Version 22.12.2018
Der Amerikanische
Bürgerkrieg 1861-1865
Literatur-Datenbank (im Aufbau)
(Litera A-E)
ausgewertet von
Eberhard Ref
I. Literaturliste zum American Civil War (Books and Articles):
Litera A
Aaron, Danie: The Unwritten War: American Writers and the Civil War (New York: Knopf, 1973)
Abbot, Henry Larcom: Siege Artillery in the Campaigns against Richmond with Notes on the 15 Inch Guns (Thomas Publications, 1986; Reprint of the 1868 Original)
Abbott, Henry Livermore: Fallen Leaves: The Civil War Letters of Major Henry Livermore Abbott, ed. Robert Garth Scott (Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1991)
Abbot, Henry L.: Memoir of Andrew Atkinson Humphreys, Read before the National Academy of Science, April 24, 1885 (n.p., 1885)
Abdill, Geo B.: Civil War Railroads. Pictorial Story of the Iron Horse (New York: Bonanza Books, 1961)
Abel, E.Lawrence: Singing the New Nation: How Music Shaped the Confederacy, 1861-1865 (Mechanicsburg, Pa.: Stackpole Books, 2000)
Acts and Resolutions of the First Session of the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States, Held at Montgommery, Ala (Richmond: Enquirer Book and Job Press. By Tyler, Wise, Allegre & Smith, 1861
Adair, John M.: Historical Sketch of the Forty-Fifth Illinois Regiment (Lanark, Illinois: 1869)
Allen, Alfred (2ndLt; Co. D, 9th Regiment Indiana Infantry): „The 9th Indiana at Shiloh.“ National Tribune, November 2, 1922
Adams, Charles Francis, Sr.: Diary of Charles Francis Adams. Vols 1-2- ed. By Aïda DiPace Donald and David Donald; Vols. 3-4 ed. By Marc Friedlaender and I. H. Butterfield (1964-68)
Adams, Charles Francis, Sr.: The Trend Affair, 1861-62, Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, Vol. XLV, Oct. 1911 - June 1912
Adams, Charles Francis, Sr.: The Memorial Address of Charles Francis Adams, of Massachusetts of the Life, Character, and Services of William H. Seward (New York 1873)
Adams, Charles Francis jr.: Charles Francis Adams by His Son (Boston, 1900)
Adams, Charles Francis jr.: Lee at Appomattox, and other Papers (1902)
Adams, Charles Francis jr.: Studies Military and Diplomatic, 1775-1865 (1911)
Adams, Charles Francis jr.: Diary, Massachusetts Historical Society, Alcorn Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina
Adams, Charles Francis jr.: An Autobiography (Boston, 1916)
Adams, George Worthington: Doctors in Blue: The Medical History of the Union Army in the Civil War (New York: LSU Press, 1961; Reprint of a 40 year old title); the definitive history on the medical corps of the US Army
Adams, John A., Jr.: Warrior at Heart: Governor John Milton, King Cotton, and Rebel Florida 1860-1865 (Victoria, BC, Canada: FriesenPress, 2015)
Adams, John G. B. (Captain, 19th Massachusetts Infantry): Reminiscences of the 19th Massachusetts Regiment, Boston 1899
Adams. John Ripley: Memorial and Letter of Rev. John R. Adams, Chaplain of the Fifth Maine and One Hundred Twenty-First New York Regiments during the War of the Rebellion (n.p.: Privately printed, 1890)
Adams, Silas: “The Nineteenth Maine at Gettysburg.” Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Maine Commandary, War Papers 4 (1915), S. 249-63
Adamson, Augustus P. (30th Georgia Infantry): Sojorns of a Patriot: Field and Prison Papers of an unreconstructed Confederate (Southern Heritage 1998)
Adelman, Garry E.: „Benning's Georgia Brigade at Gettysburg.“ Gettysburg Magazine (January 1998), issue 18, p. 57-66
Aden, R. F. (ed.): „In Memoriam, Seventh Tennessee Cavalry, C. S. A.,“ West Tennessee Historical Society Papers XVII (1963)
Adjutant General of the State of Wisconsin: Annual Reports of the Adjutant General of the State of Wisconsin for the Years 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864 (Madison, Wis., 1912)
Agassiz, George R. (ed.): Meade's Headquarters, 1863-1865, Letters of Colonel Theodore Lyman (Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1922)
Aiken, D. Wyatt: „The Gettysburg Reunion.“ Charleston News and Courier, June 21, 1882
Aimone, Alan A und Barbara A.: A User's Guide to the Official Records of the American Civil War (White Mane Publishing Co: Shippensburg, Pa., 1993)
Albaugh, William A. III and Edward N. Simmons: Confederate Arms (New York: Bonanza Books, 1957)
Albert, Allen D.: History of the Forty-Fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry 1861-1865 (Williamsport 1912)
Alberts, Don E.: The Battle of Glorieta. Union Victory in the West; Texas A&M University Press 1998
Alberts, Don, E.: General Wesley Merritt: Nineteenth Centiry Cavalryman (Dissertation Doctor of Philosophy in History, University of New Mexico, 1975)
Alderson, William T. (ed.): Civil War Reminiscenses of John Johnston (CS-Sergeant, 6th Tennessee Infantry), Tennessee Historical Quarterly 13 (1954), p. 65-82, 156-178
Aldrich, C. Knight (ed.): Quest for a Star: The Civil War Letters and Diaries of Colonel Francis T. Sherman of the 88th Illinois : University of Tennessee Press, 1999)
Aldrich, Thomas M.: History of Battery A, First Regiment Rhode Island Light Artillery in the War to Preserve the Union, 1681-1865 (Providence, R.I.: Snow Farnham, 1904)
Alexander, Edward Porter: Fighting for the Confederacy. The Personal Recollections of General Edward Porter Alexander. Edited by Gary W. Gallagher [Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1989] (Anm. zum Buchtitel: Alexander bezeichnete sein Werk auf der ersten Seite des Manuskripts mit "Personal Recollections...", dann strich er den Arbeitstitel durch und ersetzte diesen durch "Fighting for the Confederacy" [vgl. Gallagher (ed.); in Alexander, a.a.O., Anm. 7 S. 554]; das Manuskript wurde mehrere Jahre vor "Military Memoirs of a Confederate" geschrieben und wurde erst nach ca 80 Jahren entdeckt [Gallagher, a.a.O., Introduction, S. xiv])
Alexander, Edward Porter: Military Memoirs of a Confederate: A Critical Narrative (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1907; Reprint Da Capo Press, 1993)
Alexander, Edward Porter: The Great Charge and Artillery Fighting at Gettysburg; in: Battles and Leaders Vol. III S. 357-368
Alexander, Edward Porter: "Longstreet at Knoxville"; in: Battles & Leaders, Vol. III, S. 357-68 und 745-51
Alexander, Edward Porter: "The 'Seven Days Battles'"; Southern Historical Society Papers Vol. 1: 61-76
Alexander, Edward Porter: "Sketch of Longstreet's Division. Winter of 1861-62"; Southern Historical Society Papers Vol. 9: 512-18
Alexander, Edward Porter: "Sketch of Longstreet's Division. Yorktown and Williamsburg"; Southern Historical Society Papers Vol. 10: 32-45
Alexander, Edward Porter: "The Battle of Fredericksburg. Paper No. 1"; Southern Historical Society Papers Vol. 10: 382-92
Alexander, Edward Porter: "The Battle of Fredericksburg. Paper No. 2 (Conclusion)"; Southern Historical Society Papers Vol. 10: 445-64
Alexander, Edward Porter: "Confederate Artillery Service""; Southern Historical Society Papers Vol. 11: 98-113
Alexander, Edward Porter: Report Battle of Fredericksburg; OR 21:575-577
Alexander, Edward Porter: "The Great Charge and Artillery Fighting at Gettysburg"; in B & L, Vol. 3, S. 357-68
Alexander, Edward Porter: "Battle of Gettysburg," Manuscript, E. P. Alexander Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library
Alexander, Thomas B. and Richard E. Beringer: The Anatomy of the Confederate Congress (Nashville 1972)
Allan, William: Stonewall Jackson's Valley Campaign (reprint 1995)
Allan, William: Reminiscenses of Field Ordnance Service, Southern Historical Society Papers, XIV, S.Allan, William: Stonewall Jackson's Valley Campaign (reprint 1995)
Allan, William: Reminiscenses of Field Ordnance Service, Southern Historical Society Papers, XIV, S. 141
Allan, William: The Army of Northern Virginia in 1862 (Boston, 1892)
Allan, William: „Confederate Artillery at Second Manassas and Sharpsburg“; in Southern Historical Society Papers 11, no. 7 (July 1883), S. 289-91 141
Allan, William: The Army of Northern Virginia in 1862 (Boston, 1892)
Allan, William: „Confederate Artillery at Second Manassas and Sharpsburg“; in Southern Historical Society Papers 11, no. 7 (July 1883), S. 289-91
Allardice, Bruce S.: More Generals in Gray (Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press 1995)
Allen, Alfred: „The 9th Indiana at Shiloh.“ National Tribune, November 2, 1922
Allen, Amory K.: „The Civil War Letters of Amory K. Allen.“ Indiana Magazine of History 31 (1935): 338-386
Allen Charles J. (Major, Corps of Engineers, US Army): „Some Account and Recollections of the Operations against the City of Mobile and its Defences, 1864 and 1865“; in: Glimpses of the Nation's Struggle. A Series of Papers Minnesota Commandery of the Military Legion of the United States (St. Paul, Minnesota, 1887), pp. 54-88
Allen, George H. (Corporal; Co. B, 4th Regiment Rhode Island Infantry): Forty-Six Month with the Forth Rhode Island Volunteers (Providence, R.I.: J. A. and R. A. Reid, 1887)
Allen, Lewis Y.: "Berdan's Sharpshooters." National Tribune, 12. August 1886
Allen, Theodore F. (US-Col): In Pursuit of John Morgan; Ohio MOLLUS Sketches of War History Vol. 5 (1903)
Allen, Theodore F.: "Six Hundred Miles of Fried Chicken," Journal of the US Cavalry Association 12 (1899), S. 162-175
Allen, Theodore F.: „Kentucky Troops in the Federal Army“; in: Confederate Veteran XVI (1908), S. 493
Allen, Thomas: Intelligence in the civil War (Washington, D.C., 2008)
Allen Thomas Scott: „Upton's Hill, VA.“, Letter, September 4, 1862, veröffentlicht Civil War Times Illustrated, November 1962, S. 32-33
Allen, Ujanirtus (21st Georgia Vols): Campaigning with "Old Stonewall": Confederate Captain Ujanirtus Allen's Letters to his Wife (Baton Rouge, LA: The Louisiana State University Pres,, 1998), 352 pp; Edited by Randall Allen and Keith S. Bohannon. Battle accounts of Cross Keys, Gaines's Mill, Cedar Mountain, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. In April, 1861, Allen, fueled by pride and patriotism, joined the Ben Hill Infantry, which eventually became Company F, 21st Georgia Volunteer Infantry. He wrote his wife twice weekly, penning at least 138 letters before he received a mortal wound at Chancellorsville on May 2, 1863.
Allen, Ujanirtus (21st Georgia Vols): Campaigning with "Old Stonewall": Confederate Captain Ujanirtus Allen's Letters to his Wife (LSU Press, 1998)
Allen, William: „Memoranda of Conversations with General Robert E. Lee.“ Lee the Soldiers, edited by Gary Gallagher; The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography(1965) Virginia Historical Society
Allen, William W.: Jackson's Valley Campaign: Address of Col. Wm. Allen (Richmond, 1878)
Allen, William W.: "History of the Campaign of Gen. T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia." Southern Historical Society Papers 43 (1920), S. 113-294
Allen, William W.: History of the Campaign of Gen. T. J. Jackson in Shenandoah Valley of Virginia from Nov 4 1861 to June 17 1862 (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott 1880, original with Color Maps by Hotchkiss; reprint ed., Dayton, Ohio: Morningside, 1974)
Allin, E. S.: Rules for the Management and Cleaning of the Rifle Musket, Model 1855 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1862)
Amann, William Frayne (ed.): Personnel of the civil War. 2 vols. (New York: Thomas Yoseloff, 1961)
Ambrose, Daniel Leib: History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry (Springfield, Ill., 1868)
Ambrose, D. Leib: From Shiloh to Savannah: The Seventh Illinois Infantry in the Civil War (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2003)
Ambrose, Stephen E.: „The Union Command System and the Donelson Campaign;“ in: The Journal of Military History Heft 24 (1960), Lexington, VA 1960, pp. +++ergänzen+++ (auch veröffentlicht in: Military Analysis of the civil War (Millwood, N.Y., 1977), pp. 58-66
Ambrose, Stephen E.: „Fort Donelson; A Disastrous' Blow,“ Civil War Times Illustrated, June 1966
Ambrose, Stephen E.: Halleck: Lincoln's Chief of Staff (Baton Rouge, 1962, reprint 1990)
Ambrose, Stephen E.: "Dennis Hart Mahan", in Civil War Times Illustrated, November 1963, S 30-35
Ambrose, Stephen E.: Upton and the Army (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1964) (concerning US-MajGen Emory Upton)
Ames, Blanche A. (granddaughter of Adelbert Ames): Adelbert Ames: General, Senator, Governor 1835-1933 (New York 1964)
Ames, John Worthington: "In Front of the Stone Wall at Fredericksburg"; in: B&L, Vol. 3, S. 122-125
Ames, John Worthington: "Under Fire," Overland Monthly 3 (1869), S. 439-440
Ames, Nelson: History of Battery G, First Regiment, New York Light Artillery (Marshalltown, Iowa: Marshall Printing Co., 1900)
Anbinder, Tyler: Nativism and Slavery: The Northern Know Nothings and the Politics of the 1850s (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992)
Anders, Leslie: The Eighteenth Missouri (Boobs-Merrill: Indianapolis, Kansas City and New York, 1968)
Anderson, Archer (LtCol and AAG): Campaign and Battle of Chickamauga (Southern Historical Papers, IX, 1881)
Anderson, Bern: By Sea and River. The Naval History of the Civil War (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1962)
Anderson, Charles W.: „After the Fall of fort Donelson.“ Confederate Veteran, Vol. 4 (September 1896), pp. 289-90
Anderson, Edward L. (Captain, 52nd Ohio Infantry): „Colonel Archibald Gracie's The Truth About Chickamauga.“ Ohio Commandery, the Loyal Legion, Feb. 7, 1912
Anderson, Ephraim M: Memoirs: Historical and Personal; Including the Campaign of the First Missouri Confederate Brigade (Dayton, OH: Morningside Bookshop, 1972)
Anderson, John Q. (ed.): Campaigning with Parson's Texas Cavalry Brigade, CSA. Waco, TX: Texian Press, 1967.
Anderson, John Q.: A Texas Surgeon in the C.S.A. (Tuscaloosa, Alabama: Confederate Publishing Co., 1957) (Surgeon Edward W. Cade, Surgeon; Co. F&S, 28th Regiment Texas Cavalry)
Anderson, Mary Ann (ed.): The Civil War Diary of Allen Morgan Geer (1stLt, Co. C, 20th Regiment Illinois Infantry), Twentieth Regiment, Illinois Infantry (New York: Cosmos, 1977)
Anderson, Robert: Instruction for Field Artillery, Horse and Foot (Philadelphia, 1839)
Andreas, Alfred T.: „The Ifs and Buts' of Shiloh“. Military Essays and Recollections. Military Order of the Loyal Legions of the United States, Illinois Commandery, Vol. 1, 1891
Andrews, George L.: "The Battle of Cedar Mountain"; in: Military Historical Society of Massachusetts (Boston, Mass., 1881-1912), 2:389-440
Andrews, J. Cutler: The North Reports the Civil War (University of Pittsburgh Press: Pittsburgh, 1955)
Andrews, J. Cutler: „The Confederate Press and Public Moral,“ Journal of Southern History, Nov. 1966
Andrews, R. Snowdon: Richard Snowdon Andrews, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding the First Maryland Artillery (Andrews' Battalion) Confederate States Army: A Memoir (Baltimore, Md., 1910)
Andrews, W. H.: Footprints of a Regiment: A Recollection of the 1st Georgia Regulars, 1861-1865 (Longstreet Press, 1992); Vivid details of this unit's 20 plus battles. Organized at Macon in April 1861, this unit served under General Toombs and later transferred to Anderson's Brigade, fighting from Seven Days to Fredericksburg with the Army of Northern Virginia. Later assigned to Florida, it fought at Olustee, Charleston and Savannah. Only 45 Officers and men were left to surrender at the end of the war.
Angel, W. W. : „To Secretary 5th Ind. Cav. Assn.“ In Report of the Thirty-first Annual Reunion Fifth Indiana Cavalry Association Held at Indianapolis, Indiana, October 15-16, 1913, N.p., n.d., pp. 28-29
Angle, Paul M. (ed.): „Three Years in the Army of the Cumberland. The Letters and the Diary of Major James A. Connolly“ (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1959); 400 pp, 6 Maps; An unsurpassed record of campaigning in the West including Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Lookout Mountain, The Atlanta Campaign and March to the Sea
Angle, Paul M.: Abraham Lincoln's Letter to Major General Joseph Hooker Dated January 26, 1863: A Facsimile Reproduction of the Letter with Explanatory Text by Paul M. Angle (Chicago, IL: The Caxton Club, 1942)
Annals of the War written by Leading Participants North and South, originally published in the Philadelphia Weekly Times (Reprint The Blue and Grey Press: New Jersey 1996)
Applegate, Debby: The Most Famous Man in America. The Biography of Henry Ward Beecher. Doubleday, New York 2006.
Applegate, John S.: Reminiscenses and Letters of George Arrowsmith of New Jersey (Red Bank, N. J.: John H. Cook, 1893) (Arrowsmith was LtCol, 157th Regiment New York, † 1.7.1863 Gettysburg)
Armstrong, A.F.H.: "The Case of Mayor Isaac Lynde," New Mexico Historical Review, Vol. 34, Nr. 1 (January 1961), S. 18-21
Armstrong, Nelson: Nuggets of Experience: Narratives of the Sixties and Other Days with graphic Descriptions of Thrilling Personal Adventures (Times Mirror, 1906)
Armstrong, William H.: Red Tape & Pigeon-Hole Generals: Andrew A. Humphreys in the Army of the Potomac (Howell Press, September 1998)
Arndt, A. F. R.: "Reminiscenses of an Artillery Officer"; in: War Papers (MOLLUS, Michigan, Vol. 1, Paper 14)
Arnold, James R. Chickamauga 1863: The River of Death. London: Osprey Publishing Ltd., 1992.
Arnold, Matthew: General Grant. Ed. John Y. Simon (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1966)
Arrington, B. T.: The Medal of Honor at Gettysburg (Gettysburg: Thomas Publications, 1996)
Aschmann, Rudolf: Memoirs of a Swiss Officer in the American Civil War: Three Years in the Army of the Potomac Or A Swiss Company of Sharpshooters in the North American War (University of Michigan, 1972)
Aschmann, Rudolf: Drei Jahre in der Potomac-Armee; oder, Eine Schweizer
Schützen-Compagnie im nordamerikanischen Kriege
von Rudolf Aschmann, Hauptmann im 1. Vereinigten Staaten Scharfschützen-Regimente. Published 1865
Ashe, Samuel A.: „Life at Fort Wagner“; Confederate Veteran 35 [1927], p. 254-256
Ashurst, Richard L. (Lt/Adjutant, 150th Regiment New York Infantry): First Day's Fight at Gettysburg. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States paper (Philadelphia: Press of Allen, Lane, and Scott, 1897)
Aten, Henry J.: History of the Eighty-Fifth Regiment. Comp. and pub. under the auspices of the Regimental Assocation (Hiawatha, Kan.: by the author, 1901)
Athearn, Robert G. (ed.): „An Indiana Doctor Marches with Sherman: The Diary of James Comfort Patten.“ Magazine of Indiana History 49 (1953): 405-422
Athearn. Robert G. (ed.): Soldier in the West: The Civil War Letters of Alfred Lacy Hough (US-LtCol) (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1956)
Atkins, Smith D. (Col, 92nd Illinois Infantry): Chickamauga: Useless, Diastrous Battle (Address, Freeport/Ill., 1907
Aubery, Cullen B. ["Doc"]. Echoes From the Marches of the Famous Iron Brigade. [Milwaukee, n.d.] Reprinted 1988. Gaithersburg: Ron R. Van Sickle Military Books, 1988.
Aubery, Doc (Cullen B.): Recollections of a Newsboy in the Army of the Potomac (Milwaukee, Wis., 1900) (Contains the monograph, Echoes of the Marches of the Famous Iron Brigade, 1861-1865)
Austin, Erik W.: Political Facts of the United States Since 1789 (New York, 1986)
Austin, J. P. (Col, 9th Kentucky Cavalry [CS]): The Blue and the Gray (Atlanta, 1899)
Averell, William Woods: Ten Years in the Saddle. The Memoirs of William Woods Averell (San Rafael, Ca.: Presido Press, 1978)
Averell, William Woods: „With the Cavalry in the Peninsula;“ in: B&L, vol II, p, 429-433
Avery, Phineas O.: History of the Fourth Illinois Cavalry Regiment (Humboldt, Nebrasca, 1903)
Avirett, James B. (Chaplain, 7th VA Cavalry): The Memoirs of General Turner Ashby and His Compeers (Baltimore: Delby and Dulany, 1867; reprint Olde Soldier Books 1987)
Ayars, Peter B.: „The 99th Pennsylvania.“ National Tribune, February 4, 1886
Avary, Myrta Lockett: Reminiscenses of A. H. Stephens (New York, 1910)
Avery, J. Arch, JR., and Marshal L. Bowie: The West Point Route: A Story of the Atlanta and West Point Rail Road - The Western Railway of Alabama. N.p., 1954
Ayars, Peter B. (1stLt; Co. E, 99th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry) and Bradley, Thomas W. and : „At Gettysburg.“ National Tribune, 4 February 1886
Ayars, Peter B. (1stLt; Co. E, 99th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry): „The 99th Pennsylvania.“ National Tribune, February 4, 1886
Ayers, Edward L.: Vengeance and Justice: Crime and Punishment in the Nineteenth-Century American South (New York: Oxford University Press, 1984)
Ayling, Augustus D.: Adjutant General Revised Register of Soldiers and Sailors of New Hampshire in the Wat of the Rebellion, 1861-1866 (Evans, Concord 1895); Revised Edition, 1347 pages
Litera B
Babcock, William A.: “The 114th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers.” Philadelphia Times, 24 April 1886
Bache, Richard M.: Life of General George Gordon Meade, Commander of the Army of the Potomac (Philadelphia: Henry T. Coates, 1897)
Bachelder, John G.: Positions of Troops, Second Days Battle (Gettysburg) (New York: Office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1876)
Bachelder, John B.: Bachelder's New Historical Guide Book. Gettysburg What to See & And How to See It. Illustrated Historical Guide (Boston 1889)
Bachelder, John B.: „The Third Days Battle.“ Philadelphia Weekly Times, December 15, 1877
Badeau, Adam: Grant in Peace: From Appomattox to Mount McGregor, A Personal Memoir (Hartford, CT: S.S. Scranton & Company, 1887)
Badeau, Adam: Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, from April 1861 to April 1865. 3 vols. New York: Appleton and Company, 1882
Bailey, Anne J.: "Henry McCulloch's Texans and the Defense of Arkansas in 1862"; in: Arkansas Historical Quarterly 44 (1987), S. 46-59
Bailey, George W.: The Civil War Diary and Biography of George W. Bailey (ed. Gerald R. Post. Colleyville / Texas: Privately printed, 1990)
Bailey, Hugh C.(ed.): "An Alabamian at Shiloh: The Diary of Liberty Independence Nixon." Alabama Review, Vol. 11 (April 1958), S. 144-155
Bailey, Joseph M.: "The Death of General McCulloch"; in: Confederate Veteran 36 (1928), S. 175
Bailey, L. J. (Lewis J. Bailey; Co. F, 20th Regiment Mississippi Infantry): „Escape from Fort Donelson,“ Confederate Veteran, February 1915, p. 64
Bailey, Ronald H.: Battles for Atlanta - Sherman moves East; Time-Life-Books 1989
Bailey, Robert H.: Forward to Richmond (Alexandria, VA: Time-Life, 1983)
Baker, Jean Harvey: Ambivalent Americans: Know-nothing Party in Maryland (John Hopkins University Press, 1977)
Baker, Jean Harvey: The Politics of Continuity: Maryland Political Parties from 1858 to 1870 (Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1973
Baker, Jean Harvey: Affairs of Party. The political Culture of Northern Democrats in the mid-nineteenth century (Fordham University Press, 1998)
Baker, Jean H.: James Buchanan (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2004)
Baker, Levi Wood: History of the Ninth Massachusetts Battery (Bigelow's Battery) (Lakeview Press, Framingham 1888)
Baker, Nathan S. (Captain 86th Regiment New York Infantry): Diary, Rochester Public Library, Local History Division, Historic Monograph Collection
Bakewell, Gordon (Orderly Sergeant; Washington Battalion, Louisiana Artillery): “Orderly That Was of the Fifth Company Washington Artillery at Shiloh!” Illinois Central Magazine, October 1915, S. 18-20
Bakeless, John: Spies of the Confederacy, Philadelphia, Lippincott 1970
Ballard, Michael B.: Pemberton - The General who lost Vicksburg (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1991; ursprünglicher Titel: "Pemberton: A Biography")
Ballier, John F.: History of the 98th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment; in: Bates, Samuel Penniman: History of Pennsylvania volunteers 1861-65, printed 1871
Banasik, Michel E. (ed.): Missouri Brothers in Gray. The Reminiscenses and Letters of William J. Bull and John P. Bull, Iowa City 1998
Banasik, Michel E.: Embattled Arkansas: The Prairie Grove Campaign of 1862 (Broadfoot Pub Co.Juni 1996)
Banasik, Michael E.: The Biographical Dictionary of Iowa. University of Iowa Press, 2009
Bandy, Ken, and Florence Freeland: The Gettysburg Papers. 3 vols. (Dayton: Morningside, 1978)
Banes, Charles H. (Captain; Co. E, 72nd Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry): History of the Pennsylvania Brigade (Philadelphia, 1877)
Banner, James: „The Problem of South Carolina,“ in: Stanley Elkins and Eric McKitrick (eds.): The Hofstadter Aegis: A Memorial (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1974), pp. 60-93
Baquet, Camille: History of the First New Jersey Brigade, New Jersey Volunteers: From 1861 to 1865 Compiled under the Authorization of Kearny's First New Jersey Brigade Society (Princeton, NJ, 1910)
Barber, Lucius W.: Army Memoirs of Lucius W. Barber, Company "D", 15th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, May 24, 1861 to Sept. 30, 1865 (Chicago: The J. M. W. Jones Stationary and Printing Co., 1894)
Barbiere, Joseph. Scraps from the Prison Table, at Camp Chase and Johnson 's Island. Doylestown, PA: W.W.H. Davis, 1868 [Reprinted, microfiche; includes prisoner roster]
Barclay, A. Tedford: Ted Barclay, Liberty Hall Volunteers: Letters From the Stonewall Brigade (1861-1864). (Natural Bridge Station, VA: Rockbridge Pub. Co., 1992)
Bard, John P.: „The 'Old Bucktails,“ 42d Regt. P.V. at the Battle of Gettysburg.“ Philadelphia Weekly Times, May 19, 1886
Bardeen, Charles W. (Musician; Co. D, 1st Regiment Massachusetts Infantry): A Little Fifer's War Diary (Syracuse: C.W. Bardeen, Publisher, 1910)
Baringer, William E.: Lincoln's Rise to Power (Boston 1937)
Baringer, William E.: A House Dividing: Lincoln as President Elect (Springfield, Ill., 1945)
Barker, Harold R. History of the Rhode Island Combat Units in the Civil War (1861-1865) (Published by the author, 1964).
Barker, Lorenzo A. (Sgt, 66th Illinois): With the Western Sharpshooters: The Michigan Boys of Company D, 66th Illinois (Blue Acorn); 192 pp. Reprint of Barker's 1905 original
Barnard, Harry: Rutherford B. Hayes and His America (Indianapolis: The Boobs-Merrill Company, 1954)
Barnard, Henry V.: Tattered Volunteers; Historical Sketch of the Twenty-Seventh Alabama (Northport / Alabama, 1965)
Barnes, James (BrigGen): „The Battle of Gettysburg,“ New York Herald, March 21, 1864
Barnes, James A. (Pvt 86th Indiana Infantry), et. al.: The 86th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry (Crawfordville / Indiana, 1895)
Barney, William L.: The Secessionist Impulse: Alabama and Mississippi (Princeton, 1974)
Barrett, Edwin S. (Assistant Surgeon; Co. G. 5th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry [3 months], 1861) [Militia]): What I Saw at Bull Run. An Address by Edwin S. Barrett delivered in the Town Hall, Concord Mass., July 21st 1886, on the 25th Anniversary of the Battle of Bull Run at the Reunion of the Veterans of Co. G (Concord Artillery) Fifth Regiment M.V.M. Captain George L. Prescott (Boston 1886)
Barrett, John G.: Sherman's March Through the Carolinas (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1956)
Barrett, John G.: The Civil War in North Carolina (University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill, 1963)
Barrett, John Gilchrist: North Carolina as a Civil War Battleground 1681-1865 (Raleigh 1998)
Barret, John G. (ed): Yankee Rebel: The Civil War Journal of Edmund DeWitt Patterson (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1966)
Barrett, John G. and W. Buck Yearns (ed.): North Carolina Civil War Documentary (University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill, 1980)
Barrett, Orvey S.: Reminiscenses, Incidents, Battles, Marches and Camp Life of the Old 4th Michigan Infantry in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1864 (Detroit: W. S. Ostler, 1888)
Barron, Samuel B.: The Lone Star Defenders: A Chronicle of the Third Texas Cavalry, Ross' Brigade. New York and Washington, D.C.: Neale, 1908 (Reprint. Waco: W. M. Morrison Press, 1964 und reprint, Washington DC, 1983)
Bartlett, Asa W. (Captain; Co. F&G, 12th Regiment New Hampshire Infantry): History of the Twelfth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion (Concord, N. H.: Ira C. Evans, 1897)
Bartlett, Myron Napier: A Story of the War Including the Marches of Washington Artillery (New Orleans, 1874)
Barton, Michael and Larry M. Logue: The Civil War Soldier. A Historical Reader (New York and London: New York University Press, 2002)
Barton, Randolph: Recollections 1861-1865 (Baltimore 1913)
Baruch, Simon: Reminiscenses of a Confederate Surgeon (New York, n.p., 1915)
Barziza, Decimus et Ultimus (ed. R. Henderson Shuffler): The Adventures of a Prisoner of War, 1863-1684 (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1964)
Baseler, Marilyn Case: Immigration Policy in Eighteenth Century America“ (Ph.D. diss. Harvard University, 1990)
Basler, Roy P. (ed.): The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln (Rutgers University Press: New Brunswick / New Jersey 1953), Vol. VII
Bassham, Ben: „Through a Mist of Powder and Exitement': A Southern Artist at Shiloh.“ Tennessee Historical Quarterly, vo. XLVII (Fall 1988), pp. 131-41
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Bassler, J. H. (Captain; Co. C, 149th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry): „The Color Episode of the One Hundred and Forty-ninth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863.“ Papers and Addresses of the Lebanon County Historical Society 4 (1907): 77-110
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Bates, David Homer: Lincoln in the Telegraph Office: Recollection of the United States Military Telegraph Corps during the Civil War (New York: Century, 1907)
Bates, James C. (9th Texas cavalry): A Texas Cavalry Officer‘s Civil War: The Diary and Letters of James C. Bates (LSU Press)
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Baum, James H.: „A Boy Soldier Tell the Story of Gettysburg.“ (The East Liverpool Morning Tribune, July 9, 1910)
Baumgartner, Richard and Larry Strayer: Kennesaw Mountain June 1864: Bitter Standoff at the Gibraltar of Georgia (Blue Acorn Press, 1998 - 8 « x 11 size - Dust Jacket - 175 Photos - 11 Engravings - Maps - Notes - Biblio - Index - eyewitness narratives and original images are used to examine the trench warfare that Joe Johnston's Confederates used to shop Sherman within 30 miles of Atlanta)
Baxter, Nancy Niblack: Gallant Fourteenth: The Story of an Indiana Civil War Regiment (Traverse City, Indiana: Study Center Press, 1980)
Baxter, Nancy N. (ed.): Hoosier Farm Boy in Lincoln's Army: The Civil War Letters of Pvt. John R. McClure (Pvt;; Co. G, 14th Regiment Indiana Infantry) (N.p., 1971)
Bayles, Jonah: „On Cemetery Hill.“ National Tribune, September 1, 1910
Baylor, George: Bull Run to Bull Run: Or, Four Years in the Army of Northern Virginia (Richmond 1900; First Edition). Nevins says "A much consulted memoir by a Virginia cavalryman; especially good for Baylor's discerning personal observations"
Baylor, George W.: "With Gen. A. S. Johnston at Shiloh." Confederate Veteran, Vol. 5 (1897), S. 609-13
Baylor: William S. H.: Brief veröffentlicht im Staunton / VA 'Vindicator' vom 26.4.1861
Beach, John N.: History of the Fortieth Ohio Volunteer Infantry (London / Ohio: Sheperd & Craig Printers, 1884)
Beach, William H. (Sgt., Co. B): The First New York (Lincoln) Cavalry From April 19, 1861 to July 7, 1865 (Lincoln Cavalry Association, N. Y., 1902)
Beale, G. W. (9th Va. Cav.): A Lieutenant of Cavalry in Lee's Army (The Gorham Press: Boston, 1908)
Beale, Howard K.: "The Diary of Edward Bates, 1839-1866," Annual Report of the American Association, 1930, Vol. IV
Beale, Howard K. (ed.): The Diary of Edward Bates, 1859-1866 (Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1933).
Beale, Richard Lee Turberville (Col 9th Virginia Cavalry): History of the 9th Virginia Cavalry in the War between the States (Richmond, 1899)
Beale, Richard Lee Turberville: "Part Taken by the Ninth Virginia Cavalry in Reppeling the Dahlgren Raid." Southern Historical Society Papers 3 (1877), S. 219-21
Beals, Thomas P. (Captain 31st Maine Infantry and 32nd Maine Infantry): „In a Charge Near Fort Hell, Petersburg, April 2, 1864.“ In War Papers Read before the Commandery of the State of Maine, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, vol. 2, 105-115 (Portland, ME: Lefavor-Tower, 1902)
Bean, Theodore (Captain; Co. L, 17th Regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry): „The 17th Penna. Cavalry … in the Gettysburg Campaign.“ Philadelphia Weekly Press, 27 June 1866
Bean, William G.: The Liberty Hall Volunteers: Stonewall's College Boys. (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1964) (Co. I, 4th Virginia Infantry)
Bean, William G.: „Puritan Versus Celt, 1850-1860,“ New England Quarterly 7 (1934)
Bearss, Edwin: Hardluck Ironclad. The story of the Cairo - sunk during the Civil War and now on display at Vicksburg - details of the salvage and career of the Cairo (Louisiana State University Press, 1966, 1980)
Bearss, Edwin Cole: The Vicksburg Campaign, Vol. I: Vicksburg is the Key (Dayton, Ohio: Morningside 1985)
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Bearss, Edwin Cole and J. Hills: Receding Tide: Vicksburg and Gettysburg: The Campaign that changed the Civil War +++ergänzen+++
Bearss, Edwin C.: „A Federal Raid up the Tennessee River.“ Alabama Review, vol 17 (October 1964), pp. 261-70
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Bearss, Edwin C.: "War Comes to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal," West Virginia History, Vol. 28, Nr. 4 [October 1966], S. 167 (enthält eine umfassende Diskussion der Operationen gegen den Kanal)
Bearss, Edwin C.: Historic Resource Study of Ship Island (1984)
Bearss, Edwin C.: Vorwort zu: Weaver, C. P. (ed.): Thank God my Regiment is an African One: The Civil War Diary of Colonel Nathan W. Daniels (Louisiana State University Press, 1998)
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Bearss, Edwin and Chris Calkins: Battle of Five Forks (Lynchburg, Va.: H. E. Howard, 1985)
Beatie, Russel H.: The Army of the Potomac: Birth of Command, November 1860 - September 1861 (Da Capo, 2002)
Beatty, John (3rd Ohio Volunteers): The Citizen Soldier: Or, Memoirs of a Volunteers (Time Life, NY 1983; Reprint; Originally Published Cincinnati, 1879)
Beaty, John O.: John Eston Cooke, Virginian (New York: Columbia University Press, 1922)
Beaudot, William J., and Lance J. Herdegen: An Irishman in the Iron Brigade, The Civil War Memoirs of James P. Sullivan (New York: Fordham University Press, 1993)
Beaudry (Boudrye), Louis N. (Chaplain; Co. F&S, 5th Regiment New York Cavalry): War Journal of Louis N. Beaudry, 5th New York Cavalry: The Diary of a Union Chaplain, Commencing February 16, 1863 (Albany: R. S. Gray, 1865, reprint McFarland Publishing); Details of Gettysburg and other battles of the 5th New York Cavalry from 1863 to 1865. Only 167 of the original members of this regiment remained at war's end, some 114 having died in Confederate prisons. Beaudry wrote the Regimental History of the 5th Cavalry using many of these same diary entries.
Beaudry, Louis N. (Chaplain; Co. F&S, 5th Regiment New York Cavalry): Historic Records of the Fifth New York Cavalry (Albany: New York, 1865)
Beauregard, P. G. T. „Notes on E. A. Pollard's 'Lost Cause'.“ The Southern Magazine, Vol. 10 (January 1872), pp. 55-64
Beauregard, P. G. T.: Principles and Maxims of the Art of War - Outpost Service; general instructions for battles; Reviews (Charleston, 1863); reprint in: Beauregard, G. T.: A Commentary on the Campaign and Battle of Manassas (New York, 1891)
Beauregard,P. G. T.: A Commentary on the Campaign and Battle of Manassas (New York, 1891)
Beauregard, P. G. T.: "The Campaign of Shiloh; in: B&L Vol. 1, S. 569-593
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Beck, Elias W. H.: "Letters of a Civil War Surgeon," Indiana Magazine of History, XXVII [1931], S. 154
Becker, Carl M. and Ritchie Thomas (eds.): Hearth and Knapsack: The Ladley Letters, 1857-1880 (Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1988)
Beckley, Michael: "Buckland's Brigade at Shiloh." National Tribune, 30.11.1922
Beecham, Robert K. (Captain; Co. H, 2nd Regiment Wisconsin Infantry/Iron Brigade): „The Corporal and the General.“ Milwauckee Sunday Telegraph, 14 December 1884
Beecham, Robert K. (Captain; Co. H, 2nd Regiment Wisconsin Infantry/Iron Brigade): "Adventures of an Iron Brigade Man," National Tribune, 1902
Beecham, Robert K. (Captain; Co. H, 2nd Regiment Wisconsin Infantry/Iron Brigade): Gettysburg. The Pivotable Battle of the Civil War (Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co, 1911)
Beecher, Harris H. (Asst. Surgeon, 114th NYSV): Record of the 114th Regiment, N.Y.S.V, Where it Went, What it Saw and What it Did (J. F. Hubbard, Norwich 1866)
Beecher, Harris Harvey Dr..: Record of the 114th New York State Volunteers (Norwich, N.Y., 1866)
Beecher, Herbert W.: History of the First Light Battery Connecticut Volunteers, 1861-1865 (New York, 1901)
Beidelman, George Washington: The Civil War Letters of George Washington Beidelman, ed. Catherine H. Vanderslice (New York: Vantage, 1978)
Belfield, Henry H.: "The Wilson Raid." Illinois MOLLUS, vol 4 (Chicago: Cozzens & Beaton Co., 1907), S. 503-521
Belknap, William W. (Col 15th Iowa Infantry; MajGen): History of the Fifteenth Regiment Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry, from October, 1861 to August, 1865; When disbanded at the End of the War (Keokuk / Iowa, 1887)
Belknap, William W. (Col 15th Iowa Infantry; MajGen): „The Obedience and Courage of the Private Soldier, and the Fortitude of Officers and Men in the Field, in Hospital, and in Prison, with some Incidents of the War“; Iowa MOLLUS: War Sketches and Incidents. as Related by Companions of the Iowa Commandery, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Published by the Commandery, Volume 1, Des Moines: Press of P. C. Kenyon 1893, vol 1
Bell, C.K.: "Fine Career of a Texas Comrade", Confederate Veteran, Vol. V., S. 69
Bell, John T. (Lt, 2nd Iowa Infantry): Tramps and Triumphs of the Second Iowa Infantry (Omaha 1866, reprint Des Moines, 1961)
Bell, Robert T.: 11th Virginia Infantry (H. E. Howard, 1985), 2nd Edition, 103 pp, Detailed Rosters, Photos, Maps, Biblio
Bell, T. H. (LtCol, 12th Tennessee Infantry): „Rhea Field;“ in: Son of the South, Vol. 3 (April 1986), pp. 8-13 (Anm.: das „Rhea Field“ war im Battle of Shiloh Schauplatz der Kämpfe der Division Sherman [vgl. McDonough: Shiloh, a.a.O., S. 91; vgl. Daniel: Shiloh, a.a.O., S. 156-61, 166-70, 269])
Bell, Thomas: At Harper's Ferry, Va., September 14, 1862: How the Cavalry Escaped ... (Brooklyn, New York: privately issued, 1900)
Bellard, Alfred (Pvt. 5th New Jersey Infantry): Gone for a Soldier: The Civil War Memoirs of Private Alfred Bellard (Little Brown: Boston 1975; edited by David H. Donald)
Belo, Alfred Horatio (Captain Co. D. 21st Regiment North Carolina Infantry (formerly 11th North Carolina Infantry); later LtCol, Co. F&S, 55th Regiment North Carolina Infantry): Reminiscenses of a North Carolina Volunteer (Olde Soldier Books), 56 pp; Edited by Stuart Wright, this incorporates additional material from Belo's wartime letters to Carrie Fries and regimental histories and rosters. This unit was also known as the Forsythe Rifles, later designated Company "D", 11th Regiment North Carolina Volunteers
Belo, A. H. and William Robbins: “The Battle of Gettysburg.” Confederate Veteran 8 (1900): 165-168
Benedict, George G.: Army Life in Virginia (Burlington / Vermont: Free Press Association, 1895)
Benedict, George A.: A Short History of the 14th (Vermont) Reg’t (Bennington, Vt.: Press of C. A. Pierce, 1887)
Benedict, George Grenville. Vermont in the Civil War. 2 vols; Burlington VT: Free Press Association, 1888
Benedict, George Grenville: The Battle of Gettysburg and the Part taken therein by Vermont Troops (Burlington 1867) (PDF-Datei Archiv Ref ameridownload 'Vermont Battle of Gettysburg[Benedict]')
Benedict, George Grenville: "Vermont in the Civil War: A History of the Part Taken by the Vermont Soldiers and Sailors in the War for the Union, " by George Grenville Benedict, 2 volume set, originally published in 1886, by the Free Press Association, Burlington, Vermont. With photos, and index
Benedict, George G.: Vermont at Gettysburg, A Sketch Of The Part Taken By The Vermont Troops, In The Battle of Gettysburg (Burlington, VT: Free Press Association, 1870)
Benedict, George G.: „General Meade's Letter on Gettysburg,“ Philadelphia Weekly Press, August 14, 1886, reprinted in Meade: Life and Letters, a.a.O., Vol. 2, 350-354, on 354
Benham, Calhoun (Maj CSA) Papers; "Kennesaw Gazette" Ausgaben v. 1.1.-15.1.1889
Benham, Calhoun: "Major-Gen. P. R. Cleburne, A Biographie," Kennesaw Gazette, 15.1.1889, S. 2
Benham, Henry W.: Recollections of the West Virginia Campaign ... May, June and July, 1861 ... (Boston, 1873, from 'Old and New', June, 1873 and carrying the Pagination of the Magazine)
Benjamin, Charles F.: "Hooker's Appointment and Removal," Battles & Leaders, Vol. 3, S. 239-243 (zuerst veröffentlicht in: The Century Magazine 33 [November 1886], S. 106-111; zur Kritik: vgl. Coddington: Gettysburg, a.a.O., S. 130 ff. sowie Nichols: Towards Gettysburg, a.a.O., S. 180-82)
Benjaminson, Eric: „A Regiment of Immigrants: The 82nd Illinois Volunteer Infantry and the Letters of Captain Rudolph Mueller.“ Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society 94, no. 2 (2001), 137-80
Benner, Judith Ann: Sul Ross: Soldier, Statesman, Educator. College Station: Texas A & M Press, 1983
Bennett, A. J. (Pvt; 1st Independent Battery, Massachusetts Light Artillery): The Story of the 1st Massachusetts Light Battery Attached to the Sixth Army Corps (Deland and Barta: Boston, 1886)
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Bennett, Edward: „The Battle as Seen by a Member of the 44th N. Y.“ National Tribune, May 6, 1886
Bennett, Edwin C.: Musket and Sword (Boston: Coburn Publishing Co., 1900)
Bennett, Gerald R.: Days of „Uncertainty and Dread“;: The Ordeal Endured by the Citizens at Gettysburg (Littletown, Pa., 1994)
Bennett, Joseph: „Junius Daniel, Oration of Hon. Joseph Bennett, May 10, 1888.“ Raleigh News and Observer, 11.5.1888
Bennett, Lyman G. und William M. Haigh: History of the Thirty-Six Regiment Illinois Volunteers, During the War of the Rebellion. Aurora, Ill. 1876
Bennett, Ron: “Ira Van Deusen: A Federal Volunteer in North Alabama“; in: Alabama Historical Quarterly, vol. 27 1865, pp. 199-211
Benning, H. L.: „Notes by General H. L. Benning on the Battle of Sharpsburg“; The Southern Historical Society Papers, XVI, S. 393 ff.
Benson, Lee: The Concept of Jacksonian Democracy: New York as a Test Case (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1961) (Anm Holt: Political Crisis, a.a.O., S. 264: „Perhaps the most pugnatious critic of Schlesinger (vgl. Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.: The Age of Jackson (Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1945) which argues that in New York, Whigs were more reformist than Democrats, and that ethnocultural and religious differences more sharply defined Whig from Democratic voters than the class differences posited by Schlesinger. Benson's contention that the Texas issue hat little impact in the 1844 election in New York is more persuasive“)
Benson, Susan (Hrsg.): Berry Benson’s Civil War Book. Memoirs of a Confederate Scout and Sharpshooter, Reprint 1992
Bent, Silas: Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: A Biography (New York: The Vanguard Press, 1932)
Bentley, W. A.: „Howard at Gettysburg.“ National Tribune, 12.2.1885
Bentley, W. G. (LtCol; Major, Co. F&S, 9th Regiment New York Cavalry; Captain Co. H ): „The First Shot at Gettysburg.“ National Tribune 21.8.1913
Bentley, William H.: History of the 77th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Sept. 2, 1862 - July 10, 1865 (Peoria / Illinois: Edward Hine Printer, 1883)
Benton, Charles E.: As Seen from the Ranks: A Boy in the Civil War (New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1902)
Benton, Thomas Hart: History and Legal Examination of Dred Scott Case (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1858)
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Beveridge, John L.: "The First Gun at Gettysburg", in: Bandy and Freeland: The Gettysburg Papers, Vol. I: 159-180 (= Illinois Mollus, Vol. 2: 90)
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Bicknell, George W.: History of the Fifth Regiment Maine Volunteers: Comprising Brief Descriptions of its Marches Engagements, and General Services from the Date of its Muster in, June 24, 1861 to the time of its Muster out, July 27, 1864 (Portland ME: H. L. Davis, 1871)
Biddle, Alexander: „Supplemental Account of Major Alexander Biddle, One Hundred Twenty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, on the Gettysburg Campaign, July 1 and 2, 1863.“ In: Hewett, Trudeau, and Suderow, Supplement, 27: 145-52
Biddle, Chapman, "First Day of the Battle of Gettysburg" - Campaign of Gettysburg; Gettysburg National Military Park Library, Box B- 32
Biddle, William F.: „Recollections of McClellan“, United Service Magazine (May 1894), S. 460-469
Biel, John G. (ed.): „The Battle of Shiloh: From the Letters and Diary of Joseph Dimmit Thompson.“ Tennessee Historical Quarterly, Vol. 17 (September 1958), pp. 250-74
Bieler, J. L.: Speech (Shiloh National Military Park, Shiloh / Tennessee, 11th Indiana File)
Bierce, Ambrose: Ambrose Bierce's Civil War; ed. William McCann (Renery Gateway Inc., 1956; reprint Random House: New Jersey 1996)
Bigelow, Donald N.: William Conant Church and the Army and Navy Journal (New York: Columbia University Press, 1952)
Bigelow, John (9th Mass Artillery): The Peach Orchard, Gettysburg, 2. Juli 1863 (Minneapolis 1910)
Bigelow, John Jr.: Chancellorsville (New York 1995)
Bilby, Joseph G.: Three Rousing Cheers: A History of the Fifteenth New Jersey from Flemington to Appomattox (Higthstown, NJ: Longstreet House, 1993)
Bilby, Joseph G. Savage Spring: The 15th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment at the Battle of Spotsylvania. Excerpted from Military Images, September-October 1979, pp. 6-13.
Bilby, Joseph: Remember Fontenoy! The 69th New York and the Irish Brigade in the American Civil War (Longstreet House, 1995)
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Bilby, Joseph G. Forgotten Warriors: New Jersey’s African American soldiers in the Civil War Longstreet House, 1993); 72 p.
Bilby, Joseph and William Goble: Remember You Are Jerseymen. A Military History of New Jersey’s Troops in the Civil War (Longstreet House 1998); 750 pp, over 100 Illustrations, 17 Maps, Index
Bilby, Joseph and Steve O'Neill: My Sons Were Faithful and they Fought: The Irish Brigade at Antietam. An Anthology (Longstreet House)
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Billett, Glenn E.: „Department of the Susquehanna“; Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society, LXVI (Winter 1862), S. 1-66
Billings, John D. (10th Mass Artillery): Hard Tack And Coffee (Boston 1888)
Billings, John D.: The History of the 10th Massachusetts Battery of Light Artillery in the War of the Rebellion, 1862-1865 (Butternut and Blue); Reprint of 1881 title
Billington, Sharon. Who Were the Three Months Men of the Ninth Illinois? N.p., 1980.
Bingham, Daniel: „From the 64th New York.“ The Cattaraugus Freeman, July 30, 1863
Bircher, William (2nd Minnesota): A Drummer-Boy's Diary, Comprising Four Years of Service with the Second Regiment Minnesota Veteran Volunteers, 1861 to 1865 (St Paul / Minnesota: Acme Press, 1889; reprint North Star, edited by Newell L. Chester)
Bird, Edgeworth (3rd Regiment Georgia Infantry): The Granite Farm Letters: The Civil War Correspondence of Edgeworth and Sallie Bird (Univ of Georgia: Athens 1988); Edited by John Rozier
Bird, W. H.: Stories of the Civil War, Company C, 13th Regiment of Alabama Volunteers (Columbia / Alabama: Advocate Print, n.d.)
Birkhimer, William E.: Historical Sketch of the Organization, Administration, Material, and Tactics of the Artillery, United States Army (Washington, D. C.: James J. Chapman, 1884; reprint, New York: Greenwood Press Publishers, 1968)
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Blackburn, J. K. P[olk].: "Reminiscenses of the Terry Texas Rangers." Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Vol. 22 (July 1918), S. 38-77
Blackford, Charles Minor: Letters from Lee's Army or Life In and Out the Army of Virginia During the War Between the States (abridged reprint der Originalausgabe von 1894: University of Nebrasca Press, Lincoln 1998; edited by Susan L. Blackford)
Blackford. Launcelot Minor (ed.): Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory. The Story of a Virginia Lady, Mary Berkeley Minor Blackford, 1802-1896, Who Taught Her Sons to Hate Slavery and to Love the Union (Cambridge, 1964)
Blackford, William W.: War Years with Jeb Stuart (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1945; reprint Louisiana State University Press: Baton Rouge, 1993)
Blackford, Susan Leigh (ed.): Memoirs of Life In and Out of the Army in Virginia During the War Between the States. 2 vols. (Lynchburg, VA: Warwick House Publishing, 1996)
Blackmar, Frank W.: The Life of Charles Robinson (Topeka, 1912)
Bladek, John David: "'Virginia Is Middle Ground': The Know Nothing Party and the Virginia Gubernatorial Election of 1855." Virginia Magazine of History and Biography (1998): 35–70
Blair, William Alan: A Politician Goes to War : The Civil War Letters of John White Geary (University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995)
Blake, Henry N.: Three Years in the Army of the Potomac (Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1865)
Blakeslee, Bernard F. History of the Sixteenth Connecticut Volunteers. Hartford, Connecticut: Case, Lockwood, and Brainard, 1875
Blanchard, Etta Worsley: Columbus on the Chattahoochee (Columbus, Ga., 1951); PDF-Version available
Bledsoe, G. B.: „Fifteen Soldiers of One Family“; in: Confederate Veteran, vol 18 (October 1910), p 470 (Anm.: bei Daniel: Shiloh, a.a.O., S. 371 wird der Autor fehlerhaft als „S. N. Bledsoe“ genannt)
Blessington, Joseph P. (Corporal; Co. H, 16th Regiment Texas Infantry): The Campaign of Walker's Texas Division (New York: Lange, Little & Co., Printers, 1875; in the Original edition the name of the author is not mentioned: „By A Private Soldier“)
Blight, David W. (Hrsg.): When this Cruel War is Over: The Civil War Letters of Charles Harvey Brewster (Anm.: Adjutant; Co. CFS, 10th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry) (University of Massachusetts Press, 1992)
Bliss, George N.: Reminiscenses of Service in the First Rhode Island Cavalry (Providence, R. I., 1878)
Bloodgood, John D.: Personal Reminiscenses of the War (New York: Hund and Eaton, 1893)
Blue, Matthew P., et. al.: City Directory and History of Montgomery, Alabama … (Montgomery, 1878)
Boatner, Mark M.: The Civil War Dictionary +++ergänzen+++
Bock, H. Riley: „Confederate Col. A. C. Riley. His Reports and Letters.“ Missouri Historical Quarterly, Vol. LXXXV (January 1991), pp. 158-81
Bohannon, Keith, S.: Dirty, Ragged, and Ill-Provided For. Confederate Logistical Problems in the 1862 Maryland Campaign and Their Solutions; in: Gallagher, Gary W. (ed.): The Antietam Campaign (University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill, 1999), S. 101-142
Bohannon, Keith S.: „Wounded and Captured at Gettysburg;“ in: Military Images (May-June 1988), 14
Boggs, Marion Alexander (ed.): The Alexander Letters 1787-1900 (reprint, Athens, GA., 1990)
Boies, Andrew J.: Record of the Thirty-Third Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry (Fitchburg/MA: Sentinel Printing Company, 1880)
Boland, Elijah T. (Pvt; Co. F, 13th Regiment Alabama Infantry): "Beginning of the Battle of Gettysburg" Confederate Veteran Magazine 14 (1906): 308-309
Boland, Elijah T. (Pvt; Co. F, 13th Regiment Alabama Infantry): "Death of General Reynolds. An Ex-Confederate who was a witness describes the Event." National Tribune, 20 May 1915
Bolding, C. P.: Oath, 1865; 1 item. Positive photocopy of a parole oath sworn by Sergeant C. P. Bolding, Company A, Forty-first Mississippi Infantry, following his surrender at Okolona, Mississippi, May 31, 1865 (Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville: Manuscript Resources for the Civil War, Compiled by Kim Allen Scott, 1990)..
Bond, R.W.: Pickett or Pettigrew, an historical Essay, 2. Auflage 1888
Bonner, Floelle Youngblood: Col. James F. Armstrong of Montgomery County, Rendered Unusual Service to Confederacy; in: The Alabama Historical Quarterly Vol. 23, Nos. 3 and 4, Fall and Winter 1961, S. 231
Boone, Thomas: „History of Company F, First North Carolina Infantry.“ The Index, March 8, 1895
Bonomi, Patricia U.: Under the Cover of Heaven (1986)
Booth, Benjamin (22nd Iowa Infantry): Dark Days of the Rebellion: Life in Southern Military Prisons (Meyer Publishing: Reprint of 1897 original)
Booth, George W.: Personal Reminiscenses of a Maryland Soldier in the War between the States (Baltimore: Fleet, McGinley and Co., 1898)
Borcke, Heros von: Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence. 2 vols (New York, 1938; J. S. Sanders: Reprint of Scarce 1866 Original) PDF-Version available
Borries, Frank B. jr.: "General John Buford, Civil War Union Cavalryman." M. A. thesis, University of Kentucky, 1960
Boritt, Gabor S.: Lincoln's Generals (Oxford University Press: Oxford/New York, 1994)
Boritt, Gabor S. (ed.): The Gettysburg Nobody Knows (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997)
Borton, Benjamin (24th NJ Infantry): On the Parallels, or Chapters of Inner History: A Story of the Rappahannock (Woodstown, NJ 1903); 333 pp. "One who participated in the battles herein described in and around Fredericksburg VA 1862"
Borton, Benjamin: Awhile with the Blue, or Memories of War Days. The True Story of a Private (1898)
Borton, Benjamin On the Parallels or Chapters of Inner History - A Story of Rappahannock (Reprint 2008)
Bosbyshell, Oliver Christian: Pennsylvania at Antietam (Harrisburg: Antietam Battlefield Memorial Commission, 1906)
Bosbyshell, Oliver Christian (Captain Co. G): The 48th in the war. Being a narrative of the campaigns of the 48th regiment, infantry, Pennsylvania veteran volunteers, during the war of the rebellion (1895)
Botsford, Theophilus F. (Co. D, 47th Regiment Alabama Infantry): Memories of the War of Secession (Montgomery, Alabama: The Paragon Press, 1911)
Boudrye, Louis N: s. Beaudry
Bourke, John G.: On the Border With Crook (Time Life 1980; Reprint of 1881 Original)
Bouton, Edward (Gen.): Events of the Civil War (Los Angeles, 1906)
Bowen, Edward R.:“Collis“ Zouaves. The 114th Pennsylvania Infantry at Gettysburg.“ Philadelphia Weekly Times, June 22, 1887
Bowen, George A.: „The Diary of Captain George A. Bowen, 12th New Jersey Volunteers.“ The Valley Forge Journal (June 1984), Vol. 2
Bowen, James L. (Pvt; Co. E, 37th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry): History of the Thirty-Seventh Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers in the Civil War of 1861-1865 with a Comprehensive Sketch of the Doings of Massachusetts as a State, and of the Principal Campaigns of the War (Bryan & Co., Holyoke 1884)
Bowen, James L.: "Marching to Gettysburg." Philadelphia Weekly Times, 27 May 1882
Bowers, Claude G.: The Tragic Era (Cambridge, Mass. 1929)
Bowers, John: Stonewall Jackson: Portrait of a Soldiers (New York, 1989)
Bowers, John. Chickamauga and Chattanooga: The Battles That Doomed the Confederacy. New York: Avon Books, 1994.
Bowles, Richard, Jr.: „Shannon Hill encounter.“ Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Vol. 17, 1985
Bowman, John S.: The Civil War Almanac (5. Auflage, New York 1985)
Bowmaster, Patrick E.: „Confederate Brig. Gen. B. H. Robertson and the 1863 Gettysburg Campaign“, M.A. Thesis (Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1995)
Boyd, Belle: Belle Boyd in Camp and Prison (reprint; New Introduction by Sharon Kennedy-Nolle - New Foreword by Drew Gilpin Faust; First published in 1865, London: Sauders, Otley, and Co., 1865); Belle Boyd’s memoir of her experiences as a Confederate spy has stood the test of time and interest. Belle first gained notoriety when she killed a Union soldier in her home in 1861. During the Federal occupations of the Shenandoah Valley, she mingled with the servicemen and, using her feminine wiles, obtained useful information for the Rebel cause.
Boyd, David F. (Captain; 9th Louisiana Infantry): Reminiscenses of the War in Virginia. Edited by T. Michael Parish (Austin / Texas: Jenkins, 1989)
Boyd, James P.: The Life of General William T. Sherman (1891)
Boyd, Minnie C. Alabama in the Fifties. A Social Study (New York, 1931)
Boykin, E. M., LtCol, C.S.A.: The Falling Flag: Evacuation of Richmond, Retreat and Surrender at Appomattox (Originally published in 1874): Boykin commanded 7th South Carolina Cavalry, Gary's Brigade as rear guard for Confederate retreat from Richmond and last line of battle at Appomattox
Boykin, Richard M.: Captain Alexander Hamilton Boykin, One of South Carolinas Finest Citizen (Jim Fox Books); 263 pp. Illustrated Reprint of 1942 title
Boykin, Samuel (ed.): Memorial Volume of the Hon. Howell Cobb of Georgia (Philadelphia, 1870)
Boyle, John Richards: Soldiers True, The Story of the One Hundred and Eleventh Regiment Pennsylvania ... Volunteers (New York 1903) (PDF-Version available)
Boynton, Henry V.: The National Military Park, Chickamauga-Chattanooga: An Historical Guide (The Robert Clarke Co., 1895)
Brackett, Albert G.: History of the United States Cavalry, From the Formation of the Federal Government to the 1st of June, 1865 (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1865)
Bradfield, James O. (Pvt; Co. E, 1st Regiment Texas Infantry): „At Gettysburg, July 3,“ Confederate Veteran, vol. 30, no. 6 (June 1922)
Bradford, Gamaliel: Lee the American (Boston, 1912)
Bradford, Gamaliel: Union Portraits (Boston, 1914). In his day Gamaliel Bradford was regarded as the "Dean of American Biographers." Which makes it remarkable that his wonderful book on important figures of the American Civil War of the Union side is so hard to find. He was the American pioneer of the psychographic form of written biographies, focusing on the study of personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles, instead of strictly the events of someone's life. In this volume, Bradford profiles nine men who were central to the history of the Civil War period. Some you know well, like William Seward, Edwin Stanton, General Sherman, and General McClellan. Others may be less well-known to you, like Samuel Bowles. Bradford wrote 114 biographies over a period of 20 years and like all of them, this one does not disappoint in its fascinating perspectives and focus.
Bradford, Ned (ed.): Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. One-volume edition of the greatest classic of the Civil War, selected and edited by Ned Bradford (New York: Fairfax Press, 1956)
Bradley, G. S. (Chaplain, 22nd Wisconsin Infantry): The Star Corps; or, Notes of an Army Chaplain during Sherman's "Famous March to the Sea" (Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Jermain and Brightman, Book and Job Printers, Sentinel Building, 1865)
Bradley, Mark L.: This Astounding Close: The Road to Bennett Place (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2000)
Bradley, Thomas W. and Peter B. Ayars: „At Gettysburg.“ National Tribune, 4 February 1886
Bradsby, Henry C.: History of Vigo County, Indiana (Chicago: S. B. Nelson & Company, Publishers, 1891)
Bragg, Edward S., and Jerome A. Watrous. "Reunion of the Iron Brigade - LaCrosse, August 7, 1883." N.p., n.d.
Brainard, Mary Genevie Green: Campaigns of the One Hundred and Forty-Sixth Regiment, New York State Volunteers, also known as Hallecks Infantry, The Fifth Oneida, and Garrads Tigers (G. P. Putnam's Sons New York and London 1915, reprint 2011)
Brainerd, Wesley: Bridge Building in Wartime (Knoxville/TN: University of Tennessee Press, 1997); 440 pp; Illustrated; Edited by Ed Malles. Colonel Wesley Brainerd's memoir of the 50th New York Volunteer Engineers
Brands, H. W.: The Man Who Saved the Union: Ulysses Grant in War and Peace (New York: Doubleday, 2012)
Brannon, Peter A.: The Organization of the Confederate Post Office Department at Montgomery (Montgomery, 1960)
Brant, Jefferson E.: History of the Eighty-Fifth Indiana Volunteer Infantry (Bloomington / Ind.: Cravens Brothers, Printers and Binders, 1902)
Brantley, R. A.: Memoir „The 5th Texas, Seven Days Battle around Richmond“, Confederate Veteran 7 (Aug. 1988), p. 357; typescript in possession of Robert E . L. Krick (Krick: Defending Lee's Flank. J.E.B. Stuart, John Pelham, and Confederates on Nicodemus Heights; in: Gallagher: The Antietam Campaign, p. 216n2)
Brauer, Kinley J.: Cotton versus Conscience. Massachusetts Whig Politics and Southwest Expansion, 1843-1848, Lexington, Ky., 1967
Breck, George, comp. Robert E. Marcotte. Breck's War Correspondence of George Breck, Battery L, 1st New York Light Artillery. Rochester, N.Y., R. E. Marcotte, 2005
Breck, George: Letter of 18.9.1862, published in the Rochester Union and Advertiser, Sept. 26, 1862 (vgl. McPherson: Crossroads of Freedom. Antietam, a.a.O., S. 157 n. 2)
Breihan, Carl: Quantrill and His Civil War Guerillas +++ergänzen+++
Brents, John A.: The Patriots and Guerillas of East Tennessee and Kentucky. New York: John A. Brents, 1863
Brewer, Abraham T. (Sergeant 61st Pennsylvania Infantry): History Sixty-First Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865 (Pittsburgh, PA: Art Engraving & Printing, Co., 1911)
Brewer, Willis.: Alabama, Her History, Resources, War Record, and Public Men from 1540 to 1872 (Montgomery, 1872)
Brewer, James D.: The Raiders of 1862 (Westport, 1997)
Briant, C. C. (Captain, 6th Indiana Infantry): History of the 6th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry (Indianapolis, 1891)
Bridges, C. A.: "The Knights of the Golden Circle: A Filibustering Fantasy," Southwestern Historical Quarterly 44 (Jan., 1941): 287-302
Bridges, Hal: " A Lee Letter on the 'Lost Dispatch' and the Maryland Campaign of 1862," Virginia Magazine of History, LXVI [April 1958] S. 165
Bridges, Hal: Lee's Maverick General: Daniel Harvey Hill (Olde Soldier Books); 323 pp. The only biography of the C.S.A. General who was a Colonel of the 1st N. Carolina. He won the first major battle of the war at Big Bethel, led a division and later a corps in the ANV and fought with distinction at South Mountain, Antietam and other battles
Brinton, John Hill (Surgeon, U.S. Vols): Personal Memoirs of John H. Brinton (Univ Southern Illinois Press; Reprint of 1914 Neale Original); 380 pp. New Foreword by John Y. Simon
Broadwater, Robert P.: Battle of Despair: Bentonville and the North Carolina Campaign (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2004)
Brobst, John F.: „Well Mary“: Civil War Letters of a Wisconsin Volunteer. ed. Lydia M. Post (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1960)
Brock, William R.: Parties and political Conscience: American Dilemmas, 1840-1850 (New York: KTO Press, 1979)
Brogan, Sir Denis: „David M. Potter“; in: Cunliffe, Marcus and Robin Winks: Pastmasters. Some Essays on American Historians (Harper & Row, Publisher: New York 1969), S. 316-344
Bromwell, William J.: History of Immigration to the United States (1856, reprint New York: Arno Press, 1969)
Brooks, Aubrey L.: Walter Clark, Fighting Judge (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1944)
Brooks, Noah: Washington in Lincoln's Time (New York: The Century Co., 1896)
Brooks, Noah: Mr. Lincoln's Washington: Selections of the Writings of Noah Brooks, Civil War Correspondent; ed. P. J. Staudenraus (South Brunswick. N.J.: Thomas Yoseloff, 1967)
Brooks, Noah: Lincoln Observed: Civil War Dispatches of Noah Brooks, edited by Michael Burlingame (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998)
Brooks, Ulysses Robert (Pvt; Co. B, 6th Regiment South Carolina Cavalry): "Butler and his Cavalry, 1861-1865 (Jim Fox Books; Reprint of 1911 title) 594 pp; covers Butler in Hampton Legion, 2nd Cavalry and "Butler's Brigade" of the 4th, 5th and 6th S. Carolina Cavalry. Covers campaigns of 1864 and Carolinas Campaign of 1865; Bibliothek Ref ameridownload Brooks (Butler and his Cavalry)
Brooks, Ulysses Robert (Pvt; Co. B, 6th Regiment South Carolina Cavalry): Stories of the Confederacy (The State Co., Columbia, S.C., 1912). The book contains auch: Rea, D.: Sketches From Hampton's Cavalry in the Summer, Fall and Winter Campaigns of '62 including Stuart's Raid into Pennsylvania ans Also in Burnside's Rear (Strother and Co., Raleigh, 1863); Bibliothek Ref ameridownload Brooks (Stories)
Brooks, Victor D.: Marye's Heights. Fredericksburg (Conshohocken, Pa.: Combined Publishing, 2001)
Brooksher, William R.: Bloody Hill: The Civil War Battle of Wilson's Creek (Brassey's: Washington / London, 1995, 1st Edition) (Anm.: Wilson's Creek was the first major engagement in the West. Proportionately, it was one of the bloodiest in the war. Ben McCullough' troops from Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas successfully beat back a Union attack by 5,600 of Nathaniel Lyon men to defeat the Union's hold on Southwest Missouri)
Brown, A. F.: „Van Dorn‘s operations in Northern Mississippi; Recollections of a Cavalry man,“ Southern Historical Society Papers, vol 6 (1878), S. 151-161
Brown, Alonzo L: History of the Fourth Regiment of Minnesota Infantry Volunteers during the Great Rebellion, 1861-1865 (St. Paul, 1892)
Brown, Campbell: Campbell Brown's Civil War: With Ewell and the Army of Northern Virginia (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2001)
Brown, Charles H.: Agents of Manifest Destiny. The Lives and Times of the Filibusters (Chapel Hill, 1980)
Brown, Dee Alexander: The Bold Cavaliers: Morgan's 2nd Kentucky Cavalry Raiders (Philadelphia, 1959)
Brown, Dee Alexander: Grierson's Raid (Morningside, Dayton 1981, Reprint of 1954 original). The day-by-day account of the Sixth and Seventh Illinois Cavalry in their 600 mile ride through Mississippi to Baton Rouge in April 1863
Brown, Dee Alexander: The Galvanized Yankees (Univ Nebraska Press, 1986); Disheartened by captivity and disillusioned by war, these Confederate Prisoners put on Union Blues and fought against Indians on the border, escorting wagon trains and manning lonely outposts
Brown, Edmund Randolph: The Twenty-seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the War (Monticello, Inc., 1899)
Brown, Francis: Raymond of the Times (New York, 1951)
Brown, J. Willard: The Signal Corps U.S.A. in the War of the Rebellion (U.S. Veteran Signal Corps Association: Boston, 1896), PDF-Version available
Brown, John H.: Letter, Houston Weekly Telegraph, August 11, 1862 (zum Tod von Benjamin McCulloch)
Brown, Joseph E. (Governor of Georgia): The Mountain Campaigns in Georgia (Jim Fox Books: Reprint of 1887); Paperback issued and signed when Brown was President of Western and Atlantic Railroad and War-time Governor; describes marches, battles and campaigns of Union and Confederate forces; maps and engravings
Brown, Kent Masterson: Retreat from Gettysburg: Lee, Logistics, and the Pennsylvania Campaign (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2005)
Brown, Thaddeus C. S. (Quartermaster Sergeant; Co. I, 2nd Regiment Illinois Light Artillery), J. Murphy, and William G. Putney: “Behind the Guns”: The History of Battery I, 2nd Regiment, Illinois Light Artillery (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1965)
Brown, Thomas: Politics and Statesmanship: Essays on the American Whig Party (Columbia University Press, 1985)
Brown, Thomas More: „The Image of the Beast: Anti-Papal Rhetoric in Colonial America,“ in: Curry, Richard O. and Thomas M. Brown: Conspiracy: Fear of Subversion in American history (New York: Rinehart and Winston 1972)
Brownlow, William G.: Sketches of the Rise, Progress and Decline of Secession with a Narrative of Personal Adventures Among the Rebels (Applegate & Co., 1862 oder Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1862)
Brownlow, William G. "Parson" (ed. Stephen Ash): Secessionist and other Scoundrels: Selection from Parson Brownlow's Book (LSU Press); Edited by Stephen Ash, 144 pp, Illustrated. Ash places excerpts in context and examines the life of this East Tennessee Methodist preacher and newspaper editor, who refused to renounce his Union loyalty, and who was arrested, jailed and ultimately banished to the North.
Bruce, George Ansom (Pvt; Co. D, 2nd Regiment Massachusetts Infantry): The Capture and Occupation of Richmond (Self-published, 1927)
Bruce, George Ansom (Pvt; Co. D, 2nd Regiment Massachusetts Infantry): The Twentieth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865 (1906)
Bruner, L. J.: „A Seven Day’s Ride in Rebeldom.“ In Sixth Annual Re-Union of the Fifth Indiana Cavalry Association, Held at Noblesville, Indiana, October 10th and 11th, 1888 (Portland, Ind.): Portland Commercial Job Office, 1889
Bryant, Edwin Eustace (1stLt/Adjutant; Co. F&S, 3rd Regiment Wisconsin Infantry): History of the Third Regiment of Wisconsin Veteran Volunteer Infantry (Cleveland: A. H. Clark Co., 1891)
Bryan, Charles Faulkner, Jr.: Robert Hatton of Tennessee (M.A. Thesis, University of Georgia, 1971)
Bryan, Charles F.: "The Civil,War in East Tennessee: A Social, Political, and Economical Study" (Ph.D. Diss., University of Tennessee, 1978)
Bryant, Thomas J.: Who is Responsible of the Army of the Tennessee Towards Corinth (N.p., 1885)
Buck, Irving A.: Cleburn and His Command (Erstveröffentlichung 1908; reprint Morningside: Dayton, Oh., 1985)
Buck, Paul H.: The Road To Reunion, 1865-1900 (Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1937)
Buck, Samuel D. (Captain 13th Virginia Infantry): With the Old Confeds (Baltimore: H. E. Hough & Co., 1925)
Buffum, Francis H. (Sergeant; Co. F, 14th Regiment New Hampshire Infantry): A Memorial of the Great Rebellion: Being a History of the Fourteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers (Boston: Rand, Avery, & Co., 1882)
Bull, William J. and John P.: Missouri Brothers in Gray (Camp Pope Bookshop, 1998; edited by Michael Banasik); 192 pp, Maps, Appendices, Index. These two brothers served in the 3rd Battery of Missouri Artillery with John later becoming an officer in MacDonald's Missouri Cavalry and later Newton's 5th Arkansas Cavalry. William's reminiscence, written in 1906, and now published here, along with letters of the two brothers provides first-hand accounts of the Civil War in the West.
Bulloch, James D.: The Secret Service of the Confederate States in Europe. 2 vols. (Liverpool, 1883)
Burchard, Peter: One Gallant Rush: Robert Gold Shaw and His Brave Black Regiment (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1965) (54th Massachusetts Infantry, Coloured Troops)
Burdette, Robert J. (Pvt; Co. C&B, 47th Regiment Illinois Infantry): The Drums of the 47th (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merril Company, 1914)
Burgess, John W.: Reconstruction and the Constitution (New York, 1902)
Burke, William S.: Official Military History of Kansas Regiments During the War for the Suppression of the Great Rebellion (Leavenworth, KS: W. S. Burke), 1870.
Burlingame, John K. (comp.) (Hospital Stewart; Co. F&S, 5th Regiment Rhode Island Heavy Artillery): History of the Fifth Regiment of Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, during Three Years and a Half of Service in North Carolina (Providence: Snow & Farnham, 1892)
Burlingame, Michael and Ettlinger, John R. Turner (ed.): Inside Lincoln's White House. The Complete Civil War Diary of John Hay (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, Paperback Edition 1999)
Burne, Alfred H.: Lee, Grant and Sherman: A Study in Leadership in the 1864-1865 Campaign (Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 2000)
Burnham, Walter Dean: Critical Elections and the Mainsprings of American Politics (New York: W. W. Norton, 1970) (Anm.: the Books is tending to equate voter realignment alone with the death of old party system [vgl. Holt: The political Crisis of the 1850s, a.a.O., S. 263)
Burnham, John H. (Captain, 33rd Illinois Infantry): "The Thirty-Third Regiment Illinois Infantry in the War between the States." Illinois State Historical Society Transactions 17 (1912) (Springfield 1914)
Burns, Edward M. Historical Sketch of the Organization and Service of the Fifteenth Regiment Indiana Volunteers and Third Annual Reunion (Valparaiso, IN: s.n.), 1889.
Burrage, Henry Sweetser: Gettysburg and Lincoln: The Battle, the Cemetery, and the National Park (New York and London: Putnam, 1906)
Burrows, John Lansing: The Christian Scholar and Soldier. Memoirs of Lewis Minor Coleman ... Lieut. Col First Regiment Virginia Artillery (Richmond: Smith, Bailey, 1864)
Burton, Elijah P.: Diary of E. P. Burton, Surgeon, 7th Regt. Ill, 3rd Brig., 2nd Div., 16 A.C.(Des Moines, Iowa, Historical Records Survey, 1939)
Busey, John W. And David G. Martin: Regimental Strengths and Losses at Gettysburg (Hightstown, N. J.: Longstreet House, 1982)
Bushong, Millard K.: Old Jube: A Biography of General Jubal A. Early (Boyce, Va.: Carr Publishing Company, 1955)
Butler, Jon: Awash in a Sea of Faith (1989)
Bussey, Cyrus (Col, 3rd Iowa Cavalry) : "The Pea Ridge Campaign Considered"; in: Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Commandery of the District of Columbia, Washington D. C., 1905
Butler, Pierce: Judah P. Benjamin (Philadelphia, 1907)
Butler, Thomas H. „The Stoneman Raid and Why It Was a Failure.“ In Report of the Reunion of the Fifth Indiana Cavalry, Held at Indianapolis, Ind, October 10th and 11th 1883. pp. 9-12. Indianapolis: Central Printing, [1884].
Butterfield, Daniel: "Reminiscenses of the Cavalry in the Army of (the) Potomac." Record Group 94, National Archives, Washington
Butterfield, Daniel, Sickles, Daniel E., D. McM. Gregg, and John Newton: „Further Recollections of Gettysburg“. North American Review, Vol. 152, no. 412 (March 1891)
Butterfield, Dexter: A Brief History of the 'Abott Grays" (2nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry) (Lowell, Massachusetts, 1911)
Butterfield, Julia Lorrilard (editor): A Biographical Memorial of General Daniel Butterfield, 1904
Byers, S. M. H. (Adjutant, 5th Iowa Infantry): Iowa in War Times (Des Moines, Iowa, 1888)
Byers, Samuel H. M. (Major, 5th Iowa): With Fire and Sword (Camp Pope Bookshop; Reprint of 1911 Neale title); 203 pp; Index
Byers, Samuel H. M.: "How Men Feel in Battle, Recollections of a Private at Champion Hill." Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, vol. II
Byrne, Frank L. and Andrew T. Weaver: Haskell of Gettysburg: His Life and Civil War Papers (Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1970)
Byrne, Frank L. (e d.): View from Headquarters: Civil War Letters of Harvey Reid (The Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison 1965) (Anm.: Corporal; Co. A, 22nd Regiment Wisconsin Infantry)
Byrne, Frank L., and Jean Powers (eds.): Your True Marcus: The Civil War Letters of a Jewish Colonel (Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1985) (Anm.: Col. Marcus M. Spiegel, 67th Regiment Ohio Infantry)
Litera C
Cable, George W.: Famous Adventures and Prison Escapes (London, 1898)
Cadwallader, Sylvanus (ed. Thomas, Benjamin): Three Years with Grant as recalled by War Correspondent Sylvanus Cadwallader (Knopf, NY 1955); edited with notes by Benjamin Thomas
Cain, Marvin R.: Lincoln's Attorney General: Edward Bates of Missouri (Columbia, Mo., 1965)
Caldwell, J.F.J.: The History of a Brigade of South Carolinians known first as "Gregg's," and subsequently as "McGowan's Brigade." (King & Baird Printers: Philadelphia, 1866; Reprint Morningside Bookshop)
Calef, John H. (Battery A 2nd US Artillery): "Gettysburg Notes: The Opening Gun." Journal of the Military Service Institution of the United States, Vol. 40 (1907): 40-58
Calfee, Berkeley G.: Confederate History of Culpeper County (Culpeper, Va., 1948)
Califf, Joseph, attr.: Record of the Services of the Seventh Regiment of U.S. Colored Troops (Providence, R.I., 1878)
Calkins, Chris M.: The Appomattox Campaign, March 29 – April 9, 1865 (Conshohocken, PA: Combined Books, 1997).
Calkins, Chris M.: History and Tour Guide of the Battle of Five Forks (Columbus:, OH: Blue and Gray Magazine, 2003)
Calkins, Chris M.: „Land Operations in Virginia 1865: Time Catches Up with Lee at Last“; in: Davis and Robertson, Virginia at War 1865, p. 1-14
Calkins, William W. (Lt., 104th Illinois Infantry): The History of the 104th Regt. of Ill. Volunteer Infantry (Chicago: Donohue & Henneberry Printers, 1895)
Callaway, Jonathan W. (Lt., 2nd Arkansas Mounted Rifles): Letters and papers, 1861-1864. Callaway began writing letters home to Arkadelphia shortly before the Wilson's Creek fight, usually addressing them to W. T. Thompson. Most of the letters were written in 1861 and 1862 from places in Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee, including Chattanooga and Cumberland Gap. One letter, dated April 15, 1864, was sent from a location in Texas and describes some fighting in Louisiana during the Camden Expedition. Other documents in the collection include samples of the "Hornet's Nest," a handwritten regimental "newspaper" produced in Missouri in 1861. Microfilm copy made by the Arkansas History Commission in 1960 (Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville: Manuscript Resources for the Civil War, Compiled by Kim Allen Scott, 1990).
Camper, Chas and J. W. Kirkley: Historical Record of the First Regiment Maryland Infantry (Butternut and Blue; Reprint; Originally published 1871); 312 pp and Index; Photos; Rosters
Campbell, Albert: "The Lost War Maps of the Confederates,"; Century Magazine, 35 (no. 3, 1888), S. 479-81
Campbell, Alexander (Pvt, 79th New York Infantry) and James Campbell (Frist Sergeant, 1st Battalion South Carolina Infantry, later Lt., 27th South Carolina Infantry): Him On One Side and Me On the Other Side: The Civil War Letters of Alexander Campbell, 79th New York Infantry Regiment, and James Campbell, 1st South Carolina Battalion (Univ South Carolina); Edited by Terry A. Johnston Jr.
Campbell, Henry: „Union Bugler Found Chickamauga a 'Terrible Battle',“ Civil War Times Illustrated 3 (May 1964), p. 34-37
Campbell, John A,.: „Papers of Hon. John A. Campbell 1861-1865,“ Southern Historical Society Papers, N.S. IV (October, 1917), pp. 61-74
Campbell, Mary Emily Robertson: The Attitude of Tennesseans toward the Union, 1847-1861 (Vantage Press, 1961)
Campbell, Robert: Lone Star Confederate: A Gallant and Good Soldier of the 5th Texas Infantry: A Gallant and Good Soldier of the Fifth Texas Infantry (Texas A & M University Military History Februar 2003)
Campbell, Stanley W.: The Slave Catchers. Enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law 1850-1860 (Chapel Hill, 1970)
Canan, H. V.: "Maps for the Civil War," Armor 65 (Sept.-Oct., 1965), S. 34-42
Canan, H. V.: Confederate Military Intelligence; in: Maryland Historical Magazine 59 (March 1964), S. 34-51
Canfield, S. S. (Captain; 21st Ohio Infantry): History of the 21st Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry (Toledo, 1893)
Cannan, John: The Antietam Campaign, August-September 1862 (revised Edition 1994)
Cannan, John (ed.): Eyewitness History of the Civil War. War on Two Fronts. Shiloh to Gettysburg (Pennsylvania: Combined Books, 1990)
Cannon, Newton: The Reminiscenses of Sergeant Newton Cannon; ed. Campbell H. Brown (Franklin/Tenn.: Caerter House Association, 1963)
Cantrell, Gene: Fifth Alabama Cavalry Regiment +++ergänzen+++
Carpenter, George N. (Captain; Co. F&S, 8th Regiment Vermont Infantry): History of the Eighth Regiment Vermont Volunteers, 1861-1865 (Boston, 1886); 322 pp; Rosters; Maps
Capers, Gerald M.: John C. Calhoun - Opportunist. A Reappraisal (University of Florida Press, Gainesville 1960; Taschenbuchausgabe 1969)
Capers, Gerald M.: Occupied City: New Orleans Unter the Federals, 1862-1865 (Lexington, Kentucky: 1965)
Capers, Henry D.: The Life and Times of C. G. Memminger (Richmond, 1893)
Carden, Robert C.: Civil War Memories in Company C, 16th Tennessee Infantry; Zeitungsartikel aus Newton Record 1912)
Carpenter, Jesse T.: The South as a Consious Minority, 1789-1861 (New York, 1930)
Carpenter, John A.: Sword & Olive Branch. Oliver Otis Howard (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1964)
Carpenter, John A.: "General O. O. Howard at Gettysburg." Civil War History 9 (1963), S. 261-76
Carr, Austin A. (Pvt, 82nd NY): A Casualty at Gettysburg and Andersonville: Selections from the Diary of Private Austin A. Carr of the 82nd N.Y. Infantry (Longstreet House, 1998); Revised Edition; Edited by David Martin; 28 pp; Photos; Maps; Illustrations
Carr, Dawson: Gray Phantoms of the Cape Fear: Running the Civil War Blockade (Winston-Salem, NC: John F. Blair, 1998)
Carroon, Robert G. (Editor). From Freeman's Ford to Bentonville: The 61st Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Civil War Heritage Series - Volume XII. Shippensburg, Pa.: Burd Street Press, 1998.
Carson, Hampton L.: "Andrew Atkinson Humphreys, Brigadier-General, U.S. Army, Brevet Major General, U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers (n.p., ca. 1885)
Carter, John C. (ed.): Welcome the Hour of Conflict: William Cowan McClellan and the 9th Alabama (Tuscaloosa, AL, 2007).
Carter, Robert Goldthwaite (Pvt; Co. H, 22th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry): Four Brothers in Blue; or, Sunshine and Shadows of the War of the Rebellion, A Story of the Great Civil War from Bull Run to Appomattox (1913, Reprint, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1978); Eicher says "...the work is a splendid source for life on the march, in camp, and in battle with the Massachusetts men; "One of the Civil War 100" classic books by Civil War Magazine
Carter, Robert Goldthwaite (Pvt; Co. H, 22th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry): "Reminiscenses of the Gettysburg Campaign." Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Maine Commandary, War Papers 2 (1902): 149-83
Carter, William Randolph: History of the First Regiment of Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry in the Great War of the Rebellion. Knoxville: Grant-Ogden, 1902
Cash, W. J.: The Mind of the South
Casler, John O.: Four Years in the Stonewall Brigade (Guthrie, Okla., 1893); 2. Auflage Kansas, 1906: "Revised, corrected and improved by Maj. Jed Hotchkiss, Topographical Engineer 2d Corps, Army of Northern Virginia." Nevins says "This embellished memoir, as witty as it is informative, is in a class with volumes by Billings and McCarthy. The author occasionally stretches the truth for the sake of a good story." "This is a superb tale of a common Confederate soldier's wartime service."
Cassidy, Vincent: Henry Watkins Allen of Louisiana (Baton Rouge, 1964)
Casstevens, Frances H.: Clingman's Brigade in the Confederacy, 1862-1865 (Jefferson/NC: McFarland & Co., 2002)
Castel, Albert: Decision in the West - The Atlanta Campaign of 1864 (Lawrence / Kansas: University Press of Kansas, 1992)
Castel, Albert: General Sterling Price and the Civil War in the West (Baton Rouge, 1968)
Castel, Albert: William Clarke Quantrill - His Life and Times, New York 1962, Neuausgabe 1998
Castel, Albert: Presidency of Andrew Johnson (University of Kentucky, 1979)
Castel, Albert: "Earl Van Dorn - A Personality Profile," Civil War Times Illustrated 6 (April 1967)
Castel, Albert: "Theophilus Holmes - Pallbearer of the Confederacy," Civil War Times Illustrated 16 (July 1977), S. 11-12
Castel, Albert: „The Historian and the General: Thomas L. Connelly versus Robert E. Lee“; in: in: Hubbell, John T. (ed.): Battles Lost and Won: Essays from Civil War History (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1975), S. 215-228
Castel, Albert (ed.): „The War Album of Henry Dwight, Part II.“ Civil War Times Illustrated 19 (April 1980): 20-24
Castel, Albert (ed.): „The War Album of Henry Dwight, Part III.“ Civil War Times Illustrated 19 (May 1980): 32-36
Castle, Henry A.: Some Experiences of an Enlisted Man; in: Glimpses of the Nation's Struggle. A Series of Papers Minnesota Commandery of the Military Legion of the United States (St. Paul, Minnesota, 1887), pp. 107-134
Castleman, John B. (Major, 2nd Kentucky Cavalry [Duke's], CSA): Active Service (Louisville: Courier-Journal Job Prinzing Co., 1917)
Cate, Wirt Armistead Key (ed.): Two Soldiers: The Campaign Diaries of Thos. J. Key, C.S.A., and Robt. J. Campbell, U.S.A. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1938)
Catton, Bruce: Glory Road (Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1952)
Catton, Bruce: A Stillness at Appomattox (Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1953)
Catton, Bruce: Gettysburg. The final Fury (New York, 1974)
Catton, Bruce: Waiting for the Morning Train: An American Boyhood (Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1972)
Catton, Bruce: Reflections on the Civil War (Doubleday: New York, 1981)
Catton, Bruce: Grant Moves South 1861-1863, (Teil 1 der dreibändigen Studie über General Grant) Neuauflage 1988 der Erstausgabe 1960
Catton, Bruce: Grant Takes Command, (Teil 2 der dreibändigen Studie über General Grant), (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1968)
Catton, Bruce: America Goes to War (Middletown, Conn., 1958)
Catton, Bruce: The Coming Fury. The Centennial History of the Civil War, Vol. I (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1961)
Catton, Bruce: Terrible Swift Sword. The Centennial History of the Civil War, Vol. II (New York, Garden City: Doubleday & Co., 1963)
Catton, Bruce: Never Call Retreat. The Centennial History of the Civil War, Vol. III (New York, Garden City: Doubleday & Co., 1965)
Catton, Bruce: Mr. Lincoln's Army; Sonderausgabe in einem Band zusammen mit Glory Road und A Stillness at Appomattox (New York 1984)
Catton, Bruce: This Hallowed Ground (Doubleday and Co: New York, 1956)
Catton, Bruce: The Army of the Potomac. Glory Road (Originally published New York 1952, Taschenbuchausgabe 1990)
Catton, Bruce: The Army of the Potomac: A Stillness at Appomattox (Doubleday, 1953)
Catton, Bruce: „Survivor“, American Heritage, 30 (Dec. 1978): 111 (Anm.: zum Tod von General Chamberlain)
Cauthen, Charles E.: South Carolina Goes to War (Chapel Hill, 1950)
Cavanagh, Michael: Memoirs of General Thomas Francis Meagher (Olde Soldier Books; Reprint of 1892 Original); 534 pp; Illustrated; Appendix. Meagher commanded the famous Irish Brigade in the Civil War. Many of his Irish Brigade letters are included
Cavins, Aden G. (Captain 59th Indiana Infantry): War Letters of Aden G. Cavins. Written to his Wife (Evansville, Ind.: N.p., n.d.)
Chamberlain Association of America: Josua Lawrence Chamberlain: A Sketch (n. p., [1906]), 15-16
Chamberlain, Dick and Judy: Civil War Letters of an Ohio Soldier: S. O. Chamberlain and the 49th Ohio Volunteer Infantry (Walker Lithograph Inc. Red Bluff and Flournoy, Calif., 1990)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: The Passing of the Armies: An Account of the Final Campaign of the Army of the Potomac, Based upon Personal Reminiscenses of the Fifth Army Corps (New York. G.P. Putnam's Sons edition, 1915)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence (ed. by Stan Clark): "Bayonet Forward". My Civil War Reminiscenses. (Gettysburg: Stan Clark Military Books, 2nd Edition 1994) (Anm.: der Editor Clark stellte diverse Artikel Chamberlains zusammen, deren Erstveröffentlichung auf S. 277 notiert ist)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: "My Story of Fredericksburg." Cosmopolitan Magazine, New York, December 1912 (abgedruckt in: Chamberlain: Bayonet! Forward, a.a.O., S. 1-15)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: "Through Blood and Fire at Gettysburg," Hearst's Magazine, New York, June 1913 (abgedruckt in: Chamberlain: Bayonet! Forward, a.a.O., S. 16-37)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: Report of Colonel Josua L. Chamberlain, 6.7.1863; OR, ser. 1, Vol. 27, pt. 1, 622-626. Anm.: Actually this report, although dated just after the battle, was written by Chamberlain in 1884, after the editors of the OR informed him that his original report was missing from the War Records files, and asked him to supply a replacement. Chamberlain did so by trying to reconstruct his original report from memory (vgl. LaFantasie: Josua Chamberlain and the American Dream; in: Boritt: The Gettysburg Nobody Knows, a.a.O., S. 227n12; vgl. Chamberlain to George B. Herenden, July 6, 1863 [ca. Mar. 15, 1884], Records of the War Records Office, Entry 729, „Union Battle Reports,“ RG 94, National Archives, Washington, DC). Another battle report by Chamberlain does exist, also dated July 6, 1863, and this one seems to be a copy of the original lost report (vgl. LaFantasie: Josua Chamberlain and the American Dream; in: Boritt: The Gettysburg Nobody Knows, a.a.O., S. 227n12; vgl. Chamberlain to George B. Herenden, July 6, 1863, Maine State Archives, Augusta, Maine).
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: "Reminiscenses of Petersburg and Appomattox." Bangor Daily Commercial, Bangor March 3, 1904; auch: War Papers. Read before the Commandery of the State of Maine, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Portland 1903 (abgedruckt in: Chamberlain: Bayonet! Forward, a.a.O., S. 38-57)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: "Military Operations on the White Oak Road." War Papers. Read before the Commandery of the State of Maine, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Portland 1897 (abgedruckt in: Chamberlain: Bayonet! Forward, a.a.O., S. 58-99)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: "Five Forks." War Papers. Read before the Commandery of the State of Maine, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Portland 1902 (abgedruckt in: Chamberlain: Bayonet! Forward, a.a.O., S. 100-141)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: "Appomattox." Personal Recollections of the War of the Rebellion. Addresses Delivered before the Commandery of the State of New York, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. New York 1907 (abgedruckt in: Chamberlain: Bayonet! Forward, a.a.O., S. 142-159)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: "The Grand Review of the Army of the Potomac." War Papers. Read before the Commandery of the State of Maine, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Portland 1908 (abgedruckt in: Chamberlain: Bayonet! Forward, a.a.O., S. 160-183)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: "Dedication of the Maine Monuments at Gettysburg, Evening of October 3, 1889." Waldoboro, 1891 (abgedruckt in: Chamberlain: Bayonet! Forward, a.a.O., S. 190-202)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: "Colonel Chamberlain's Report of the Battle of Gettysburg." War of the Rebellion: Official Records (abgedruckt in: Chamberlain: Bayonet! Forward, a.a.O., S. 203-209)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: Colonel Chamberlain's letter to Maine Governor Coburn describing the Battle of Gettysburg (abgedruckt in: Chamberlain: Bayonet! Forward, a.a.O., S. 210-212)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: "General Chamberlain's Report of the White Oak Road and Five Fork Campaign." War of the Rebellion: Official Records (abgedruckt in: Chamberlain: Bayonet! Forward, a.a.O., S. 213-221)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: "The Third Brigade at Appomattox." The Attack and Defense of Little Round Top. New York 1913 (abgedruckt in: Chamberlain: Bayonet! Forward, a.a.O., S. 223-229)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: "The Last Salute of the Army of Northern Virginia." Southern Historical Society Papers. Richmond, 1876-1919. Also, Boston Journal. May 1901 (abgedruckt in: Chamberlain: Bayonet! Forward, a.a.O., S. 230-238)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: "Address to the Sixteenth Maine Volunteers." Maine at Gettysburg, Portland, 1898 (abgedruckt in: Chamberlain: Bayonet! Forward, a.a.O., S. 239-243)
Chamberlain, Josua Lawrence: „Address of. Gen. Chamberlain at the Springfield City Hall,“ Springfield (Mass.), Republican 4.6.1897
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: "Oration of the Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln." War Papers. Read before the Commandery of the State of Maine, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Portland 1915. Also, Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Philadelphia 1909 (abgedruckt in: Chamberlain: Bayonet! Forward, a.a.O., S. 100-141) (abgedruckt in: Chamberlain: Bayonet! Forward, a.a.O., S. 244-261)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: „Do It! That's How,“ Bowdoin, 64 (Spring-Summer 1991), p. 12. The article is an excerpt from Chamberlain's unfinished and previously unpublished autobiography located in the Chamberlain Collection, Bowdoin College Library, Brunswick, Maine (vgl. LaFantasie: Josua Chamberlain and the American Dream; in: Boritt: The Gettysburg Nobody Knows, a.a.O., S. 226n2)
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: „General Chamberlain's Address“; in: Hamlin, Charles et al. (eds.): Maine at Gettysburg: Report of the Commissioners (Portland, Me.: Lakeside Pres, 1898), 546-59
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence: „Josua as a Military Commander,“ The Sunday School Times (Philadelphia), 1.12.1883
Chamberlaine, William W.: Memoirs of the Civil War (Washington / DC: Press of Byron S. Adams, 1912)
Chamberlayne, Churchill Gibson (ed.): Ham Chamberlayne, Virginian: Letters and Papers of an Artillery Officer in the War for Southern Independence (Richmond: Dietz Printing Co, 1932). Nevins calls this "An exceptionally revealing collection of papers by a young Virginia aristocrat who served long and faithfully in a Richmond artillery battery.
Chamberlin, Thomas (LtCol 150th Pennsylvania Infantry, Bucktails Brigade): History of the 150th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Bucktail Brigade (F. McManus, Jr. and Company: Philadelphia 1905); Revised and Enlarged edition with Complete Roster. Nevins says of this "A very readible narrative based on several diaries; the best section covers the 1864-1865 campaigns."
Chamberlin, William H. (Captain 81st Illinois): History of the Eighty-first Regiment Ohio Infantry Volunteers, During the War of the Rebellion (Cincinnati, 1865)
Chamberlin William H. (Captain 81st Illinois): The 81st Ohio at Shiloh (Shiloh National Military Park, Shiloh / Tennessee, 81st Ohio File) und (Cincinnati, 1865)
Chamberlin, William H. (Captain 81st Illinois): “Hood’s Second Sortie at Atlanta”; in: B & L, Vol. IV, 326-31
Chamberlin, William H.: “Recollections of the Battle of Atlanta”; in: The Atlanta Papers, comp. Sidney C. Kerksis, S. 451-63 (Dayton: Press of the Morningside Bookshop, 1980)
Chamberlin, William H.: “The Skirmish Line in the Atlanta Campaign”; in: The Atlanta Papers, comp. Sidney C. Kerksis, S. 311-326 (Dayton: Press of the Morningside Bookshop, 1980)
Chambers, Lenoir: Stonewall Jackson. 2 vols (New York: W. Morrow, 1959)
Chambers, William N. and Walter Dean Burnham (eds.): The American Party Systems: Stages of Political Development (New York: Oxford University Press, 1967)
Chambers, William Pitt: "My Journal". Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society 5 (1925), S. 221-235
Chambers, William Pitt (First Sergeant bzw. Captain, 46th Mississippi Infantry): Blood and Sacrifice: The Civil War Journal of a Confederate Soldier (Huntington, WV: Blue Acorn, 1997); ed. Richard A. Baumgartner
Chambersburg Chambers of Commerce: "Southern Revenge. Civil War History of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania," (White Maine Publishing Comp. Inc: Shippensburg, 1989)
Chamlee, Jr., Roy Z.: Lincoln's Assassins (Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland and Company, 1990)
Channing, Stephen A.: A Crisis of Fear: Secession in South Carolina (New York, 1970)
Chapin, L. N. (Lt, 34th NYSV): A Brief History of the Thirty-Fourth Regiment N.Y.S.V (Galpin CWRT 1998); Reprint of Scarce 1902 Original with new information; Photos; Rosters
Chapman, Sarah Bahnson (ed.): „Bright ans Gloomy Days“. The Civil War Correspondence of Captain Charles Frederic Bahnson, a Moravian Confederate (University of Tennessee Press / Knoxville 2003)
Chase, Dudley H. (Captain; Burbank's Brigade): "Gettysburg." Military of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Indiana Commandary, War Papers I (1989): 293-309
Chase, Salmon P. (Donald, David, ed.): Inside Lincoln's Cabinet. The Civil War Diaries of Salmon P. Chase (Longmans, Green & Co.: New York, 1970)
Chase, Salmon P.: „Diary and Correspondence of Salmon P. Chase,“ Annual Report of the American Historical Association, 1902. Washington Government Printing Office, 1903
Cheek, Philipp and Pointon, Mair: History of the Sauk County Riflemen known as Company 'A', Sixth Wisconsin Veteran Volunteer Infantry 1861-1865 (Gaithersburg, Md.: Butternut Press, 1984. Reprint of 1900 edition by Philip Cheek)
Cheney, Frank: Souvenir of Excursion to Antietam and Dedication of Monuments of the 8th, 11th, 14th, and 16th Regiments of Connecticut New London, Conn.: n.p., 1894)
Cheney, Newel (Captain; 9th Regiment New York Cavalry): History of the Ninth Regiment New York Volunteer Cavalry, War of 1861 to 1865 (Berrybook Press); Reprint of the 1901 Original; 423 pp plus Supplement on Trevilian Station; Illustrations; Complete Rosters
Chester, Henry Whipple (Captain, 2nd Ohio Volunteer Cavalry): Recollections of the War of the Rebellion: A Story of the 2nd Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, 1861-1865 (Wheaton History Center 1996)
Chester, Thomas Morris: Black Civil War Correspondent. His Dispatches from the Virginia Front; edited by R. J. M. Blackett (DaCapo Press)
Chestnut, Mary: A Diary from Dixie; ed. Isabella D. Martin and Myrta Lockett Avary (New York: Gramercy Books, 1905; reprint New York: Ramdom House, 1997); Bibliothek Ref MilAmerik49 Anm.: die 1905 veröffentlichte Tagebuch-Ausgabe ist unvollständig; z.B. wird nicht berichtet von der Reise des Ehepaars Chestnut zur Secession Convention in Montgomery / Alabama ab 4.2.1861 und während der Zugfahrt stattgefundenen Diskussion über den geeigneten Kandidaten zur Präsidentschaft der künftigen CSA (vgl. Davis: A Government of Our Own, a.a.O., S. 49 ff)
Chetlain, Augustus (LtCol, 12th Illinois Infantry): Recollections of Seventy Years (Galena / Ill., 1899)
Chetlain, Augustus L.: „Recollections of U. S. Grant,“ in: Vol. I, Military Essays and Recollections, pp.22-23
Child, William (Major/Surgeon; Co. F&S, 5th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment): History of the Fifth New Hampshire Volunteers (Bristol 1893, First Edition; Reprint Old Books Publishing)
Child, William (Major/Surgeon; Co. F&S, 5th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment): Letters from a civil war Surgeon. Dr. William Child of the Fifth New Hampshire Volunteers. Polar Bear & Company; Auflage: Ill (März 2002)
Chipman, N. P.: The Tragedy of Andersonville: Trial of Captain Henry Wirz, the Prisonkeeper (San Francisco, 1911; 1st Edition); 511 pp; Names of Witnesses; Testimony; Photos; Index. The author was the Judge Advocate General for the Court that tried Captain Wirz.
Cimbala, Paul A. and Radall M. Miller: Union Soldiers and the Northern Home front: Wartime Experiences, Postwar Adjustments (North's Civil War, New Rev 2002)
Church, William Conant: Ulysses S. Grant and the Period of National Preservation and Reconstruction, New York 1897
Cist, Henry M.: The Army of the Cumberland (Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York 1882)
Clark, Champ et al. (eds.): Gettysburg: The Confederate High Tide (Alexandria, VA.: Time-Life Books, 1985)
Clark, Charles M. (Surgeon 39th Illinois Infantry): The History of the Thirty-Ninth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865 (Chicago 1889, First Edition; Reprint Heritage Books)
Clark, Henry Scott: The Legionaries (Indianapolis, 1899)
Clark, Olythus B. (ed.): Downing's War Diary, by Sergeant Alexander Downing, Company E, Eleventh Iowa Infantry, Third Brigade "Crocker's Brigade", Sixth Division of the Seventeenth Corps, Army of the Tennessee (Des Moines, 1916)
Clark, Robert Jr.: “The New Orleans German Colony in the Civil War.” Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol. XX (October 1937), S. 990-1015
Clark, Walter: "General Pettigrew"; Confederate Veteran 28 (Vol. 1920), S. 413-415
Clark, Walter (ed.): Histories of several Regiments and Battalions from North Carolina, in the Great War 1861-65, Written by Members of the Respektive Commands, 5 vols, Raleigh and Goldsboro: State of North Carolina, 1901
Clarke, W. L. (LtCol; 6th Kentucky Infantry [CS],Orphan Brigade): „Reunion of Hanson's Kentucky Brigade“; in Confederate Veteran (1893), vol. 1, S. 6
Clay-Clopton, Belle: Virginia. A Belle of the Fifties (New York 1970)
Chenery, William H.: The Fourteenth Regiment Rhode Island Heavy Artillery (Colored in the War to preserve the Union, 1861-1865) +++ergänzen+++
Chestnut, Mary: A Diary from Dixie; ed. Isabella D. Martin and Myrta Lockett Avary (New York: Gramercy Books, 1905; reprint New York: Random House, 1997)
Childs, Henry T.: „Archer's Brigade at Chancellorsville“; Confederate Veteran 28 (1920), P. 220-221
Cimprich, John: „Military Governor Johnson and Tennessee Blacks, 1862-65,“ Tennessee Historical Quarterly 39 (Winter 1980), pp. 459-470
Cisco, Walter Brian: States Rights Gist - A South Carolina General of the Civil War (White Mane Publishing, 1991)
Clarence, Thomas: General Turner Ashby (Winchester, VA: Eddy Press Corp., 1907)
Clark, Charles B. and Roger B. Bowen: University Recruits. Company C, 12th Iowa Infantry Regiment. USA, 1861-1865 (Elverson, Pa., 1991)
Clark, Walter Histories of the Regiments and Battalions from in the Great War of 1861-65. 5 vols. State of North Carolina, 1901
Clark, Walter: The Papers of Walter Clark, ed. Aubrey Lee Brooks and Hugh Talmage Lefler, 2 vols. (Chapel Hill, 1948-50)
Clarke, John (19th Indiana Infantry): "Capt. Clark's Report", Elkhart Review, 25.10.1862
Clarke, Norman E., Sr. (ed): Warfare Along the Mississippi: The Letters of Lieutenant Colonel George E. Currie (Mount Pleasant, Mich., 1961)
Cleaves, Freeman: Meade of Gettysburg (University of the Oklahoma Press: Norman, 1960)
Cleaves, Freeman: Rock of Chickamauga. The Life of General George H. Thomas (University of Oklahoma Press, Norman 1948)
Cleveland, Henry: Alex. H. Stephens in Public and Private (Philadelphia, 1866)
Cluett, William W. (Musician, 75th Illinois Infantry): History of the Fifty-Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, from Muster in, Dec. 26, 1861, to Muster out, July 7, 1865 (Princeton / Illinois: T. P. Streeter, Printer, 1886)
Coan, Elisha (Pvt; Co. D, 20th Regiment Maine Infantry): „Round Top“; National Tribune, June 4, 1885 (in his article „Round Top“ Coan made numerous errors in his account, including the statement that his rank in the battle was corporal when he was actually a private [Desjardin, Thomas: Stand firm ye Boys from Maine. The 20th Maine at Gettysburg, p. 229n60]).
Coates, Earl J. and Dean S. Thomas: An Introduction to Civil War Small Arms (Gettysburg: Thomas Publications, 1990)
Coates, Earl J. and Dean S. Thomas: Sharps Carbines & Rifles (Gettysburg: Thomas Publications, 1996)
Cobb, Bachelder, John: John Bachelder's History of the Battle of Gettysburg (Morningside, Dayton)
Cobb, Josephine: „Alexander Gardner,“ in: Image: Journal of Photography VII (June 1958), p. 124-136
Cobb, Josephine: Mathew B. Brady's Photographic Gallery in Washington, reprinted from the Columbia Historical Society Records (n.p., 1955)
Cobb, T[homas] R. R.: Substance of an Address of … to His Constituents of Clark County, April 6, 1861 (N. P., 1861)
Cobb, Thomas R. R.: „The Correspondence of Thomas Reet Roots Cobb, 1861-1862“; in: Publications of the Southern History Association, XI (May 1907)
Cockrell, Monroe (ed.): The Lost Account of the Battle of Corinth and Court Martial of General Van Dorn (Broadfoot Publishing, 1955). Cockrell found the original manuscript in an old Corinth farmhouse (author has never been identified)
Coco, Gregory A.: Civil War Infantryman. In Camp, on the march, and in battle (Gettysburg 1996)
Coco, Gregory A.: Wasted Valor: The Confederate Dead at Gettysburg +++ergänzen+++
Coco, Gregory A.: A Strange and Blighted Land (Gettysburg: Thomas Publications, 1995) (Details on burial of dead soldiers and horses, care of wounded, field hospitals, POWs, early relic hunting)
Coco, Gregory A.: A Concise Guide to the Artillery at Gettysburg (Gettysburg: Thomas Publications, 1998)
Coco, Gregory A.: A Vast Sea of Misery: A History and Guide to the Union and Confederate Field Hospitals at Gettysburg, July 1-November 20, 1863 (Gettysburg: Thomas Publications, 1988) (Details on Union and Confederate field hospitals - many located in local homes, barns and fields following the battle. Photos - Maps - Illustrations - Short stories of wounded soldiers being treated in each location - List of Physicians and Surgeons at Gettysburg)
Coco, Gregory A.: On the Bloodstained Field: 130 Human Interest Stories of the Campaign and Battle of Gettysburg (Gettysburg: Thomas Publications, 1987)
Coddington, Edwin B.: The Gettysburg Campaign. A Study in Command (New York: Touchstone Edition 1997 der Originalausgabe 1968)
Cody, Barnett H. (Lt/Aide-de-Camp; General and Staff Officers, Non-Regimental Enlisted Men CSA): „Letters of Barnett Hardeman Cody and Others, 1861-1864. Edited Edmund Cody Burnett. Georgia Histoprical Quarterly, vol. 23 (1939)
Cody, Darwin (Quartermaster Sergeant; 1st Regiment Ohio Light Artillery): "Letters of Cody Darwin", Ohio History 68 (1959), S. 394-95
Coe, Hamlin Alexander (3rd Sergeant; Co. E, 19th Regiment Michigan Infantry): Mine Eyes have seen the Glory: Combat Diaries of Union Sergeant Hamlin Alexander Coe. (ed. David Coe; Cranbury, N. J.; Fairleigh Dickinson Press: Rutherford 1975)
Coffin, Howard: Nine Months to Gettysburg. Stannard's Vermonters and the Repulse of Pickett's Charge (The Countryman Press: Woodstock/ Vermont, 1997)
Coffin, James P.: "Col. Henry M. Ashby," Confederate Veteran XIV (1906), S. 121
Coggins, Jack: Arms and Equipment of the Civil War (Mineola, New York: 1962, 1990)
Cogswell, Leander (Captain; Co. D, 11th Regiment New Hampshire Infantry): A History of the 11th New Hampshire Regiment Volunteer Infantry in the Rebellion War 1861-1865 (Concord 1891)
Coits, Margaret: John C. Calhoun: American Portrait +++ergänzen+++
Coker, James L.: History of Company G Ninth S.C. Regiment Infantry, S.C. Army and of Company E, Sixth S.C. Regiment Infantry C.S. Army (Charleston 1899)
Cole, Arthur C.: The Era of the Civil War 1848-1870 (= Volume 3 Centennial History of Illinois), 1919
Cole, Jacob H. (Co. A, 57th N.Y.): Under Five Commanders (News Printing Co. Patterson N.J., 1906)
Coleman, Chapman: The Life of John J. Crittenden +++bestellt+++
Coles, Robert T. (Adjutant; Co. F&S, 4th Regiment Alabama Infantry): From Huntsville to Appomattox: R. T. Coles's History of 4th Regiment, Alabama Volunteer Infantry, C.S.A., Army of Northern Virginia, ed. by Jeffrey D. Stocker. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1996 [Original manuscript at Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, AL]
Colgrove, Silas: The Finding of Lee's Lost Order; B&L, a.a.O., Vol. II, S. 603
Collier, Calvin L.: They'll Do to Tie To: The Story of the Third Regiment, Arkansas Infantry, CSA (Little Rock, 1995); 3rd Printing, 233pp, Biblio, Maps, Illustrated, Rosters0
Collins, George K. (Captain, Co. I, 149th Regiment New York Infantry): Memoirs of the 149th New York Volunteer Infantry (Syracuse: Published by the Author, 1891)
Colt, Margaretta Barton: Defend the Valley. A Shenandoah Family in the Civil War +++bestellt+++
Comte de Paris, Prince Louis Philipp Albert d'Orleans: The Battle of Gettysburg (Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, 1886)
Compton, James: "The Second Division of the 16th Army Corps in the Atlanta Campaign"; in: The Atlanta Papers, comp. Sydney C. Kerksis (Dayton: Morningside 1980), S. 241-44
Comstock, Cyrus B.: Memoir of John Newton (1823-1895), Read before the National Academy, November 13, 1901
Comstock, Cyrus: The Diary of Cyrus Comstock (Morningside, Dayton); Edited by Merlin Sumner (August 1995)
Conway, W. Fred: Corydon. The Forgotten Battle of the Civil War (New Albany, Indiana, 1991)
Confederate Military History (ed. Clement A. Evans), vol X: Louisiana and Arkansas +++ergänzen+++
Confederate Military History Extended Edition. Vol 7. „Georgia“ 1899. Reprint with new Material (Wilmington, North Carolina: Broadfoot Publishing Company, 1987)
Confederate Military History Extended Edition. Vol 8. „Alabama-Mississippi,“ 1899. Reprint wit „Additional Sketches Illustrating the Services of Officers and Patriotic Citizens of Alabama.“ (Wilmington, North Carolina: Broadfoot Publishing Company, 1987)
Confederate Military History Extended Edition. Vol 14. „Texas“ 1899. Reprint with new Material (Wilmington, North Carolina: Broadfoot Publishing Company, 1987)
Confederate Veteran, 40 vols. Nashville, 1893-1932
Conger, A. L.: The Rise of U. S. Grant (New York, 1931)
Conline, John (Pvt; Co. E, 4th Regiment Vermont Infantry): „Recollections of the Battle of Antietam and the Maryland Campaign.“ War Papers Read Before the Michigan Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Vol II. From December 7, 1893 to May 5, 1898 (James H. Stone Co., Printers: Detroit, 1898)
Connecticut Volunteers: Catalogue of Connecticut Volunteer Organizations, Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery (Hartford 1869); 936 pp; Complete Rosters of all units
Connelly, Thomas L.: Army of the Heartland: The Army of Tennessee 1861-1862, 306 pp - Nevins says this „...throws good light on conditions in wartime Tennessee“ (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1967)
Connelly, Thomas Lawrence: Autumn of Glory: The Army of Tennessee 1862-1865, 558 pp - illustrated (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1971)
Connelly, Thomas Lawrence, and Archer Jones: The Politics of Command: Factions and Ideas in Confederate Strategy. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1973
Connelly, Thomas L. (Pvt, 70th Illinois Infantry): History of the Seventieth Ohio Regiment .... (Cincinnati: Peak Bohrs, 1902)
Conner, James: Letters of General James Conner, CSA; ed. Mary Conner Moffett (Columbia, S. C.: R. L. Bryan Company, 1950)
Connolly, James A.: "Major James Austin Connolly's Letters to His Wife, 1862-1865," Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Year 1928 (Philipps Brothers, 1928), pp. 217-438 (als PDF available).
Connolly, James Austin: „Three Years in the Army of the Cumberland. The Letters and the Diary of Major James A. Connolly“; ed. Paul M. Angle: (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1959); 400 pp, 6 Maps; An unsurpassed record of campaigning in the West including Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Lookout Mountain, The Atlanta Campaign and March to the Sea
Connor, Daniel M. (Sergeant; Co B&K, 1st Regiment Indiana Cavalry): "At Gettysburg: The Experiences and Sights of an Indiana Cavalryman." National Tribune, 27 July 1922
Conolly, Thomas: An Irishman in Dixie: Thomas Conolly's Diary of the Fall of the Confederation (New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 2002)
Conrad, Thomas Nelson Chaplain, Co. F&S, 3rd Regiment Virginia Cavalry): The Rebel Scout: A Thrilling History of Scouting Life In the Southern Army" (1904)
Conrad, Thomas Nelson: A Confederate Spy (New York: J. S. Ogilvie, 1892)
Contant, George W.: Path of Blood: The True Story of the 33rd New York Volunteers (Seeco Printing Service 1997)
Convis, Charles L.. The Honor of Arms: A Biography of Myles W. Keogh (Tucson: Westernlore Press, 1990)
Conyngham, David Power: Sherman's March through the South (New York: Sheldon & Co., 1865)
Conyngham, David Power (Captain): The Irish Brigade and its Campaigns (Cameron & Ferguson, Glasgow n.d. [1886 ? ]; reprint Olde Soldier Books)
Cook, Benjamin F. (LtCol; Co. F&S, 12th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry): History of the Twelfth Massachusetts. Volunteers (Webster's Reg't) (Boston: Twelfth Regiment Association, 1882)
Cook, J. H. (Pvt; Co. D, 6th Wisconsin Infantry): „A Tough One,“ Milwauckee Sunday Telegraph v. 4.3.1833
Cook, Stephen G. (Assistant Surgeon; Co. F&S, 150th Regiment New York Infantry): The „Dutchess County Regiment“ (150th Regiment of New York State Volunteer Infantry) in the Civil War (Danbury, CT: Danbury Medical Printing Co. 1907)
Cooke, Chauncey M. (Pvt; Co. G, 25th Wisconsin Infantry): A Badger Boy in Blue: The Letters of Chauncey M. Cooke (Wisconsin Magazine of History 4 [1934])
Cooke, Giles B.: Just Before and After Lee Surrendered to Grant ... , pi. 1922. Reprinted in two editions from The Houston (Texas) Cronicle, Oct. 8, 1922
Cooke, Jacob B.: „The Battle of Kelly's Ford, March 17, 1863;“ in: Personal Narratives of Events in the War of the Rebellion, Being Papers Read Before the Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, 1887, p. 11-12
Cooke, John Esten: Mohun; Or, the Last Days of Lee and His Paladins. Final Memoirs of a Staff Officer Serving in Virginia. From the Mss. Of Colonel Surry of Eagles Nest
Cooke, John Esten: Stonewall Jackson and the Old Stonewall Brigade, ed. by Richard Harwell (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1954)
Cooke, John Esten: Wearing the Gray (New York: E. B. Treat & Co., 1867, reprint Indiana University Press 1959)
Cooke, John Esten: Life of Stonewall Jackson (New York, 1866)
Cooke, John Esten: Hilt to hilt: or, Days and nights on the banks of the Shenandoah in the autumn of 1864: from the mss. of Col. Surry of Eagle's Nest (1866, reprint 2015)
Cooke, John Esten: A Life of Robert E. Lee (New York: D. Appleton, 1871
Cooke, Philip St. George: Cavalry Tactics: or, Regulations for the Instruction, Formations, and Movements of the Cavalry of the Army and Volunteers of the United States (1862 ed. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1872)
Cooksey, Paul Clark: „They Died as if on Dress Parade: The Annihilation of Iverson's Brigade at Gettysburg and the Battle of Oak Ridge,“ Gettysburg Magazine, 20 (1998), 89-112
Coolidge, Louis A.: Ulysses S. Grant, Boston and New York 1917
Cooling, Benjamin Franklin: Forts Henry and Donelson: The Key to the Confederate Heartland (1988)
Cooling, B. Franklin: „Alabamians at Fort Donelson,“ Conflict, June 20, 1974.
Cooling, B. Franklin (ed.): „A Virginian at Fort Donelson,“ Tennessee Historical Quarterly, Summer 1968
Cooling, B. Franklin: „Campaigns for Forts Henry and Donelson,“ Conflict, June 20, 1974
Cooling, B. Franklin: “Fort Donelson National Military Park,“ Tennessee Historical Quarterly, Sept. 1964
Cooling, B. Franklin: „Gee's Fifteenth Arkansas Infantry in the Forts Henry and Donelson Campaign,“ Arkansas Historical Quarterly, Winter 1964
Cooper, William J, Jr.: The South and the Politics of Slavery, 1828-1856 (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1978) (Kruman; Parties and Politics in South Carolina, a.a.O., S. 287: „... the regional ties of presidential candidates accounted for the different timing of party formation in the states … Cooper argues that the southern Whig party was formed in response to what some politicians perceived as Van Buren's affinity for the anti-slavery movement“)
Cope, Alexis: The Fifteenth Ohio Volunteers and Its Campaigns (Columbus: Press of the Edward T. Miller Co., 1916)
Copp, Elbridge J. 83rd New Hampshire Infantry9: Reminiscenses of the War of the Rebellion 1861-1865 (Telegraph Publishing, Nashua 1911). Cobb claimed to be the youngest commissioned officer in the Union army during the war. This Scarce reminiscence of the 3rd NH volunteers is nicely done with numerous maps, illustrations and photos of members of the Regiment
Coppee, Henry: Life and Services of General U. S. Grant, Chicago 1868
Corby, William (Chaplain, Co. F&A, 88th Regiment New York Infantry): Memoirs of Chaplain Life (Notre Dame, Ind.: Scholastic Press, 1984)
Cormany, Samuel and Rachel: The Cormany Diaries: A Northern Family in the civil War (ed. James C. Mohr) (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1982)
Cornish, Dudley Taylor: The Sable Arm: Black Troops in the Union Army, 1861-65 (1956, reprint Lawrence / Kansas, 1987)
Cornwell, David (8th Illinois and 9th Louisiana): The Cornwell Chronicles: Tales of an American Life on the Erie Canal, Building Chicago, in the Volunteer Civil War Western Army, on the Farm, in a Country Store Heritage Books); 301 pp; Maps; Index; Illustrations. Edited by John Wearmouth. Cornwell enlisted in the 8th Illinois Volunteer Infantry and served 3 years in the 9th Louisiana Infantry Regiment (African Descent) as First Lieutenant, recruiting and training black soldiers. Lots of genealogical details
Cortissoz, Royal: The Life of Whitelaw Reid (London: Thornton Butterworth Ltd., 1921)
Cotton, John W.: Yours til' Death: Civil War Letters of John W. Cotton; ed Lucille Griffith (University of Alabama Press, 1951)
Cottrell, Steve: Battle of Carthage: Markers on Civil War Road (Carthage 1993)
Cottrell, Steve: The Battle of Carthage and Carthage in the Civil War (Carthage 1990)
Couch, Darius N.: "Sumner's Right Grand Division" (Battle of Fredericksburg); in: B&L, s.s.O., 3: 79
Couch, Darius: „Chancellorsville Campaign“; in: B&L vol. 3, 154-171
Couch, Darius: Twenty-Sixth Annual Reunion of the Association of Graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York (Saginaw, Mich: Seenan and Peters, 1895)
Coughenour, Kavin: „Assessing the Generalship of George G. Meade During the Gettysburg Campaign.“ Gettysburg Magazine 28 (January 2003): 27-39
Coulter, E. Merton: The Confederate States of America 1861-1865 (Baton Rouge, 1950)
Coulter, E. Merton: William G. Brownlow: Fighting Parson of the Highlands (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1937)
Coulter, E. Merton: The South During Reconstruction 1865-1877 (Baton Rouge 1947)
Coulter, E. Merton: The Civil War and Readjustment in Kentucky (Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1926)
Coulter, Merton E.: „Commercial Intercourse with the Confederacy in the Mississippi Valley, 1861-1865,“ Mississippi Valley Historical Review, Mar. 1919
Coulter, Merton E.: „Effects of Secession Upon the Commerce of the Mississippi Valley,“ Mississippi Valley Historical Review, Dec. 1916
Coulter, Merton E.: „Sherman and the South,“ North Carolina Historical Review, VIII, 41-54 (PDF-Version available)
Cowell, Charles C. (Pvt; Co. I; 9th Regiment Illinois Infantry): „An Infantryman at Corinth: The Diary of Charles Cowell,“ Civil War Illustrated 13 (November 1974), p. 10-14
Cowing, Cedric B.: The Great Awakening and the American Revolution (1971)
Cowtan, Charles W. (Captain; 10th Regiment New York Infantry): Services in the Tenth New York Volunteers (National Zoauves) in the War of the Rebellion (New York: C. H. Ludwig, 1882)
Cox, Jacob D.: Sherman's Battle for Atlanta (New York: DaCapo Press, 1994 - Reprint of 1882 original - New introduction by Brooks Simpson)
Cox, Jacob D.: "The March to the Sea", Franklin and Nashville 1882
Cox, Jacob D.: Military Reminiscenses. 2 vols (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1900)
Cox, Thomas B. (Sergeant Major; Co. I, 6th Regiment Mississippi Infantry): “Sixth Mississippi Regiment at Shiloh:” Confederate Veteran, vol. 18 (November 1910), S. 509
Coxe, John: "Wade Hampton"; Confederate Veteran, XXX (December 1922), S. 460
Coxe, John (Esq. Groveland, California): The battle of first Manassas; Confederate Veteran, Volume 23, pp. 24-26
Coxe, John: „Last Struggles and Successes of Lee“; in: Confederate Veteran, vol. 22, p. 356-359
Cozzens, Peter: General John Pope. A Life for the Nation (University of Illinois, 2000)
Cozzens, Peter: The Darkest Days of the War: The Battles of Iuka and Corinth (Univ North Carolina, 1997)
Cozzens, Peter (ed.): Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 5. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2002
Crabb, Martha L.: All Afire to Fight: The untold Tale of the Civil War's Ninth Texas Cavalry (New York: Avon Books, Inc, 2000)
Craft, David: History of the One Hundred Forty-first Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers (Towanda, Pa.: Reporter-Journal Printing Company, 1885)
Cralle, Richard (Hrsg.): The Works of John C. Calhoun, 6 vols, New York, 1854-55
Cramer, Jesse Grant (ed.): Letters of Ulysses S. Grant to his Father and his Youngest Sister, New York 1912
Crane, Conrad C.: "Mad Elephants, Slow Deer, and Baseball on the Brain: The Writings and Character of Civil War Soldiers," .Mid-America: An Historical Review, 68 (1986), 121-40
Crane, James L.: "Grant as a Colonel," in: McClure's Magazine, Vol. VII, pp. 40-45
Crane, Philip M.: Onus with Honor: A Political History of Joseph A. Wright, 1809-1857 (Unpublished Ph. D. thesis in History, Indiana University, 1961)
Crane, Stephen: The Red Badge of Courage (New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1895)
Crater, Lewis: History of the Fiftieth Regiment Penna. Vols., 1861-65 (Coleman Printing House: Reading, 1884)
Craughwell, Thomas J.: Greatest Brigade. How the Irish Brigade Cleared the Way to Victory in the American Civil War (New York 2011)
Craven, Avery O.: Edmund Ruffin - Southener. A Study in Secession (D. Appleton and Company, 1932; reprint 1991)
Craven, Avery: The Coming of the Civil War (University of Chicago Press, Chicago/Illinois, 1942, 2. Auflage 1957)
Craven, Avery: „The Turner Theories and the south,“ in: Journal of southern history., Vol. V, 291-314
Craven, Avery Odelle: Soil Exhaustion as a Factor in the Agricultural History of Virginia and Maryland, 1606-1860 (Peter Smith Pub Inc, 1926). Recognized since its initial publication in 1926 as a watershed in American historiography, Avery Odelle Craven's study of soil depletion in Virginia and Maryland links elements of Frederick Jackson Turner's frontier thesis, causal aspects of the expansion of slavery, and the economics of staple-crop production into a unified view of southern history from the colonial era to the onset of the Civil War. In this volume Craven initiates a discussion that has changed the way historians view the relationship between historical events and the physical environment. Using Maryland and Virginia as a case study, Craven assesses the abusive relationship between southern planters and their most valuable and abundant resource-the land-to posit that soil depletion and other ruinous agricultural practices contributed greatly to the economic crisis faced by mid-nineteenth-century America. His study traces a series of poor social and economic choices that affected the land and the survival of those who occupied it. Craven's findings still resonate with students and scholars of frontier, social, economic, agricultural, and environmental history.
Crawford, J. Marshall: Mosby and his Men (New York: The Devin-Adair Company, 1867)
Crawford, Martin: William Howard Russel's Civil War. Private Diary and Letters, 1861-62 (Athens / Ga., 1992)
Crawford, Martin: „Confederate Volunteering and Enlistment in Ashe County, North Carolina, 1861-1862,“ Civil War History 37 (1991): 41, 43
Crawford, Samuel Wylie: "The First Shot against the Flag"; in: Annals of the War, a.a.O., S. 319 ff
Crawford, Samuel Wylie: The Genesis of the Civil War, The Story of Sumter (New York, 1887)
Creighton, Margaret S.: The Colors of Courage: Gettysburg's Forgotten History: Immigrants, Women, and African Americans in the Civil War's Defining Battle +++ergänzen+++
Crenshaw, Ollinger: "The Knights of the Golden Circle," American Historical Review 47 (Oct., 1941), p. 23-50
Crenshaw, Ollinger: The Slave States in the Presidential Election of 1860 (Baltimore, 1945)
Crocker, James: "Gettysburg - Pickett's Charge," Southern Historical Society Papers, 1916, 124
Crocker, James F.: Gettysburg - Pickett's Charge and other War Addresses (Portsmouth, VA., n.p. 1915)
Crocker, James: "My Personal Experiences in Taking up Arms ...," Southern Historical Society Papers, XXXIII (1905), S. 120-130 (auszugsweise abgedruckt bei Rollins: Pickett's Charge, a.a.O., S. 3)
Crofts, Daniel W.: Reluctant Confederates: Upper South Unionists in the Secession Crisis (Chapel Hill, 1989)
Crofts, Thomas C., comp. (Sergeant, 3rd Ohio Infantry): History of the Service of the Third Ohio Volunteer Cavalry in the War for the Preservation of the Union from 1861-1865. Compiled from the Official Records and from Diaries of Members of the Regiment by Serg't. Thos. Crofts, Company C, Regimental Historian. Toledo: Stoneman Press, 1910
Croffut, W. A., ed.: Fifty Years in Camp and Field: Diary of Major-General Ethan Allan Hitchcock, U.S.A. (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1909)
Croffut, W. A. and John M. Morris: The Military and Civil History of Connecticut During the Civil War of 1861-65 (New York: Ledyard Bill, 1868), PDF Version available
Crooke, George (Lt/Adjutant 21st Iowa Infantry): The Twenty-first Iowa Infantry: A Narrative of its Experience in Active Service ... (Milwaukee, 1891)
Crooker, Lucien B. et al.: The Story of the Fifty-Fifth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry (Clinton, Massachusetts, 1887; neu herausgegeben von Edwin V. Bearss, Huntingdon, West Virginia, 1993)
Crooks, Terence G.: Rochester's Forgotten Regiment: The 108th New York in the Civil War (Saratoga Springs, NY: New York States Military Museum, 2009)
Crotty, Daniel G. (Color Sergeant, 3rd Michigan Infantry): Four Years Campaigning in the Army of the Potomac (Belle Grove, 1995); Reprint of 1874 Original; 215 pp; Index; Photos; Crotty served in both the 3rd and 5th Michigan Infantry from Bull Run to Appomattox. Excellent first person accounts of Williamsburg, Seven Days, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness and other battles.
Crowe, Charles: The Age of Civil War and Reconstruction, 1830-1900. A Book of Interpretative Essays, Homewood / Illinois: The Dorsay Press, Revised Edition 1975
Crowninshield, Benjamin W. (Capt., 1st Massachusetts Cavalry) and Gleason, D. H. L.:: A History of the First Regiment of Massachusetts Cavalry Volunteers (Boston: Houghton-Mifflin & Company, 1891)
Crowninshield, Benjamin W. (Capt., 1st Massachusetts Cavalry): „Cavalry in Virginia during the War of the Rebellion,“ in: Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts (14 vols, 1895-1918); vol 13:11.
Crute, Joseph H.: Confederate Staff Officers, 1861-1865 (Powhattan, Virginia: Derwent Books, 1982)
Cuffel, Charles A.: Durrel's Battery Independent Battery D, Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery (Philadelphia 1900, First Edition); Photos, Illustrations, Rosters. Nevins says of this " Good observations on camp life and army movements."
Cullen, Joseph P.: „The Battle of Chancellorsville.“ Civil War Times Illustrated, reissued by Eastern Acorn Press, 1981
Cullum, George W.: Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., from Its Establishment, in 1802, to 1890, with the Early History of the United States Military Academy (3rd ed., 3 vols. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1891)
Culp, Edward C.: The 25th Ohio Veteran Vol. Infantry in the War for the Union (Topeka. Kans.: G. W. Crane and Co., 1885)
Culver, Joseph F. (Captain, 129th Illinois Infantry): "Your Affectionate Husband, J. F. Culver." Letters written during the Civil War; ed. Leslie W. Dunlap (Iowa City: Friends of the University of Iowa Libraries, 1978)
Cummer, Clyde L. (ed.): Yankee in Gray: The Civil War Memoirs of Henry E. Handerson, with a Selection of His Wartime Letters (Cleveland: Press of Western Reserve University, 1962)
Cumming, Kate: A Journal of Hospital Life in the Confederate Army of Tennessee from the Battle of Shiloh to the End of the War (Louisville, 1866)
Cummings, Charles M.: Yankee Quaker, Confederate General: The Curious Career of Bushrod Rust Johnson (The General's Book, 1993)
Cummings, Charles M.: „Robert Hopkins Hatton: Reluctant Rebel,“ Tennessee Historical Quarterly 23 (1964): 169-181
Cunliffe, Marcus and Robin Winks: Pastmasters. Some Essays on American Historians (Harper & Row, Publisher: New York 1969)
Cunningham, Horace H.: Doctors in Gray: The confederate Medical Service. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 158, Second Edition 1960
Cunningham, Horace H.: Field Medical Services at the Battle of Manassas (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1968)
Curry, Richard: "The Union as It Was: A Critique of Recent Interpretations of the Copperheads"; in: Civil War History 13 (1969), S. 25-39
Curry, Richard O. and Thomas M. Brown: Conspiracy: Fear of Subversion in American history (New York: Rinehart and Winston 1972)
Curry, William L. (Lt., 1st Ohio Cavalry): Four Years in the Saddle: History of the First Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. War of The Rebellion 1861-1865. Columbus: Champlin Printing. 1898
Curtis, James C.: Andrew Jackson and the Search for Vindication (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1976)
Curtis, Newton M. (Major General): From Bull Run to Chancellorsville: The Story of the 16th New York Infantry (Putnam's, NY 1906)
Curtis, Orson B. History of the Twenty-Fourth Michigan of the Iron Brigade, Known as the Detroit and Wayne County Regiment. Detroit: Winn and Hammond, 1891
Curtis, Samuel P.: "The Army of the South-West, and the First Campaign in Arkansas." in: Annals of Iowa, 1st ser., 4 (1866): 625- 45, 673-88, 721-37; 5 (1867): 769-85, 817-33, 865-76, 917-33; 6 (1968): 1-12, 69-84, 141-60, 249-70; 7 (1869): 1-20, 113-32, 209-25.
Curtrer, Thomas W.: Ben McCulloch and the Frontier Military Tradition (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1993)
Cushing, Wainwright: „Description of the Ensuing Charge.“ Vol. 3 of War Papers: Read Before the Commandery of the State of Maine, Military Order of the loyal Legions of the United States (Portland, ME: Knickerbocker Press, 1908)
Litera D
Dacus, Robert H. Reminiscences of Company "H," First Arkansas Mounted Rifles. [Dardanelle, Ark.: Post-Despatch Print, 1897]. Reprint ed., Dayton, Ohio: Morningside Bookshop, 1972
Dahlgren, J. A. (US-Admiral, Father of Ulric Dahlgren): Memoir of Ulric Dahlgren (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1872)
Daly, Louise Haskell: Alexander Cheves Haskell: The Portrait of a Man (Broadfoot 1989; Reprint of 1934 Original)
Dameron, David: Benning‘s Brigade; A History and Roster of the Fifteenth Georgia, Vol. 1 (Heritage Books, 2003)
Dameron, David: Benning's Brigade: Volume 2, A History and Roster of the Second, Seventeenth, and Twentieth Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiments (Heritage Books, 2011)
Dana, Charles A.: Recollections of the Civil War (New York: Appleton and Co., 1898; Reprint 1996)
Dana, Charles A.: "Recollections of Men and Events of the Civil War"; in: McClure's Magazine Nr. 10 (Februar 1898) und 11 (Mai 1898)
Dalton, Peter: With Our Faces to the Foe: A History of the 4th Maine Infantry in the War of the Rebellion (Union Publishing 1998)
Daniel, Larry J.: Shiloh. The Battle that Changed the Civil War (Simon & Schuster: New York, 1997)
Daniel, Larry J und Riley, W. Gunter: Confederate Cannon Foundries (Union City / Tennessee, 1977)
Darby, George W. (8th PA Reserve Vols): The Civil War Memoirs of Sergeant George W. *Darby, 1861-1865 (Heritage Books); Edited by Rogan Moore; 185 pp; Index. Darby fought and was wounded at 2nd Manassas and imprisoned at Libby and Belle Isle. Includes appendices on 37th PA Vols, 191st PA Infantry and Private Goloden's wartime experiences
Darling, Jasper T. (Private, 61st Mass Vols): Cold Facts: The Pen of Col. Lee Writes the Indictment against the Sword of General Lee (Copy of Address given in Freeport, Illinois on May 30, 1910 at the GAR Encampment: Protesting about placement of a statue of Robert E. Lee being placed in the Capital)
Darrow, Caroline Baldwin: Recollection of the Twiggs Surrender; in Johnson / Buel, Battles and Leaders, Vol I From Sumter to Shiloh, a.a.O., S. 33 f
Davenport, Alfred (5th New York): Camp and Field Life of the Fifth New York Infantry (Duryee Zouaves) (Olde Soldier Books - Reprint of 1879 Edition)
Davenport, Edward A. (ed.): History of the Ninth Regiment Illinois Cavalry Volunteers (Chicago, 1888)
Davidson, Charles Andrew: "Major Charles A. Davidson: Letters of a Virginia Soldier." Edited by Charles W. Turner. Civil War History 22 (1976), S. 16-40
Davidson, John and Julia: "A Wartime Story: The Davidson Letters, 1862-1865," ed. Jane Bonner Peacock, Atlanta Historical Bulletin 29 (1975)
Davidson, William Lott: "Reminiscenses of the Old Brigade - on the March - in the Tent - in the Field - as Witnesses by the Writers during the Rebellion," February 23, 1888 (this is a continuous series of articles in Overton [Texas] Sharp-Shooter from October 1887 to March 1889 - Davidson was a private [and sometimes sergeant] in Comp A, 5th Texas Mounted Volunteers. As editor of this short-lived newspaper, he was the primary author of these articles, although he collaborated with Capt. Charles C. Lynn und Lt. Philip Fulcrod, both Sibley Brigade veterans, in some issues; a invaluable source of information (Alberts: The Battle of Glorieta, a.a.O., S. 183 Anm. 29)
Davies, Henry: General Sheridan (New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1899)
Davis, Archie K.: Boy Colonel of the Confederacy: The Life and Times of Henry King Burgwyn jr.; Univ. North Carolina +++ergänzen+++
Davis, Burke: Jeb Stuart - The Last Cavalier (New York: Rinehart & Co., Inc., 1957)
Davis, Charles E., Jr. (Pvt, Co. B, 13th Massachusetts Infantry ): Three Years in the Army. Story of the 13th Massachusetts Volunteers (Estes and Lauriat, Boston 1894, First Edition). Nevins says of this "Five diaries and numerous official sources formed the basis for this highly regarded history of a unit that served in the Army of the Potomac until its disbandment in the summer of 1864.
Davis, Jefferson: The Papers of Jefferson Davis. Lynda Lasswell Crist, Mary Seaton Dix, and Kenneth H. Williams, eds. Vol 9. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1997
Davis, Jefferson: The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government (Appleton / N.Y. 1881; reprint DaCapo Press)
Davis, George B.: „The Stoneman Raid,“ Journal of the U.S. Cavalry Association 24 (1913-14) p. 548
Davis, Nicholas A. (Chaplain, 4th Texas Infantry): Chaplain Davis and Hood's Texas Brigade (LSU Press; Reprint of 1863 Original). Edited by Donald Everett with a New Foreword by Robert K. Krick; 256 pp. Davis wrote his diary two years into the bitter fighting of the war, detailing religion in the field, duties of chaplains, conditions of wounded men and wartime Richmond; Index; Notes; Muster Rolls; Casualty Lists
Davis, Nicholas A. (Chaplain, 4th Texas Infantry): The Campaign from Texas to Maryland with the Battle of Fredericksburg (The Steck Company, Austin, TX 1961; facsimile edition of 1863 Original); 168 pp. Davis wrote his reminiscences & a partial history of the Fourth Texas Infantry Regiment during the war years & became one of the two Texans in Confederate Army to publish his reminiscences & history during the critical war years 1861 to 1865.
Davis, Oliver L.: Life of David Bell Birney: Major General United States Volunteers (Philadelphia: King and Baird Publishing, 1867)
Davis, Sidney Morris (6th U.S. Cavalry): Common Soldier, Uncommon War: Life as a Cavalryman in the Civil War (The SMD Group, 1994); Edited by John H. Davis Jr; 526 pp. A revealing look at the common cavalryman in the war.
Davis, Stephen: „The Death of Bishop Polk,“ in: Blue & Gray, June 1989, pp. 13-14
Davis, Varina Howell: Jefferson Davis Ex-President Confederate States: A Memorial by his Wife (2 Volume Set - New York 1890)
Davis, William C.: Brother against Brother. The War Begins (Time-Life-Series: Alexandria/VA, 1983)
Davis, William C.: The Orphan Brigade. The Kentucky Confederates who couldn't not Go Home (Doubleday, 1980, 318 pp, 1st Edition)
Davis, William C. and Wiley, Bell Irvin: The Civil War Times Illustrated Photographic History of the Civil War. Under the Direction of the National Historical Society with a New Introduction by William C. Davis. Civil War Times lllustrated. Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, New York Neuauflage unter geändertem Titel 1998. Ursprünglich sechsbändige Reihe mit hunderten, z. T. selten veröffentlichten Photographien des Bürgerkrieges (Neuauflage der Bände 1-3 [The Coming of the War, The Guns of 1862, The Embattled Confederacy] in einem Band: New York: Black Dog and Leventhal Publishers, 1998)
Davis, William C. and Wiley, Bell Irvin: The Civil War Times Illustrated Photographic History of the Civil War. Under the Direction of the National Historical Society with a New Introduction by William C. Davis. Civil War Times lllustrated. Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, New York 1983/84. Signatur des U.S. Army Military History Institutes: E 468.7.C585 1994. Ursprünglich sechsbändige Reihe mit hunderten, z. T. selten veröffentlichten Photographien des Bürgerkrieges (Neuauflage der Bände 4-6 [Fighting for Time, The South Besieged, The End of an Era] in einem Band: New York: Black Dog and Leventhal Publishers, 1994)
Davis, William C.: "A Government of Our Own". The Making of the Confederacy (Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1997)
Davis, William C.: Lincoln's Men. How President Lincoln became Father to an Army and a Nation (Taschenbuchausgabe 2000)
Davis, William C.: Battle of Bull Run. A History of the first major campaign of the Civil War +++ergänzen+++
Davis, William C.: The Confederate General. 6 vols. Harrisburg/PA: National Historical Society, 1991
Davis, William C.: Breckinridge: Statesman, Soldier, Symbol (Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1974)
Davis, William C.: Robert Barnwell Rhett: The Turbulent Life and Times of a Fire-Eater (University of South Carolina Press: 2001). William C. Davis's biography of Robert Barnwell Rhett provides a definitive picture of South Carolina's most prominent secessionist and arguably the best known in the nation during the two decades leading up to the Civil War. Dubbed the Father of Secession, Rhett attached himself to South Carolina statesman John C. Calhoun, but grew more zealous than his mentor on the secession issue. Rhett first raised the possibility of secession in 1826, well before Calhoun adopted the notion, and would ever after hold fast to his one great idea. In this examination of Rhett's personal and political endeavors, Davis draws upon many newly found sources to reveal the extremism that would make and mar Rhett's adult life. Davis traces the statesman's obsession with a separation from the union, which he initially associated with a protective tariff and internal improvements but by the 1840s had unabashedly connected with slavery. Davis details Rhett's seven terms in Congress, his short-lived stint as a United States Senator, and his leading role in the South's newly energized movement toward secession after the 1860 election. Davis reveals Rhett's ambition to be rewarded with the presidency of the Confederacy.
Davis, William C. (ed.): Diary of A Confederate Soldier: John S. Jackman of the Orphan Brigade (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1990); Edited with an Introduction by William C. Davis (Anm.: Jackman was Pvt, Co. B, 9th Kentucky Infantry [CS])
Davis, William C.: Breckinridge: Statesman, Soldier, Symbol [(Baton Rouge, La, 1974)
Davis, William C.: The Cause Lost: Myths and Realities of the Confederacy (Lawrence/Kansas: University Press of Kansas, 1996)
Davis, William W. H. (Col 104th Pennsylvania Infantry): History of the 104th Pennsylvania Regiment, from August 22nd, 1861 to September 30th, 1864 (Philadelphia, J. B. Rogers, 1866)
Davenport, Alfred (5th New York): Camp and Field Life of the Fifth New York Infantry (Duryee Zouaves) (Olde Soldier Books - Reprint of 1879 Edition), 497 pp, Photos, Illustrated, Index, New Introduction. A Great Regimental! The 5th, always colorful in scarlet trousers and fez fought at Big Bethel, Peninsula, 2nd Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville before being mustered out in May, 1863. Nevins says "This thoroughly useful narrative, based on diaries and letters, covers admirably the exploits of a regiment that saw valiant service through Chancellorsville
Dawes, Rufus R.: Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers (Marietta/Ohio, 1890)
Dawes, Rufus R.: Skirmishes of the Rappahannock and Battle of Gainesville, T.C.H. Smith Manuscript, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus Ohio
Dawes, Rufus R. "On the Right At Antietam." In Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers. Edited by Alan T. Nolan. Dayton: Morningside Press, 1984.
Dawson, Francis (Captain, Purcell's Battery): Reminiscenses of Confederate Service 1861-1865 (LSU Press; edited by Bell Wiley; Reprint of Scarce 1882 printing of which only 100 copies were produced); 214 pp
Day, D. L.: My Diary of Rambles with the 25th Mass Volunteer Infantry with Burnside's Coast Division, 18th Army Corps, and Army of the James (Milford, Mass 1884); 153 pp; Nevins calls this "A full and illuminating diary, with many insights and much philosophizing."
Day, L(ewis). W. (Sergeant; Co. E, 101st Regiment Ohio Infantry): Story of the One Hundred and Forst Ohio Infantry (Cleveland: W. H. Bayne Printing Co., 1894)
Day, William A. Day (Private, 49th North Carolina): A True History of Co. I, 49th Regiment, North Carolina Troops (Butternut and Blue; Reprint der Originalausgabe von 1893)
Deconde, Alexander: This Affair of Louisiana (Louisiana State University Press, Reprint 1979)
Dedmondt, Glenn: The Flags of the Civil War Alabama (Pelican Publishing, 2001)
Dedmondt, Glenn: The Flags of the Civil War Arkansas (Flags of the Civil War, 2007)
Dedmondt, Glenn: The Flags of the Civil War Missouri (Flags of the Civil War, 2009)
Dedmondt, Glenn: The Flags of the Civil War North Carolina (Flags of the Civil War, 2003)
Dedmondt, Glenn: The Flags of the Civil War South Carolina (Flags of the Civil War, 2002)
De Forest, John W. (Captain, 12th Connecticut Infantry): A Volunteer's Adventures: A Union Captain's Record of the Civil War (Yale University Press, 1946; reprinted Archon Books, New York, 1970); ed. J. H. Croushore.
De Forest, John W. (Captain, 12th Connecticut Infantry): Miss Ravenel's Conversion from Secession to Loyalty (1867, Reprint: New York, 1955)
Delauter, Roger and Brandon Beck: Early's Valley Campaign: The Third Battle of Winchester (H. E. Howard, 1997)
DeLeon, Thomas Cooper: Four Years in Rebel Capitals: An Inside View of Life in the Southern Confederacy from Birth to Death (Mobile, Alabama 1890; 1st Edition); seltener unter dem Titel "In Tall Cotton" bekannt. One of the most frequently cited studies of the Confederacy by a journalist who used extensive notes taken during the war.
Dempsey, Stuart R.: „The Florida Brigade at Gettysburg,“ Blue&Gray Magazine, Vol. XXVII, Issue No. 4, 2010 (Anm. es handelt sich um Perry's Brigade [Col David Lang], Anderson's Division, III. Corps, bestehend aus 2nd Florida, 5th Florida, 8th Florida [vgl. Gottfried: Brigades of Gettysburg, a.a.O., S.584])
Denison, Frederick (Chaplain 1st Rhode Island Cavalry): Sabres and Spurs: The First Regiment Rhode Island Cavalry in the Civil War (Central Falls, R. I., 1876)
Denison, Frederick: The Battle of Cedar Mountain (Providence, R. I., 1881)
Denney, Robert E.: civil War Medicine: Care and Comfort of the Wounded (New York: Sterling Publishers, 1994)
Dennis, Frank Allen (ed.): Kemper County Rebel: The Civil War Diary of Robert Masten Holmes, CSA (Pvt; Co. I, 24th Regiment Mississippi Infantry) (Jackson, Miss., 1973)
Denny, J. Waldo (Captain; Co. K, 25th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry): Wearing the Blue in the Twenty-fifth Mass. Volunteer Infantry (Worcester, MA: Putnam & Davis, 1879)
Dent, Lynwood M., Jr.: „The Virginia Democratic Party, 1824-1847“ (Ph. D. dissertation, Louisiana State University, 1974)
Denton, Paul: The First Minnesota Sharpshooter Company in the Army oh the Potomac during the Civil War 1861-1865 +++ergänzen+++
DePeyster, John Watts: Personal and Military History of Phil Kearney (New York 1869; First Edition)
DePeyster, J. Watts: Andrew Atkinson Humphreys, of Pennsylvania, Brigadier General and Brevet Major General, USA, Major General, United States Volunteers ... (Lancaster, Pa.: Lancaster Intelligencer Printer, 1886)
DePeyster, John Watts: Decisive Conflicts of the Late Civil War (New York: MacDonald Co., 1867)
Derby, William P. (Pvt; Co. A, 27th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry): Bearing Arms in the Twenty-seventh Massachusetts Regiment of Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War, 1861-1865 (Boston: Wright & Potter Printing Co., 1883)
de Roulhac Hamilton , J. G. (ed.): The Papers of Thomas Ruffin (Raleigh, North Carolina, 1920)
Desjardin, Thomas: Stand firm ye Boys from Maine. The 20th Maine at Gettysburg (Thomas Publications)
Desjardin, Thomas A.: Joshua L. Chamberlaine (Greystone), 95 pp; Maps; Color and Black & White Photos and Illustrations
de Sola Pool, David: „The Diary of Chaplain Michael M. Allen, September 1861,“ Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society 39 (September 1949): 177-82
De Trobriand, Philipp Regis: Four Years with the Army of the Potomac (Boston: Ticknor and Comp., 1889)
De Trobriand, Philipp Regis: The Battle of Gettysburg, New York Herald, v. 29.3.1864
Dew, Charles B.: Iron Maker to the Confederacy: Joseph R. Anderson and the Tredegar Iron Works. New Haven, 1966
Dewey, George Dewey: Autobiography (Scribner's, NY 1913) Details battles at New Orleans, Port Hudson, James River and Fort Fisher
Dexter, Seymour (Private): Journal and Letters of Civil War Service in Company "K" 23rd New York Volunteer Regiment of Elmira (McFarland Publishing). A student at the start of the war, Dexter joined Company K in Elmira and went on to become a lawyer after the war. An unusually keen view of the war, capturing the emotions of the men in the field and the camaraderie of Company K. Edited by Carl Morrell, Historian of Elmira
Dickert, D. Augustus: History of Kershaw's Brigade (Originally published in 1899; Reprint Broadfoot); 730 pp; Complete Rosters with Supplement; with Complete Role of Companies, Biographical Sketches, Incidents, Anecdotes, etc. Nevins calls this „A full, thick account of a famous South Carolina brigade; the author gives personal descriptions of campaigns in both East and West“
Dickey, Luther S.: History of the Eighty-Fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865 (Powers, NY 1915, 1st Edition). Nevins says of this "Dickey relied heavily on the Official Records and comrades' recollections; one fourth of the study concentrates on the battle of Seven Pines." The 85th Pennsylvania saw service at Manassas, Williamsburg, Seven Pines, The Seven Days, Fair Oaks, Malvern Hill, Fort Wagner, Fort Sumpter, Petersburg, Richmond, Drewry's Bluff, and other battles in the East
Dickson, Capers (Cobb's Legion, Georgia Vols): John Ashton: A Story of The War between the States (Atlanta 1896, 1st Edition)
DiNardo, R. L. and Albert A. Nofi (ed.): James Longstreet - The Man, the Soldier, the Controversy (Combined Publishing: Conshohocken/PA, 1998)
Dixon, David: Hero of Beecher Island: The Life and Career of George A. Forsyth (8th Illinois Cavalry); (Univ Nebraska Press), 275 pp, Illustrations, Maps. The heroic and tragic life of an unusual Union officer who enlisted as a Private in the Chicago Dragoons, served as Aide de Camp to Sheridan, and went on to Brevet Brigadier General in 1868. Valuable insight into the settlement of the West following the war.
Dodge, Grenville M.: The battle of Atlanta and other Campaigns, Addresses, Etc. Council Bluffs, Iowa 1911
Dodge, Grenville M.: Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln, General Ulysses S. Grant and General William T. Sherman. Council Bluffs, Iowa: 1914
Dodge, Grenville M.: „Colonel William H. Kinsman.“ Annals of Iowa, 3rd ser., 5 (1902)
Dodge, Grenville M.: Fiftieth Anniversary: Fourth Iowa Veteran Infantry, Dodge’s Second Iowa Battery, Dodge’s Band. Council Bluff, Iowa 1911
Dodge, Sumner: The Waif of the War; or: The History of the Seventy-fifth Illinois Infantry, Embracing the entire Campaigns of the Army of the Cumberland (Chicago: Church and Goodman, 1866)
Dodge, Theodore A.: The Campaign of Chancellorsville +++ergänzen+++
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault: A Bird's Eye View of Our Civil War. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1897
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault: Addresses and reviews, by T. A. D. Boston: Henry S. Dunn 1900
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault: Army and other tales, by T. A. D. Boston: Henry S. Dunn, 1898
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault: The Campaign of Chancellorsville, Boston 1900
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault: Riders of many Land
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault:Forty Years of Hard and Happy Work
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. "Left wounded on the field." Putnam's Magazine IV (1869) 317-26
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. "Saaret og fanget, en episode af den nordamerikanske borgerkrig." Rundt paa jorden. (Copenhagen 1870) 111-33
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. "The battle of Chancellorsville," by. Colonel Theodore A. Dodge. Southern historical society papers XIV (1886) 276-92
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. "The Gettysburg Campaign." US XIII (1885) 1-21
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. On Campaign with the Army of the Potomac: the Civil War Journal of Theodore Ayrault Dodge. New York: Cooper Square Press,2001. xviii, 340 p.
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault: "The Romances of Chancellorsville." Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, III (1886), pp. 192-218
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. "Tied up by the thumbs." The Galaxy 6:6 (1868) 790-797
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. "Was either the better soldier?" Century Magazine XL (1890) 144-8
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. "Valor and skill in the Civil War." Century Magazine 42:4 (August, 1891) 634-636
Dodson, William Carey (ed.): Campaigns of Wheeler and His Cavalry, 1862-1865 (Atlanta: Hudgins Publishing Co., 1899)
Dolton, George E. (Sergeant Battery M, 2nd Illinois Light Artillery): The Path of Patriotism: The Civil War Letters of George Edwin Dolton (ed. Theodore A. Dolton) (Booksurge, LLC, 2005)
Donald, David: „American Historians and the Causes of the Civil War,“ South Atlantic Quarterly, 54 (1960), 351-355
Donald, David: Charles Sumner and the Coming of the Civil War (New York, 1961)
Donald, David: Lincoln's Herndon (New York: Knopf, 1948)
Donald, David H. (ed.): Why the North Won the Civil War (Louisiana State University Press: Baton Rouge, 1960)
Donald, David H. (ed.): Gone for a Soldier: The Civil War Memoirs of Private Alfred Bellard (Pvt. 5th New Jersey Infantry) (Little Brown: Boston 1975)
Donald, David H. (ed.): Inside Lincoln's Cabinet. The Civil War Diaries of Salmon P. Chase (London/Toronto 1954)
Donald, David Hebert: Lincoln (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995)
Donaldson, Francis A. Donaldson (Capt, 71st Penna): Inside the Army of the Potomac: The Civil War Experience of Captain Francis Adams Donaldson (Stackpole 1998); 1st Edition; Photos; Maps; Biblio; Notes; Index (Donaldson was a member of the Philadelphia Brigade, also known as the 1st California Regiment. After being wounded at Fair Oaks and returning to duty, he went on to serve in the Corn Exchange Regiment [118th Penna]), edited by Gregory J. Acken
Dooley, John (Captain, C.S.A, 1st Regiment Virginia Infantry): John Dooley Confederate Soldier: His War Journal (Washington 1945)
Dority, Orin G.: „The Civil War Diary of Orin G. Dority.“ Northwestern Ohio Quarterly 37:1 (Winter 1964-65), pp. 7-26
Dornblaser, Thomas F. (Sergeant, 7th PA Cavalry): Sabre Strokes of the Pennsylvania Dragoons in the War of 1861-1865 (Philadelphia: Lutheran Publication Society, 1884; 1st Edition); 264pp, Folding Map. Nevins says of this "Contrary to its flamboyant title, this narrative of cavalry operations in the Deep South is a factual, reliable account by an obviously fair-minded soldier."
Dorsey, Florence: Road to the Sea: The Story of James B. Eads and the Mississippi River (New York, 1947)
Doster, William E. (BrigGen): Lincoln and Episodes of the Civil War (G. P. Putnam's: New York, 1915) (PDF-Version available)
Downey, Fairfax: Clash of Cavalry. The Battle of Brandy Station, June 9, 1863 (New York 1959, reprint Butternut Press, Gaithersburg/MD 1985)
Downey, Fairfax: Storming of then Gateway: Chattanooga, 1863 (New York: David McKay Co., Inc., 1960)
Doubleday, Abner: Chancellorsville and Gettysburg (Erstausgabe New York 1882, Reprint Da Capo Press: New York 1994)
Doubleday, Abner: Bericht über die Vorbereitungen zur Verteidigung von Fort Sumter (Captain Doubleday war einer der Offiziere von Major Robert Anderson in Fort Sumter); abgedruckt ohne Quellenangabe in Eisenschiml / Newman: American Iliad, a.a.O.,
S. 3-7
Doubleday, Abner: From Moultrie to Sumter; in: Battles & Leaders, Vol. 1, S. 40-49
Doubleday, Abner: Gettysburg Made Plain (Olde Soldier: Reprint of 1888 original)
Doubleday, Abner: „Meade at Gettysburg,“New York Times 1.4.1883 (reprinted in Meade: Life and Letters, 2: 396-99)
Doubleday, Abner: Chancellorsville and Gettysburg (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1882)
Dougan, Michael: Confederate Arkansas (University of Alabama Press, 1976)
Douglas, Henry Kyd: I rode with Stonewall. The War Experiences of the Youngest Member of Jackson's Staff (University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill, 1940, 1968)
Douglas, James P.: Douglas' Texas Battery, CSA; ed. Lucia Rutherford Douglas (Tyler / Texas: Smith County Historical Society, 1966)
Dowdey, Clifford: Death of a Nation. The Story of Lee and his Men at Gettysburg (Wilton 1992)
Dowdey, Clifford: The Seven Days. The Emergence of Lee (Little, Brown: Boston 1964, Neuauflage 1993)
Dowdey, Clifford, and Louis H. Manarin (eds.): The Wartime Papers of Robert E. Lee (New York: Da Capo Press, 1961)
Downey, James W.: A Lethal Tour of Duty: A History of the 142nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 1862-1865 (M. A. Thesis, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1995)
Doyle, Julie, John D. Smith and Richard McMurry (ed.): This Wilderness of War: The Civil War Letters of George W. Squier, Hoosier Volunteer (Univ Tennessee Press, 216 pp, Illustrated, Edited by Julie Doyle, John D. Smith and Richard McMurry). Squier (Captain, 44th Indiana Infantry) fought with the 44th Indiana at Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Stones River and Chickamauga; unusual battlefield details such as robbing dead soldiers.
Drake, Edwin L. (Lt Col, CSA): The Annals of the Army of Tennessee (Jim Fox Books; Reprint of 1878 original); 531 pp, Mapped Endpapers, Campaigns, diary excerpts, and stories of the Army of Tennessee and its units arranged chronologically by month. Great source of information with tables of engagements, casualties and other Confederate units engaged
Drake, James Madison (Lt., 9th New Jersey Infantry): The History of the Ninth New Jersey Veteran Volunteers. A Record of its Service from September 13, 1861 to July 12, 1865 (Elizabeth: Journal Printing House, 1889)
Drake, James Vaulx: Life of General Robert Hatton, Including his most important Speeches: Together with much of his Washington and Army Correspondence (reprint Forgotten Books 2016)
Draper, John W.: History of the American Civil War, 3 vols (New York, 1867-1870). In some re aspects, Draper's views were notably moderate. His History explained the war ultimately in terms of climate, a natural force which was responsible for all differences between Northerners and Southeners, and it was characterized by the absence of personal bitterness against individual Southeners ( vgl. Pressly: Americans Interpret Their Civil War, a.a.O., S. 35).
Draper, William F. Draper (36th Mass Infantry): Recollections of a Varied Career (Boston 1908)
Driggs, George W. (Pvt, 8th Wisconsin Infantry): Opening of the Mississippi, or Two Years' Campaigning in the Southwest (Madison, Wisconsin: 1864)
Driver, Robert J.: Fifty-second Virginia Infantry (Lynchburg/VA.: H. E. Howard Inc, 1986)
Driver, Robert J.: The Staunton Artillery, McClanahan‘s Battery (H. E. Howard: 1st Edition 1988)
Driver, Robert J., Jr. and Kevin C. Ruffner: 1st Battalion Virginia Infantry, 39th Battalion Virginia Cavalry, 24th Battalion Virginia Partisan Rangers (Lynchburg, VA: H. E. Howard, Ind., 1996)
Driver, Robert J., Jr.: First & Second Maryland Cavalry C.S.A. (Charlottesville, VA.: Rockbridge Publishing, 1990)
Dubay, Robert W.: "John W. Pettus: Mississippi Fire-Eater: His Life and Times, 1813-1867." (Jackson / Mississippi, 1975)
Dubose, Joel C.: Notable Men of Alabama – Personal and Genealogical with Portraits (Atlanta, Georgia: Southern Historical Association, 1904, Reprinted, Spartansburg, South Carolina: The Reprint Co., Publishers, 1976)
Dubose, John Witherspoon: "General Joseph Wheeler and the Army of Tennessee" (Neale, New York 1912)
Dudley, William D.: The Iron Brigade at Gettysburg: Official Report of the Part Borne by the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, In Action at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 1st, 2d, and 3d, 1863; Cincinnati: Privately printed, 1879
Dues, Michael T.: "Governor Beriah Magoffin of Kentucky". Filson Club History Quarterly, Januar 1966
Dufur, S. M. (Pvt; 1st Vermont Cavalry): Over the Dead Line or Tracked by Blood Hounds (Burlington 1902). Roster of Vermont Soldiers buried at Andersonville, Georgia; 282 pp; Photos; Details of escape plans, prisoner arrivals, escape and recapture
Duganne, A. J. H.: The Fighting Quakers: A True Story of the War of our Union (Schroeder Publications, 120 pp, Photos, Reprint of 1866 Original). The story of two brothers and as cousin who were killed in the war - Lt Edward Ketcham (120th NY Vols) and Lt John Ketcham and Capt Nehemiah Mann (4th NY Cavalry), PDF-Version available
Duke, Basil W.: The Civil War Reminiscenses of General Basil W. Duke, C.S.A. (Originalausgabe Garden City, N.Y: Doubleday, Page 1911; reprint Paperback Edition: First Cooper Square Press, 2001) (PDF Version available)
Duke, Basil: Morgan's Indiana and Ohio Raid; in: Annals of the War, a.a.O., S. 241-256
Duke, Basil: History of Morgan's Cavalry, 1. Ausgabe 1865 (Anm.: Col. Duke war Stellvertreter Morgan's während des berühmten Raids 1863)
Duke, James W. "Mississippians at Gettysburg." Confederate Veteran 14 (1906): 216
Duke, John K.: History of the Fifty-Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry. During the War of the Rebellion (Portsmouth, 1900)
Dumond, Dwight Lowell: The Secession Movement, 1860-1861 (New York, 1931)
Dumond, Dwight Lowell: Antislavey Origins of the Civil War in the United States (Ann Arbor, 1939)
Dumond, Dwight Lowell: Southern Editorials on Secession (New York, 1931)
Dunaway, Wayland F. Dunaway (Captain, 40th Virginia): Reminiscenses of a Rebel (New York: Neale, 1913)
Dunbar, Aaron: History of the Ninety-Third Regiment Illinois Infantry, 5.10.1898, revised and edited by Harvey M. Trimble+++ergänzen+++
Dunbar, Rowland (comp.): Jefferson Davis Constitutionalist: His Letters, Papers and Speeches, 10 vols. (Jackson, Miss., 1923)
Duncan, Thomas D.: Recollections of Thomas D. Duncan: A Confederate Soldier (Nashville, 1922)
Dunham, Charles Laforest (Pvt129th Illinois Infantry): Through the South with a Union Soldier, ed. Arthur H. DeRosier (Johnson City: Publications of the East Tennessee State University Research Advisory Committee, 1969)
Dunlop, W. S.: Lee's Sharpshooters; or, The Forefront of Battle (Little Rock/Ark., 1899; reprint: Morningside Bookshop, 1982) PDF-Version available
Dunkelman, Mark H. And Michael J. Winey: The Hardtack Regiment: An Illustrated History of the 154th Regiment, New York State Infantry Volunteers (Teaneck, N. J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1981)
Dunkelman, Mark H. And Michael J. Winey: „The Hardtack Regiment in the Brickyard Fight.“ Gettysburg Magazine (January 1993), issue 8, 19-30
Dunkelman, Mark H.: „Hardtack and Sauerkraut Stew: Ethnic Tensions in the 154th New York Volunteers, Eleventh Corps, during the War.“ Yearbook of German-American Studies 36 (2001): 69-90
Dunn, Roy S.: "The KGC in Texas, 1860-1861." Southwestern Historical Quarterly 70 (Apr., 1967): 543-573
Dunning, William A.: Reconstruction, Political and Economic 1865-1877 (New York 1907)
Durkin, Joseph T.: Stephen R. Mallory, Confederate Navy Chief (Chapel Hill, 1954)
Dwight, Theodore F. (ed.): Critical Sketches of some of The Federal and Confederate Commanders (Military Historical Society of Massachusetts by Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1895) (PDF-Version available)
Dyer, Elisha: Adjutant General Report of Rhode Island 1861-1865 (Providence, RI: Providence Press Company, 1893
Dyer, Frederic H.: A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, vols. 1-3 (Des Moines, Indiana: Dyer Printing Co., 1908. Reprinted, Dayton, Ohio: Press of Morningside Bookshop, 1973)
Dyer, John: The Gallant Hood (Indianapolis, 1950)
Dyer, John P.: From Shiloh to San Juan: The Life of "Fightin' Joe Wheeler (Louisiana State University Press, 1941)
Litera E
Eads, James B.: "Recollections of Foote and the Gun-Boats," in Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, ed. Robert V. Johnson and Clarence C. Buel (New York, 1884-87), Vol. I, p. 338ff.
Early, Gary: The Second United States Sharpshooters in the civil War (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc. 2009)
Early, Jubal A.: War Memoirs (ed. Frank E. Vandiver: Indiana State University Press, 1960)
Early, Jubal A.: A Memoir of the Last Year of the War of Independence in the Confederate States of America: containing an account of the operations of his commands in the years 1864 and 1865 (originally published: Toronto: Lovell & Gibson, 1866; republished: University of South Carolina Press, 2001)
Early, J. A.: Report of 1st Manassas; unpublished Manuscript (1867-68); auch abgedruckt bei: McClellan: I rode with Jeb Stuart, a.a.O., S. 35-36
Early, Jubal A.: Jubal Early's Memoirs: Autobiographical Sketch and Narrative of the War Between the States (J. B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1912)
Early, Jubal A.: „Reply To General Longstreet“; in: Southern Historical Society Papers, 4, p. 285-286 (betrifft die Meinungsverschiedenheiten zum Angriff am 2.7.1863 bei Gettysburg: links aus Culp's Hill oder right Flank toward Round Tops bzw. Wheat Field [vgl. hierzu: Hessler: Sickles at Gettysburg, a.a.O., S- 121:0“ But Richard Ewell and his division commanders, especially Jubal Early, convinced Lee, that the terrain in their front did not favour such an assault“ against Culp's Hill]).
Early, Jubal A.: Jackson's Campaign Against Pope in August, 1862: An Address … Before the First Annual Meeting of the Association of the Maryland line (Baltimore ?, 1883 ?)
Eaton, Clement: Jefferson Davis (New York 1977)
Eby, Cecil D. (ed..): A Virginia Yankee in the Civil War: The Diaries of David Hunter Strother (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1961)
Eby, Cecil D., Jr.: "Memoir of a West Pointer in Florida, 1825." Florida Historical Quarterly, XLI (1962-63), S. 154-164
Eby, Cecil D., Jr.: "Memoir of a West Pointer in Saint Augustine, 1824-1826." Florida Historical Quarterly, XLII (1863-64), S. 307-320
Eby, Cecil D., Jr.: "Recollections of Fort Monroe, 1826-1828: From the autobiography of Lieutenant Alfred Beckley." Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, LXXII (1964), S. 479-89
Eckert, Edward K. und Nicholas J. Amato (eds.): Ten Years in the Saddle: The Memoir of William Woods Averell (San Rafael, Calif., 1978)
Eckert, Ralph: John Brown Gordon: Soldier, Southerner, American (LSU Press)
Eddy, Richard (Chaplain; Co. F&S, 60th Regiment New York Infantry): History of the Sixtieth Regiment New York State Volunteers (Philadelphia: The Author, 1864)
Edgar, Thomas H.: "Col. Charles D. Anderson." Confederate Veteran, X (1902), S. 31
Edward, Everett E.: „ A Bibliography of the Writings of Professor Ulrich Bonnell Philipps,“ Agricultural History, VIII (October 1934), pp. 196-218 (an excellent bibliography [vgl. Pressly: Americans Interpret their Civil War, a.a.O., S. 238n13])
Edwards, Captain (W. H. Edwards): A Condensed History of the Seventeenth Regiment S.C,.V. (Columbia, SC., 1908)
Egan, Michael (15th West Virginia Infantry): The Flying Gray-Haired Yank (Gauley Mount Press, Leesburg - 1992 Reprint of 1888 title).
Eggleston, George Cary (First Sergeant, Lamkin's Company, Virginia Light Artillery): A Rebel's Recollections (1st Edition Hurd and Houghton, New York 1875; 2nd ed. New York, 1887; reprint)
Eggleston, George Cary: „Notes on Cold Harbor“; in: B&L, a.a.O., vol. IV, S. 230-232
Eggleston, George C.: Southern Soldier Stories (SCS Publications, Reprint of 1898 Original)
Eicher, David J.: The Longest Night. A Military History of the Civil War (New York, 2001)
Eicher, David J.: The Civil War in Books: An Analytical Biography (University of Illinois Press, 1996)
Eicher, John H., and Eicher, David J.: Civil War High Commands (Stanford University Press, 2001)
Eisendrath, Joseph L., Jr.: “Chicago’s Camp Douglas,” Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, LIII, Nr. 1 (Spring 1960), S. 41-44
Eisenschiml, Otto: The Hidden Face of the Civil War (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Comp., 1961)
Eisenschiml, Otto: The Celebrated Case of Fitz John Porter. An American Dreyfus Affair (Bobbs-Merril Company: Indianapolis and New York, 1950)
Eisenschiml, Otto: Eyewitness. The Civil War as we Lived It +++ergänzen+++
Eisenschiml, Otto: Why Was Lincoln Murdered ? (New York: Halcyon House, 1937): Eisenschiml stellte gegen bis dahin verbreitete Version von der Tat eines Einzelgängers und der "sauberen, ritterlichen Kriegsführung des Südens" die These einer Verschwörung unter Beteiligung des US-Kriegsministers Stanton und Industrieller aus dem Norden (vgl. zur Kritik an Eisenschiml's Vorgehensweise: William Hanchett: "The Historian as Gamesman: Otto Eisenschiml, 1880-1863," in: Civil War History 36 [März 1990], S. 5-16; Hanchett, William: The Lincoln Murder Conspiracies [Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1983]: Hanchett, stellt wie auch Turner, aufgrund neuerer Forschungen dar, daß die Ermordung Lincoln's das Ergebnis einer CS-Operation zur Geiselnahme Lincoln's war)
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