louisiana Infantry): Reluctant Rebel: The Secret Diary of Robert Patrick, 1861-1865; ed. F. Jay Taylor (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1959)
Pate, Alma H. (ed.): A Story of Company D. 4th Alabama Infantry Regiment, C.S.A., By James G. Hudson, "Chaplain and Treasurer"; in: The Alabama Historical Quarterly Vol. 23, Nos. 1 and 2, Spring and Summer 1961, S. 139
Patterson, Gerard A.: Justice or Atrocity. General George E. Pickett and the Kingston, N.C. Hangings Gettysburg / Pennsylvania: Thomas Publications, 1998)
Patterson, Gerard A.: The Death of Iverson's Brigade; aus: Gettysburg Magazine Nr. 5 (July 1991)
Patterson, Gerard A.: Debris of Battle: The Wounded of Gettysburg (Mechanicsburg, Pa.: Stackpole Books, 1997)
Patterson, Gerard A.: Rebels from West Point : The 306 U.S. Military Academy Graduates Who Fought for the Confederacy (Mechanicsburg: Stackpole, 1987, 2002)
Paul, Barbara Dotts: Wisconsin. An Annotated Bibliography (Westport/Ct., 1999)
Paul, E. A.: „General Stoneman's Great Raid.“ New York Times, May 11, 1863
Paulus, Margaret B. (ed.): Papers of General Robert Huston Milroy. 2 vols, n.p., 1965
Paxton John G. (ed.): Elisha Franklin Paxton: Memoir and Memorials (New York, 1907)
Paxton, John G. (ed.): The Civil War Letters of Frank „Bull“ Paxton, CSA (Hillsboro, Tx., 1978)
Payne, Edwin Waters (First Sergeant 43th Illinois Infantry): History of the Thirty-Fourth Regiment of Illinois Infantry (Clinton, 1903)
Peabody, J. H. (Sergeant, 61st Ohio Infantry): „Battle of Chancellorsville“; G.A.R. War Papers: Papers read before Fred. C. Jones Post, Nr. 401, Department of Ohio, G.A.R., Volume 1, pp. 49-59
Pearce, Haywood Jefferson: Benjamin H. Hill: Secession and Reconstruction (Greenwood Press, new edition of 1928) ++bestellt+++
Pearson, William Whatley und Bell Wiley (ed.) "Whipt 'Em Everytime": The Diary of Bartlett Yancey Malone (Sergeant, 6th North Carolina Infantry) (McGowatt Mercer: Jackson, 1960; Originally published in 1919), 131 pp, Index, Photos, Roster
Pease, Theodore Calvin and Randall, James G. (ed.): The Diary of Orville H. Browning (2 Vols, Springfield: Illinois State Historical Library, 1925, 1933)
Penfield, James A.: The 1863-64 Diary: 5th New York Volunteer Cavalry, Company H (Ticonderoga, NY, 1999)
Penny, Morris M.: and J. Gary Laine: Struggle for the Round Tops. Law's Alabama Brigade at the Battle of Gettysburg, July 2-3, 1863 (Shippensburg: Burd Street Press, 1999)
Penny, Morris Penny and J. Gary Laine: Law's Alabama Brigade in the War between the Union and the Confederacy (White Mane); 480 pp, Maps, Photos, Rosters, Notes, Biblio. Law's Brigade comprised 5 Alabama Regiments who were known for their valor in combat, charging in seven of ten battles. Details of the feud between Law and Longstreet.
Pennypacker, Isaac R.: General Meade (New York: D. Appleton, 1910)
Pennypacker, Samuel W.: Six Weeks in Uniform: Being the Record of a Term in the Military Service of the United States in the Gettysburg Campaign of 1863. 26te PA Emergency Infantry June 16 to August 1, 1863 (Norristown, PA: County of Montgomery, 2002)
Pepper, George W.: Personal Recollections of Sherman's Campaign in Georgia and the Carolinas (Zanesville, Ohio: Jugh Dunne Co., 1866)
Perkins, Jacob R.: Trails, Rails and War: The Life of General G. M. Dodge (Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1929)
Perman, Michael: Major Problems in the Civil War and Reconstruction +++bestellt+++
Pessen, Edward: Jacksonian America: Society, Personality and Politics (Homewood/Ill.: The Dorsey Press, 1969) (Holt: The Political Crisis, a.a.O., S. 261: „Excellent Biography“)
Peteler, Francis (Captain, Co. A, 2nd Regiment US Sharpshooters): "Narrative of the First Company of Sharpshooters," Minnesota in the Civil War, St. Paul, 1889.
Peterson, Richard C.: Sterling Price's Lieutenants: A Guide to the Officers and Organization of the Missouri State Guard, 1861-1865 (Two Trails Publishing, 1995)
Pettis, George H: The Confederate Invasion of New Mexico and Arizona; in: Battles and Leaders, Vol. 2 S. 103
Petruzzi, J. David: „John Buford at Gettysburg: A Study in Maps.“ America's Civil War (July 2008): 33-37
Petruzzi, J. David and Steven Stanley: The Gettysburg Campaign in Numbers and Losses (El Dorado Hills, CA, 2013)
Peyton, Lewis J.: History of Augusta County (Staunton, Va.: Yost and Son 1882)
Pfanz, Donald C.: Richard S. Ewell. A Soldier's Life (University of North Carolina Press, 1998)
Pfanz, Donald C. "Negligence on the Right: The 11th Corps At Chancellorsville." The Morningside Notes. Dayton, Ohio: Morningside Books, 1984.
Pfanz, Harry W.: Gettysburg. The First Day (University of North Carolina Press, 2001)
Pfanz, Harry W.: Gettysburg. The Second Day (University of North Carolina Press, 1987)
Pfanz, Harry W.: Gettysburg – Culp's Hill and Cemetery Hill Harry W. Pfanz (Univers8ity of North Carolina Press: 1993)
Pfanz, Harry W.: „Old Jack' is Not Here.“ in: Gabor S. Boritt (ed.): The Gettysburg Nobody Knows (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997)
Pfanz, Harry W.: „From Bloody Battlefield to Historic Shrine.“ Civil War Times Illustrated, July 1963
Phillips, Ulric B. (ed.): The Correspondence of Robert Toombs, Alexander H. Stephens, and Howell Cobb, Annual Report of the American Historical Association, 1911
Philipps, Ulric B.(ed.): The Correspondence of Robert Toombs, Alexander H. Stephens, and Howell Cobb (Washington, 1913)
Philipps, Ulric B.: Life and Labor in the Old South (Boston, 1929)
Philipps, Ulric B.: Plantation and Frontier Documents 1649-1863; Illustrative of Industrial History in the Colonial and Antebellum South: Collected from MSS. and Other Rare Sources, 2 Bände, Arthur H. Clark 1909
Philipps, Ulric B.: American Negro Slavery: A Survey of the Supply, Employment and Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime (New York, 1918)
Phisterer, Frederick: New York in the War of the Rebellion 1861 to 1865 (Albany 1890, reprint 2012)
Phisterer, Frederick: The Regular Brigade of the Fourteenth Army Corps ... in the Battle of Murfreesboro (Albany / New York, 1883)
Pickenpaugh, Roger: Rescue by Rail: Troop Transfer and the Civil War in the West, 1863 (University of Nebrasca Press, 1998)
Pickerill, W. N.: History of the Third Indiana Cavalry (Indianapolis 1906), PDF-Version available
Piatt, Don: Memories of the Men Who Saved the union (New York, 1887)
Pickerill, William N.: History of the 3rd Indiana Cavalry (Aetna Printing Co., Indianapolis, 1906), PDF-Version available
Pickett, George E.: The Heart of a Soldier, as Revealed in the Intimate Letters of Genl. George E. Pickett, CSA. Edited by LaSalle Corbell Pickett. New York: Seth Moyle, Inc., 1913 (s. Anm. bei Pickett, LaSalle Corbell: Pickett, a.a.O.)
Pickett, George E.: Soldier of the South: General Pickett's War Letters to His Wife. Edited by Arthur Crew Inman. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1928 (reprint Freeport, N. Y.: Books for Libraries Press, 1971)
Pickett, LaSalle Corbell: Picket and His Men. Atlanta: Foote & Davies Co., 1900
Anm.: Anyone who peruses La Salle Corbell Pickett: Pickett's Men (three editions, the first published in Atlanta, 1900) or any of her autobiographical works, then reads those compilations of letters purportedly written by her husband, will readily discover that the voice that speaks from Heart of a Soldier and Soldier of the South is not George Pickett's, but his widow's. There are other clues to authorship beyond empirical evidence. Both Heart of a Soldier and Soldier of the South include letters that detail certain events with which Pickett could not have been conversant at the time he supposedly wrote. Other passages bear an uncanny similarity to the published and unpublished writings of his contemporaries. Occasionally material is lifted whole from Walter Harrison's Pickett's Men: A Fragment of War History (New York, 1870); the wartime letters of Pickett's artillery chief, Major James Dearing; and other sources. Another indication of authorship is that many of the published letters contain long passages mimicking the African-American dialect of the mid-nineteenth century South. None of the extant Pickett letters contains such material - although stereotypical black dialect was a subject on which Mrs. Pickett wrote and lectured widely in her later years. Mrs. Pickett's involvement in rewriting her husband's letters was remarkably thorough. In Soldier of the South, she permitted the publication of three extant letters along with all but two of the letters originally published in Heart of a Soldier. It can be seen that she edited and embellished even the authentic missives, as if she could not bear to show the reading public material that did not contain her touch. For a more detailed study of her literary efforts, see Gary W. Gallagher, «A Widow and Her Soldier: La Salle Corbell Pickett as Author of the George E. Pickett Letters," VMH&B94 (1986): 329-44. See also Appendix B («The Pickett 'Letters"') in George R. Stewart, Pickett's Charge: A Microhistory of the Final Attack at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863 (Greenwich, Conn., 1963), 259-60. Because portions of the published letters appear to contain authentic material, selected passages have been incorporated into the present work when they tally with known facts, when they present a reasonably accurate account of events, and when they offer a plausible interpretation of Pickett's frame of mind (aus Longacre: Pickett, a.a.O., S. 182 Anm. 5).
Pierce, Benjamin Franklin (14th New Hampshire): An Enduring Love: The Civil War Diaries of Benjamin Franklin Pierce (14th New Hampshire Infantry) and his Wife Harriett Jane Goodwon Pierce (Thomas Publishing); 180 pp; edited by Sheila Cumberworth & Daniel Biles
Pierce, Edward L.: Memoir and Letters of Charles Sumner (4 vols, 1877-1893)
Pierce, Francis Edwin (LtCol, 108th New York Infantry): „Civil War Letters of Francis Edwin Pierce of the 108th New York Volunteer Infantry,“ ed. Blake McKelvey; Rochester Historical Society Publications, XVII; Rochester in the Civil War“, Rochester, N. Y. 1944, pp. 160-61
Pierce, Francis E. (LtCol, 108th New York Infantry): “I Have with the Regiment Been Through a Terrible Battle,“ Civil War Times Illustrated 1 (December 1962), p.28-32
Pierce, J. V.: „Gettysburg – Last Words as to What Regiment Opened the Battle.“ National Tribune, April 3, 1884
Pierce, Lyman G. (Sergeant, 2nd Iowa Cavalry): History of the Second Iowa Cavalry (Burlington, Iowa, 1865)
Pierrepont, Alice V. D.: Reuben Vaughan Kidd, Soldier of the Confederacy, Petersburg, 1947
Pierson, W. W., Jr.: „The Committee of the Conduct of the War“; American Historical Review 23 (1918), S. 550-76; Anm.: The article has been oversided by Tap: Over Lincoln's Shoulder, as the primary overall study (vgl. Sauers: The Meade-Sickles Controversy, a.a.O., S. 30 und S. 167 Anm. 6).
Pinchon, Edgcumb: Dan Sickles: Hero of Gettysburg and "Yankee King of Spain" (Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1945). Pichon's book is overly laudatory and contains no footnotes for verification of his sources (vgl. Sauers: Gettysburg: The Meade-Sickles Controversy, a.a.O., S. 164 Anm. 14)
Pindell, Richard: „Fighting for Little Round Top: The 20th Maine Maine,“ Civil War Times Illustrated, 21 (Feb. 1983), p. 12-20
Piston, William Garrett: Lee's Tarnished Lieutenant. James Longstreet and His Place in Southern History (The University of Georgia Press: Athens and London, 1987)
Piston, William Garrett: "Enlisted Soldiers," in Steven E. Woodworth (ed.), The American Civil War: A Handbook of Literature and Research (Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1996), 454-65
Pittenger, William (Lieutenant, 2nd Ohio Vols): "Daring and Suffering. A History of the Great Railroad Adventure" (1st Edition, Philadelphia 1863)
Pittenger, William (Lt, 2nd Ohio Infantry): Capturing A Locomotive. A History of Secret Service in the late War (Washington: The National Tribune, 1885, reprint 2000)
Pittman, Samuel E.: „How Lee's Special Order Was Found,“ National Tribune v. 25.6.1925
Pleasonton, Alfred: „The Success and Failures of Chancellorsville;“ in: B&L, vol. 3, p. 172-182
Plummer, John W. (Sergeant; 1st Regiment Minnesota Infantry): Letter to Brother. The Star Atlas (Minneapolis), August 26, 1863, Copy in Brake Collection, USMHI
Poague, William T.: Gunner with Stonewall, edited by Monroe F. Cockriel [Jackson, Tn., 1957]
Pohanka, Brian: „Miles Keogh from the Vatican to Little Big Horn,“ in: Military Image 8 (Sept.- Oct. 1986): p: 15-24
Polk, J. M. (Pvt; Co. I, 4th Regiment Texas Infantry): Memories of the Lost Cause (Austin, Texas, 1905)
Polk, William: Leonidas Polk, Bishop and General. 2 vols (New York, 1915)
Polk, William M.: General Polk and the Battle of Belmont; in: Battles and Leaders, a.a.O., Vol. I S. 348 ff.
Pollard, Edward A.: Black Diamonds (New York 1859); Anm.: Ende der 1850er Jahre träumten manche von einer Ausdehnung des Südens der USA in ein tropischen, sklavenhalterisches Reich. Der Journalist Pollard aus Virginia griff diesen Wunschtraum mit seinem Buch auf (vgl. McPherson: Für die Freiheit, a.a.O., S. 106
Pollard, Edward Alfred: Lee and His Lieutenants, New York: E. B. Treat, 1867
Pollard, Edward A.: The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates (New York:E. B. Treat & Co. 1868)
Polley, Joseph B. (Corporal, 4th Texas Infantry): Hood's Texas Brigade, Its Marches, Its Battles, Its Achievements (Morningside, Dayton); 357 pp, 25 Photos, New Index; Reprint of Original published by the Neale Company in 1910; Reprint Forgotten Books 2012); a standard source on the famous Texas Brigade
Polley, Joseph B. (4th Texas Infantry): A Soldier's Letters to Charming Nellie (Olde Soldier Books); 350 pp. Written before his brigade history. Polley was a veteran of Company "F" (Mustang Greys) of the 4th Regiment Texas Infantry. This Neale title is "among the most interesting and valuable primary sources connected with the First Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia (Krick- Neale Books)
Poore, Ben: Perley, ed.: The Conspiracy Trial for the Murder of the President. 3 vols. (1865-66; reprint, New York: Arno Press, 1972)
Pope, John: The Military Memoirs of General John Pope; Edited by Peter Cozzens and Robert Girardi (University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill, 1998)
Porter, Fitz John: Narrative of the Services of the Fifth Army Corps in 1862 in Northern Virginia (Morristown, NJ: 1878)
Porter, Horace: Campaigning with Grant (Reprint der Originalausgabe New York: Century, 1897)
Passo, Sam & Bill Crane. First Flag on the Summit: History of the 15th Indiana Civil War Regiment (Bloomington, IN: Author House, 2008)
Potter, David M.: Lincoln and His Party in the Secession Crisis (Yale University Press 1942, reprint Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University1995)
Potter, David M.: “C. Vann Woodward;“ in: Pastmasters: Some Essays on American Historians, ed. Marcus Cunliffe and Robert Winks (New York 1969, S. 375-76
Potter, David M.: People of Plenty +++bestellt+++
Potter, David M. “Jefferson Davis and the Political Factors in Confederate Defeat.’’ in Donald, Why the North Won, p. 93-114.
Potter, Jerry O.: The Sultana Tragedy. America's greatest Maritime Disaster (Gretna: Pelican Publishing Company, 1997)
Potter, William W. (Surgeon, 57th NY Vols): One Surgeons War (White Mane, Shippensburg); Edited by J. Michael Priest; 172 pp. Details of service in the 49th NY Volunteers and 57th NY Volunteer Infantry by the physician who served as Assistant Surgeon for the 49th and Surgeon for the 57th
Powell, David: „A Reconnaissance Gone Awry: Capt. Samuel R. Johnston's Fateful Trip to Little Round Top,“ Gettysburg Magazine 23 (2000), p. 88-90
Powell, David A.: The Chickamauga Campaign. A Mad Irregular Battle: From the Crossing of the Tennessee River Through the Second Day, August 22 – September 19, 1863 (El Dorade Hills: Savas Beatie LLC, 2014, 2016)
Powell, William H.: Officers of the Army and Navy (Volunteer) who served in the Civil War (Philadelphia 1893, reprint London 2015)
Powell, William H.: The Fifth Army Corps (Army of the Potomac): A Record of Operations during the civil War in the United States of America, 1861-1865 (New York: G. P. Putnam‘s Sons, 1896)
Pressly, Thomas J.: Americans Interpret Their Civil War (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1954)
Preston, Noble D.: History of the 10th Regiment of Cavalry, New York State Volunteers (New York: D. Appleton, 1892)
Preston, Noble D.: „Campaigning under Gregg.“ Philadelphia Weekly Times, 19 March 1884
Price, George F.: Across the Continent with the Fifth Cavalry (New York: Van Nostrand, 1883) (only the Time after the Civil War)
Priest, John Michael: Antietam. The Soldiers Battle (Shippensburg, 1989)
Priest, John Michael: Before Antietam. The Battle of South Mountain (Shippensburg 1992)
Priest, John Michael: Captain James Wren's Civil War Diary From New Bern to Fredericksburg (Berkley Books, Paperback Edition: 1991)
Pryor, Sara Agnes Rice (Mrs. Roger A. Pryor): Reminiscenses of Peace and War (New York, 1904)
Pugh, David G.: Sons of Liberty: The Masculin Mind in Nineteenth-Century America (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1983)
Pula, James S.: For Liberty and Justice: The Life and Times of Wladimir Krzyzanowski (Chicago: Polish-American Congress Charitable Foundation, 1978)
Pula, James S.. The history of a German-Polish Civil War brigade (San Francisco: R and E Research Associates, 1976)
Pula, James S.: The Sigel Regiment: A History of the Twenty-Sixth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, 1862-65 (Stackpole, Mechanicsburg); 384 pp; Roster; Photos; Illustrations; Maps. This is the first book on this important regiment. One of Fox's "Fighting 300" regiments, the 26th Wisconsin was composed of Wisconsin soldiers of German descent. Attached to the XI Corps, it received its baptism of fire at Chancellorsville, where 33 percent of this regiment was killed or wounded by Stonewall Jackson's forces. After suffering heavy losses at Gettysburg, the unit was transferred to he Western Theater where it participated in Sherman's March to the Sea, The Atlanta Campaign and the Carolinas Campaign.
Pula, James S.: Under the Crescent Moon: The Eleventh Corps in the American Civil War. Vol 1: From the Defense of Washington to Chancellorsville (El Dorado Hills, CA: Savas Beatie Publishing, 2017)
Pula, James S.: Under the Crescent Moon: The Eleventh Corps in the American Civil War. Vol 2: From Gettysburg to Victory (El Dorado Hills, CA: Savas Beatie Publishing, 2018)
Pullen. John J.: The Twentieth Maine (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1957; reprint, Dayton, Ohio: Morningside, 1984); Nevins calls this "A model regimental history; the author drew largely from primary sources and presented his material in a style both dramatic and realistic".
Pullen, John J.: „Effects of Markmanship ,“ Gettysburg Magazine (January 1990), issue 2, 57-58
Puntenney, George H. (Sergeant 37th Indiana Infantry): History of the Thirty-seventh Regiment of Indiana Infantry Volunteers (Rushville, Indiana: Jacksonian Book & Job Department, 1896)
Purcell, Hugh D.: „The Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment at Gettysburg.“ Essex Institute Historical Collections (October 1963), 277-288
Purman, J. J.: „General Zook at Gettysburg.“ National Tribune, March 25, 1909 (1stLt J. Jackson Purman, 140th PA Infantry)
Putnam, Sallie Brock: Richmond During the Civil War of Personal Observation (Lincoln: Nebrasca Press, 1996. Originally published in 1867)
Pyne, Henry R. (Chaplain, 1st New Jersey Cavalry): The History of the 1st New Jersey Cavalry (Trenton 1871)
Litera Q
Quaife, Milo M. (ed.): From the Cannon's Mouth, the Civil War Letters of General Alpheus S. Williams (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1959).
Quarles, Benjamin: The Negro in the Civil War (Boston 1953, reprinted New York, 1989)
Quiner, E. B.: Military History of Wisconsin: A Record of the Civil and Military Patriotism in the War of Union (Chicago: Clarke & Co, 1866)
Quint, Alonzo H.: The Record of the Second Massachusetts Infantry, 1861-65 (Boston, 1867)
Litera R
Rable, George: News from Fredericksburg (Milwauckee 2000)
Rabun, J. Z.: "Alexander H. Stephens, 1812-1861," MS Dissertation, University of Chicago
Radley, Kenneth: The Confederate States Army Provost Guard (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1989)
Ralston, James A.: „Where the 61st Ohio Began its Career“; National Tribune 15.5.1884
Ramage, James A.: Gray Ghost. The Life of Colonel John Singleton Mosby (University of Kentucky Press, Lexington, Ky., 1999)
Ramage, James A.: Rebel Raider. The Life of General John Hunt Morgan (University Press of Kentucky: Lexington/KY, 1986)
Ranck, J. B.: Albert Gallatin Brown: Radical Southern Nationalist (D. Appleton-Century, 1937)
Rancy, William F.: „Recruiting and Crimpinmg in Canada for the Northern Forces, 1861.1865,“ Mississippi Valley Historical Review 10 [1923]: 25-26, 28-30
Randall, James G.: The Civil War and Reconstruction (D. C. Heath and Co., Boston: 1937, 1953), (2nd revised edition: Randall, James G. and Donald, David, Boston: D. C. Health & Company, 1969)
Randall, James G.: Lincoln the President, 4 vols. (New York, 1945-1955)
Randall, James G.: Lincoln the President. Springfield to Gettysburg. Volume Two (New York 1946)
Randall, James G.: Lincoln the President. Midstream (New York, 1953)
Randall, James G and Pease, Theodore Calvin(ed.): The Diary of Orville H. Browning (2 Vols, Springfield: Illinois State Historical Library, 1925, 1933)
Randall, James G.: „Captured and Abandoned Property during the Civil War,“ American Historical Review, XIX, 65-79
Rankin, John R.: „Battle of Gettysburg.“ National Tribune, 4. August and 10 November 1892, 23 June 1893
Ratchford, James (Major, C.S.A.): Memoirs of a Confederate Staff Officer: From Bethel to Bentonville (White Mane, 1998). Edited by Evelyn Sieburg and James Hansen II.
Rauch, Basil: American Interest in Cuba, 1848-1855, (New York 1848)
Raus, Edmund J.: A Generation on the March: The Union Army at Gettysburg (Lynchburg: H. E. Howard, 1987)
Rauscher, Frank: Music on the March .... 114th Regiment, P. V., Collis’ Zouaves (Philadelphia: Press of Wm. F. Fell & Co, 1892)
Rawling, C. J. (Pvt, 1st Regiment West Virginia Infantry): History of the First Regiment of Virginia Infantry (Union) (Philadelphia: 1887)
Rawle, William Brooke (Capt, 3rd PA Cavalry): History of the Third Pennsylvania Cavalry, sixtieth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers in the American Civil War, 1861-1865 (Philadelphia, 1905, 1st Edition)
Rawle, William Brooke (3rd PA Cavalry): The Right Flank at Gettysburg (Olde Soldier Books; Reprint of 1878 Original)
Rawle, William Brooke (Capt, 3rd PA Cavalry): „With Gregg in Gettysburg Campaign.“ Philadelphia Weekly Times, 2.2.1884
Raymond, Henry W. (ed.): „Excerpts from the Journal of Henry J. Raymond“. Scribner's Monthly, 19:3 (Jan. 1880), pp. 419-24; 19:3 ) Mar. 1880), pp. 703-10
Rea, D. (Pvt; Co. C, 1st Regiment North Carolina Cavalry): Sketches From Hampton's Cavalry in the Summer, Fall and Winter Campaigns of '62 including Stuart's Raid into Pennsylvania; in: Brooks, Ulysses Robert: Stories of the Confederacy (The State Co., Columbia, S.C., 1912). The book contains auch: Rea, D.: Sketches From Hampton's Cavalry in the Summer, Fall and Winter Campaigns of '62 including Stuart's Raid into Pennsylvania, and Also in Burnside's Rear (Strother and Co., Raleigh, 1863)
Rea, Ralph R.: Sterling Price: The Lee of the West (Little Rock: Pioneer-Press-Publisher, 1959)
Read, Ira (Captain, 101st Ohio Infantry) : "The Campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta as Seen by a Federal Soldier," ed. Richard B. Harwell, Georgia Historical Quarterly 25 (1941)
Reagan, John H. (CS-Post Master General): Memoirs with Special Reference to Secession and the Civil War (New York, 1906)
Reardon, Carol: "Humphreys's Pennsylvania Division"; in: Gallagher u.a.: Fredericksburg, a.a.O., S. 80 ff.
Reck, W. Emerson: A. Lincoln – His Last 24 Hours (McFarland Publishing)
Reece, John Harvey: Civil War Papers; in: Georgia Department of Archives and History, Reference: ac 90-011, 2132-o5b (this collection contains five items, including a journal (1864-65) kept at Johnson's Island Prison in Ohio by Captain John Harvey Reece, Company G, 1st Regiment GVI
Reed, David W. (Major, 12rd Iowa Infantry): Campaigns and Battles of the 12th Iowa Infantry (Evanston / Illinois, 1903)
Reed, David W. (Major, 12rd Iowa Infantry): „University Recruits“ Company C, Twelfth Iowa Infantry (Evanston, Ill., 1903)
Reed, John A. (Pvt, 101st Pennsylvania Infantry): History of the 101st Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry 1861-1865 (Chicago 1910 - First Edition) mit Fold-Out Maps, Plates, Plans, Includes details of battles at Williamsburg, Seven Pines, New Bern, Plymouth, Whitehall, Goldsboro and Confederate Prisons
Reed, John C.: The Brothers' War (Boston, 1906)
Reed, Merl E. (ed.): „The Gettysburg Campaign: A Louisiana Lieutenant's Eyewitness Account.“ Pennsylvania History 30, no. 2 (April 1963): 184-91 (PDF-Version available in the Internet) (remark: 1stLt Joseph Warren *Jackson, Co. I, 8th Regiment Louisiana Infantry)
Reed, Thomas Benton: A Private in Gray (Camden, Ark.: Thomas B. Reed, 1905)
Reese, Timothy: Sykes' Regular Infantry Division 1861-1864. A History of Regular United States Infantry Operations in the Civil War's Eastern Theater; 488 pp, photos, maps, tables, charts, bibliography, index. A very well researched reference work on the Regular U.S. Infantry troops who formed the backbone of the Army of the Potomac. These troops served before and after the crisis, as professional soldiers have done till this day. Contains Orders of Battle, Medal of Honor winners, Casualty Lists
Reid, Jesse W. (Pvt; Co. C, 4th Regiment South Carolina Infantry): History of the Fourth Regiment of S. C. Volunteers (Greenville, S. C., 1892)
Reid, Whitelaw: Ohio in the War; her Statesmen, her Generals and Soldiers (2vols. Cincinnati, 1868)
Reinhart, Joseph R., ed. and trans.: Two Germans in the Civil War: The Diary of John Daeuble and the Letters of Gottfried Rentschler, 6th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2004)
Relyea, William H. and John Michael Priest: 16th Connecticut Infantry: Sergeant William H. Relyea (White Mane Pub. Co., 2004)
Remington, Cyrus K.: A Record of Battery I, First New York Light Artillery Volunteers otherwise known as Wiedrich's Battery During the War of the Rebellion, 1861-'65 (Courier Publishing Company, 1891) PDF Version available (Remark: Remington was not a member of the battery)
Rennolds, Lt. Edwin H. “History of the Fifth Regiment Tennessee Infantry.” In A History of the Henry County Commands Which Served in the Confederate States Army, Including Rosters of the Various Companies Enlisted in Henry County, Tennessee, 20-178, Jacksonville, FL: Sun Publishing Co., 1904.
Rerick, John H.: The Forty-Fourth Indiana Volunteer Infantry. History of its Services in the War of the Rebellion and Personal Record of its Members (Lagrange/Indiana, 1880)
Reynolds, Thomas C. (ed. Robert G. Shultz): General Sterling Price and the Confederacy (Missouri History Museum Press, 2009)
Rhett, Robert Barnwell Jr.: "The Confederate Government at Montgomery"; in: B & L, a.a.O., Vol. 1, S. 101
Rhett, Robert B., Sr.: Autobiography; Robert B. Rhett, Sr. Papers, South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston
Rhodehamel John and Louise Taper (ed.): „Right or Wrong, God Judge Me.“ The Writings of John Wilkes Booth (Urbana/IL and Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997)
Rhodes, Charles D.: History of the Cavalry of the Army of the Potomac (Kansas City / Missouri, 1900)
Rhodes, Robert Hunt (ed.): All for the Union. The Civil War Diary and Letters of Elisha Hunt Rhodes (Lincoln Rhode Island, 1985, 1992)
Richardson, Albert D.: The Secret Service, the Field, the Dungeon, and the Escape (Hartford, Conn., 1865)
Richardson, James D. (ed.): A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents 1789-1897 (5 vols., Washington 1896-99)
Richardson, James D. (ed): A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of then Confederacy including the Correspondence, 1861-1865. 2 vols. ((Nashville, TN: US Publishing Company, 1906)
Ringwalt, J. L.: Anecdotes of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant (Philadelphia 1886)
Ripley, Edward H. (Captain Co. B, 9th Vermont Infantry Regiment): „Memories of the Ninth Vermont at the Tragedy of Harper's Ferry, Sept. 15, 1862“, Personal Recollections of the War of the Rebellion (New York 1912)
Ripley, William Y. W. (LtCol, 1st US Sharpshooters): Vermont Riflemen in the War of the Union: A History of Company F, First United States Sharp Shooters (Rutland / Vermont, 1983)
Rippy, Fred J.: "Mexican Projects of the Confederates," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 4 [April 1919], S. 293)
Roach, A. C. (Alva C. Roach; 1stLt, 51st Indiana Infantry): The Prisoner of War and How Treated (Indianapolis: Robert Douglas Publisher, 1887): Roach war Officer in 51th Indiana Infantry und berichtet neben seiner Gefangenschaft auch über die Teilnahme Streight's 1863 Raid into Alabama
Roark, James L.: Masters without Slaves: Southern Planters in the Civil War and Reconstruction (New York, 1977)
Roberts, Benjamin A. (Sergeant, Co. K, 23rd Virginia Infantry): „Roll of the Keysville Guards, CSA.“ Southern Historical Society Papers 36 (1908), pp. 146-155 (remark: cit. wrong as „The Keystoen Guards“ by Pfanz: Gettysburg. Culp's Hill, p. 484)
Roberts, Kenneth: Trending into Maine (Boston: Little, Brown, 1938
Robertson Jr., James I.: 4th Virginia Infantry (Howard Inc., Lynchburg, 1982)
Robertson, James I.: The Stonewall Brigade (Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge 1963, 1991)
Robertson, James I.: Soldiers in Blue and Gray +++ergänzen+++
Robertson, James I.: General A. P. Hill: The Story of a Confederate Warrior (New York: Random House, 1987)
Robertson, James I. jr.: "The War in Words", Civil War Times Illustrated 14 (Oct. 1945, S. 44 (zur Geschichte der Manuskripte Alexander's; vgl. zum neusten Forschungsstand dagegen: Gallagher; in Alexander: Fighting, a.a.O., S. xxi)
Robertson, John (Adjutant General): Michigan in the War (Lansing: W. S. George & Co, 1882)
Robertson, William Glen: River of Death. The Chickamauga Campaign. Vol. 1: The Fall of Chattanooga (University of North Carolina Press, 2018)
Rodenbough, Theophilus F. (BrigGen): From Everglades to Cannon with the Second Dragoons (New York: Van Nostrand, 1875)
Rodenbough, Theophilus F. et. al.: History of the Eighteenth Regiment of Cavalry, Pennsylvania Volunteers (Publication Committee of the Regimental Association of the Eighteenth Regiment of Cavalry Pennsylvania Volunteers (New York 1909)
Rodenbough, Theophilus F. and Haskin, William L. (eds.): The Army of the United States: Historical Sketches of Staff and Line ... (New York, 1896)
Roemer, Jacob (Major, 2nd New York Artillery): Reminiscences of the War of the Rebellion (Flushing / New York, 1897)
Rogers, A. L.: "The Confederate Flag," Southern Historical Society Papers, IX, S. 155-62
Rogers, A. L.: "Facts about 'The Cleburne Flag,'" Confederate Veteran, XVII (1909), S. 328
Ropes, John C.: The Army under Pope (New York 1881)
Rogers, Sarah Sites (ed.): The Ties of the Past: The Gettysburg Diaries of Salome Myers Stewart,1834-1922 (Gettysburg:Thomas Publications, 1996); Salome Myers Stewart was 1863 a resident of Gettysburg
Rollins, Richard (ed.): Pickett's Charge. Eyewitness Accounts (Redondo Beach/CA, 1994)
Rollins, Richard: „George Gordon Meade and the Defense of Cemetery Ridge“; Gettysburg Magazine, no. 19, July 1998
Rollins, Richard: „The Ruling Ideas of the Pennsylvania Campaign: James Longstreet's 1873 Letter to Lafayette McLaws,“ Gettysburg Magazine (July 1997), issue 17, 7
Roman, Alfred: The Military Operations of General Beauregard, 2 vols, New York, 1884
Ropes, Hannah US-Nurse): The Diary and Letters of Hannah Ropes; ed. John R. Brumgardt (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1980)
Rose, Victor M.: The Life and Services of Gen. Ben McCulloch (Philadelphia 1888)
Rose, Victor M.: Ross' Texas Brigade: Being a Narrative of Events Connected with its Service in the Late War Between the States (Reprint 1881, Kennesaw, 1960)
Rosecrans, William S.: „The Battle of Corinth;“ in: B&L, a.a.O., vol. II, pp. 737-56
Rosenblatt, Emil and Ruth Rosenblatt (eds.): Hard Marching Every Day: The Civil War Letters of Private Wilbur Fist, 1861.1865 (Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1992) (Anm.: Fisk was Quartermaster Sergeant (Pvt); Co. E, 2nd Regiment Vermont Infantry)
Rosengarten, Frederic: Freebosters must Die! The Life and Death of William Walker (Wayne, Pa., 1976)
Rosengarten, Joseph George (Captain / Major; im Juli 1863 Mitglied im Stab von MajGen Reynolds I Army Corps): The German Soldier in the Wars of the United States (Philadelphia 1886, reprint)
Rosengarten, Joseph G. (Captain / Major; im Juli 1863 Mitglied im Stab von MajGen Reynolds I Army Corps): William Reynolds, Rear Admiral U.S.N., John Fulton Reynolds, Major General, U.S.V., Colonel, Fifth Infantry, A Memoir (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1880)
Ross, FitzGerald: Cities and Camps of the Confederate States; edited by Richard Barksdale Harwell (University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago, 1958, Neuausgabe 1997)
Ross, Sam: The Empty Sleeve: A Biography of Lucius Fairchild (Madison, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1964)
Rosser, Thomas L., Gen C.S.A.: Riding with Rosser (White Mane; edited by S. Roger Keller)
Rowe, D. Watson (LtCol; 126th Pennsylvania Infantry): "On the Field of Fredericksburg," in: Annals of the War, a.a.O., S. 257 ff.
Rowe, David Watson (LtCol; 126th Pennsylvania Infantry): “A Sketch of the 126th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers“. Prepared by an Officer, and Sold for the Benefit of the Franklin County Soldiers’ Monumental Association (Chambersburg, Pa.: Cook & Hays, 1869)
Rowland, Dunbar (ed.): Jefferson Davis, Constitutionalist: His Letters, Papers and Speeches. 10 vols (Jackson: Mississippi Department of Archives and History, 1923)
Royster, Charles: The Destructive War: William Tecumseh Sherman, Stonewall Jackson, and the Americans (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1991)
Ruff, Joseph R.: "Civil War Experiences of a German Emigrant. As Told by the Late Joseph Ruff of Albion." (Michigan History Magazine, Vol. XXVII (1943), S. 271-301
Rumph, Langdon Leslie (Pvt, 1st Alabama Infantry, CSA): "Letters of a teenage Confederate," in Florida Historical Quarterly Review, XXXVIII (1959/60), pp. 339-346
Rusling, James F. (LtCol; zunächst 1stLt, Co. E, 5th Regiment New Jersey Infantry; er trat als Quartermaster in das Regiment ein;. In der Gettysburg Campaign war LtCol Rusling Mitglied im Stab von MajGen Sickles): Men and Things I Saw in the Civil War Days (New York: Eaton & Mains; Cincinnati: Curts & Jennings, 1899).
Russell, Andrew J.: Russel's Civil War Photographs (New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1990)
Ryan, Thomas: Spies, Scouts, and Secrets in the Gettysburg Campaign ++++Erscheinungsort, etc. klären+++